xt7n028pgg4f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pgg4f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-04-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 19, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 19, 2007 2007 2007-04-19 2020 true xt7n028pgg4f section xt7n028pgg4f __———_-—__ ’-
”— ~-~_---——_-——---—-‘---—’ \

COSTUME CREATIONS UK professors, student tlesrgn and construct warttrohe tor UK theater

,I productton opentng tontght See Pop on Page 3

’ --~. a

\\\\\\ lstls’tkNFtHWt THURSDAY \L’th t‘ goo


(‘FLFBRATING to \ [ARS ()l l\1)l l’l \I)l \( l

Resource center for gays” others hosts open house

3V JillLaster "t(‘ollege) ts a ttrne and a plaee ago. The students then tolleeted letters pronto; the hostrle t hmate ereared for l R s eax .trtd le‘\l‘t.lll to-zttnunnx
ptlfiltl'attkyth’tltt \\ here students are e\plortng \\ ho the} ot support tront students taeult}. statt (i|.l%l(‘)(‘);\ students and the :tetesstts lhe goat ot ttl lsottree ts to treate
aret attd that tnelttdes thett' senrahts." and stttdent organt/atrons .tnd seetrred ot ()li'lisouree.” Matsuhara satd .t sate ptat e tot students to e\ptess .tnd

.-\ nets resouree eenter tor ltomo satd Susan Matsuhat‘a. tlte eenter's stur spaee tn the Student (‘enter tn Septem- ('hr'tsttna titleor. esetutrse dtreetor leart: .thottt eettder ltlt'lll.l\ and hurt art
se\ttal stttdents opens toda} ttt the Stu dent dtreetor "The same support that her ot the Kentuels) latt'ness \lhante as sesttaltts \latstthara satd llte tente-
dent ('enter alter tuo _\ears tn the tildlv heteroseutal students ento} durtng eolr ()ne ot the lnlLlUl\ tltat rnotttated \\ ell as state Sen lir'nesto Stotsone tl) \\ tlY hate Ie'st‘lile 72kt" hooks and
mg. lege needs to he e\tended to tnelude the students to start the resouree eentet‘ leungtont and Stall Representattte to ntoxtes .t\ talattlt to the l‘tll'tis

.s\n open house tor l'K ()l"l'souree students that tdenttt} as (ill‘ll‘QQAf' \xas l'K‘s 2005 ('arnpus (‘ltmate Surr the Board or ltttstees Russ \\ Illtdtt‘s \ttot he: pro;'r.r:r: H1 lsotttee hopes
~ the ga). Ieshtan. transgender. queer. Matsuhara. a gender and women‘s \e). Matsuhara satd. Neeatn e remarks “I“ he speaktne at toda_\ ’s open house to l rm to l l\ s a \ne \pte e fitteket
tltrestrontne and all} ((ill‘l [(‘)Q.-\t Re sttrdtes and polttteal setenee senror. l'K tthottt ya} and leshran students outnumr ”It's tntportant to make students l’roerant \tret .t tutttttttt: sesston on
sottr‘ee (‘ertter “I” he held at 4 p nr la“ student Ross turn; and [K .tlttnt het'ed eontments rttade agatnst \sornen. tee! torntottahle “ho .tre e.t\ leshtan sexual \‘llt'llldltr’l‘t .ttl.l :e'tder tssaes
toda) ()l'lsourte rs loeattd tn the Sttt- n'a \lat‘} lteseh “em to \‘tee l’restdent Metal or ethnte tntnor‘tttes and r'eltetotts lnse\ttal or trartseendert" (rtleor satd l peopie trtxohed lll tl‘t l‘lt‘ffiltlllt retewe
dent ('enter. aeross trotn the Student ot’ Student Allan‘s Pat 'l‘en‘ell to ask tor mtnortttes. .teeordtn; to the sur'xe) thrnk that sense ot eottrtttttntn or! the .t \llehe'l to post on tltett door to shots
(imet‘nment otttees a r'esouree eenter’ on eamptts t\\o _\ears "l'hts Is one ptete oI e\tdenee part or [Rs students ts tntpottttnt to GLBTQQA : :1- 5



Left over
meal plan
money feeds


8y Jtll Laster

marten. ,. t»

.\'o\\ through the end or ttnals ueek. slttr
dents \\tth e\tr'.t tles dollars or tash \\lll he
.tl‘le to help Retttttels) ‘s htnten

Student (itHCt‘IlIllt‘l‘tl and (iod‘s l’antr'}
l'ood Bank are sponsor'tng a lood tll’t‘- e \\tlll
lh donatron sttes on tamptts. tntlttdtng.v the
“hue llall ('lassroottt Btllltlltlg. Illa/er l:\
press and (‘omtnons \larket

Students tan tontr‘thtrte h_\ gtt tn; rood or
mone}. or l‘_‘. hto me a \5 ha; ot nonpertslt-
.thle goods \\ rth easlt. eredtt \ .ttd. pltts .teeonnt
or lle\ dollars lltts semester there ts also art
onltne donatton s\ stern through the St} \\eh
s1!L'_ \\\\\\.ttl\s§:a one

“I illlllls so man}
people underesttmate ,,
eolleee students.” l1 Wag llterallv
sttttl \(i \trt l atttet;

Russoxt '[ tlttrtls. to; ”eth at Bl all
lege students tat: do El llUX. alld
nttteh more than vs II
gm: them er'edt't to: ' UCODle gave.

