xt7n028pg707 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pg707/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-04-30 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 31, April 30, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 31, April 30, 1914 1914 1914-04-30 2015 true xt7n028pg707 section xt7n028pg707 Q
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B 4\
r 3 F
LN | ' \ FORECAST. ·
° *:”°°° °°°' ° "I"' Tomorrow: Fair anoagh
• "°h” nm"' \ to do your duty.
  `;`..“"   V ` _k> — i V I--7:;;
.    -_-_} - -_ .,..-_...._;_‘T‘.;.i———;—f;‘t*T‘"‘*-=—— -»;=‘¤——-———ii ‘ e W- »—‘—————  ‘t;T·.:._   ·-=—===—
l . r . . l
..4 i ,
f Much Irnprovamant In Mllltary Affairs With Faculty, Alumni, Santoro and State Takes Monday': Game in Easy Third Victory in Forenaic Contests With Spoachn and Paradn In 0h••rv-
Over tha Pr•c•dlng Yaar. Otnara to Calsbrats with a SW" wml P*'k °” tl"! M°¤”d· For State in One Year. ing the Grand Custom of
- · _____ cnn Dum. But Are Swamped Next Day ______ Form", D-,.
1... With the passing of the third year ALABAMA W " " `" -—-— 1 PRIMITIVE POPLAR PLANTlD
th J { m I b t nh d EDNESDAY 'I`|ie Varsity tlehatlm.: team. com- ,....--
Monday morning at eight bells the G lm Om W **9** mew ¤ Kmn AND THURSDAY _ t According to a meaning and in
bush New the hn and mon import promenada No other dance in com posed nl Joseph ltoemer, of Bowling qruéuw cuqtmh 0{fbimer dl S mo
't 7 ' I ·, ) . ' . . '
i am can of the yeah wmlm wu mm. nectlon with the University holds such r , (""" “· ·l"l‘" H"“ ‘"`d l“y“"· of Cmd y
The \\lltl¢·ats split the series with qprhp _ wml mmm wm-6, of Aqhland vlass of 'I4 proceeded to plant as tres
uteg gfter {he ggund of {hg horn the lmD0!'tl1Il(?P With the classes, except qi V _ I 4 l · »·· ¤ · . · .
, . tuunee ln the lirst two tratnes on the mot (»‘_mml.S debating team ut Dan in the eumpug sql] lust Friday to com.
whg|glb.t[a||0n wu upon the puma the Senior ball, yet the lrom. ls the ,_ _ I
d sp ul arm tls d most exclusive of an The under Southern trip. llie tnllnwlng are the vme last Friday mglm memnrate their sojourn and departure
groun . ec s were s e i · . · .
pres telegrams I tl * t   _ _ . _ f th U { | _
V, by nie battalion .. welt .. mi, c.,m.| clnssmenn linen to me storm ot me ` sm : "“ "°` Tl·· ¤¤¤·· ¤¢¢¤¤¤v¤¤*€·1 bi P¤>f<>¤ “f{“ ° " "°” "'
pany, IYPOHC and never has the supreme SFWANFF Tenn 'Aprn 2_ State snr Noe, went to Danville Friday even. f llie ··*> ***0 ¤=¤**··~· ¤·*“··¤·~e **·*¤€¤ K.·......·i..v c..ti.»..€ in a forensic battle i»¤·¤==»·¤¤ and ¤¤¤¤r¤¤¤v¤ ¤¤ mor
.·”d‘ ’lll·‘l* lt' . ‘ 'l`l b‘t· · I nl-* Tl ` bet
<‘··¤·»··· ed Chief M¤=¤¤¤¤¤—A- J- “·*¤¤*¤···=¤·-of*¤·*··¤=***¤··· w·~·**¤ ..... tt. .. ...... .-..   .. ww. PHILOSOPHIAN i 0..8. eil tt tt; °   “
_ 1 9 , ‘ ( ` s U. EP, 2 '<" ` ( \\' "
First Lieutenant and Drum Major- Louisville last `week to take charge of md wmkm       imde H0 (T0 l la 3 lgizves wom
Z s. .,1 rs m .s,"n n
Clyde Bsrkgn the Atkinson School, Twenty-Nlntli   TR()PH[ES.[l() qd i et pg a bl em can;8
—•-Q-•———-——-—— IG GS Nl O Z\SS€lll 9 Il€8.l`€l` O
.. ti D st t. Tl. V   · ···*< ‘
°"‘°' T""“°°'°' “· ‘· “""’“*"· ““     “ "`   "B" COMPANY Em ..... ¤............, pm. to ¤.’ ··L·   im.
