xt7n028pdb3m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pdb3m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1938-12-09  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  9, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  9, 1938 1938 1938-12-09 2013 true xt7n028pdb3m section xt7n028pdb3m Fhe ECentucecy Kernel

the Christmas holidays, and
official end of the
campaign, draw near we would like
to commend all the individuals and
organizations that have given such
untiring-- support to what we believe
is a very worthy cause. Don't miss
the film showings this week and
next. They are interesting and informative. Also see the library display which points to the many
sources of information about the












9, 1938


anti-syphi- lis


They Will Sing Carols



Rupps Will Meet Wesleyan
In Alumni Gym Saturday




B'air Elected Presidsnt
On Interfraternity



Student Council


We're not going to open our
mouth, but the clamor from G. C.
G.'s letter won't stop. In Tuesday's SECRETARY-TREASUREissue were a number of "answers"
which in turn had to be answered,
and here it is:
"Sir: I'm laughing! Judging from Helen Cullon. Harmon Oates
Receive Eaual Number
the answers to my letter about the
Foreign-StudeOf Votes
Relief. I should be

Will Meet


Jack Coffey's Band To Play

For Interfraternity




"BUT: The founders of this country had in mind freedom of all
kinds as long as it was what they
considered o. k. Would the Puritans have tolerated an atheist? So
this talk of tolerance is but a figment of the imagination.

Dance In Union

test between Pi K. A. Harmon Oates,
an Interfraternity candidate, and
an Independent Helen Culton, a
man and a woman marked yester
day's freshman class election. In
A tie in


terfraternity Party candidates


America First
nered the offices of president and
"Charity shouldn't stop at home secretary-treasure- r.
if all at home were taken care of
ATO Dug Blair, Interfraternity
but are our problems solved? Our
party candidate, received 272 of the
poor increase like flies, but according to my correspondents, we must 528 votes cast to be elected presidrag here and take care of the dent. Phi Kappa Tau Bob Pfeiffer
poor of other nations. As for Chri- was elected secretary-treasurstianizing other peoples and nations the Interfraternity ticket.
. . . here in our state we have towns
The Men's Student Council will
where 10 out of 12 are not Chrismeet Monday to take action on
tians, nor do they profess any reli- breaking the tie. President Sid
gion. Suppose the Y finds out what Buckley announced.
percent of the USA is Christian.
Herman Kendall, in a statement
Then, perhaps, it will see work to for the Independent party said,
do here first. Isn't America worth "The Independent Party wishes to
bettering first?" G. C. G.
congratulate the Interfraternity
party for winning the election. We
Our Black Eye?
are proud of the showing the InAnother writer gives us a verbal dependents have made this year,
blow concerning the headline "Greek which is the first year in politics."
National Takes UK Jews" which
Chairman Bob
appeared in Tuesday's Kernel. He Stone when informed of the victory
explains his objections as follows:
said, "Only cooperation
"One of the objections with which Greek organizations made the vicwe were confronted while trying to tory possible. Results show that coorganize a fraternity and get it operation between the fraternities
recognized on the campus as a new and sororities will be necessary to
social group was that it would tend maintain the advantage that we
to seereeate Jewish students. We now hold."
admitted the validity of this
Complete results are Dug Blair,
and have, therefore, selected 272 votes to Independent Ben Sula fraternity which has no racial livan's 254, for president.
Interbarriers: Gentiles as well as Jews fraternity Party Candidate Bob
of Phi Epsilon Pi
are members
Pfeiffer polled 272 dockets to 253
Vet. despite our efforts to avoid the for Ailene DeMent, Independent
mentioned, we are immediately
party candidate for secretary-treasure- r.
segregated by a headline which
Both Oates and Culton garus. not simply as members of nered 263 votes.
Epsilon Pi. but as 'UK Jews'."
P. 3


1- r.













