xt7n028pcx7t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pcx7t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1923-05-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  4, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  4, 1923 1923 1923-05-04 2012 true xt7n028pcx7t section xt7n028pcx7t The Kentucky Kernel







Preliminaries To Be Run Friday
and Finals Saturday.


Twenty-On- e

Schools Send Rep

resentatives to High School
The Annual Interscholastic
and Field Meet will start on Stoll
Field Friday afternoon when the
preliminaries for the various events
will be run off. The finals are slated
to be run Saturday afternoon in con
nection with a telegraphic meet between the Freshmen and the Yearling
cinder artists of Georgia Tech and
Twenty-on- e
have made
known their intentions of sending repfor the
resentatives to Lexington
event, a total of 165 men having been
entered in all events. Practically every
part of the state will be represented in
the large number of High School athletes and all will have, their share of
The first teams made their appear
ance Thursday afternoon and trains
running into Lexington were loaded
down from then on with .youthful
candidates for cinder path honors
Nine schools entered the capacity list
of 12 men in the meet and would have
entered more had they been permitted
to do so.
Entertainment and lodging is provided the' visiting students by the Uni
versity and all the fraternities have
taken their share of athletes. The
large number, however, made it nec
essary to place some of the visitors in
private 'homes and calls for rooms
have been answered readily. Among
the chief features of the entertainment
(Continved on page 5.)









Season Closes With Record
Five Victories and One



Planted on CampiM Before Old
Chemistry Building

-- K-

Dual Meet Will Be Held in
cinnati Saturday,
April 5.


Kentucky track men will meet the
University of Cincinnati track squad
in a dual meet Saturday afternoon in
the Ohio city. Cincinnati is reported
to be stronger on the track than she
has been for several seasons and has
every intention of sending the Cats
back to Kentucky in defeat. The Wildcats will take a large squad to Cincy
and will have a host of capable performers to carry the Blue and White.
In a recent meet held between the
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati
Gym and Cincinnati Y. M. C. A., the
Bearcats came out second with 53
points putting them close behind the
Y. M. C. A. All three of these organizations have strong teams and the
dope gives the University a good rating. The Cincinnati mainstay is Price,
a sprinter and hurdler who took four
firsts in the Cincinnati meet. Linne-mawho has been ineligible for the
most of the season is said to be again
in the running
and should furnish
keen opposition
for the Kentucky
weight men.
Linneman holds the
Western Conference record in the shot
put, and also hurls the discus with
good results.
Thompson is a pole
vaulter of ability and is likely to snatch
this event from Gregg and Wolfe, the
Kentucky entries. Distance men who
have met before will again be matched
Saturday, when Gorman and Crawford
do the two mile run. Last fall Ger
man nosed Crawford out of first place
in the cross country run between the
Wildcats and the Bearcats.
Kentucky is taking a large squad
that has been trained to a notch that
will enable them to give the best ac
count of themselves that is possible.
Those who will make the trip in
charge of Coach Buchheit and Stu
dent Manager Gregory are Captain
Davidson, Nantz, Brewer, Mays, Gor
man, Caldwell, Ogden, Butler, Porter,
Melton, Brown, Dewhurst,
Wolfe, Anglin and McLean. The
team leaves Saturday morning.

The University of Kentucky debating team has reached to the conclusion
of a successful season, with a record
of one defeat and six debates. Listed
among the victims of the Kentucky
team are Centre, Berea,' North Carolina, Western State Normal and Vander-bi- l.
The team that won over Kentucky is the University of the South,
or Sewanee.
The last debate of the season was
held last Friday evening in the University chapel, with North Carolina opposing Kentucky, on the subject: "Resolved, That the Unied States cancel
the Allied War Debts providing the
Allies cancel their War Debts among
themselves and that the German Indemnities be materially reduced." G.
W. Meuth and J. W. Gillon of Kentucky, won by a count of
the negative of the question. J. W.
Deyton and J. W. Foster represented
North Carolina.
Kentucky debaters won over Centre
Prize of ten dollars offered for the
and Berea, each time taking the nega- best poem. Poems must be submitted
tive of the question: "Should the Unit- - to Professor Noe before May 15. Enclose in envelope and give pseudonym
(Continued on page 4.)
to envelope and poem.
2-- 1,


EASTERN KENTUCKY TRIP Organized to "Stimulate Interest in HIGH SCHOOL MEET AT
Summer Camp.

