xt7n028pdb21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pdb21/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1947-06-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 20, 1947 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 20, 1947 1947 1947-06-20 2013 true xt7n028pdb21 section xt7n028pdb21 The Kentucky Kernel

Basketball Team
Starts Practice;
See Page Four




All Telephone Lines
To Be Underground

Summer Registration
Smashes All Records
Scholarships Fellowships
To Be Given Won By 17
In Mining
carrying stipends


Sprinkler System
Will Be Installed

Dr. H. L. Donovan, president of
the University, returned Wednesday
from Princeton, N. J., where he represented the University at the
Princeton University Bicentennial
celebration. The three-da- y
marks the conclusion of
Princeton's 12 months' observance
of its 200th year.
He represented the University in
the academic procession where each
college or university representative
stood in the order of his institution's founding.
More than 400 delegates attended
the bicentennial, including representatives from 41 nations, and representatives of the government appointed by President Truman, and
the United States Senate, the House
of Representatives, and by members
of a Jew Jersey commission appointed by Walter E. Edge, former
governor of the state, and the two
houses of the legislature.
Among the events for the final
three days was a concert by the
Boston Symphony orchestra, the
laying of the cornerstone of the
Harvey S. Firestone Memorial library, and a final Bicentennial con
vocation on the front, campus at
which President Truman was among
the forty recipients of honorary degrees. He and Dr. Harold W. Dodds,
president of Princeton, spoke at the
Others from Kentucky who at'
tended the bicentennial celebration
were Frank H. Caldwell, president
of the Louisville Presbyterian Sem
inary Louisville; Francis S. Hutch
ins, president of Berea college,
presDr. Raymond F McL-l- n,
ident of Transylvania college, Lex
ington, and Senator Alben W. Bark-le-

Trustees of the University at their
meeting Tuesday,, June
3. aDDrdved the lettine of contracts
for the proposed new fine arts build- -


The present phone lines will be
used for the clock and bell system.
When the system Is complete, the
change from one set of lines to the
other will be done either between
midnight and 5 a. m. or on Sunday
afternoon In order to disrupt phone
service as little as possible.
Mr. Farris said that the system
being Installed by the University is
the latest thing in dial phones. It is
the same type which will eventually
be installed by the city of Lexington, which will be .one of the first
cities to use it.
The new dial phones are as good
system as has been devised for
use in the dormitories. Mr. Farris
said. Under the new arrangement
there will be a phone for approximately every 1J students. Each student will have his own number and
bell or buzzer will ring in his
room automatically when the number is dialed. This eliminates the
delay caused while the desk clerk
rings for the person wanted.
Exchange Discontinued
The old administration building
phone exchange will be discontinued
with the coming of the dial phones.
However, Mr. Farris said an operator
will always be necessary for the University to handle incoming calls,
long distance calls, and other special
calls such as conferences. With the
dial system. President Donovan, for

instance, can tell the operator that
he wants to speak to any number of
different people on the campus. She
arranges the hook-uphone will ring at once, and he can
start his conference without any one
having to leave his office.
Of course. Mr. Farris said, no one
knows definitely when the rotary dial
system will be complete, but he hopes
to have it in operation by Septemp,

ber, 1948.

WBKY To Broadcast
Series Over WHAS
A series of
originating in the studios of WBKY,

station entitled "After High School,
What?" will be broadcast over sta
tion WHAS each Saturday at 1:30
p.m. The purpose of the programs
is to acquaint high school students
with the academic work available at
the University, according to E. G.
Sulzer, head of the department of
radio arts.
Dr. Hobart Ryland, head of the
department of romance languages,
will appear on the first program
which will be recorded tomorrow.
Subjects to be covered include
romance languages, mechanical enwork, mining
and metallurgical engineering, agriculture and home economics, medart, chemistry,
ical technology,
teaching, and law.

