xt7n028pcv0m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pcv0m/data/mets.xml Stone, Barton W. (Barton Warren), 1772-1844. 1847.  books b92-61-27078258 English Published for the author by J.A. & U.P. James, : Cincinnati : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Stone, Barton W. (Barton Warren), 1772-1844. Disciples of Christ.Rogers, John, 1800-1867. Biography of Eld. Barton Warren Stone  / written by himself ; with additions and reflections by Elder John Rogers. text Biography of Eld. Barton Warren Stone  / written by himself ; with additions and reflections by Elder John Rogers. 1847 1847. 2002 true xt7n028pcv0m section xt7n028pcv0m 

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"Beware lest any one make a prey of you, through an empty and deceitful
philosophy, which is according to the tradition of men, according to the elements
of the world, and not according to Christ: For all the fulness of the Deity resides
substantially in him: And you are complete in Aim."-Paul
             J. A.  U. P. JAMES.


       Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1846,
                        By JOHN ROGERS,
In the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States for the
                       District of Kentucky.


  THrE author of the following work, was induced to under-
take it, by the urgent solicitations of the relatives and friends
of Elder Stone. Deeply sensible of his incompetency for so
great a work, nothing but deference for the opinion of his
friends, and a sense of duty to his venerated Father in the
gospel, could have disposed him to attempt it. Such as it is,
it is now with great diffidence, offered to the public. The
writer is fully aware of its many imperfections both in style
and arrangement. Some of these, at least, might have been cor-
rected, had he lived nearer the printer, and had had more time
to bestow upon the work.
  For these imperfections, under the circumstances, his friends,
and the candid reader, will make due allowance. But from the
whole tribe of snarling critics he neither hopes, nor fears any
thing. If they shall show him his errors, he will endeavor to
correct them. He aspires only to be a follower of Jesus-a
doer of good, that he may hear the plaudit of his Master at last;
"Well done, good and faithful servant."
  As to the sources whence he has derived his facts and docu-
ments, they are of the most unquestionable character; as they
have been collected from authentic writings, or living wit-
nesses. The writer believes that B. W. Stone, the much abused
and persecuted B. W. Stone, was one of the greatest, and most
consistent Reformers, that has appeared in any age since the
Apostacy-And that his name will gather new accessions
of glory, as time rolls on.  That for his successful, and con-


sistent advocacy of the Bible, as the only rule of faith and
practice, and the only foundation of Christian Union;-for his
unflinching adherence to misguidedprinciple, amidst poverty,
and disgrace,-the most bitter and unrelenting persecutions from
the powerful sects of the day-and the faltering and desertion
of his own friends,-he deserves, and will receive the admi-
ration of posterity. The history of B. W. Stone, will be re-
written at a future day, when time shall have extinguished the
prejudices that partyism has excited against him; and when
the Christian world will be disposed to award to him that po-
sition as a Reformer, and Christian, to which he is so justlyaen-
titled. The present writer hopes he has done something in the
way of preparing materials for such a work. That his humble
effort may be acceptable to his brethren, and promotive of
the cause of truth, and righteousness-that it may tend to pro-
mote the union of christians, and the salvation of sinners, the
great ends of the life and labors of the pious Stone, is the
sincere and fervent prayer of the writer. Amen.
  Carlisle, Ky. Oct 3, 1846.