gtgnl p,¤°hm,M_ was caused by the lll health ot Mrs.     Y t
First S€l'gGBl1t—J. H, Whttgon, IAUU8 S. Coleman, fOl'Ill(-BI' pflnclpiil, »_ _; Awarded' May Bu" In chap"`  
Q0rp0|·a]..C_ L_ Bowen land Mr. Donovan was given the place The annual competitive drill of the ml \\_mmxsm; rlsgm WW mh i    
A. company for [hg remaining school ye3,r_ Ht’|ltll`il(&% ('()m[)t]lll(*S llllll lll(ll\'ltllllllS tl I x I U 4 " »_ 1 Il. _   U it     K E A
(fgp[g|n—J_ R_ Marsh He entered State last fall and was was held last Friday evening. "li" `°_" H `(l);Htl;’t°u‘:i "Illl durslnu ml su;. _  ° ° °
First u°uwmmt_w. W- Clark- formerly u prmcipal of one of l,udu_ mmlmlm umm. tho Suw_r`.iSiml Hf ··l llli ·" *l" ;:’l":*"‘·t ` li igildeil At the meettug or the Kentucky Ed-
; ‘ .··.· > ·).‘ e’·
Second t.t....t.......t-t.. E. t».y......   e¤¤·»¤ »~·¤··»¤¤~- w··¤·•= we he *‘¤¤*· -’· ’*`· “·’*·’·*·*·     "*‘*' {]ZIT"l`]§.]..`§Zt.Y ...:2....I}  X-ittwut .. “"““°""' "“"°°‘““°“‘ ‘""°" `”‘" "°
pi,-st g0;·g“m_B_ Mahoney madeanumber of devoted friends who l·lzu·e. All the conipanies were in I l I l'   `\ mh Mu Mu For held ln Louisville Apfll 30 and May
l ‘ \` .‘ ' ‘ ' V . , ¤ ·
Serg9ants_C_ L_ Bemhurt w_ S_ regret his absence, but desire to see l.{00d truilllng and never bei`0I‘t> has (ou n [N rut ` NF; I I b l bllld Z, three of States leading pro-
Hgrguyujug. C_ Muum E_ R_ penn. A_lhlm succeed in hls new tleld. there been so mueh interest in the tl". Ll`! ll") lgdlil [ "“ °f)°l;U dd; tml tessurs will address the august ggsem.
W Davis I companies to win. |°`"g"P°°| m °T;i°i em "Or 1: if bly. A large number have expressed
` °   ,_ V _ _ __ making spleu ( pl‘0gl'€ss. t9l‘ 8
C°m°“].._,p_ B·m“_ _y_ G_ [AM", First S€rgeam___Davld Barmw lhe winning entnpuni reeelied $... dwllmmtiun me Wiumxr of uw HSM tlielr·inten.tl0n to be present on that
ter. 1.. A. nmitoni, E. P. Hatter, 0. serge¤¤ts—1·:. A. Blackburn, w. in. “"***"* ls Set ¤***l** *0* mls ¤¤’¤***>·‘- __Um;__l MH be mm_Nm____d and both """""°"· “”“""“*‘ "“’“"· “""°’“‘ °"‘
E_ Lute, C_ w_ Ham°y_ W_ C_ EYL L_ M0m.B_ B_ N_ peakth H_ B_ Combetm with which individual eniblenis will mw; wumml The mums or the students who have taken up work in
C. Mcclmwm. U0m0mls_A. E' Bruce, G. H. Mun- be, pm.(.mm_d_ Am". th`; wlmmm. lwiur \;ri;M,S APW um Umm Um but that department with High Schools
·_ c°mp.ny_ mm IL Pearlman, J_ E_ M(.Namam_ E_|tlrill had been tleeided the sni—vn·nt·s Im Qlwmllwrs mr that evening wm mer the State hate been seen ln the
Second Senior CuptM¤_R_ L_ Ebb R. Burnley. “;· ·(¤' Neuglpl A. H·|l`ruin ellltiltintluti in ltitl1\·idu;tI drill lh. \|i`W" HUNT" Uurucu muon vlty and Say that tlléy $1*8 Ou th0ll‘
“ch_ weumn were bruutzlit fnrtli to votitesl. '|`ln· V _ _ P _' _ _ wr ’d wi k`,"l“Y to I·°“l“m9·
· Flflt Llwtenant-H. D. Graham. ¤_ c°mp.ny_ ll¤ii•*¤` Mw dlililvtl lllw lwu divisimis. ;:r;ijlHml°lH' l`°N·l' Mm dn (   Professors Alexander St. Clair
s•¤¤¤d~ UGICODIM-—'!`. D. Hum- C¤ptul¤..L_ _}_ Hgyman_ ww of lwcweur men and the ether ni ‘ ·—_~` p ixlut-lteuzia_ _]_ T_ Q_ NOG gud I);-_ Ed.
