xt7mw6696483 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mw6696483/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-03-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1977 1977 1977-03-31 2020 true xt7mw6696483 section xt7mw6696483 Vol. LXVlII. Number 135
Thursday. March 31, 1977

Just in Time

It 's about 'I'inrc we had weather
nice enough to nap in. Here,
Italplr Henderson. music fresh-
man. has all the Time in the
world. resting in the Ilotanical

UK, U of L presidents slash
CPHE report defines roles, missions

ly tiINNY I‘ll)“ ARIIS

A philosophically based
discussion on the missions of the
universities of Kentucky and
Louisville occupied much of
yesterday‘s meeting of the Council
on Public Higher Education.

Harry Snyder. (.‘PHE executive
director. presented the first draft of
a report on roles for specific state
institutions to a special meeting of

the council. It “describes the need
for and the benefits of developing a
system in which each institution
would assume a specific role."

The report names UK as the
t'ommonwcaltli‘s only statewide
institution; the University of
louisville was named the state‘s
only urban university.

“I‘m tiredof being cast off against
the l'niversity of Louisville." [TK
President ()tis Singletary said. “We

need to make a distinction between
the two institutions.“ ~
Singletary said he wanted the
council to clarify the use of the word
urban in describing [7 of L. “The
definition of urban institution has
serious implications for the
l'nivcrsity of Kentucky."
I Singletary said he did not agree
that the University of Louisville is
the state‘s only urban university.
Although hesaid he realized U of L is
located in the state‘s largest

One tickee, no car

PSD to tow after one violatiOn

Kernel Sta ff Writer

Here‘s news for all you
“delinquent" people with unpaid
parking citations. If you‘re waiting
to get a third ticket (that’s when
'they tow your car away) before
paying any of them. you’ll want to
know about the Public Safety
Division’s change of heart.

“We haven't been towing until
after the third delinquent citation is
recorded,“ said Tom Padgett,
director of public safety. “However,
students aren’t taking the tickets
seriously; so, as soon as we can,
we‘ll start towing with just one."

Not every time, he added. but
violators should be aware of the

«.392 citations

in February, there were 6,392
citations issued (at a fine of $5 each)
and Padgett said that number was
an all-time high. Most were for
parking without a permit, in a

restricted area, and in
yellow lines.

“We recognize that this many
citations indicate a parking
problem," Padgett said. identifying
it not as a lack of spaces but as
people‘s dissatisfaction with the
location of the spaces. .

Unlike most other schools, be said,
UK dfers free parking tin the
stadium). Preferred spaces are
reserved for faculty, who pay an
annual parking fee. The remaining
spaces are available to students with
registered parking stickers.


New lots near stadium

He said the only new parking lots
to be added will be in the vicinity of
the stadium.

“We can‘t pave every inch of the
campus and there is no way to
relocate the stadium right in the
middleof UK," Padgett maintained.

“Maybe we could get, at the most,
250 additional spaces near the new
Fine Arts building, but would that
solve anything?"

Revisions resolve
health complaints

Kernel Staff Writer

Since Ml the UK Health Service
has employed a voluntary health
fee. It was the first school in the
country to incorporate such a

“We‘re an autonomous business
providing a unique service," said
Jean (fox, health service ad-
ministrator. “We didn‘t want to
force it down anyone's throat, so
each year we advertise what we
have available for the students and
allow them to chose."

About (5 per cent of the student
body prtidpotes. Last year the
health service lundled 57,000 visits
from noon students. Cox said.

More than runny noses and sore
throats receive attention. ”Students
cone to us with chronic problems
like diabetes and serious kidney
diseases,“ Cox said. Gynecology,
weight control through behavior
modification and mental health
counseling services are also

"Young adults are accident prone
and during the spring we are
bombarded with sprains and
breaks," (‘ox said. “We‘ve also
treated a Id of sun bums this week.“

(hauges initiated

Last year changes were initiated
resulting from feedback on a student
survey. long waiting periods at the

(tuitinucd on page 3

Padgett said another alternative
would be multi-level parking. “But
it's just not economically feasible
when it costs about $4,000 per space
to construct.“

Padgett said he believes it's up to
both students and faculty to change
their transportation habits by riding
the bus or getting accustomed to
parking in the stadium and then
taking the free intra-campus bus or

Whatall thismearrs, if you haven't
already guessed, is that you'll have
to pay any ticket you get from the
PSI) or run the risk of having your
car towed away.