The annual Arbor day exercises by WHICH IS
the members of the senior class of the
University were held Friday. Classes
were dismissed during the fourth and
fifth periods, but resumed (Turing the
The tree, an oak, was planted on
the campus in front of the old chemistry building at 11 o'clock. William G.
Finn, class president, presided. Speak
ers were H. D. Brailsford, senior class
orator, who delivered the charge to the
junior class; Sidney Neal, orator of the
junior class, who received the charge,
and Laura Hubbard, class prophet,
read her forecast of the lives of the
members of the class.
After the exercises Lamp and Cross,
honorary fraternity for senior men,
and Mortar Board, senior woman's
honorary fraternity held their pledge

No. 29

A Camp Knox Club has been form



cd on the campus for the purpose of

"Lady Windermere's Fan" Pre stimulating interest among the stu Thirteen Dstricts Are Represent-edents in the summer R. O. T. C. camp
in Public Speakng Consented at Pinevule, Harlan
at Camp Knox, Ky.
and Middlesboro.


The club is composed of advanced
course men and has for its officers BANQUET FOR VISITORS.
men who have attended the camp and
Critic Says, "Most Nearly AH are familiar with the routine and social Approximately 300 Students Will
life at the camp. It is the desire of
Star Production Ever Given
Take Part in
the club to take a full company of
By Strollers."
men from the University to the camp
High School week opened at the
The Strollers returned yesterday so that the men may be closer asso
University Wednesday morning in the
from their annual tour of Eastern ciated.
D, Chapel, with
The officers of the club are:
Kentucky, including Pineville, Harlan
the address of welby President
McVey and
and Middlesboro. In all three towns Baugh, president; B. Truitt,
and T. Creech, secretary and the wheels of competition were set
the play, "Lady Windermere's Fan,"
Wednesday' afternoon
into motion
was presented to appreciative and en treasurer.
when the preliminaries of both the dethusiastic audiences, while between
bating and oratory were held after the
productions the townspeople offered
MID -- SUMMER NIGHT'S high school visitors had been bantheir automobiles, their
queted in Buell Armory. Thirteen
their hotels and their homes for the en
tertainment of the players, who learn- DREAM
IS HOW READY districts were entered in the debates
ed that
while there were fiftedn entries in oratory, fifteen in declamation and ninehospitality is not a thing of the past.
Be Given on Campus teen in public discussion.
The members of the cast, crew and Drama to
May 26; Roles to Be Taken
Thursday morning brought forth
staff left Lexington Sunday night on
By Students.
the second and third preliminaries in
9:30 train on which they had re
debate and the preliminaries in pubserved a Pullman and baggage car.
All is in readiness for the presen-t- a lic discussion. The finals in oratory,
The play was given in Middlesboro
tion of Shakespeare's
declamation, and public discussion
Monday night, in Harlan Tuesday
Night's Dream," to be given on were held Friday morning and the
night, and in Pineville Wednesday
University campus May 26. Lead finals Friday night in the University
ing roles in the cast are taken by Uni Chapel. Debate
are to be
"Lady Windermere's Fan," with its versity students:
held Friday morning and the finals
its unique
The leading characters are:
Friday night, the finals being open to
phy and its unusual dealings with life, Hermia
Martha Reed the public in the University chapel.
is considered one of Oscar Wilde's Helena
Frances Price
It is estimated that 300 high school
best plays and the people of Eastern Lysander
Dwight Bicknell students will participate in the various
by .their absorbed Demetrius
Kentucky showed
George Kavanaugh events of the week, half of this num
attention that they are people who Hypolita
Mildred McCarty ber being drawn by the championship
think people who can distinguish be Thesus
William Hickerson track meet that will be held Friday
tween a mere farce given by amateurs Saus
Mr Vance and Saturday afternoon on Stoll Field.
and a real play given by carefully Philostral
J. N. Snider
The trophies that the speakers will
trained University students.
Athenians are:
fight for are the Lexington Leader lovThe first performance of the season Bottom
Henry Taylor ing cup for debating, which is now
was given in Maysville on the night of Quince
Louis Shackelford held by Madisonville High school; the
