xt7n028pdv6n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pdv6n/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1922 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_134 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 134 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 134 1922 1922 2014 true xt7n028pdv6n section xt7n028pdv6n   COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE
·1‘  A Extension Division
li  ` THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
··i‘ " 
»··1   ""__'
,.   CIRCULAR NO. 134
L,.  `
iii  `
1 it  `
zi·E~ I
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iii-  b~ By
mi  I o. B. Jeswess
t` ix. Y
 i Lexington. Ky.
VX-   October, 1922
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 Q I‘ubiisii<·d in ct»1nn~ctit»ii with thc f`tQi`I(`\III.\Ll"11I extension work carried
‘ mi by €‘i<·i\01·:itii~ii of thc <`t»ll<·;t· of Agriculture, University of Kentucky.
, wm! UNH Ii. S. I)t·I\1ll`lII1t‘I\I o1` .·\QI`i(`llIilII`t‘ und distributed in furtherance
l V I of thc “'0I`k i>i‘U\·idcd for in thc Act of Congress of May S, 1914.
uv l~“* i

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.`  Plans for Cooperative Marketing
 _ Suggested articles of incorporation, by·laws and contracts, prepared
with special reference to the Cooperative Marketing Act of Kentucky.*
i l`·»i»t‘»··i·;itix·i· tiiarlti-ting" is not new in l{<*lllll<'l(}` as it IIIIS
  l·t··~1l i·iii[»I·»_wtl liy l.&lI'lllt'l'S in si·m<· swtiiiiis til` the Slate for a
Q 1111ml¤··1· ··l' years. 'l`hi· iirganixatiiiii <»l` t<»I»a<·i·ii Q'l`ll\\`t‘l`S for ro-
tttw··1·;iti\‘i· 1II£ll'l(t*illlQ`. llll\\'l‘\`t'I`, has Iiiwiiiulit an itil-1‘i·asi·iI i11t<·1·-
_ \‘*lillllltllfli£ll'1llt'l'< iii this iiwtliiitl ¢»lisill;;‘ltl`illl*l1']>l'tttllll‘I<.
  .\< El Iwsllll. ¤·¤><»t><·1‘;t1i\‘i· IWQIIIIIZEIIIUIIS are llllllt*l‘ i·¤¤11si¢li*1‘aTi<¤11 _
g l1}'li;ll`lllt‘I'~ in variiixis parts til` l{i~11t11i·l<)' attil a ]l`llIlIlIt‘l‘ nl` new
— OI`Q'£lllIZ£IlIl•ll~ in all Iilwliliiitiil will lit- cslalilislwil in the Ilt‘£ll'
E \\Yll.\'l` IS 'l`lll·Z l)l`l{l’tt>l·] t>l·` lI~Itll’l·]l{.\'l`l\`l·Z ;\l.\RI{IC'l`IX(il
l`<»<¤;¤¤·i‘;itiw IIl:ll'l{t‘llIl;;' aims to olitaiit I>t·tli·t· twslllls l`¤>l‘ TI10
` f2ll'lllt’l' in the salt- <»l` his protliii-ls than the iitiliviiliial farmer
I WH lllllillll li<1l`lllIll~l*ll., lt is piitiiwly it liusiiioss pritpositioii and
° its piissiliilitiws must zilways l»t· x·it·wi~·l l`i·i»m that angle. The
111<‘llll><*1‘ lll¤‘2lSlll'l‘< the lwtipiits tit' it t'lIlllN*l`illl\`t‘ lllEII`l{l‘IIIILY iI$· ·
. Sovialiiiit hy the results il iilitaiiis for him and sinvu it is a
_ Ittisiitoss t·1itt·t·pi·isi- his tiiiwiiis ol' IIll‘ilSlII't‘IIIt‘lll are the ihillars
V illlll <‘<‘lllS sawil I>_v tht- twggtttixgttiiiit for him. rllllv QISSOVIGIIIOII
· lIll.lNl pi·1·l`·»t‘i11 smite si·t‘\‘ii·t‘ for the titotiiliiws in o1·(li·1‘ to uiluxi
 I this *il\`IIl}1'· A \`&ll`Il*I)' til` st~t‘\‘ii·i·s are llSIl2lll}` IIl`l'l.(Il°III°\`(l It)'
` of HilllllllllillltlllVII} iH·;Iillli¤`·» ttlatls`s1¤;;a··stt~il.Aingtliis t‘it‘t‘\_tvlv;11‘ are 1lll§ ll11·111 lI\&l}' lw l1¤*ll1·1· g1·;11l11;; » ml
1 uml ll2lllllllll§ 111 111·1>1l111·1· lll;l`llt‘l` <111:1l1l)‘ Glllll lll<¤l'¤‘ 111111111-111 ml
p1‘01l111·1s; s;1l1· 1111 1l11· lIilSl$ nl` g1·;11l1· su lllill 1l11· g1·1»w1·1· l1_1\g1v! ` WL
111·1>1l111·1s of l11gl1 llllilllly is l'l`\\·1ll.ll\`ll: s1·ll111;· lll l;11·;·1· lm; ` lim
{.YillllQ1'lllg' l·1·<>p illlll lllill'l{t‘l 111l`¤·1·111:111·111; l-llI`lllslllI1! 1·\11.·;—·  _ lll
s;1l1~s1111111sl11p; l\iil'g`illIllll;f 111<»1‘¤· 1·Z`l}···11\‘1·ly lllilll l'llIl ll]l‘ 1111;,   Wl
Ylllllill g·1·1»\1‘1·1·; l111ll111g Ill`\\’ ll\ill'l(1‘lS illlll l`\lllllllllllg ·»l·l 111;,, % lll.]
