xt7mw6696435 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mw6696435/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-04-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1973 1973 1973-04-16 2020 true xt7mw6696435 section xt7mw6696435 'Say iimburger'


1 XIV No 1'28

Monday April 16, WM
Twelve pages

I .nh \ununN hll sum: “\ on [1- w \ .Iln' dI-iInIIc-l) umldn'l upplx
In lhrw- lhlrl‘ \luch'nh Mm rnlrl‘a-d [hr l kl! l uh I-.uo- i nnh'sl

llnhx thin k i t'llll|',{\lrll|‘

krlnrl [Ihulu In I 1. \upp


Inn '0.” III I'\.Hll\ II“ In! rd .Ihlnr

um: lin' « uulrxl ‘uul Hu' ulhm

\\I\'Il'l' In II'HIJIH unnlrnllhrd

Med Center performs abortions

kuxm'l \lJII



lh‘pul‘UHI-Hi Hi i"\\il‘il')\ \ .Iil111.'\m‘uilng\

.Iuhn lm-vrw .hJImmn n!

:1 'Im i:<‘\Pi"I; {numb-d nu! 5i|r’c-r1r.1\l)ll\

.xm ‘:!'1I7"“'H\.IH' iiuhu' in ~mh .4 imn 1rd


In flinlliild’i‘ fm‘ .m ablnz'Lm'

id'wn' inmi \ ‘.1.'l(0'i pain-W {14‘ \ W
{Haw ww1,‘\ wo-r' .II

I”? \H'ID (I'\IIN
Y.l(l|liH-~ In

.mnzlmn [mirrm
nu iv ”11'

pvrlmm dihlritunx



Taylor's 'genius' apparent


'. ‘I|I>'!_f‘

(niilt'l ~ .1 r1.” 'IHH L

:twwxlxmr ..!...x';un\ mum w

f.'&1’!'!1‘ ,\.'h m. Huuhim'
It pimmlh mum‘- Ehmnpruiu .Iiltil‘HImx
.n {V pn-Hulmnd mlu-qurnlh .11 the “M1
\ \\n\l\\


Hruh'd HH' \H’Iihmmn .ri
1h.” kin-

pw‘ hivlngn'al n1

{H‘¢‘lil'1i .m
lhu-r: A.
hm! In

Amman] in!

H, . ~ H .II xrmulh

"Hn-o- min-I \imlnn prou-


Hm Hmwlnx Iv! Hu'xq- .limrimlh \u'n'

purulnwti 2m [!\\l’h1|ll)fll(’di .Ind lml

in Friday night concerf

I'.\ |(U\ \I II I) II \\\|\|\\
kl‘ll‘l‘l “all “I‘ll"

[M .irmr w. Jmn\ Lulu!

Am nmih appul'ili .1' km

i'IHLH ugh! irriul‘t- .1
hmm- ix! \h-nwlml

.‘ 4mm Avrilflh

mm a II
'unl‘. mil

(Mllxmm‘. Huh ‘1 Lirmlr

m h A IL: Ifwu [r

".n k up 111ml}: .xnd Tin» HHHM' rm

4' ~|1po~rlvu .HH\H\ uMmux

I.x‘~iHI .\.I~ mrxxihmu l.:_\lwl

'.- upplwwf H in il'llv'i HI

' Hill‘mui

hxx Ivmk

IrupL‘ImIp plum-d Q‘lldilt .1! liq-\i

Ir -~pn‘t 71M“ .Hhi

Hmuwrl “.1 \H'um
:vHrn ‘imn H“: i lumn
\I \I)! in

\«ile 'i

.1111! mun
I \\ I HI:
.Ipprullulll t“ ”H

twilimtlnmx and .l
Juli ullh uh.” hr «.allmi 111% d
I111M'mh-rwi nn H Ih m!
pH km!

“|' in» .n ~11le will.” .mn! hunliw!


