xt7n028pgg8s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pgg8s/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1982-12 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, circa December 1982, text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, circa December 1982, 1982 1982-12 2020 true xt7n028pgg8s section xt7n028pgg8s Central Kentucky


Date: Sunday, December 12
Time: 5:30 — 7:30
Place: Lakeshore Towers Club House

After supper we will go as a group to ”Gimpefi The F003", from the
story by Isaac Bashevis Singer, performed by David Schechter and
Wendy Elman, a delightful story of faith triumphing against all
odds. The play, the second offering in the CKJA Forum Series,
will be presented at Temple Adath Israel at 8:00 p.m.

if you do not have a series ticket, single event tickets are

$4.00 each.

For supper, the cost is $2.00 for reservations in advance,
$3.00 at the door.
Please R.S.V.P. by December 10, by calling:

the CKJA Office: 277—8048, or

Jack and Susan: 269—5986

(for directions, see map on page 3)







In case you haven't noticed, a new group has been formed for
Jewish singles, ages 21—41, under the auspices of the Central
Kentucky Jewish Association (CKJA). So far, two "get acquain—
ted" functions have been held. In October, a sundae making
get—together was held on Sukkot with about 25 in attendance.

A wine & cheese/game night in November brought out 19 people.
Both were successful, and interestingly enough there totalled

39 different faces. We're anxious to meet the other 100 of you.

If for some reason you did not get notified, or received your
flier late, we apologize. At this point the list is being
compiled and hopefully all kinks will be out of the system

soon. In the future, check your CKJA newsletter, synagogue

or temple bulletins. A phone committee would be helpful for
reminding, arranging rides, giving directions, etc. As you

may have guessed, we need volunteers to help plan future events.

At the planning meeting in October (attended by Mindi Z., Ira F.,

and Mark K.) the goals of the group were discussed —~ promoting
socialization among Jewish singles has priority, with celebra—
tion of Jewish holidays as a format when appropriate: it was

noted that there is no longer a Temple sponsored singles group.
Ideas for future events were tossed about and the wine & cheese
party was planned. We've just held our second planning meeting——
see the rest of this newsletter for the results!

And, now a little bit about us——Jack and I have been asked to
coordinate the singles group. Jack is a native Lexingtonian,
practices law and is Secretary of the CKJA Board. I am a third
year law student at UK, and we have a three—year—old son, named
Adam. When I moved to Lexington six years ago, I found the
singles group to be a good way to meet my peers, attend social
functions with a group and provide a little bit of family

feeling on holidays. But the group slowly dispersed, mainly
because the hardest worker left town. Later the Temple took
over, but it seems a bad case of apathy set in .... so, now the

CKJA has agreed to sponsor this grOup; we hope to be of help in
forming a continuing organization. Our jobs are to coordinate;
we will be sounding boards for your ideas and complaints. We
are aiming toward activities that will appeal to the most
Jewish singles possible —— we need your involvement.


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promacy of their valiant struggle to establish and maintain a just and
equitable society at peace with all, based on love of God, the ethics of
our fathers, and the sanctity of human life.

MAY THIS STATEMENT of commitment to the well—being, the growth, and the
continuity of the people of Eretz Yisrael be heard around the world as the
proclamation of One People Indivisible.



The Budget Committee of CKJA annually allocates up to 20% of Campaign
funds to a broad range of charities, institutions, and national organiza—
tions in the United States and Israel. Listed below are the groups which
will be receiving special allocations of CKJA funds from our 1981 Campaign.

The starred (*) items represent Israel based organizations. These
monies added to the $138,000 sent to United Jewish Appeal, the $25,000
given to the Israel Emergency Fund and the $14,720 pledged to Project
Renewal represent 78% of all monies raised by CKJA in its 1982 Campaign!