:11111 using l>ll$l1lQ$S lllljllllllli,  1 lm
'1`l11· f111·1111·1· 1s. <»l` \'<1lll`Nl‘, lllll°l'l`>l(l\l lll g‘1·l1111g· 1l11·      
possible l\l'lL‘L‘$ l.¤ll' l11< 1»1·<»1l111·1s, ,\ l'lll)lll’l'Zlll\-ll 111;11·l;··<[;  _ Im]
1>1·g11111z1111<»11 llllllllllllllhll llil< ll wry ¤l11·¤-·1 1·1·lz111·»11 111 1»1·1··1·~, 'l`l_l   TL
f;11·1 llils ll-¤l s·»1111~ 1·» 1·<1111·l1111111·1‘1111\‘1· l1lLll`1{~`~   N
111;* lfilll lwst lw (llll1llll(`ll l»y illl Ul';{'&llllZllll<>ll wl1·»s1· 1>111·1»··~·— Q·  
1s 1<> llx l\l'll‘L*S l`<»1· lllkl l}l'll(lll\'lS l11111·ll···l. 'l`l1·- ln-l1··l' llljil , l
f2llll1L‘l’S. 111;11·l<1·1111g· 1»1·g·z1111z;111<»11 1-1111 iII'l>llI`ill'll_\' lis lll¤‘ 1·1f·  Y
1 of the 1>1·<»·l111·1 l1z111l‘.‘(>ll1lIlQ g1111·1*;1lly ;1111»1·1-1·11111~1l lllill 1l11·1·¤~ ill`1' l111111s i··   [ 'llll
z1l11l11y 1111 (lll <11‘g‘:1111z1111¤»11 In llx lll'll‘l_‘s ;1111l 1`111‘1111·1·s :11‘··   _ l*‘ll
l1sl1111g‘ l`l‘ill llllSllll‘~S ¤»1·g11111x11111»11s 1`1»1· 1l11· 11111·111»s1· ·»l` ~•‘l'\l!i  _ lllil
lllllll 111 Sl‘lllll;l' :1111l Illll lll z11·l»1l1·;11·_x‘ 1»1·1··· i1x111u. 'l`l1¤· 111··1‘.1~‘~ 1 1****
for fill`1l1 p1‘01lu<·ls, llllll (>llll‘l' 111·111l11¤·ls 11s wvll, :11*u 11l`1'·2··i·~l ; 
by il grcul \’2ll'll‘l}' 1»l' l`¤11·<·1-s illlll <··»11l1l'l’ ~~~`  1 "l"‘
of il 1·<>1»p1:1‘1111\‘1· lllill’l{l‘lll\Q 111·g·:1111x;111<»11 111 l{il4>\\' 1l1<»~·· ····1.l· » l"`l`
t1<111s z111l' 1·x1sl111;5 1·1>11·l1l1<»11s. Q lll‘
l llllf
\\vlIl·ZX .1x1> \\`111·,1a1-; 15 (`(><>p1·1‘z111\‘0 lll2ll`l{CllIIQ ;1ss1»1·1;111<111 is il l>llsllll‘~* 1*111* ‘ WH
prlsc illlil lilu; lll 1111y l1lll<‘l' lllll`li`iIlllX§Illl>Il lllllil l>1· 2\l*l1` l" »_ asl
1`QlI(l\)l' $01110 S(}l`\'l1‘C 1l` ll, ls ln Slll‘l‘Cl‘ll7 1·<111s11l1~1·;1l1<>11 Slllllllll 11l·

 1 I'/1111.< for (,'(JO[l(l`(lllIl`( .1Ir12‘/rrlhzg 5
“·11_1·\111-;·1x·1·11 111 1111* 111*1*11 1'111‘ il 1·1111111*1‘:111\‘1~ :1s~111·1:1111111 \\'1|l‘1‘1'\'<'1'
lx 1 11111 111:111 i~ >11;:g‘1·~11·11. 1111 1111* 1`:11·1111·1·s 1·*'|‘1 :1 1·1*:11 111*1*11 1'111· :111
Im 1.1·g·11111z:1111111.’ .\1‘1* 1l11'_\' 111~~:111~111·1l \\`11lI 1‘X1\111l2' l1l1‘1]]‘}(1$ :11111
1* ‘ 1·:111 1·11111·1·1·:111¤111 1.(.111'°1|.\. 1l1|‘ 1111111·111111·~.' 1\1·1· 1*x1<1111;5 11;!1‘111'i|'$
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  ` 1·111111111* 111` ll11\1111.\< 111 N|11111l¤1`1 :111 111‘:‘11111z:1111111 111·11111·1·1_v? Is
  1 1111* ;1111111·l1· 111. 1ll1‘ 1':11‘l111·1‘~ 111\\‘:11‘11< 1·1111111·1':111\‘1· 111:11‘1{1·1111g
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 1 1/11111111 :11111 1ll.'l\`1'l'. 1111* 1.1°'11l11'1'|1 1·:11111:11Q’ ls 1111* 111*('1*111111:11· 11111·»-
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   I x·€~11l11·· 111 :1111 ~111*1·1111· 111>111111·1*,
·· f   1*11,1x 111·· 0111;,1x1z,1·1·111N.
