xt7mw669696p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mw669696p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1942-11-04  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 4, 1942 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 4, 1942 1942 1942-11-04 2020 true xt7mw669696p section xt7mw669696p to
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Minutes of the Faculty of the University 9 October 21, 1942

At the request of the President, Dean Graham reported on the
policies that may prevail after the amendment of the Selective Service
Act to cover 18 and 19 year old men. Dean Graham pointed out that there
was as yet no definite assurance as to what the policies w0uld be. He
outlined, however, the general trend of thought in Washington, particu-
larly as it bears on the place of the institutions of higher learning
in the preparation of these young men for military service. Following
Dean Graham's statement, President Donovan emphasized that all should
adopt the attitude that the University of Kentucky and other institutions
of higher learning can and probably will be radically transformed in
terms of their programs of study.

Dean Evans requested advice concerning a problem which has arisen
in the College of Law as a result of the change from the semester system
to the quarter plan. The problem involved a student who, for example,
had completed five of the six semesters of residence formerly required
for graduation from the Law College, and who now must of necessity finish
in either one quarter or one quarter and a fractional part of another.
Dean Evans and the Dean of the University were requested to study this
problem and report to the Faculty.

On recommendation of Dean Boyd, the petition of Oscar Sellers
was approved. Mr. Sellers was asking to complete the last 13 quarter
hours required for graduation by correspondence. Mr. Sellers is now
in military service.

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November 4, 1942

The Faculty of the University met in the President's Office
November 4, 1942. President Donovan presided. Members present were
Paul P. Boyd, Thomas P. Cooper, Alvin E. Evans, W. D. Funkhouser.

J. H. Graham, Frank D. Peterson, Edward Wiest, and Leo M. Chamberlain.

The minutes of the meeting of October 21 were read and approved.

Referring to his request at a previous meeting for nominations
for the Advisory Athletics Council, President Donovan indicated that an
analysis had been made of the distribution of representation on this
committee among the various colleges, and that this analysis revealed
that the College of Agriculture and Home Economics had not had represeno
tation during the last five years. He indiCated therefore that he was
appointing Professor L. J. Horlacher to membership on the Advisory
Athletics Council, and that Professor D, V. Terrell was being reappointed
for a oneeyear term only.








































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The Dean of the University presented for the information of the
Faculty the preposed standing committees for the year and asked for
any suggestions that various deans might care to make.


The Faculty approved a request from Dr. Capurso, Executive Direc~ %
tor of the Department of Music, that the students who will participate .‘
in the Convocation on December 11 be given permission to be absent from
classes during the second hour, in order to make necessary preparations
for this program.

The Faculty also approved a second request from the Department of
Music, asking that the University Band be allowed to make the traditional
trip to Knoxville on November 21. It was understood that the Band would
leave Lexington Friday morning, November 20, and return Sunday morning, ’
Nobember 22. It was pointed out that the roster of the Band for this
trip would include only students eligible under the University's rules
governing participation in extra=curricular activities.

The Faculty approved a request from the student representatives
of the Y.M.C.A. who sought Faculty endorsement of a drive among Unis 7
versity students to raise funds for the World Student Service Funds. Aflfl.
The primary function of this organization is to aid college students '1
in all parts of the world, particularly those who are prisoners or I

evacuees. Last year over $800 was raised from individual student ‘

The Faculty also approved the regular Y.M.C.A. solicitation of
students made annually at the registration for the second semester.
This solicitation, which goes to the support of the University Y.M.C.A.,
will be made this year at the beginning of the winter quarter.

The Faculty voted to limit the Thanksgiving recess for 1942 to
Thanksgiving Day. Thursday, November 26, with classes to be held as
usual on Friday and Saturday, November 27 and 28. This change in the
calendar Was made after careful consideration of the responsibility of
the institution for aiding in the solution of the transportation prob=
lem. In changing the Thanksgiving holiday, the Faculty reCOgnized the .
necessity for some adjustment in the Christmas holidays, both in the GM“.
light of the Thanksgiving change and in terms of giving still further ‘
support to the Government's efforts to reduce holiday travel, particue
larly at week ends. The Faculty voted that the President of the Uni=
versity appoint a committee, which would include representatives from
both the staff and the student body, to make recommendations to the
Faculty regarding the additional changes that should be made in the
calendar. - ,

The following report from the Rules Committee was submitted to
the Faculty and approved:

The Rules Committee on October 7 voted to recommend to the
Faculty the following changes and restatements affecting the
rules on probation and classification:

1. Definition 2: Standing. Change the statement on page 9 of «fig‘
the September, 1942, Rules of the Faculty of the University, !
to read as follows:


Minutes of the Faculty of the University - November 4, 1942

The standing of a student is defined as the ratio of his
total number of points to his total number of quarter hours.
Advanced credit will not be counted in computing the student’s
standing for graduation. For purposes other than graduation
and classification, standing is understood to be the ratio of
the number of points gained to the number of quarter hours

2. g£assificgtion. Change statement on classification, first

paragraph, as given on page 10 of the September, 1942, Rules. as

A student in any college except Law shall be classified as
a sophomore, junior. or senior, when he has within 10 quarter
hours of the normal requirement as defined in the Section under
"Probation”. and a standing of 1. However, no student may be
classified as a sophomore until he has had college residence of
at least three quarters, nor as a junior until he has had college
residence of at least five quarters.

(The succeeding paragraph on classification in the College of Law
remains unchanged).

It was suggested that these changes in the rules of the Faculty of the
University and any other additions or interpretations that are not ina
cluded in the planographed copies, be mimeographed and distributed as
supplements to the Rules of the Faculty of the University.

Following approval of the report of the Rules Committee, the
Faculty approved the minutes of August 18, with the understanding that
a note would be inserted, indicating that the action of that date
governing standing and classification has been amended by the action
of November 4.

The following new courses, recommended by the College of Arts
and Sciences, were approved:

Military Science 2a,b. First Year Basic course for Signal Corps
ROTC, 2 quarter hours a quarter, 4 days a week.


M.S. 2a e Introduction to Signal Corps work, including courses in
Wire Cammunication: Material, Wire Communication: Field Wire Systems,
and Leadership. Four hours a week.

M.s. 2bo e A Signal Corps course covering Equipment, Clothing, and
Tent Pitching: Orientation: National Defense Act and the ROTC: Oblie
gations of Citizenship; Military History and Policy; Military Discipline,
Courtesies, and Customs of the Service; Military Sanitation and First
Aid; and Leadership. Four hours per week.

The following course changes, recommended by the faculty of the
College of Arts and Sciences were approved: (These changes had previously
been approved by the Faculty of the University, subject to apprOVal by the
faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences):

Zoology 108C ~ Principles 2: Zoology e Dropped.























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The Dean of the University presented for the information of the
Faculty the preposed standing committees for the year and asked for
any suggestions that various deans might care to make.


The Faculty approved a request from Dr. Capurso, Executive Direc~
tor of the Department of Music, that the students who will participate (ah
in the Convocation on December 11 be given permission to be absent from
classes during the second hour, in order to make necessary preparations
for this program.

The Faculty also approved a second request from the Department of
Music, asking that the University Band be allowed to make the traditiOnal
trip to Knoxville on November 21. It was understood that the Band would
leave Lexington Friday morning, November 20, and return Sunday morning,
Nobember 22. It was pointed out that the roster of the Band for this
trip would include only students eligible under the University's rules
governing participation in extraecurricular activities.

The Faculty approved a request from the student representatives
of the Y.M.C.A. who sought Faculty endorsement of a drive among Unia ’
versity students to raise funds for the World Student Service Funds. M
The primary function of this organization is to aid college students f x
in all parts of the world, particularly those who are prisoners or f
evacuees. Last year over $800 was raised from individual student '

The Faculty also approved the regular Y.M.C.A. solicitation of
students made annually at the registration for the second semester.
This solicitation, which goes to the support of the University Y.M.C.A..
will be made this year at the beginning of the winter quarter.

The Faculty voted to limit the Thanksgiving recess for 1942 to
Thanksgiving Day9 Thursday, November 26, with classes to be held as
usual on Friday and Saturday, November 27 and 28. This change in the
calendar was made after careful consideration of the responsibility of
the institution for aiding in the solution of the transportation prob:
lem. In changing the Thanksgiving holiday, the Faculty recognized the ‘
necessity for some adjustment in the Christmas holidays, both in the 'a‘
light of the Thanksgiving change and in terms of giving still further
support to the Government's efforts to reduce holiday travel, partiCUF
larly at week ends. The Faculty voted that the President of the Uni:
versity appoint a committee, which would include representatives from
both the staff and the student body, to make recommendations to the
Faculty regarding the additional changes that should be made in the
calendar. » - -

The following report from the Rules Committee was submitted to
the Faculty and approved:

The Rules Committee on October 7 voted to recommend to the
Faculty the following changes and restatements affecting the
rules on probation and classification:

1. Definition 3i Standing. Change the statement on page 9 of éa‘
the September, 1942, Rules of the Faculty of the University, \
to read as follows:


 Minutes of the Faculty of the University - November 4, 1942

College of Arts and Sciences were approved:
been approved by the Faculty of the University, subject to apprOVal by the

faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences):

The standing of a student is defined as the ratio of his
total number of points to his total number of quarter hours.
Advanced credit will not be counted in computing the student”:
standing for graduation. For purposes other than graduation
and classification, standing is understood to be the ratio of
the number of points gained to the number of quarter hours

2. Eiassiiicgtion. Change statement on classification, first
paragraph, as given on page 10 of the September, 1942, Rules. as

A student in any college except Law shall be classified as
a sophomore, junior, or senior, when he has within 10 quarter
hours of the normal requirement as defined in the Section under
“Probation”, and a standing of 1. However, no student may be
classified as a sephomore until he has had college residence of
at least three quarters, nor as a junior until he has had college
residence of at least five quarters.

(The succeeding paragraph on classification in the College of Law
remains unchanged).

was suggested that these changes in the rules of the Faculty of the
University and any other additions or interpretations that are not in—
cluded in the planographed copies, be mimeographed and distributed as
supplements to the Rules of the Faculty of the University.

Following approval of the report of the Rules Committee, the

Faculty approved the minutes of August 18. with the understanding that
a note would be inserted, indicating that the action of that date
governing standing and classification has been amended by the action
of November 4.

The following new courses, recommended by the College of Arts

and Sciences, were approved:

Military Science 2a,b. FirSt Year Basic course for Signal Corps


ROTC, 2 quarter hours a quarter, 4 days a week.

M.S. 2a 5 Introduction to Signal Corps work, including courses in

Wire Communication: Material, Wire Communication: Field Wire Systems,
and Leadership. Four hours a week.

Mos. 2b. = A Signal Corps course covering Equipment, Clothing, and
Tent Pitching: Orientation: National Defense Act and the ROTC: Oblie
gations of Citizenship; Military History and Policy; Military Discipline,
Courtesies, and Customs of the Service; Military Sanitation and First

and Leadership. Four hours per week.

The following course changes, recommended by the faculty of the

Zoology lO8c - Principles of Zoology a Dropped.

(These changes had previously











































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Minutes of the Faculty of the University = November 4, 1942

Zoology 108a.b 9 Principles of Zoology - changed from 2 quarter
hours to 3 quarter hours each. @

Anth. & Arch. 101, Principles of Anthropology: Anth. & Arch. 105,
Ethnology“ moi the Old World: Anth. & Arch. 106. Ethnology of "Europe: and ?
Anth. & Arch. 107, Ethnology of the New World a changed from 2 quarter hmug
to 3 quarter hours each.



Psychology 126 e Mental Eygiene and Hygiene and Public Health 120b
Mental Hygiene, changed in title to Mental Hygiene Observation.

On recommendation of Dean COOper. the petition of James Porter was
approved. Mr. Porter asked permission to carry 24 hours during the current
quarter in order to finish his requirements for graduation by the end mfthe
quarter. He stated that he is now in the Army Air Corps Reserve and expeon
to be called around January 1. Mr. Porter has a standing of 2.

Similarly, on recommendation of Dean Cooper, Mr. Roy Hunt was given (ha.
permission to carry 24 hours during the fall quarter. in order that he may ' ‘
complete his requirements for graduation by June and enter into active
service in the Navy. Mr. Hunt's standing is 2.9.

President Donovan and Dean Cooper reported briefly to the Faculty
on the recent meetings of the National Association of State Universities
and the American Association of Land Grant Colleges. They interpreted
the trend of thinking of the heads of American institutions of higher
learning, with respect to the part that these institutions could and
probably would play in the war effort, and the bearing which the pending
amendment to the Selective Service Act will have on the future of colleges
and universities. President Donovan particularly emphasized the impore
tance of keeping alive during these times the cultural aspects of a
university's program as opposed to the demands of the immediate and



November 18, 1942

The Faculty of the University met in the President's Office Wed»
nesday, November 18, 1942. President Donovan presided. Members present
were Paul P. Boyd, Thomas P. COOper. Alvin E. Evans. W. D. Funkhousor,
Frank D. Peterson, William S. Taylor, Edward Wiest, and Leo M. Chamber=
lain. Professor D. V. Terrell was also present. a

The minutes of November 4 were read and approved.