xt7n028pgb22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pgb22/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-09-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1971 1971 1971-09-29 2020 true xt7n028pgb22 section xt7n028pgb22 W0 6 {”1 l't 'thHEW " '
UK f b ' h I '
By JANE BROWN research and building contracts on Women’s Concerns worked in Some of the 1970-1971 Johnson in 1965 and l‘Nit-S. If x ' v‘
Managing Editor could run as high as $20 million. cooperation With the local figures included: of the total which together forbid racial. .-
‘ . . . If federal rants were included, chapter 0t WEAL in seeing that 1,198 members on U ' . r e l i i o us. an d s e x u al ' I
A complaint chargingIUK with the amoufit could run much the complaint was filed through only 9.4 percent well:S 33:11:: diSCl’lfllfluilon by all federal - .-
S e x d l S C r imnation in higher. the national WEAL office. of these women made up only contractors (of (\Vlllt'li l.'l\' l\ ' -. '
:mployrrizept wasthfilectthonilIag, However, James Y. McDonald, JOhh Darsie, legal counsel for 3.8 percent of the full one). - .
ep : WI e ' ' executive director of the UK UK, said the SChOOl had “Ot yet professorships. and only 0.2 The orders require all federal
Department Of Health’ Research Foundation said he been officially notified of the ~ t f h , . » ~ . ~ 'il <0 rw ‘V - ,
Education and Welfare (HEW). . . i . . p l . tfileda ainst it Percen o t c dSSOlelC contractors Iwi l . orI lll()i\ I.
The charge was based on an believed the federal restriction ,omp 31“ g I -I professors. employees and contracts of «I
extensive report on the status of on contracts applied only to lnIIthe complaint, findings of The survey also showed that 850.000 or more-I to pruc‘tie'c ,
women at UK (19704971) coIrIitracts of $100,000 or more. the Status of Women report the colleges of Law, Engineering non-discrinunation in all aspects .' I.
which had been prepared by the The next $100,000 or oveIr were sum marized. They and Busmess and Economics had of their employment .igllVI'llIV. .I
participants in last semester’s contract would be held up until included, under-representation no women at all on their regular Contractors are further I. ‘. . .
c ourse “Women in the matter could be resolved,” of women Im the faculty, faculties and that 28 required to have written
Contemporary Society” he said. McDonald says UK administration, UniverSity departments had no women “affirmative action programs II
I . ' currently has “about a half Senate and its committees, as faculty members. Those on file which detail their efforts F .,
If the complaint IS upheld, UK dozen” federal contracts over well as data showing that women d e p a r t m e n ts in e 1 u d e d ; to remedy the effects of past
may stand t9 lose access to $100,000. were concentrated in the lowest Journalism, Botany, Chemistry, descrimination. UK has SUCh '«1 5.“ '1 .
nearly 20 million dollars Of The complaint was filed by ranking, lowest paying jobs in Geography, Sociology, Speech, “AttifmilttvC ACtthfismtt‘mt‘mi -‘ :".. ' '- '
federal contract funds, the Women’s Equity Action the faculty, Staff and Statistics and Political Science, [t was written in 1969.11fterthc ~ t , "
administration officials said League (WEAL), an organization administration.” Executive orders University underwent a Civil , - “ I ’r . h' I7
today_ “incorporated to promote The report contained over 25 The complaint was ffled under Rights Compliance Review and .7- 1
. George Ruschell, assistant vice greater economic progress on the pages of statistics and charts the provisions of executive was presented with a series of ,. ‘I..j'
president for business affairs, part of American women.” illustrating theSe findings. orders issued by President Continued on page 3. ("ol. 3 ‘ .' z " ,' . '. f ‘
said the total of UK’s federal Student Government’s Council .1 1"
. . .I
Peace Coalition plans - =
o . '-
W hite House protest e --
By DAN MYSOCK the November protest at the ' ~
Kernel Staff Writer White House. "i .'
Three to four hundred persons Thorpe explained, “While the ,0 ‘ I;
representing daily Vietnam War majority of protestors will be 7 1;.
dead are planning to occupy the recruited from the general public I: . . l
steps 0f the White House with the help of the Clergy and . ‘
November 8- Laymen Concerned with
, “Project Daily Death Toll” is Vietnam, an organization in . ’
now being planned as the high many churches throughout the
light of the People’s Coalition U.S.. representatives from 3-, g
for Peace and Justice’s fall colleges must also participate. 7
offensive against President She suggested a consensus of
Nixon’s war policies, according opinion be taken on the date '. TI
to Ms. Lavern Thorpe, most convenient for students to . , . . ,
co-coordinator of PCPJ’S leave for Wahmgton D. C. an independent newspaper published by students at the univerSIty of kentucky .1, ‘ ,-
Louisville chapter. “Arrests will be made. But , . , r, , , r) , . . , , . , . . . I, . . I . '.