‘iwut. nn .1 AIM-d1 H 3!le

More on the

SG elections

'silluwh :in \xuti l'min

.1.1”H ‘ 'ru- ‘ztli \Hml vu‘ 'll\ IH‘»!
in w 12.1.1' J'ilhill

1m in] \ 3H\i w! Iv'H lhl' l umd
{I'xlh'\\ 'l'luw “M n- I ago-r In hunlr
.n h [up in Mr:- .I\ \HH \0' 4.”! .|


limit! and



\1.|I\ l'AMHiI'
hum \I‘l ‘.\.:\<1I|HH'ivlt'i'l‘\‘.\il2('il
hm: 1‘in u-u-nwi .n mm‘h .‘nr
pl‘m .w wmv u! Pm wnux Hr did
\m h .u tin- H‘ndlllanHl
1 m h- lx’nund [hr \un~ and

HHL'PIH'H \mu \Iuht “I”! My

mnnlwi ~~

lkn numb uhu'h .mpvar on lhv
pm»: Ix pummlmi .IHIIHH 'I'.|_\lnr
\pplt‘ |{l‘1)('l':'l‘ o: ‘lleual .tltot't'tons
'v t; a set .ntlttteti
It.“ . .t 1"}.t't .kt'ttl‘l I.tll:t't tl‘tt‘ t'lt.t!.
-, -' at t ,ttt'tatatt' 'ot 'la
‘ " ‘ '7' « ” ttttet“ ttttl tt
It ' ' " l't tt‘tl ' 'htl htl‘t
Illl l'ltttlillH ’ ' ‘tttot'tol
' _' t " '.t '.- t 1, 'h..' at
~ . 1‘. '.t‘?.tmb. at t‘ ' "t. to'1'2tvl
' t' 1-..t:'~ t at. .tstu,»sa~tt
E ’lt t t'vlrtttil',tt‘\ ate
.ts 'ht :t teltaltlt- 31,- tltott
I} .tt‘lzwat'tt ”hm .tt' ttt‘l'llt'l
l" u 't .t. st! l» mtit'
\tt " 1.1 tr l " l'-.t: tutta \t .t!t..t't latll‘
ptt 'lt'JL" \ tt' .tona :, wt: 'ht pli sttltt‘t
" tr: l"llt.l o attott' t's posstltlt

,wHu t». w' a! tl‘ .ttl' ltt'dl l‘l“‘“l
H‘s .tt E‘tl tattrt \t-JSl tt’:lt't‘tttttt~
P-adatltt "‘s'lt' 1t~pttssaon .ttttl
Htal tott‘tat ep’txtvs o! «ottt'se are not
'ltv --nlt tltl‘lltnt‘ltlH'W lltete ate ll lts

Al‘tt h ll.|\l' ihett H\\tl ‘..tltt'l} ot stdt' et

ll‘t ts ‘nt ltttlttlL‘ punt ttttetl tttet'ttses and

‘alttt lt lat ls
lkll'dl'l are the ne\t tun

dulltltlttllllt‘ the tt)Il\t'lllt'lltI'
Ht Wt tttll rttttl ll ll

:rats' tt-ltahle n.e'hotls, tt properl) ttsed

although 'he'. ate not toolpt'oot ettht‘t'
IIII IH \l'l “\II ttet'tl tot' lltl‘llt
tott't oi “lltlllltl tto' ottst me that eon

‘t.tt ep'tott hottltt he tott\etttent sale and

I'ltt't ’I‘tt tttlt'tat t-ptlU‘ t‘t'st'at‘t‘lt sllttultl

tnattt-tltatelx ttttett ttst-It to tntprottnt.‘
tttrtent tttethods estaltltshtnu ne\x attd
tttott' t'ttet tt\e ones, and to tltsemertnu

tttt'atts ot t'ottttat‘eptton tor ntett
\t:.tttt .ts \eatnan potttts out, the tat't


tottttat‘epttu- has been tot'usetl

test-att lt Htte mtntlet's \\lt} the t'lttpllihh

\ttlel\ on \totnen tntlteates

tttltetent se\tsttt tn the tltreetton ol
on ltttttllttL‘ and testtnu ltl eontraeeptton
researt‘h tuntttons on the one sex “hos"
teprotltttttte organs are plush-all} less
ttt't‘t‘SSIllll' and less t't)ll(lll('l\t‘ to sale
lllll'lttoltl‘ tttterterent'e