April 24. This was also the Strollers' Flute
J. Paul Bicknell Breckinridge cup, offered by the Lex
first appearance in that city and they Snout
Ted Creech ington Herald for oratory. These
were delighted with the hearty wel- Snug
Austin Bell cups and must be won three times suc- given Starvling
come and cheerful
- William Tate
Fairies selected from
( Continued on Page 4)
The play was presented in Lexington school:
K- on the evenings of April 26 and 27 Oberon
Burl McCarty
city as well as Titania
Margaret Humphries ERECTION OF
when the people of the
Mary Houlihan
the University students realized that Speaking Fairy
they were hearing amateur players who
Moth, Cobweb, Peas blossom and
far excelled the average professionals. mustard seed were selected from the BUILDING TO BEGIN SOON
Various papers have been extrava- kindergarten.
gant in their praises of the Strollers,
Mr. Henry Harper is in charge of
especially the Lexington papers in all the lighting and staging. The Alumni Day Set for June 12 For
whose reviews the play itself was ana- play will be presented in the wooded
Laying of Corner
lyzed and the merit of each indi- hollow near Neville Hall which is beStone.
vidual actor was discussed. Mr Enoch ing cleared of trash and rejuvenated
Grehan, head of the department of for the purpose.
Construction of the memorial buildjournalism of the University and draMiss Anna Bess Sargent of the ing in honor of the State's war dead,
matic critic for the Herald, said of the Home Economics Department is in will begin at once on the campus of
play that it was the most nearly
charge of all costumes and is direct- the University.
President Frank L.
production ever given by the ing the designing.
McVey announced that the cash on
Miss Sarah Blanding is in charge hand and securities amounted to
of the folk dancing and will select 18
and that unpaid pledges would
girls to dance at the wedding scene.
bring the total to approximately $102,-00SU-KCIRCLE SELECTS
There are 75
The campaign for the memorial
NEW MEMBERS FOR 1923 der the training persons in the cast un building .began
of Professor Fleisch-main 1919, and the stuIt promises to be a brilliant pro- dents gave much to the fund.
Seven Boys, Four Girls Are Taken
Alumni of the University are planInto Boosters' Organization.
ning to break ground or lay the corner
FRESHMAN TRACK TEAM HOLD stone for the .building June 12, 'alumThe following new members have SECOND TELEGRAPHIC MEET. ni day' of commencement week, when
Circle: Ida
been taken into the
Freshman track men will have an it is hoped to dedicate the statue of Dr.
Kinney Risque, Louise Adkins, Gene- other chance against the Georgia Tech James K. Patterson.
vieve Kelley, Annelle
Kelley, Virgil Freshmen Saturday when they will
The memorial will probably be he
Johnson, Tom Williamson, Tom Dun- hold a dual meet with the Alabama only one erected for years to come in
can, Jack Greene, J. A. Estes, Arthur team by telegraph.
The first meet the State to the World War dead, and
Nutting and Bob Creech.
was void because Georgia Tech fail the committee will continue to receive
The members were selected from the ed to time her second places. Vandy contributions. It is understood that the
school at large for activities which Freshmen who were to have met the memorial is entirely separate and disthey have engaged in during the past Kittens last Monday cancelled be tinct from the proposed stadium and
in the interest and betterment of the cause of the condit:on of their tncV, basketbll building. It will be used for
University and have demonstrated in hut this meet may be held later. Uni- student activities, probably containing
many ways their willingness to pro- versity of Florida Freshmen also can- a large auditorium and quarters for
mote and boost the University.
celled the proposed telegraphic meet. campus organizations.


club-room- s,

"Mid-Summ- er














Alumni Notes

Eb-be- rt,



Somerset, May 4. (Firot FrU
dy Regular) eventing meeting
New York. May I. (Steood
Tuesday Regular) stag luncheon
at the Harvard Ckb.
Philadelphia, Moyl2. (Second
Saturday Regular) evening met
ing at home of member.
Buffalo. May 12. (Secoad Sat
urday Regular) luncheon at El- licott Club.
Lexington, May 12. (Secoad
Saturday Regular) luncheon at
12:30, Lafayette Hotel.
Chicago, May 21. (Third Mon- day Regular) luncheon at Mar- shall Field's Grill.
Detroit, May 26. (Last Saturday
Regular) dinner. Dixieland Inn.
Frankfort, May 28. (Last Mon- day Regular) evening meeting.

