xt7mw6696280 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mw6696280/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1957 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1957 Vol.23 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, June 1957 Vol.23 No.9 1957 1957 2019 true xt7mw6696280 section xt7mw6696280 . . . . . . . . . 4. ‘ - m a.» ,m‘ _ _ “a: 7:14: - -, ' ml, , :- : :: ::. . .m 77.: M ' 1 ”ram ,- ’b'é'" '--‘:-'~‘- E:,7,§r;:,fi;;-‘.vr ‘- ,~_-,, ::.-gr n1?

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2 One-Way Route Servme w:

E Through the one-order, one bill, one check plan E 63—75”?!- %
. ’ E: KPS is equipped to give service to the advertiser W fizfvf 2;,
‘E E E and agency from the time a budget is being made un- 0 “ @ng“, ¢

, j . til the last statement is paid. CW '

i For the past fifteen years we have been giving the W E w
' following services: ‘ ii}
E E O assisting in choosing a string 3/
‘ E O issuing individual contracts W E ‘
_‘ E E O issuing individual insertion orders WEE,” E
E O mailing mats, plates or copy E ‘E )
E E ' O furnishing requested proof of publication
E: . rendering blanket itemized Statements KPS does not offer special group rates. Space users
E O paying the individual publishers . A:
E 1 0 handling all details and correspondence may seleCt from the Rate ,BOOk any P arFlCUIar group, figs”
i or use the entire list, dallies and weeklies. Through E w
‘ E and doing every other thing within reason to insure arrangement we service border counties in Indiana
r . satisfactory service and obtain best possible advertis— and Ohio, and cooperate with the Tennessee Press E
EE E ing returns. EVe Chl‘Ck for position, @955 work, and Service in servicing border Tennessee counties. Com- E
E E make SUQSGSUODS to our P‘lthhBTS 0“ more eHethe pensation in lieu of group rate is received from rout— E
E E placement. . . . ing your advertising schedules through the one-order E {it
E WEthOUt exception we have en]oyed 0L.“ “7”ng plan; it saves the agency large overhead Office ex- ' . a???)
E relations w1th the agenc1es usmg our servrce—we 1n- pense. E it:
E1 . E Vite the continuance of these working plans and also E W
E E invite the inquiries 0f agencies who have never ac- Kentucky Press Service, Inc., is an affiliate of Weekly ME:
E 0613th 0}” offer for simplifying entry into the news- Newspaper Representatives, Inc., which organization
E E E papers 0E Kentucky. is the only authorized national advertising represen-
E E E No space under 5 inches accepted, unless for con- tative of Kentucky weekly and semi-weekly news- .
EE tinuous run. papers. National advertising schedules placed with E E
E . THE AGENCY who uses our office for clearing WNR for all weekly and semi—weekly newspapers. in .
E Kentucky are cleared direct With the absolute mim- E With
E E 0 issues one contract to KPS mum of time lag. WNR maintains service offices in E Ol‘ganizz
i 0 issues one insertion order to KPS New York, Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia, E hers an
E E 0 Supplies Stfing of papers and San Francisco, with the main office at 404 Fifth E day out;
E 0 supplies matS, plates or copy Avenue, New York 18, New York. WNR offers an E 9E KPA
. ‘EE? . 0 pays the bill t0 KPS in one check 1eSS agency diSCOUIlt- identical one-order plan for national coverage. E31325;
EE SERVICE Three Easy Steps: KPS will help select product TV at
E E markets, give market surveys, and help plan any cam- Lake. 1
E E THE AGENCY AND ADVERTISER paign to cover. 2. KPS assumes the time consuming Ehii‘iEEslii
E order-checking detail of scheduling; 1t renders one in— niglng v
‘E 0 receive full credit on each contract and insertion order voice and proof tearsheets at the end of each month. and SW
E; . the same as if the agency Issued the orders . , . .
i . 1 3. On receipt of agencys monthly disbursmg check, Newspa