Seventeen Lighted Shields
To Form Decorations
For Affair










Shepherd To Receive Plaque
As Most Outstanding
UK Player
Former Kentucky Footballer
To Act As Toastmaster
For Banquet


BY 700





UK Choristers
Will Present


The University Choristers, direc- ted by Miss Mildred Lewis, will
present the fourth program of
the Sunday afternoon musicales
series at 4 p. m., December 11 in
Memorial Hall. The annual Christmas carol service will be offered.
Assisting artists will be Lela Cul-li- s,
organist; Lee Crook, violinist,
and Bunny Boone, harpist.
The audience will Join the Chor
isters in four familiar carols.
The program follows:

Military And Hygiene Classes.
Woman's Dorms And Six
Sororities Are Reached

Campus Greeks will held their
annual Interfraternity ball, the second formal of the season, from 9
p. m. to 12 midnight, Saturday, Dec
ember 10. in the Union ballroom.
Jack Coffee and his "Rocking Rhy
thm" orchestra will play.
Herbert Hillenmeyer, Phi Delta
Theta, will be in charge of arrange
ments for the dance. He will be
assisted by William McConnell, Al
pha Gamma Rho. and Jack Way,
Kappa Sigma, president of the coun
Decorations for the ball will con- ist of the lighted shields of the 17
Greek fraternities arranged around

the bandstand.
Since 1932. when the
DEADLINE FOR TESTS nity Council was formed Interfrater

Schedules For Men's Dorms,
Hygiene Classes And 15
Greeks Announced

(iame Will Start At
To Alleviate Conflict
With Dance

ing body for Greek social fraterni
ties on the campus, the annual ball
has been one of the opening dances
cf the formal season.
The council was founded when
fraternities withdrew from Panhel- lenic. formerly the governing group
for both fraternities and sororities.
which is now devoted to the latter
Chaperones will include Dr. and
Mrs. McVey, Dean and Mrs. Paul
P. Boyd, Dean T. T. Jones, and
Dean Sarah G. Blanding.
Coffee and his orchestra, brought
to the University through the man
agement of the Union building,
were recently booked at the Gibson
hotel in Cincinnati. Admission will
be 75 cents per stag or couple with
no advance ticket sales.



The Men's Student Council

Tilt With Panthers Is Slated
After Southwestern

will have a special meeting at
5 p. m., Monday. December
12. Rocm 206 of the Union, It
was announced yesterday by

Sid B. Buckley, president of
He asked
the organization.
all members to be present.

Quarterback Is Named Cats'
Most Valuable Grid


Joe Shepherd, Kentucky's junior
quarterback from Louisville. Wednesday was awarded the Lexington Lions club trophy presented
each year to the outstanding Kentucky football player.
started last year when the Lions
decided to give some sort of recogwall-plaq-

nition to the Kentucky and


sylvania player selected as his
team's most valuable performer after the season's close. The players
were not to be judged alone on
football ability or performance on
the field, but class work, character,
spirit, team work and attitude on
the practice field were to be considered. Captain Sherman Hinke-beiwas the Kentucky recipient
last year.
This season Shepherd, well termed the Cats "iron man," showed his
merit by starting every game on
Kentucky's nine game schedule and
by playing every minute of five of
the hardest tests, Alabama, Georgia Tech. Washington
and Lee,
Clemson and Vanderbilt. All the
teams punting and signal calling
rested with Shepherd and his boots
for the year averaged 37.5 yards per
n,.lla v..c tl'il .J . uu. wf
many deep holes.
Although tipping the scales but
to 168 pounds. Shepherd was the
team's most vicious blocker and a
capable defensive back. The selections were made by coaches from
both Kentucky and Transylvania
and local sports writers. Shepherd
will be formally presented with the
trophy at the annual football banquet next Tuesday in the Union
The award for the most valuable
Transylvania performer was won
by Joe Presznick. senior tackle.
Last season's plaque was voted to
Sweeney Elliott.

