xt7n028pg76r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pg76r/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2008-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 2008 text GLSO News, November 2008 2008 2008-11 2019 true xt7n028pg76r section xt7n028pg76r -- Gar & The GLSO News
__ . Lesblan
is“ .
\ Servfceso November 2008
A Publication of the Lexington Gay Service Organization] Volume 23. Number I l
l Fabulous Variety Show Imperial Court News
On Wednesday, NOV. 12, there On October 29. The ICK will host
will be a unique variety show at The our aOnnualf Elva of Darkness con—
Bar Complex to benefit GLSO. his." “6 0 t e C0””fif“9?§,eag.e”y 3‘“
Doors open at 8 and the show starts t1c1pated contests, the girls w1ll com-
‘ , , ‘ pete in Presentation, Spooktacular Tal-
at 9pm. General admlSSIOn $6’ stage ent, and Funeral Wear. The event will
Slde seating$10. be at Bluegrass Connection on Win—
Jennifer Grant has (10116 El great Chester Rd; door opens at 8pm. show at
job organizing this show which will 9pm.
include dancing, comedy, drag and Reign 27 of the Imperial Court of
more. Jennifer will also be dancing KY is moving along with our fund- rais-
with her back up group, The Wild- ing efforts. October was the month of
cat Women. This clogging group Diva's. The ICK hosted the Diva's of
includes Phyllis Perkins, Carol Hazzard Revue on October 15 at
Kimmey, Tressa Saum, and April Bang. With Cousin Cletus and Evie
Baumgarten. assisting hosts Nikki Rock and Jessie
Alana and Bobbie will be Dawn, an evening of down home vittles
Sonny and Cher for their numbers and fun was had by all.
“Baby Don’t GO” and “I Got You Watch in November for the Em—
Babe”. Aunsha Hall will entertain peror‘s Turnabout at Bang on Nov.
us with “Proud Mary” and Mary 5th and our first Monarch's Ball at the
West will perform “These Boots are Radisson Hotel on Nov. 16th. For infor-
made for Walking” and “You’d be mation. go to : www.myspace.com/
Surprised”. imperialcourtofkentucky or to
Other performers included La-
Toya Bacall, Hunter Hays, Eden
Towers, Haley Street, Burley Tho- Sponsor ofthe Month
mas and SisterSound, our wonderful
.- Mohua Das, CFP
You are invited to a gear-ions . A UBS Financial Advisor
Manlisqiving Dinner at we Pride ‘ 859 335.3113
center. 888 390-6900
See Page 6

 ~ an..- 'I The GLSO News Team
32% GAY Needs Volunteers
E LESBIAN , g g .
“4.. SERVICES This GLSO News has been published
for more than 22 years. It serves our com-
IgfigcfiggdzaAs-l-ION munity by providing information about a It
The Gay Service Organization wide range of events. by giving community .
groups a forum for presenting their specific
P-O- BOX "72 Lex., KY 40588 interests and advertising their activities, by
www.Iexingtonglso@yahoo.com providing opportunities for advertising ;
WWW.giSOpC-Org and by communicating our concerns to the ‘ ,
wider Lexington community. (
G180 News The newsletter has grown over the 1
years and now has a substantial role in our 2
volume 22 110- 11 community. It also provides some funding z
News Editors for the Pride Center where community 1
Mary Crone & Sarah Phi/lips organizing takes place and where many (
Assembly & Distribution people find a pathway to become part of I
Debby Hemstock our community.
_— The newsletter has had many different 1
Pride Center Office Manager editors, and over the years each editor has (
Bill Chandler taken on the respons1b111ty of pulling thls E
859-253-3233 publication together. As the newsletter has 2
——__—_. grown, so has the work to get it published a
GLSO BOARD every month. At this point the newsletter i
_ needs new people. new energy, and a new I
Mary Crone, Presndent way of operating.
Ginger Moore, Secretary A lot of work goes into getting the s
Sondra Mellott, Treasurer newsletter into your hands each month. We 21
Thomas Collins have created a newsletter team to divide 21
Jane Minder the work and responsibility among a num- a
Virginia Morman ber of volunteers and to make decisions C
Teri Mosier about policy. Everyone that works on the 11
Terry Mullins newsletter can be a member of this team.
Karen Taylor We have some specific needs includ- lr
Dana Wallingford ing those in last month’s newsletter. Here i1
_ are positions we need volunteers to fill. c
Dennls Wheatley Individuals may want to work with the C
—— newsletter team for a couple of months i'
GLSO Membership before agreeing to one of these responsi— C
& Newsletter bilities. We can discuss how to individual- p
Individuals/Couples ize your participation to make it work for t6
$20 per year you. Continued on page 3 Vi
Page 2 —