Informal Movies



scholarships in minTwo four-yeing engineering covering University
expenses will be awarded detuition
serving students beginning in September for the school year 1947-4- 8
by the Princess Elkhorn Coal Company, David, Ky., D. V. Terrell, dean
of the college of engineering, has
Two additional scholarships will be
given by the company each year, according to a plan announced by its
president, David L. Francis. Thus,
in four years, the company will be
sponsoring the education of eight
prospective mining engineers. Selection will be on the basis of competitive tests after recommendation by
their high school principal.
The company also will provide
work for the students during the
summer vacation period at the mines
in David. They will have two weeks
vacation each fall prior to their return to the University. During the
school year their summer savings
are to be augmented by the scholarships to the extent of $400 or $500
per annum. This sum is to cover
matriculation, food, lodging, books-another incidental expenses, according to Dean Terrell.
In addition to the scholarships
awarded at the University, the company sponsors four high school
scholarships and two at Pikeville
Junior college. The company is located at David, in Floyd county near
Operation began in
1941 and annual production now is
approximately 1,000,000 tons.


Conrad And Moore
Represent UK
At Conference

lUnion Dance
To Be Held

Dr. Capurso Named

Russell Conrad and Ross Moore
represented the University at the
Southern Regional YMCA Leadership Training Conference held at
Blueridge, N. C, June
Ten Southern states were represented at the conference.
The Buerldge camp is owned and
operated by the YMCAs of the
South, but it is used for all kinds
of conferences throughout the summer. There was a full recreation
program held in connection with the
training conference, and all the 140
Y members at the conference took
part in the six workshops held during the period.
One of the outstanding speakers
was Dr. T. Z. Koo, of Shanghai,
China, eminent leader in the youth
movement and secretary of World
Christian Student Federation.

The student union dance commit
tee will sponsor a dance tomorrow
night from 9 to 12 in the newly
Bluegrass room "of
the Student Union building.
Bob Bleidt and the "Blue and
White" will play for the informal
dance. Admission is $1.00, stag or
The chaperones for the occasion
will be Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, Dean
and Mrs. T. T. Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Kirwan, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Mathews, Paul Oberst, Miss Margaret Story, Mrs. Gertrude Harvard,
Mrs. Mildred Turner, Mrs. Gertrurde
Zemp, and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin.

Dr. Alexander A. Capurso, head of
the University department of music. Disabled
has been named visiting professor of Should Apply Now
music in the graduate division of the
school of fine arts at the University
of Kansas, Lawrence, for the sumJune 3.
Veterans of world war II who sufmer quarter, it was announced May fered the loss, or loss of use, of one
or both legs at or above the ankle
Dr. Capurso will teach courses en have until June 30, 1947, to apply
titled music in society and influence for automobiles at government ex
Now Available
the Jf0?
of music on behavior, and will serve
as a consultant on problems of re- - veterans AuuiuiiaLmuuu uoa
Automobile football stickers
search in music. He also will con nounced.
and schedules are now available
Harry W. Farmer, regional manaduct the University symphony orto students if they will stop at
ger, advised eligible veterans to file
the athletic office in Alumni
fine arts division, claims in advance may the June 30
The Kansas
obtain necone of the outstanding schools of its deadline. Veterans
The Wildcat stickers are blue
type in the midwest, is headed by essary forms at any VA office in
and white with the 1947 gridiron
Dr. Donald Swarthout, president of Kentucky.
schedule on the back-sidThe cost of each vehicle is limited
the National Association of Schools
cards are
Also pocket-size- d
to $1,600, including special equipof Music.
available, which have the footExercises
ment or attachments.
During the absence of Dr. Capurso,
ball schedule of Kentucky and
Insurance Reinstated
music staff members Robert Kuhl
the other Southeastern ConferAlgernon Sydney Sullivan medalman and Mrs. Mildred Lewis will Veterans of world war II may al- - ence teams, printed on them.
lion winners this year include Frank
alternate as acting head of the Uni- so reinstate lapsed national service
Selby Hurst, Lexington. Miss Sara
life (G.I.) insurance without a physversity department.
Lee Trabue. Hopkinsville. chosen the
ical examination, up until August
Dr. Capurso has also been recently
Campus Constitution outstanding man andthe 1947 graduappointed to the national board of 1, 1947, the VA added.
ate, respectively, of
Mr. Farmer pointed out that NSLI Committee To Meet
Society of
directors of the National
class of the University, and William
Art, a society composed may be reinstated in amounts rangMusic and
P. King. Louisville, executive secreThe campus committee for re- tary of the Kentucky Education Asof leading American composers and ing from $1,000 to $10,000. Veterans
symphony conductors, with head- need pay only two monthly premi vision of the Kentucky constitution sociation, who was named Kenquarters in Los Angeles, and to a ums to reinstate term plan insurance will hold its first meeting at 7 p.m. tucky's "outstanding citizen of the
national committee of five making a if health is as good as when the Tuesday in the Student Union build- year." The awards were presented
ing, Pelham Johnson, chairman, at the University commencem?nt
study of problems of music on hu- insurance lapsed.
man behavior for the National AssoNSLI offers such features as lump announced this week.
exercises. Friday. June 8.
With its organization completed,
ciation of Schools of Music and the sum settlement, unrestricted choice
The 1947 award to Mr. King was
Music Teachers National association. of beneficiaries and a wide selection the committee has requested that given on the basis of his outstanding
any interested students, including all service to education in Kentucky
Dr. Capurso received his formal of permanent plans of insurance,
those who have been connected with and the nation, according to the
education entirely at the University Manager Farmer said.
Advice and assistance regarding the group in the past, attend this University. He was born in Mason
of Kentucky, receiving his bachelor's
degree in music in 1933 and a Ph D G. I. insurance is available at all VA meeting Tuesday night in order that j county and iducated at Georgetown
the committee's campaign for a new College. Miami University and Cin
offices in Kentucky.
five years later.
state constitution may be put into cinnati School of Law, from which
operation as soon as possible.
he holds the LL.B. degree. The LL.D.