Rll\\t\‘.\ sltll'e‘tl .‘.
tood drtxe last setttus LAUREN
ter' attet‘ heartne .t Russow
It‘eshman eontpiattt
tthottt haune too
man} e\tra tle\ Jot

3 hours of silence demonstrates beliefs

lsnotx mt tr'esltmatt \ettr l eattte horrte urtlt ‘Ml
to llttl \\.tter hottles .: 'nonth tro'tt exprratton
and ll leottld haw grat'tt them an I\ l 's‘.tttlltl
ha\ e U

....y t. ,\t h.
\\htle dome .ese trth tor the proteet. Rt's ‘ “Us sllsmslvlthsv «” t.t. :1 us
so“ \\ ts slll].\r \ d o to ”rt llt'\\ mm lot .1 ”Hill“ l‘dllW U‘H‘ts‘d the mouths or about no longer he \llLlll tthottt

. Ill -v t. ‘s s» yt'\ \ . \,,\ l"l‘t‘l‘
Pulple ”CUR“; hm” ‘tk ”ht stltdet) s ltttul ll] 1 It the st 11. \ ttt ttt lllk ltt the” .rns\ er or .h\ on \

(iod's l’anttt prondes tood to .thout
WWW") [\‘t‘t‘le e.teh \ear than one tn l“




By Erica Mitchell student tlt\et stt}. ett.ntee :ttt nt
"8‘Nsdkykél”‘tl 77'“ [home the lemonstr t'tott


dt nt (enter to the l’ttttrsort (ltttte lttuet \es mouths to represent essttt s
terda} tn a srlent den‘tonstt‘atton sestral ahttse t lasstszv n ttt‘trr}‘ltt‘;‘
llte students rematned stlent tor three hours ltl\l\llt. sex s‘It stu: .tttt? .' “ '
hetor'e talent; the hands ott thetr' mouths and “llte lla‘st: (. ttl‘liitt‘jlt
speakrng on soetal tssttes that the} refused to “e eterx :ssttef \a“\ sa‘l
~tlent .thout sue, tlte_\ sltotttd he a“:
llk' \ik‘lllt‘ll\lldlltlll \\.ts p.111 ttl 'l:k‘ lld\tl lllltttlglttrttt ’l‘re- tlg'j‘n
('antpaten .t proerdnt to address and t‘rotoote tne students .txo dtti e
dtalogtte o\et stkjltll lltll.l\ll\k' hetneen the lt‘\\\ of
'lhe rssttes \se deal \\lll] e\et\da§. Atll not eser se‘\e'lttl s'ude
he used ttnttl sse talse a stand" ~.ttd l‘attth \' ll and ettlter toztteti 'ltt
Food Drive ' : 1: l). Hldl'lsL‘llll}; sophomore and an entpltoee ol

people tn tts J” tount\ set\ tllk'tl. .tetordtne
to the (iod‘s l’antr} \\eh stte

"l “as shoeleed altottt hots :ttam tamtlres
depend on (iod’s l’attltyH Russo“ sattl

l.ast \\ltllL‘l.\ tooddr1‘te tatsedatotttttl ill“
pounds ol lood tor (tod’s l’dl‘tlt'}. she satd.
e\ en though there \\as nt tt IlltlL lt ptomotton on

Students practice 88 hosts campus
business etiquette “ 1 safety forum tontght
over dinner " '

By Alice Haymond

wave 7' t1 tixykrtrnttt t’ tn‘

lztght tahles em ered \t. tth ptrstrne \\htte tahletloths and tnttrtt
tdatrnt: pl tee setttnes “rth three torks t\\o knnes and a spoon at
eaeh pl rte trll ed a room at \ rl s ( hophottse txhen b htrstness stu
dents “alke d trt as part ot an kwlltlllkllk dtnntr.

The students. surrounded h_\ the spread and l" hustness repr'er
sentatnes. looked hire the) \\ ere thtnlsrne the same lhtlt}: that thrs
ts “hat the} 'd heen prepar'tne tor. that the) “ere read)

The (iatton l'ttttttette l)tnner “as .r ettlmrnatton ot the l’roles
stonaltsm \ertes. a tollettton ot \xorkshops that httstness \\ hool
students \\ ere ent otrraeed to attend lt “as totnprrsed ol st\ e lass
es (rood ltnpr'esstons \e-ttsor'lttrte Dress tor SUKXC\\‘ .\'e\\ Hurst
ness ('ttltttre. the \rt ol Dunne and the litrqttette l)rnnet

’l‘hottgh students \\ ere t‘eqtttred to attend. man} thought tt \\ as
“Ut‘lh\\hllc l‘tt rt

“I thrnk too get more otrt ot rt h\ eorng to the protessronaltsrn tttxorte .ttr ‘ .,' -,
series." satd management treshrnan .»\uhre) (‘ollter ”I “am to he 'ottt h as hett
an entrepreneur. hut l kno“ l lime to get a toh someuhere else _ \ x out on the Vttden' ( ev'er PM ~ ts tollou 'he 'I‘l‘l'“ \
ttrst. so I'm here hetattse I want to see uhat‘s ottt there ” ‘Nrnnt' s hane n: t'll'tht‘ 'he \1 wt" 1 u'her is he h ( ‘tttttttt

