xt7n028pgb6d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pgb6d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-11-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1975 1975 1975-11-14 2020 true xt7n028pgb6d section xt7n028pgb6d  


Strike against

Gen Tel

By STEVE ti.\l.l.l\Gl€R
Kernel Staff Writer

.‘\tllt.nlll‘S lirst snow l'lnrries tell
'l‘huisday amidst several members ol
the local (‘ommunication Workers of
Anterica 1(‘WAt as they picketed
General 'l‘elephone's tG'I‘t Lexington
offices on Walnut Street.

In the lourth day of their strike
against G'l‘. Local 10372 strikers said
they are determined to stay out until
certain items in a proposed contract.
are eliminated “We'll be out here for
as long as it takes." said picketer Pete

GT and (‘WA are divided over the
issues ol working in inclement weather
and a change in contract language
concerning seniority. According to
l nion Local l’resident Winston Noplis,
the latter could mean that workers
retiired alter a layol'l' would not
necussai'ily be those with the most
seniority (‘W .\ opposes this provision

.\l,so. contract language on working in
light ram allow s the tiianagenicnt to set
the weather \ttpllis‘ said
.\ilditional language poses the danger
that eiiiployes will not he paid on days


wlzcn the weather is too had to w ork. he

\ with day walkout
. t'.tl.\ agow tit‘lt t hccoiiipany attempted
\oplts said

resulted a lew

sttt‘li an action

Stai'kwcathet‘. G'l~
tll denied that workers would
the le tnc tit
tle sa id c ntploy es woul l tinish
woik or.

it'll "\ll'fl
tart trc paid on .ans ol

ttttlltttt hose days

\optis sa iii the sti the may installing
tiiiic hccaust- inany telephone
operations .\lso.
t: .'ti':;ig~.-ment haye
diltictilty H placing the tohs ol his Tttu
especially in held \tork.

lioni the heginning ol tliestrike. (it
has neported acts ol yandalism against
totnpany the company

announced Wednesday a soon reward




tncmhet' local.


loi' :iiloi‘niattoii leading to the arrest
.tt‘il t-inytction ol persons responsible

toi inc \ andalisti;

t toilinued on page If



N0. 74

Friday. Noyember 14. 1975




an independent student new wspaper



University of Kentucuy



Two senators hope to abolish
General Student Assembly

Assistant Managing Editor

'I‘wo student senators will move to
abolish the General Student Assembly
:GSAt at Monday‘s senate meeting.

Arts and Sciences Senator Marion Wade
said he and Dennis George. business and
economics senator. were disgusted with
Tuesday's GSA session and believe a
constitutional amendment should be
passed to eliminate GSA.

Tuesday‘s GSA session. which was
poorly publicized and apparently stacked.
aliiitist unanimously passed eight
resolutions. most ol which condemned
stttttt ol the more controversial Student
Senate actions this semester

\irtttally no adyance puhttcity was done
tor the t.\\ according to the Student
Goyeiiiiiient SG piihlicity department.
\hoitt thrietourths ot those young were
\lpha Gatiima Rho lraterntty hrothers
that SG Vite l’resident Glenn Stith had
called 'l‘uesday to increase attendance at
the meeting

.\iticle \'ll ot the SGconstittttion states a
(.S.-\. open to all lull and partetime
students. shall he called itito session no
less than tw ice each semester and shall he
adequately announced to the public.

The constitution states the GSA has the
power ol resolution with regard to SG
policy and that the SG president and
Student Senate shall he openly responsive

to tcsolutions ol the GSA

Wade said he will mine to strike the
section cstahlishtng the GSA li‘oiii the SG
constitution its potential tor

hecause ot

GSA serycs no purpose. Wade said.