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    1l‘11l111lg1'111`1 111 111_*11·1·111111111u‘ 1111* 111:111 :11` 111·::1111x:1111_111 :11111 1111-
1__ _ ' 1·1‘:1111111 \1‘111·11 1~ 11111~1 ~1111:1l111·. 1;l°'1ll1*'. 1111* 1~ 11‘111*. :1 111:111
W1; l 11·111~·11 l:11< \\'1*1'1{1'¤1 ~111·1·1·~~1'1111_v 1.111‘ 11111* Il1.(l(l111'1 :11111 111 11111* >l‘1'- 1
  1_ j 111·11, 111:11* 1··*111111·1* l°1‘11\111(.1`111'1(` 1·111111g1* 111 111·111*1· 111 :111:1111 11 111 :1
  ` 11111'··11*111 1»1·1111111-1 :11111 11111}:1*1*111 1·11111111i1111<. '1`111< 1111*:111s 111:11 :11-
  _ 11*1111·111 11111*1 111* ;;‘1\‘1*11 111 1111* 111*1*11s 111` 1*:11·11 >111121114111 111 111'111*1‘
1.111; _. 111111 1111* 1112111% :111111111·11 l1l(1_\' 1l1|x1°1 111\` 111*111:11111s \\‘l111'11 will 111*
x_`;_._ 1 11121111* 11111111 11I1*11l,
  _ l*1:111111111111111l11*1111;·:111:11111*11 11111111:11 111*1*11<, 1111* 111:111 $1111111(1
1.1, 11_11 , *1l·~1*1‘\‘1· 1·1111111*1·:111x‘1* :11111 s11111111 1l\1~11I4‘~S 1)1'1ll(`11l11`$. 1`:&l1'11 1II1‘1ll-
_I_1_1_ l1··1‘ ~111111111 111111* 11111_1· 11111* 11111*, 'l`111* {11111 111 1111* 111‘g‘:1111x<1111111
1\\11 V $111111111111*>1*1*\·11·1* 111111 >;1\‘1111;‘<_ :11111 11111 111‘11111s 1111 1111111111 $1111*1i.
 _ 1111* (l1'!_1l1l1X11111ll1 $1111111*1 111* 111*11111.·1·:1111·:111y (°(11111`|l11(xl1 :11111 :11
1 1111,* >;11111= 111111* QV:1111 11111 111:111:1g‘1*1111*111 $111-11(°1(`111. 1111\\‘1*1‘ 10 C11-
_1111_.  E 111*11*11 111111·1111111·1* 1-1*111111 _\ N111·11(’1l*111 v111111111* 111` l1l1<1111‘NN
\HM-  * *111111111 111* 111·11y1111*11 1`111·_ 111*1*1`1*1·;1111_\· 11_\‘ 1111*:111s 1111 S111‘1‘1111‘ \\'l'1111*11 I
   _. 1`1ll111;1`1l'1< 111*111·1*1*11 111l` 1111`1l1l1ll1'N :11111 1l11‘ ·*1'!`i1111%¤111<111·
l ‘ 11 *‘· ·1 ··-1° . .,,   ' 1 _ _ * ·
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in in Z H hw] N1ml(liHl1v111t111A11.1,.11l1111111*1   1i1\\ ,v 1\ 1·111‘11111*:1111111 11ilN
111111115,  1 Hmwllinll Hm'. ,*1. *111* 11**1 111*i~1*~~1*11 11) :111 11111111·1»1—11111·1111111
11,11. 111 1 as DUWW ll) l 1*.*11**11} **1 1l11‘ 11£ll1# 111 :1 11:11111·:11 111*1·g1111_ $111111
mMu1_ 1 >llL‘ 111 11s 11\\‘11 ]lil1ll1‘ :11111 111 11\\`11 111‘1111c1‘1)‘. T11C 11zl-

6 I1'1‘11Iu1·l.·3; Cl.)‘(‘1(1(1)` N0. ISH A
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tion is 1101111111-ly 11111111-1l \\'1lll1* 1111- 1111~111l11·1‘s (11. :111 11111111·111·. ` 1111
p0l‘z111‘1l z1ss111·i211l¤111 211‘1¥ 11111 S11 ]11‘1111‘1·11·1l. ll11·111‘p111‘:11l1111 l.1·;11·1 _ 1"
1111 11ll110l'1;lll1 1`1‘li\llUll 111 1111- l>l'Qi1lll%il1l1>1l 111211IS 11s 1111- 111111 ‘ 1‘1`
llll111‘I' \\`lll1'll ll11‘1ll'110l'il1ll1l\ is 1-ll`1-1-11-11 11111li111- 1111- l.1ll'lll< 11{ _ 11"'
o1·g·1111iz111111n \\`lllk‘ll lllily 111- 1‘lll]\l<1}`1‘1l. l`1Zl1`llll`l`$` 1-1111111-1·111i11· i ,111