.. .t, .tv, ,. .,.. .. b .. .. ..
Am student eottld attend the dtnner at a eost of $2“. and tt (‘ ”l" l‘" ml“ ‘h't'o ‘ “'m “Hf—t ‘ “ “”4“th ‘ \ 't
:rnrt let lt \' ”H t ttd tl'a \scelt 'ht "\ tnntr WC' he sen' 'o the

SPF“ Etiquette I all“ 5 \ 171'”th lt‘t lt s'tttlt‘t‘d [huh

A.ttF "rARIA




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 £56521. Thursday, Aprillg, 2007 7

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Show you have solforsrnplioo hy
sainirI more than you spend.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -
Today Is a 7 - Your relationship With

you il (it? sure Tlioii you can arid the
Haregcapeg" coursecorrection
W Cancer (June 22-July 22) - Today
Is an 8 - Follow through nyIli

riroriirsos ”Milt? Yllly up loose ends rl talkatiyo person is good for both
Wrap It up noatly hotoro tho week ol you Some others may think
out It at all tiossrhlo You can relax you to IiItIIi.I'ig but you to actually
lIiIor teaching each other
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) - Today Is It Capricorn (Dec. 22—Jan. 19) -
‘ ”no trust ‘.‘.:ly‘ II i-Iir roaso your Gill/$17”I'ttakt‘st’lblt]IllllPrt‘lllt‘
s to shoyy you can ‘Iioyy Iiiur i IItlorI yo l put lll Luckily
I: II‘III: ti» you n IIottuiII IIIIIII the mod to get
llli )tl li III) "(1‘
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - in
s day s It F: fi‘IIIIIII your rorir‘orns lll'
flurtrrin Itio rioliulous orios With
yl“.i'(’(’1itll‘kI'> A IrIarsori who loyos
lt‘ iIlI. ‘IIII II III‘III' I I ' II yr I; In help you sort through lllt‘,
rinIs I- .I .. I II t; I erI‘ iIIit‘IiI‘II‘IiII IIIIIII
Libra (Sept. 23 Oct. 22)- Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) To
i 37 sIIIIII II I I ‘ I‘lfIIu‘I \IrI rkrilaro sll'
Iss III iII'II II E»: III . I .III III I. .II5I IilIII; III fi iIl:I may yyrtli-
Gemini (May 21-June 21) it‘: I. Zr: ll’ III I, s it“) our IIIliI I:: out iI‘IyI (ll-”(I VIII (it it (It. uprry lion:
7 I. _ “‘4 M‘. ‘M .It' "II’I I . .IIt II‘tlIH 1.1'II glitz:
s a i . By riierSII‘I‘r/slltiluyl“ ”f II 1‘. Scorpio (Oct 23 Nov 21)-

.ilt IIIIII‘Il-II y I: V. i' ,
'llt‘n' l‘rthiy "’ fw” I

By Linda C Black

To get the advantage, III/took the
datsratrrig I'I’7Ier‘Ie eIisIIJs‘I'mI

themostIr'iIir’IHrIIIIriII , .
‘ ‘ ITIll'l'I'lUUt‘lt‘l‘od‘



Aries (March 21-April19) ’I III V,“ s
Is an 8 Boot Vt it for ~'~I"I:IIIIIIIty "W1 7”
‘ i't‘;l"il':l\

”N? t” ”'1'” H” '””i " V Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)-

1 .r i » I

:iil/(oqik‘klr‘i I” ”I ””1? [\:::;”:,”,. 15 it should l‘t‘ rIIlIitIyII'Iy t‘rl\y for
or sI IIIIIII sin; Ir: sos

Taurus (April 20- -May 20)
as Ii /”' IIIrorlIirII i II II II
supp: isItIIIII


V in
I Iitv

is y'l I .
II‘I.‘ II' to 'I’II' '

Iii r;IIIiI.I II?
(it? IIllII‘rs

‘ _(,}II Is 1 /


IIII ,I. I - t
‘ I’ I In . . , .y In I ‘
.. H ‘” . I. ”' ” I L III s ; I y , It‘l't _II]I, \{ll\rt\p\
L I"tII":je

Horoscope B OW N’ 8

Sponsored BY- "(\LIHLHH .InIl lIIurigI



Mo [:urliil Ax II.




your daily dose of entertainment pop culture and fun Kernel ‘ Ql

More man
trouble for

file DiSI-l

First K- Fed. Now she's got
problems with her manager

.\o\\ that in! dl\()l"'LL is li»
nully ol‘t‘iciulI Britney Spcgirs.
25. has hit u rough patch “Ill!
unotlicr mun in her hit: niunugcr
l.'.trr_\ Rudolph. ”'l‘hcrc is ton
sion. Hos been trying to got her
to gct help. turd shc Ilocsn‘t lccl
shc ncctls it.” u source tells Hot
Stutt ol the star. \\ ho is said to
he nnIt'cIl III liiiti tor pushing hI-r
riilo rchuh, Anothcr source s;i_\s
Spears is (Ultl‘llc‘lcd hccuusc
"she only wants pcoplc around
her whom shc trusts us slic
“ork's toxuirtl hcr conichuck.”
That's an Iill~nuturnl coiiichut‘k.
h} the way A Spears rcp Ilciiic's
rumors she had liposuction Ilui»
mg n rcucnt Lats \bgus trip. Says
an insider. ”She‘s \sork'riig hurIl
and has It tiuiricr.” Is she shaping
up (or n no“ crush} ()ti .-\pril N.
shc hit her third l...-\ lukcrs
gumc in rust owr .i \scck. spark-
trig rumors she‘s utter tor“ 1rd
1 ukc \‘lulton 27. whom she lL‘
poitcdl) Ilirhhttl "tutu” in _lt()l
:\l;l.s. lukcrs rcp .loliii Block
tolls l's. ”Lukc has .i girllricntl,”

