xt7n028pgg51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pgg51/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-10-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 2008 2008 2008-10-10 2020 true xt7n028pgg51 section xt7n028pgg51 :5 MMIHEWS


( Eats mote went up one \\ cck to
help draw more recruits

8! Jam Pentagon
itwnnmgton, 'kytusrnel "om

You only get one chalice to
make a strong tirst llllplt’NHttll

liach year. high st lltml lmskcl
hall i'ccnnts trout ilt‘ltl\\ the ._ ountr}
attend Big Blue Mzulncv‘ lUt
runny of those ri-tii'mtx. Madness l\
their lust taste oi Rtipp Arena and
the [7K metrs basketball program

Date 'lclcp. Scoutioni national
rccrurling director, will Big Blue
Marine“ makes one at the
strongest lust llllpt't‘swtllh lll col
lcgc bilshl'lhilll.

“The atmosphere zit thy p“,
gram is rm display" 'lclcp \flhl
“lt's hard to replicate that kind nl
intensity on a normal clllllllU‘
\tcekcnd anywhere all year. unlcsx
there‘s a conference mall} game
coming up. The basketball program
and the tans gel to put lllL‘lf best
foot toward at Big Blue Marlow-x,"

Big: Blue Madness l\ aihemxetl

d‘ lilt' ( .sl\i ll'\l l‘hit‘lt Hi I“ N .i
2"“. litt\‘\t‘\t't in; «I‘thi -l:n


Set ”With vimvc iv! ”it, tut-t: it

til it rain-ti“. l\’\‘t:l .1: “MP; in.‘

that m; t ltt‘mwkM-l‘. tn: "it‘s:
l ttft'k'l llt‘L will“ it

it'tlmll "u ;-.t l« "l ~

t'wl \Klml \ it! 9,.“ ,

\lmlncx». :xll‘l Hi" i-lu‘

itlltl tau rum ii'l & :u t 3
\V( ,'\.\ titit'~ titan.

(L'dl‘ii li..t\ ll.t\t n ' :1 i'ttifi

(m i" In H \tr ~

t'll'fiilltvll} «tilt-rink; I

tilt: silllit‘ i.:'t

whonlx .llttilllli lip. rim!

t“\‘|. illt' ( .ll\ H tttul u 3 .

the l'lllt'html- lllttl .ill-I 1.. ‘1'

mon- the lt‘ll\llv'~ TM 1 it 'v
\tculilit'i; a \t .

lattll‘h can linltl t-\:' in: v‘

um‘knuts [kt \se‘a'l ln at: It.

Sept l’i until toll Illiu'll‘cg

”it. I7 lnxtcml .9 ‘~’»ilill.',‘ .4 .\;.i
lllc (111‘ lime ‘-‘-‘»Ltl flirt! no l
tun-hum allotment int lint»;

See Men on page A3

UK Hoops benefits from
increased exposure on big stage,

as W Jon:
bione kemelcom

It’s not just about the men any—

As recently as 2004. the UK
Women's basketball team didn’t
participate in Big Blue Madness.
But improved play by the program
and a new philosophy in the athlet-
ic department has changed that.

Head coach Matthew Mitchell
credits UK Athletic Director Mitch
Bamhan and UK President Lee
Todd tor creating “an atmosphere
that attaches a lot 01 value to all the

Mitchell and the learn intend to
take full admntagc oi their new-
tound exposure. as well as the tab-
id fan base that attends Big Blue
Madness. hopefully selling poten-

tial recruits to the UK MW 1-

“it's a big piece of our mutt-
ing efforts as far as getting people
on campus during this time.”
Mitchell said. “We've had good
success with that in the past and I
think it makes a huge impression
on recruits to see that amount of
passion in one building during that
time. If we‘re fortunate alough to
have recruits there. they just get a
glimpse into what it’s like to play
basketball at Kentucky.”

Senior guard Carly Ormerod
feels that Big Blue Madness is a
good way for recruits to be ex-
posed to every aspect of the
women‘s basketball program.