'I'ltat htrth t'ontrol ts not as sale as It
should he does ttot mean that women will
tettatn tront usmt: t‘tttllt'.’|(‘t'plt\'t'_‘~ ttnttl a
Hot that
\tonten \Hll t'onttntte to use unsate t'on
ll'.tl"‘pll\es tot the lat-k ot eontpletel) sale
that eontraeeptton

\lltttlltl ttot he ttttpt'mt-tl

toolpt'oot ntethod ts tle\e|oped

Httes does not mean

It .Ittlllt‘“ tn tat t tor the deteloptnent ot

at. totttentettt t-ttet ll\t' tontlat t'ptlu's

tot ttotlt «we -t) that ttotnett “I“ hate to
still“! tll the. l\ ot ptesettt lttrth t'tlllllttl

”‘Mll'HlS l"! tIS ltltlt‘ ltlltt' .‘ts [)U\\lltll‘


upmum from ltlSldt’ and outside the tuiivt'rstty


Page III


The 56 race:
2 for Flegle...

l am Hall: L'latl In Ivar

l‘« .Il‘Ull lt‘alli

«Illllt'lltllllL’ this

ii that l'li-uh-


"‘l'lt ii! l-HU'I llllll'lll t'lt't'lllllh has a [who

'a'i llll l.' i: 'lll‘ll

plallni in Ham-rm“):

lulo matwrxal \llltit'lll\ on lhu l.tlll|lll\

thl hralu

luiqiowitfl 'hr

llvtfll' alwl
lllllt'lll art
ta" 'lal-«' H al~ .lili.
ltl-.i'lll I.»


in raw r.» it. t...',i‘.t' 't‘fll'l

l'~.i l'lal «a. hax \t'l

ll «41.....va lu-iimlmhl
l ' \lv Anil kiHW\h ‘u
‘idifi‘ Dd Lil tht\! L
l'tc li 'Nii Huut
. ”it Hutlihvll

' l! v’i . AilIHHJ

l'r I: in, 'n M' W. ‘lll‘ll lrllll

‘ Hiv3Mv\Jth

l' ll'L’lt‘


m thul'lunm
|\ Illt“ tut 'llt'

an vv’v-lln-nt

El tankiiwl n aliatilllllt'x lmlh a\

rm mlwr at l zinc-run at

(H idl

an t hih lot a


'llt‘ll .ii!.lll'\

«um t‘li. 1m ’ht-

'« iria'iuzial \'lllit'lll‘

'lit I Irulr

n- ml l'il'tht'lli

.5 \':.Ih‘ti' Mun-rziiiii-iil

huldlp Rattan
\ It v I’I owitlmit

tmnmpolitant luli

‘-' ail L! tam :mm 21‘ I lt't
vim iil‘dd‘tlhwkfitluU Vi
lhr \Ial A4 h.“ ‘hv
'w; Ilni' ., ”wait-Ll Hill

...and one
for Naser

l'»\ \t Ull | \\l \Ill l‘lNllH

l .' 'lww illlli’nl\ .n ’lli

l ' w: it'll.'i.lllil". .«lw
. . i '.H ‘HuhflfltiwkvlLHJrfl
i' ”u a' :Lvni ‘Hl d“

. A lerhfith WL

m: lawn. maxi: illll\llll wt ‘llltli'lll
.'« i¢-~'- ‘l:i\ .e‘ai \ “whim

l. *itlllliitli‘ rlulinii :~ \ilal
p.” ,r... a. _;;l m t-li“~t'l‘~" HM
I\[l.ill‘i 1hr .|li\.ll|\t‘~ ll‘

l‘llli'l.llli\1|i 1hr [MSK lhrm' 'waIK

'r lltli .llt‘.l\ .i*~ .H.ltll'llll\'\

iigli'» m unnmu

'a-h tz'
‘ru-lniliiiiii' Mullen! \vrurm
hm Muir pnlilnal ”llldllli'lllfi

l"i’l‘\ll‘L' llllll‘lllL’ \Mllllt‘ll \
alta'a \ \lmni Ma and Hill ll \\ui Ill
.Ill.ill » .Hll.ll\1t‘»lt'\\llll\ \ Huh-st
M‘h mln'riwt