Whittenburg Corporation, Louisville,
Costs of installing heating and air
conditioning equipment, plumbing,
electrical equipment
an elevator,
and a sprinkler svstem will bring



lowest and best bids were: Raymond
N. Meyer, Louisville, heating. $66,111,
and plumbing, $56,474; T. J. Connor,
Inc., Cincinnati, air conditioning,
$106,573; Murphy Elevator Company,
Louisville, freight elevator, $10,280;
Rockwood Sprinkler Company, Cin- cinnati, sprinkler system, $6,409; and

uie riyuiw: aiecinc company,


i,ex- -



Wallace Jones
Sport Trophy
Wallace (Wah Wah) Jones, Har-

lan sophomore, was awarded the
Jack Dempsey trophy June 4 after
he had received the largest number
of votes by student balloting for
UK's outstanding athlete during the

school year.
In this contest, the primary qualifications considered were sportsmanship, cooperation and enthusiasm.
The award is to be an annual affair.
Jones, during the 1946-4- 7
terms, received many honors at
football, basketball and baseball.
He was selected on the
eastern Conference football team as
an end; in basketball the handsome
Harlan lad, playing both forward
and center for Kentucky, made All- SEC and later
In 33 cage games, Wah Jones
tossed in 217, and he was leading
Wildcat scorer in the Southeastern
and National Invitational tourneys
scoring 50 tallies in Louisville and
36 points in the Madison Square
Garden classic.
four-inc- h
On the diamond, the
athlete was one of the leading
pitchers and batters in the conference. In winning three games
Tennessee and Eastern for
Kentucky the Harlan hurler allowed
but four runs in the three games
he pitched.



Donovans Will Hold
Summer School Tea
A summer school tea will be held
Wednesday afternoon, June 25, from
4 to 6 at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
Herman Donovan. All students, fac
ulty members and their wives, and
staff members and their wives are
cordially invited to attend this tea,
which will be the only one held
during the summer school sessions.
In the receiving line will be Dr,
and Mrs. Donovan, Dr. Frank Mc- Vey, Dr. and Mrs. Leo Chamberlain,
Dean and Mrs. Maurice Seay, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Peterson, Dean and
Mrs. T. T. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Kirwan, and Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes.



