xt7n028pd01x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pd01x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1997 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 67, no. 2, Summer 1997 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 67, no. 2, Summer 1997 1997 1997 2012 true xt7n028pd01x section xt7n028pd01x  _vAAAAA`“T WI _ __ A ,
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*4   my   M .=   $_ .  ~V»;_.
V   ll I °,’   V,  _ . ,     l ..‘·   N I '   `·Y. ` `V
UK Alma Mater         ,;··       , / K 5   the z- ml,  
v  ’ V‘’» .       · Z § -_;      `°.. Q      
K     V’·/ Q     ` Y § ‘  ..?i$°v·`1·=‘ 1 Y   l   I is di"?.
Vb I rl   l M V   ,     § .  5*. ,» `   4*;; V4 V V
  I         V                         V, ,,0V I    
K ‘ , . ·   ‘ “ . J . »;s2;,eQ..e..l;   ` ,/ ‘· ·‘ =»;‘ . ~· .=·i:·`     t        
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**· M at     t  .   ’- ‘     4 ’ ,     ··-»     ,.·.    
{ sound her praise with vozce4umVted;g ~   s I _   _t’,    V___,_   Y   Q ,~ yi   Ng       
.< ./ _V , ;;_V$V7VVV;VVr_é   V, _?   VV V/VV VV;] ,     · NET. i-_       » if ‘ .‘ 
F to the breeze her colors    VV " V_ ll 4   yi V_’,    2% »VV.   ·· A   ·.z·    
l Tothe blue aud white be true; .   ’ - K    »   *   fa  *—Q·     ‘,,.  
 V I VV ..   _ .   V WV A   I .VVV   '- _· V .:,    »,.4_.,.’;;·_», V V   . .
.1 ` badge lftlttnphdnl age 011 age. . ,   V)   J/’     V _h ',_,. MV_- V ·- . _. .V;
`“ Blue the sky that olre as l9ends;i( V. , V   · V   t      _       V i.  
tn *_ . — V V ~ V .   , V =<     t-‘>   wsu-y   Z:. · e.   _·1',;?jV
white Kefttuckylstslamless page.   ` ·V       ;V;{_   fix`. Vg; ·,“’ ,— K ‘ [F 
V V.VV VV      Ji; ' SI`;/M;}   »  ‘t   . *.5-A    ,V   —, , •V   _   ’,,V,..·
 · * ’   is    * *1%*2  ‘‘‘‘.  ‘ CZ {4   2*4  f  
h Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater! V// _¤, ` ’   .__V   »tK_`,»   Vp. _        
` ·*' » V »..  `_ ` ‘`     V     ..       ' jg
V_ ’Neath thy arching trees we roam; V V , » ~ "  pes l ~ ·   " fl; 4 ‘  
V V . A V .  ~ V_V t,,t Z     , t  
W  Thru thy halls our voices echo n t . `· ti~-ee  - ,V      _— ¥*`__,, K V   » l"
‘   EV; V   , `     V__  Q ’ if   ;» V,   V V  
  Alma Mater second home.   · __ V  __   ..;      V     L    r .
V For the blue and white we strive, . s     é   1 _».-; .  · ll ·     . »   l . · . V.  
i , ; iV:_._         _ _ V A A V
* fight we ever for tts fame During any fate   z.,  V ·   j·   .· ~ =  
-, . , ‘     “‘`` `    Q_ . . - lv  
l` `· to bring Glory to Kentuckykname. »   .·’— 2 .V,_;   ~f; ` q __VV _ , V ` g;  e. V  L1 } ’
  » t  ii `;»r.‘   Q l`es“         ars. 4     ll .  4
,   Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater! V               Q   · 4 ¤ 
y Distant lands thy children claim; s   I   · _; .; ; VV.t gg _ .
Q Still Kentuclcy’s suit is dearest,   li·`   L ` 4· ' ..t- , ’ l 4
i . 1   .4 . .   . -. 4
  Dearest stall Kentucky’s name. K __ V   · ·  "   * .