. 'ept as a tool to circuiiiyetit the will of




\l \I{I(t\ \\.\I)I‘L

the senate tlc said 'l‘tiesday ‘s‘ session was
a tai'ce and proy'ed the GSA can he easily
stacked by special interest groups or a
"loud \ocal minority."

l’assage ol constitutional amendments
requires a two thirds yote ol the entire
senate at two consecutiye meetings The
motion to amend iii..-1 sit lt)!‘ ll days
hclore heing consideied hy the senate

Wade said his proposed amendment w ill
have a tittsltt cltanceol passage hecattse he
lcels most senators are opposed to the

Senator at Large Hal llaering said he
opposes the amendment and that it
w ill not pass because a two
third.s \otc is t'eqttti‘ed "I think GSA could
sci'ye a good purpose ll it were carried out


right "

Although he agrees with ltto‘~t ot llt.‘

icsoliittoiis GSA passed 'l‘uesday.

said he doesn't think the senate

take them seriously because he considers
the session illegitimate due to the poor

llaering said GSA‘S could be valuable it
they receive adequate prior notice. He said
a second GSA sc heduted the week after
thanksgiving will be legitimate because
SG will probably publicize it adequately.

Mea nwliile, the question of the force of
l'iies‘day's GSA resolutions has arisen.

llartalson said Tuesday the resolution;
will "ptiibably carry the same procedural
torce as those passed in the Student
s‘cnate.” Stith said \‘i'cdnesday they could
“neutralize” any actions taken ‘iy the

in response to Sitth‘s‘ statement. .\i's

.\lary ltiitly said it

atid Seieiicis Senator
then they should he Inipeaciit d

llan'alsoii and t'llttl‘t .- our


l>ully said all the {'UllSlllltllth’t s.~j..s t:
that the senate should he
GSA and that

ticutrrilt/esenatcactioiis l'dll she said sic

t'espotl we h-
t't‘SttlllllttliS they tan not
could not toi esee llai'ralsott not “X: t u an;
senate hilts

liari‘alsoii claritictt his position Ul‘ -i:i.-\
resolutions 'l‘hui'silay and said ic doc-iv't
see any iiiechaiiisiii loi‘ their en'vtt't I‘l‘m‘ it

pt‘ts'dent t:‘-’ ‘tie

'l‘Iyeryoiie. the SG
Student Senate.
iesoltitions lirmly to heart

their decision iitaking." llai‘rakoi aid

needs to t:..i- via
w'ltet- " l' ,..

.it'l.=:tt. ltt‘

’ait resolutions do not imply
said. GSA

iicutrali/e any stands taken by the senate

so the resolutions woitlt; ttt‘t

llat'i‘alson said the resolutions «1

used as "‘ttllr’ll tl’ i-ina

used in he

prohahly he
arguments the I'tltzfsl"!;littll£il

ar ttnititts are

»t nate
:izeettiigs ”

totttittiii ll‘





“3”“ng :_ .mxsst
' - t V


~8rian Tirpdt

Come on ‘7

Danny Gibbons. 4. was entertained
by the brothers and little sisters of
Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity Tucs-
day. The fraternity sponsored a
casino party for the children at

Cardinal Hill Hospital.







Lettes and Spectrum articles should be addressed to the Editu'ial Page Editor,
Rm 1 l4 Journalism Building. They should be typed, double spaced aid siq'ied.
Letters should not exceed 250 words and Spectrum articles 750 was

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Winges
Ginny Edwards

Managing Editor

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor

Jack Koeneman
Associate Editor


UK delays sex discrimination suit

What better way to delay a sex
discrimination rap than to claim the
local human rights commission has
no jurisdiction in the case.

It appears the University has done
just that when trying to delay dealing
With the case of Sandra McHale.
McHale has charged UK with
discrimination on the basis of sex
bzcause of being turned down when
she applied for a Student Center night
manager position

The Lexington Fayette Urban
County Human Rights Commission
:‘equesied an opinion of the state
Attorney General's office asking if it
has jurisdiction over an agency of the
state the University. In the opinion,
Assistant Aitorney General William
W. Pollard said ’The local com
mission is fully authorized to handle
complaints against the state or its

The local human rights commission
makes ita practice never to comment
on any of its cases, so it is not reallv
clear who prompted the request for




i .
1“ .
$3 ' “f.

the attorney general’s opinion. It
seems unlikely the commission would
request the opinion of its own accord,
however, since the law governing
local human rights commissions is
fairly clear.