More Quonset Huts
Being Constructed


and quonset huts are now under
construction on the campus and
more are planned.
All of the quonset huts will be

used for storage purposes, according
to the office of E. B. Farris, director
of maintenance and operations.
going up between
The pre-fa- b
Pence and Kastle halls will be used
chemistry laboratories and classfor
rooms. The one on Limestone in
front pf Memorial hall will be used
as a classroom building.
Two other
ings are to be constructed.
to be used for classrooms, laboratories and office space is to be
started within a few days. It will
be located by Lafferty hall.
The other will be a maintenance
and operations combined shops

Kansas University
Visiting Professor





$500 fellowships go to Miss
Becker. Jeanette. Pa., for
research in bacteriology; Arthur
Jr., Lexington. Geology;
and John Robinson, Lexington, education.
Scholarships carrying stipends of
$400 each were approved for Thomas
Duncan, Louisville, for graduate
work in English; Eugenia Smith,
Horse Cave, business education; Or- ville Taylor, Little Rock, Ark., his
tory; Lester Hamilton, Olive Hill,
Louise Tale. Miami,
Florida, bacteriology:
Brooklyn, New York, bacteriology;
Joseph Lance. West
Ashevilie. N. C, business education;
Frances Hodges, Sulphur Well, bacteriology; Betty Congleton, Congle-to- n.
Ky.. history; Mrs. Claudine
Worths, St. Simons Island. Ga.. education; Robert Stone, Frankfort,
bacteriology; Helen Hampton.
N. C, romance
Miriam Schnaper. Jersey City, N. J,
sociology; and Shirley Wenske, Chicago. 111., zoology.
The fellowships and "scholarships
were approved by the University
Board of Trustees at its meeting








To Be Held
sing will be held
Wednesday evening, June 25. at 7
o'clock in the amphitheatre behind
Memorial hall. .
Mrs. Mildred Lewis, who will direct the song-fes- t.
announced that
if attendance warrants, the
sings will be held weekly
throughout the summer.

Hockensmith Elected
President Of BSU
Hoge Hockensmith
was elected
president of the Baptist Student
Union for the summer quarter at
the last spring quarter meeting of
the group. Other officers selected
are Bethel Burdine and Tom Francis, first
Redden, 3rd
secretary and pianist;


Mortar Board






Elects Officers

lis A '







Traffic Signals
Are Installed
Traffic lights have been installed
on South Upper street and Limestone near the junction of the two


SGA president Claude S. Sprowls
negotiated with city officials to secure the lights at the request of the
men in the Scott street barracks.

Mortar Board officers for the coming year were announced at the initiation of 14 new members in the
Botanical Gardens. Sunday. May 11.
The new president is Helen
Hutchcraft; vice president, Jane
Street; secretary, Maybelle Reichen-bactreasurer. Elizabeth Smith;
historian. Floye Mullineaux.
Initiates were Leslie Toll. Corinna
Cook, Dorothy Adams. Jean Kesler.
Mary Keith Dosker, Kay Johnstone.
Millie Johnston. Maybelle Reichen-bacEllen Wood, and the new officers.
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, Miss Jane
Haselden , and the local Mortar
Board alumnae were guests at the
initiation ceremonies and the breakfast which followed in the football
room of the Union building.
Barbara Allen, retiring president,



STARS OF '48, '49, AND '50 Coarh Paul Bryant is pictured with some of the freshman hopefuls who registered for summer school to try their
luck with the young fotlhall mentor. Reading left to right on the front row Richard Hcrton, Spenrer, XV. Va.; Joe Tabernrr, Toledo, Ohio; Bill
George, Dayton, Kentucky; Wilbur Jamrrson, Henderson, Ky.; Harold Wooddell, Beckley, W. Va.; Bob Jones, Chicago, I1L; Lawrence Howard,
Harlan, Ky.; Russell E. Knoerl, Covington, Ky.; Trent Serini, Tuckahoe, N. Y.; and Ben Zaranka, E. Chicago, Ind.; Second row Ogden Thomas,
Huntington. W. Va.; Bob Oolhner, Ilammon, Ind.; John Dorman, Covington, Ky.; Clayton Webb, St. Albans, W. Va.; Jim Swenck Buechel Ky.;
Sherwin Gandee. Akron, Ohio; Bobby Pope, Harlan, Ky.; Bob Wodtke, Gary, Ind., and Don Krampton, Bradford, Pa. Third row Ncrbert Moranz.
Ambridge, Pa; Walt Painler, SI. Albans, W. Va.; Joe Davis; Bobby Brooks. Gary, Ind.; William Ccnde, Charleston, W. Va.; Billy Robertson,
Trenton, Tciui.; Bib Koontx, Huntington, W. Va.; Bob Gain, Weirton, W. Va.; and I.arry Hamm, Chicago, I1L