\lH l . \.lllllll|lltl'll1'< .llltltll.llt‘\
m: \tmlunl lluil: l‘li“~llh‘l.l and
\m l'irsulvnl fhmi platlnrms
and 'hru lu‘lltlllllallt vs Ul Hum-
wl llu-ii ~iii’luualt's at the
in: um» l am 1 mnim't-ui lhal Hill}
win- 3H lwl Has the tll'llltllhlldlt‘ll
I‘lH‘l '|\i l‘\tl1‘llt'll(t* \.|ll.|llllll\
and program necessary to t'i
Im tin-l) \t'lH‘ anil promuli- thr-

lllll‘l't‘\l\ nl lllt' \llltlt‘lll

lllllllll\ l viiilorw and lll‘L‘J‘ all
~~ludrnls In support Iliant‘ \.|.\t‘l’
and \lark Ila} lnr lilt‘ (lillt'l'\ tit
l'lt'\lth‘lll and \lt'l' l‘itwulvnt
l‘ht' \awr lla\ platlnrm is
.I\.lll.ll>lt' and does not

l‘t‘llt‘l‘dllttll llul In a

1’.llllll.'llLlll \\llt‘l‘t‘ plalturms ma)
amwar (lt‘t‘t‘pith‘l) \llllllzll', more
Important Issues separate lllant'
and Mark lruni lilt‘ll' uppiwnl,
l\\ll1'\ understandably clouded by
(it'lllt‘ulltlll. «w


lllt' rhetoric
pt'rlist'. and

-!ii wtwn


lint» .llt‘ lit-int:
._\ \piill.aii<1
uppulluiiilx tn

'. it r llll“t|lt‘lll



flutvii‘ llllt'i’l‘\"

lid l‘Wltt
l'- i!\ 'u
HMil bl

\i'lliliitW mil;
'ltr llt'l l\lllll Itiakinil lrl‘m t‘\\t" ml
flirl lll\l\ll\ a! i'\t’l’_\ lmvl {rum

l lll\t‘l'\ll‘~ \i'nalt' and illt' Hoard l-

nl l l ll\!t‘t“~

11m Nun making pun-ms lt‘iillll't'\

a 'hurnHL‘h
~\llt'l lt'llt v

llt'ixm'tllll‘i‘\ «ll


twina Hm

HlIJlllllL‘lt'\\ fll‘\llll'l'\ mrapahlv
nl lt'.tl./.llll'll llldllt‘ \awr ha~

lm-n a mvmlwr ml the l mu'rsili


aiiil Nii'iit'txs
lkvmnnltvv and a \utlng iiwmlwi
nl lllt‘ \ll\ and Nil-lives hat'llll}

luiim ll \n


(Jiltlllléllt‘ has
knuulvdgv «d
.ll‘.lllt‘llll(' lll'tlt‘t‘l‘tllll't‘\ that l\ so
tl'lllt all_\ o-swnlial

\\lll|t‘ the other candidates talk
"\uppurting" thr-

nnl} almul


ltlllltl the

Student N'rnt'vs. lnr


original Incorpm‘alurs ol lht‘
More and has
iurpmalmu's Vice President

drdu,flufll Wt
'iw iiiuiiwtinn
.IH "\Wuhlv
HM} iltaiu lldtl




knnuh-dgv Hi and
1hr llll\t'l'\ll)
'lll\ I'\lll‘l'll'll(‘t'
plaltnrnh art-

l'hainmman ml the \rls


the llll\t‘l‘\ll\ '\

and \lark lla}
ln-lpml t-nnu'nv nl. create. and



l'l‘I'SHlvnl (ll lllt‘



ulm arr truly interested in Student
(inn-rmm-nl and not 1!) creating a pout-r
Arm-luri- lur personal ilt'llt‘lli The team
w alt' H‘it'l'l'llltl to |\ Jim i“lt')llt' and
l'rug; l't‘\ti\tlll