 C 'ty News
Voeunteers Needed for Moons!!!” Bears
Editor in Chief ‘ Q, . . g i i f
l The Editor in Chief will be respon— ffflli '2' . \J 5 ,9 kg». .
sible for determining placement of arti- _ ‘\ ‘ gaj/ g,
cles, overseeing work of other editors, $3” ‘ h f r
and coordinating with the advertising , 49",“ ' l 1
and the assembly and distribution man- .. “virgin; fiat
agers. The editor in chief may also me (from L-R) Jayson Johnson, Terry Mul-
responsible for one of the others editing lins, Patrick Nicholas. Bill Howard. &
or managing positions. Tony Johnson. I I
News Editor . , . On Saturday, October 4, Members
The News Editor “(11.1 be responsi- of the Moonshine Bears‘ Board of Di—
ble for solrcrtmg and editing news arti- rectors presented Terry Mullins. Direc-
cles including contacting community tor of Moveable Feast Lexington Inc.
groups for information about events with a $1000.00 donation to help con-
and meetings. News articles generally tinue it’s mission of preparing and de-
appear .0“ the pages one through s1x, or livering meals to individuals in the Lex—
in religious news. ington area who are HIV+. have AIDS
Feature Editor . . or are in Hospice Care due to any ill-
, The Feature Editor Will be respon- ness. Find out more about Moveable
srble for solrcrtmg and editing longer Feast an d /or The Moonshine Bears by
articles from community organizations visiting them on the web at : Feas-
and businesses, for seeking columnists, tlex.org 0r Moonshinebears.com
and for writing articles that explore
GLBT history, cover current issues in .
more depth, and provide insight SlStCl‘SOllnd
And from 185i month. we are Still SisterSound has weekly rehearsals
100kng for Backpack Journalists, every Sunday evening between 6 and 8
individuals WhO WOllld be OUt in the at Lansdowne Cumberland Presbyterian
community attending a variety 0f Church on Redding Road. If you
events. conducting interviews, and tak— would like to speak with a [five person7
ing pictures. We would love several call Patti at 806—0243. Either way.
creative people who WOUId enjoy re- hope to see you there! (see article on
porting “from the field”- page 8 ) www.sistersound.org.
If any of these positions are of in—
terest to you, please call mary crone
with questions or to discuss how we Concert January 319 2009
Page 3