1ll2`1l`l{Qllllg' Ul`1.!`ill1lZil1l11ll$ s111111l1l 111-0111111- lIl1‘11l`l\1\l'2lll‘l'll11‘ll\l1‘$ 1111 1‘1>1>l\l‘l`il1l11ll. 111111* p1·111·i~i1111~   A 111
1110 co11p01·111i1`0 l11w $111111111 llll`l.l1l.11l`(` 111- 111ll11w1-1l lll ]1l`1‘]1Ql1‘lZ,j 11"
Ol`g2llllZil1l01l pl11ns 111 01*111-1· 111111 1111-y Illily 1'0l11`0l`lll 1l101·1-111111, 111
A L“OOP1"l`il1l\`C li1\\' \\'il$ 1-11111·11-11 l1y 1111- ll\g.`l$l11llll'l` 111' l{1-111111·§;j.·  1 111`
111 1110 11122 s0ssion. ($011 l{l‘ll1ll1‘l{}' ]‘;X111ll$l11ll 1'i1·1·11l111· 111 1 ·11
"C110p01‘111i1·0 )lill`l{1‘1ll1Q',11 1111* 21 l‘111\}' 111 llllf lil\\'.1 'l`l1i<11·i . ‘_"
p1·01‘i1l0s for n1;111p1·11111. 1‘00P11l'il1l\'(‘ 111'Qz1lllZ211l<111#, 1'111·1111-11 1·1111-·;·  _ 1"
with 111· witliont (*211111211 s1111·l<. l{1‘lll1l1‘l{}' 211*1) 1121% il l1l\\` \\111l`l. ;
was passed in 1918 `\\'llll'll Pl'O\'l1l1‘S only 1111- 1110 1111·111·p111·111E»»11 . 111-
of c011p01·111i1‘0 11ss1111i111i1111s wi1l1 1·11pi111l s101·l<.  1 111
‘ ’l`l10 1111*111 111 111·;;·1111iz111i1111 11111s1 $1111111110 111-p1-111lsl111‘:··1j·‘ N;
upon 1111- ]l2l111l'1‘ 111 1110 1111si111-ss 111 111- ('ill`l`l()11 1111 111111 1ll11l11`1111 ° in
Sl1112lll1'1ll. liiyo S11l1'l{ shipping il>$1)1'lil1l0llS 1`1‘1·1·01l s1111·l< 111111 1his lll2l}' 111- s11l11 111 2111111111}. 'l`l11é 1·a111l1·11 · 11.1
$11101; 1111*111 111 0l'§I2llllZ1l1l(111 is ;l`11l1Cl'11ll}' (11ll])l0)`l‘1l 111111111 ~‘·11··  · 111
Si1101‘z111l11 CilDl121l is111:1·1-ss111·y. 111 111111-1- i11g1;1111·1-s, 11111 111*11 1 111
$10011 1111*111 is \`Cl'y S2lllS1.il1'l¤1l'}'. $111110 ll1ill‘l{1‘1l1]g 11l'1X2lll1Zil111111` I 111
fi1I'I11<‘(l \\`l1llf)111} (‘2l1)ll`ill s1111·l{ 11:11*1- s11l1si1li;11‘y 1·111‘p¢11‘il1l"11`   111
ll q., l·i·iii·i-n··-in l»_\‘ lIl¤‘Jll|S ¤»l` i‘l( l`·»1·1ni`¢»i·1l1e
  uun·l;·elin;· :l~—<¤#iiill<>!l v.lnil·- i···l_xing· njwn ilu- »ul·- <»l` wei]-itzil
   ‘ >;··-l; in ilu- \||l¤~l·ll11l`_\' f>l`ili|l|lXilll<¤ll 1·» lin:nu·•- w;n·¢_-lu»n»<·s ni-
  - >i:uil:n· l`;n»·ili:°·-~. .\|l‘¥llI•‘l 1`··:nni··· \\`¢»l'il|_\' ul' nu·nli·»n i< tliail
M, · in ilu- ··;1<~· nl` w:n···lu»n>·-<. il i~ nl` eulvainlzigi- in luiw: the ware-
  lu·;i~·- i·~····i;·i~ i~~n···l l>_v :¤ ~•·;·;n·;n·- <»1·g;nii;<;ni<·n in will-i· tlnit
  ilu-ni;11‘l;·-ling` Jl\~·¤"l&lllf¤ll ni:1_\‘ nin lu- 1`<‘<[llll'¤‘Is
   L l~*ll•‘·l l¤_x· ··1·u:n1ix:ni··n< <·1· iiulivi·ln:il< in ll1¤‘Ill~Cl\`CS.
iii   'l`lu· plan ··n1liiu··l :il»¤·vi- nl` luwin: 1w<» ¢¤l'1i`illllZ2lllI1 l.¤*l`llli‘il wi1lu·n1 veipilzil sl-···l< ;nul zi wip-
iii  I iuil ~i·u·l; »vi·g·.i1ii.<;»1i¢·ii In [>i···x‘i·l·-4-»n1il»1xi·-1117w;11···lu»n<¤-<. plants
··i·1lu- lilu-. ll£illll`2lll_\' i< nnt >nit;il»l0 l`··1· nl'm‘l`·'l'l‘•‘}`<-11<¤- i`<·1‘ ilu- ~l<>l`lllg'1¤l` l`;n·n1 p1‘Illlt‘¤'ll¤ll1 willi ilu-ir
l`l*l"i` i will-.