"Big Blue Madness is a huge
recruiting tool for us." she said.
“It‘s a really good chance to show

See Women on page A3




 PAGE A2 I FIIda'y, October it), 2006

Wt,)i\u:N’s SCHEDULE

Opponent. Time

Kentucky State lexh.) 7 pm.
Bellamtine (exh) 2 pm.
Michigan 7 pm.
Cincinnati 7 pm.
George Washington 2 pm.
Long Island Turkey Classic
Long Island Turkey Classic
at Xavier 7 pm.
at Westem Kentucky 8 pm.
Furman 2 pm.
East Tennessee State. 7 pm.
At Louisville 2 pm.
Alabama A&M 7 pm.
UC Santa Barbara 2 pm.
lUPUl 7 pm.
NC A&T 7 pm.
at Miami (Ohio) 2 pm.
at Tennessee 7 pm.
Arkansas 2 pm.
at Alabama 7 pm.
Mississippi State 4 pm.
LSU 1 pm.
at Florida 7 pm.
at Ole Miss . 3 pm.
South Carolina 7 pm.
Vanderbilt 1 pm.
at Aubum 7 pm.
Feb. 19 Tennessee 7 pm.
Feb. 22 at LSU 3 pm.
Feb. 26 Georgia 7 pm.
March 1 at South Carolina 3 pm.
March 5-8 SEC Tournament TBA
March 21-24 NCAA First and Second Rounds TBA
March 28-31 NCAA Regionals TBA
April 5 & 7 NCAA Final Four TBA

UK head coach
Mitchell makes
his debut as
coach at Mld- .
night Madness <

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Friday. OctoberiU, 2008 | PAGE”

Nike UKjoinfor new uniforms ”WWW“ K WHRS'” (MBA—{Y



Sta" 8990" Director Mitch Barnhan and Global Creative
' . Director for Nike Basketball Tracy Teague
l'he UK men's basketball team Wlll have a will be maklng appearances at the unveiling_

new look this year. Nike has partnered with A Nike spokesman said the Cats aren’t
UK in creating new uniforms for the men‘s expected to wear the new uniforms during
basketball program for ”it? 2(Xl8-09 “3350"- Blg Blue Madness. Both the men and uuuuuunununnunuuunc-uuuuuu'

Th6 jerseys Will be UHVClled in a sneak women wore practice jerseys during last
peek event for VlPs and media on Friday at year 5 event
Keeneland from 5 to 7 pm. UK men‘s basket- UK men ‘5 basketball spokesman Dewayne
ball head coach Billy Gillispie. UK Athletic Peevy could not be reached for comment



WOMEN season."0rmerod said.“Here of Big Blue Madness, but
at Kentucky. they‘ve really now I think with how we‘ve
—-—_——-_——— decided that they want to played over the years, people
Continued from page A1 show off both the men‘s and have come to notice how
women's program now." good we are so they come
the facilities that we have and Sophomore forward Vic— support us more." Dunlap
the program that we have toria Dunlap also cited the said.
along thh attendance. Fans team‘s recent success as a Though Mitchell said that

are a huge part of our pro- primary reason for their in- a rash of injuries to the team

gram." creased exposure during Big might limit their participation
Ormerod said the team‘s Blue Madness. Friday night. they are never-
involvement has grown every “In the past. it wasn't re- theless looking forward to the
year since its inception into ally a big issue for the girls to attention that comes with a
the event in 2004. be a big part program like Big Blue Mad— Try ourlamous


“I think it comes with
what we‘ve been
able to do on the
court during the

ness. Mitchell said he was ' ’ ‘ “

content with the team's hot cookies! 0% discount
current level ‘of involve- ' i I. " *0 students and Stflff With
merit in Big Blue Mad— i - University to
ness and is ready to "i , _‘ i' ' ..' '
showcase the team to ' i i V
, what he called “one of
the most passionate
" portions of the Ken-
tucky fan base."
é} Beyond recruiting,

Ormerod looks for-
ward to Big Blue Madness
for being the symbolic start
to a new year.

“It's so much fun."
Omierod said. “It really is.
Not only is it fun the actual
day. but you know it marks
the beginning of the season.
and'lt's a new year and a new








‘etttuclty Kernel '
MEN Stadium. . .. _ .. 159.157.2871 f
UK Will be the first program to utilize the ' . . ~
two-hour weekly practice to bump up the sea- ' l
son-opening festivities.