Penelope & Josh. At His
Fave Bar

lost .I UV) \llllllL‘I in l...\
.\'c\t. Ii tropical ll'}sl in Turks
and (‘Iiicos I‘hcn on I\prr| "
Josh Htll’tlk‘ll. SK. took ncu low
l’criclopc ('ru/. .11. to Ii plIIt'c
that rcull) shows her |io\\ lic
lt‘cls his lk‘lmcd .\'\(~ l‘LH'
.\l;i\ l‘lsl]. lt‘s \yhcro hc \IoouIl
Scurlctt .loliuiissoii Illlkl Klllll'

Rachel Meets Hayden' s

llic_\‘\c only Ilutctl A! month.

but Ruchcl Bilson, 1*. and H;i_\~
Ilcn Christensen. lo. .trc so \Cl'l
ous slic rust noted his purcnts
llCIH‘ Toronto? ”The; .ihsolutcl}
ltHL‘kl lk‘t'.” s‘.l_\s d sourt‘c closc
to thc costurs in 30th s .luiirpcr.
”They all had It grout IlIllL'.”

Katie & Posh's New Baby

Bl‘l's Katie Holmes and
Victoria llcckhutii urc hatching Ii
plun to LttlllhlllL‘ thcrr turn oh-
scssions - lusliion and kids , and
launch Ll (lllL‘ ol huh) clothes
"Kutic Ilrmy skclcltcs ol .1 Ili‘Cs‘s
shc \xtinthl Sun to \ycur on hcr
birthday and tho) Lllscllssctl it
over It glass of “INC.” u source
closc to Beckhani. KI. ‘Iclls Hot
Stutl‘ And though Holiiics rcp
s;i)s. "Kutrc Is not starting u
clothing coitipuny” the source
insists ”tlic_\'\'c been talking
about it lor months.” the putt
own “Hill to Cllllsl u pro ”(‘11)
(Non Stclurii's l...r\..\l.B. line to
help. adds the pol :\nIl appur-
I-ntly Holmes, IN. blltflks licr
\\.t). Iirountl Ii swung kit x\lt
I-iiiployx- ol l .;\ s liitcriiIirioiiIIl
\ilk I\ \\oolcns says. ‘Kutic
t'oiiit's iii till tho lllllL‘ Slit-
iii;ikcs pillo\\s. curtains unIl .ill
blll\l\ (ll \lL‘I‘Ur'IIIIUIls ltrl' lk‘l

Rachel & Ryan — Getting

.I\IU Ruchcl .\1I':\Il.uns IInIl
Ryan (iosling setting up sonic

secret iitipti.ils’ .»\ sourcc close
[0 NLVMlttltts lclls Hol Sltlll.
"'l'hcyrc niuIll} in low and plan
on getting iii.trrrcIl this your”
But the couple "want to IooiIl
llk‘ Plt‘ss Sit lht‘) .tgt'L‘CIl ltI gk'l
engaged and riiurricd on the"
sonic Ila) and “out Iil|o\\
tlicii‘ ltlllllllk‘s to talk about it ”
l.\lL'.‘\‘\l.llll\ rcp {.l”\ this "coin
plclcl} l.ilsu."t Roth MI‘.I\Il;uiis,
.‘Ill. and (iosling. 1o. ucrc horn
in St .loscplis hospital or Lon
don. Ontario. and grc“ tip no.1:
one another but IliIlnt mcct until
they both started in letl-l s I‘lic
Notebook Sighs the iiisitlci. "ll
's\;ls III-sun} ”

Willa Ford To Play Anna

Dancing \\ tilt the Stars Illllllt
\Vrllu l‘orIl. II». hits \xult/cIl into
n no“ gig SliI‘ \Hll portrII}
x\l1|1;t Nicole South in Ii touturt-
lilm about the sI.Ii. \\ho kllL‘Ll
lichmais K

“it locusCs on .'\llll‘.l Nicolc s
lilo gromng up. .IiiIl rlicn \I.irli
the iiiultiniillionuiic (J. Howard
Mursliull Ill.” s.I)s ti
\‘\ ho notI-s th.it
Smiths most prominent p.IiII
iiiours. HouuiIl K Stern and
lorry lliikliIIIIIl. or“ not hc iii
I‘luIchl in tho us yet IiiitiliIIIl
l‘lttplL (shooting starts April lot

"[1 tttttkcs )Ittl (CC) sol’l'} lIIr'
Anna Nicole." s.i}s IliII Ilhhlk‘l
"You got .I tustc ot \\li.II hcr lllL'
\\;is llkt‘ hctorc this Irtichl) "
\Vlt) \\;rs l'ord cost .is IliI‘ (on
trowrsiui tigurc‘ Sass lhII
"Hot IitIIlilioti \\.is (km


Illsi) (\\U I)!




