xt7n028pgb70 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pgb70/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-11-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1975 1975 1975-11-19 2020 true xt7n028pgb70 section xt7n028pgb70 KENTUCKY



1 Latin; t)“ (”our
tUniversity of Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky

Vol. LXVII No. 77
Wednesday. November 19,1975


an independent student new



in Taylor murder case

Stephens released from iail on $50,000 bond

By RUN Ml'l‘t‘lIELl.
Kernel Staff “riter
.\ssistant Managing Editor

Taylor, 24, was allegedly abducted from
his apartment at 1261 Village Dr. around
11:30pm. Del. 11 by four men. According
to witnesses, one shot was fired and Taylor
was forced into the trunk of the abductors'

Taylor‘s body was found 10 days later
floating in the Ohio River near Louisville,
about five miles east of the Jefferson
(‘ounty Police River Station. The Jefferson
('ounty coroner's officea ttributed Taylor‘s
death to strangulation.

.\t the time of his abduction. Taylor was
being sought by Lexington Metro Police
for questioning in connection with an Oct.
11 afternoon robbery of Stephens and
(‘hannels at (‘hannels' apartment. 1508
\ ates ( ‘rescent l)r. Stephens and (‘hanneis
reported to Metro Police that they were
robbed of about $1.000 and a $500 watch

It has been reported in Lexington
newspapers that a large quantity of drugs
was taken in the it p.m. robbery. However.
there has been no official confirmation by
the Metro Police or others investigating
the case that drugs were involved.

Rodney Perkins. 24. of Lexington. was
indicted by the Fayette (‘ounty grand jury
Monday in connection with the robbery.
During testimony in Fayette Quarterly
('ourt. ('hannels said the money and watch
were the only items taken in the robbery.

Perkins remains jailed in lieu of $100011

«1. W, Kentucky Kernel, 1975

Former ['K football star Elmore
Stephens was released from the Fayette
t‘ounty Jail 'l‘uesday after posting bond.

Stephens. an All—Altlt‘l‘lt'illt tight end on
'he 1974 Wildcat team and two other men
have been charged with the t tel. 11 alleged
kldnaping and murder of Luron Eugene

Also charged in the case are John
Bishop.22. and Robert (‘hannels.22.
S‘ephens and Bishop are from Louisville
and ('hannels is from Lexington. Bishop is
a former t'K football team manager.

Stephens was released about 0 p.m. after
t‘ircuit Judge (‘harles M 'l‘ackett signed
an order reducing bail for each of' the three
suspects from $200000 to $50000.

Bishop and (‘hannels are expected to be
released in the next few days. according to
Henry Hughes. attorney for the three men.

Hughes said the bond was reduced
because he. ‘he prosecutor and the judge
“ hough‘ the bail was unnaturaliy high."

"I personally 'hink the bail was un~
naturally high because of the notoriety

given the case by ..e (ha and Lexington
police.” Hughes said. "Actually, the bail
reduction just makes this case com»
mensurate with other murder cases in
Fayette County."

Hughes said his arguments in the bail
reduction motion included evidence that
525.000 was the highest bond set in the last
11 murder cases before the Fayette (‘ircuit

laarlier Tuesday. Sit-phens. Bishop and
(‘hannels waived their preliminary
hearings and were bound over to the


Stephens. Bishop and (‘hannels

the discovery of Taylor's body.



arrested Oct. 13 and originally charged
with kidnaping. The additional murder
charge was filed against each following

A fourth suspect, Noble Leroy Butler. 23.
of Louisville, was arrested Oct. 18 and
charged with kidnaping. The charge was
dismissed earlier this month by
Fayette (‘ounty grand jury and Butler was


The fourth suspect is still being sought
by Metro Police. according to Joe (‘att.
Metro Police media liaison.

Elmore Stephens. after posting bail which was reduced from $200,000 to $50,000.
was released from Fayette (‘ounty Jail about 6 p.m. Tuesday. Stephens is
charged with the alleged kidnaping and m urder of Luron Taylor.

Fayette (‘ounty grand jury. Hughes said
the hearing was waived to expedite the

case to the higher Fayette (‘ircuit ('ourt.


