xt7n028pg82z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pg82z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Chemistry Department 1995-04-12 A brochure for the Naff Symposium, an event hosted by the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund. This brochure belongs to the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Records collection, accession number 2014ua075. archival material  English University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Naff Symposium brochures Twenty-First Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Biofunctional Membranes and Biomaterials" text Twenty-First Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Biofunctional Membranes and Biomaterials" 1995 1995-04-12 2017 true xt7n028pg82z section xt7n028pg82z mm _
I995 PROGRAM Twenty Flr3t Annual
m2 Symposmm on
9:00 a.m. Registration and Coffee - Room 137. 11:20 a.m. Discussion
Chemis -Ph ics Building
try n 1 1:30 a.m. Dr. Buddy D. Ratner. University of
9:30 a.rn. Welcome by Dr. David Watt. Vice Chancel- Washington Ch ' t
[or for Research and Graduate Studies. Blood Compatibflity: The Difficult Issues em IS ry
University of Kentucky - Room 139.
Chemistry-Physics Building Thrombosis and thromboembolism continue to compli- &
cate the effectiveness of medical devices used in contact with
9:85 a.m. lntroduftory Remarks ' Leonidas Bachas. the blood stream. Many of the materials used today in medi- M I I
Univers ty of Kentucky cal practice are the same as were used 30 years ago. and the 0 ac U Cl r
: . _ . ' problems with them have not appreciably diminished. This _
9 40 a m Rmoyul gamm'fltflmgfofifggt talk W111 address the reasons for the slow progress. and Offer B I 0' 09y
"WWW. Protein Adsorptiondu. some insights about the performance of materials in blood.
New BiomateriaLs The reason for slow progress is attributed to the lack of a
clear definition of the frequently used term "blood compat-
This talk will show the development of new biomaterials ibility." For example. there are different coagulation mecha-
which are haemocompatible and protein resistant. They are nisms that are operative in arterial and venous flows, and
based upon a simple mimicking of the outer lipid surface of different materials may be more suited for the arterial or the
semm lipoproteins and the outer lipid matrix of erythrocyte venous environment. Also. evaluation tests that measure
and platelet cells. using the dominant phosphoryl choline adhesive blood elements. embolic production or systemic re—
goup present in the systems. to produce new polymeric activity of blood elements will each view into different as-
biomaterials. Examples of the application of these new PCCtS 0f the thrombogenicity ofmaterials. Some blood com-
biomaterials to blood oxygenators and angioplasty devices patibility evaluation schemes that provide quantitative in-
including stents will be shown including results 01' the vari- formation on the reactivity of materials with blood will be
ous in vitro and in vivo tests which have been made. These described. Based upon these tests, a few conclusions about
new biomaterials can be used in the form of surface coat— materials can be drawn. Hydrophobic surfaces have low
ings or as bulk polymers. The fact that their surfaces are reactivities with blood platelets. Hydrogel materials and polar
protein resistant has been used to develo new h dro el surfaces appear tobehighly platelet 901““!um For study ‘ ' '
polymers for the construction of contact lenses. no; oogn- lng platelet reaction with materials. four possibilities should eStathhed In the memory Of
tact lenses are protein and lipid mutant and do not readily be considered. First, platelet adhesion may occur and the Anna S. Naif
dry out and have excellent oxygen permeability. The con- platelets may continuously react, aggregate and embolize.
tact lenses are already on the UK market and preparation Second, platelets may not stick to the surface, but may con-
is in hand for their launch into the Canadian and U.S. mar- tinuously react with it. Third, platelets may stick to the
kets. Future non-health care applications such as surface, Spread and passivate the surface thereby reducing '
bioseparation membranes and marine anti-fouling applica— its reactivity. Finally surfaces that neither adhere platelets BlOfunClIOflOl Membranes
tions are being explored and will be described. or met with them should be considered. Examples of ma- and Biomaierlals
terials in all four categories will be presented. Materials in ———————_—
10:25 a.m. Discussion categories 3 and 4 may be designated "blood compatible" or, in
more properly. "platelet compatible." V7
10:35 a.m. Dr. Janos H. Fendler. Syracuse University Ex 8
Membrrme-MimeticAppmach toAdvanced m .5. V5 SPEAKERS
Materials Synthesis 12:15 pan. Discussion a o 8 Dennis Chapman
A membrane-mimetic approach to advanced materials 12:30 pm). Bufii'et Land? In?!” Club3(Piease return 5 g 3 Janos H' Fendler
synthesis has been developed in our laboratories. Three 35:36:; °gugfggo £01333: t .H M >. Buddy D. Ratner
different methodologies will be discussed. in the first one. registration )' ' ' 0 cm {:4
semiconducting, magnetic, and metallic nanoparticles are ' E O a
being generated in sun under monolayers floating on aque- 0.1:} O .