E ‘ KPS will not knowingly extend any of its services KPS pays its newspapers by monthly check. EiE‘eEmg
E to unrecognized advertising agencies or advertisers, 15:51:]
El , nor will it knowingly accept advertising which might Legitimate advertising agencies and national adver- ' many 1“
E . unfavorably involve the publisher, his newspaper, his tisers are urged to use the services of KPS; to advise E awards
E E readers, or his advertisers. with KPS on all affairs of mutual concern. E115 hPre
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.065 in With more than (3;) newspapers and the Sweepstakes plaque in the daily (llVlSlOD J l;\'aiis, Lexnigton Herald, was moderator, ‘ I I '
‘1 1 . organizations represented, 180 KPA mem- with a high score of 22 points. The Central assisted by Fred B. \Vachs, Lexington Leader, I II I
‘ .. . - 2 - - - 2.2 .2 . . . . . I 1
3P113» I bets and their families enjoyed the three— (.ity Messenger 2’: "Iin‘ies-Argus won the and S. C. Van (.uron, Harlan Lnterprisc. , I ;' -:-
: Flftll { day outing at the 88th i\2fid-Suinmer meeting weekly division Sweepstakes plaque with a Panel topics were divided into three phrases I 1,
ers an | Of KPA, June 6-8. \Vhile the oldsters were score of IS. The job exhibit was judged by —legislation passed by other states, possible 2 .2 , -
I iii busmess sessmns the children enjoyed the the delegates by ballot and the exhibit of legislation \\'l1|('l] might be presented at the I = I .
I hlkes and being in and on the water. The the McLean County News, Calhoun, received 1958 Kentucky legislative session, and present ; 1 j . .I
d t I Women folks enjoyed bridge and the lobby first place, the exhibit of the Henderson and future action that the Press Association 1 I I
‘ . I . . . . . I ..
10 uC I TV at beautiful Kenlake Hotel, Kentucky Cleaner 84: Journal second place, while the should undertake. A lively discussion, With . 2 I,
I cam- I Lake. Even the rainy weather stopped for Sturgis News was accorded the third place questions from the floor, showed high in- I { I ' 22
uming [he \‘isnors to enjoy three perfect days. honor, In the opinion of the judges, contest terest. . I ; .
me in— Highlights of the annual banquet, Friday entries this year were far above average and Affirming the resolution adopted at the 2 { . 2?;
th “13111, were the presentation of the plaques many more entries in each division were Mid-Winter meeting on the present optome . I I
non = I and awards to the winners of the annual received. try statute, the panel discussed the l'ayette ‘I .2: '
I . , . a . . . ‘. . .. . 1 I ‘I _
Check . I\e“’51)«lper Production Contests. Jo \A’est- ”lhe closmg night fish try at the shelter Circuit Court case which has been appealed -2 . j; -.
I Pheling, co-publisher 0f the Fulton County house received highest praise from the dele- to the Court of Appeals. The case involved , I' I
I I\ews, radio station director. and Godfrey gates and their families for the excellent the banning of advertising of the prices of I ,‘III‘
' . . - . - - . . I I
adver- I I‘IIEHt scout, presented the awards With food and the catering serv1ce. The setting eye glasses by Lexmgton and LonisVille op- , I I {
d ' I many humorous asides to the recipients. The was perfect and marked a fitting close to tometrists. The convention declared itself in . I. ‘, I 2;
a V15e alwards were announced in the Bulletin, but the Program. favor of the Association acting as a “friend ‘I = '
I - - . . . . ' 2' ' '. . ,. . ‘r ":
I1e Press extends heartlest congratulations lVith President Al \A/athen, lr-2 presmling, in court in this appeal. . I . ,{
the deservmg Winners. the busmess program got under way Friday A discussion concerning the tendency of ‘I y.
The Henderson Cleaner and Journal won morning with the Legislative Panel. I—Ierndon appointive state boards and commissions in I . . I "-1.5
7 “A, -' , II I J ,3 I :1
II .3 2:21
I 2 . :32 .
, ; é
. ‘. If f ‘I
. I I I .2’ ’ ‘-