.l.\('l\' S(‘UT'I‘

(‘ontinued on page it


Jack Scott blasts college athletics;

stays quiet about Patty Hearst

Assistant Managing Editor

Remaining essentially mute about his alleged in
volvement with Patty Hearst. controversial sports
figure Jack Scott advocated steps to rid college
athleti(s of professionalism.

Speaking before about .300 persons at the Student
('enter Grand Ballroom 'Itiesdav Scott said college
athletes are recruited for purposes of athletic rather
than educational achiuement. The former Oberlin
(‘ollege athletic director said collegiate athletics
should be forced to “clean tip their act."

Scott said aspiring professional athletes should not
go to college "under the guise of students." He cited
the case of Moses Malone, who bypassed college to sign
a pm basketball contract with the [tab Stars. “It took
a 17-year-old kid to figure out there‘s no need to put in

four years of college to be a professional.“

Scott quickly pointed out that he is not attempting to
“destroy sports. People have to understand that I am
making a distinction between athletes and
management in profesional sports.“

Concerning alleged involvement with Hearst and the
SLA. Seo't sa'd. “1 have pledged non-collaboration
with t.’ e FBI . for the last eight months and can
hardly Unw‘Ce ‘r'i‘ now."

But Scott sa 1(l two Rolling Stone articles purporting
to have the “Inside Story“ on the Hearst case were
“reckltss and vulturistic.“ He said the articles, which
implicated Scott of harboring Symbionese Liberation
Amiy (SLAI fugitives. made Rolling Stone “the
National Enquirer for the counterculture.”

Scott added that the stories were “a Clifford Irving-
like attempt to con the American public." He said

(‘ontinued on page 4




 ——~ [[1






Dear Al:

Whaddya say, you old limpet-eater, you?
i haven’t seen or heard from you since we
parted ways one fall afternoon on the Strip
in Knoxville—damn, I was freezing my
ears off and you were walking around
wearing a T-shirt and saying: "You think
this is cold? This isn’t cold. This is like the
middle of summer in Newark. ididn’teven
bring down a winter coat.” And so on and
so on. Right on, Al.

Anyway. my oi’ brutha Steve told me
about six months later that you had gone
off to live in Oregon a few weeks after they
passed that polliwog decriminalization
law there (they made possession a $10 fine,
right?), and that nobody had heard an
utterance from you since then. What’s the
story, Al? Like it out there, boy?

Things are still about the same here in
the polliwog department, except that now
more Real People smoke it than students,
and the police in the, uh, sophisticated
cities don’t make as many small busts as
they used to. Although they still do it in
small towns. Politics, y’know.

Al, since I last talked with you, other
things have changed a lot. i got into law
school, (and having been trying to get out
ever since), have done a little travelling
(despite varied and several gnashings of
teeth at my lack of ambition to...work),
and have completely laid off drinking
whiskey without the aid of either some
water or soda. Yes, many important
changes have come over me, my son.



Nevertheless, we must all strive for the
higher ideals in life. Like getting out of
school. Doing some more traveling.
Drinking scotch with either water or soda.
We must be Renaissance Men, ever»
climbing toward the heights and standards
set for us by the angels of pre-primordiai
times. But ya gotta watch out for ulcers if
you do that number, Al, my man, because
it’s a pretty heavy task, i wanna tell ya.
Those old post primordial instincts just
tend to get us down sometimes, I guess.

But enough of this mishmash! (Just put
this down if it doesn’t make any sense to
you,Al. All I can really think about now is
antitrust litigation anyway. Petitioner
does not not double not have standing to
sue on this vioiaaarrrggghhhll Whew! I
lost it there for a minute there, didn’t i?
Hmmmm, gotta get off of this topic. Oh
yeah, i got it. AI, l wanna tell ya about an
idea i want to write about in this column
that I have in the school newspaper; really
I’m kinda scared to say anything about it,
because it’s still a real controversial
subject in some people‘s minds around
here, but what it is, is. polliwogs, You
know, that stuff that they practically
legalized in Oregon (and in California and

(Editor’s note: Because of the number of
Kernel, there is no editorial today. In


Lettas and Spectrum articles should be adaessed to the Edituiat Page Edita,
Room 114 Jumlism Building. They should be typed, Mespaad an! Signed.
Letters should not exceed 250 warts and Spectrum articls 7!) nuts.

in Colorado and in Alaska and in Maine).