The first annual convention of the
"Aeserve Officers Association of Kentucky will be held in Lexington May
The opening will be designated
Army Day and will be held in conjunction with the graduation exercises
for the R. O. T. C. unit at the University. Fourteen students will receive
commissions as second lieutenants.
Major General James H. McRae,
commander of the Fifth Corps Area
will be one of the distinguished guests,
also Major General Henry T. Allen,
retired, rf Kentucky. Three or four
hundred reserve officers are expected
to attend the meeting. Major W. S.
Webb '01 is president of the Association. He hopes to see the University
closely aligned with it in promoting
the national defense.
29-3- 0.

Other Universities Have 100 Peccant
Enrollment s Alamai
A quiet campaign will be started
soon among the seniors to join the
Alumni Association. In some other
institutions a 100 per cent enrollment
is obtained before
This year's class is 100 per cent in
support of the Stadium campaign and
may maintain this record in the alumni
membership drive.
The University Placement Bureau
which will be under, the auspices of
the Alumni Association will be of considerable help to members of the graduating class. The men and women
of '23 have been urged to reach a decision soon as to the line of work they
want to undertake after graduation
and then to decide in what city or general locality they want to locate. The
(assistance of alumni clubs will be
sought in this placement.

New York Ahtmai CM Celebrates
29th Anniversary
"The twentieth and perhaps the most
brilliant of the annual dinner dances
given by the New York Club of the
University of Kentucky was held at
the Roof Garden of the Waldorf-A- s
toria on Friday evening, April 6.
"Besides members of the club and
their wives, sweethearts and friends,
there was present as the guest of hon
or, William G. Finn, president of the
class of '23. Other guests of the club
included General T. Coleman du Pont,
Governor Tom Campbell, of Arizona,
Dean F. Paul Anderson, Professors
Dan Terrell and John Dicker, as well
as the University Quartette, consisting
of Messrs. Clem, Ridgeway, Baugh
man and Downing; also Herbert Gra
ham and Corbett Franklin and the lat- tcr's company of wild Kentucky mountaineers.
"J. Irvine Lyle, president of. the club
presided as toastmaster and introduced
Wilthe speakers and entertainers.
liam Finn presented the greetings of
the class of '23 and gave a short ac
count of the progress the University
is making. Corbett Franklin and his
young companions captured the ad
miration of all by the way they presented, the cause of education in the
Kentucky mountains.
which has been
"The Quartette,
heard throughout the country over the
radio, was called upon on two occasions and both times responded to
many encores. Mr. Graham presented
the various drives now being made and
to be made for the Patterson Memorial, Stadium and Student Loan Fund,
and made a strong plea for the support
of every alumnus and Kentuckian in
promoting the best interests of the
"Delightful taks were made by General du Pont, Governor Campbell and
Dean Anderson.
During the evening a short business
meeting was held and the following
officers eledted: President, Reuben
Thornton Taylor, '15, care Chas.
Hartman Co., 985 Dean St., Brooklyn,
N. Y.;
Carrol G. Taylor, '09, suite 1321-2- 2 27 WilKam St.,
New York City; secretary, David
Laws Thornton, '20, care Chas.
Co., 985 Dean St., Brooklyn;
treasurer, H. H. Lowry '09, care
Western Electric Companyy, 463 West
St., New York City. The executive
committee was
as follows:
J. I. Lyle '96, H. P. Ingels '05, R. T.
Taylor '15, H. K. Brent ex- and Perry
West '01.
"About eighty members and guests
were present. After the business meeting formally ceased and the party became in effect a good old Kentucky
break dance." D. L. Thornton, Jr.