pun S8m“_m_M_ D_ Amburgly Second Li€uwmm__H_ T_ Cmmw€"_ tlwensbnru, Ky., received the prize of   Vniverslty is coming into closer rela-
Sm.g6ams_K_ F•,.y8_ H_ w_ Goldgm First SBrg8am___L_ p_ \·0uug_ the secuiitl—5ent· drill, while l{t·llt1e·tli Meeting in Chapel Monday at 3¤30.`tion wltli the teachers and educators
J. H. Hill, l·‘. Y. Htuchlson, C. R. Sergennts~——S. L. Ware, l. ll. Walleu. wly" ““” ““‘""l"‘l lh" llmllnvi" l"`m" ul ..%U.Ull_,l.`»l- .u.Q,lm..,_.d to bt. ini of me Mme and is aways ready to
, , _ .•- ‘ ` ‘ ‘ " assist ln upbuildlng our grand C0m·
(NDIS. \\. W. Haftler, L. 12.. Stelnliauser. , , 4 _ _ _ . _., .
On Frlda thCI°€ \Vlll be ll (HMM] Howl") `U `g"°U` lmpmmm tnunwe·tth
Curporu.ls·—R. Y. Fishback. R. H. (‘orpurals—A. J. Rank, G. ll. Scha- , y . _ , _ · , ~ , _ _, -   “ ‘
Special chapel hour   the i»i.~ iii>.·. ini llltllllp, ilutluu ul uttlt ers`
‘ _ » ` -•€-•» -·—-—
Hu"' J‘ T' S‘ H°"’ H‘ P` H°m°’ G‘ ben 0· ('· S‘l‘w”*“t· A· S· l““Hy· (· U Qtudentq mav hm", Bri2.u_ int- vtilliiilg yenr. A full nttemlunce Juniors duiring to obtain Prom pro-
L, Jackson. C. S. Kinkead. C. B. lllddle, J. ll. Rudman, M. M. Willis. ‘ , ` ‘ - , . · _|,. up rams will b. Hunted wm, nm. n
dier General (ten. H. Har- ‘* """‘ ·‘ ‘· lp "
Diddlm Rlnk °f °m°°"* rieg of luuiqviue     ••· the Business Ag•nt'| office Thursday
C. Company. Supernumerary Lieutenant ellglbles_ " ‘ ‘ ' ‘ Seniors desiring invitations to the V nm an r 2,30 u on rncmauon
he the most notable chapel . ° ° °‘ ° ‘ ‘ '° °
Curtain-R. T. Alb6l’t. for appointment tu till vat~uncles——l~‘.l _ f th, Junior Prom. are requested to scc J. of "ceim of chu du".
1 \| I
First Llouten•nt—C. S. Smith. |i» 'l‘0wnes, t· ii. Hills, rr i.uti.et·, iirlmeetmg 0 'P y*‘"`· w. Mcnonsid, chairman or the |nv¤ta— _ __
i •-•• · . . . .