 Bluegrass Women’s Network TransKentucky
. The Bluegrass Women‘s Network TransKentucky meets on the first
is an active Central Kentucky soc1al Saturday of each month at 7:30pm.
group for adult women who identify as We are a support. social, and resource
lesbian. Membership is free and there group serving Lexington and Ken-
are "e Obligatlonfi The group was tucky. Our mission is to provide a safe ‘
established for members to share ln‘ place for transgender individuals and
formation about events and actrvrttes others who do not fit the standard gen—
Of interest to gay Iwomen. _ . . der norms. We support each other by '
We do a variety 0f act1v1ties such offering advice, resources and insights
as monthly brunches, monthly potluck from our own experiences. This is not
dinners, plays. movies. parties, and a therapy group.
whatever else we manage to dream Family, friends, and supportive
Pp! We have a very specral event com- community members are invited to at—
mg .up during the hol1days: We WI” be tend to gain understanding of issues
havmg a luncheon at the Glitz restau- concerning gender presentation, iden-
rant at Irish Acres 1n Nonesuch, KY, tity, and variance. Meetings are free
on Sat.,Dec. 27th. ‘ and you may dreSs however you feel
. . T0 announce events and shale comfortable. For info and location con-
1nformation. the Bluegrass Women's tact TransKentucky@gmail.com
Network has a private/hidden Yahoo
group website. It is not listed in the -
Yahoo Directory, and can only be ac- Domtovm Pride
cessed by group members. This en— Festival 2009
ables our members to discover what is
happening around Lexington ‘ The Pride Festival Planning Com-
Moderators/Fac1litators for the mittee of GLSO has been working for a
Bluegrass Women's Network are number of months on producing the
Debby and Lynn. If you are interested 2009 festival. A lot of the work is be—
In Jommg the BGWN please send a ing done in the subcommittees listed
request to debbywoman @gmail.com below.
and the . link to the BGWN Yahoo There is still a need for volunteers
group w1ll be sent to you. Then you to work in some of these committees.
may apply to Jorn. We are looking If you are willing to donate some of
forward to meeting YOU soon! your time, email us at Lex-
pride@gmail.com and let us know
> .. ‘ which committee you are interested in
Keel, the love YD" find. joining. If you do not have email. you
_ -. Get the love you want!” can call the Pride Center at 859 2253—
3233 and leave a message.
Jessica Bollinger LCSW Fundraising
Imago Relationship Therapist Emenalnmem ,
ENIDRT Vib k Booths and Concessrons
raima _ r Marketing and Publicity
Couples, Famrly, indeud Activities
' inagoconnedionpom 552-6ti33
Donn A

 , , ' "‘“‘ “a" if" ' , 1 : “t.-
‘ n. . ' ' '1/ 'L . 3 a
. I I v V ' _
' Fmanmai Pianhng
tor Dome stic Partners
Slrnllaar Gods. DIN-rant 018W. Dammit: partners may
share similar goals with married individuals. yet they face
unique challenges Mien it manta financial planning. Wewiii
help you dewlop a plan that‘s appropriate to your needs—one
that takes into accomt not only where you want to go, but also
how you want to get them.
For [Mm-don. contact
_ Mnhua Dag. CFP'. Financial Advisor
_. , y 1‘ 3 Advisory a Brokerage Services
A .9 307 South Ashiand Meme
, Lexington. KY M3502
l l .A 859-335—131 18 888-390-8900
l I ' mol1ua.dasflubs.oom wwwutsmrwfaknohuadas
a a
mus mum‘s-m: he.” mural—mu. “:59. man“ a. minim
nfithdI-dhr-ml Err-v hdoifihrdmévl-r.
_ __—_____—_______
Page 5

 P ride Gen te
Phone 859 253-3233 389 Waller Ave.
.- i a l
Office Hours 10 to 3 Mom-Fri. '
Open: 3 - 7 Thurs some Fridays Thanksgiving Dinner
Volunteer to help us keep open _ ‘ ,
Are you hankering for the taste of .
turkey, but hard economic times is mak—
HIV Testing ing it difficult for you to travel over the
river and through the woods to
On Thursday, Nov. 6there will be grandma’s house? Looking for a wel—
free anonymous HIV testing at the coming and accepting place for you and
Pride Center between 6 pm and 8pm. your partner to kick back with friends,
The oraquick mouth swab technique both old and new, and just bask in the
will be used. This test gives a result in glow ofa golden giblet gravy?
about twenty minutes. If the test is As our way of saying "We Are
reactive, blood sample will be taken. Thankful for You—Our Community and
The results are back in two weeks for Supporters,” The GLSO and The Pride
the confirmatory blood tests. Center cordially invite you and your
Testing will be available at the family to our Thanksgiving potluck.
Pride Center on the first Thursday of Thanksgiving dinner will be served from
each month on an ongoing basis. An— 1pm to 5pm at The Pride Center. 389
other time for testing at the Pride Cen- Waller Avenue, Suite 100. ALL are wel—
Moveable Feast has generously of—
Insight Group fered to purchase and donate the turkey.
_ Thomas Collins will be brining and bak-
Fr'day’ NOV 7 Pat Luc" ing the turkey. as well as a couple of
Friday, NOV. 21 Movie Night sides. This dinner is FREE to the public.
_ but we do ask that you bring a side dish
Pr'de Center 7 pm or dessert to share. Games will be avail-
able and there is a TV for you Macy’s
Discussion Group Parade watCherS'
_ 1 By blood or by love. we are all
Evely W’ednesdny family We hope you agree and that you
Dride Center 389 Waller . ‘ ' _. . .
w1ll come. (And, bung a written copy of
your favorite recipe for the community
Lexmglon Lyons & Levr Club Moveable Feast
Monday’ NOV' 10 7 p pm Order your Pie for Thanksgiving
Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave.
www.lex|yons.org. 859 25248677
Page 6