Enroll ees who had not had them
took their classification tests. Physi- cal examinations were given Monday
and Tuesday. W. H. Heinz, associate
professor of hygiene, reported Tuesday afternoon that the University
health service had given a total of
213 physical examinations: 133 men.
and 80 women. This figure does not
include transient students.
On Tuesday new students attended
meetings with the deans of their
colleges, a meeting under the direction of the personnel department,
the SGA meeting, and .all new
women attended the dean of women's
meeting held Monday.
Group leaders for freshmen week
Included Mary Louise Skidmore.
William Whittenburg. Eugene Lutt-rel- l.
Luther Hilliard, Berd Ross.
Joyce Crutchfleld, Eugene Flood and
Kenneth Bruckard. Coordinators for
the program were Jane Street and
William Champion.




Dr. Lysle W. Croft, director of the
University personnel office, and
chairman for freshmen week activities reported that 386 new students
had registered at noon Wednesday.
This exceeds by more than 100 the
number expected.
The new students were divided
into eight groups for various activities Monday and Tuesday. Monday
they toured the library and

Hurst, Trabue
Win Sullivan



Van-derbi- lt,

"Evening interludes." a series of
informal movies, will be shown
Thursday evenings at 7:30 in the
amphitheater at the rear of Memorial hall. There is no charge and the
public is invited. In case of rain
the pictures will be shown in Mem-orihall. They are being sponsored and Vic Bruner, treasurer.
by the department of University exdevotions will
tension. Next week's movie will be beThe BSU noonday SUB at 12:40.
held daily in the
Summer Fun."
The time change was made to conform with the summer class sched-

Colonel Carl Ambiose, army
air reserve training program,
has planes at Blue Grass airport
each weekend for the purpose of
assisting air reserve officers in
obtaining their flying time. Dr.
Lyle K. Henry, assistant director
of personnel has announced.

labora-Departme- nt


Scheduled Weekly

Air Reserve Planes
Are Available Here

In addition, there will be a
torv theater eating approximately
125 Persons and equipped with a
projection screen. The smaller thea- ter wlu be usea as a classroom
oratory for instructing students of

uepni miems, ui
Band and orchestra music librar
ies, music studios and offices, rooms
for instrumental rehearsal and glee
Biological Sciences building,
club, stage dressing rooms, property
The fine arts building will be rooms, instrument repair rooms, and
located between Stoll Vi
field and Max- ;
luuui wua (.uuii lac wac
well place, and will front on Rose
The first floor will have more
with an entrance built of split white
limestone, the structure will be U- - music practice studios, record storshaped with approximately 150,000
library thea er art eallerv art
square ee
all dimensions of 281x248 feet. In Second floor rooms will include ad- i,iv, ,v.
three stories but will vary from one ditional music practice studios, eight
classrooms, drawing studios and ofstory at the entrance to 77 feet fices of
the art department. The
above ground level at the fly gallery
third Floor, in the art wing only,
of the theater.
will be devoted to studios and ofIncluded in the building, to be fices.
divided into a music wing and an
The building, which will be modart wing, will be all classrooms, of- ernistic and functional in design,
fices, studios, practice rooms and li- - is to be built of a combined rein- braries of the departments of music forced concrete and steel frame. It
and art, and dramatics. Guignol's will be fireDroof and. as an added
new home will be
precaution, will have an automatic
and will seat 440 persons. It will sprinkler system. Music practice
be completely designed and equipped rooms will be soundproofed and air
according io modern stage practice, conditioned.

ing. Construction work is expected
to begin this month and the build- ing will be completed in about two
Low bid for general construction

Be-re- a;


Firm To Provide
Summer Work
At David Mines

ington. electrical work, $138,459.50.
President H. L. Donovan is recom- mending to the Board of Trustees
lAJiiuauu. uc auceptea, ae- -