”We conclude that the Kentucky
Civil Rights Act, KRS 344.010, et seq.,
clearly authorizes the Lexington
Fayette Urban County Human
Rights Commission to exercise
jurisdiction over complaints alleging
that an agency or instrumentality of
the Commonwealth of Kentucky has
committed or is committing civil
rights violations in Fayette County,”
according to Pollard.

Of course, no one in the University
is going to admit they requested the
opinion, although University Legal
Counsel John Darsie’s recent con
descending remarks concerning the

local commission do indicate he

doubts the commission’s jurisdiction
over UK.

"The University is not required by
comply with

law to local com,

’1! “KAAAm‘. 1!; MM)»;

62W '

"m wmm






Day tr, day I anxi0usly await the

appearai , c- -)f the esteemed Kentucky
Kernel to t cad what I did not say on the
previous day. But then again, maybe I
did say what the Kernel said I did but
since the reporter did not take notes nor
tape the conversation there is no way
for me to check.

Student Government (86) President
Jim Harralson and 56 Vice President
Glenn Stith must be geniuses to set up,
plot and or plan a General Student
Assembly and not be aware of any
political stratagems until informed
otherwise by y0ur news stories.

As for the gap in the tape, I wish I had
thought of it, I was led to believe that a
gap is "a break in continuity,“ accor
ding to "Webster’s Seventh New Col
legiate Dictionary." Now as for the past
two Kernel editions referring to the
gap, there simply is not one. The tape
recorder was not turned on at that
particular point in time. Contrary to
popular rumor, Rosemary Woods is not
all/e and well and residing in the

Letters - ~ *- " -

Student Government office.
And I most humbly suggest that the l
Kernel reporters in question endeavor
to maintain the journalistic standards
setby Woodward and Bernstein instead
of acting as their illegitimate offspring.
Timi Lee Parke
SG co-director
of public relations



We endorsed you (Jim Harralson),
but not your running mate Glenn Stith.
Why? For the simple reason we did not
want the UK campus run by the Alpha
Gamma Rho fraternity and their beer
drinking, dope hating, general biased
views and overall contempt of the
female. It seems from the General
Student Assembly meeting that our
expectations of Stith were fulfilled, and
we hope that supporters of Stith are

Michael Murphy

Accounting graduate student
Jacquelyn Emrick
Nursing senior

missions, but usually does out of
courtesy, Darsie said. ”Other
agencies have jurisdiction since the
University is a state agency.”

UK Affirmative Action Director
Nancy Ray, who is supposedly here to
guard against discrimination, refused
to comment on McHale’s complaint.
McHale said she had not been con,
tacted by Ray, while Darsie said Ray
had "talked with some Student Center
people involved with the case.”

Ray‘s refusal to comment and her
apparent inaction on the complaint
filed about a month ago further in,
dicate an effort to delay. It will also
take the state or federal governments

which also have copies of the
complaint longertoactthan Rayor
a local commission.

If the University is delaying, while
Nancy Ray throws a screen pass
behind the line of scrimmage, there
are a couple of possible explanations.

McHale has a good case. A woman
has never been hired as a SC night
manager and McHale had been an SC


assistant night manager and a SC
employe for two years. The person
who was hired for the position, Oliver
Kash (better known as OK) Curry,
had never been an SC employe before
he attained the night manager
position. Curry is also a former aide
to exgovernor Wendell Ford and used
Ford on his employment application
as a recommendation.

OK was hired in late August.
McHale applied forthejobin July and
said she was told by SC Assistant
Director Margaret Worsham that ”it
was silly to even have an interview. ”
McHale said : "Worsham said I was
obviously the best person for the job.
She led me to believe l had the job.”
Then, only two weeks later, McHale
said she contacted Worsham and was
told that her ”application was no
longer being considered.” Worsham
has declined to comment.