Well, I’ve been thinking for quite
some time now that they should at least
decriminalize it in Kentucky or maybe
even (would i dare say it?) legalize,
regulate, and tax it like alcohol. Why, i
heard the other day that some economics
prof at the University of Florida said that
taxes for the stuff would bring in at least
twice as much money per year as oI'
Gerald Ford distributes in federal revenue
sharing funds every 12 months. The Army
sponsored a study that concluded that
poliiwogs had no detrimental effects not
100iong ago, and even the Courier-Journal
has lately started talking about it as much
as Johnny Carson has been in the past
year. The National Institute on Drug
Abuse says that an incredible number of
people smoke now.

Where will it all end? In the moral
breakdown of a nation? Uh-uh. in the
continuation of laws that have become
immoral themselves when enforced?
Uh huh, for a while at least. But i have a
feeling that when a Democrat is elected
next year, he’s gonna appoint a polliwogs
white paper commission, and they’re
gonna recommend (at least) decriminalir
zation. Hell, then the Chief Executive can
save us taxpayers the money used to
prosecute the poor bastards who get
caught, the taxes might up the economy a
little, and all the smokers in the country
will vote to rerelect that President who
puts his rubber stamp on the commission’s
recommendation. Who said there aren’t
any new ploys left in politics?

At any rate, i was thinking that this
University, basically being not much of a
hotbed of controversy, should get active
and start producing some people soon who
start talking about, nay, lobbying for, the
decriminalization of polliwogs in this
commonwealth. It’s about time Kentucky
was in the forefront of some m0vement;
this one’s a natural for college students. Or
is it? We have the Student Government
which isn’t likely to endorse a lobbying
resolution on polliwogs this year; we have
the Young Democrats, right there in the
mainstream of Kentucky politics, but they
probably won’t say much unless Julian
gives them his implicit approval first;
then we have the law school, and people
there are justifiably intimidated about
sticking their necks out for something
that‘s illegal, even though a lot of them do
indulge in the smoke now and then; and
there‘s the med students, who carry some
clout in the technical expertise depart-
ment; and the faculty, who might at least
pass around a petition or something.

Hmmm, I don’t know if the time is right
yet or not, now that i think about it. Damn,
think of the outraged alumni! Ah yes, the
past...how it haunts us still (said in my
bestetfort at imitating the immortal bard,
W. C. Fields). Well, Al, guess l’il go over to
see my editor Winges and ask him what he
thinks and then I'll do what i want to
anyway....Ain’t that the way it always

Regards from the Bluegrass
Jimmy Dick Downey


Dick Downey is a hopelessly ambitious
writer who is currently disguised as a UK
law student. He has had some experience
in the Real Worlds of journalism and
disasterlarea insurance adjusting. His
column appears weekly in the Kernel.

"letters and commentaries received by the 1

cases where a number of letters and

commentaries are received about one or several subjects, more space is devoted to
readers’ views. All letters and Spectrum articles should be typed, double-spaced and
signed. Letters should not exceed 250 words and Spertrum articles 750 words.)

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Winges

Ginny Edwards
Managing Editor

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor '

Jack Koeneman
Associate Editor






By Rick Carter


in response to the article entitled,
"Transcendental meditation
transcends present education system
(Kernel, Nov. 17),” by Michael Fugate
and Jim Glockner, i would like to offer
a very important additional bit of
information of which i believe these
gentlemen may be unaware of.

Transcendental Meditation (TM),
also called the science of creative
intelligence (SCI), claims to be a
scientific technique for health and
recreation. TM is offered to high school
and college students throughout the
US. by the Students international
Meditation Society reported to be the
fastest growing student movement in

Whatis SCI or TM? Is it a religion? A
science? A philosophy? A technique?
Or what? Who and what is behind this
massive worldwide movement? Is it
merely a preoccupation with Eastern

Fugate and Glockner stated: ”It
(TM) is not a philosophy or religion. it
does not require that you change your
belief or say that life is beautiful and
joyful, only that you meditate 15-20
minutes in the morning and evening
and eventually that condition will
develop as a permanent reality,
whether you believe it or not.”