Before. as now, if you don't pay
within to days. you‘re listed as
delinquent. The penalties for being
delinquent. as described by Jerry
Lagere, associate registrar for
student records, are as follows: —
you‘re not allowed to pre-register
- you can‘t get copies of your

ultimately, you‘re not allowed to


Negotiators for

negotiating committee. “



an independent student newspaper]

metropolitan area. he did not think
academic areas should be divided
betwi‘en the two institutions on the
basis of the definition.

l' of L President James Miller
said. however. that he did not want
his institution limited to dealing with
urban matters in Jefferson County.

()ne ramification of a com-
prehensive higher education plan
might be the reordering of doctoral
programs at l' of L and UK.

According to the introduction to

it might help to know where the $5
you pay for each ticket goes.
“People think we're making a
killing off those tickets," Padgett
said. ”We‘re not. In the first place,
the money doesn’t come back here;
it goes into UK's General Fund
which allocates a budget for every
different department within the

Secondly, Padgett said, it wouldn‘t
begin to support the operation of
PSI), like construction and main—
tenance of the lots.

He said the amount of fines has not
increased because after the fine was
raised to $5 a ticket, the number of
violations has decreased.

“However, if violations continue
to occur at the rate they have for the
past few months, there's bound to be
an increase in revenue."

liut Padgett said his department is
working to cut the number of
citations issued (and so the amount
of money paid) by more preven-
tative measures, in order to get the

(‘ontinued on page :l



Appalachian ltcgional Hospital Inc.
l'nitut Steelworkers Union reached tentative agreement on a new
contract yesterday “We have tentatively reached an a greement on
said I'ngel Hutchinson, chairman of the union‘s
We recommend its approval.“

and the

I' lrl figures released yesterday showed the total of crimes
repm'ted during um; declined by 886 in Lexington. The total number
was limit). The Pitt said national figures shOWed violent crimes
declined almost everywhere last year but some metro areas had a
surgeot' theft reports that kept the over-all total from decreasing.


Kentucky's request for twleral disaster assistance due to the
winter weather has been rejected, State Agriculture Commissioner
'l‘om Harris said yesterday. “This means that in spite of the fact
that Kentucky to nncrs suffered crushing financial losses due to the
most severe weather in the last I77 years, there will be no federal
programs that will reimburse limo,“

Harris said.




University of Kentucky

the report. the need to systemize the
higher uiucation program offerings
becomes more apparent as
resources become more scarce and
instruction becomes more
spec ialize d.

The report cited “costly com-
petitiveness and unnecessary
duplica tion“ as reasons for ordering
program offerings.

Miller said he did not understand,
however, why either institution
would have to cut back doctoral
programs. lie said that states of
comparable size to Kentucky have
far more doctoral offerings.

“We need to make the point that
some duplication is necessary,"
Miller said. “There are many
situations where. duplications might
not only be desireable but essen-

lzeyond the differences voiced by
the presidents from UK and U of L,
the council also discussed the need
for quality education in the state.
The report stated that the quality of
programs is an important factor in
determing the scope of programs
and services at the state institutions.

Several council members cm-
phasixed that the quality of
education in the state should be the
iviramount interest of the council.

. In addition. the report stated UK
should serve as a residential in-'
stitutiorr and maintain a wide range
of programs at the baccalaurate,
master‘s and doctoral degree levels,
with professional programs in law,
med icinc. dentistry, engineering
and architectun'.

“It shall also serve as the prin-
cipal institution for statewide
research and service programs,
without limitations of geographic


Sm iet leader Leonid l. Bresh nev rejected American nuclear arms
control prqiosals yesterday, shattering the latest U.S. effort to
reach a new strategic aims limitation treaty. In Washington,
President (‘arter said Soviet failure to negotiate “in good faith” in
the next round of amis talks in May could force a speedup in US. ’

weapons development.

tit-orgi- dr- Mtllll‘t'lltit'llildl. a former friend of Lee Harvey Oswald
apparently killed himself within hours after an investigator for the
House Assassinations Committee attempted to interview him.
authoritits ruled yesterday. The Palm Beach County medical
examiner said an autopsy showed the fatal wound was "conducive
tothat of a mil-inflicted gumhot.“ sheriff's Lt. Richard Sheen said.
sheets said his office would consider the autopsy results before

. (kw-iding next week whether to close the case.

Celsius descending

'loday and tuition-row will be sunny and cooler with a high in the
low to mid )5'stf. (‘learand cool tonight, the low near 0C.

University of Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky

—Steve Schuler

boundaries,” the report stated.

In other action, the council ap-
proved tuition increases for seven of
the eight higher education in-
stitution in the state.

L'K‘s tuition for in-state un-
dergraduate students was increased
from $240 a semester to $275. The
non-resident undergraduate rate
was increased from $605 a semester
to $750.

In adddition, students entering
graduate schoolat UK next year will
pay $310 a semester as compared to
the $265 fee now assessed. Out-of-
state tuition for graduate school will
increase from $630a semster to $800.

'l‘uition to attend law school for in-
state residents will increase from
$240 a semester to $350. N on-resident
tuition for law school will take a $270
jump from $605 a semester to $875.

The council‘s action also included
an increase for residents in Den-
tistry and Medicine. Annual tuition
w ill increase from $910 a semester to
H.200. hon-residents will have to
pay $2,500 a year as compared to the
current $1.805 fee.

The council also voted to transmit
a draft Executive Order to the
governor that would expand the
power of the council. If approved,
the council would have the power to
define and approve all higher
education certificate, associate,
baccalaurate, graduate and
professional degree programs in
state-supported higher education

An Official Registry of Degree
Programs for all public institutions
was also approved by the council
ycsterday. Degree programs at any
imtitution which are not included in
the Registry will not be recognized
by the council.







editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University



(tinny thiwards Mllrc Mensrr
Ii: A Gabriel
I :Itlll'lll Editor
nutter llluon
Manning Editor Arts Editor
John Winn Miller Nancy Daily

Letters and comments should be addressed to the Eat-rial utter. floor- In. Journalism lending. The: not be typed. "bk
spaced and signed with name. address and telephone number Letters cannot clued 15. words and caucus In mum to 7%

it 01".

Assistant Mun-gin. l alters


t‘uuy lidilors Win- Editor

\‘uuunc Durham Phil Rutledge
S'nw tlalttngcr ('hlrl "Mount“
Iii-lu- Strange Sit-wart llowmnn

spam Icon" “it-"Mn: sun."
’I.‘ Kl-mn All'l KPlIl


On tuition,
the senates
and fighting


Editorial tidbits...

No one‘s too happy about it, but tuition for all
UK students—graduate and undergraduate—is
increasing anyway. State residents will pay
about 14 per cent more next fall, and out-of-state
students are in for an even greater rise.

The increase is nothing to shrug off; in fact,
it’s probably enough to put some students out of
schoola nd into the fastest-growing occupation in
America— unemployment. Even with the in-
crease, however, UK still ranks among the best a
providing lowcost education that isn’t cheap.

The tuition hike was inevitable. It hadn’t been
raised for four years, a remarkable record in
times of inflation. The increase was also
precipitated by state govemment’s shift in
priorities aimed at pulling secondary education
in the state up to par.

The Student Senate is making amends for the
lack of particpation among its members
representing academic colleges.

Only eight of those 25 senators attended a
University Senate meeting last week. The ab-
sence of student input left the Senate open to pass
a measure that shortened the time a student is
allowed to withdraw from a class.

At its meeting Tuesday night, the Student
Senate voted to circulate petitions protesting the
University Senate’s action. The College of A & S

pushed the procedure in an effort to ease filing
demands wrought by an abundance of students
dropping courses at the last minute.

Deans and administrators also supported the
early withdraw deadline in order to allow
students to enter- classes with restricted
enrollments. If students dropped classes earlier,

they reasoned. then other students on waiting-

lists could enter the class earlier in the semester.
These are valid concerns but helping a smaller

number of students at the expense of a larger

number doesn’t produce a constructive change.

If the student senators put some hustle into their

petition drive, they‘ll easily find enough students

who don‘t like the new procedure. ’
Perhaps it could then be reversed.

Little people fighting big government is
classically represented by the community-
minded residents of several rural Kentucky
areas who have journeyed to Washington in
protest of four planned public works projects in
their areas.

The Kentucky delegation appeared Tuesday
before House subcommittee members to lobby
against construction of reservoirs at Paintsville,
Yatesville, Taylorsville and Tygarts Creek.
According to a report in the Louisville Courier-
Journal, the opponents face overwhelming odds
in their battle with the bureaucracy.

The Tygarts Creek project, however, may be



halted. It is not currently budgeted though it may
still be funded, depending on the outcome of a
lawsuit. The Yatesville project is under
Presidential review and its funding may be with-

The Taylorsville project is well underway
despite opposition from environmentalists and
area residents. The Paintsville project had been
on President Carter’s list for review but was
removed without explanation.

Carter was criticized for his review of several
projects and apparently he has bowed to
pressure from industry. The projects are being
pushed by the Army Corps of Engineers, that
wonderful group of sophisticated analysts who
wanted to transform the scenic, historic and,
gasp, undeveloped Red River Gorge into a pile of
concrete. ‘

The Corps is in business to build things.
Therefore it often proposes projects without
adequately proving need through a ratio of costs
and benefits. This certainly was the case with the
gorge project, which was defeated only after an
intensive, broad-based lobby.

The Corps’ cost-benefit analysis for the
Paintsville project is highly questionable
because, among other reasons, it doesn’t fairly
consider the loss of coal reserves the dam would
cause. In view of the Corps’ past record,
proposed projects should be carefully
scrutinized before they are approved.


Conflict, not justice,

prevails unless we

Listen and work together


Susan Brownmiller spoke to a
capacity crowd last Thursday night
in the Student Center Ballroom. Ms.
Brownmiller spoke about her book,
Against Our Will: Men. Women and

She said that one of her main

objectives was to document the E
existence of rape, to give ita history.
In her book, she does an outstanding
job of establishing the widespread ’




use of rape as a means of terror
from ancient times through the
Vietnam War.

Ms. Brownmiller does much more
than this. however. She examines.
and documents. the legal history of
rape. As she says. it is impossible to
examine the history of rape law
without examining marriage law,
the two are inseparable.

This brings into scrutiny the
embarrassing «for men) and
outrageous (to women) fact that.
throughout most of the history of
westem civilization, women were
considered to be the property of
their fathers and husbands. Rape
was not an assault against a person,
it was an attack on the property of
the husband or father.

Ms. Brownmiller continued her
remarks about rape with some
recommendations and some ob-
servations. These recommendations
and observations provoke further

Ms. Brownmiller indicated that
she is not opposed to the death
penalty for murder. and recom-
mended sentences of six months to
20‘years for first degree rape. Ms.
Brownmiller might want to share
thoughts about criminal justice and
corrections with another excellent
author, Jessica Mitford, who wrote
Kind and l‘sual Punishment: The
Prison Business.

In her book. Ms. Mitford argues
that this country‘s excessively harsh
tAmerican prison sentences are
ammg the 'longest in the world)
punishments do little but brutalize
the mostly poor and often black
inmates, am serve only to make
rehabilitation impossible.

Ms. Brownmiller might also want
to give a H't'ontl cxa urination to tho


recommends control of por-
nography. prostitution.

criminal justice solution that she
proposed for two problems which
she 'teels brutalize the relations
between men and women—
prostitution and pornography.
Agreed. her feeling that the
customer should be just as liable to
criminal punishment as the
prostitute is only fair play.

But illegal prostitution only
supports corrupt police vice squads
and mganized crime, and it makes
the prostitute more dependent on
her lawyer or pimp, and thus
vulnerable to his exploitation. It
would seem that sexual activity
between consenting adults, in
private, should be legal. regardless
of the gender of the participants or
the financial arrangements between

Ms. Brownmiller is correct that
pornography is disgusting. The
sexual exploitation of children in
pornography is outrageous, and may
encourage child moltesting. But it
seems that staging of these
photographs violates current child
abuse laws, and the distribution of
such material provides pictorial
evidence and a strong case for
convicting the distributors of con-
spiracy to commit unlawful sexual
acts with childdren. There is no need
for a pornography law to do this.

As for other pornography,
“beaver shots“ and Ilustler
ma gazine. l for one would rather not
have censorship of my reading
material. I find llustler ob-
jectionable. not only for its attitude
toward women, but because of its
attitude toward blacks. tOne car-
toon in llustler depicted a black
jn-rson being shot, and this seemed

to provide the humor.)

But Larry Flynt and his tasteless
ideas are only tasteless, not
dangerous. In a free marketplace of
ideas it will be recognized for that.
I’m really not sure that I would
agree with Ms. Brownmiller about
what pictures of the human body are
erotic and what are offensive.

And I know that I would not agree
with the US. attorney in Memphis
who told Morley Safer on 60 Minutes
that the book Joy of Sex by Alex
Comfort looks pornographic. That
book may be a little silly in places,
but it's not pornography. No, I’d
rather not advance the truth or
improve society by banning books.

Ms. Bmwnmiller‘s observations
were more profound than her
specific recommendations, but at
first seem a bit.paradoxical. She
says that rape is a crime of violence,
not of lust or passion, and she also
says that all men use the threat of
rape to subjugate all women, that
rape is the model for traditional
relationships between the sexes in
our society.

By allowing rape, by encouraging
women to be afraid and unable to
walk the streets alone, and en-
couraging them to have a man for
“protection,” men are indeed guilty
as clmrged. But, just as women
cannot afford to let men run society,
they cannot afford to let this guilt
keep men out of the dialogue about
reshaping the patterns of human
relations in our society.

There is a real danger of this
happening, as evidence by the ex
change bethen Ms. Brownmiller
and a man in the audience who was,

according to her, insisting on being
publicly exempted from this guilt.
”Why does a young man like you
always come to meetings like this
and insist that we acknowledge that
not all men are the enemy?"

I hope that the women‘s

movementwill be as tolerant of men
like this when we “make a nu'sance
of ourselves" as the blacks were of
her and other whites at civil rights
meetings. Unless we are all willing
to listen to each other and work
together. our attempts to make a
better society will end in conflict
instead of justice.
Robert Schaad has been a social
worker with juvenile offenders. and
is presently on unclassified
graduate student.



Sally makes the mark

Sa lly Simpson lu rched downsta irs.

Rubbing her eyes, she stalked into
the john. Her first pit stop of the day.
It was 7 am.

"Good morning. Franklin Simp-
son. Wash my back and help me
unglue my eyes, please," she
mumbled stepping into the shower.
“And don‘t forget behind my ears.
I've got my interview for that
teaching job in I). (7. today and l
don‘t want ‘cm to think I'm an un-
clean woman."




Fi'ark ducked to let a blast of hot
water (over his wife‘s back. As she
convulscd from the shock, he began
to soap her down. "Missed you while
I was washing my hair. Sally
Simpson. I mean I really thought I
wasn‘t gonna make it much longer
Thought I was gonna have to» “

"Turn up the cold water?”

“Wcll...no," hc grinned, “but I
probably should; I need to wake up
so I can be a shark for my interview
today. Too bad I feel like a cod in-
stead." He started soaping the back
of Sally‘s thighs.

littering a mock squeal. she
looked at him slyly. “Frank, a re you
trying to cntrap me?"

“lrlritrap you!" he laughed.
“Woman. you’ve teamed some law
in the past two years, haven‘t you'.’
Maybe you «nighta talk to those guys
from Stonc. lllock. Sloan, llrock.

Johnson 8: Rabinowitz today instead
of me. You‘d probably make a better
impression anyway~ except if they
found out you used to practically
worship that Tommy dude. Lawyers
don‘t like religious fanatics...not
cven (ix-fanatics. You‘re not
‘rcasona blc' enough."

“(‘ut the shit, Frank, and give me
the soap. please. And be more
confident. 0K?" With that, Sally
Simpson leaned over and gave him
an affcctionate bite on the butt.

Sally went out that day and
crushed her interview. She won: a
job in l). (‘. teaching at American
t'nivcrsity with all the benefits.
Sally fclt fortunate, but in truth she
nccdn't have because she didn't
need luck; she had a 3.8 average.

Frank wcnt out that day and blew
his interview. He was 30 minutes
late because his car ran out of gas.
llis fingernails were dirty from
playing with his dog. He forgot to
brush his teeth that morning. He ate
a salami sub with green peppers and
onions an hour before the interview.

The interviewer, Mr. Stone, looked
out his window and said, “Why'd you
go to law school, Fred?“ Frank said,
"That’s Frank, Mr. Block... Yeah.
that‘s 0K...uh, Mr. Stone. What'.’
(in... Well, I didn‘t really have
anythingclsc to do. After I got outof
thc l’cacc (‘orps I just didn't know
what todou ith my life, y‘know what
I nn-an'.’ What I moan is. uh, I went
to law school to put some direction in
ll!_Y lilo "

Fraik was pretty sure afterward
that Stonc, block, Sloan. Brock,

Johnson 8r Rabinowitz was not too

impressed with him.

That night Sally and Frank had
one of their routine adventures

together. Like many other nights
during the past two years, they did
dinner at the Burger Queen, frisbee
at the park. a movie, and went home
to bed.

They usually went to bed early.

"I can't get a job in DC, Sally.
You know how the competition is
there. You forget that my 2.6
average doesn't measure up to your
3.8." She nodded in agreement and
hugged him.

Two months later. Sally moved to
DC. Frank stayed in Charlotte to
work for a small bank. He kept the
dog, the car, the stereo and their
collection of Archibald Cox news-
paper clippings. She took the Orien-
tal rug, the Honda 250, half their
albums and their famed art prints.

Frank promised hc'd keep looking
for a job maybe close to I). (3. in
Northern Virginia and made Sally
prom isc to read a lot of books. "Lot
of horny lawyers up there," he
observed. "They'll want to take you
out for dinner and drinks."

Sally promised to be good and as
she was tra nsportcd north through
the night sky she made the promise
again, this time to herself. She saw
no point in throwing away the
previous two years. Then again. she
kin-w there'd be evenings when
dinner and drinks would sound a lot
better than reading. ()r frisbee in the

Shc hopcd Frank got that job in
Northern Virginia pretty quick.


Dick Ilowne). in his second year as a
Kernel columnist. is fast ap-
proaching graduation from the [1‘
law schml. Ills column appears
every 1hursday.


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(hatinued from page 1

clinic were (1' major concern,
Cox said Regardless of the
purpose of a patient’s visit. he
or she had to wait in line.
sometimes as long as an hour.

To amend the situation a
system has been im-
plemented, Cox said, that
uses a “floating" nurse and
physician who play traffic
cop and refer patients to the
proper channels without
major delays.

Another innovation is the
“How to Take Care of
Yourself” booklet, which was
compiled and distributed free
of charge to combat the lack
of lealth education many

Continued from page i

obvious parking problem
under control.

“More emphasis will be
placed on towing; we are
contracting to get an ad-
ditonalwrecker crew. We are

also shifting our eight gate.

guards to areas not usually
controlled to let people know
these areas will be, so they
won’t go in the lot to get a

A demonstration of The
Heuristics of Language
Analysis will be presented at
3 pm. today in room 106 in the

(‘lassroom Building.

pr you nun-mulled.