                 C ONTENT S.
                         CHAPTER I.
Birth and early education......     . .  . . ..  .  . .     . .
                        CHAPTER II.
Enters Guilford Academy-Embraces Christianity among the Pres-
  byterians-Completes his Academic course .6.. . . . . .. .    6
                        CHAPTER III.
Becomes a candidate for the Ministry-Studies theology under Mr.
  Hodge of N. Carolina-Abandons, for a time, his theological studies
  --Visits Georgia-Is appointed professor of languages in a Metho-
  dist Academy near Washington-Returns to N. Carolina-Resumes
  his theological studies--Is licensed by Orange Presbytery, and sent
  to preach in the lower part of the State---Is discouraged--Leaves his
  field of labor, and directs his course westward-A variety of inci-
  dents on his journey to Nashville. . . . . . . . . . . . .       12
                        CHAPTER IV.
Reaches Kentucky, and settles in the close of the year '96, as the
  preacher of the congregations of Caneridge and Concord, Bourbon
  county-Is appointed by Transylvania Presbytery, to visit the
  south, to solicit funds to establish a college in Kentucky-From
  Charleston, South Carolina, he visits his mother, and returns to
  Kentucky---In the fall of '98 receives a call (which he accepts)
  from the united congregations of Caneridge and Concord-A day
  is appointed for his ordination-Refuses to receive the Confession
  of Faith without qualification-Is nevertheless ordained. .  25
                         CHAPTER V.
His mind is greatly agitated by Calvinistic speculations---He re-ex-
  amines the Scriptures, and cordially abandons Calvinism-Hears
  of a great religious excitement in Logan county, Ky., in the spring
  of 1801, and hastens to attend a Camp-meeting in that county-
  Is astonished at the wonderful religious exercises---Multitudes con-
  fess the Saviour--Returns from Logan filled with religious zeal-
  Under his labors similar scenes occur at Caneridge and Concord-
  Great excitement and religious interest pervade the community-
  Married to Elizabeth Campbell, July, 1801-Great Caneridge
  meeting-Description of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       30


VI                        CONTENTS.
                        CHAPTER VI.
An account of the remarkable religious exercises, witnessed in the
  beginning of the 19th century... . . . . . . . . . . . .     39
                       CHAPTER VII.
Hemorrhage of the lungs from excessive speaking, c.--Attends a
  camp meeting at Paris-Meets with opposition---Frees his slaves--
  Richard M'Nemar, John Dunlavy, John Thompson, Robert Mar-
  shall and himself concur in religious views--Revival checked by
  opposition-Partyism rekindled-M'Nemar tried--Protest against
  proceedings of Synod in M'Nemar's case, and withdrawal of Rich-
  ard M'Nemar, John Dunlavy, John Thompson, Robert Marshall and
  himself from jurisdiction of Synod-They are suspended---Formed
  themselves into a separate Presbytery, called Springfield Presby-
  tery-Apology published.---Abandons Presbyterianism-Surrenders
  all claim to salary-Last Will and Testament of Springfield Pres-
  bytery.. . .........                                         42
                      CHAPTER VIII.
Atonement--Change of views--Baptism; is himself immersed---Fa-
  naticism makes considerable advances-The Shakers conme--Some
  of the Preachers and people led off... . . . . . . . . . .     56
                       CHAPTER IX.
The churches had scarcely recovered from the shock of Shakerism,
  when Marshall and Thompson became disaffected-They endeav-
  or to introduce a human Creed-But failing, they return to the
  Presbyterian Church-Their character-B. W. Stone's only son
  dies, 1809-His wife, in May, 1810-Her pious character-Breaks
  up housekeeping-In October, 1811, was married to Celia W.
  Bowen, and removes to Tennessee--Returns to Kentucky--Teach-
  es a high school in Lexington-Studies the Hebrew language-Ap-
  pointed principal of the Rittenhouse Academy in Georgetown-
  Preaches in Georgetown, where he founded a church with a numer-
  ous congregation--Is persuaded to resign his station in the Acade-
  my, and devote his whole time to preaching--Teaches a private
  school in Georgetown-Goes to Meigs county, Ohio, where a Bap-
  tist Association agrees to assume the name Christian--Remarkable
  dream--Travels in Ohio, preaching to multitudes and baptizing
  many.                                       . . ...... 65
                       CHAPTER X.
A. Campbell appears-Visits Kentucky-His character and views
  -In 1826 Elder Stone commences the publication of the Christian
  Messenger-In 1832 John T. Johnson became associated with El-
  der Stone as co-editor of the Messenger-Continued in that con-