ll   llnw To n i< in sriuly ilu- sllllllllwll l`¤»r ilu- pnriu-l1u-<< nviiilznllli-. sluwnlil lu- :1<.·i-1*1:1iiu-il. Existing inzirlu-ting
aww   ll?-‘¥¤<‘i<-< :nul nu-tluuls slusnlil lu- qiulu-il. 'l`lu»ng·l1l` slumld be
(___M_  ? §i`l`\`·‘¥1 il- llu- ·»~li- s;i\·in:`s sluinlil lu- t‘4\lIl`lllllI!;1!1;1ssttt·i. , "l"`
atitin, stt-ps shttnltl ht- taht-n ttt l·l>l`l\|\llitl\‘ tlt-tinitt- plans_ thtttt. "lll’
111ittt-t-5 shttnltl ht- st-lt-t·tt-tl l`t>1· tlitl`t-rt-nt pnrpttst-s. ttnt- ttl tht. lm";
_ 1110St i1npt»1·tant t·tt1nn1ittt-t-s ht-in: tht- ttnt- ttn tttucitiizzttittzi plttt , RUM
This ct>111111ittt-c shttnltl ttntlintz at tlt-tinittr plan t·t` t>l`§l`tllllZ;llltn!t V in _
a11tl shtvnltl l.t>l'lI1lllillt‘ a1‘tit·lt-s t¤t` it1t·t»1·p¤»t‘atittn. hy-laws ;tt;.l WM
COlltl'21t‘lS. t,]nalitit-tl lt-gal assistantt- is ltighly tlt-si1·nl»lt- in pt-t·. (mil
paring tht-sc in snt·h l·t¤l`lll that tht-y will l1ill`l!l<>lllLit‘ with l;t=.t·_ tm
antl is also tif $L‘l`\`i=‘t‘ in atl~;ising· l`t'Ll'ill`tllIlf tht- ]>l`t>l‘t‘lI,
The snggt-stc.l tt1‘u·anixatit>n plans uivt-n ht-lttw art- intt-ntl»·tl
t0 Sc-1·\‘c as gnitlt-s in tht- p1·t-parzttittn ttl snitaltlt- plans, 'l`lt»- ` nt--
1‘cq11i1‘c111t-11ts of tlitl`t-1·t-nt lint-s t>l` l»nsint·ss antl tlitl't-rt-nt ltt·.tl pn
contlititnns vary c0ltil(lCl`{ll)l}’ antl, 011 that acccunt, thc l-t1·i-t- tltt·
stiggcstt-tl lllllil ht- k'l1illlQ`t‘l'Ill< givt-n ht-lttw int·httl·-  A
?t1'tlt!ll‘S ttf i]li’t\l']\Ul’2ltlt>ll. hy-laws antl t'\\llll'ilt'l<, .\1·tit·l·-s ·-t _
i11cr>1·pt‘»1‘atit>11 ninst ht- l\l't*[\2lI‘t‘tl hy t‘\'t‘l‘}' asst»:·iatit»n whtt·h l--‘
c0n1t:s i11t·t,»1·ptt1·att-tl. 'l`ht-y ninsl ltt- in ll;\l'lIlt1ll}' with th·- lx- ‘—‘~‘ ,
1111tlc1- which i11ct_>1·pt»1·atit1n is t-tl`t-t·tt-tl antl nsnally int·lntlt- snth
p1‘O\'iNiO11S 21% the nantt- t»l` tht- tiiitwlilllllllj il t·tnnplt-tt- ~t1tlt‘l!l-`ltt
0f its purposes; tht; ]>1'lllt*il>ttl pl;tt·t- ttl' hnsint-ss; tht; tt-rin t>t` ·-\- `_
iStCl]<‘Cg thc 1llllllltt‘l` til' tli1·t-t·ttt1s_ tht-ir tt-1·n1 t»l` ttl`llt-t- antl tltt- L
IIHIHCS alltl atltlrt-sst-s nl` tht; lllt'(>l'])t>I`;\tlIlg‘ tli1·t-t·ltn‘s_ antl l`t‘l`<‘l`·
cncc to capital stock tt1· ]llt‘|IllN‘l`Sllll) l`t-t-s. 'l`ht- ltyilaws t·ttnt.iirt j
in gtztit-ral tht; n1t>1·t- tlt-tailt-tl rnlt-s I’t‘;i`%ll'tllll;I tht- int-:nl»t·1·sltip.