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April 19,




CtOf, CO”

By Meghan Cain

iiicaintzkykerriel corn

The perl‘eet hl'aek tlress or eltissie suit
is a neeessit} in iin)one's wardrobe. exeri
:\h‘\.l \ere ile \ere and [flat] \Mler.

\VL'I'C \‘C \CI‘L‘ and \\'_\ler are the ke}
ehaiaeters in the [K Theater Departs
riient's spring pla). “.-\s Bees rn Hone)
[)r‘nun.” uhreh opens tonight iii the

Briggs Theater in the lime Arts
Budding.t at 1 3t).
(‘nstiiiiies are an integral part

to an) protliietron lteeatise ot their
blatant re\el.ition nt \\hn tlie
eharaeter' is or is tr’_\ir‘.g to he.
\elsnri held-s.
priitessitt Ul ettsltllttt‘ design
"(‘nsttrriies help eletrne a
eharaetei. that is pririiarrl}
\\ hat the} do." l-ieltls said
“ l'he} h.l\ e to he reeoerii/r
able. so the .itrilieiiee eari
krinu uhn the Lharaetei
l\ ll “th he on its
nun: it has to he irnr

IlL’tl to maintain

tatilrt} "

[he ptneess nl tle
signing and e’iiltsll'llel

iii; the \iar‘tlrnlie tor a

pla_\ tari he triiie eniisiirii
trig; aiiil [L‘tllttll\. hot it uasii't
mtreh tor a entrple n? l is protessnrs
and a sttitlent
Rnhert H.i\eri. assistant protessoi
«it (”\[UIHC [Celltli‘rlttgy 1 Int “null.
theater senior. and l'ieltls are respnri
sihle for this pla\ ‘s eosttriites

Hie trr’st step in \sarilrolte pr‘ntliit
tron is the seript. l-ieiiis said

"I \snrk \\ ith the ehar‘aeteis to air
.il_\/e theiit.” "l'h‘is shim
tune the totiiphtatinr s
thoiieh "

\s lieitls reatl met the stript. he
tniiiitl .t tlrtlititlt in \i‘lllk‘el \\rth the
eharaeteis .iiitl ileerile \tliat the} should

“I kiie\\ l hail tn tiiitl some \\a\ or
toririeetirie. other'\\ rse it “as some to he
"(trite l lirt on the idea
piaiiii: ott nt oltl iiin\ies_ then I hetaiire
riiter'estetl iii l‘r.‘:_’lllllll‘rf_' iii} iiesieri "

He then heean pouring olil
iiioties like "Breaktast .it littari} ’s" antl
and looking; at iiindern rash

said assoetate



[With Mild

.t l.‘ ‘~\

Mild.” he' \ttikl til


‘( asttltlat‘ieiiu

~ Vi




Hot air balloons will return to the sky
over UK's campus this weekend in the
Signature event of the annual Little
Kentucky Derby The weekend starts
with a balloon glow Friday night from
7 to 10 at Goodbarn Field, which will
include a performance by the Louisville \.
band Digby. On Saturday, the balloons Will ‘ \ “it
take to the sky for two races, the first at 7 a m,
at the UK Arboretum and the second at 5 p m at
Goodbarn Field, All events are free and open to the
public. For more information, call (859] 257-8867.

structors fuse ideas to

create perfect wardrobe

iori rii riiaga/rries \ttei tiisirig \|.l\\le dress \\rtli
nintlerii attire in his iiirnil. he sketelietl the ens
tirriies tor the main teiiiale ot the pla). \eie tle

”This ehar'aeter Mons into the li\ es nl iiiarij.
eharaeters and is a enii artist." I'reltls said "She
goes throueh a lot ot ehaiiges and | “aritetl the art
dierree to see that through her \llk'\\ "

So he sketehed a haste lilaek xli’ess \\ itli \ariniis
eoats. handbags and hats to add \ariets to her
\\ arth ol‘ie

l‘he ai‘ra_\ nl eoats taries trniii a hasit hlaek

As Bees in magi;
Honey Drown },

The Plot

, ~ . l'its Writiis‘ Carter Bare
And[Cd\JPC.U‘J:\\CL'\1(“JUL-I look a like. to a i d“ I" (. g (
rt \ r‘.» it ‘ v,» ’7 ; s\ "a:
\IIL'CI' l‘e‘lilk‘d lae'ke‘l i t v t,v .i,\ ii i a r ,. i r
l ‘e't‘ale “team's: Atom \e'e re
l'nr the leading riiale \haiaetei‘. l reltls rleertled ‘ p . V ' v H. ,
‘ WW} \“1‘ it? s s‘ t'i: r' " a
““191?” 's‘\t‘s‘tt\r\e strits .\ltliotieli he toriipleteil ' J,‘ ' ’ “

s in r s is YA“ r 1
i. riffs? um v; at lv' e, T'\. :4

It“ 7"‘(1 {r (:1: Ck was in get "t"? We

"Ej’SC‘lY_r '70\\‘v"3"1rr5

sketehes Iitl' these“ he lttlt‘ehase‘xl [he stills .11 total
Ilit‘lll store‘s

through this protess. lreltls hail tn iiiteiatt
\\ ith the thieetoi. to ensure hoth \isrnris \\ ere lieatl