Processional It Came Upon the
Election of the 1939 Wildcat- foot, More than 700 students have been
Midnight Clear
ball captain will be held at the Bring A Torch, Jeanette,
reached already through the syphilis
Old French Carol
annual banquet sponsored by the Isabella
Alms to be shown this week and
American Carol
Alumni association and the Wildcat The TreesNorth Moan
Boosters' club, in honor of the varMountain White Gaul next, according to figures released
sity and freshmen football squads Stars Lead Us Ever On
yesterday by the department of Uniat 6:30 p. m. Tuesday, December 13, Oh, Po' Little Jesus Sioux Tribal Gaul versity extension.
Negro spiritualJames
in the Union ballroom.
This number includes attendance
the Manger
Awaid'ng of letters and numerals, The Virgin atWomen s Chorus)
at showings before military and hypresentation of the Lions' Club The Sailors' Christmas
Chamwade Matthews giene classes, women's dormitories,
plaque to Joe Shepherd as the most
aod Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha GamMen's Chorus)
outstanding player, and short talks
ma Delta. Alpha Delta Theta, Zeta
by members of the coaching staff
To be sung by Audience and Choristers
Tau Alpha, Delta Delta Delta, and
Telling The Story
i and outstanding alumni will be spe
Handel Kappa Kappa Gamma
Jov to the World
I Heard the Bells on Christinas DayCalkin
We understood from the chairman
cial features of the banquet.
Hark, the Herald Angels 8ing. Mendelssohn
Showings before dormitory men.
group that
Following the dinner, SuKy, cam O Come. All Ye Faithful
of the
Kappa Delta. Delta Zeta, and Chi
pus pep organization, will give a
it was the former Jewish fraternity
Omega, originally scheduled for last
which was accepted by the national
dance from 8:30 to 10:30 p. m. in When the 8un Had Sunk to Rest
because of
Old English Noel night, were postponed
organization. P1U EpsUon Pi.
farmers Association, who of the players, open to all Ave Marie
Bach Gounod the intramural finals.
ouenuy. we wroit uic
attend the dinner. Jamie
Lee Crook, Violin;
Lela Cullis. Organ:
Approved By UK Council,
Although The Kernel's campaign
Bunny Boone, harp
Thomson and his orchestra will
headline to tell that story. Wire
Palestrina will officially end before the ChristElects Officers
Adorainus Te
sorry if the wrong fact were given
Samuel R. Gaines mas holidays,
Rex Gloriae
the program is buildto us, and even more sorry if it has
James Park, '15. a former KenA University branch of the Fuing up to National Social Hygiene
caused any racial segregation.
tucky football star, will act as
ture Fanner's Association was given
Day, February 1, 1939.
at the banquet, to which
Six Universitv Officials Will
the official approval of the Univer all students, faculty, alumni, and
Wasssrmann tests will be given
Inion Booking
sity council and prospective mem friends of the University are in
Take Part On Program
apuntil the holidays during the reg
Another plug for Joe Creason
bers were given permission to or- vited.
Of Two-Da-y
ular office hours of the Dispensary,
pears in the mail by a writer who ganize a local chapter at a meet8:30 to 11:30 a. m. and 1 to 3 p. m.
Cost cf the dinner will be $1.00
sports ing
admits that he 13 not a great
of the council last week.
Doctor McVey will speak on "The
per plate and dress is informal
After the holidays several campus
lover but enjoys Joe's column beThe University association will be
may be made by call- Dr. Phillips Thomas To Talk organizations will hold discussions Contribution of Culture to Health
cause it is so "versatile" and "wit- made up of men who have been Reservations
on the subject of syphilis during ful Living" at the annual dinner of
At Engineer Assembly
ty." He adds: "How about a drive members of Future Farmer's Asso- ing the Alumni office before noon
the Kentucky Psychiatric associaDecember
their regular meetings.
to get the Union to produce the ciations in high schools, who are Tuesday.arrangement 13.
In Memorial Hall
tion at 8 p. m. Saturday in the ballThe
committee is
Groups desiring speakers or syph room of
bands they advertise for the dances? enrolled in the University and who
the Phoenix hotel.
composed of Marcus Redwine, pres
ilis film showings should contact
I heard a lot of criticism after Sat. Dr. Phillips Thomas of East Pittsare doing satisfactory scholastic idem of the Alumni association, Le
meeting preceding Committee Prompted To Hold
The two-da-y
Kernel Editor L. T. Iglehart.
urday night's formal. Too many work.
burgh, research engineer of
banquet will deal with three
Citizens' Day By Public
Roy Miles, president cf the Boostcame to hear Reggie Childs and not
Electric and ManufacturMoving pictures on the subject the
general topics: psychiatric needs of
Election of officers and aims of ers' club, Emmett Milward, Judge
Interest In Building
the other band." L. N. The Union
ing company, will lecture and pres- for Sigma Nu and Delta Chi frater general practice, the need for a
had a contract with Consolidated the organization were discussed at William Blanton, Miss Marguerite ent a demonstration before the en- nities will be shown at 7 p. m. Mon mental hospital,
and mental hy
For residents of Fayette county,
Radio Artists. Inc., which was to the first meeting Tuesday night, McLaughlin, and Robert K. Salyers. gineering assembly at 10 p. m. today da at the Sigma Nu house. Sigma
Alumni secretary.