ous solutions. In the second method. nanoparticles are be- g d bl) Wednesday, Apl'll 12, 1995
ing generated in situ between the polar headgroups of ‘3 5
Langmuir-Blodgett films. In the third method. uniform. size- 3 g :3
quantized particles, dissolved in organic solvents. are bein Q p—l '
spread on the surface of aqueous solutions in a Langmuig Department Of Chemistry
film balance. Characterization and potential utilization of Umversuty 0f Kentucky
the nanoparticles generated by the three different method— 0 ' _
ologcs M" be discussed. Lexmgton, Kentucky 40506 0055

 Twenty-First Annual Symposrum on
C h e m isl ry 8:
Molecular Biolog
established In the memory of Anna S. Naif
Wednesday, April 12, 1995 9:00 am.
Room 139, Chemrstry-Physrcs Burldmg
Department of Chemistry, Unrversrty of Kentucky
2‘ “'- M
Dennis Chapman, Professor of Biophysical Chemistry, Royal Free Janos H. Fendler, Professor of Chemistry, Syracuse University.
Hospital, School of Medicine, University of London. Ph.D. Uni- Ph.D., D.Sc. University of London; Distinguished Professor of Chem-
versity of Liverpool; D.Sc. University of London; Member of the istry and Director of the Center for Membrane Engineering and
Royal College of Physicians, MRCP; Comyns Berkeley Fellow, Cam- Science, Syracuse University; Is or has been member of the editorial
bridge University; Wellcome Trust Sr. Research Fellow; Head of boards of the Journal of Organic Chemistry, Journal of Colloid and
Department of Protein and Molecular Biology, and Vice Dean,Royal Interface Science, Langmuir, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of
Free Hospital, School of Medicine, University of London; Associate France, Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat; Recipient Humboldt Sr. Research
Director, IRC (Medical Biomaterials); Honors: First Honorary Award; Kendal Award (American Chemical Society).
Member of the Spanish Biophysical Society (1991); Honorary D.Sc.
from Utrecht (1976), Memorial (Canada, 1980), Pais Vasco (Spain,
1994). Over 400 scientific publications.
\ as
r" §
Buddy D. Ratner, Professor of Chemical Engineering, Univer-
sity of Washington. Ph.D. Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn; Di-
rector, National ESCA and Surface Analysis Center for Biomedical
Problems, University of Washington. Has been the Editor of Sur-
face Characterization of Biomaterials and a member of the editorial
boards of 13 journals and book series. Recipient of Faculty Achieve-
ment for Outstanding Research Award from the Burlington Resources
Foundation; Clemson Award, Society for Biomaterials; 1990 Perkin
Elmer Physical Electronics Award for Excellence in Surface Sci-
ence; has been president of the Society for Biomaterials. Over 200
scientific publications.
Free parking available at Commonwealth Stadium in the "K" designated area on Cooper Drive. Shuttle buses run to the main campus. Additional
parking (for a fee) available in UK Medical Plaza Parking Garage, located approximately one block south of the Chemistry-Physics Building; this
garage can be accessed from both Rose and Limestone Streets - look for Medical Plaza Parking signs. For additional information, call Leonidas
Bachas, Department of Chemistry, (606) 257-6350.
1995 Committee: Leonidas G. Bachas (Chair), D. Allan Butterfield, Sylvia Daunert, Paul M. Bummer (Pharmacy)
Symposium supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund