xt7n028pdn45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pdn45/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1984-09-07 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 7, 1984, no. 438 text The Green Bean, September 7, 1984, no. 438 1984 1984-09-07 2014 true xt7n028pdn45 section xt7n028pdn45 I   Q ‘‘ ‘   $*4
9-7-gH ` Nob M38
Sept. 8 International Literacy Day
` Septl I3 & lM Integrated Online Library Systems _
Sept. 17 Deadline for Summer Stipends Proposals
_ I . Sept. 18 I The Incredible Usable Microcomputerw A .
Sept. 19 ‘ Southern Ohio Chapter of ASIS Meeting F
i » Sept. 20~23 Annual Meeting of the Oral History F
. I -1 Assoeiation_ _
Sept. 21 Coal Information Network of Kentucky
. · Fall Meeting
e ‘ Oct. 11~l2 KLA Fall Meeting A at
Oct. 28»30. Libraries and Microcomputera: A Midwest , ‘
- ‘ - Institute and Microcomputer Fair j
F ¤ _ Next "Green Bean" issue: Friday, September 21; 1935 A
  I Deadline for inclusion: Tuesday, September_18? l98M L _
  _Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Sandy_Hardwink, S _' S
_ Rob Aken {Editor) it ii_ 
E’EJ&%§.$§§si£%;J5 \N§£§€§;LY A i` Tilii; §.2..%§h¤§.¤xiai€2‘?` Z. E·.¥?·£&L 2i!§§§i%5·i‘a',   UF KENTUQZKY, LEXINGTON, KY. 40506-0039

 . ~ ‘ INFORUM \
. Sandee McAninch Appointed to Depository Library Council _ P
Sandee McAninch has been appointed to the Depository Library
_ Council to the Public Printer, a fifteen member group that c
provides advice` and practical assistance to the staff of the r
Government Printing Office. Sandee’s appointment is for three
- · years. V
Journalism Reading Room Hours R. ` »
Please ychange the Journalism Reading Room's hours for Fridays.
It will be open 8:0O—N:3O (rather than 8-l0)0 .
New Library Associates Publication V L · _ i
‘ A new publication will begin this fall that will feature news and
promote activities in King Library and all the branches. _The W
University of Kentucky LIBRARY UPDATE will be·a newsletter_ to .
supplement the Kentucky_Review. The principal circulation _for
the newsletter will be the Library Associates; however,
additional copies will be available for all libraries. We would
like to promote special Library programs or displays in an Events ·
Calendar, announce gifts to the Library, and feature interesting l
activities in the various departments. Please send articles or
suggestions for articles to Paula Pope, Special Collections, King
Library — North, 0039 or call 257—lM66 for more information. The
deadline for the first publication is October 15. (Paula Pope) V
LS/2000 Update V g . V
The OCLC LS/2000 technicians were here August 27-29, checking` `
· communications lines and installing operating system software in
the Data General MVl00O0. ‘ The software load went well and the
». ‘ system has already generated its own 600 page manual!° The next
step will be operations training, which will take place September
18-l9. Gail Kennedy and Tari Keller will receive the training,
along with a few technicians from the Computing _Center. The
training will be limited to nuts and bolts details of the
hardware and the MIIS operating system. . It will not include
LS/2000 applications. A . _ L
. Some problems were discovered in several of the icommunications
lines and work is underway to correct them as soon as possible.
H GTE will do the corrections and local Computing Center staff will
- follow-up with a check.· _ A

 I I 2
I {
The OCLC technicians were also concerned about potential
interference of LS/2000 terminals by the 3M detection system.
= Again, efforts are underway to eliminate the interference before
the actual system start-up.
Carol Shrova has replaced Hannah Walker as our LS/2000 project
manager. (Hannah has been moved full~time to another
- installation.) Carol and Denise Johnson, also of the LS/2000
staff, will be conducting the operations training later this
All electrical wiring is now completed in both the King and
Medical Center Libraries, The stage is thus set for terminals to
be plugged in at any time. Plug in will not take place, however,
until after the database load has begun (now slated for early
November) or until we at least have a demonstration database
loaded (which could occur somewhat sooner).
Watch for more updates as we progress. _
Mike Lach, Gail` Kennedy, and Bernie Baldini are attending an
LS/2000 Users Group meeting in Dublin on September l0 and ll -—
report in the next "Green Bean."
Librarians Academic Area Advisory Committee, l98&~i985
E Stanley D. Brunn, *85, Chairperson
Ewa Marciniak, *85
Alan R. Perreiah, #85
William James, *86
John E. Mack, '86
Dean P. Currier, Alternate
Library Faculty Committees, l98M~85
Lynn Barnett Karl Boewe
John Bryant Larry Greenwood
Frank Levstik Barbara Hale
Agnes McDowell Hank Harken
Lillian Mesner Kerry Kresse
Ebba Jo Sexton Ann Long (Acts)
Pam Sogge (Acts) Lillian Mesner’
Terry Warth Patty Powell
Gerry Webb* Russ Powell
..l‘ Mary Welch