all state officials, and the University
supply Childs for a certain sum. December 6.
Chi and Alpha Gamma Rho will
in Memorial hall.
Special films depicting Kentucky Board of Trustees, the Union buildBringing together men from varThe Union even made a deposit to
In order to illustrate new ways view films at 8:15 Monday at the public mental hospitals and those ing will hold Citizen's Day from 3
seal the contract, but it was broken. ious sections of the state who have
of utilizing electricity, he will dem- Alpha Gamma Rho house.
of several other states will be shown to 6 p. m. and from 7 to 10 p. m.
In that case, there is very littla one been active in F. F. A- - work, the
Showings scheduled for Tuesday to compare
onstrate a miniature laboratory. He
different methods of today. The guests will be shown
can do except swear never to have new group will assist the Colleges
will show how the rays of a lamp night are for dormitory men at 7
through the building by guides.
of Agriculture and Education in
any more "truck" with such organip. m. in Room 111, McVey Hall;
kills microbes, how electrical chargSix persons from the University
developing agricultural education in
A musical program will be given
es dispose of dust, and how millions ATO and SAE at 8:15 p. m. at the
program which
will take part in
high schools of the state, and will
bomSAE house; Phi Delta Theta. Phi has been plannedthe laymen's con- at 5 p. m. and again at 8:30 p. m.
a cast of fifteen University of volts can be harnessed to
assist in promoting contests, liveTo Intelligent?
The guides under the direction of
itucents the premier production cf bard the atom in a new "atom- Kappa Tau and Lambda Chi Alpha sumption.
stock judging events, public speakRobert Sweeney are to take the
I noted . . . someone was com
at 9:15 p. m. at the Phi Kappa Tau
a Biblical drama, "The Blood of
Dr. J. B. Miner, head of the psy visitors through the entire building
plaining because professors conduct ing, and writing in the. College of Rachel," written by Cotton Noe.
Doctor house.
In his demonstration.
chology department, speaks
on and answer questions they may ask
classes in such a way as to insult Agriculture.
Thursday showings will be held
Thomas will give a preview of fuOfficers elected were Frank E. professor emeritus cf the University ture motoring made safer by the ap- for la hygiene classes at 11 a. m. in Needs for Psychological Services in about the construction of the Union
the intelligence of their students.
and poet laureate
Kentucky, will
Mental Care" at the hospital ses and the use of the various rooms.
It may be that not everyone is quite Clark, Frankfort, president; Julian open for a week's of December 12 plication of polarized light to elim- Room 205a. Health and Hygiene sion held
at 2 p. m. Miss M. E. State officials have been extendas intelligent as he supposes himself Pierce, Stamping Ground,
inate headlight glares, and he will building; and Kappa Alpha. Sigma Grimmer, secretary in the depart
J. D. Tolbert, Owenton, at Athe Guignol theatre.
to be. There are some students,
show for the fust time "electric Phi Epsilon. Alpha Sigma Phi and ment of public health service, will ed special invitation to see the
stoiy of Queen Esther written
Union. All clubs and civic organibridge and Pi Kapppa Alpha at 8:30 p. m. at the
feme of our best, that must have treasurer; C. A. Berry, Stanley, sec- iq blank verse, it will be
discuss "Psychiatric Social Work in zations of Fayette county have been
the second eyes" leading cards into
things explained in detail in order retary; James McCcnathy, Lexing- play of the season produced by
the poker hands. E. Freeman, assistant Kappa Alpha house. Kappa Delta, Relation to Mental Hospital and contacted and given an invitation
that they may understand. Then. ton, reporter; Prof. Watson Arm studio players. Costumes of
Prof. W.
Chi Omega, and Delta Zeta will see
the perthere is the student who fails a test strong, advisor; and Prof. W. R. iod will be wcrn by the cast. The dean of the Engineering college, has the pictures at 7:15 p. m. at the Chi Community Needs for Treatment of to attend.
the Mentally Disordered."
and says, "The professor didn't ex- Tabb,
Punch will be served throughout
play will be augmented by a ballet announced that the assembly will Omega house.
At the Mental Hygiene Session at
plain that question to us!' Maybe
William E. Netherland. Camp- - under the direction of William
be open to the general public.
2 p. m. Saturday. Dean William S. the
he wasn't listening to that child- bellsville, is state president of the
Fall flowers will be used as decTaylor of the Education college will
Members of the cast are: Ahasu-eru- s.
ish patter. He is too intelligent!" Future Farmer's Association and
King of Persia, (Richard
speak on "The Responsibility of orations. Wine,
Freshman, R. E. S.
chairman of the
Julian Pierce is a former national Swope); Vashti, First Queen of
Education in Personality Developcommittee in charge, stated that
of the organization
Persia, (Dorothy Ammons); Esther,
ment." Dr. W. van de Wall, prof Citizen's Day was sponsored by
They Appreciate
Second Queen of Persia, (Betty
IJnrlr th vimnsnrsllitl of th YW essor of music education, will speak
many requests
Who says that students don't apSeniors m the Law college
ui!anf1 th TTninn R(lfllrt thp annual on "Recreational and Cultural Union because see the new building.