'l’hI-ri- .tlt' so-u-ral tlllilllllt‘\ “hit-h lll-lkt'
thi~ lit'lwl and Illll‘ lwsl

l‘hn-ro- .tlt' wu'ial llll.tlll|t‘\ ullit‘h iiiakt-
?l1|\ lulu-l ’llt um- lxwl sum-(l tor Student
Im‘wimilviil \t‘l‘tlt't' at l K Hm- lat'tur '\
l l\ 1"] ‘lho-ir m-

t:\ 1H.» Piaxr

1m l)l‘.1'llll‘lll l' ll'fllt‘ and Pearson

ihv pasl lhri-t- \t‘.‘ll'\
linden-(l lhv t'lllll‘t‘ spectrum

ui .ttll .h. l.lll;_’llltl trnm hrn-t-k llit' ln

\lmlriit lmu-rnriiwa m \Hvlllt'll s . ant-11> In

thtrah lllr'll taiial:ai.l\ “17H \llt'll

dintiw aiul :aiiizrrniix .il'll\lllt'\ will

'iialiin flit-ii. 'n llll'lllllt' all tat'rk ml the

'iiiln'ti' iilr .ii iii. ll .i«ti!i.iii\li.iiinii
lri um miniimi: aunthri 'wi‘. iiiiimrlaii'.
.H'Hl.‘7lmi'ht\ Adlrud AHHA anrid

'llr\ H. MV
ltt‘k x'll an"

iaiilatli' Hi all ‘lllllt'lll‘ as lill‘\t' innitlnns

i.\tll\l'li .ii irarlhaii .tliHl'.

'llt'll imsamiis m Vtiv- art
.nv lo ‘1 n all' 'iu la

lui 'ln-w H'..'~Hll.l and {Mali} lllllt’l“ .U‘
an .a‘avlw la-arlwlh indorw the Jim
I- ll'L‘lt' l’i‘L‘flfi I'o arson lulu-t and urge- )tlll
'u talu Yhi- lzllll' tn \nl-r 'l'lit-sila} or “ml

kdlt‘ll I-Imlu-rlun
Senior. .Social \\ urk

Bill Sande-rs
Miplmiimrc. l'ri'rlaiu

.illill'llnllltW up ‘li‘i'll mm has had no

‘.\ i..|!\

mast l'vnialn .lt'll\l‘ RH

mum” a student

“”MHLH" murl l.l.\|‘ allimmi; students in
“ll "l ”“'W 'ult' lll l‘au'ltv t'nunl). a
and um other

\\lhll' lnr ~nmq-mw who

-~t."wiv- 'llt plan :ur t‘\lldll\lllll
AM i it 1mm and \lark liclpw
\.i\l'l and Walk lla}

l‘ '.t‘l Milli "ilh\ .ii'l ‘12 I-ililijxll‘iL‘.

‘.\ llc'ro‘


.i~?~ um pushing for ”W hill lr
FLA 'lH'thhWH itUSHw‘.i\ifiU
Ilwhm t‘ 'hr \ amhttalt-s
dirmlinn lhm unuhl like in NT
\illlh‘lul tiUU‘l'llllil'lll cu in new
«lumm-i‘.’ wt pUllllt'al and rum
llianv and Mark
lI'.Ill/l' that Mirth-m thuvriiinrnl

political and roiiiuiiiml} \pllt‘l’t‘S
llllt'i('>l\ .ll‘t' tn
.ul\ ant ml l'ht-ir opponents \wuld
l1.l\t’ll\ lm'vgolhr lu'm'tils ml the

lust lo nann- a

ll‘ll‘llllt‘\\l\ lllll‘\llt‘ ~\Uiir goals in
and \t‘l'\lt'l‘ spheres
'l'hal ticket is lliam' \JM‘l‘ Mark
I urge Hill In \ulv lur lht'm


'I'IIH KEV“ ( KY KENNEL. \lontla). \pril Hi. 19721-3


“I like
Family Night
at Ponderosa
because . . .