The University may be delaying to
decide which is worse: a sex
discrimination rap or buckling under
to political pressure.

Busing involves
everyone’s rights

By Steven o. Vice“

To be against forced busing as a means
it achieving desegregation does not
necessarily mean that one is a racist, or a
bigot, as the National Student Coalition
Against Racism (NSCAR) would have one
believe, Nov. to Spectrum article (Kernel,
"Busing involves democratic rights"),
paragraph l, line 5.

The goal of desegregation is admirable

to avoid denying anyone the equal op
portunity to obtain an education. However,
torced busing is not an effective, nor
equitable means of achieving this.

NSCAR states that blacks have a
democratic right "to go to any school of
their choice and their right togo to the best
schcxils.” Agreed! Don’t whites have these
same democratic rights? Assuming so,
forced busing denies both blacks and
whites their democratic rights.

Furthermore, NSCAR advocates the
rights if 'blacks, Puerto Ricans,
Chicanos, native Americans and Asian
Americans to control their own schools,”
as well as
iontrol.“ These principles are also quite
applaudable, but who is controlling the
schools right now court judges and the
Department of Health, Education, and

Education is not a delegated power to
the federal government. Therefore, ac
(ording to the lOth Amendment to the
Constitution, it is reserved to the States
respectively, or to the people "

The Declaration of Independence states
that governments derive "their just
powers from the consent of the governed.”
Accepting the fact that N per cent of the
people are against toned busmg. then

championing 'c omrnunity

olidt ijgtit has the Qt vet‘lllllijl‘it ti- tune it

upon the people?

Federal courts are denying or
disparaging other rights retained by the
people, as is forbidden in the Ninth

Section 201-8 of the WM Federal Civil
Rights Act stabs: ”Desegregation means
the assignment of students to a public
school without regard to race, religion,
color, or national origin. Desegregation
shall not mean the assignment of students
to a public school on the basis of race,
religion, color, or national origin to
achieve racial bala nce.” Therefore, forced
busing is clearly against the intent of the

Other solutions to unequal educational
«ppoi'tunities in public schools are:

open enrollment within an entire
school system.-

"voucher plans" a system where
students can present a voucher given to
them by the state for the amount the state
spends upon their education to any school
he (houses-

redistricting into township squares”
simply drawmg random squares for
school districts. and

tunnelling funds particularly those
to be saved by the abrogation of forced
busing into areas where educational
ippiirtunities have been diminished,

5,, as one can see, there exist many

sound arguments for opposing forced
busing it is illegal. unconstitutional and

One is not necessarily a most because
he opposes it

As NSCAR said Busing

demi cratic .,Correct


Steven D. Vice is an economics sopho.

. «A


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Hitchhiking accentuates excitement

lur'lk‘K PK This" U3)"




Perhaps today’s students are too
affluent, their parents too doting to
have to hitchhike. Perhaps the specter
of fast approaching winter, like the
energy shortage, is a deterrent to
hitching and people w0u|d rather pay to
go Greyhound with Fred MacMurray,
but whatever the reason there are
fewer thumbs outstretched on the

nation‘s highways.








Hitching is both exciting and pertur»
bing. it is exciting because the hitch»
hiker embarks on his iourney unsure of
his r0ute, his means of transport, his
time of arrival and sometimes his
destination. The hitchhiker becomes
wood in an eddying stream, dross in the
wind. lf the hitchhiker travels by
interstate highway then the aura of
illegality accentuates this sensation of
excitement. Modern day Dick
Whittingtons have hitched across the
country—NY to LA, Tacoma to Key
West. A schlepp in New York has
become a star on the West Coast.