thc ]ll2lIl2lQt'}lIlt‘lll, t»l' tht- 0l'}i`2llllX2lllfIlI antl its npt-iwitittns. 'l`ltt· i
CO]ltl‘2ltjt'S hintl tht- lIl(‘lIll)t?l'S tt> tlt-livcr t'(*l`l1llll pi·t»tlnt·ts in tht- {
i1SSO<'lHt,lU1l antl st-t t`tt1·th tht- t-sst-ntial pttints t»l` tht- l`t‘l2llll>ll\lllll V
of tLllC 11l<:l1ll)Cl‘s ttntl tht- tirgatiixatittii in tl1t- selling t»pt‘l`1ltl*‘ll`t

 I'/1111.1 fur (,'m1[11r(1!1`1·¢: .1I1:rk1{1`2zg 9
’l`}11· 1.1111111* S1l!`!`¤‘*1•‘11 111 1111s 1·11·1·111z11· 11:11*1: 11c1·11 111·\`1‘l'1'11 111 111·· 111`11*'11`\ 111 1111·111·11111·:1111111 :11·1·
. 1111`11111111'111 111 ~··1·111111 > 111 1l11· 1`1111111·1·:111v1· }1:11·1;··1111g· ,\1·1‘. '1`110
1 111·111‘1~1·111~ 111. 1111· 1€l\\` \1|1111111 11.· 1'11111111‘···l 1·]11~1~1)‘ 111 (11`l11’1. 111:11
. 1 111*' :11·111·11·~ ··1` 111»111·11111‘:1111111 \1‘1.11·11 :11‘1· 111‘1·11:11·1·11 l1l{l_\' 1111 1.1*111111
1 111111* 111 :11-··1·1·1:1!111· 1111111 1111··11 ~11111111111·1l 111 1111* Sl°1°1`L'1111'}* 111
F:1111· 1.11I' 11lE11:‘ :11111 1·1·1·111·1I111g.
11  `
:11. 7
111·  1
11'1 ,
11~. 1

 Fw `
10 ]1't‘11I111·/1*3/ (l1`1·1·11l111· N11. l.‘1'i
1\ll'l`lL`l',l·ZS Ul~` lNl`N
l (}_/i [/l(` wily
....,, .1   .. . . ..... .   ..... l`Ulll’l·ll{.\'l`l\'l1] ,\SSl1l`l \’l`llrN lll. L.
\\'e. the 11111le1·sig111·1l 111·111l11··1~1·s 1»l` ilgllllllllllllrill 111·11·l111-1, .
ll 111a1.i111·it1* t1t` \\`l1¤\lll ill't‘ 1·1·11V[11*1>l1t. ¤·<11»p1*1*z1l1\‘1· lllill'l{<‘llll§i' il\\ll¤‘lilll<»E;_ A l
11*ith011t Uilllllill st111·l<. lllI1lt‘l‘ the l1111*s ¢»l' l{<‘lllll1‘l(}'. illltl 11111e·1·
p:11‘ti1·11lz11·l1* 1lll\lL*l‘ the 1>1*<11*isi<111s ·1l` "ll`lll‘ lli11:l1:1111 l`·1·1111·1·.l. my
tive ][111·llllllll1‘l\l1‘lllill'}' tl11·1·1·1·1.
Y ` \‘.`i~··
1. Sumo. ,
ll!. ~
The 1111111e of this 11ss<>1·iz1ti¤111 sl1z1ll l·1· the , 1 1 _ Wi
C00pe1*ati1*e .Xss01·i11'1io11. N);
2. 1)ll)']}O$L`S.::`3 !`¢=;*
The p111·p11ses for 11*l1i1·l1 this ;\~S<>1‘l2lll<1lt is l'<11·1111·1l ;ll`1*; `lll l
. (\2l;l To Cllg'il§•‘ i11 21ll}` 1ll‘ll\'ll}` i11 l'Ollll\`·'llllll \\'llll tl.··
111E11`l{Cllllg' or selling <1l' . ....,...... . .... V ......, 2 .. ..111111 ....,..,   _,,._ .  
p1‘0(lll¤'lS of lis ll1c1l1l>1*1‘s illltl with the l1;11*1*1~sti11g‘_ ]11*t·~1·1‘1‘i11!. l`l~¤‘
Lll'}'lllg`. 1>1‘4,11*e~si11g‘. 111;11111l`;1<·t111‘i11;‘, <'2llllllllg`_ ]\;l*‘l{lll;;'_ g*1*;1·ll!1u. M11]
st01*i11u‘. llilllklllllti'. shi 1 1i11··· 111* 11tilizz1ti·111 lll1‘I'1‘l>l·. :111·l tl11·111;11111- :1111*
f21(·t111*i11g 01* Illillilllg of l11*-111*<,1 ll l’I· *
  lD(5ll1l)Cl'S; * llllli
— ,, . . . · . _ 2  
(lf} lt) 1*<1ll¤}:·l ;1111l 1l1\11·1l111{(· {(1 HS m(.m},1.l·$ m11,l·m_11A.111 l ll
l`Ul·llllll¥¥ T11 llll‘ l’l"’llll"ll"ll1 *lllllll_\'. llilllllllllq illlll lIliIl'l{<‘lll1Q"'l ll"ll
- -A...--..»..A.....4....... . ...... . ......_...,. _ ________ __ ___.____,____ _r;[]](l ]·(¤l;11U(l l1]·1)1l`U·{S; .
*·§lli;_i111111<1s·-:< <1111l111.·1 lll 111·~ ;11·11··lt·s ·11` i111··»1·1»·11·:1\i1·11 >'11·lll·l *"flfl V
:111ll11eli11<·s<»l`;1¤·111it1*i1111·l1i··l1 ll1¢·;1ss<»<*i:11i1111111:1) 11*:1111 111 1-11::1:1·.  