. t'ier‘ atte't‘ItT:s '..
lll_L‘ do“ it the sariie l‘itllt‘ and as itli the t nsttirtie enit .\ .,, 3
strtietni. to make sure he untilil he ahle tn \t‘lll “ N ".L 5‘ .
51’: it I‘ av an ..t w r

t‘le'le [he h‘nks ., . i ,. s

__ . . .. ;tii_\\ 1 tllr as 'ii:' see ”fit:

l eaiit itist en aritl \‘U \\ hat I \\aril tn ttni .
.. s l st ‘i'y : "“i: s Te ts i “iii.
l'reltls said It requires a lot ot tttllllillllllxrlllitl‘i h ‘ i ‘ i‘ ‘

\y . . w tt'i than“ it"s: m: t‘e .- 'a
L would ha\e \\eekl\ riieetrries tn lierp eath \tlri , 7
- - traver tr“ tajs‘ A'i;:i‘ .’ e


er and tr) to milk as a team tn iiiake it happeri‘
\ttei the team lrrialr/etl the pr‘eliriiiriau itleas
lieltls the“ the triial sketehes ill trill \l‘ll‘l


‘iCt'L’t‘pi‘ittih fr 9"

r'nt’ [tidyr



t'i' 'ijt


l'hese sketthes theri riin\etl ti'niii l‘reitls haritls 3‘ if: “I, \ A“ ‘ ‘ ,
tn the uarthohe Ullhllllellttil room “here thex 1"
\xnirltl he lii'otight tn the hi Ha\eii and. “will

[he attrial enristriittinii or the tosttriiies lie-Lian If you go
attei the attois' riieasitietiierits \xeie taken

\‘Ntttttl elk'dlk't] til \‘3 lllk' ll.1l\ Yt’ttllllk'tl lIl 'ihk' _V: ..... .. ,. ‘ ‘ ‘
plat l aeh hat “as made tio:iiiht1eient iiiateiia: so “me uh] I, 1' j .
the" l‘t‘tke'ss \\.t\ tllllk'lL'lH lttt e‘aell ”'1': ‘2: I H ‘1’ H K H w ‘

"Sniiie hats l iiiake ha\e patterns and snriie '
don't.” “ontl said "the telt hat I tiiaile hail tn he Wheregl ;-. T’izrq'w f l 7
klll ntit. put together JIM] their stea iietl on a unml [ms 851:: '11}
en liloek. l‘lll the shape ot the tiiaterral l hatl lnr the

‘ Tickets: 83 ‘ r ‘- a":

strum hat \sasii't riitreli rlrttereiit than the design I
\tas turn};


l steaiiretl t'. ‘~‘ ‘



in tlk'tllk‘. «ti tllsl

~ Fashion




U professor promotes arts as this year’s state poet laur ‘ate

Katie Saltz

Matt} (“\Ur“ t‘,

:iiipnrtarite nt \xrrtriie. as it is a ertii ial part nt orri
ttilttrre.‘ \ille' saiti “It is air .ispett ot Kerittitk\
that sliniiltl lie eriiphasr/etl and has a long and
sllt‘ll‘.‘ hrsltifl H
[he llmllllttl't nr storf.te|hii_«_v iii Kerittiek} is
one that \aiiee sartl is not itist done through llk
tinri. litrt throtieh pnetr) .is uell
"\toi‘_\telhri3.v is not a tiilttrral thrill " she saril
.ihsnlirteh rietess.tr\ in its so \\ e \dl] ahsnrh

\tnries hti

Some people need a t ale and ".illnnits in h me
.I eelehralron. but all liiiie \arite iieeils is her pen
and some paper

"'lo “we riiakrrie poems is an air nl relelira
tronf‘ Vanee saril “\Hietliei happ\ or sail ll is a
telehratroii ol heme and oiir tapatit} tn leel ‘

Vanee. an [:iiglish protessni at l Is. is the
lellfisllh' Poet [.atireate nt Kentirtkv a pnsrtrnii
\\hl\h ser\ es to promote the arts iii Kerittri kt \lie
\\;1\ surprised and thrilled to aetept the ilesieiia
tron sinee so man} uonilerttil writers are iii Keri
ttrek}. she said

“I look lnruartl to hem; .iri atlxoeate tor the

’ ll i
\‘s ho “e are and \\ here \\ e eaiiie trorii
iiiaiir/e iis ’

\ariee ‘.1C\\ t'il‘res her o\\n \\nrk as a "telleetinri
or the rhsthiiis ot a \\oiii.iri in in} generation” and
Mllkl her lo\ e or pneti‘) began at an earh age “hen
her parents \Hillhl read it to her