It is at this point that I challenge TM
participants to identify the TM
”technique“ for what it is—Hinduism.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, head of the
growing TM movement, defines the
objective of TM as achieving a direct
experience of pure being. Since this
abstract existence is believed to be
eternal and beyond all thoughts and
words, the best Maharishi can do is call
it ”That.” "i am That Eternal Being,
thou art That and all this is That.” In
meditation, he seeks to transcend all
thoughts about particular things and to
”meditate” upon "Thatness."

What chairmen of the Centers of
Creative intelligence call man’s
Source, Hindus call Thatness, Brahman
or God. This is clearly a Hindu form of
pantheism and for this basic idea, the
Maharishi himself recognizes his
indebtedness to the scriptures of Hindu-
ism, the ”Vedas."

There can be no question that the
”technique“ of TM is characteristic of

Hinduism. The Maharishi extols the



is Hinduism

fact that it is derived 7rom the
”Bhagavad-Gita,” another exalted
Hindu sacred writing. In his extensive
commentary on this Hindu sacred
writing, Maharishi exciaims: “The
’Bhagavad-Gita’ is the Light Of Life, lit
by God at the altar of man to save
humanity from the darkness of
ignorance and suffering....The
’Bhagavad-Gita' is a complete guide to
practical iife...it brings fulfillment to
the life of the individual.”

Clearly, then, the Maharishi’s
method of attaining divine unity is a
Hindu method derived from the major
Hindu scriptures. However secular the
terminology employed by American
teachers of SCI and TM, Maharishi
knows that the method itself is one of
the ways to self-elimination taught in
Hindu scripture.

The Christian way to an experience of
God differs radically from the TM way
to absorption in Brahman. The
Christian way leads to loving fellowship
with the personal transcendent Lord of
the “Bible.” The Christian’s confidence
and hope do not rest upon a repetition fo
meaningless sounds of mantras, nor
upon alleged vibrations of words or
thoughts, harmonious or otherwise.
Neither does the biblical way to an
experience of God require a denial of
the plain facts of change and diversity.

Christians do not regard the world
either as ultimate reality or as a mere
mirage. Christians find no need to
persuade themselves of the unreaiity of
that for which- there is adequate
evidence. Knowing that God has
created all things, Christians are open
to any material or spiritual reality for
which sufficient evidence exists. They
do not try to escape reality, but accept
itfrom God. Having met the living God,
Christians have no need for inventing a
permanent reality and convincing
themselves of it by anything like

The gospel of Jesus Christ informs
the mind of the fact that God became
man, and that eyewitnesses confirmed
accounts of Jesus’ life, death and
resurrection. it summons people to
believe these facts. it also informs of
God’s eternal purposes through Christ’s
death; that being to reestablish fellowv
ship with mankind through the accep-
tance of Je5us Christ into the indivi-
duai’s life.

Rick Carter is an advertising and
public relations senior.


















idii‘r'Ai'ibW' us To ilOil.’ HEPE — LET’S GO OVER To THE LITTLE Lami- no

SEE lF mint/Li. IET US iii THEPE ”

\ .





-ugNMM“.. - ,..~...~


. "F - in:



.‘ by...

 .‘ ' . n /
s. a n ( , lg L."
in ilk K I) I [1
THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday. November 19, 1975—3

c . -..A‘-‘«vwfi_“ v. <..’

... s—‘M .-

Hazardous ?

Harvard researcher doubts
effects of smoking on health

Kernel Staff Writer

A Harvard University
researcher said Tuesday the non-
smoker's exposure to tobacco
smoke may be annoying. but
”there is no proof that exposure
leads to respiratory illnesses."

Speaking at the concluding
session of Lhe UK Tobacco and
Health Symposium, Dr. Melvin
W First said his recently com<
pleted experiment on the effects
of smoking in public places
should ”stimulate interest" on a
public issue which has already
led to public smoking bans in a
tew cities and smoking restric-
tions on commercial airlines.