]1\1l']1<,1S<1:<, <,1l`1·11111*e1·, 11111st \11· ]];11i111| 1., 11,1.SU ,X1,1·. ,,.11- 1,.-1·111i11.·1l l»3‘ l·‘ l
11111*, · - flnfll
T'1`l1¢·l:111:11:1:•··1t`this s·~1·1i1111 s\11111l·1 111- ;111;11111.| 1.1 1111-111·11¤l11<·ls\\lll" _ _`
thc z1ss·11·1;111¤111 1·x11¤·1·1s Lu l12\Illll1*. _ (111

 ]’]lIllN f111‘ (10//[}{'I'{l{’.l'/’ 1lI11r}.·l11p
111. ~~·ll. 11‘;111~1`1·1·. ]1l···lu‘·· 111* :`11111‘11111···· 1l11~ 1111}‘1111·111 11l` 1l1\‘11l1~111ls
111* 1!1l··1'··~I 1111. 111· 1l11~ 1`l`lll·(`11llllIl 111· 1·1··l1·11111111,111 ml`. >l1z11‘0s 0f thc
··;a111111l ~§·»·l< 111- l.11111l< lll. ill!_\' 1·.11‘11111‘1111·111 111* ;1`\11·1;1111111 1·11- A
:‘;z;····l 111 ;1115‘ 11·l;1:···l :1··11x·11_x· 111· 111 1l1·· w;11·1~l11111>111:‘111* l1z1111ll111u
1’11· 1:1z11·l;··:111g· 1·1` 1111;* 111` 1l1·· 111··11l111·1< l1;111·ll1·1l l1y 1l11s z1ss1r11·1z1-
~l1` 'I`11 l1·:1<1*. 11111‘1·l1:1<1· 111* 111l11*1·w1s1· z11·111111‘1* :1111l T11 (*x1·1‘-
L 1·1~·· ull 111·1v1l··g1·~ 1»1` 11w111·1·~l1111 1»x·1·1· s111·l1 1*1*:11 :11111 ]WOl`SOIl£ll.
L ]*l'1>]·1‘I’i}` £1< 111;1}‘ 111* 111‘1*1‘<~:l1‘)' 111‘ 1·11l1\'1‘l111‘Il1 {UF ll1Q L‘O]1L`1lIL'l of
11- **1*}**1. 1l11· l111<1111~s< 11l` 1l11· z1s<111·111111111;
11~ T11 21111111 l`111‘_ 1;1l<1· 11111. :11·111111‘1·. :11111 ¢1\\`ll amy 111lc1‘1*S'1
1 .
l‘· 111 l1llll‘ll1*. 11‘:11l1·»111:11‘l l111%1-
I 111·<< 11l` 1l11· :1<<111·1;1111111 111· 1l11· 111·111l111—1< l1z1111ll1>1l l1y 11;
l1‘· ‘ *.1* T11 l1:11‘1· illlll \‘Xl‘l'l‘1$l‘ :1ll 111\\`Ul`<. ll`l\'1l(`LY(`< :11111 1'l!`llt$
. l l . 1
· :1111l1111·1x1·1l l1_v 1l1.~ l:1w< 111` ll11» S1:111~_ 11;11·111·11lz11·l}‘ lll11Sl‘ ]>1.w111—s .
UH 011111111·1·;111~1l 111 gl‘l'l1l1Il li 111* (`l1z11111—1· I. -\1:1s of 1922, :11111 all
..1 l‘**\\‘¤‘1‘# :1111l 1·1g·l11< 1111·11l1-111 1l11·1·1·l11.
1 ll. ]’/111·1‘ 11_1` ]}11,<1`111`.<.<.
'iljf ll"` l‘1'll1·‘![1r1l l111s1111·1·s... . i.. lIll*lllll<‘l`S >h;tll l,QJ_
Otlicc until tho tirst antnuztl lll\‘t‘llllL.l' nt' thv ;t<~·»¤·i;uit»u_ ·~tl1·
incinhcis until the swetinl ztunuatl nuwting null A, ttl.-gl, *·lll_\
bers until the thirtl ztnnuztl tttvvtitig.
The uauucs zuul ;ul¤l1·t~>s<·s nl` thv lll<'ill'l`v¤1l`;lllIlL!' ·lit··¤·t~»;·~
who shall st·1·\x· until thu t·h·¤·ti¤»n null qi1;tliti¤·:tti··1t ·»t` tht·h·    
ccssors, arc: _ ‘v“`
NAME Aimiu-iss
A 1llCt‘llll§ nli that lIll‘lllllt‘I`$ l·<)l' thu l)lll`lW(iSt* ¤»l` t·l···tinu‘ tlw
siicccssoix to thw lllt‘Ul`[tUl'2lllllQ tlh·t·t·t¤»1·< Shall l»·· ltt·l·l nt
.......................4....................,...........v.v..... U, l{l‘lllll(‘l{}': tm tht- ,_ __ __  than tZ¤·~ t»`l‘¤ll ‘* —
existence sLi;»ul:11··tl in tm; nx·1i<·l<·s ·»t` l1t···»i·t·»·i·;tti·tu slntll unt ~·\·‘···tl iw .