Roberts); Haman, Premier, (William
of citizens to
preciate good professors? Prof. EdToran) ; Mordecai, a Jew, afterwards try a practice arson case at l.io Christmas "Hanging of the Greens
Needs of Mental Health."
The committee in charge is: Mrs.
ward Pisk recently received a book
Premier, (Tom Downing); Zeresh, p. m. luuajr in uic bjuu 'uwii " - ceremony will be held at 4 p. m.
The films will be shown from 7 Frank L. McVey, Dean Sarah
and a carton of cigarettes from 18
to 8 p. m. today and from 11 to Blanding.
wife of Haman, (Louise Nisbet ; the Law building
Monday in the Union.
James W. WUiie. Jr., Robof his students who wished him a
Philip Schiff will serve as the deMeheuman, a chamberlain, (Morry
Carols will be sung by the Worn' 12 a. m. and 1 to 2 p. m. Saturday ert Sweeney, Ruth Johnston. Doro
recovery from the results of
Holcomb); Biztha and a messenger, fendant. Freddie Matchbox, owner en's Glee club. Virginia Rich, harp in the ballroom of the Phoenix thy Hillenmeyer.
Sarah Renaker,
Mrs. Selma Jerks, head of the (Dameron
his automobile accident.
a of a drygoods store who is accused ist, Rosalie Herman, violinist, and hotel.
and Mary Duncan.
University of Louisville home eco- chamberlain, (Gerald Fifleld); Aha- - of burning his own residence ta
Dr. Spafford Ackerly. Louisville,
Jean Marie McConnell. pianist, will
nomics department, will be principal
Protest Against fcrrur
president-elecourt poet, (John Lunne); lect insurance.
of the association
furnish music for the occasion.
"Scmebody in ignorance or error speaker at the annual Ellen H. Rich- Smerdis, court fool, (Kibby Vogti;J Nathan Cooper and Joe Orr will
At the end of the musical pro will preside at the dinner, and the
I hope it is not stupidity or the ards banquet of the Home Econogram 'Deck the Halls With Boughs Rev. George O'Bryan, chaplain of
Saadi, young court poet, (Katherine act as defense attorneys, while
lesult of prejudice cast aside a mics club at 7:30 p. m. Monday in
of Holly" will be played while the St. Joseph's hospital, will give the
Parshandatha. lady in liam Carnahan and Clarence
statue that we as students have all the Union.
to Zeresh, (Irma Jane Ries) ; ley will conduct the prosecution for audience decorates the Great Hall, invocation and benediction.
A short talk1 will be given by Dean Zethar, lady in waiting to Vashti. the Commonwealth.
Theta Sigma Phi. national honorthe reason in the world td be proud
The program committee consists
Chairman of the committee on
of. This statue is more than the Thomas P. Cooper. Dr. Statie E. (Adele Ball); and Harbonah, King's! Witnesses for the defense will be of: Margaret Purdom. Jean Marie programs is Dr. L. M. Rogers, con- ary journalism fraternity for women, held initiation services, Thurmemory of a dead man. This is Erickson, head of the home economhigh officer, (Andre Bowne).
Charles Runyan and T. L. Hibitts. McConnell, Nancye Mohney, and sultant in Mental Hygiene.
sday, December 6, at the home of
the statue of a man who died on ics department, will give the history
Godfrey Wheeler, Harry Roberts Gladys Kil pa trick. Mary LaBach, Su
Frank Fowler is director with
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, 226
the fiftieth anniversary of the Con of Ellen H. Richards, founder of Mary Wood Brown as associate di- and Mrs. William Carnahan will san Clay, and Lora Barrow are mem
East Maxwell street.
stitution. July 4, 1826. This is the home economics.
rector and Elizabeth Brown as as- serve as witnesses for the prosecu- bers of the decorations committee
During the dinner three numbers sistant.
statue of a man whose philosophi
A banquet was held at the Can
Dr. Marion Hathaway of Pittscal influence led, since ' the begin will be sung by the Freshman Trio
burgh, was a guest of Dr. and Mrs. ary Cottage after initiation, in
ning of our great nation, in the composed of Susan Darnell, MarNOTICES MAY BE INSERTED
McVey while she was studying the honor of the new members. Initi
aiiiijt tlie powerful and garet Stacy, and Gaynell Mallony.
Dr. Vivian Palmer, head of the social work educational program of ates were presented with corsages
privileged groups. This is the sta Margaret Schnake will play the
Notices to be included in the Uni- Miss Statie Erickson of the home
department of so the University. Dr. Hathaway is in of violets, the fraternity flowers.
versity Bulletin must be sent to economics department spoke on cial work, has received word that charge of the research program for
tue of Thomas Jefferson whose phif violin.
The new members are Nancy Or- Mary Bina Baird, president of the the Department of Journalism be- - "The Nutritional Status of College the American Association of Social the American association of schools rel, Kuttawa. Ky.; Elizabeth Brown,
osophy stimulates us to fight for
telerance and freedom. It is the Home Economics club, will introduce fore 10 a. m. Friday or telephoned Women" at the Research club Work has accredited the graduate of socal work set up from a special Cleveland. Tenn.; Lois Campbell,
symbol of true Americanism!
the speakers. Initiation for fresh- to University 135 according to an Thursday night in the Dairy
training program for the academic grant from the social service divi Butler. Ky.. and Louise Calbert,
4Cyntiou"d on Pm.? n't'!
men and transfers will be held
Fa!mouth, Ky
yew 1923 yj
made bv the editors. !ng
sion vf the Rockefeller foundation