15-1- 7,

the storeroom. Lines will radiate
from there. The initial excavating
was therefore begun from there.
AU lines or the phones will be
underground with the exception of
the University buildings further out
than the animal pathology building. From there the lines will be

claring that a building to house the
of Music, Department
of Art, and Guignol Theater is one
of the University's most pressing
needs. Fire on February 10 of this
year destroyed the frame structure
housing the theater and Dart of the
music department. The art department has temporary quarters In the

A new summer quarter hi
of 378'J students had registered
at noon Wednesday, aecordiiu;
to Miss Maple Moores, assistant
registrar. 4,(M)0 are exetted ly
Saturday when the registration
period clses, Dr. Leo Chaniler- lain, University
stated. The S.).(M) late fee goes
into effect today.
Despite the new high the figure
is somewhat below the number anticipated last winter. The reason
for this Dr. Chamberlain said, was
that veterans had unexpectedly
dropped out of school for the summer. He gave two reasons for this:
some are tired of y
and others feel the need of summer

have been awarded to 17 persons for
study during the 1947-4- 8 school year
in the University graduate school.
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, dean of the
school, announced June 3.
Established in memory of George
Voorhies. the Haggin awards are
open annually to any student who
holds a bachelor's degree from a
college or university in good standing, provided the student has shown
some special aptitude for the line
of work he desires to pursue. Dean
Funkhouser explained. The appointments are made for one year only,
but may be renewed if it can be
shown that the prosecution of research should continue, he added.
Fellows and scholars are expected
to devote their entire time to gradu
ate research, primary object of the
awards. No teaching or other de
partmental duties are required of

Construction Work To
On New Fine Arts Building

UK Represented
In Academic

the project are still not liere.
There is a shortage esjxxially
of the cotton bandages used to
waterproof the lines, according
lo E. B. Karris, chief engineer
of the University.
Main machinery for the phone
system will lc located in the
basement of the biological sciences building in what is now

Total Nears 4,000
386 New

Dr. Donovan

Work lias Ix'gun on the new
rotary dial phone system for the
entire University campus. The
contrail, which has lx-e- let since
the first of the year, does not
call for a definite time of completion. All the materials for




Camp us To Get
Dial Phones


Cloudy And Cool,

degree was conferred upon him by
Georgetown College.
During his early career he was a
teacher in the public schools of
Mason county and principal in the
city schools at Maysville. He later
became superintendent of schools at
Bellvue. and still later at Newport.
From 1925 too 1929. King was presiCollege al
dent of
Sherman. Texas. He has been executive secretary of the K.E.A. and
editor of the "Kentucky School
Journal" since 1933.
Frank Selby Hurst, son of Mr. and
Lexington, re- -(
Mrs. O. E. Hurst-o- f
Continued on Page Two
Carr-Burdet- te

Geography Office
Has Lost Items
The Geography department has
an accumulation of lost articles and
requests that students who feel they
may have lost articles near the department to please call at the office.

Chi Omega Standing

Story Is Corrected
In the Kernel of May 30. the
sorority scholastic standings were
listed with Chi Omega actives having top standing with 1.678. This is
the fall and winter quarter grand
total of both actives and pledges.
The Chi Omega actives had a 1.945
standing tor fall and winter qMarters
taking top honors again.

Friday, June 20, 1017

Page Two





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eetafcm of Ch writer, themielves, mn4 to aot McaiMrtlf
reject (he opinio 0 Tin Kernel.



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Sfmrls h.ililm

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JMV Jimisov
Rimy Rtv.ni. ..v



Vote Of Thanks

The Logical Thing

If there's a new light in the eyes
of Kernelites, it's because the light
of day has come to the offices.
Maintenance and operations have
washed the windows, waxed the floor,
so now we start with a clean slate
and office, too.
No kidding, theirs is a thankless
job. Always working, always hearing complaints, and never a word
said about the stacks of things they
do get done.
No one can imagine how many letters accumulate in their offices asking them to do the million little
things that make the University able
to function as an educational institution. They necessarily get behind
with them, but they're trying, so
let's be patient. They're doing a good