‘-‘ " ~ unit not;

Mikkel by ,. Igneu’reu, In. purl W In 1971. the Rune! began asl‘he
0 paper In beell'plblkhed continuously its the Kenturk, Kerml

students expressed. Cox said.
It consists (1 common sense
medical advice which cart be
used as a reference at home
or to reinforce instruction
after treatment.

Establish (HUI laboratory

Also, “ctsts have been cut
significantly through the
establishment ol our own
laboratory.“ Cox said. Last
year $40,000 it ere saved by
discontinuing University
hospital serv ices. ”Test and
X-ray results came back
muclt faster. too.‘ (fox said.

Because of student com»
plaints about busy signals

PSD to tow cars

Currently. there are four
officers who iSsue tickets on a
full-time basis, and. those in
the remaining three platoons
do so when they have time.

If you choose to appeal a
citation. good luck Padgett
said more appeals are denied
than sustained "Each person
thinks their parking problem
is unique.” he said 'What
they don‘t kllOI/i is that
everyone uses the same
excuse. ‘

Michigan linguist to speak

llr. lx'cnneth i. I’ikc oi the
l'nivet'sity of Michigan will
give the presentation, which
is sponsored by t K's
Linguistic t‘iicie and
Linguistic I’rogram

__ .. L. -._. _. _.7

The Kentucky lernel. llllourn-llsm Buildlng, University of Keniut It}. Lexington 1
Kentucky, 40506. In mulled live times weekly during the year nrept holidays and I
nun periods, and twlce weekly dIrIng the summer session. Thlrd class postage paid I
n Lexington. Kentucky. 40511. Subscrlptlon ntes are mailed $3 per year or one (‘l'll’


April 4
April 5-
April 6-
April 7-



' Advising Session 5

for Special Education Majors .
(NI, OH, EMH, ED) :

TEB 207 '
TEB 20.7
TEB 207

when they called the health
service. a second phone and
answering person have been

“Students otten tail to
cancel appointments when
they a re unable to show." (‘ox
said “I guess they don't think
ol it in terms of denying
someone else a chance to see
the physician.“ As a result. a
task force was formed. It's
responsible for sending
postcards to remind patients
(it appointments scheduler! in
ad va rice

Although it would lie Im-
leasihle tor the health service
to stay open 24 hours. the
emergency room at the
ifriivcisity hospital serves as
a back tip during off hours.
it»: said. Physicians are
In ailable at the walk-in clinic
tor anyone needing im-
mediate attention.

"l‘iii'ortuiiately not
everyone is aware of our
services. which are offered
for $11 per semester. 3 cost
low enough that it shouldn‘t
be a financial barrier.“ Cox

tine proposal tinder con-
sideration that might boost

Revisions resolve complaints

pat'ticiititiori in the health
service is ti possible c heck-oft
system where fee payment
will be included iii the
registration fee it the student
so chooses

As ombiidsperson, (‘ox said
she feels \eijt much aware of
how the st sierr is working by
holding calls tr‘orn irate and
appreciative students.

Student input into decision
making is provided through

the Student llealth
Organization tSlltti and
Student Health Advisory

(‘iiiiiniittce SllAtTi. 'l‘o
belong to silt,t a student has
to attend tvro consecutive
meetings. said member .Iiin

SIl-U‘ iiici'iibers must
submit a semester project to
a screening committee.
vi liich t“.'Ll Itititcs the ‘A (MK and
i‘ecoiiiri‘ends the person to
President Singleta ry ‘J. ho ca n
officially appoint him or her.
said (lien l’tillo, chairman.

Prosper-tn t- employees are
intet'vrewed by Siliit‘ which
has at: equal vorce in up
pointnwuts "This gives the
administration a student
perspective on the, issue."
["an said

Death penalty debate today

A debate on the death
penalty will beheld tonight at
:‘l lli iooiii toe in the ('lassroom

Sponsored by Student
Government and the Com-
mittee Against the Death
Penalty. the debate will
feature a representative from

Third Annual Symposium or-

the state \ltorney Generals
ottice speaking tor the death

Speaking against capitai
punishment will be Robert
Jones. an ex death row in-