 ‘1 m
(. (mimmm'ealth
, .4) ‘g'uul
“"7""; y) Tlussml : As your Trusted .-'t(i1'!é-‘-IH. I mil IL-tcn
g kg in mu m‘fllh' and help run tenth than with m; Ciilluielut
.a brig.
‘ . f} Tour
- ‘1? Skiled :3." 1mm S};illcnlNc-.etvtinl-‘vv IWill Itch-
1; Egg y-Ju cmmrc all options. tor-pct! (Ifdiiltlcsmnlitjr nutl rcpt cscnt
311m hat-rem
Ewe" : sis gnu E'qiult Fat‘ililulul lwill lmmilc
' V all 1er «kinds and work In cusur: that thc.-'.1lc]put
Teresa ( ombs. ABR. GRI. QS( nudism Arm “mum
Realtor. Sales Associate '
("6”? 559-4394] 5'9 "I will provide you with excellent service, honesty
Fax: 859-345-5150 and 5” FPO-7"".
E-Maii: toombsn@ummnt‘rmrc‘m’n'rgnmy.mm
"EB: 1|1l'1l.L'f)?17i3?f).'f1l L'tdfi'zgnmt".com Tcmntxfi'
w I I _ Slnglng For H 1de
J I‘ .. . .
f\NG A El nd—Ralsa' for the
3-: i .3 H r <: . u a \GLSO Ri , p 1tel‘ ofth Bluegr ass
= E l
\ V:
- «._ a
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/ (i "1.3,”; .q It?
\ 323's;- " .tc'a
\ ‘- I“ g $56"
a. . . .:. I. Q].
. . fix 1/? ’Lflhu
a 'i xi, 2 1 _ a» , _ ,,
Tia} " //,\ Jom Host, Bl” Melater l iifli" )1! ‘ i
SI: .11": i ‘- % [$3. md . A 1"?!‘3 ‘."\.- L". ' l i
. . 3 {A y . ‘ t . ‘3» 3 A » i
: » i "3 TheBang Gang m: .12.; ,
-~ 55%;? for mevemng .. ’f’ .1; . .
§{ ‘ of Fun & Musrc ”Mt—me-‘fir‘
Every 1 .5 and 3rd Tuesday of the rrlon 111 @ &OO p.m _
Page 7

 Free éstate Peanninq Presentation
Tiiursday, Novemtier 20 7 pan
We GISO Pride center 389 Waeeer Ave.

[earn tfie oney faie prooi way to pass on your property and possession

to your lieirs and significant otfiers witliout lawyers, court, or ttie govern- .
ment proliate system Setting up a trust wiet! save you money and no one

estate Peanning SisterSound, Come On In!
Sometimes walking through the
door is the hardest part.