S°°°“° I‘“’“"““"‘"J‘ R‘ °°"’"““]‘l"""""· lPutr0nize Our Advertisers•"°" °°""“‘“°°· iPatr0mze Our Advertisers

 • •
2 T H E I D E A
—-·-··——————-—-———·——» ---·——··-·——- ~ »»•-» V--·»~ --— —···—--A-· ee.-.-..-...*...-.A.-- .- . ~ 7 A . -- n.¤••$.;•...—-•...-. _ __ __ _ _ 4 V ‘
n “““ IHE ORPHEUM IHE ’*"*"‘·*‘°" '°°
. ME AT Children 5c , g
‘ PIROT-CLAII IN IVlRY APPOINTMENT. J. H. ITAMPIR, Jr., Owner and Manager. OPIN 10 A. M T0 11 P M \ I
    | WH0., WH0 AT ·1·AT;_ ternlty, treasurer of the Senior clue,   "Whnt! my son, arrestedgidifnclny • ,•
-1... __...... Muse foot ball and b k at b I1. - bli n "
Kelth Vaudevllle. | Re •r Thornton. M P a um pu c property? .
l l date editor of the Ann-ual, member of "Yes, slr, dad, n policemen caught
Another MK bm‘m"_0mI"d for the Hue had the sm of mance hom in the Student Government Committee? me cutting corners."
| I last three days of this week at the him and could not give it sway? and homing u bountiful fenowsmpl '_"_"-·
    B Ben All Theater, when the Keith There are some men who are nl- from fm University of nano"' Th·t'FI     ~,R S .
management will send what promises WAYS T98dY to boast of their deeds doesnt Bound mm he hn been idle
Th , to be the best yet seen here. The whether great or small, and there are by my mm"' Hub hu d°°° m°      
i$ W¢¢k¤ P!`0K¥'|m nen Aliscope will show clnelnnntl an others who would not survive if they Work in ° ww um m°k°° m°° °d` ""‘
Bell Alisccpe motlon plctures, which is sure to were not at all times makin; a thun- mms hm" w°' Th°r° u °° °°°°°°°` S¤V¢ ¤¤0¤¢y by Orderin
sar nots gb t it f R
Frlnk McCrea & C0- prove to be one of the most Interest- defvtorm of ¤0i¤6. Some mon are y 8 on ` The people mm us
·h"”h°°"" lng of the series. Prank McCren and Wvlik MN! l-MDK HWY M8 ¤\1'0¤|· uoznd mm N, not named when he D Q
· I Jimgggy Luc? I company. the champion shrapshooters TMPY ¤¤PV¤Y the W¤¤'|d M ¤ ¤i¤I|• zlnzltzluh · an mum md wm. Michlcr Brothers
WI NI MW •¤¤|¤s ¤m•¢ in or the world, Is the opening feature. euzw since wd D¤i¤¢ out the W|¢k•¢!· ' 417 EAST MAXWELL ~
We don't know what his ultimate
j_ Warren Keane and C0_ Jimmy Luooe, an excellent nlnglng, ness and unrlghteousness or thelr rel- mbm { b t J dm f th V A BABBAGE
Magus and Mualc dnnol d t nu dl , l · d t t tl 1 ° °° " " “ U "°“‘ ° · ·
. . ....."$...“§   JETS; .‘L`2."I§2. “£...Z“2.'IZ..'L. .1,2 Z?.';‘°. ‘.1“$ ·~r¤   ··~ ·=-······· =·· · ¤·~···· ····»- _.._.......·=-¤-·J-···»····~······-
Shrmer end Rlchards   ’ Q 8 we presume that there is one hope of
g°m•q|.m, ggnpn .;,4 pmcgn South; J. Wnrren Keene and Com. could be made In their own lives. We d be D E N T I S T ;
Hart Tm company pany have a very interesting and en- mP€t ¢h9¤€ m0¤ €V6¥‘Y dt!. But When Ewa mg couwmpluod my '·"' A
J°.”_ ·."“qu• tertalnlng not composed or music, You ¤h•k¢ h¤·¤d¤ with R¤8¤f 'I`h¤f¤¤>¤ Owevcn unt is not for Mwlmpon nn• nl- T.  
mngle and nlnglng. Shrlner and wu- and come to know him by his hand- y°t' Tm °'m°‘° i° °°t °° °°°°°°°° ,
      HBUIB Bl'8 C0m€d|8¥l8 OU!. of [he crdl- clasp of comradeihip. th€ PNBBBDOB mont by ..1, menu.    