First said previous studies.
which have aroused non-siilokers
‘o demand smoking bans. have
measured carbon monoxide
levels rather than more basic
components of tobacco smoke.
First questioned the validity ot
such observations on the grounds
'hat [It most public places there
are numerous other contributors
‘o carbon inonoude lt‘\t’ls‘
bestdes cigarettes

Iti contrast to those studies.
First said his study involved The
til).\('l'\illltlll HI IIIt'UlIIIt‘ I(‘\(‘l\' lIl
public places such as airports.
't‘ain stations. restaurants and
cocktail lounges, “I‘Istililation ol
levels of tobacco smoke in public
places \\ as undertaken to
evaluate the health implications
tor non-smokers." First said

I’rocedui'es tor evaluating
nicotine levels in Boston public
places included inconspicuous
sampling of air with a small
battery-powered pump. First

“A total of 23 samples were
‘aken in Boston during 1973 and
1974." First said.

Following the sample process,
First said. the nicotine levels to
which a non-smoker would be
exposed in an hour were com-
pared to the amount normally
inhaled by a person smoking one
filter cigarette containing 16.1
milligrams of nicotine.

According to First‘s com—
parisons, a non—smoker in a
commuter train inhaled the
equivalent of 0.004 filter
cigarettes; in an airplane waiting
room. 0.003 cigarettes: in a
cocktail lounge. 0.009 cigarettes;
and iii a student lounge, 0.002

“The data collected suggests
that although tobacco-smoke
concentrations often exceed the
average air quality standards for
clean air. these levels would not
be expected to produce the strong
public reaction to tobacco smoke
‘hat hasdeveloped in the past few
years." First said.

First added that non-smokers~
annoyance by tobacco smoke
may be caused by gaseous conr
ponen's such as phenols.
aldehydes. and organic acids
produced during ‘obacco conl
bustioii when a cigarette "idles”
or is not inhaled by the siiiokel‘

Firs" said awareliessot tobacco
smoke is increased because its
paiticle si/e produces a highly
visible aerosol at low mass

“’I‘liese lactors. taken together.
may be a more important cause
ol the publies adverse reaction to
tobacco smoke than the quantity
measured in our study of con-
centrations.” First said.

The two~day symposium. held
in the Student Center, was spon—
sored by the UK Tobacco and
Health Institute and the Kentuc-
ky Tobacco Research Board.

Court releases Stephens
after bond lowered

t'ontinued from page I

UK star running back Alfred
“Sonny“ Collins said the three
suspects visited him in his dor-
mitory room about 1 a.m. Oct. 12,
approximately one and one-half
hours following the kidnaping.

Collins has been questioned
four times by Metro Police
conceming his relationship with
the suspects and the events on the
night of the kidnaping.

According to Asst. Metro
Police Chief Frank Fryman,
Collins‘ name came up during the
questioning of the suspects.
Stephens told police he visited
(‘ollins around midnight.

At the request of the Metro
Police Department. the UK
Police Department has entered
the investigation. Fryman said
the “l' KI’I) is doing no more than

coordinating our efforts“ con—
cerning student involvement.

Several l'K students have been
questioned by both police
departments about the case or
related matters. according to

The case has received national
attention with reporters from
Sports Illustrated, the
Washington Sta r, New Times and
the Louisville Courier Journal
investigating the case.

We goofed

A front~page headline in
Tuesday’s Kernel incorrectly
stated the Blues beat the Whites
in the annual Blue-White
basketball game Monday night.
Actually. the Whites routed the
Blues 130-85.

[1. l

Kernel sports line







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;'. o:



Sports editor Dick Gabriel and

Prolect Coordinator John Vogel and staff are
committed to providing the most complete and
up-to-date Wildcat basketball picture for the
upcoming season. We'll be interviewing
Coach Joe Hall, "The Baron" Rupp, we'll take
a look at this season to come, a look at
last year, UK's basketball history, feature
profiles on the Wildcats' three big men,
UKer's in the pros, and special record
highlights to name a few. A wealth of
material guaranteed to be in the dorm
room and homes for months to come.

2] sports


Always on the ball!