Inspection Of Union
Is Open To Citizens


Laboratory Drama

Will Open Monday

At Guignol Theatre

Jerks To Address

Home Ec Women
At Annual Dinner

Slated For Monday



col-fi- d,




With one game down on the schedule and 16 to go. Coach Adolph
Rupp will send his troupe of basketball conscious Wildcats against
the Kentucky Wesleyan college Panthers tomorrow night in Alumni
gym for Kentucky's second test of
the year.
In order to offer the least conflict with the dance due next door,
the game will start at 7:30 o'clock.
Originally on the schedule this
week-en- d
was to be an engagement against Southwestern college in Memphis. Tenn. After having the game moved up one night.
Southwestern officials again asked
for a change in date and it was
agreed to drop the game and possibly play it later in the season.
Kentucky pryed open their ambitious 17 game schedule a week ago
by loafing to an easy
win over
Georgetown college in the Alumni
bandbox. Although far off form,
the Cats were able to mash the
Tigers with not too much effort. At
times Kentucky looked as weak as
a fugitive from a square meal as
they passed wildly and hurried easy
shots, but then their smooth clicking attack would function for a
moment and they would look hotter than a can of Cayenne pepper.
The most pleasing point from
the Kentucky angle was the Cats
iron - bound defense. Georgetown
found that trying to work through
the Blue's man - checking defense
and under the basket for open shots
to be as futile as trying to bisect
the Arctic circle. During the first
half the Tigers rang up but one
field goal and for the entire game
their efforts netted five, three being
from the center circle region.
Coach Rupp is expected to shuffle
nis deck before dealing a starting
lineup for tomorrow night s game
However, the probable starting line
up contains three seniors. Captain
Bernie Op per. Tub Thompson and
Cab Curtis, and two sophomores.
Keith Farnsley and Lee Huber.
Any combination
from his 20
man squad that Rupp may start
tomorrow night against the Methodists is capable of producing points
as fast as a streamline adding
At the forward posts
Farnsley. Curtis. Goodman. Den-haand Orme furnish five players
whose basket eyes are as deadly as
Robin Hood's bow. Thompson and
Marion Cluggish offer plenty of
center protection.
For the back
court positions
Rouse, Hodge. Jefferson and Head
afford the Cats a Magmot line defense.
The strength of the Kentucky
Wesleyan team is shrouded in as
much mystery as a parlor card trick
but the tilt will mark their first
.start of the year. George Dii'o.
Wesleyan coach, has been drilling
his team with stiff sessions for two
auie is
weeks and the Wildcat
expected to be the high light on
their card for the season. The game
will mark the first time the two
teams have clashed in more than
10 years.
But one more game remains on
the Kentucky schedule before the
Christmas parole, the University of
Cincinnati being due in Alumni gym
December 17. As a
the Cats will host the powerful
Washington and Lee Generals December 21. Following the vacation
Kentucky will take to the road,
meeting Long Island University. St.
college and Notre Dame
before returning to meet Tennest-eJanuary 21. Student admission to
Saturday's game will be page eight
of the student activity book.