= Rob Aken* Cheryl Jones*
Mike Markiw
Judy Sackett
Charlie Atcher Brian Coutts
Dan Barkley (Acts) Vivian Hall
Evelyn Evans Mike Harris
Cathy Hunt* Mike Markiw
‘ Meg Sha - Sandee McAninch
» ~ Mary Vass Frank Stanger (Acts)
{ Andrea Berman (Acts) Anne Campbell ‘
‘ Jim Birchfield Brian Coutts
{ Roxanna Jones _ Harry Gilbert
Frances Kelley ' Ann Howell
{ Patty Powell Bill James
A Toni Powell Lillian Mesner
I Judy Sackett* Mildred Moore
{ Janet Stith Laura Olson*
{ · Christy Robinson (Acts)
{ _ Emilie Varden Smith
J Rob Aken -‘_m*‘*“m
· Bill Cooper Bernie Baldini
Joyce Gilmore Teresa Burgett
l Brad Grissom* Joan Gatewcod (Acts)
, Emily Lihani (Acts) Brad Grissom
{ Frank Levstik Ruby Herald
A { Claire McCann Cathy Hunt
, Meg Shaw Roxanna Jones
F Mary Vass Tari Keller
Frances Kelley
Mike Lach*
g Jessie Adams (Acts) Sandee McAninch
{ Evelyn Evans JoEllen McComb
* Norma Jean Gibson Toni Powell
_{ Harry Gilbert Judy Wiz
‘ Bev Hilton
a{ Bill Marshall*
§{ Paul Thompson

" John Bryant Stephanie Allen
4 Michelle Gardner Jim Birchfield
Barb Hale Terry Birdwhistell*
Hank Harken Karen Croneis
Dan Hodge (Acts) Cheryl Jones
Paula Pope* Tari Keller
Dr. George K. Brady Memorial
A memorial service was held Thursday, September 6 in the King
l North Gallery for Dr. George K. Brady, who passed away in August.
Dr. Brady was a professor in the University of Kentucky English
Department from l925-1960. Among his many interests (including
stamp collecting, ,acting, and printing) were Japanese folklore
°l and haiku. His private collection has been donated to the UK
w Libraries, and the English Department has established a book fund
y in his name to develop these areas furthern
i The following is another in a series of descriptive articles
concerning various aspects of the UK Library system.
I Biological Sciences Library
p The beginnings of a future Biological Sciences Library existed in
Y l935 with the "S" Library for the Department of Geology, Anatomy,
, Physiology, and Zoology. During 1935-36 there was a total
attendance of U,U55 with a circulation of 2,252. Even then there
i was need for room for physical expansion. In l938—39 the library
I provided monies for new shelving and furniture for a small
l working collection in the Bacteriology Department when it moved
i into its new quarters in the Biological Sciences Building (later
known as the Funkhouser Building). At this time there also
existed a separate Geology—Zoology Library. In l9¤O the TOO
volumes in the Bacteriology Department were inaccessible to the
( general public; that same year the Zoology Department moved to
‘ the B.S. Building with a collection of 1,650 volumes. As a
2, result, Miss Margaret I. King, the University Librarian,
" strongly recommended in her annual report that the Zoology and
Bacteriology collections be combined with trained supervision and
adequate hours of service. By the year l9U9 so many journals
were being absorbed by the Biological Sciences Library that Miss

 · 5
; King suggested integrating the collection with the Experiment
{ Station Library in order to avoid duplicating services and bring
{ i° like materials together.
{ During l97H~75 the Biological Sciences Library moved from the
Funkhouser Building to the Thoms Hunt Morgan Building. As of
I June 30, l98U, our total holdings were 37,161 volumes with HM3
journals being received currently. Our collection has expanded
beyond the fields of Botany, Zoology, and Bacteriology to include
collections in Comparative Neurobiology, Ecology, Embryology,
_ Entomology, Evolution, External Morphology, General Radiation
Biology, Genetics, Histology, Microbiology, Aquatic Sciences,
Virology, Parasitology, Cell Biology, Metabolism of Micro—
organisms, Physiology, and Vertebrate Natural History. A
separate textbook collection of out of print books in the
Biological Sciences is housed in the library. Our collection
serves the entire University community. Through the Interlibrary
` Loan procedure ll9 books and 382 transactions were processed for
other universities and companies during the past year. (Mildred
, Moore) ,
Coal Information Network of Kentucky
_ The, Coal Information Network of Kentucky (CINK) will hold its
annual fall meeting on Friday, September 2l, l98N in Frankfort,
Kentucky at the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives
{ Building on Coffee Tree Road,
{ The program is entitled "The Three Facets of Coal Information:
Who, What, and Where." Registration is 8:30 a.m. — lO:OO a.m,,
{ business meeting lO:OO a.m. — ll:3O a.m. The luncheon speaker is
{ Bill Caylor, Vice President, Legal Council, Kentucky Coal
{ Association.
A panel presentation with speakers from state agencies and
librarians of major coal collections in the state will convene at
· 2:OO p.m. The panel will be moderated by Miss Faye Belcher,
{ President of CINK. The program was planned by Vice President
1 Judy Burdine. See Rob Aken for registration forms. (Vivian
{ Hall)
{ Kentucky Library Association Fall Meeting
{-j The Fall KLA Conference, "Reaching for Lifelong Learning," will
{ be held October ll and 12 at the Galt House in Louisville.