Stay in Kentucky
over climatic
Wide speculation
changes has been heard. A cooling
of the sun has been observed recently,
3 degrees.' Ato eastern scientist hints
at a possible return of the glacial period. Quite in contrast H. G. Wells
opined some months ago that we may
expect a perpetual summer. Kentucky
is so placed though that it usually has
very temperate weather comparatively.
There are many other reasons making this a desirable place for residence.
Beauties of scenery through the Blue
Grass and in the mountains are equalled in few parts of the globe. Good
mineral waters are abundant. Depot-it- s
of coal, oil and clays and a fertility
of soil, make for financial interests. And
the dominance of the old Anglo-Saxo- n
blood is something that is appreciated
even more as Kentuckians note conditions in other parta of the country.
Progress in Kentucky is inevitable.
Just so surely also will the University
grow. In the talk of new and grander
buildings and fine equipment is heard
a suggestion of a development of
water sports utilizing the first lakes
of the Lexington reservoir, when the
water supply will be drawn from the
lakes fertber from the c'rty.

water coal mines of the Tennessee
Coal, Iron k R. R. Co. At noon the
students were the guests of S. C.
'11, at a luncheon after which
they continued their tour by inspecting the blast furnaces and steel plants
at Ensley.
Alumni present at the banquet were:
J. M. Sptague, "08, H. G. Wurtle '04,
C. C. Ke Iv '07. S. C. Efcbert '11, A.
Haswell '12. M. T. Brooks '21, E. N.
R. B. Peffer
E. J. Kohn '12.
U. Hodsrkins
The local boys enjoyeyd having the
students here and hope that the trip
to Birmingham will be an annual at
fair. E. J. Kohn, Secretary Birming
ham Club.


The Juniors from the Department
of Mines and Metallurgy, accompanied
by Professor C. S. Crouse, concluded
a weeks inspection trip by inspecting
an ore and coal mine and several industrial plants in and around Birmingham.
Arriving April 20 from Atlanta, the
party was met by several of the Birmingham alumni in cars, who accompanied the students through the Tennessee Coal, Iron & R. R. Co. Wenoah
Mine No. 8. The party motored to
Fairfield where they were the luncheon
gutsts of G. A. Millar, superintendent
of the Fairfield plant, after which they
inspected the Fairfield Steel Works
and Car Shops.
Friday evening the Alumni Entertained the visitors at a banquet at the
Country Club, which proved to be the
most enjoyable affair was given by
the local chapter.
J. M. Sprague, '07, president of the
local club, welcomed the visitors in a
fitting speech and responses
given by all present. College yells,
songs and reminiscenses by the old
graduates concluded a pleasant evening.
Saturday morning the trip was continued, the students visiting the Edge- -

ex-'1- 4,

ex-'1- 3,

ex-'1- 3,

Harlan Is Ready
"I am enclosing a copy of the letter

I sent out to the alumni here to pre
pare a reception for the Strollers. We
have no alumni organization' here as
yet but there are some very active
people, who are deeply inttrested i
the University
"As you are doubtless aware, the
Strollers of the University of Ken
tucky will be in Harlan May 1, and
it is up to us, the alumni, to get to
gether and make this ifirst appearance
of this club the biKKest thing Harlan
has ever seen. You can rest assured
that the Strollers will do their part,
"If you are interested in your Uni
versity enough to come to a meeting
of alumni on Thursday evening, sign
this letter and return it today, so we
wit! know where vou stand.
for Kentucky." Ted McDowell
Co., Harlan

of our community with your nstitu-tion- "
Harry I. DeAtley is an attorney
George H. Marting, Pineville,
with the U. S. Internal Revenue SerKy.
vice, Washington, D. C. He is class
and his secretary and should be addressed at
George Wm. Rhoads
bride, formerly Miss Pryor Hotd, of 1196 "L" street N, W.
Chester, S. C, have been visiting Pro
fesior and Mrs. McHenry Rheads in
News has been received of the marForest Park Addition. They were
joined by Crawferd Rhoads ex- -' 10, of riage of Captain J. Larabie Pinker ton,
tht School Book Supply Company, of of Versailles, Kentucky, to Mdle.,
Louisville, and Mrs. E. P. Hatter Yvonne iGuMlnjof Bordeax, France,)
(Annie Laurie Rhoads
of on April 7. The wedding is the sennet!
After reFranklin, Ky., and her two children, of n post-wEmmett P. Jr., and Anna Rhoads Hat ceiving his discharge from the A. E. F.
Pink-erto- n
ter. Geo. William Rhoads left the in France ia Jane, 1919, Capt.
decided to remain there for the
University in 1917 to enter service and
was for two years in the Coast Patrol purpose of study. He secured board
service in the Navy and has just been in the Guyan home and made an agreeordered to the Mediterranean wheti the ment by which he was to teach the two
armistice was signed. He is manager daughters the English language and
and part owner of an electric bakery, in turn they were to teach him 'French.
one of a chain in South Carolina. Mr. Cupid joined the "faculty" and taught
and the younger
and Mrs. Rhoads will make their home 'Capt. Pinkerton
daughter, then only 17. Capt Pinker-to- n
in Chester, S. C.
served as
to Lisbon,
is teaching
Catherine Dunne
in Russell Cave School, Route 3, Lex Portugal, for two years. He is now
U. S.
de carrier at Loaago,
ington, Ky.
Africa, where they will make their