“l was really intrigued with what Ken—
tucky did by moving their Madness up a
week.“ said Jerry Meyer. Rivalscom chief
basketball recruiting analyst. “It makes sense
to me. It puts UK in the news. and it has al-
ready created a legitimate stir well before the
-. . . . ' . . ‘ . event. It seems like a very smart move to me."
Egifismgfilduom and men 5 basketball However, Meyer said UK fans shouldn‘t

Illinois is taking advantage of the same get 286d to having Madness all to themselves.
loophole and is hosting a similar event Satur- _ . I .w‘im‘d,“ ‘t be sfurprtsed If theMNC‘AA’ 1.3-
day. The lllini will host the “World's Biggest i‘Y‘FU‘CiT‘m‘, “ft" "Teftmt‘f‘"? eye,‘ 3;? i
Basketball Practice" on their football field fol» “fill: ii‘i‘ii} Sig-“x Fifiyft’tdfif‘ {’erth‘ff‘ l»
lowing their football game against Minnesota. if 1' . i" B17! ’ _ I : ‘mé‘e. “dwru .L‘
Over 60,000 fans are expected at Memorial “I mt" H pro dbl" put-sortie “m 0’ L.d\Ld( m

there that prohibits midnight madness—type
events from happening on that particular
weekend. And if the NCAA doesn‘t

The University of Kentucky Alumni
ca ch on. 0 her schools will because . n .
n1 gm? his is get kick-start Assoaatlon would like to congratulate the

”321351;; homage to recipients of our 2008-09 scholarships.

ing Madness up is to create a
recrurting edge. if no other Meianie Aiexander Michael Harper Joseph O'TOOIE

‘i‘em‘ a” happemng 9“ ”’6 KariAmon Kathiyen Harrison Joshua Parker
same weekend. recrutts are


Continued from page Al


“We found out that we could do it earlier.
and it gives us a little extra exposure because
nobody else will be doing it." said DeWayne
Peevy. the UK associate athletic director for



183mm Drive 0 Lexington Ky - 859.278.9278



It.“ likelv to have a com Melody Bailiff MarshallHatfieid Erika Patterson
liict with fishing. Catherine Barlekamp Charles Hawley Ryan Perkins
“The recruiting angle is Jessica Barnett Ryan Hayes Angela PUlidO
what‘s big about Big Blue Jessica Barney Sarah Hogue Jacob Qualls
§"1il-" TC'CP said Matthew Baskin Katrina Holmes Brittany Ragg
“Fans on the lntemet have Amanda Beckman Lauren Hunter Lauren Richardson

gmw [Wk and mm“ argumg Sarah Beliew Keenan Jones Elizabeth Riley

whether or not it‘s all that advanta— if h K S h R'
geous to move it up a week. If the A '50" Bergman" Samant a ampsen are 'ney


Cuts can get one extra recruit in town. Jessica Birchwell Bridgette Kanz Joseph David Ritchie

it is absolutely advantageous for the Andrew Board Holly Kent Michelle Ritchie

Pl‘Otlmm" Caitlin Brandon David Kirk Jordan Salyers
High-Pl‘iti‘ilc “Tum Dimk‘l 0mm- Halee Campbell Kristen Knott Kristina Satek


Dominique Ferguson and John Wall are HeatherCarlin Steven Lewis Jake Schulte
2‘” rumumd m be amndmg B'g Blue AndreaCarrico Charles Lilly John Simmons

Madness. although Telep and Meyer _ .
couldn‘t confirm which recruits would he Yuen Chan K3” MacDoneli Matthew Singleton

in attendance. NCAA rules prohibit UK Andrew Clark James Mangum Lauren Stone
and any college program from commenting Benjamin Cloyd Kaitlin Marshall Meagan Taylor
on high school recruits until they‘ve signed Wesley Cowan William Martin James Trosper
km" ”f ”"an . , Michael Crady Sally McEwen Timothy Twenties

Whether or not a potential recrutt attends John Crew Mary Mcisaac Josephinchurch
the event. watches it live on the Internet or Li M Sh h V l t’
later on TV. the message should he lottd and SummerCrosst aura eans e y ‘3 en me
clear. Meyer said. Charles Cummings iii Miles Meehan Abby VanMeter