Hitchhiking is perturbing partly be-
cause of the dread of zero progress, of
stasis. One friend spent 28 hours outside
Boulogne, France~-where hitching is
illegal for the natives, okay for foreign.
ers. «but the xenophobia of the French,
particularly as far as the Americans
are concerned, tends to slow down the
(ahem) pace, and feet, rather than
horses frequently provide the power.

Hitching is also perturbing because
by accepting a ride, one accepts also

. .

l [ I 5.
ill‘ ‘ ‘mimmi .
"l' ,1 ;.
ll . , J .
l ’ I. ‘ i
/ t lllllllllll '


the pathologies of the driver; he has
distinguished himself by picking you
up. Why? Nagging questions like that
can ruin the ride, and reduce the
rationale for hitching to its basest

The driver might of c0urse be lonely,
or need someone to talk to in order to
stay awake. Like the Air Force captain
who had piloted his Chevy Vega from
Georgia to Washington State to be at his
mother’s deathbed and picked me up on
his way back to base. He had slept one
night out of the last six and he ate
cookies solidly to keep him awake—or
so he said.

Then there was the independent
trucker who picked me up Outside
Lexington. He was from Middlesboro,
Ky. and drove three rigs. Never haul an
empty load he said, poll something one
way, and always haul something back.

He’d been down to Florida, I can’t
remember what he hauled down there,
but I remember what he was hauling
back to Milwaukee, Wis. when he
picked me up; ammunition and explo-
sives, a lot of it. He was overloaded, he
said, and watching for cops, eyes alert
and a CB radio was mounted on the
dash, carrying the amphetamine gib-
berish of some trucker heading East to
the coast on highway 70, a constant
monologue which failed to conceal
great gaps in his cognition, indicating
burned Out cerebral circuitry.

The trucker who picked me up was
driving his oldest rig~it‘d done a
quarter million miles he said proud-
lyv-and it had no shocks. The wheels
faithfully amplified the topology of the
road surface through the springs; the
body of the truck met the frame with
sickening jolts and threatened to deto-
nate the overload in my imagination.
The trucker was unperturbed, rattling
on about how good it was to be his own
boss. He’d built a $70,000 house and he

k‘ Mm * ,, __
\lliltllilllllllllllllllllllltit/WI/wfi/fiwf” “

M. ‘


loved it, and his wife and kids for the
two days a week he got to see them all.
Of course trucking was hell on your
kidneys. "I don't know a single trucker
who’s been on the road a bit who’s got
good kidneys,” he said. It was all the
bumping and letting, he said. I believed
him; the ammunition boxes behind my
head and the way they jumped with
every iolt was having an effect on my
kidneys too.

I was the first hitcher he’d picked up
for some time the trucker said. “Last
time, I picked up a man and a woman,
and they held me up, took all my
money, and pistolwhipped me. So now I
carry this.” And he lifted his coat from
the seat befWeen us there and there lay
a .38 cal. pistol of the deepest gunmetal
blue you ever saw.

Somewhere beyond Cincinnati the
truck began to miss and so we pulled
into a small Ohio town. Usually a
trucker pulls intga garage for help but
When you’re an independent With a rig
that’s done a quarter million miles you
look for a retired mechanic. And you do
thatby asking the local yokels: ”Know
anyone ’round here, knows ’bout
trucks?” And if you’re lucky an old
man will totter from a dilapidated barn
where antique automobiles rot in
shrouds of dust and he diagnoses the
engine with hands whose bones and
arrangement of bones and veins and
liver spots is almost beautiful. "Shore
ting out,” says the old man, realigning
an errant wire and disdaining payment,
totters back into his barn.

The truck took me to Gary, lnd., the
rump of the Midwest. I presume the
ammunition arrived in Milwaukee, but
the anticipated armed insurrection
never took place.