“ \s earl} as seeontl szr'aile l \\ as uritrrie little


poems. l‘lll l iealh heeaii T-eaiiiiii; tl e t'at‘ it




h‘flt‘.“ \l‘le‘ salt] He tt'. ' 'h ' “as i i lit 'l‘ .' l
\tllle'illle‘llth'tlHitllrl‘iski'1tt‘g't' lll Rtttl‘tttkt' A.“ iil't l lr‘g. s". ’3‘ 1 t‘l sl s.‘ ,
\a. uhieh she those ltetairse r' ‘.\as the niilx \rt sli has»! r "it \r v
sthonl that ntleieit a treati\e \siitaie \tntkshnp 'ttl \.illr t h is hair 'liir'i , ii ' s s
first semester tresliriieii \\hi?e at llitlliiis. "xtnii fisheii s-rite i‘t't‘ " ._ iti' .
ilerltil leathers" streh as \\l‘llt‘l\ \\rlti.iiii (it‘iilll‘iL'. 'n eet her work t‘til
Himart‘i .\eriiein\ aiiil Intirs Rtilirii li taireht l hale i‘Aw _.:r.;e: e it‘s ’ha' r‘
\Liiite. she said .“itlli‘r a pa“ slit: ‘\.llii.e' a: I t s *‘ 'r
"l “as “M k\ to trirti pintessors Who knee iinu \t-rir’ra'e i: a "tort tiirrttrrr .\.\ it‘et 't
tn nurture and rixiike ones nun toire \aiitt ~fairglfltrs xxei‘ ess ireperiitint ,,,i
sartl ”lhe} realh helped \rtll tn triitl \nirr imii tia l‘nt lf‘- ‘s il‘t‘ll‘ \ \err isriie the alt .‘\ M iii '1‘
tt\e \nrte " t" \\r'h snriietliiii-' iiiztsrtle .v: heisea slit s at
Belnre iletrihrig.‘ to sttr.’.\ liiehsh \aiite saitl lliie l‘s a:i\ important ‘lr‘iie 's‘l""‘iL‘ tines ‘it
she tnitl liei aihrsei. l oiirs Rtihrn, that she 'Aas he .s .i‘ s a ‘s\.r\ n1 hinieii‘e 'ieetlitr the il‘rlt‘t‘
eonsrilerine a tareer in laix n: in the l't‘lt'lL'lt \er ’ Poetry 4




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Great for Dates
Great for study groups

Happy Hour 4-7



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269-5701 Fax:266-5554



ServingFood: M-Th 11am-12:3oam

F-Sat mam-2:00am
Sun 1pm-11pm








PAGE 4 | lhuisday, ApIIl 19, 2007


Continued from page '3

formed II mm the em'reel shape. xI/ed II
.IIId IlIeII IIdded d deeuriune pin."

Hmen mud [he “Ihe golden rule" Ul
eonxlrueting II emtume |\ In make It look
jllsl Me the picture

He looked III the deugns \xIIlI I‘Ieldx
and. the) dlxeuxxed uhuI the C()\ll|lllL‘\
needed to do and him quI the) needed In
be taken fill and on between scene»

After ”In. ”men CTCRIIL‘Ll pullcl'lh l'm'
IlIe IIIekeIx and dI'exse» l'mIII Ihexe [ml
[L‘l‘ll\. he xewed ‘d IIIoekAup Ill‘e\\ Ih.II the
lead IIeII‘e“ tried on He IlIeII ”1;!th I'L'dtlr
|ll\lmcnl\ In Ihe pIIIIeI'II IIIId del\ed InIn
makmg the real IhIng.

"l'he lll'\l IIIIe I\ II [he emIIIIIIe \mrlu
iIII the IIeIuI." H.I\eII \lkl "ll IlIe emIIIIIIe
makex IlIeIII IIIm e IlIlU hung; IlI.II \lldl'dLlCl'
the” _\()U Run“ II \\Hlk\ ”

Mun) dIlleIeIII I_\pe~ Ul l.Il\IIe\ \\eIe
med l0! IlIe Lulu-Xx ll.I\eII h.Id mIIIe III
IlIeIII .IlIe.Id} III \Inelx. lIul IillIeI‘ ldl‘l'lxN
lIIId In he \hIpped llUlll l'hIII 8|le III (‘.III

"l III.Ide IlIe lIlIle I'ed (‘hmew iIIekel
\\llll Ie.Ill} lllLC ldl‘llufiu ll‘.l\L'lI \lltl. "'l‘lIIx
IIIude II L‘dHCI In \\0l'l\ \\llll (loud \ill\\
IIIId “ooh .II‘L‘ like eI'euIII .IIId lIIIIIeI‘ III-
\lL‘LIIl Ul llldl'gdllllk‘ lllltl \lxllll IIIIIk. llk‘)
hung heIIeI; lVOI'Ili heIIeI .IIId III IlIe lmd)

l'he pl.I_\\ budget .Illimed IlIeIII In
\peIId \‘5 II -\lll'\l Im' IlIe nIeeI InhI'Ie.
ll.I\eII Mllkl.

l'lIe \\.Irdml\e eOINI'IIeIImI InI‘ llll\

plu) \\‘.l\ dIIIeI'eIII llldn Ilthl'\ because
ll.I\eII euIIIpleled IlIe equIIIes mu “eel“
heInIe [he \lll)“, lIe mud.

()Iiee .Ill \ll Ihe lI.IId \\I)I'l\ h complete
lllul (lie unlumex .II‘L' \L'Cll on \IIIIIC.
ll.I\eII. l-Ield~ .IIId \Vuud all agreed II
"duexII'I qIIIIe Ieel llee .III_\IhIIIg elxe."

"II I\ like \\.IIelIIIIg )our child." ll.I\eII
mud, "You \pcikl m IIIIIeh IiIIIe \th II. but
I dlll oIIl} lIIIpp} d the \lCHglk‘l‘ IInd diree-
IIII .II'e immi) \\IIlI II Ion, ‘l‘hen II Is II \uei

l‘ieldx h lldpp) \IIIh Ihe \\II) the to»
IIIIIIex IuIIIed Ulll Illh )eIII‘ and Is “I'eIIll_\
euIIed [0 we them on Kluge."