'*°" •°* °”"’d**"' mu, H He will be an honor to this Univer- H
y. arry Tnltes and Cgmpgny and respect of a true gentleman seizes °“" 8 A- N- *0 8 P- N PHONE 864-X
Ncanltgn Hroivhefi will present a burlesque on motoring you forthwith. He is the qulet and :3), and not fu hence wm the honor  
W. y MM y cm . · that Is sald to be a scream from gun gentle member of the Senior class. mound` Them is in mm the do- DOLLAR SAFETY RAZORS.
pmcgg; to flnlsh. This sklt has been one of He is the very sutlthesls ot "Bl11" mem'. °f °°h°l°"mp’ um muh °f ° Ender 'Kcen Cutt q ‘
yi t' 2 1 d 10c the real hits of the season when-ever Cross, hls nomp,¤;0n.,t.,,m,_ mw “d *b° P*'°¤i•¤ ¢h•·¢ Mme dn! • H',
1 8   NEC, 5c Sli produced and manners Bverywhem He has been the recipient of an- he will be considered an authority on Illd Ever R¢8dy
wg g°°¤·•:gAT;21cJ;i;gc AT me ask for return dates. Aexander and bounded honors Since coming here the um of quculmro which he mul JU", WHAT You Nllm
` fess
Scott. the well known black face com- Ai L€Xi¤8i0¤ Hish School he was the pm `   &  
edians, are Southern bgyg who hgvg most studious of students and ob- '”"°°°_—_
T•’”h°m on won their way to the front on ure tained more deserved honors THE PESKY THWG  
D than
The   C0 merit. There have been s, number of any other. At heart he is religiously Mary had s motor car, ,...._......._ slrnlrr AND _.R°A°wAY
, serobntle acts seen here thls season, seuereus. happily adapted to duty and It wu s "White." you know.
but the one to be presented by [hg always well recelved. He is s, Tau But quite unlike the little lamb.      
  PIP ES, ETC. Carlton Brothers is not only dlneront, Beta Pi man and came within one It wasn't sure to go. Incorporated
· · bzut contains enough comedy to kgep vote of being the president of hls class M'”“f*°*“"“ °'
Pu R°p““`°d· the audience in s. roar from mu-; to last tall. It started her to school one day; HAND-MADE  
LIXINGTON, - - KENTUCKY nnlsh, wlthont the resort to slnpstlok The Who‘¤ Wh0 would be entirely If there’¤ anyone who cares. 1,, wn§§g%q§g;§LY°
W°¥'k· incomplete without something of We'll change the om umn me to ny  
  ' ' · .
UNIVERSITY LUNCH STAND ExTRE~E__ NG praise to nlm. ·rney·ee both ··nn·· tor mem FOR PENS and PENCILS
Cahn excluslvely to •tud•nt• He was b°m in the vicinity °f 1** “*_°'°*"';   and  
’ and Faculty of Bute Unlvenlty AT PURDUE UNNERMTY i¤8t<>¤ ¤¤d il truly representative of ALA·’ T°° TRUE  
···* th Bl G . ·-—
A. B,   Indianapolis, lnd.—Mts¤ Mnhel Rog. Wim] ttm TSS lC°::°id°r:'t°’ une" "F00ls ask question that wise men        
COR. 8. |..11‘¤Nz AND COLFAX ers. a Freshman in Purdue University, the pfomise ;°;; °°°T° °gLdh°t;° cannot answer?
has caused a. furor by her suit of 0 8 years gr ul B "L0t0f\1¤ do all Otlt."
  d I
YES $7,000 damages mmm seven Senior ;:‘8n‘:1(;s;>'<;b:>ll;l:;>ld bi8;6¤‘il>¤¤|ti;:       cu.  
• gm., accued thi h hu ° '°°W°· °°¤W ·•·I·+·I·•·•+•••·I»••••I•• V
W• •r• BWI Pr•••ln¤ 4 Sults for $1.20 nude- Mh; Rggerszcgimcssrthat th: son ct whom hls futher can wen ny ,• WANT C L • WM- E. STAGG, Successor. E
B u B ;_.t—— C0-SGS 8U'ipp9d hBl‘ pllilltéd h b d that he is genuinely   + · + * * * • * • • * * * + · *        
i ° ' , 01* O y  ...._;_
Mg, Dgéey ¤ }’~=¤···¤ Club   ...   ...       .   ..———,.   ».._—...—...