Only once was I ever picked up by a
brand new Cadillac—afoupe de Ville,
driven by two ladies of graci0us middle
age. They drove me from Louisville to

3‘7 l

s; /

Lexington. Both ladies were devout
Christians belonging to some extremely
non conformist sect, The driver had
been a bookkeeper for a quarter
century until the month before when
she resigned to devote herself full time
to spreading the Word of the Lord. She
refused to let me smoke a cigarette in
her car; she was polite but firm about

Her companion had recently rev
covered from what was diagnosed as
terminal cancer. She was a meek
woman whose gratitude at being alive
seemed to threaten her life itself.
Radiation therapy and all America’s
advanced medical technology had
failed to arrest the cancer and the meek
lady had been resigned to her death.
And then suddenlv she had recovered
bv some sort of miracle the driver had
cured her, she said. They had met at a
meeting of the Saved, and the lady who
was driving the Cadillac had cured her,
I‘m not sure how.

Now they were going around the
country to tell their story and to spread
the Word of God. from town to
townethe healer and the healed-in a
brand new Coupe de Ville with a landau
roof. They had very little money, and no
income. The payments on the Cadillac
were $180 a month. I asked them how
they were going to pay for the car. ”The
Lord will provide," said the driver with
some certainty. .

Just outside Lexington, we stOpped
for a snack. Before eating we said
prayers together. They gave me a
bologna sandwich and a glass of time
kool aid. I prayed that they got to keep
their Cadillac.

Anthony Pearce-Batten is a graduate
student in the Patterson School ot
Diplomacy and international Com-
merce. His column appears weekly in
the Kernel.



I——'I‘III~.‘ KICX'I‘I ('KY KEIINKI . Fi‘ida). November II, 197.}

The plane. headed to Raleigh troni Atlanta. went partly otl' the
t'ltltth)‘ and ripped open its hell_v as it skidded to a halt, The impact

I ripped ott anengineand almost severed a w mg.


Airplane crashes

It \IIIIUII, .\'.('. 4 H” An Eastern Airlines 7;? jetliner with tittt
persons ahoaid crash landed in heavy rain at Raleigh-Durham
.\irpoi1 Wednesday night Four persons were injured.


news briefs

_\ii I‘Lastem spokesman said records indicated there were 131
tuissengei‘s and eight crew memhers aboard the plane Walter J
luigei I .istt i n sales and st i\ l( e manag< r at the airport said the

83. /O O U K plane's landing gear «pparentlv collapsed on landing The

passengers and crew evacuated the plane through (‘lllt‘l'flt‘ll(‘_\

NM”... I U D E N I chutes .\t least one ol the injuries resulted trom the evacuation.
HIIIHitls said

E : 'l‘he tlight. \o 37o. originated in Miami and terminated at

R EG U LA R LY AT Douglas says goodby;

Ford seeks successor





‘.,_‘_ Mi/


Open 10a..m —9p.m


i. st ‘4 i'tEI it‘ ‘\.IIIIHi.II I’miik
I leislieiii: Show
I oriiiii I .itt term
I H\ilI!:tIl‘ ( .isii.iis
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(.r;i\e~ '. o\
Hamilton's I ornial “tar
Hanover Shoes
IIaroIdc s
Ilcllhcrg .Icw clcrs