y(:LlI'}*. `_
_ FA i‘r~:t1l:11‘zel<-rtinri smut :tl*t¤·1· inr·<»1·t»¤»|‘;¤tiii: is ·l··:|'*f'*·"::` ~
IH 1l1SUlIlLil*S \\'ll($l`l5 ull tl¤¤· 1u¤·i11ln·1‘s nlitl ll4>I lt;tv¤· uu <»;>;»t¤i‘tl1l1it)' lll l?l"j"
1:0.1% in the selection <)t` that im·tu·|t<»1·:tti1l; tliiw-<·t·»t·s, \\`lt··1·t· tlt·· il1<‘**l`l"’l`*‘__C
UNI 4lll'<·<:U»1‘S \'¢·[>l'u l»¢·l`~1`v nw ll"'
unmtztl rm;¤·lin;, mth
V I t‘.lt_*]`

 1 I'{1111.< fur ('1»r»];r1‘11/1.1*1 ,1]111`].‘1 11.11]] 13
l}_ _]]1 /11 /11 1‘.~/1 1.]/,
'l`l11~ ;1~~1···i;1111·11 >11:1|| 111»1 11:111- ;111_x· 1·:1]»11;11 ~11»1·k; 11ll1, $111111
U.[11|11 111»·1111¤··1‘~ 11111111 11i|_\]1I1‘Il1 111. :111 1·1111';1111·1· 1.•*·· 111.   , ,_,_____
_ 1l1»l}:11·~ ;1111I ¤11|11·1· 11111i'·»1·111 ··1¤11<‘l'\ 1»1` 1}1i~ ;1~~·»1·1;11i1»11 >]111]1
_ I»»· 11111.11; :11111 1·z1¤·11 }1|*‘ll1I*•‘l' >11;111 11:1\’1· <111·· \’¢»1¤· 11111y.
1 '1`1;1· ]>1'··[>1‘!`7_\“ 1‘1!’11¥~ :111<1 1111··1’¤‘~1 111. ¤·111·11 1111·111111·1' >112111 111* ‘
A 11111:11; 111111 1·:l<‘11 111·‘l111>1·1' >11;111 11&1\'•· 1>111· 111111 111. ]11‘r1111·1'1}' 1‘1;;'111$
1·11]_1‘."` _
Y_ _}/1 ,11/11 1·,~/1//11 ly'://1)./{·{·1]_
'1`11·· ]¤!'1\'JIE·‘ 1»1*·»1¤»~1·1_\‘ ··1` 1i11· 111··1111»··1~ ~11;1Il 11·»1 |»1· Sll]l_1('1't
` i1» 1}11· 1»;1_\1.1··111 ··1` ·#··1·1»111·;11i··11 ·11;1~1~; :11111 11·» 1111·1111»1·1‘ sI111]I be
j1;1}111· 1Y·1‘ 111»· ·1·~}~1~ 1·1' 111·· ;1~~r¤v1‘111<»11 1·>1111_\` ;1111·>11111 <·X<‘1·1‘11111§
- l1.·· 11111'11;*i 1•i!1I1Z1·'•' ··1' 111< 1·1111';111··1· 1.l‘(\,
lx \\'1'I`X1f>~ \\`111.1:1;1»1-1, my 111l\`1) ]1··1·1-1111t·> >11}»s1·1·ibcd 0u1·
‘ 111:Y1:1'\1111\ ·1;1_\‘ <»1· . ..  . ,..»..,.   ,......,..,,, ,, N12 ,........
111 ~~? ‘ .. .... . .. 1 . , ...... ,   ,,     ...... ,1 .,1, . ..,..   ...... , ,..,.  
11€i` _
1;1Y·.·‘ ·- ..     .. .. 1. .._.,. . .,,r___. ,   .....,   ...,_.......,. , ..,.,,...,....., . ......,..................
“`U‘ "·~   · -·~-·—·- ~ ~~-»     ....... . ..........,,.. ..   ........ . ..,.......,..,,., - ,,,..,..,,_,... 1 ___.........,____,,__,
mb. IIm__[`]4*_`_` v}’*"1*<·i`1)' 1_’i=*E11s 1·1` 1111·111l·1·1‘s 111;1j1· |11· 11111·1111;1l, 1l` sn, 1111- :11‘liQl0$ ·
» __`Uj]|‘ |;1t\I;h1¤;¤· 1111·1111»·1 11l`111111_·1‘111i11111; 1111- 111·1»1·1~1·1y 1·i;l11s 411111 i111u1‘usls of

14 1t't-zzlzzo/sy ('i»·t·uIm· No. l.‘»‘I
t`lL\Nt;t1s i·‘¤>i; t`lxi-1’i‘.xi. S'l`<\l`l{ (h;<;.xXiz.x‘1‘ioxs ll"
Tho l`ollowing· t-hatngt-s am- stigw-I'11l>l`2lllUIl to oi·g;t11ix;t1io11s whi··h ;n·»· QH
fornictl with vatpitatl stot-lt. l l`
. The plirnst- "witliout vzipitul st··¤·l<" in tht- lllll`¤\llll<‘lttl‘:.' , '
put-ngrnplt of tht- zirtiwlos slioitltl lit- l‘ll&lll}1`t‘ll ln "wlth t·;t]»i;;il _
stouk." _ llll
Tho following shonhl ho stihstitntl-·l in plzivc ot` ;t1·tit·h· nj  
1`Cltltlllg to ntotnbcrsltip. , QM
6. Jltuzbtrslzip; ('uptltlzl Stow/.3 llli
Tho int-inlwoi-sliip ot this ztss¤»a·iz1ti•>n shctll vonsist ot` ]»i··~-   lll).
ducors of fill`1ll Pl`UtlllL‘l$ who nrt- tl\\'llLll'$ of ont- or llltll`t‘ sltgnws ‘