,,, , ,,, L, °§‘ "'"°,.,§"°"’§; or lee   nee. .nnn.... her with ` ` ’°‘ "·“ “"'°"'“‘““ ““"°' ""° "°“’ "“‘ urge ~ •
ou mea om on• -y 1 b h d { ,
  Pi¤¤· The treatment, she nuepg, has Here le a good rnu0w_ He has not p;r°u*;$° °¥‘ M the fate of flve cents ou 0
. ¤ \ .
impaired her sight and affected her b°°¤ idle while here bY my m°¤¤¤· DOROTHYMHHDD SHOES
C. A.   health S0 that she cannot do college Major ot the University battalion this ROOM AND BOARD-Good rooms FOR WOMEN lf
k. Year. stock judl t l t Fall, ith , ,
wh". you wm mw evuythmg a wor id gng eam as w excellent table board Mr!   to  
COMPLETE DRUG STORE   _ pres ent of the Alpha Zeta honor tra.- Upplngton, 120 East Maxwell. RALSTON HEALTH SHOES
Should Have. Ice Crea Soda. I  
sum Ann wAl.Nu·r ernzzvs. —- FOR MEN
A sure thlng—"Dinner"—12 to 1 •
  ‘ .00 to .
  C I   · You're insane with the warmth.       $5 00
O I  
. . . For the
Anthracnte and Bltummous °"°'°T'° '°°”°“E·
  St\|dOHtI of lhdllhl COHQQQ FONT! RQ   d F ·d •     S  
,. y an rl ay evenmgs at U. C. T. Hall, by • ,
Lexington, - Kentucky lment or Llght Artillery. G0 to
——— Miss r ‘ ° ·
  O •
S-     Four hundred and my mmm of Spu r and Wm Warfield Admlsslon 50 cents. The Igevzin Engle: C0.
W Purdue University have formed s · · ”• N aux
O •
mgimm of Hm mmm for my in Specnal appomtments made for teachmg the Tanzo,
The Sanitary Grocer Mexico should the occasion arise. , _ _  
PHONE 720 The flrst drill was held last Monday Maxlxg Hcsltatwn and One SMP-   F 
COL S_ Lime and Virginia Ave. under Lieut. Robert C. xlrkwood, Tlkw ld! Shortening
cemmandant. One hundred and fifty   _ —¥•d• hy— l
g y I c   S[u[g militia. md whue they     O   3
F 119C|0Uh'_H UFMES SB _1 wltll the light artlllery, they are ready W   H & M I I   JOE BENCKART, Prop,]. l
r P ag lcsF _a E 81 y- to return to their respective states in Ea U . U
op ern ntter8• case they are needed. c     “
LEXINGTON, - - •1¤;c1Al:rv "   "°°"
Club Rates 5 Suits 1   And when I tell her she is y y y y, l __
wi · um ’ PM;. $9% I She says 1 am n t t t t t. l24•I28 North LIIUGIIOHB Lexhlgton, Ky. Dr' °    
‘ -;-w*..;7 4 DENTIST T
• •

 P O
‘ I H       I   I   Money Loaned on all goodsof Value. Ican save you from 30 to 50 per cent on
i O
t Dmmonds, Watches, jewelry, Etc.
. LICENSED PAWNBROKER. 110 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Phoenix Block
O YO - •••••••••••••••••••••••••·O may- agulp it yon will but come back. ·|•‘i•l’0F» Th" |¤U.
0, Alum, (-tub, of New v,,o._ ohio,. rms will be one ofthe most uettgmtut ‘" "'|“°‘"';";" ";“"“””"‘;*"‘  mf U"‘ " k ‘ ";' Ti J ‘“‘   ";‘ tim pay.
Z vers ty o tie ntnre v rtna y n the in ma r- up ter is ory. rns, te
I • t _ pt tt d t tt _ LO | ||| _ occasions of the week. Q l a...•....-.._
{ g`°‘ Hmnuri I 8 Q pl u U Sv 9 hum]; of the Atumnt Aumnl Association will be entirely HOW COULD YOU, BILL
i Llnclnnatl, Nashville and Birmingham Tuesday morning there will be quite ,
_ i H I 1 The day w||| bg (g0n(y]u(]t:q(] wjth t|tgISl1(‘(‘•·S&