Scott blasts college athletics

(‘ontinued from page I

dialogue between Randolph and
('atherrne Ilearst reported in
Rolling Stone was "either fake or
supplied by FBI tapes from bugs
in the Hearst home And I don't
think I need to tell you which it
was "

Scott said the SLA and former
leader Donald DeI“reeze were
”much less of a threat to an
alleged democratic society than
the Nixon. Haldeman. Erlichman
and Mitchell gang.

"The FBI tirade extensive
abuses and admits to spending
millions of dollars under the
guise of hunting down the SLA
while they led a stumbling in
vestigation of Watergate~an
attempt to subvert democratic
government." he said.

Scott said the I’RI “rrrurdered”
SI..\ merrrbersin a gun battle at a
Los Angeles hideout and “waited
for prime time television to do
ll "


on I'll! STANDS

Editorial content

Scott said the FBI is so corrupt
that a citizen has little choice in
dealing with them. “You have the
choice of noncollaboration.
which I chose, or to shoot like the
SLA But I personally think that
is futile and only obscures who
the real terrorists are."

Arrrong the variety of topics
discussed by the 33~yeareold
Director of the Institute for the
Study of Sport and Society were
abuses of the grand jury
system. his two-year tenure as
athletic director at Oberlin and
FBI harassment

Scott. whose wife Micki McGee
Scott has been granted “use
rmmunity” by a Harrisburg. Pa.
federal grand jury. described
Lexington grand jury witness
.lill Rayrnortd as courageous for
remaining in jail eight months to
avoid “becoming an informant
for the FRI." Raymond was
jailed last March for refusing to
testify before a federal grand








jury about alleged knowledge of
two fugitives who reportedly
lived in Lexmgton.

At a «i p.m. press conference.
Scott said his wife was granted
immunity for purposes of gaining
information to use against him
and general "intelligence

The major portion of Scott's
one and onehalf hour speech was
devoted to athletics. The former
high school All-American athlete
and recipient of an athletic
scholarship to Syracuse
l'niversity often paraded across
stage to demonstrate his points.

Scott said he raised the ()berlin
budget for women‘s sports from
Stittti when he took over as athletic
director to $30,000. He also
opened facilities at the small
private college to the community

Scott also abolished admission
fees for athletic events at ()berlin
and hired three black coaches.
He said these events provoked a
turmoil in the (lberlin ad»
ministration which eventually led
to the resignation of Scott and 17
other administrators

tine black coach hired by Scott.
former tlrympics star 'I‘ommie
Smith. was “whifelisted” and
unable to get employment. ac-
cording to Scott, But he said
(lberlin track and field records
were broken after Smith took the
coaching position.

Another black. football coach
(‘ass Jackson. was selected by
the ()berlin football team with
Scott's permission In the two
years Jackson coached. Scott
said. the liberlin team had its
first winning season in 15 years.

Despite the football program‘s
success. Scott said. Jackson
resigned because of racism in the
(lberlin administration.

Scott said blacks are still
discriminated against in sports,
"You see black players. but how
rrrany blaok quarterbacks or
coaches or general managers‘.’
Blacks in the last 1o years have
been given minor positions after
‘he owners make sure 'we don't
get in, riots here.‘ ”

Regarding I’lil lrarassrnertt.
Scott said at the press con
ference. "l’hones have been
‘apped at eyery residence w e'ye
lived in for the past five years
My parents have been questioned
continuouslyv-for awhile they
acted like they'd find I’atty
Hearst in my parents” bedroom.
Arid several friends irave lost
employment opportunities
because of involvement with
me ”

Although Scott said FRI
"harassment” against him has
slackened. he hastily added,
“You pay a heavy price for
refusing to talk to the FBI."

Asked if any events in
Ifexrngton led him to speak here.
Scott. who has recently spoken at
the I'nrversity of (‘aliforiria and
Syracuse L'niversity. said. "Few
colleges in The country are as
infamous in athletic tradition as
‘he I'riixersrty of Kentucky And
illegal use ot the grand jury
\:‘\’lt‘IIl '~Elllll{li‘ 'o that llsed
against ili_‘..\(‘ll rir_\ \\llt‘ and my
mother and father has spread to

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\ illlt r.‘ ‘t'lwt" liorit'tl to:-
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