ex-2- 3,



News of the death of Franklin
Floete, president of the Floete Lumber
Company and the Citizens National
Bank, of Spencer, Iowa, in October
1922, recently reached this office. Mr.
Floete was a life member of the Association and always very active in the
support of his Alma Mater.


"I am greatly pleased with the work
that is being done by the alumni in

the way of educating the citizens of
Kentucky to the importance of supas they
"At our May luncheon we are going porting their University
to be honored with the presence of the should," J. A. Yates, Kansas State
wives, sweethearts and daughters of Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas.
the local members. Luke Muward is
chaitman of the committee to supply
wives and sweethearts to all those
"In view of the oubreak of wild fire
who are not so fortunate.
and certain insect troubles in the toMr. and Mrs. L. C. McClanahan '17 bacco plantations in the Union of
and family expect to spend a few days South Africa, as Chief of the Tobacco
in Lexington, the latter part of May. and Cotton Division, I was recently
Mac has a fine looking boy who some called to Cape Town, where Parliaday in the near future, expects to be ment is in session, to formulafe a camcaptoin of that football team being paign of attack. After I had discussed
organized by a few of the local alumni, the question at length with General
including E. E. Johnson and Roger Smuts, the Prime Minister, Mr. BurThornton (who already has two eligi- ton, Minister of Finance, Sir Thomas
ble), Jack Yager and Kirk Dyer. They Smartt, Minister of Agriculture and
are to be called 'Buffalo Wildcats of P. J. du Toit, secretary of Agriculture,
they agreed on expenditures in various
"Dr. Blumenthal attended the en ways, amounting to approximate!
gagement reception of Jesse I. Miller $81,606.
(President of the Washington
"Victor F. Oliver, '20 has recently
Alumni Club) and Miss Florence joined the staff of the Tobacco and
Glasier of that city. Harry B. Miller Cotton Division and it stationed a
Miss Anne Oudtshoorn, C. P., Union of South
'14 and wife
Walcutt of Frankfort) who were mar Africa. This makes a total of six
ried April 18in Louisville, were at the U. K. men on the staff of this divis
cr.epion and later visited Buffalo on ion, rne statt is a very cosmopolitan
thcr. honeymoon tour.
crowd, consisting
of South African
Luke U. Milward and Mrs. Wilward Dutch, German, French, English and
are goirg to be in Lexington during Americans. All except three received
the races. He expects to renew old their training at various universities
acquahitances at the University.
in Amerca." W. H. Scherffus, chief
"We are expecting to increase our 'fob. & Cot. Div., JTnion of South Af
alumni family in Buffalo about 25 per rica, Pretoria, So. Africa.
cent this year. Mr. Williams, who
graduates in engintering this June, did
not return to Lexington from Buffalo
"Many years have passed, since I left
after the inspection trip, but started 'Kentucky' and it- has not been my
to work with the Bethlehem Steel good forutne to return for a visit since
Company 'mmediately. Messrs. David- that time. I am always g'ad, however,
son. Carter. Graham. Brailsford and to hear of the wonderful growth of the
Claic, of this year's engineering class, University and the success its grad
have all accepted positions with Buf- uates are achieving. The next time
falo concerns, the first three coming t return to America I shall not neg
with the Buffalo Forge Company.
iect visiting Lexington.
'1 am r. anaging director of tie Mo
"The club will meet regularly in the
summer but the June, July and Aug- Crone Company engaged m construct
ust meetings will probably be. pic ing a railroad for the Siamese Governnics with golf, swimming and the like ment, which will connect Bangkok to
as added attractions."
Saigon in French Indo China. This
company was organized through my
tfforts in New York la: year. We
expect to reach the French border in
eight months. We are using Ameri
can machinery on some of the work,
the first attempt of its kind in this
"I want to tell you what an excel- country.
"Imagine my surprise on running
lent impressions Sidney Neal, of your
Student Speakers Bureau made on our into Kirby '07, in Bangkok during my
townspeople (Pineville)
here a few last visit. He is with the Standard
weeks ago when he delivered addresses Oil Company and had just arrived,
in the Chrision church and in the Bap- being sent to Bangkok to replace their
manager who is leaving for home. He
tist church.
"He gave a fine description of the saw some of the football games in Lex
University, its advantages, its pur- ington last fall. At present I am in
poses and its needs and I am sure that camp in the jungle and it is fright
those who heard 'him came away with fully hot." Herman F. Scholtx, the
inc., Bangkok,
a better understanding of the function McCrone Company,
of the University.
I am sure that Siam. (This letter reached Professor
efforts of this kind will go a long way Anderson in reply to a Christmas
towards acquainting the citizenship greeting.)