  nexion till B. W. Stone removed to Illinois-They succeed in
  uniting the Churches in Kentucky, whose members had been in-
  vidiously called Stonites and Campbellites-In 1834 B. W. Stone
  removes to Jacksonville, Illinois-Effects a union there between
  those called Christians and Reformers...... . . . . .    .  75
                       CHAPTER XI.
B. W. Stone visits Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky for the last time-
  Visits Carlisle and Caneridge-Returns home.. .. ... . .   80
                      CHAPTER XII.
Mr. Stone's account of his visit to Kentucky-Finds much to approve
  -Some things to disapprove-Advice to a young preacher-His
  last preaching tour in Missouri-Last public discourse-Death .  93
                     CHAPTER XIII.
Notice of the death and Character of B. W. Stone, by his son Barton
  101.-By A. Campbell, and Jacob Creath, 105.-By Dr. Morton,
  108-By T. Al. Allen, 110-By J. T. Matlock, 111.-By the
  Church of Christ at Caneridge, I13.-By A. Rains, 1I6.-By F.
  R. Palmer,-l 18.-By T. Smith, 118.-By J. E. Matthews, 119-
  By Love Jameson, 11 9.--Incidents connected with the early his-
  tory of B. W. Stone, furnished by D. Purviance, 120.-Discourse
  occasioned by the Death of B. W. Stone-By J. A Gano . . . 130
Introduction to the Apology of the Springfield Presbytery  . . . . 147
                      APOLOGY-PART I.
Embraced between pages 147 and 191, containing a particular ac-
  count of the causes, which in a regular chain, led the members of
  the Springfield Presbytery, to withdraw from the Synod of Ky.
                      APOLOGY-PART II.
A compendious view of the Gospel, 191. Human Depravity, 191.
  Regeneration, 192-The Gospel, 193-The Gospel the means of
  Regeneration, 202-Faith, 205-Objections answered .   ...   . 210
                     APOLOGY-PART III.
Observations introductory to Remarks on the Confession of Faith, 122
  -Remarks on Creeds and Confessions in general, 231-On the
  Westminster Confession in particular.... . . . . . .    . 135


                    PART SECOND.
                        CHAPTER I.
His character-as a Husband-Father-Neighbor-He was just-
  Gentle-Disliked controversy-Loved peace.... .  . . .    . 248
                        CHAPTER IL.
He was given to hospitality-Was respected by all who knew
  him-Loved by many of his religious opponents-Good moral
  character, awarded him by all-Instances-He was grave and dig-
  nified in all his deportment, whether in the pulpit or out of it . . 260
                       CHAPTER III.
His candor and honesty in matters of religion-His humility and
  modesty-Strong personal attachments-Was greatly devoted to his
  family-Was supremely devoted to the interests of the Church and
  salvation of sinners..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
                       CHAPTER IV.
The piety and benevolence of Barton W. Stone, as illustrated in
  his position and practice in reference to the question of Slavery-
  He was a man of great independence of mind-Of great firmness
  and decision of character-Was unaspiring-Superior to envy and
  jealousy-His position and character as a Reformer-Poetry.. . 287
                       CHAPTER V.
A brief history of the Union which took place, in Ky. in 1832 be-
  tween B. W. Stone, and those associated with him, and those asso-
  ciated with A. CampbeLL.. ..                        .     317
                       CHAPTER VI.
Preliminary observations-History of the exercises, or bodily agita-
  tions under the ministry of Wesley, Whitefield, Edwards, Buel
  -Among the Baptists in Virginia-Those strange affections coun-
  tenanced and encouraged by Wesley, Erskine, Watson, White-
  field, Edwards-Professor Hodge regards them as the offspring of
  natural causes, and not the result of any divine influence-In a
  great majority of cases they affect the ignorant and imaginative-
  Are infectious-Proved by various examples-Are no evidence of
  the divine favor-It can never be shown that they arise from gen-