.. . . every Tuesday night, the
regular $1.39 dinner is only
99 cents, and my husband
and I share that, so it costs
us 491/; cents each. I eat
no lean, 50 I enjoy the
baked potato and the roll
with butter. Jack, who eats
no fat. tears into the Fam-
ily Steak and crisp tossed
salad (without dressing, of

Florence Spratt

Ponderosa Steak House
286 Scuthland Drive



l\ \()I \(.'I\(.'.


of the
University of Kentucky Chapter


SPEAKER: Roger N. Schmidt
Staff Engineer

Solar Energy Utilization ‘
Tuesday April 17, nus—7:15 P.M.


Grand Ballroom-Student Center

54.00 per person ‘
Gratis Hospitality Hour for those with reservations -l

Helen King Alumni House — 5:30—7:00

Send checks for reservations to:

Dr. Leonard V. Packett
Home Economic Department
Erickson Hall, Campus (40506)

NOON MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1973!!!”

Reservations will be checked at the door.

No tickets will be mailed.

really pay'





 l—r'l‘lll’. KI‘T\'H (‘K\ KER\|~II.. \lmldu). \pl‘il Hi. 197.1 Final 56 forum

Candidates re eat lattorms
AWAY “81111111111115 P P



(Ullllllllt‘ll 1mm l'.l"n'l '111' 11.111\ \ 1.1111l11l‘111-x 111 lllt‘ 1'111111111111 \1111.1111111 1111- ulnar!”
Wule 01 (.111 1111 11111 “1,1 {1' (1311' l‘11'x11l1-1111.1l 1.1111111l.111~ .I11l111 \111‘1‘111 \111.1Yr 1-11-1111111x 11111l~~111111wll111 1111111'1111111111l11-
. ~ 11 11, 7
FROM mmlmdnr 131310}! 1‘ “UWJNE ‘1 1.11””; 1l111141‘1l 'l11‘ 1.11. 111111 llll \ \lll \l‘l'u' l.1ll.1ll.1\ 11 .»_1.1l111~l11111~111 .11 1111 ”11111111411111:
outsiandum wwwm paper: Enclose ‘ ‘
~~1l111~| 11111111 \11111l1111 1.111111 111 1l1'.1l \\11l1 1.1111lx1.111;11

SI 00 tor postage and handlmg «1111:1111111-1- “1111 1111141111111; ;'1.1«111.111

HOME 9 WE‘LSODO 114111110 1“”; *11ll‘ll 1111111\\‘11'L~ .1111l I111'1‘ 1l1111111\l11|t*- .1111l \1n.1!11m..1
- H1 1 . \l11.111\ l'111:1' l .'1l1 11:1l\l11ll\ 11‘l1.1l11l1l.1111111

CUSTOM-MM“ RESEARCH 1l.111111-1l lh 101111111111-1-



Hung.” 1111 l1:\ 1‘1'11111'\1 111 l\|m'l\1111 111 .111\ 111111 \111-1111-x \klu-n 1111«~\l11>11n-1l ‘1lm111 flu-
l' COLLEGlATE RESEARCH \1 “wimp lHlIl l.l\l .Il l'lh‘wlrn \ l‘ln' 1111111 '\\111\1‘11‘ 1'111l111uwl 11\ l'l11u-111\ lllI' \t. 111-“ 41.11)”
‘1. ”29 Warwick AvenuelSulle *ll 111111111111'1‘.111\1'l11‘\\111111l lu' l.r1l1‘ 111111-1111.1111111l.1'1-\ \Klilt l; \.1\«-1 11.1111.1ll\1-1l1li-11 x111.

t ' Warw1cl1,lhode Island 02888 . . , . 1 , , . x 1 1 1 1 _ 1 1 ,
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r-‘rg‘fi'i‘ - we NeedA 15”; Agent '1‘\1‘(‘l1l\ l.1~l111gl11 \11‘1l11y\ \11 .11111111.1 \ .111 m lmx. 1.11111111 1 .1 1 11111111 .-
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K ‘ nknl 11111111111111“ 111 ,1li *llhlt'lll Plulu'h ~l11‘ \.111l