* Ben Gurion University of the Negev $3,000

* Anne Frank Haven 4,000
* Kibbutz Ketura 1,000
American Jewish Archives 500
American Jewish Committee 1,100
American Jewish Congress 1,100
Anti—Defamation League 7,000
Camp Young Judaea 2,500
FCI Prisoners 250
Goldman Union Camp Institute 2,500
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society 500
Hebrew Theological College 275
Hebrew Theological College Library 275
Jewish Chataqua Society 550
National Jewish Welfare Board 700
* Leo Baeck School 500
Lexington Public Library 400
National Conference of Christians& Jews 400
ORT 1,100
Resource of Social Ministries 400
YIVO Institute 250
American Association of EthiopianJews 1,000
National Tay Sachs Foundation 250



The response to Temple Adath Isreal's showing of the videotape
"Choosing Judaism — Some personal Perspectives" was most enthusiastic.
As a result it will be shown again on Sunday, April 25th, at 7:30 p.m.
in the Temple Vestry, followed by a discussion and coffee.


Judith Levine, President Phyllis Scher, Editor
Judith Saxe, Community Worker DeDe Wagner, Office Manager
258 Plaza Drive, Suite 208 Lexington, Kentucky 40503 (606) 277-8048




The Temple Adath Israel Mitzvah Corps will be meeting at Temple Adath
Israel on Tuesday, April 27, at 12 noon, and again on Tuesday, May 25, at
the same time.

At the April meeting everyone is asked to bring a brownbag lunch.
Dessert, beverage, and program will be provided. Each participant is
asked to donate one dollar ($1.00) to cover expenses.

The May meeting will be a potluck lunch in a festive setting. The
special musical program is sure to have you singing and tapping your feet.

It is necessary to let the chairwomen know if you are planning to
attend the May meeting and what you will be contributing. Lore Pappas —
272—7395, Ruth Kessler — 266—7168, and Carolyn Weinberger — 272—4833
will be happy to take your reservation and even help you decide what to

The Mitzvah Corps brings together men and women, over 55, married
or single. The group is winding up its first year of most successful
activiites. Every Jewish person over age 55 is welcome, indeed, encouraged
to attend.
Try it ———_ you'll love it!



The American Jewish Congress, a national Jewish community relations
membership organization, is sponsoring for the second consecutive year an
intensive program combining Jewish studies and university life for men
and women 50 or over. The $225 weekly fee will provide seminar students
with full room and board (air—conditioned dormitory and three meals daily),
evening programs, a Shabbat experience, and a choice of Judaic courses
ranging from bio—medical ethics to contemporary Jewish affairs.

Programs will be offered at Brown University, The George Washington
University, Rutgers University, University of Miami and Ohio State Uni—


Membership in the AJCongress is required. Annual dues are $35 for
individual and $50 for family memberships. The Elder Seminar program is
open to anyone over the age of 50. It will be an active experience.
There will be no special facilities for persons with physical limitations
or those who require a special diet. On some campuses there will be an
extra cost for single rooms and special meals. A $25 cancellation fee
will be charged after April 1, 1982. A $100 deposit can be sent before
May 1, but full payment must be received after that date.

For further information, call the CKJA office, 277—8048.


The Jewish Fellowship Summer Bowling League sponsored by CKJA will
begin on Tuesday, May 18, at Southland Bowling Lanes. This is a mixed
couples league. If you are interested or for more information please
call Kathy Rosenberg, 272—0891, or Mindy Doctrow, 273-3704.


Following votes of approval from the Boards of CKJA and the Jewish
Community Federation of Louisville, the two communities are jointly spon-
soring the Project Renewal community of Netanya—Sela. This means that
for the next five years we will be closely involved with and responsible
for many aspects of community development in this depressed neighborhood
on the outskirts of Netanya.

A joint steering committee has been established, with representatives
from both the Men's and Women's Division of the Campaign Committee.
Arthur Salomon and Ellie Goldman have been appointed as the Lexington

At its first meeting, the Steering Committee approved a budget for '\
the 1981—82 fiscal year. Since Project Renewal operates on a cash—on-
hand basis, money must be available before any projects are undertaken.
Because the final approval of the sponsorship of Sela came so late in
the year, money was advanced to the community for a very limited number
of activities including a summer day camp for the children.

Several members of the steering committee will be making a trip to
Israel next month to meet and consult with representatives of Sela, and V
the Israeli Government to review budget proposals for 1982-83. Based onf—
these proposals, the two communities will set immediate and long-term
goals for Project Renewal fund raising.



After what seemed to be a slow start, U.K. Hillel is on the move.
Community advisors, Leon Cooper and Alan Stein have been meeting regularly
with the Hillel leadership, and Hillel has already held several meetings
on campus.