“They get a feel for the basketball com- Anna DaViS Madison Miller itlSiln Walling
munrty." Meyer said. "These are the fans Kay—tee Dennle Kyla Montgomery FeaiVoon Wong
”WY” l‘t‘ Plilylntl "1 front 0i- “ gm“ them 1‘ RobertDetmering Cochran CatherineWeber
feel for Ville-energy. a picture of the program at Timothy Dodson Jessica Moran b'dllEV Westertielct
large. iNot Just the Players or the coaches. but Kaitlyn Engelman Caitlin Mullen Melissa Wiillams
what the community in general has to offer. . . . .
”It truly makes a great first impression." Paul F'SCher C‘assandra Nevrile M89“ Wimpy

' Matthew Fox Jenna Newsome

Kristen Frommeyer Benjamin Noel






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For more information about
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including application information, visit
www.uka|umni.net, keyword: scholarships. For
information about the association's student group
(Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow), use keyword: STAT.


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PAGE A4 | lulu, thinner m Mala
MEN’S S( :i llil)L'l.l€

Date Opponent Time TV

Nov. 3 Missouri—St. Louis (exb.) 7 pm. FSN South/BBSN
Nov. 7 Ouachita Baptist (exb.) 7 pm. BBSN
. Nov. 14 5 ‘Virginia Military Institute 7 pm. FSN South/BBSN
Nov. 18 at North Carolina 5 V 9 pm. ESPN
. 22 Delaware State‘ Noon FSN South/BBSN
. 24 Longwuod” 7 pm. FSN South/BBSN
. 28 Kansas State“ 11:59 pm. ESPNU
'. 29 West Virginia/Iowa“ 7:30 pm] 10:30pm. TBD
. 3 Lamar 7 pm. FSN South
. 6 Miami (Fla) 5:30 pm. ESPN
‘. 7 Mississippi Valley State 4 pm. FSN South
~. 13 lndiana 4 pm. CBS
2 20 Appalachian State Noon FSN South
2 22 Tennessee State 7 pm. FSN South/BBSN
* x 27 Florida Atlantic 3 pm. FSN South
'. 29 Central Michigan 7 pm. FSN South
4 at Louisville 1:30 p.mJ4:3(lpim. CBS
. 10 Vanderbilt 2 [mil Raycom
. 13 at Tennessee 9 pm. ESPN
at Georgia Noon Raycom
Auburn 9 pm. Raycom
at Alabama 3 pm. Raycom
at Mississippi 7 pm. ESPN
South Carolina 3 pm. Raycom
Mississippi State 7 pm. Raycom
Florida 9 pm. ESPN
at Arkansas l pm. CBS
Feb. 17 at Vanderbilt 9 pm. ESPN‘
Feb. 2] Tennessee l pm‘ CBS
Feb. 25 at South Carolina 7 pm. Raycom
Feb. 28 LSU 4 pm. CBS
March 4 Georgia 8 pm. Raycom
March 7 at Florida 2 pm. CBS

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Place: 8.

UK donations rise; professor
says growth may not last

By Ali Cicerchi

As the financial market contin-
ues to suffer. UK has some posi-
tivenews: donations to the univer-
sity have increased 8 percent for
the 2007-08 fiscal year.

However, whether such pros-
perity can continue is uncertain.

UK has received nearly $58
million from almost 60.000
donors. up from last year‘s $53
million. Gifts from alumni have
increased as well: nearly $15 mil—
lion was raised. a 7 percent in-

crease frorn last year.

Ken Troske. director of the
Center for Business and Econom-
ics Research and an economics
professor at UK. said that those
donating were probably not as af-
fected in the past year by a slow
stock market.

“These are people that contin—
ued to make their mortgage."
Troske said.

In terms of what next year's
numbers may look like. Troske
said he will be shocked if UK sees
an increase next year.

"I’m not sure there is anything

the university can do." said
Troske. "Most people donate usu-
ally for a tax break. but there will
be lots of losses to offset gains this

Director of Campaign Services
and Donor Relations Paula Pope
said that the university is not nec—
essarily worried about next year‘s
numbers. She said the university
always sees "cycles of prosperity."
with some years having more do-
nations than others.