. RAKE IN *l U“ l'IH-SIIH*\II\| .md 1112.1111..11:1111~ 11.11‘1111l.11l\ ll1.
Wll'e PIOI‘IlS THE -.11'1111-\11l1-1111.1l 1A111l11l.111~ .1111 1111* l'lu‘ta'hH l11'1“ l'H I1l11:'111l 1.11.1l1xl.1'1 l1l




.1llI“~\1'1l '1\v‘ II‘.1!lllll'\ 111 \pquk l 'I'A" 111 1 1 \111 7.1 .'.11‘ 1l1vl l1 ll. 117111111\I1l '11 \m k 1:111.
& Flowers BARGAINS.... l1.;l\1~ 'l11~ 11'111-1 1.111111.1‘11.x\ 11111.111 1141'. l1 1111‘ \.1\111 '1..1.1_1l.111lt111tunapnx'rplmm
IIN u 1111,,111 ,1,,‘.\ 1.,1 l;.1\« .‘ 11111 1 11.1'.1.,i 1.. 3]. .1'1, '11: 1-1' 1111 ‘11' ‘111 1\'.1l>l1\l111,1z'
ow 1. '1 W .mi 211.11 2115‘.
Mlnlmum Order 1 / 1 1' “1.11111”: 1 .11'1 ~ ,
low at Town 7.50 1 / use 11:: 11 , 1» -' 11. ' ‘1: 1-1' 1 1 111.
, . . -, ; " I 'he ‘1'"1-"1 :1." .' a ‘1‘1" "1 1,1,. ' 11.11.1'11' \'.1.‘,‘
Ashlrand FIOr-sts , 1/35 \..1,,1 1111.111, 1;1\\1\1.\1\11 \1\1:1\ .. .1 v: .
mo: Ma" 1 \ "/ KERNEL ,« "1. 11-.1 11 ' * ' -“ -' ‘llr ‘» 1 , 1'
35:; ‘Q‘V 1 1 I/ a“. '1‘. _ \.1 _ 1’ _ . ‘ .,11_‘ .1,” 1, 5! “l“
WHMVVHMW \1‘ ' ‘ 1 1 x - 11~1Ht “1.1.11 '










SPRAY PAINT 1 hvgfblfinfiftzd Plastic-lined record

ART PADS ‘ number of 1 sleeve - help protect


50 0/ 1 AMPEX 1 your albums 1
0°” lOtor‘l" E


1 cassette blank ;



1 tape in stock. 1

1 These 1 H
1 will be sold 1 l

in box lots CONVERSE l
1 only 1 TENNlS SHOES l
(24 pieces) our reg $10.25 1
for iust now $695 1

S] ‘99 “m"mwvm’ ' ""’ ‘
Your savings

1 FOOTBALL 30;; '1‘: 1 1 I 1—wfiflsjgr; r

reg 3.95 reg 4.95 Come by and 05" stereo cartridges

now 2.50 now 2.95 °b°"”"“ .
1 fantastic otter. V3 0” ”“5 week

L“, v



50 0/0 off

1. _ __ _.‘. ___.....___.__4









D|AMOND All styles tor all turntables Record Debi.“

:- I
STEREO 2:12:3ch /2 oft & - Bring in your

NEEDLES cartridges old needle












Quiet Taylor appeals

to UK con

(onliliued [ruin Page I
'l he oi

\«as consistentl)

also impressive rest
l.i}llvl' \ (“\l

I \\ I ltlt'S

ltiiitlltl'l l‘tlli\

\ U“ l,


subdued t'tlltlllllL‘ a dr_\
ol the
\ltrr ii gentle rendition

utnt h most .iudii-ni‘e

lain-[l nut ill lt'lt'\|\lllll \tlltho

ltiihn ona Railroad ‘ tailor

txtn- itllll|l\[lll|'lt' to \Kl'lt'tllllt’ the


l H: tili-.i~i'il xii“ intiltl tim'm‘

'.ll‘l l.ij\|<~i l,.i~t might \\1'
Mt! titi‘iLinz'x tionn vi! tlu-
"iti.i'.itt i’~ lit 'u It'i '~ Iit
‘t tl.|l