‘It‘. \hncl's ("indies
\ohiI \Ilocs

flung“ Howl

I’.iiit/ "Itig (.‘irl"
I'aiil Iliirris

I’i//.i king


kcuzll \Itocs
Riehniaii IIrolhcrs

I III:HI_\ ‘s Baker}
Ire-.isur) Ding ('cnter
Ihe l nilic llio\

III(' I niu-rsit) Shop
I [is and “owns
“iildi ii Book More

\\ ciiin I\\‘I'\

“illiar Boutique

\ ork \tcak Iloilse

*Source: Belden Collegiate Newspaper
Study April-June 1975




W \SIIIVII‘HN I \I’i President I’ord is ver} eager to star

l . ‘ , , .
considering a successor to retired Supreme ( ourt Justice William
I H ltoiiglas. who said today he hopes to he reiiieiiihei'ed as
“someone who made the earth a little more beautiful "
Douglas matte the remark to reporters :is he lett his northwest
I home tor a stop—over at Walter Reed Army Medical (‘enter en route
I to his Supreme ('ourt ol'l’ice. Ile volunteered no thoughts ahout his
successor. other than to say “I have no prejudices against w omen ”
White House (‘ounsel I’hilip Ituchen said I’ord expects the
.r\merican liar :\.\‘.\'t)('lttllt)tl to suggest possible Slltt‘(‘.s.s‘tit.\ and
added that the list in public speculation so tar is too nar IUW, lle
leclined to comment on the possibility that Ford might he thinking
P l hout appointing a woman
. She would he the tirst woman justice in Supreme (‘ourt Ills'ot'}‘
I H A N KS U K PSUSAC lacks office space
An attempt is heing made to find othce space for the displaced
_ . Political Science l'ndei' traduate Student Advisorv ('omi‘iittee
\I.iddins ( :istle Ilo. . .iiii I’. tt/tl \liop Sears. Roebuck , ~ ~ . . . , I.“ . , ‘ I .
\IH' kiitdit shop Ml s \tritlc Rite Itooterv Second \mimm' Hunk 4] SI SM i said Lewis (ochran. vice president tor academic
ltrooks‘ I'lhllinlls i. Riggms Sliuckletoii‘s :illaii's
( .uiulol \I'usiv I. I'. SIIII‘IL'IKI\\ ts'hillito’s ,‘ . . ‘ ..
( ards ~\‘ sud. J“ 5”” rpm“ Singer emu": (um, Ihe ceiiiiiiitt -e was displaced ‘ around the lust oi tictoher.
( zirnIth Siimt “ttr killllt‘) “hues sin- §-7-9 Shop Km h} luothei: I’SI‘SM‘ chairperson. said "We were meeting ii.
”H‘ I "'3" "““l If'””-‘ ","“"'”5 “"1“” ("n‘ iooiii loo? ol the Patterson ttllice 'l‘owei‘. ' ’irothei's said
( usual ( oruii I de I iiitorui Shop Sportsworld
( tiess kin: Imin‘ Itlomns swung-ix "l‘lia? room was not actualh assigned to the political science
1 iIHltrt-II “J".L't" ‘ “0"“ "WW depai‘tiiieiit but was given to them inl'oi'mallx We had to move me
(iituna I .\ II \Iariauiie Hulss ( olom I \_1 ( g‘ ‘_ _ ,1 . tI _ ' H I " I l'l w, ‘
I);i\\.i|l.iics \Iai} ,Iimv \Iioes \H‘ulliore Shop “ K It. IA ‘ “H ”a \ Lid“ N “mill .0 H H ‘H I) V“ "‘ mu“ Hm
Dinner I);iu Itc (‘I‘cain \Iv-rIe \HIIIIHII Ilioiii \Ic \n I‘M’lt‘t'l 1”" an ”HIV“
hubris \IH‘L‘ (,o Round IIIUI'IIIHII') Ims ’. .. , . ‘ l . _ t ‘ . ,1” , b
I I amih Hook \tore \Iothtr to-IIe \IAIICI‘IIII} Iies + [SI 5-“ ”Ml” ”H" 0 \I'd‘ " I‘ll "“‘illh' \‘ “I' U“ I 'l “‘l "W N 1"""

ol INDIHIHHI‘}. said .\lil\e ('liapirian. I’SI'SM' iiieiiihei' "Nor; it
prolileiiis .ii'ose with that. ' he .‘iddi ll "We t-tlI_\ sta_\ed there tnltt‘
week "

The committee’s mam tiinctioii is to ad\ise tieshiiiaii .iud
sophoiiioi‘e political science students t'hapiitaii s'iid "We II'H eti"
heeii etlectne at all his se mes? ei without am ((‘It ral ottite' he

This has put a heav_\ load on the political science lacultv
('hapiiian said. “Political science has more students than mam
other depai‘tiiients.”