                          CONTENTS.                             ix
uine christian feeling-No such results followed the Apostles'
preaching-The cases referred to by their apologists not ill point
-The testimony of Scripture directly against them-Examples_
These exercises not the offspring of any thing peculiar to any
form of Calvinism or Arminianism-Therefore cannot be plead-
ed in proof of any thing peculiar to any of them-Mr. Wesley re-
garded them as a sort of miraculous attestations of the truth of his
preaching-Instances-Genuine Christians and even the talented
sometimes have been subject to them-Yet generally they affect the
ignorant and nervous-Where these exercises have been encour-
aged, they have greatly prevailed-Where opposed, they have not
-The case of the Pentecostians peculiar-No justification of such
irregularities-They promote fanaticism, censoriousness, c., ex-
emplified in various cases-These extravagances in religion may be
traced to the operation of false notions of the means of enjoying
pardon upon persons of nervous temperaments-John L. Waller's
mistakes corrected.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348

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                      OF THE
              WRITTEN BY HIMSELF.
                  CHAPTER 1.
                Birth and early education.
  I WAS born near Port-Tobacco, in the State of Mary-
land, December 24th, 1772. My father, John Stone,
died when I was very young. I have no recollection of
him in life. My mother, whose maiden name was Mary
Warren, a few years after the death of my father, with
a large family of children and servants, moved to the
then called back-woods of Virginia, Pittsylvania county,
near Dan river, about eighty miles below the Blue
Mountain. This occurred in 1779, during the revolu-
tionary war.
  The manners and customs of the people, among whom
we resided, were exceedingly simple-no aspirations for
wealth or preferment-contentment appeared to be the
lot of all, and happiness dwelt in every breast amidst
the abundance of home stores, acquired by honest in-
dustry. Benevolence, and kindness in supplying the
wants of new-comers, as late immigrants were called,
were universal. Courts of justice were rare and far
distant from us. To remedy this inconvenience, the


neighborhoods selected their best men, whose duty was
to preserve order, and administer justice. By them
Lynch's law was frequently executed on offenders.
Sports of the most simple kind were generally practiced,
and friendship and good feeling universally reigned.
Religion engaged the attention of but a few. Indeed,
our parson himself mingled in all the sports and pass-
times of the people, and was what may be termed a man
of pleasure.
  Frequent calls wevere made for men to aid in our revo-
lutionary struggles against our enemies, the British and
tories. Those calls were promptly obeyed by the hardy
sons of the back-woods. Parents in tears cheerfully
equipt their willing sons for the tented field. Never
shall I forget the sorrows of my widowed mother when
her sons shouldered their firelocks, and marched away to
join the army. Never will the impressions of my own
grief be erased from the tablet of my memory, when
these scenes occurred.
  We knew that General Green and Lord Cornwallis
would shortly meet in mortal combat not far from us.
The whole country was in great anxiety and bustle.
Nothing was secure from the depredation of the tories,
and of bandits of thieves worse than they. My mother
had some valuable horses needed for the use of the farm,
to secure which from being taken by scouting parties,
she sent me with my two elder brothers to conceal them
in a thicket of 'trushwood, not far distant from home.
This was to me, even then, a gloomy day. It was the
day when Green and Cornwallis met at Guilford Court-
Housein North Carolina, about thirty miles distant from
us. We distinctly heard the roar of the artillery, and
awfully feared the result.
  The soldiers, when they returned home from their war-
tour, brought back with them many vices almost unknown
to us before; as profane swearing, debauchery, drunk-
enness, gambling, quarreling and fighting. For having
been soldiers, and having fought for liberty, they were
respected and caressed by all. They gave the ton to