To the blue and uthite we’re true, E   4   _V T   F . E
¤·¢~ l"   “ ·-¤- pw . M .,, ,,...,   4 V 4
V V True, Kentucky traditions; VV V ug ... , . ,.t,..   ....t {             uy.
l   Proud thy place on histo-ry’s page. 4 _, ' 4 t     ·v»·e Q —  
‘   May we ne’er forget thy fame · · ’ _ _ _
u Mother of the great and free; ° 4 - · ` » ‘ -V
may we e’er uphold thy name, — ` ’ " . . '  4
Old Kentuck hail to thee. 4 s 4` t  . .  
’ - J. .·2e??5’( é  as
, ~ s s _ .  . 
Words by josephine Funkhouser V · _ ,  
s »—¤s t `.‘e.e.—. . ,  .   M r p ’ ‘ s s   4irl   ;‘l4   4
_ ,     ..s’ é   ..a».’.   . u “ ‘‘l,’2’’ '}TQj;Q __,,,_,f5  ‘> 

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. `ri COVER: Stepluinie 1996-97 OFFICERS T"--
yié Dotson and jessica FEATURES
`j_Y SI: Dgmgm, ,5·h4(](;;1f PRESIDENT __A__i_w Wi
_.,.v;l: employees ut tlie UK Hanlc Tlzonzpson 71
g_.;;,i;: Alumni Association, Louisville . . . . .
4. _I_I», CI,,,I€,,II,II,IC IIr,,III,,,- The Ch1ll of L1bel Lltlg3tl0H 8
  Q tion rloy. Eue l;]l3(U“lll(3 PRESIDENT—ELECT
’. J · Association we comes Mru·iunne Smitli • •
·_ V about 4,000 new Edge ’77   Wlth   Dllemmas  
F graduates to tlie Owensboro  
` ·_-‘ ézluinni runl’ mk€<¥ it the ev to U·S·
  The Council on Higher Education has Ph*“"“‘1CY Schwls SIW? Its “‘C€P*tO“· and
  -»e      rrppwai tra states riimaiiir degree pm- has **66-* med third by U-S· Me fm
  I   ‘ gram, a Ph.D. in social work offered by the Past fOm·Y€*u·S‘
_ A . t l ./ · UK and the University of Louisxalle.
_ ·   `.-. \ YQ; ,   U _ ` . The UK-U of  doctoral program will   Cenrlieris  
.i   \ *·     . begin next fall with 10 students and srx .
Ervin j_ [slower professors from each university, AnnIV€r$¤ry
Admissions will be handled by a joint com- Vvllilt (l0 p0litiC%1l %1CtiViSf ]esse lH0lmtt,SSm.SthPS th mwtmhicut (.hgh,t.t,,.ihg_ "[t’s truly one degree program run by Luther King jr. Cultural Center, now cel-
rphts gttt P,.m.t(h.S tht. ththtthttthh tht- tht, two universities. This   rrnique in the state ebrating its 10th anniversary year. p
mechanical engineering programs future and probably unique for social work in the The MLK Cultural Center was estab- `
t.t‘th,.t tt, ,.t.t.,.htt um] ththh, tn|t.,,tt.t] ttsttt-h- nation," Ed Sagan, acting dean of the UK lished after a popular Student Center
ers and researchers," President Charles T, College of SOCl&1l \V0l‘l<, Siliil. lounge area frequented by African-
\\'i-tliiiigttni jr, said, T hc proposal for the joint program Arner·ican students was closed. Frank r
This latest gilt. to be used after the already had been approved by the two uni- VValker, now the centers program coordi- l
deaths of Nnttcr and his wife, Zoe Dell versities. Both were planning doctoral pro- nator brit a UK undergraduate student at
Nutter, means his financial contributions grams when they decided to conrbine their the time, sought, with other African- .
to the university now exceed $53.5 million, efforts. American students, to replace the lost  
university officials said. llis gifts funded “\Ve found that between the two lounge area. -
the design and construction of the Nntter schools of social work. it was easy. \Ve got “Over the past 10 years the center has
l·`ieIdhouse and the lC._|. Nntter Training it done over the summer and approved by been a home away from home for many of
Facility lor athletics. the two universities within sis rnonths," UK`s students," Walker said. "1t has made
Thomas Lawson, dean ofthe U of L Kent a unique contribution to the minority
• School of Social \Vork, said. “\Ve see this retention rate as well as provide high qual- ~
Medlcul cenyer Book as enhancing the program by having ity educational programming to the ar·ea
of Facts AV¤I|¤b|€ access to both faculties." community and beyond.