In addition to bagel brunches, movies, and ski trips, the students
are planning to hold their own campus—wide UJA fund raising campaign.

CKJA provides partial funding for Hillel, and we can be proud of the
efforts they are making to become an effective voice for Jewish students
on campus.

If you have children attending UK or Transylvania College who are
not receiving mail from Hillel, or know of other Jewish students who are
not yet on the Hillel mailing list, please let us know and we will pass
the information on to Hillel. The CKJA office number is: 277—8048.

Our answer machine will take the message if the staff is not in the



, The Kentucky Jewish Post and Opinion, published in Louisville, is
interested in finding a Lexington correspondent to report on Jewish events
here. The Post and Opinion will pay a token fee of $10.00 a month, and
the correspondent would be expected to report on a weekly basis.

,- If you are interested, please call Judy Saxe, CKJA community worker,
- 277—8048; or, Jeff Lebensbaum, Editor, (502) 459-1914.



Over the past six months we have served as chairpersons of the Russian
Resettlement Committee. As most of you already know the Rozmans are the
second Russian family sponsored by the Jewish community of Lexington. In
July, Gregory, Victoria and their son Alex came here from Vilna, in

From the first day of their arrival the Rozmans immersed themselves
in learning about life in a new country with an entirely different language,
political, economic and social system.

Greg, an expert in the field of control engineering, was persistent
in seeking a job in his field. Within a short time he personally typed
110 letters to engineering firms all over the country inquiring about
employment. Through his letter writing campaign and an impressive back—
ground Greg was successful in obtaining an engineering position in
Richardson, Texas.

The Rozman family was very appreciative of the help and financial
support given to them by the Lexington Jewish community. They were aware
of the time and effort that Went into setting up their apartment and were
thankful for the furniture and household goods given to them.

When the Rozmans left Lexington on January 2,it was difficult for
them to say good—by to the many friends they made here. They would have
prefered to stay in Lexington, but unfortunately there were no job oppor—
tunities available.

Based on our experience with the Rozman family there is no doubt that
they will be successful at establishing a new life in Texas. We feel that
the Russian Resettlement project was truly worthwhile and something the
whole Jewish community can be proud of.

3‘“ Susan Mason and Bobbi Fried


‘FJE Are you a high school student interested in spending a summer or a
school semester in Israel?

Are you a college student interested in a unique Jewish summer living
experience? Or are you ready to try a year of college abroad?

Are you a young adult-searching for new and different career oppor—
tunities? Or do you need time to think through your options, but want
to keep active and involved?

For all of these reasons, and more, Israel may be an answer. There
are a multitude of trips, courses, and work programs available for young
people of all ages — sponsored by a broad range of American and Israeli
organizations and agencies.

The CKJA office has a growing file of information on such programs.
Judy Saxe, the Community Worker, is ready to discuss the various possi—
bilities of travel, work, study in Israel and to help you make the appro—
priate contacts.

For further information, call 277—8048.




Hear Ye! Hear Ye! CKJA's Scholarship Committee has funds available
for young people who are interested in participating in an educational
program in Israel 9; who need financial assistance in order to attend a
non—profit Jewish summer camp. It's now time to begin planning for this
summer and next fall.

Camperships, in amounts not to exceed one half the total amount
needed for camp fees and transportation, are awarded on the basis of
need. Any information submitted on the application form is held in
confidence by the members of the Scholarship Committee.

Scholarships are available to young Lexingtonians who have been
accepted into a study or a work/study program in Israel. Other eligi—
bility criteria are that the student will be returning to this community
for at least six months after his or her Israeli experience and will
participate in local Jewish youth activities during that time. These
scholarships, available in amounts of up to $500.00, are awarded on the
basis of personal written applications which detail past participation
in the community and plans for using the Israeli experience to the future
benefit of this community.

In order to obtain additional information, or an application form,
call or write Evelyn Geller: 3493 Sutherland Drive, Lexington, Kentucky
40502, 272-8972.



Many Young people in our community have benefitted from these
scholarships. We hope many more will take advantage of this offer, this
year and in the future.