                 BARTON W. STONE.                J
the neighborhood, and therefore their influence in de-
moralizing society was very great. These vices soon
became general, and almost honorable. Such are uni-
versally the effects of war, than which a greater evil
cannot assail and afflict a nation.
  In such society were my youthful days spent; but in
these vices I never participated. From my earliest re-
collection I drank deeply into the spirit of liberty, and
was so warmed by the soul-inspiring draughts, that I
could not hear the name of British, or tories, without feel-
ing a rush of blood through the whole system. Such
prejudices, formed in youth, are with difficulty ever re-
moved. I confess their magic influence to this advanced
day of my life, especially when the name tory is men-
tioned-so many injuries, fresh in my recollection, at-
tach to that name.
  I was early sent to school to a very tyrant of a teach-
er, who seemed to take pleasure in whipping and abusing
his pupils for every trifling offence. I could learn no-
thingthrough fearof him. When Iwas called on torecite
my lessons to him, I was so affected with fear and trem-
bling, and so confused in mind, that I could say nothing.
I remained with him but a few days, and was sent to
another teacher of a different temper, with whom I ac-
quired with facility the first rudiments of an English ed-
ucation, reading, writing, and arithmetic. Here I must
enter my protest against tyrannical and ill-disposed teach-
ers. Such are a curse to any neighborhood in which
they may teach. Teachers should be the most patient,
self-possessed, and reasonable of men; yet of such firm-
ness as to secure authority and respect. The rod
should be rarely used-only in cases of necessity; and
then by the arm of mercy. He should act the part of
a kind father. towards them as his children. Gain their
respect and love, and they will delight in obedience,
and rarely fail to learn the lessons given to them.
  Grammar, geography, and the branches of science
now taught in common schools, were then unknown,
and not sought after. My old teacher, Robert W. So-


merhays, an Englishman, was considered in our neigh-
borhood, a prodigy of learning. After I had continued
with him for four or five years, he pronounced me a
finished scholar, and such indeed was I considered gen-
erally in the neighborhood. This, with my natural
love of letters, fired my mind and increased my exer-
tions to rise to eminence. Being naturally ambitious
to excel, the praises lavished unsparingly upon me,
swelled my vanity, and caused me to think myself a
little above mediocrity.
  From the time I was able to read, I took great de-
light in books, and preferred them to any company, and
often retired from my young companions to indulge in
the pleasure of reading. But books of science were
the rarest articles in our country, and in fact were not
to be found in our back-woods. Nothing but a few
novels, as Peregrine Pickle, Tom Jones, Roderic Ran-
dom, and such trash, could I obtain. These were poor
helps, and yet from reading these, my ardent thirst for
knowledge increased. The Bible we had; but this
being the only book read in our schools, had become
so familiar by constantly reading it there, that I wished
variety. Here I wish to leave my testimony in favor
of making the Bible a school book. By this means
the young mind receives information and impressions,
which are not erased through life. The Bible, not
read in school, is seldom read afterwards. To this, as
one leading cause, may be attributed the present growth
of infidelity and skepticism, then scarcely known, and
never openly avowed in all our country.
  As soon as liberty from the yoke of Britain was
achieved, the priests' salaries were abolished, and our
parsons generally left us, and many returned to England.
Every man did what seemed right in his own eyes;
wickedness abounded, the Lord's day was converted
into a day of pleasure, and the house of worship de-
serted. A few Baptist preachers came in amongst us,
some of whom I well remember, as Samuel Harris,
Dutton Lane, S. Cantrell, c. They began to preach