llis/org], I’rogress. Vision — T/ze Walker said the center has established
l’nire:ts·iIy o/`Keir/m·ky (Y/mn://er .lf(t(ff(‘(lf college of Pharmacy is one of othe largest. African-American
(Ten/er Book of Ituels has been published , , , libraries inthe state with 1,50() books, 300
by the Office ofthe (ihancellor for the Thlrd In N¤fI¤l1 videos and 20 magazine publications all
Medical (Ienter. in cooperation with the Tl]? UK C<>llt‘§{U <>l`l)l1&l1'm&lC)’ is 1‘&\l1l<€’ hSti“gS_ into primary and secondary education,"’   _.,_   ” 1
(282 in ell) Telniesent 25 Percent Of said Holmes. “UK has an agreement with iis _.e‘“>` .   _.  1 é   *1
l1ee“Sed1’hY$iei*‘“$1** the State Metro College in Malaysia that allows its  ‘ i  Qfi     _ _ ,   .
t The guide is Ttelliefhte liecggllize EOC; students to complete two years of studies ‘ i  x ii-)    ii l jeftgii r    in   
ors rn cornrnum res o a sizes rrou rou . ., , . , . · - .. —» ‘ · ‘ — » = ‘ _ . ,,2    
the region with superior clinical abilgies. theibisigéni;?;;ll:;lti2]gK   um   "_W      I me s_  
• enrolled in engineering than any other     if A   , 1
|n1'€I°I1¤"IOH¤| S1°Ud€I`“'S field of study at UK, followed by business `   ?   · ‘ H
qt     and 1112`l1121g€111€l11, Pllysical and   gcj-      
International Students nO\V Hunlber €11(.`€$, Zuid. 11121.111 2lI1(1 CO11`lPUt€1` SC1€11C€S. ` {(jI\r;lL l)1{l;EN5|Yh1»\N
. . However throu lrout the U.S. business » `IR('lL(m1(‘H
almost 1,500 at the Ul1lVG1`S11`VO1`K€I"l11lCl<*¤·¢<=¤t Overthe Previous )'e*“`· mark in the worlds of public policy and i · W" .   .4 k,§
This small annual increase, she said, mir- imisiciimiwiiigi.(1m€iiibGi,(,dbytbcrmims . {fr  A     n _
TOYS il lmtiemll tI`e“d· A "e1)e"te“i“te"'m' widow with gilts to two schools totaling _ i_}§»;,,·‘I1 i-i i :   ?
‘ 11011211 €(l1lCk111011tll GXCl1&l11gG by 1119 $1()(),()()()· 1 1 I       `V  IM   4
hlsetute ef 1¤*€¤‘¤a¤<>¤¤1 E‘l"e*‘tl"“r Violet Slrowers Correlr of Ar·lirrqmn, .         —./,.`    —.   .
Slimthat~·¤·Stiv¤l ef Field events The winters catch Restaurnat
‘ ge I.   rr Prior to the Blue-Qlliite game Saturdgy, 6 r)_m_ Reception Ne Charge
. v_ _ __   WKYT-TV sponsore a Fan ]am at t e
;g   'K “ i Nutter Field House with a variety of activ- Ju|y ·| 3
it r     itiestfor adults and children, including the Greater Deyterr (OH) Club
  are It   semi-finals of a 3-on-3 flag football tourna- Sharon Caudm 937_643_2926
  {Q  i ment. The finals were held at half-time of Event details TBA
  .     the Blue-White Game.