Participating in a UJA Mission is an exciting and informative way
to see Israel. UJA offers a variety of Missions designed to fit the
special needs of different groups within the American Jewish community.
Up coming Missions include:

February 21 — March 3 National Physicians Mission
February 21 - March 3 National Attorneys Mission
March 7 - 17 * From Generation to Generation: A

Special Mission for Parents, Sons
and Daughters

June 20 — 30 ** National Family Mission
July 11 — 21 ** National Family Mission
July 18 — 28 National Singles Mission
August 8 - 18 ** National Family Mission

* A special Mission for a parent involved in community Jewish activities
but whose son or daughter is not or for a child involved in Jewish activ-
ities whose parent is not. Participation limited to one parent and one
child per family.

** These Missions have special activities for children. Lexington
families which have participated in a Family Mission have been very
pleased with the experience. It is an excellent way to take your children
to Israel.

For information about these Missions or about other Missions please
call Bob Baumann, 223-1299 or the CKJA office.




CKJA's Scholarship Committee has funds available for young people
who are interested in participating in an educational program in Israel
or who need financial assistance in order to attend a non—profit Jewish
summer camp. Applications for camp scholarships must be submitted by
Ma 1, to enable the committee to make its decisions before camp fees
are due.

In order to obtain additional information, or an application form,
call or write Evelyn Geller: 3493 Sutherland Drive, Lexington, Kentucky
40502, 272—8972.

Many young people in our community have benefitted from these
scholarships. We hope many more will take advantage of this offer,
this year and in the future.


A detailed description of the activities and objectives of Camp
Shalom will be mailed to all members of CKJA some time in April.

The 1982 session of Camp Shalom will run from June 14th thru July
2nd with an overnight experience for the older campers during the last
week. The Adventure Program for four and five year olds will run from
9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. daily; six to ten year olds in the regular camp
will attend from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily. The theme of camp this
year will be Kibbutz life; activities will demonstrate and recreate
lifestyles on a Kibbutz.

To insure a rewarding experience for your young ones ages four thru
ten — take a moment to fill out the enrollment form as soon as it arrives

at your home.


At the time our last issue of the Bulletin went to press, Gloria
Katz was preparing to visit NetanyaSela, our Project Renewal community.

As we go to press, Gloria has just returned. Jet lag prevents her
from staying awake long enough to file a report. When she catches up
with the time change she promises to present her findings to the CKJA
Board, and to each of you personally via the next CKJA Bulletin.


so for a report on the first CKJA Board Retreat. Coming in

Susan and Marshall Zerstel take pleasure in inviting you to the Bar
Mitzvah of their son, Andrew, at the Ohavay Zion Synagogue on Friday,
May 28 and Saturday, May 29. The Friday night service will begin at
8:00 p.m. and the Saturday morning service will begin at 10:00 a.m. An
Oneg Shabbat will follow the Friday night service and a Kiddush luncheon
will follow the Saturday service.





A SIHQZQ Senvice ....Please join us in seeing ”Annie”
at the December 18th, Saturday Matinee, at 2:00 p.m.
We must have a group of at least 15 people to qualify for
special discount: Levels 1 and 2 — $26.25, Level 3 — $14.25.

Make your reservation by December 10th, by calling
Mindy 252—3724

Susan 269—5986



We want to hear from You....We want you to hear from
each other

On Thursday evening, January 13, 1983, at 8:00 p.m., there
will be a general meeting of Jewish Singles, from the Central
Kentucky area, at Temple Adath Israel, 124 N. Ashland Avenue.

On the agenda will be discussion of possible future
activities; the kind of organization or group you want, and

more .

The Jewish community via CKJA supports your interest in
forming a Jewish Singles Group. Now it's time for all of you
to begin to ”get it together.”

See you at Temple Adath Israel on January 13!!



A night of bowling some time in January. You
will be receiving more details next month.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Directions to Lakeshore Towers Club House


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singles organization sponsored
by the Jewish Family Service
of Cincinnati offers a variety
of programs and activities.
Send a card to:


New Directions

c/o J.F.S.

1710 Section Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45237

with your name and address, and
they'll put you on their mail—
ing list. Or call: (513)351—3680
for further information.





\ou‘“ ill Hm-viw A Call
From ()m- ()l. Your N‘ighlmrs
,-\.~l\'in}_r For You To Help
,vas In \t‘e-(l At Homo. In Israel. And
'l‘llrougllout The World.