Hanging Of Greens

Arson Trial Slated
For Law Seniors



Journalism Group
Banquets Initiates

Any woman student who wants
a job for rocm and board is asked
to see Dean Sarah Blanding imme

Independents who are interested
in giving a dance are asked to meet
at 4 p..m. today in Room 205. Union.

Dutch Lunch club 11 noon. Maxwell Street Presbyterian church. A
xylophone program of Christmas
carols will be given.
American Chemical society 7 M
p. m.. Room 210, Kastle hall.
Commerce employment associ-tio- n
4 p. m.. Room 102, While hall.
YM-Ycourse in religion 1 p.
m.. Room 127, Union.
Annual "Hanging of the Gi een.s '
ceremony 4 p. m, Great H;L


Page Two
tions that the fraternity is a dying institution;
and those prophesying this extinction point to
Yale, Harvard, and Princeton, where fraternities
have been changed or wiped out entirely.
Undoubtedly, the fralerniiy has slipped a bit
from its former position but many of the criticisms directed at the fraternity system are not
founded on clear thinking. For instance, one
can not justly assert that the system is any more
undemocratic than the idea behind good clubs
and organizaiions where an individual seeks mutual companionship. The fault always can be
traced to the individual groups, not to the svstem

Published semi weekly during the school ywr
holidays or examination periods.
Rntrrrd t the Pnnt Office at Lertnftna, Kentucky, aa
niavttrr unlr the An of March t, 1171.







National Advertising Service, Inc.
( ollrrr Fuklithrn Rrpmrmatitt
t20 Madison Ave.

f 1.M

One Semester

jn is T. Igi.khakt
E. H. Mithsi.fr

Jfn McEiroy
IIvrrv M. Smith




Managing Editor
Neirs Editor
Business Manager


Society Editor


Advertising Manager


Circulation Manager

Rumsey Garrison
Nancy Orrell
8. Louise Cftlbert
James Howell
George Lamafion
Art Editor


the fallacy of militarism
war years.

Until May


we were given an
picture of the nightmare that
is totalitarianism and made aware
of one fact: here is Germany, ap
parently licked in 1918. now back
again stronger than ever before in
history and irked because it isn"t
And if the world
still stronger.
thought the Reich was a headache
in 1914, it had better start laying
in an abundant supply of aspirin
for use In the near future "cause
it looks like here we go again.

Wallace Hughes

Who - ey

To start right off the, bat. we
have a delicious little quadrangle
that packs no end of intrigue. It
concerns Bob Brown, a PI Kap who
drives a
red Ford; Alice
Redding, a Tridelt who once was
pinned to Austin Triplett. an SAE
who swims; and Betty Murphy.
Well. Redding courts Triplett and
Brown, while Brown courts Redding and Murphy. Redding gripes
at Brown for his
activities: while Brown is peeved
because Triplett spoils his record.
All of which adds up to nothing except that Brown has laid in a supply
of fraternity jewelry for Redding,
Usually when sustaining programs Murphy, or Adele Ball,
hookups desire sponsors
on national
entry which ever is in the best
they get out a long folio of fan mail standing at Christmas time.
and audience response to show prospective clients that their program
come to our
has wide audience, that It would Bettyhas Miller, who attention that
has both the
be a good investment on the part
Phidelt Dan Doggett of the intelli- of the sponsor.
gensia and A TO Doug Blair stepSeveral week