                  BARTON W. STONE.              5
 to the people, and great effects followed. Multitudes
 attended their ministrations, and many were immersed.
 Immersion was so novel in those parts, that many from
 a distance were incited to come in order to see the or-
 dinance administered.
   I was a constant attendant, and was particularly in-
 terested to hear the converts giving in their experi-
 ence. Of their conviction and great distress for sin,
 they were very particular in giving an account, and
 how and when they obtained deliverance from their
 burdens. Some were delivered by a dream, a vision,
 or some uncommon appearance of light-some by a
 voice spoken to them, " Thy sins are forgiven thee"-
 and others by seeing the Saviour with their natural
 eyes. Such experiences were considered good by the
 church, and the subjects of them were received for
 baptism, and into full fellowship. Great and good was
 the reformation in society. Knowing nothing better, I
 considered this to be the work of God, and the way of
 salvation. The preachers had the art of affecting their
 hearers by a tuneful or singing voice in preaching.
   About this time came in a few Methodist preachers.
Their appearance was prepossessing-grave, holy,
meek, plain and humble. Their very presence check-
ed levity in all around them-their zeal was fervent
and unaffected, and their preaching was often electric
on the congregation, and fixed their attention. The
Episcopalians and Baptists began to oppose them with
great warmth. The Baptists represented them as de-
nying the doctrines of grace, and of preaching salvation
by works. They publicly declared them to be the lo-
custs of the Apocalypse, and warned the people against
receiving them. Poor Methodists! They were then
but few, reproached, misrepresented, and persecuted as
unfit to live on the earth. My mind was much agitated,
and was vascilating between these two parties. For some
time I had been in the habit of retiring in secret, morn-
ing and evening, for prayer, with an earnest desire for
religion; but being ignorant of what I ought to do, I


became discouraged, and quit praying, and engaged in
the youthful sports of the day.
  My father's will was, that when I, the youngest child,
should arrive at the age of twenty-one years, his estate
should be equally divided among his children, except
the part bequeathed to my mother. When I was fifteen
or sixteen years of age, my three elder brothers were
grown, and about to start into the world pennyless. It
was proposed that a division of our property be made.
To this I willingly acceded: and it was accordingly
done to the satisfaction of all. When my part was as-
signed me, my mind was absorbed day and night in
devising some plan to improve it. At length I came
to the determination to acquire, if possible, a liberal
education, and thus qualify myself for a barrister. I
communicated my mind to my mother and brothers,
who all cordially approved of my purpose, and gave
the promise of pecuniary aid, should I need it. Imme-
diately I began to arrange my affairs to put my purpose
into execution.
                   CHAPTER II.
Enters Guilford Academy-Embraces Christianity among the Presbyteri-
            ans-Completes his Academic course.
  HAVING determined on my future course, I bade
farewell to my mother, brothers, companions and neigh-
bors, and directed my way to a noted Academy in Guil-
ford, North Carolina, under the direction of Doc. David
Caldwell. Here I commenced the Latin Grammar the
first day of February, 1790. With the ardor of Eneas'
son, I commenced with the full purpose to acquire an
education, or die in the attempt. With such a mind,
every obstacle can be surmounted in the affairs of life.
I stript myself of every hindrance for the course-de-
nied myself of strong food-lived chiefly on milk and
vegetables, and allowed myself but six or seven hours


                 BARTON W. STONE.               7
in the twenty-four for sleep. By such indefatigable
application to study, as might be expected, I passed
several classes, until I came up with one of equal ap-
plication, with which I continued through the whole of
our academic course.
  When I first entered the academy, there had been,
and then was, a great religious excitement. About
thirty or more of the students had lately embraced re-
ligion under the ministration of James McGready, a
Presbyterian preacher of exceeding popularity, piety,
and engagedness. I was not a little surprised to find
those pious students assembled every morning before
the hour of recitation, and engaged in singing and
praying in a private room. Their daily walk evinced
to me their sincere piety and happiness. This was a
source of uneasiness to my mind, and frequently brought
me to serious reflection. I labored to banish these se-
rious thoughts, believing that religion would impede
my progress in learning-would thwart the object I had
in view, and expose me to the frowns of my relatives
and companions. I therefore associated with that part
of the students who made light of divine things, and
joined with them in their jests at the pious. For this
my conscience severely upbraided me when alone, and
made me so unhappy that I could neither enjoy the
company of the pious nor of the impious.
  I now began seriously to think it would be better for
me to remove from this academy, and go to Hampden-
Sidney College, in Virginia; for no other reason than
that I might get away from the constant sight of reli-
gion. I had formed the resolution and had determined
to start the next morning, but was prevented by a very
stormy day. I remained in my room during that day,
and came to the firm resolution to pursue my studies
there, attend to my own business, and let every one
pursue his own way. From this I have learned that
the most effectual way to conquer the depraved heart,
is, the constant exhibition of piety and a godly life in
the professors of religion.