Thorpe, last night’s guest hopefully the procedure for W " ~
speaker for the Council on arrest will be standardized and ‘ .
Militarism, discussed the will only take $10-$25 to get a . a
calendar for the fall offensive student out,” continued Thorpe. N G d t D l a, » ‘
and methods of recruitment for Continued on Page 2, Col. 3 6w ra “a 6 Ball ta 3 .‘ . I 2 .
~ W : TEN/332‘“ - ..
b t resent A&S Coll ~ '
' if”. " " “l. V i » p b V" ' '
. ~,sii-~,i "‘i ;1'-’ = . '
gig???” ’ _ By LINC R. LEWIS still maintain the quality of lllSlTllclll‘ll \iith . g
. @3‘ 3“" Assistant Managing Editor essentially little increase in faculty. , .I' z».
ilwfifl a“: j: t [)r. Wimberly C. Royster, present dean of This is really not my accomplishsin-git. '! y 1
.33: . I the College of Arts and Sciences. has been has been .in .isconiplishrnent t it... Viki“ l s . .
afiggmi one I ) ltamed the new Dean of the (iraduate School don't know whether l have any ;‘e.'w 'r- a} ' , '1»
M" ‘_ Kng ‘ t and Coordinator of Research. He Will take dk‘x'fllllltllSlilllt'lll\ in the college l our" ' ” g i‘
f”? ' 7 .’ W sf over his new position Jul}. 1, W72 from think a dean riecesmirily does littl:‘~\ it, a , g ', .
at?» ”i ”it Acting Dean of the Graduate School. Dr. some of his own programs inn ::t \\.i':!~. . .I .‘ 1» ‘~ .1
" ‘ . .1" '1 William H. Dennen. get through. . ‘ ', .
' if ” Q in an interview Tuesda)‘. Dean Royster 1 d0 think thdl tht' college this continued ' : ..‘ V . '
x. *5? I" {7 discussed some of his feelings about his along the same trends that it had been ’ , " -‘
I II = , ,, ' tenure as dean of the College of Arts and before I became dean. i personally feel that ‘ . ‘ . I .A.‘
,5 "" a! Sciences and his outlook for the future of tht‘ quality (it instruction and research ll;i.\ '» 2' " " '
i I 4‘ I the Graduate School. improved over the past two years as it had _' " 1' 3
ii“ II,,. . . 9° ’3‘ .prior to that time. .— ’ .‘ .' 1
is“! K ' ; '” “ KERNEL: What do you consider your major We have reorganized the college. We have PI 5; . -.‘ j
. accomplishments in your two years as Dean abolished the school system. Whether that is y 7' '- - 'iI
"w I . of the College of Arts and Sciences? an accomplishment or not, I don‘t know. It . - C; 3 '
, ‘ ROYSTER: It is difficult to look back and was a practical thing that had to be done. We A;
.. a} I.‘ , ‘ "“ see what the accomplishments are. The one still have schools, but not every department j .I "
't a ice-egg . . I major accomplishment has been to assume is in a school any longer. I i . ', . I
II" I .“" ,, -‘ -I the increase in enrollment that we have and Continued on Page 8. (‘ol. 1 VI,” i
‘I I gastritis;assassinates52523223253232sis22::2:23:32;sa:sss3:552;5:2222222:2;:seamstress:5532222222:e=5:222:szzésésssssssszssezzasas:2:252:22;2assess:aises:is?sssszssa=aa.:2:tzis5:3:255:22222227122233:2:1Ezizszzssszszsarizs2:5:2192122222.-.»:.62533339373"?effiiiiiitii55557135315559“ 7' iii 1' " ' 5' l
o c " - . _~
.. , _ - K irwan Tower bugged.) /' , , - '
I ea Bombardiers at eleven o‘clock‘.’ No it‘s not an invasion, \ i ', 'I '
3 ii just a swarm of wasps. " .I if; ‘ . ' I . -
. : Tuesday the sunny sides of Kirwan Tower were the wv a
if? gathering point for swarms of wasps. The word from some / \ I ' : ,II "
a” V of the residents was that warming trends bring them out of 'I. \ ...,,... _ . i
, hiding. The tower has been a swarming point for the insects Z ' ‘ ‘ "'f .