YOU may “0t think YOU have Several friends of mine had men-
enough to require estate planning. tioned SisterSound. Lexington
Revocable Trusts are not just for the Woman’s Chorus to me as something 1
wealthy. Even if you have a will, pro- might enjoy. A friendly atmosphere
bate Wi” COSt your heirs money and where everyone is accepted and no one
time. In addition. one out of every is excluded.
three Wills is COmCSted in thlS country, I had no excuge but Ijust couldn’t
which will cost even more in lawyer walk through the door. What made
fees and court costs and may result in matters worse is the rehearsal space is
your 135‘ wishes being changed by the right down the road from my house.
court system. I had come out to my mother, but

Establishing a revocable trust not at work. I wanted to avoid any con—
is not difficult and the trustee (you) fiicL Would joining somehow make it
can change it if your circumstances more “real” thatlwas a lesbian?
change. After your death, no one else I was alone after the first true love
can amend the trust. You will name a of my life walked away because she
successor trustee who Will carry OUt couldn’t live with herself and the life-
YOUT wishes after your death or who style that we began to share with each
can help manage your estate if you other. [felt lost.
should become incapacitated due to Walking though the door. Why
illness. was this so difficult? I absolutely love

Mike Childers 0f the Estate to sing. I have participated in many
Planning GTOUP W1“ be presenting a different women’s choral groups in the
W01‘k5h0P at the Pride Center 0“ past. The sisterhood has been so im—
Thursday, November 20 to explain portant to me. Ineeded to feel accepted ;
how to set up a revocable trust. There and respected for who I am. l
is no charge for the workshorv and It was the fall of 2006. The time
there will be time for questions. He had come for me to finally walk
can answer questions about various through the door.
alternatives. Join us to hear how we

Conlinued on page 10
Page 8

 J. ‘ r»»"/ V g . .
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ss° Jr‘ J ‘3’ loss .
#5:? ‘ fittnbto flooeanber re
Elect opens at e, .llSall begins $15510 Emotion
www.imperialcourtkentucky.0rg or myspace.com/imperialcourtofkentucky

 SlStBI‘SUUHd mnlinuezlfrompage 8 dreams'
SisterSound continues to be a
What I found was a room full of place not only of beautiful music, but
ladies smiling and welcoming me. I one of acceptance and love, not only
sang for John, the director, and was to the lesbian community, but also for
placed inadifferent voice section then everyone. Not all members of the
I had been in the past. It was a perfect group are lesbian. But it doesn’t mat- ‘
fit for me. My section was a small ter. We are sisters. j
one. but one that was referred to as “bi Please join us. Our next concert
—sectional”. This meant I would sing is January 31, 2008 at UK Singletary I
second soprano in a three-part piece Center for the Arts. We would love to
and alto one in a four-part piece. I see you there! If you would like to
was finally myself and found several place an ad in our program for our
people in the chorus I knew from the next concert, please contact us via our
The next year a solo became
available for my voice part. I was told Bl a,
in high school that I would never be a m m
soloist. I was never given the chance monmx
back then to prove to myself that I
could sing a solo. The Bluegrass Gay Phonebook is a
I sang for the group and made new yellow page based directory for
many errors in pitch and rhythm. But Gay and Gay-Friendly businesses,
with practice, each rehearsal became SBFVice PFOViderS and commumty groups
better. Concert night came. My solo in LeXingm" and Central KCNUCkM
was the first song that we sang. I did
it! It wasn’t perfect, but I had con- 1-866-640-5504
quered my fear of rejection. I proved www.BluegrassGYP.c0m
to myself that once you walk through
the door you could achieve your Gay Phonebooks available
at the Pride Center
GLSO Needs Your Support
Mail to PO Box 1172, 40588
Subscriptions help pay Pride Center Expenses
Name +
Address 1
Qty State le
$20 1 yr. couple or individual membership and newsletter
Page 10

 reuse mmwmw snowman
The Imperial Court: ofKentucky........lmpCtKY@aol.com
A Charity Organization Serving the LGBT Community of Lexington


’ Scott Ackerman.................................................(mobile) 338-8483
For all your real estate needs