   Having formed this resolution, I was settled for a
short time, until my room-mate, Benjamin McReynolds,
a pious young Virginian, politely asked me to walk
with him a short distance in the neighborhood, to hear
a certain preacher. I consented, and walked with him.
A crowd of people had assembled-the preacher came
-it was James McGready, whom I had never seen
before. He rose and looked around on the assembly.
His person was not prepossessing, nor his appearance
interesting, except his remarkable gravity, and small
piercing eyes. His coarse tremulous voice excited in
me the idea of something unearthly. His gestures
were sui generis, the perfect reverse of elegance.
Every thing appeared by him forgotten, but the salva-
tion of souls.  Such earnestness-such zeal-such
powerful persuasion, enforced by the joys of heaven
and miseries of hell, I had never witnessed before.
My mind was chained by him, and followed him closely
in his rounds of heaven, earth and hell, with feelings
indescribable. His concluding remarks were address-
ed to the sinner to flee the wrath to come without de-
lay. Never before had I comparatively felt the force
of truth. Such was my excitement, that had I been
standing, I should have probably sunk to the floor un-
der the impression.
  The meeting over, I returned to my room. Night
coming on, I walked out into an old field, and seriously
reasoned with myself on the all-important subject of
religion. What shall I do Shall I embrace religion
now, or not I impartially weighed the subject, and
counted the cost. If I embrace religion, I must incur
the displeasure of my dear relatives, lose the favor and
company of my companions-become the object of
their scorn and ridicule-relinquish all my plans and
schemes for worldly honor, wealth and preferment, and
bid a final adieu to all the pleasures in which I had
lived, and hoped to live on earth. Are you willing to
make this sacrifices to religion  No, no, was the an-
swer of my heart. Then the certain alternative is, you


                  BARTON W. STONE.               U
 must be damned. Are you willing to be damned-to
 be banished from God-from heaven-from all good--
 and suffer the pains of eternal fire  No, no, responded
 my heart-I cannot endure the thought. After due
 deliberation, I resolved from that hour to seek religion
 at the sacrifice of every earthly good, and immediately
 prostrated myself before God in supplication for mercy'.
   According to the preaching, and the experience of
the pious in those days, I anticipated a long and pain-
ful struggle before I should be prepared to come to
Christ, or, in the language then used, before I should
get religion. This anticipation -was completely realized
by me. For one year I was tossed on the waves of
uncertainty-laboring, praying, and striving to obtain
saving faith-sometimes desponding, and almost de-
spairing of ever getting it.
   The doctrines then publicly taught were, that man-
kind were so totally depraved, that they could not be-
lieve, repent, nor obey the gospel-that regeneration
was an immediate work of the Spirit, whereby faith
and repentance were wrought in the heart. These
things were pourtrayed in vivid colors, with all earnest-
ness and solemnity. JNVow was not then, the accepted
time-now was not then, the day of salvation; but it
was God's own sovereign time, and for that time the
sinner must wait.
  In February, 1791, with many of my fellow students,
I went some distance to a meeting on Sandy River, in
Virginia. J. B. Smith, president of Hampden-Sidney
College, Cairy Allen, James Blythe, Robert Marshall,
and James McGready, were there. On Lord's-day Pre-
sident Smith spoke on these words: "The sacrifices
of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite
heart, 0 God, thou wilt not despise." In his descrip-
tion of a broken and contrite heart, I felt my own de-
scribed. Hope began to rise, and my sorrow-worn
heart felt a glea