tw itltti'tl'l.‘ .\ " l'ii \«i'w'
llvl' o ltillll 12.1w. .ttriiavi'ht
:wl'~z :‘ri lktll‘.
' ”Hr 1' v 1 Mr litizn
l‘ My, | l {ig 't.
. it v \. i'
i t t i A;
I'lllltllt\l|\t. tli\|\ [n
l‘ 7.1' llit ‘i'i'wt. littl‘."l
i )Jll' l .it'i -‘."t: :tt‘l “Will;
i l . i' y'(_ «It'll:
‘ I ‘ J t ,l. ‘ iti.i7 r i
.i in; - ml in r tilin'
m' 'l.i i\.i\ “l’l‘”\ 'l "
it” .11 ’l l l i"
’ .l I ‘1il
.r. 'H'ltt tutu-r w! l'i'rjm
lLiw-mnt l‘l‘Hllltl‘ll .t

The Cash
slick and

livlltlnuril llulll PJL‘Q‘ I

II” l’lllll‘l l‘ \l.\ ~t.it‘ti-d lllll
.\ 'l: 'l.i tir‘timmi "l ’he mine uni-
Altlt did thi-t .l\ll ll‘lt‘\l\tilll \llll“
lll\1iltltl'.illl\ \H-rr unni-i'i-xxar)

.zlttl ntten L'lll til the “at ot the


l’irliim \lltttl \t‘! \\il.\ well
lt‘t e|\ed lli‘ MenilI-d his old roi'k
tiiizt.l»er\ utth some «iiuntnx

\tiindiuils ltu' until he i'litnaxed
'.\'tl| ’ltiui- Sui-«tr .\lllt|'\ he did

riot shim ott llt\ lll'llllillll't‘ on the

the three lttl'lllllt‘l' (lirter
t-annl) tlll\l‘(l \Ullli‘ of their

i-lassii-s \\ ith wine i-onteniporar)
songs in .in interestlng. it uneven.

lH'T 'l'lll“. 51'“! ot' the show
“as det‘initel) t'ash He started
\iith an oil ke} \'(‘T‘Sll)ll of "Boy
Named Sue " liut the concert
nent up after that

The haekup h} The Tennessee
'l‘hree land a lourth. a pianist)
and l'erkins was of high quality
l‘erkins' guitar “as espeeially

cert set

ill piano
prai'tii all} the
pleasant L‘llllill‘ pertornianee and


drovt ned


\oeal «It Tailor
\ l'l 'l‘lii- N’t'iltlil did hau- \Ullll'
L’ood moments The hand ielled
”tine \lan llog " ”Let Me
”Mud ~\lide Slun and


"\II I) \I ”ll Nl.l\l ' “(is (tllt‘ Ill
thi- tll|\lltL' nunilwrs ot the hrst
it that The
Sr: tint; nits heguunni.t to rook. to

wt and appeared
.i\ ii smooth t1lllt“l\t'

\i't 'hi'
t \liilti‘tl ‘Atlll 'l.lv\l"l'

\uli‘n t' nut
-l'.llll w! llttl‘ll tilt»
iivltiil i

ttwm‘ \iIliI itt‘lll\lll

.lL.tlli tlllll t! »\ii\t\l titilll
"i itllillllll'l that 'llt‘ hand
"l'L‘Jl 'tr ttitti ”"11 like ii lmltil
tr {will "2 ii tuii lx tit» ill “till
\'i l illlll‘l '.\i;\ set;

l.i\i"l '.\‘

tlzit'mu ii

‘ttx } " I'M 'lli' \iitji‘ llldl ill"

i:"‘ .v "'1 Ernst-rt .xluli
l\ ”Hunt: Alix llt’llllllllil‘ifl
itm |l‘\ 3.1! wiperioi to

tr... ‘it all) mm x” in); tho-ri- ,iri-
'- it I'\t'l‘llll|)ll\ oi: \ltlt' 1:le
t’Ilt‘ \liilt lltlL"

he has done on