SisterSound 806-0243
Diverse music for all women
Richardson Vision Center278-4201
1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside
Ernesto Scorsone254-5766
Attorney At Law
Unitarian Universalist Church 223-1448
Seeking a Diverse Congregation
Bluegrass Fairness 9514450
randy Knoll Farm2997410
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
Debra Hensley Insurance.............................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Mohua ”Mou" Da3859 335-8118

“' Financial Advisor, UBS 888 390-6900


1 Lexington Lyons 6193650
Levi and Leather Club
Ky. Department for Puhflle Health1 800 420-7431

l ___—.——_
Page 11

 ”ate Space“ Hate Preacher
. Being Gay Never Hurt This
In September I wrote an article about
. . . . Much

the mulder of two people at the Unitarian
Universalist Church in Tennessee. The By Jadedoto
shooter shouted anti—gay and anti-liberal Today I encountered my first
statements as he opened fire on the con- i-ea|_iife hate preacher. I was quiver— .
gregation. The police found books in his ing when 1 first heard what he was
possession that included statements con- saying. 1 was walking past and de-
ceming liberals and gays “ruining this cided to stop in listen, thinking .
country". with inflammatory statements maybe a street performer or some-
such as “liberals should be shot." thing. Little did 1 know

Is there a point where freedom of 1 am still kind of shaking. I've
speech should be limited? Should there never encountered one of these peo—
be laws about calling people prejudicial/ ple for real. I was so confused when
hateful names? There are some social 1 saw him. I‘m pretty okay with be—
agreements not to use certain words, but, ing gay, and 1 usually don't have a
of course. some people ignore such agree— fear of standing up to it. But seri-
ments. ously, today I was genuinely hurt.

I encourage others to write about Ironically, yesterday 1 was called
their perceptions Of “hate speech” and the fag, queer and homo more times
various efforts to limit the use of certain than 1 ever have before in a single
words within our society. In October. a day (comments on Youtube). 9
young journalism student contributed an But today. this was just... differ-
article about several young men who were ent. I've never been so insulted by a
verbally harassed in a Louisville complete stranger. 1 don't know
McDonalds. The article contained a num- whether 1 was going to just cry right
ber Of the harsh words that were Used. A there9 or scream at him I chose to
few people have objected to our printing challenge him and when 1 did. my
of those words and it is true that most eyes just glazed over red in com-
newspapers do not print them. In general. plete fury.
we do “Qt print words that disparage OF I never thought listening to this
ihSUh people. would hurt so much. It reminds me

We think it is important, however. of The Laramie Project where Fred
for people to know the verbally abusive Phelps is hate—spewing and people
language that is used against US? jttSt 53)" dress as angels with giant wings and
ing they were harassed does “Ot really surround him. making a wall of
reflect the seriousness of the verbal as- wings so you can't see Phelps. And I
sault. So in the future, we will not auto— like how all the people were crying?
matically censor such words but will only That's the emotion I was feeling. 1
print them if we believe they are crucial never thought I‘d experience that... .
t0 the content and impact 0f the story. He calls himself Brother Rick. He

The following article is taken from a was at the WT Young library walk-
blog written by another UK student who way right on Rose St.. He had a
was out in high SChOOl and started a GSA whole crowd ofjock guys listening
With fellow students. to him. He wore a mustard-yellow

jacket. and had a "Bible" in

Page 12

 . "Brother Rick! You say you're a

Hate meher u-COIIUHlled saint, but Leviticus Chapter 3 Verse
his hands. He had an impressive 17 says that "Any man who makes
monologue about how he "came out himself higher than he is Will burn in
today as a homophobe" and that he hell forever!" What about that?! And
was born that way. Heis always had isn‘t it a sin in God's eyes to run away

4 these feelings but his mother told him from the mental institution, and don't
it's okay to express his feelings. And they want you back?" ,
now heis a proud homophobe. "Well, I never needed therapy like