(‘ochran said he is trying to “work out " office space for I’SI'SM’
"Office space is tight." he said. “hut we're trying to find room t'or

(‘hapniaii said he is not quite sure what will happen. “There are
many possibilities. When the Patterson School of Diplomacy moves
next spring. their office space may be allocated to the political
science department who may in turn give the space to us, But even
it that happens it prohahlv won‘t be in time tor us to he of much
et’t‘ect in advising students next semester either.”

Breast-examination clinic will be held
Tuesday in Student HeaIfh Center

-\ hie ist e \amination clinic will he held Tuesday. Nov 18. TU
p m in the Stude iit llealth (enter. Ihe clinic will include films. a
question and answer period and a physician to help with lireast

,\ll Iiu‘ltlt) .statl. students and students' spouses are welcome to
participate according to Rosemary l.uhele_v. Student Health
ttt'gani/ation president

Ilie (Illllt is heiiig spoiisoie d In the .\Illt iii an I aim i \oc ie tv
1 oII(ge ol \ursing depaitmtnt of t onimunit} Ilealth I‘tIlKiiIltm
and the \tiident llealth Higginixation

l.uhele_\ said health tee Identitication cards would not he
necessar} to attend the clinic

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Allen hopes to revive
once defunct CWC

Kernel Staff Writer

"Are there any women‘s
groups at I'K‘.’” is a question
freshman women frequently ask
at summer advising conferences.
according to Sherry Allen.
history senior.

('tlrrently there are no feminist
student groups. but Allen hopes to
fill that gap by r'esur'recting a
women‘s group that has had a
sporadic history since its
establishment in 1971.

This semester ~\Ilen became
coordinator of the ('ouncil on
\Iomen‘s (‘oncerns M'Wt‘l an
autonomous branch of Student
(.ovet'nment ISUI. The council
dissolved last March when a
coordinator. Hail lotto-c was

jailed for retina»; to estify

before a federal grand jury.



'l‘he S(i constitution gives (‘Vl't‘
'the power anti responsibility in
all matters relating to the status
and interests of women in the
l ntversity community "

Allen wants ('\\'(' to utilize
some of that clout by
l'eorganmng around a core of
about eight women who are in
terested in participating in a
marble feminist group at I'K

".\ carnpils of 20,000 needs a

women’s group.“ Allen said.
"There is a severe problem on
this campus."

'l‘hat problem first became
obvious to Allen last April when
several I'K men staged an in-
promptu beauty contest during
lunchtime in front of the Office
Tower I’laza fountain. Allen said
she was surprised so few women
objected to several days of

“A lot of women wrote letters
to the Kernel defending "!’.tte~a-
Chick." she said "'I'he\ have

accepted that i.- in their
su per iors ."

Allen said she .. w "~ 'l'tilll
women‘s groups or t e -- --..sar'y
until she I'0t11<1.\‘|l ..... rite

problem lies not only with the
male vantage point. but also in
the r‘oleplaying in which women

“Men have been the op-
pressor's.” she said. “but women
have allowed themselves to be

A survival handbook. published
by ('\V(' this fall. contains in-
formation to help women to
recognize and see through the
hsotilities that are directed
against them at I'K. The book.
“Women in the Ivory 'I‘ower". is
availableat the SG. office and will
be distributed to dormitories.

(‘Wt' ownsa Iibra ry of women‘s
books that will be opened as soon
as possible at the UK Women‘s
Center. 658 S. Lime.

A push for the establishment of
a I'K women studies program
and support for the Equal Rights
Amendment will also be targets
for the reorganized council. Allen

The need for "a new con-
sciousness” on this campus is
evident from the current
" reactionary” environment here.
she said. She cited the con
troversies surrounding
l'niversity recognition ofthe (iay
Students‘ (‘oalit ion and funding of
Free l‘nlversity as examples.

('\'.( will hold an
organizational meeting tonight at
l‘. p in in Student ('enter room


A touch of feminity . . . .



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