"Often I have said I would send in
my dues and as often have forgotten
when writing checks. I believe I
would like to initiate a movement to
establish an alumni club in Los Angeles. The movement may already be
afoot if so let me know. If not, send
directory of
me an
U. K. people here and hereabouts and
I'll put a good bugler for fatigue call
and we will see how many we can
round up. Here's wishing old U. K.
the best in everything." J. .E. Byers,
1937 West 42nd Place, Los Angeles,

"Please change my address from
1732 Wayne street to 1730 Superior
Street, Toledo, O." W. H. Dix. Mr.
Dix has been with the American
Creosoting Company since graduat
ing except during the period he served
his country during the World War.
He is now with the Toledo branch.
Federal Cresoting Company, Box E,
Station C.

"Please change my' address to care
Lima Water Works, 119 West, High
Street, Lima, Ohio. I have Just started a Pitometer Water Waste Survey
and will be here until about August 1."
Neal W. Knight.

Willard C. Johnson
vard Medical School,
Mary F. Turner is
Place, San Antonio,

is attending Har-

Boson, Mass.
217 W. Craig



Geneva Rice, who has been teaching
in Flat Rock High School, near
Ky., is now at her home in
Faducah, Ky., for thi iummer,- - the
school having closed Apr:! ,19. Her
address is 1315 Jefferson street.
J. R. Pepper is editor of the Herald,
at Haurd, Ky.
Fre-doni- a,

Over in France some bad men' followed the instructions furnished by
American "western" movies and held
up a train. They were captured, tried,
convicted and guillotined within a
week. Evidently, the French do not
want their trains held up. We cannot
think of any other reason for cutting
off a train robber's head. Exchange.

ONE YEAR 12.00.
Herbert Graham,

Betwixt Us





Students who wish to submit poems
inclusion in this year's
Callage Anthology (THE POETS OF
THE FUTURE, Volume VII) are
requested to send their contributions
not later than May ISth to
The Stratford Company, Publishers.
BoylsiM St, Boston, Mass.

for possible


wasn't expected back again for many
I next tried to get Venus, but was
informed that she was at that momen
dressing for a party. I wondered who
the lucky party could be.
"Central," I called wearily, "ring up
the Moon. Surely he will not be out
for the last time I saw him he wn ::
more than half full."
"Hie refuse to taHc nothin
say!" was the hiccoughy outburst that !
areeted me from the Man in the
Moon. "None yer bitneet where
git it I" Dexter


Msy 4 High school



suet in Armory for visiting students,
at 5:30.


Saturday. May 5 PJ Kappa Alpha
Cenvention Dance, evening, at Fhesnix
Hotel. Alpha Chi Sigma dance at
Lafayette Hotel.

Page Thraa




announces a


the Armory at the University, and the
following men were taken into the two
Keys James McFar
land, Charles Hughes, Joe Walters,
James Chapman, Al Kirwan, John
Dabaey, Emmett
Milward, James
Pearson and C O. Warren. Thirteen
William Tate, William Errtbry, Tom
Ballentine, James Darnell, Turner
Gregg, Marian Gorman, James Reed,
Sam Caldwell, Karl Rohs, J. A. Estes,
Wayne Foust, Ralph Boren and Lay
man Mays.
When a button rolls under the bureau,
The search is a woeful affair;
And t