“ At this point I could've just you UK boys do! And .you're misquot-
walked on, but I didn‘t want others mg the Blble! He replied.
hearing this guys ridiculous hate The UKPD (Pd Shflw up, two
speeches. So I called the UK Police. squad cars and five Office”! They
They took my complaint and said that made h‘m move to the Free Speech
they would send someone out there. I Zone by the Student Center. (Go
told them he was making anti-gay UKPD!). I thanked the female officer
remarks, so I was interested to see if who made hlm move and [91d her that
theyid actually respond. I was the one who called in the com-

Rick was discussing how fornica— plaint. H
tion is the first step to being a homo. She told me, Well, Ihoney, you
Because when you masturbate, you are know you dont have to 1.1“?" t? thls
having sex with yourself— which is stupidity. And thats what it is. Itsiust
same-sex sex. And that is the first step StuPld' , ,
to being a homo. The older officer told me that guy
He kept going on about how he has been "preaching" on campus for as
was a good "Christian" and such. So I long as he can remember. Butyeah, I
challenged him a bit: don't want anyone to have to listen to
High SBl'IEIIJl YIJUtl'l going to their high school prom with a
_ same—sex date or presenting them—
Plfln PFIdE PFDlTl selves in a non-traditional gender
By Marc K. Blevins role.”
Th ' h :
.YOUth from the Lexington Gay ' drawn :0sifiiigiltgitijhnffsgihfh: high
Straight Alliance are beginning to plan school attendees. Attendance has in—
for the third annual Pride Prom that creased every year An estimated 80
will take place in May or June 2009. ' - .

J . . t th P d P M
The Pride Prom serves as an informal €38? éfigeisomemgeethggnw; e :3:
EigherSeChgfiiredffeceeton/ith’ a motto Of mated the year before. Straight and

v “I 3;]in “,5 a reat o ortunit Gay youth have a great time dancing.
f h . (1 gb hPP l y talking and laughing together.
sgid tAiieiiuiwecIiDthigi a: aidiilrtlssdil/iSei' The goal 0f the Pride Prom’ as Mr‘

’ MD ‘l‘ttd,"t ‘d
and social chair for the GSA. “A lot of C anie b a e 15 O prov1 e a
these youth wouldn’t feel comfortable
Continued on page 14
Page 13

 Th G St 'htllll' l Y th
Pride PIOM continued/ram page 13 GLSO started the community GSA
. . almost ei ht ears a 0. Youn eo le.
safe and fun dance it” every— ages lS—gZO )are welgcome to aitgnd pthe I
9116‘ kaet COStS are nomlnal (two GSA at the Pride Center on Tuesday
for $18’ one for $10) and cover the nights. The group supports and wel— ,
COSt Of rentlng the space. comes all youth. you do not have to label
While other high school pl‘oms yourself.
require tuxedos and elaborate Call Mary for information at 859
dresses, the Pride Prom encourages 266—5904 or email her at mary—
guesis ‘0 “me however .‘hey fee" crone@isnightbb.com. The following is
comfortable. The. lack Of a dress an email we received from a youth that
code creates a w1de assortment of attended last summer.
attire: some wear only jeans and a
shirt while others arrive in formal— Sorry that I have lost touch for
wear. the past two months! I just wanted
Parents. teachers and the GSA to let you know that you have
adult advisers supervise the prom helped me in more ways that you
:12” the tour E1?" ddtl'mmn' La“ y ear’ will ever know. I decided that I am
ere. were a ” ts present to Sl" not going to be ashamed of who I
peerse the youth. If . h I |
Other entertainment such as am' (hIS SC 00) wants to expe
DDR. Guitar Hero. and music Vid_ me, there are other schools. If my
eos are available in a side room of mom wants '0 disown me, it Will
the Prom. hurt but I can find a family through
“It’s really a great time for eve- my friends.
ryone involved." said Mr. McDan— I'm not going to push my h0-
iel. WhO helps SLIPCI‘VISC the youth. mosexuality on (my school) or my
A V9lumeer phomgrapher has mother, but I will not lose this con-
been (”We bOth years to capture the fidence l have found this summer.
event. Plctures are made avallable to Th k f r rt d
the youth only on the GSA website. an you or you SUppO an
If you are a youth interested in encouragement!
helping to plan the next Pride Prom,
come to a GSA meeting held every p
Tuesday night from 7 until 9. All
youth are welcome. For more infor-
mation about the Gay Straight Alli— v
ance or the Pride Prom, please con-
tact Mary Crone at mary-
crone@insightbb.c0m or at 859 266
Page 14