Overall. she credits an increase

See Donations on page 88

By Lauren Frame

Jasmine Whitlow had a vision
for a multicultural news outlet on
campus for nearly two years.

On Friday. the debut issue of
UK's first multicultural student pub-
lication, the Pinnacle, will be avail—
able on campus in the Martin Luther
King Jr. Center and the Center for
Student Involvement.

Whitlow. the president and cre—
ator of the Pinnacle. said she saw a
need for a publication on campus
that would be-"that umbrella that in-


Students create first
diversity publication

eludes everyone."

“There is a visible division on
campus." said Whitlow. a journalism
junior who has written for the Ker—
nel in the past. “I wanted to create a
publication that would be inclusive
and expose people to different cul-
tures and ideas."

Whitlow said while she has been
working on the Pinnacle for almost
two years. she really began to focus
on the project this summer.

To fund her project. Whitlow
went to the Office of Multicultural

See Diversity on page BB



Rut) RIVER Goran;



make it to the Gorge at least once a week, but schoolwork sometimes prevents him from making the trip

Thomas Cunningham, a first year medical student, stretches before climbing the first route of the tlav at Red River Gorge on Tuesday, Oct 7 2008 Clllilllllngm tries to

Rock solid future

Story andrphgtg by Ed Matthews


medical student at lr'K. “It‘s one of those things \\ here
you really have to focus on what your priorities are.
Doing \\ ell in med school is my top priority Climbing
is right tip there. but it definitely comes second to my

Cunningham. at Louisville native. splits most of his
time between medical school and the (iorge. He tries
to Visit at least three times a week. mostly on week
cnds. “but sometimes that‘s a possibility and some-
times it‘s not." he said.

Thomas Cunningham sits in the passenger seat of
his Subaru Outback. ttiming the pages of "The Atlas of
Human Anatomy" with his chalk—covered hands. The
cliffs of the Red River (iorgc disappear behind the
hills of liastern Kentucky as the car speeds down the
Mountain Parkway toward Lexington.

But Cunningham doesn‘t have much time to reflect
on the end of another perfect Saturday of climbing. He
has a quiz on Monday.

"livery moment I‘m not here at the (iorge l have

my head in a book." said Cunningham. a first—year A . .
' ' bee Climbing on page 84


A picture-perfect lecture . Judge hopes Speech will


By Sarah Cooper
news kvkerneltom

The photography is “very
harsh and all is extremely
open." said one UK student.
Still. she said. Alec Soth's an
is intriguing.

“I really like how his peo-
ple are everyday people. Not
necessarily the best looking.
just real." said C andise Om. a
fifth-year elementary educa—
tion and Spanish student.

Soth will be the first
speaker in the 12th annual
Robert C. May Photography
Endowment Lecture Series.
which invites photographers
to discuss their work and the
profession. Soth. whose pho-
tographs are now on display at
the UK Art Museum. will

speak at 4 pm. Friday in the
'orsham Theater in the Stu-
dent Center.

When he was in college
about 20 years ago. Soth said
he took one photography
class. After graduating. he
went on to work in art nurse—
tim jobs and other odd jobs.
At museums. he worked with
photos and fell in love with
the craft.

He started shooting photo-
graphs professionally in 2003.

When taking photos. he
prefers film format. although
he likes both film and digital.
However. even though he
shoots more film he does not
think that it will be a dominate
format in the future.

“Film is on its last leg."
he said. “I think black and



white film will always be
around. But for commercial
media. film is done. With
technology. it seems like
every six months there is
something new out."

Soth is also working on
some new projects. but he
does not reveal intich. He said
it‘s “bad luck" to talk about
ongoing projects.

“In November. I am self—
publishing a collection of pie.
tures called ‘The Last Days of
W.‘ " he said. "I have a few
more things happening. but I
don't talk about them."

Throughout his work.
Soth said. he has put his past
out for everyone to see. Soth
said he hopes students will be

See Lecture on page 85


inspire young men to change

9y Rochelle Haliburtgp
newsfikykernel corn

Judge Marvin S. Arrington Sr. re»
ceived both scom and praise earlier this
year when he ordered all white people out
of his courtroom to talk to a group of
young black defendants.