  'IIA a . ~    a 4‘·r July 29
r   l` ' Y  'C  1 ff l
 < j rn.  V _    r The Mumme Tour   grgfgycub
E {  ` ·   V}  'fl New UK head football coach Hal Lunch Price TBA
.       l\/lumme will spend much of the time
  between spring practice and fall two-a-
tavs on tie aumni circuit. uis witi
Mm lx V nl`] lil l l ri t ·_ Cl l r_   Ashland-Boyd Cdtlfrlfyglub
Qt/errerbeek Tim Ceuen is mere excited events sc icc u cc at press time are 1St€ Jim Cleveland 6.06%,24-0653
iS“"" wit "b°“’ he "”°'"'""’ Witt lll? X; ESQ TSZLE1iI;i’S§Z$TlE°IllgC{r3l$lii.$ZZli aaaaaa aa Heaaeaaaea
unng ree spring scrrmmages an e 2 ‘ a .‘ t ~ _ . r . . _ TBA
annual Blue-White Game, Couch accumu- Association at 257-8905 or 800-269-ALUM BGCQPUOH (md Dmner PIKE
lated l,7 l3 yarcls, completing l66 of and ggk fet Beth_
2 l8 passes (76%) and scoring l l touch-
downs. Mu
_ I y 'I3 6
Phom by VICIOHO Graff South Central Kentucky Club J ·
Charles Lan ast . 502-692-6893
Aliout l3,()()l) alumni and fans showed Mnkerss Nterkcl£;5l£Q,
up lor the liegiuuing ol` a new era ol` UK G nrnr Reeenttnn & Dinner, $20/Person J  .-r`. .   rtr ,_
loolliall as coach llal Mumme introduced   __ rr__ t a    __r__   :r_
his higli-llving version ol lootlmall at the Mu 15 ‘   `,V· ‘ s 
annual Blue-\\'liit¢· Spring Football game. Andeteen Bene eng  
\\'lu·n the dust lnul's`t·ltl<·d, the Bliierteain, B/I(JrC(e;]_C;)l1I1%\r,ClLll)S   `‘a·   
led hy ¢luartcrliacl< lun (rouch was \'lCt(>l`l· Kim Lake ' 606·_865_2281   .'__ _ "`"`’° E  
(ms ll}. A Ihml wm` OMS aa   . Anderson Circle Farm Show Barn    
(Iouch coinplcted 36 ol 43 passes lor 6,30 ) In Heee nnm N0 ennwe r ..__  
5358 yards and Iour touchdowns. llall`-back A I ` ' 1 ( fa  
.·\ntliony \\'hite also had an outstanding Mu 20  
night lor the Blue squad as he was on the ,   f i
.».. M ...T   at   t t,..   I rr.Srt   Lake C a*·*i ‘ae·"a··d aaa i
-_ T . .   _. _ Sue Ann Losey 606-679-2240 l
hom (.ouch. \\lntc canned the liall six _ . .
times lor 96 wards and caualit nine basses (‘°“t°h lm- Rm-ul Dwhlopmem ·  
— _- __ _ _ ‘ h` 6:30 p.m. Reception No charge Coach HCI Mvmme has $P€‘hl Pr9C’OU$
I"' ’ l }·“‘l“· _ ` few cla s at home since taking the [ob at
'l`lu· game lormat had the alumni play- June 4 Kenfuci/yl NOW they spring practice is
ing the Iirst quarter. The \\'liite squad __ _ \_ __ _ _ _ _r r over, Mumme will visito number of alum- i
Iiaialtal in-t~r a 7-:% lead at the end oi` the L}’g"';‘b""l’“""‘\ """“ C"’“"h“ C “ ’ ni club areas in Kentucky Ohio and t
alumni Iirst quarter ol` tag Iootliall. The qmh ea Meara __ 502`843'9Q54 Tennessee. Mumme dec ared his Hrst r
\\'hitc entail at-nan on an eiglit-vartl (§"“`“*` M“‘°`“"‘ °’·3"1°·'“· R°`°`°*1’“"" Spring ¤ Success, ¤<>fi¤9 tlwt the pl¤>/are .
touclulown reception liv lim (Zampliell SD lmwnlwlls/Slll mm`mPl“h@l·S had ClUlChlY [Burned his $Y$l€m·  
' ` Photo by Victoria Graff
G Ki·:\aii·<*r\r;\1.iMxrs SUMMER 1997

l Ei  
Success IS G Chcice person, will recognize the principles Pitino can never lorget that lailure lrrrks just
Myer EX/my blmketbqll SQWSOH you can regularly espouses — outwork everyone in around the corner. Create a mental one-
Cmmt on 21 number Of new bmgks being sight so that you deserve success, and it year contract rrdth yoursell "because il`you
Publisllédl Specialty Sports media Outlets, will be yours. Such a commrtrnent says operate under the mentality (oil long—terru
H€WSP,1P€1_S umversities and yes even Pitino, can be achieved through his ten- tenure...you postpone, you procrasti-
Cmches md Phygrs Wdté bOOkS THB yew step program which can be used as "a nate...you tell yoursell there is no
the book Written by Coach Rick Pithm with blueprint lor a htetrme, steps to be lol- urgency. F arlure to maintain your attrtudr—
  R€ynO1d.S his already   the best Sell- lgxvgd OV€]` and OVQI`, 31]] O]]gO]]]g PYQCQSS ’ Hill and I)€l·lOl·lll2l.llC€ (llSCl1)lll]€ lllily Calls?