"II I\ Imemme III \ee 1! go Irom Nelv
mII\ renderingx In Ihe l‘IIIIxhed pI‘ojeeI."
Wimd \ilitl, “II erealex ;I enlluhnrulne
xenxe oi dCL‘UHlPl[\lllliL'lll.u


Ilwg" Ne:
son lleids
d'id l'wdlt’l
swim L 5a
I'“ II ”at I’idl
wii he wow
lll'llg'l! IIIII
”n: I‘Iv My
‘Ax‘ Bees i":




1. Gallery Hop

l‘,\[‘L‘IIL‘|‘.\'C IlIe III'Ix !li dmxIIIimii le\III_:I«II‘I
IIIIIIIII‘IIM IIIglII \lnIe lli‘lll “I \IIL‘\ \\lll '\l.l_\
open l.IIe In Ihe pIIlIlIe lUl lIee \ Ie\\ lll\_'\ lil‘llY
\\ill .Ilw he mended AII \eleeI lIK.IiII‘ll\
MAIN um he pieked Iii .II .\I‘I\l’ilIIc 1qu
eerIIII}; ml IlIe e\eIII HI \Iilllk'\lk“~\\'\l1‘i‘:lll]\'
.II [he l.e\ \i'.\ \\el\ \IIe I\\\\\\ le\IIII\ wig)
l‘Ul‘ IIIIII'e llilHl'HiJlII‘li \‘lll NW2“ 3‘5} Ill
\l\il Ihe \Veh \llU

2. Lost in Yonkers

llIe l\‘\.lllf_‘lUl‘I ()pem lIthe I\ pieerIIIII;
\eil \Imwn'x "14M III \iIIIkeIx' II llL'Illllk‘ll
I.Ile III .III L‘kkL‘Illi’lx. I.I\uIIIIIIII§; .lllIl dxxIIIIn
llI'lllll llllllllh III mm .\e\\ \ui‘k [he IwIIIII
l‘iIllixe' n? [he l’IIlII/ei l’I‘I/e \Hl‘IllIii}: \Iim
\I.:ll l.IlI\L‘ pllue IIIIIIIII‘IIM .IIId \llilllllJ} IIIleI
.Il \ .IIId \IIllllIlIH .IIId \IIIId.I\ III f: ;\ III lnk

\m ‘Ll :<;;

3‘ The author behind the book

('lIIIquIIlIcI l'lllll ('III'Hx \‘-lll lie III Ilie I ex
illL‘lI‘l‘. l’ill‘llx lll‘llll} \ III.IIII l‘l.lll\ll Iniimi
lII\\ In dmIIxx l:1\ hunk 'llie \MIwIIx ( iw Ir
llIIIIIIIIelInII, inn: lllI’ new i\ l‘Illl mi
IlIe .Ililllllll ‘HIIe limm Hm l mansion Inn
chm: \~ lml’. IeleI'II‘IIex \IlllI‘liJl l ll"l|l\
\\‘\'L'l\ lllL' \ll\kll\\l“ll \iIIle ‘ll _ II III .ll ill-J
(um! I il‘l.|l\ 5:: Hill \1.I1I: \I (XIII \‘W

::l ‘* :4 In: Iexei'm'nil‘x


\wIld hid the .IIIIeI \xnilil. \llC
\IIIII 'lI lllll‘PClH “hull Ilie I\!il\‘l
\KIIIlIl \IIill-_‘\ IlllIl “\Hix' \llalilx‘li
kind III u‘ilflllk'lig-J. mmu kind
III ll.lilliHli\ \IIIlI \\li.ll \ eIIIIIL'
IIII |li\IIl;' '

llI.II Ieeliii; «It li.I||liI\Il\ I~
'\\ll.il llldlx‘eN \IIIIIII; Illlil reading
|lL'\L'\\.ll_\ lll «m: 5IIlIIIIe, \.Ill\'\‘

‘l IIeI'nIIIIx- .Illil .Ill .II‘I .II‘e re
.Ili) III Ihe l‘.l\l\ III .IH} lilllildli
\enw III mIIIIIIIIy \lie \‘IlIl
"\1III‘.IlII_\ depend‘ on IIx hem}:
.Ilile In IdeIIIIl} lliL' IIIlIeI' II )«III
lime III.II \‘lllpllllk‘llx \Hllllk‘kllfln.
)«III are liHl gun; In he (lC\lllII,
Hu- lI i\ Ileeph hIIIIIIIIII/Im' "



FRIDAY, April 20
SATURDAY, April 21



For the week of
APRIL. 19 w APRIL 25



I j" 37‘ U!
I :l' I . 4.
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MONDAY, April 23
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I l \l. 4- :41 , , I” {plywqflv
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TUESDAY, April 24
I ;.'. ‘, ' ‘. '_' I”: ‘71: ) L‘y
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:ui'f It‘ T‘WI' lll
‘1?’ K2 "3in K“.
[iwlw um"
‘m'I‘Il {W STU




The-Ir ids!
prrlorumnu- ol
the season!

ll.“ Id \imlanka uImpIN-I

W . d ‘
l n lawn hum euphnnium


l’uiknnmnu h‘ llhllixl‘x
llulu ml \l.IIll‘IIr