Arrington. who is black. said he was
fed up with seeing so many young black
defendants in his courtroom and wanted to
address them without the presence of white
people to have a greater impact. according
to news reports.

Arrington. a superior eoun judge from
Fulton County. Ga. will give a speech ti-
tled “Rewriting The Script: lssues Impact—
ing African American Males" Saturday at
the lmani Missionary Baptist Church in

Arrington said he did not want to talk

about the specifics of what he Will coici in
his lecture.

“I am going to try and ptit something
on people‘s minds that will help us with
this next generation." he said. “I Will talk
about our forefathers because I am sure
that we have disappointed them in a great
many ways. l will talk about solutions."

The Rev. Willis Polk. of the lmani Mise
sionary Baptist Church. was interested in
havmg Anington speak at his church because
he is aware of the high volume of black
males that pass through the court system.

"Right now I work with the family
court system in lexington and I see the cor-
relation between what takes place here in
lcxington and what Judge Anington sees in
his courtroom." he said.

Polk said he hopes the judge will make

See Judge on page 88

Item 257-1915: W 257-2872
0 l

























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating l0 is the easrest
day, 0 the most challenging

Aries (March 21-April 19) —
Today (8 an8 ~ Thanks to
qurck and imaginative thinking,
your group succeeds brilliantly
Taurus (April 20-May 20) —
Today is a 7 _.... By now the
confusron should start to clear
up. The finish line IS in sight
An old routine works very well
Give yourself a pat on the back.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) —
Today IS a (0 7» Your luck
holds for one more day Make
the most of it Write a list of all
the things you've always want-
ed to be, do, have or help
Cancer (June 22-July 22) -—
Today is a 7 7 A startling

development helps you finish

a Job ahead of schedule. This

is good. You can start your

weekend early.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —
Today is a 7 —— All you have to
do is be charming. The others
wrll provrde everything you
request, and it won't cost you a
fortune Just let them know
what you want.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —
Today IS an 8 v— The work is
challenging, partly because the
instructions are vague. You
have to figure out what needs
to be done and then do it,

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -—
Today is an 8 r Ask for advice
from a person you've trusted
for years to help you with
things An old adage Will work
very well in this SllualiOli
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ——
Today is a 5 7" You have plenty
of patience, luckily for all con-
cerned You can work out a


compromise and keep costs

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 w You’re quite
often the final authority in fam»
ily disputes. You have a good
way of looking at the big pic-
ture, without getting stuck in
either side .5 point of view.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 19)
—- Today IS an 8 -._ Be careful
with your spending. Now that
you have a few bucks, you‘ll
want to go out and buy every-
thing you've had to do without.
Some of that stuff is trash. Be
critical when shopping.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
— Today is an 8 — Review
your old dreams, and put in a

few modifications.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) To
day is a5 . it's Uls to be careful now
The outcome iooks positive If you're
followmg through on a proiect you've
already started. the odds are even bet-

(Ci 2008 Tribune Media Servtces


Today’ 5
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your daily dose gf entertainment pop culture and fun.


After battling depression
in rehab. TV star Locklear
finds herself in trouble again
two months later

Heather Locklear began
the afternoon of September
27 breezily running errands
around Nltillltfcllt). California.
about 55 miles froin her
home in Westlake Village.
But her behavror changed
abruptly. "She got frantic."
Baroncelli Linens owner
Cindy Freeman tells Us. “She
seemed to be bothered and
told me she needed to have a
cigarette. Then she just left."
Seconds an eyewitness. who
saw her exiting the store at 3
pm: "She came out looking
like a zombie." Locklear then
sat in the backseat of her
black BMW by herself before
getting out to open and close
her trunk without removing
any contents. After driving

off erratically. she pulled over.

and stopped within the road—
way. "She got out and started
walking" into the traffic lane.
says the eyewitness. “She
was just gazing into nothing."