traditionally is the first editorial
foil It in the first issue of a paer under
matter lo
new inan;ti;i tin in lUiaiiso tliis is the logical tiling to do, we
also shall slate lni v now what we hope to follow in putting
out vour newspajKT (or ou.
First of all. vim c iliis is a siudent news)aier, we will seek
to print as nun li news relating to campus activities and
as we deem newsworthv. Necessarily, play-uand stoi ies
'won't lx iKTfeci. Inn we will endeavor to print the news as
we see it with as little hias as jxrssible.
When one considers that the staff is attending school and
is involved in extracurricular work, it is easy to Ix'lieve that
certain organiat ions may Ijo slighted or overplayed. Granted,
the stall is omMM d l students; nevertheless it considers the
oiKriunit vliii li it has gained in working on a publication
a trust lioiii the situli m ImkIv and the University and also a
chance to put its journalistic knowledge to the test.
Therefore, the kernel will serve first of all as a news and
entertainment organ for the students of the University; secondly, as a lalxtratoi v for journalism students to gain experience in the ir
fields. News matter will lie sincerely
judged on a professional basis with subjective factors elimin-

THE oMiiUislmu





it y





Grandma says that holding a boy's
hands used to be an offense; now it's
a defense.

Howl Hit

Teacher: "Junior, if I take 59 from
what's the difference?"
Junior: "Yeah, that's what I say.
Ta hell with iU"



Ain't got no lines or clever tricks.
But what the heck, boys, I'm
only six!
Little did we think that we willed
our trials and tribulations to the
person who took over in summer
school that we would be the unfortunate victims. But here The
Spice goes again.
Many of the returning students
look like they should have another
week in order to recuperate from'
their lost week end at camp.
John (I wrote a booki Irvin is
taking time out from writing books
to squire Emily Jones about town.
Jim Mac Strother Phi Sig took
advantage of his week's vacation by
taking his pinned gal home to meet
the folks and giving her an engagement ring.


He: If I kissed you. would you yell?
She: Yes, if I thought you needed
help .

Two Louisville weddings which
took place during vacation were
those of Jim McCrocklin to Carol.
Demaree and Jany Hahn to Cy
Jack McNeaL June grad, (DTD)
took Freda Wade (KKG) home with
him for the holidays.

Fraternities are eating together
during the summer term. The SAE's
and the KA's have combined: for
chow purposes and the Sigma Chi's
with the Sigma Nu's.
"The art of wolfing hasn't
changed much through th centuries."
"No. The Greek maidens used to
sit and listen to a lyre all evening

The KD's are having their national convention at Virginia Beach
with local KD's Helen Olmstead and
Virginia Minter attending.
Bill Toddyman and Mary Ann Hol-mare planning for a September
wedding. Betty Browning and Walter Maims will tie the knot Sunday


afternoon at Falmouth.
Martin's college board is getting
plans ready for a fall style show
for Kentucky and surrounding


The prize mixup occurred at the
Sigma Nu house the other day when
Lance Trigg pinned the gal. Virginia
Chambers IKD), whom two of his
fraternity brothers were practically
going steady with. It was Lance's
first date with her or so the story
(Continued from Page One)
ceived his high school education at goes.
Lexington Henry Clay, graduating in
Some eligibles back for summer
1942. Continuing his education at the
Stahr Appointed
University, he received his A.B. de- school are: Female Sue Ann Turley,
Elvis J. Stahr Jr., associate progree with high distinction from the Elizabeth Reynolds, Jean Stevens, fessor of law, was recently appointed
college of arts and sciences in Aug- Imogene Combs, Patsy Allen. Helen a permanent staff member of the
ust. 1945. At commencement exer- Deiss, Martha Rich, Dot Yancey law college.
cises this year he was awarded his Mary Pranes Hagan, Louise and
Professor Stahr graduated with an
LL.B. degree by the college of law. Jean Henry, Gladys Bowling, Phylis
Draper, Georgia Portmann, Betty
Miss Trabue, winner of the Sullivan award as the outstanding wom- Hensley, Martha Allen, Ann BlessGlaaaem Fitted
an graduate, is a native of Hopkins-vill- e. ing, Marie Lewis, Prances Pritchett, Eye
Nell Payne, Frances Mullins and
the daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
W. L. Trabue. She graduat