 NEED ADI/ICE? G0 to Helena Handbasket.
_ come out to my family officially. We
Qm Dear Helena, IJUSt recently got always have a big family Thanksgiving
the LOGO channel on my cable sys- and it would be awkward ifI didn’t go
. tem. I am so happy to finally have but I really want to spend time with my
programming that I can identify With new lover. IfI take her then there will
btlt my sister is having a fit about it be a lot of questions asked and I don’t
. I went to her house to baby-sit and know if I am ready to deal with that or
left her TV on that channel. When not. What should I do?
she came home, she was offended. I
have never come out to my family HH... You know you are going to have
but I am sure that they know. HOW to deal with this sooner or later if she is
should I deal with this? She is really going to be a part of your life, I—Iowevfgr7
making a big deal OUt 0f it- I do not think that springing it on them
during a holiday is the best idea. Have
HH... Bless your little heart. Your you thought of visiting your parents be-
sister must be like so many other fore the holiday and just telling them?
people who lUSt can’t grasp the CO“' Chances are, they might suspect any-
cept 0t “live and let live” Does she way. . .parents usually do. Tell them you
not have 3 remote? Can’t She go have someone special in your life and
ahead and change it Off that channel, that you want to include her at the family
or is it stuck there forever? The issue gathering. Give them the choice, but let
0t coming OUt is UP to you. I always them know that you are spending the
tell people to come Ottt at a positive holiday with her regardless. If they want
time of their life so that their loved you there, chances are they will warm up
Ones won’t identify being gay as a to the idea of you bringing her too. On
sad thing. D0 this only when YOU the day of the gathering, don’t make her
are ready. Don’t ever be afraid to be being there a big deal. You don’t want
who you are! As far as the LOGO her to be uncomfortable. Treat her as
channel, ask her it she watches your friend. There will be plenty of time
“Desperate Housewives” 01‘ one Of later to proclaim your relationship to
the other nighttime dramas. They are everyone else. Give the family a chance
usually dealing with situations that to get to know her first. Give them a
are h0t all that wholesome, bUt they little credit, they raised you to be the
are usually “straight” Situations so respectful person you are. It may take
that makes it okay. The short and time, but I bet they will accept her into
‘ sweet answer, tell her to BUILD A the family before you know it.
o a life, StStet- Q... Dear Helena, A friend of mine and
. . I were wondering. what is the line be—
Q... Dear Helena, With Thanksglv- tween conversation and gossip?
ing coming up I have a new chal—
lenge that I am facing. This is the
first year that my girlfriend and I
have been together and I have not yet
Page 15

 HH... I have never been very good at
distinguishing between the two of
those. In my opinion, for what it is K E [T H D o NIP H A N
worth, a conversation should stick to
facts. discussing what you KNOW to E LSTO N
be true. It can turn to gossip when ATTORN EY AT LAW
you start interjecting your own opin-
ion or judgments. It would also be we;
considered gossip to repeat what you Vi .
heard through the grapevine. You fi‘fi
know how facts get distorted. If you 1%}? €38“
didn’t get the information from the 1,? a! .,
actual source then it might be inaccu- “ . » ‘ ‘5“; fix a:
rate. If you then pass that on. it is 7 L ‘ A;
gossip. Hmmm. how did I do on that I
one? Sounds good to me....end of
sermon. Love ya’ll, talk to you next E LSTON LAW