Anothcrronlooker — who
had seen the actress revving
her engine and repeatedly
backing over a pair of sun-
glasses — called 91]. Soon.
Locklear. 47. was arrested for
suspicion of driving under the
influence of a controlled sub-
stance. “Our officers noticed
that she was disoriented."
California Highway Patrol
lieutenant Dane Lobb tells
Us. (Though she was visibly
impaired during the on-scene
DUI evaluation. alcohol was
ruled out as a factor. Toxicol-



TV star Locklear finds

we Dig" herself in trouble again

ogy results should be com-
plete in two to three weeks.)
Locklear was taken to the
Santa Barbara County Jail.
where she was cited and re-

The arrest was a devastat—
ing setback for Locklear. who
in June entered Arizona‘s
Sierra Tucson treatment cen-
ter for anxiety and depres-
sion. A source close to her ex
Richie Sambora — whom
she divorced in 2007 after 13
years of marriage — told Us
at the time that the actress
had been “deeply unhappy“
over the 2004 cancellation of
her last TV series. LAX.

Locklear was released on
July 23 and had kept a low
profile. “1 know that people
really close with her haven‘t
heard from her." Melrose
Place cOstar Lisa Rinna told
Us on September 20. Still.
her occasional presence (and
behavior) in Montccito hasn't
gone unnoticed. “She is usu-
ally fricndly, but always
seems just a little out of it."
shop owner Bob Davis tells

lt's unknown how “Lock—
lear‘s arrest will affect cus-
tody of Ava. her 11-year-old
daughter with -Sambora. The
Bon Jovi guitarist himself en—
tered an “alcohol treatment
facility last year. a source told
Us. and in April was arres-ted
for DUI. with Ava in the car
(he pleaded guilty to drunken
driving and was sentenced to
three years' probation).

Hot Halloween Looks

Check out the top celeb
costumes of 2008!

The Joker

The villain of 2008‘s
highest grossing film will be.
a fan favorite. says Todd
Kenig CEO of Ricky s NYC ..
The essentials? "A nurse‘s-
costume. green hair spray;
white makeup. red lipstick;
and scarring putty.“ he says.

Sarah Palin

The VP candidate is sure to
have copycats October 31.
To get her look. “you need a
business suit. a beehive wig
and glasses." says Kenig.
Want to go all—out? "Add a
baby doll and fake rifle!"

Indiana Jones

After a 19-year hiatus.
this summer blockbuster will
have Indiana fans breaking
out their whips. “Put on some
khaki and a brown fedora.
and you’re Dr. Jones!" says
Kenig. _ _

Angelina Jolie

Fans can cheekily dress
up like this mother of six:
“Go to a 99-cent store and
buy six baby dolls." says
Kenig. Step two? “Safety-pin
the dolls all over you!" Bonus
points if your date is a Brad
Pitt look—alike.

Back to work

Sarah Michelle Gellar.
31, will star in a new HBO
series. The -Wonderful -Mal-
adys. . . . ~Johnny Dcpp. 45.
has signed on for the fourth
installment of Pirates of the

Copyright 2008 Us Weekly




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October 10,

Kenny (‘olston
Sports Editor
kcolston@kykerrrel.t om


By Jonlalg


Everyone that attends
Keeneland dreams of success. For
most students the dream is witrnirtg
a couple bucks off an exacta bet.
For others it's the dream of seeing
the horse they own in the winner‘s

UK graduate Billy Ajello and
current UK student Scan Feld pur-



chased Kentuckysoldierboy. a 2—
year—old colt. at the October Ztltl7
Fasig—Tipton yearlings sale as part
of an innovative ownership plan.
Ajello and field decided to give stri—
dents first~hand horse racing experi—

ence by selling ownership shares of

the horse to students and others.
"It‘s enough to see the excite—
rnerrt of the ownership side instead
of just going to Keeneland to drink
beer. go out with friends and lime a

Most of the work at Keeneland IS completed in the early morning hours, where horses are worked to prepare for their next race.

good time." Aiello said in an inter—
view with the Kernel in May. “It‘s a
way to spend money and have ftrrt
wrtlr it."

'l‘hrt'tyvfhc people bought at
least one share of ownership in
Kentuckysoldierboy. It) of which
are UK students.

“There were a lot of students in—
tercsted. brrt also older people all
the way from California to Con~
ncctrcut." held said.



After long