(J i in the past. ’9 I .: I.‘ ‘- f '
P‘ As of press time no one knew what the wasps were up to. f . , f
I’“ ‘ a Dr. Rudolph A. Scheibncr said someone in the entomology . 1-... . g .
'\ < department will inspect the situation. The Kernel Will \ E . . . a .
3 { report their finding as soon as possible, barring wasp attacks :j: " , " "
s ' on the newsroom. 3.1%: ' ‘~ 0 . .
(‘0n( entratlon ‘3 Until the research is completed people in Kirwan Tower ‘ ‘ g; = ‘ ’ .
P00] Idemands ' keen eye and a steady hand, "“1 55 should be on the look—out flying objects which may I t ' -
sometimes luckI. One never knows when a scratch will :3 endanger personal security. 1 . . ' ’. -
nullify a beautiful shot. Here Jeff Bralley (foreground) * $4 ' ,
and Mike Daugherty sharpen their skills in the Student ; A K'RWAN TOWER WASP ' ' '
Center mmm. (Staff photo by Curt Niblack.) ~ BSSFSM /‘ R , \/ . liW . \‘.”’.M M . .~ ,. . er ;’ , , 1
BOYS BICYCLE. Almost new Schwinn 'Q 9%! am l *4, J 9, l/ _f fl/ N 1 ft '65 - , . '- r; . ' 4 '
Racer. Call 269-3525 anytime. or see 3 . ., . , \fi 3, g ./ ‘ ,. . ,4 \f',“ 4. ‘ 5 ‘ ; , all i‘ , . ' .-
at 445 s. Ashland Ave. Apt. 13-22. :53, /: , l \ ‘1 // j .\ e. ,
1969 PONTIAC GTO automatic, ex— l , " ‘: \ ‘ s \/ a" ," . . V. - , . ' ~ , ;,
We...settlement: .2322“. A , .1 \ l l ' ' ' v --
£1313, 222-9323. ' 295-035 &n T \\. “ ~ l V , ‘ ‘~ Q . ‘ , I, '
JOB OPPORTUNITIES [MAM/474‘: //4/l/ ‘ ”(Z A 557 L E 7— /,\75 :jfvfl‘ . “h" . ‘ ., r , I I
SHOE SALESMAN wanted after A/E/Q (/5 5,0491%)” ”VI/600055 ,M/Nf-SEZIF- TI :f ‘r'i‘ , * "1, , ”"* .. ‘ , . . ‘
school and Saturdays. Above average ,. , , - ,, , r h, , _ (a J O «’4‘ j , ' l ~‘ - , ‘r . f
salary. Apply in person Pick ’N Save “Va: .-:>z//)/00§E ”/4 75 .1 AM / £0ng 5 OR a; 4 . ._:: . _.,_,. . '°*‘$~I“\=§" ‘J: '. ' ,
Shoes. 1106 Winchester Road. 23829 45 £000 45 Vibe/TOR 17/” /7_R/US U773, . , ; t H 23““ \ .- a)“; a I. , .
d la ted to ~ , — ~ ‘. ~-...;‘ I -. - .
fi§?§flgg§la‘1’i¥yegfergzmeilxlli‘grfiinent on A/VYfH/A/G EA SE" C ‘8 M f TE .V m 3K. ‘ . " ' ,
campus. Send resume to Athens . ,_ _ i s"? y [T] "3,“, w ‘ - .
Marketing & Distributing, P.0. Box -~— ,, 3 lg a,’ a ) M. _ \ . M .-r. . . , .
732 Athens, Ohio 45701. 29530 DEPARTMENT | l % $71 I. *3, .92 go} -—.. _ e: ' . .
ct, BAD, sma oh- I _ : $. r? [g ‘; gig 4:3 0 ....-4«"L-.L(1m.l".'2:l"‘;."‘ ' 7. . N f, ' . .