Preconference programs (October 10) include "Machine Readable
‘ Data Files Formatting," "Shape Up! Fitness for Libraries,"
_ "Humanizing the Library Workplace," and "Fund Raising — It Takes
a Team!" Register by October 2.
The conference will be divided into the various special section,
‘ roundtable, association, and group meetings. Larry Greenwood and
Edwin S. Gleaves will speak to the Academic Library Section about
"Conducting Library Research" on October ll. Karlheinz Boewe
will chair the Special Library Section meetings on October 12.
Fees vary. For more information, see Rob Aken or contact Ilona
Franck, Jefferson Community College, Southwest Campus, 1000
Community College Drive, Louisville, KY M0272.
Libraries and the Microcomputer: A
A A Midwest Institute and Microcomputer Fair
‘ The second annual Libraries and the Microcomputer: A Midwest
Institute and Microcomputer Fair will be held October 28-30 at
3 the Chancellor Hotel` and Convention Center in Champaign,
Illinois. Speakers include Bob Walton (Automation Consultant,
Texas State Library), Mark Bendig (Office of Research, OCLC), and
Ken Thomas (Marketing and User Services Division, OCLC).
Pre- and post-session tutorials are also available, including
"An Introduction to Microcomputer Management of information
_ Fees vary. For details, see Rob Aken.
(For more information, see the Director*s Office.)
( Head of Reference, University of South Alabama. Salary: $20,000
minimum. Deadline: September 30.
y Arizona
t .- Associate Director for Public Services, Arizona State University. I
Salary: $U0,000 minimum. Deadline: October 29.
Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages Cataloger, University of E
Arizona. Salary: $16,500 minimum. Deadline: November 30. g

I 1 Reference Librarian/Social Sciences Bibliographer, University of
y California, San Diego. Salary: $20,3l6~$35,7MB. Deadline:
l October 15.
g Special Collections Librarian, University of California, San
.g Diego. Salary: $20,316-$35,7UB. Deadline: October 15.
g Catalog Department Head, University of California, San Diego.
{ Salary: $2M,828~$M6,260. Deadline: October 15.
_ Connecticut
Reference Librarian (2 positions), Yale University. Salary:
$19,500 minimum. Deadline: September 20.
* -‘ Florida
¤ Head of Monographic Cataloging/Assistant Head of Cataloging,
Q Florida State University. Salary: $16,870 minimum, Deadline:
5 September 30.
Extended Campus Services Librarian, Northwestern University.
Salary: $20,000-$22,000. Deadline: November 15. ,
a Conservation Officer, Northwestern University. Salary: $20,00Q
§4 $25,000. Deadline: November 30.
E Indiana
· Cataloger, University of Notre Dame. Salary: $15,500 minimum.
Deadline: December 1.
I Kentucky
Cataloger, U.S. Newspaper Program, University of Kentucky,
Salary: $15,000. Deadline: November 1.
Cataloger, Eastern Kentucky State University, Salary; not
J . specified. Deadline: October 30.

 V 8
8 Minnesota
Social Sciences Bibliographer, University of Minnesota. Salary:
I $20,000 minimum. Deadline: October 30.
4 New York
Public Services Librarian (E positions), _Corne1l University. L
Salary: not specified. Deadline: October 8.
North Carolina l
I Music Librarian, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Q
Salary: $19,000 minimum. Deadline: October 1. ¥
8 Oklahoma N
2 Government Documents Reference Librarian, University of Oklahoma. `
# Salary: $16,000. Deadline: October 8.
_ Pennsylvania
i` Life Sciences Reference Librarian. Pennsylvania State
University. Salary: $18,000 minimum. Deadline: October 15.
South Carolina
Reference Librarian, Winthrop College. Salary: $16,500 minimum. I
Deadline: not specified. g
A 1
I (If interested, contact Ann Howell.)
8 Library Technician III, grade 5. Agriculture Library.

 \_ A