gi- list, ygiicliiiig NO, 3 Ou the USA Tgday byte P€1‘S0H must Coutiuually make that       iyaporatez"Tliiitliglyirliyltlic
list by early April with Success Is A Choice: C lO11(;i_ , b _ _t1 B _1d_ The - Ile Yellgil will {ull   lm lil Kid l  
T St t O_ _ lp. _. ., B V . N 1 mos program egms wi r U1 ing Y I \ V1 1 >1<1L€< SU€€€$$; ii} OU ·
ai;] Léps 0 Uemclleumg ln llgmegg Self-Esteem. "The power of self-esteem is W0i`l<€d €\’€i')’0U€ and 0"€*`€`€U“€ €"€"}`
The BOOk is not thg usual the most impgmiiit dgtgriiiiiiiiig factor iii adversity in unbelievable fashion. So olten
m_latOH]y Of il tear!] and the   reaching Our POt€]]tik[l_ Bglbyg El t€k1lll ll€\’€l` lll2ll{c‘S it PZISY lll?   l'(·)llll(l
_ _ _] · dr t t ’ W   LF .M   we can iipgriidg (ot the NCAA tournament) alter xrnnnrng a
;l?;$]Ug%rOSl(i;/Eile Szasgg ' ‘  if " Oui Skills and rratiorral clrarrrpionslrip. This team made it
_ _ g _ _ ' j     D fUl]dz1]]]€]]tzllS back to the clrarrrpiorrslrip game despite all
Illstwd It IS Ll molwalmmll -· I I;. I IU L ¢ ul ( b f - · ll the losses (ol` rlavers) ·rlori r the w·ry I ·rrrr
rmt ara has are morrva- 2* .4 ’ E me yet mt) .0 P,.(,{,(i`0[—ti,L,Q,ti~» “ ` Q   `
. , _ . , V can s ar o — -
tional techniques used by I achieve We must
Prtrrro that have enabled b l_ ’ tl t
. .. e reve ra our
I lllri to   College —¤-r` i   is Wir. The W¤*id '-¢¤9¤¤
basketbeiis best meh T S mi, . i,,,P,.O,,i,,g We sa rama rrrrrvmrry ar·ra.rr...·ry rail-
¤¤¤<¤‘di¤s to · _ USA   must bghgve tllit ball players are playing in the \\'orld
lV@@k€'ld» wmljllmg 3 ·· I   Our ucmms will League, a National Football League—spon-
Sterling i`€00TRll  ” $3 tl t MSK tf Gb Qi E and Reggie Rusk are the l`or·nrer Wildcats
program closely and the H ' g>“\Q 161 Qu l S LP blli in the league. Barnett, Bradley and
thousands of business ll  A Tlusl lam df Browning will play lor Barcelona; Harris
Pgoplg \Vl]O have llgayd W 2 V ' i   t ll Oug I t IG (*%/9 (/` will Sllll UP ll)l` L()ll(l()ll; R()l)lllS()ll \\’lll Pllly
Pitjim dgljvgyhis mgti- U __ M ‘ I ‘ ` glad .106 ISUWWG lor the Rhein, and Rusk will compete lor
vatiouai messages in  V Y   , <   bu$°€SS‘ M? 1 Xml Scotlarrd. llirrsk is on loan to the \r\’or~ld
*—"` 1 »·     y »__.   p_=_ 4_I V   ewme SUCCESS U You League lrorrr the NFL`s Tarrrpa Bay
*    .    gg;  W  { Buccaneers.
_ ·.    .; lg p Barnett played at UK l`rom lt)86-89;
      p i A p ._        ' Bradley {rom l989—l992; Browrrirrg lrom
    ,,_.   A       l99:2—93; l·larris llrorn l994—l9$)5;
A _  I   V   ,   Robinson lrorn l99()-l99f3, and Rusk llroru
    i I       A. ‘   raairasrs.
' v_ Q   r ’ · ,    F.,   V      Kentucl