"H ‘ WW PHYS I OLOG ! CAL : s. :7", g fig (5 fl; ‘ t0$§ 0 h,nd"7;t'.':;' ::2:Ii5’:;°"-V;;‘.‘ .. (THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES) , . .
ith BABYSITTER wanted Tuesday-Thurs- é _ _‘ h \' Z W/\C\ Z in as possible. .101 and quality . . . . h . ‘
day 1-4 p.m. Will pay transportation NEURO MW AL §M i/f -1: % combmld .. BACKSTAGE IS the first film made In Denmark . ,v . _
hhe “me on Shawneetown bus‘ A180 need 5 a, lll'nll'ml' V,l - ("l " § { é I ~ N ‘l “ guns. or rim and: ' bol‘ h d " - ‘ '
’. occasional evening sitter. Call 277-5025 W, U .,".,.,,.,,,,,,l 4 , «,3» .« é} ¢ . _- *\ Q. ~. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . smce that country a Is e a , .. . _
m WWW ”W ‘lllf’rllll'll~'lll V it: V ’3’ w-wr-k-w-mm-nwvn'm censorshi .TIIREESOME was ' .. ,
'0' HINT / .’ “ My“ who. ‘1, “fl ‘3" \/1 §\ 2 mus oHomaIc nudity and p .
.rts WW ?' Wallfllllllm’llllllllllllll‘lllllilll "6' ' S; \‘f V . v . i C mumm .up...o...¢,.m.r seized by U.S. Customs and, as ' '
FURNISHED rooms for males. smsle // . 'ml llllll...:llllllllll'lll l‘ . . o 4 l y ‘ ' a "”7" "‘1'" '° ”M'Clii’é'r'v in the case oIIAM CURIOUS and . ‘ '
and double rooms; shower. Close to x , . :1: $5,, :32— -. l m """"" " «r N f' " ' .
'rt, campus. Apply in person 152 For— J / 4:, h,2% iii—é _‘ I "Jet‘fll‘" .. ,bold,,,e,,,,,,,,,,,,e,,,m . WITHOUTASTI c ,was lna y, . ,
mi N... A... More 3 v-m- ”3”. " 3.45:; e ' ) 4” 4e: .0 . '";7:::;:::::r.".:.'::7:'.': released by the "-S-WORNEY 5 '- .4 ‘ * ‘
)an SHARE duplex. 5 minutes from cam- I 2 s’i§;.§%;;§ ’ r" .. “Rig—1% V! .“commlrm bosI'IInvr-lm office, without a singIe cut! ‘ ,'
WI- Call after 5 ML 269-30” (male ’ . ,. ' > .: §§= - 4 ' all? 'Vl '""'.""9""m~,v°vv-°' so..." ' s -:
hat studenta). 295-01 1' fish»; . g: " \// it “:éfgé WEE; , :spgmxg'Amonun JUDY BROWN- “nun“ Tholstod- Wm Smurd- . . , ,
, _ , , , , , ,,.,.M 32”," ’ I g _=1._==s_.=..:=_ 552%? .'. 1 ’ e no. ~ . ~ on... "mm. . - ’
l» H 1.08! ' / I :éili'wg‘g‘ “2.2" 513“: A cmEMA. London tyrant: ondjmmbyrnflzzo:-KColor':ytr'o-:'.=}.‘3'=3?‘>S‘~l:-“1;3sfi:“fWit? 1:», sets-'at‘fi‘eg
{S A“; u ~' 51.1 N ‘ "j ‘n’! 3? .. _'('”I1-‘IJ_5.5.~'I. gr‘;~:,.55.- ‘f='t‘;I.,I .’ , ..--;.,_'1“*14.'1’5."I.3:54;:';-f-‘;‘Ii1ti‘i'£,-.‘?-r.‘51"};1333K?Elfifft'tftiiffihv1"‘1‘fft’iilfx'i‘ilitltniég'filiii'e.fies 7.21"; ,nfzr’g‘gikge; .'f--:« «2 1" 'I’xft'ffi5..s‘ '15,} EIjS‘x‘y 27,;
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an; ‘t 1h}:
-_ ‘ t: 1“ 5' -. ~14 ‘ 2-,: .5: ’22::- new! sic-shit 1.- : ' . Cars-Tia?=~“~.-:1‘..—<':;-»":...5:(”at “a”; ’55?
', -. _ -.;r- -: . 1173‘ -." .7 :-,'_"‘."‘~;\.I:II‘-1-1»n 33H. 3,1, .- :1 . hep-I; 173;. :—‘:t.5'5-'-;I;.?j-::‘I~.,' ‘-_5;._-';'f¢3," ‘,,‘ttlt;:§L"1t::31:I"3?Bi]:1:91}:ng :_. re... M. 1.1. f‘;,.u'-'I"-.,'.