. lllili Jl
3 issuing regulations regarding phases of ad- fl “39.3? 2,395“ “ , v’ , :filjghr,
vertising brought many comments “”0111 the ,k ‘ 31.,f .f ,.‘,;I.-"“,, ., "fi ' , , '”~ * if Hale, l
‘ 3. panel and floor with the final decision that . 33* ”I“ “iii If " , " ' ~ 3 W membe
3.? the Association take appropriate action to 51‘ "',3‘ i )U’Zgjf3 "‘5 ’ i': 7 ,’7 who ha
3f ' introduce legislation at this coming session 3f .»";4;_;é;g- ‘- gig" Eng. , a ‘3 #221”) Associa
., to curb such power which was declared to fig»? 3.. 1, 3 fifl’wfl 11V"' 3 3%,; 33’2“ ,; for life
be only possible through formal legislative gig“, “tic“ 1 “f.“fi 32/: L‘ ' $3,153; liam L
action. 3 ficfi3 5-;%;.- ”552. pf; 3 - “a 33% 3 ' l ’ ' fig”? second
3 A brief discussion through the panel cou- * 3:), 3“ ‘fifisk‘ét ges‘ H ' '3.-.;_;3' a; ‘2? “gr." Dyche,
cerniiig legal advertising rates, the action " .,sg3~”‘ W " its ‘1’}, ' 33 sq”, James
of budget Commissions. and the need for a ”sag \ Ra“ 3i 3 3‘3}? ‘ ' /: it"; Alfred
.' . county comptroller was held. but no action 3&1ng («jam is. ~ "5’ 3 :1 g 2; a37"33 Bardstc
_ was taken, 3 L3 “1%:Wh" ff 7‘? J 2; ' 335%? '33 1:523: the fin;
- \\"ith Edwards Templin. L e x i n g t o n 5““ ," . 3.3: W353 ' 7'? , ‘ 'z ., ‘4“: at the (
I’leraldleader, moderator. Basil Caummisar. “mi? ; ,3};%fl * i ;\:_"_;:'1/:‘f:;:;,3. fight» gig.
I‘aducah Sun—Democrat. an interesting and 425:? 1‘ “l "3’13: 4% «9/63,, Whe‘
. instructive panel on "Newspaper Promotion” '17" 3 Q - , , ‘3 ( {Mag ' "‘3‘; the Kei
evoked many questions and answers. The x 3 5153' ' ,r‘ . ’4 3 .1 "ii"? of the
panel discussed overall newspaper promo— '- . 3», NM ;; 3‘ 5,. 3 , 3, 3'3 r , long ar
tion with the application ol the principles ,3 MW 3 "é a; z , ,., 3‘51»: tiaon
~ involved to the smaller dailies and weeklies. ~fi M 3"} f. V V / '3' E 5‘ 31% l Oppogti
Basil Caummisar announced that the la- “333% 3/331 31‘ 2 g ‘ $935352: “ welfare
., mous Black \Vatch Band, Pipers and Dancers, fig w? 3?. .3 33 333 , .3 , 33,“% 9 “Mg receive
pride ol the British Isles. would give two fiW :/_..3 fig . %”%¥%~,w; 3:3 5;? Whei
perlormances in Freedom Hall, Louisville, ”Eggag; “3,3”;35133 33% 3.33533“ ?- 2, *’*i ””52, "j;"7f-,333f to a Cl(
on October 15. Kentucky newspapers were 0 33 gg ,3“ a: fig ’3.},3;3_., .‘ Mi Ther
invited to help in the promotion of this «:7 £6 gig “g “”% 2W”??? V” W‘ A1 Wat
event and aid in selling tickets with a share " 55:? g " ”"9 wig“ Portma
ol the proceeds from state ticket sales being ; . if”;w~s:§wtwt 3 we? , A nWJtfig ,3 sociatio
' '. iis.
Eliilldlrleliid £01 [ht IRES Fund £01 Crippled Billy Davis lines [’11) his four beautiful and shapely models for the KPA shutter-bugs to .lo Wei
“lith “”1“”an Fred l Burkhard, Lib— shoot alter a lew words of instruction 011 operation cheesecake. ilritreaiiii:
crty News, and \Villiam Davis, chiel' ol the —-—-—-——'———‘—“———-—— Be It
photographydepartment. Louisville Courier— campaign which would bring newspapers Secretary l’ortmann read a progress l't" son cm
Journal, answering questions and demon- an increased amount ol revenue. Chairman port ol the Microfilm committee which lol- Kilgore
strating techniques in taking press pictures, Stone discussed brielly his3study on national lows: 3 3 3 3 their st
the "shutter-bugs" of the Association enjoyed advertising rates and distributed printed Current issues ol approxrmately l301’xtii- thanks
an indoor demonstration and then adjourned copies [or study. (This report was recently Lucky newspapers are being microfiliiictl m in
to the outside where three beautiful bathing— sent to all newspapers.) regularly in the Microfilm Center in tllt tlieymei
suited models (and Joe VVestpheling’s Inina. Col. R. D. Williams discussed the air journalism Building, University of Kentucky our st'i
ture) awaited them. The chairmen denion- lorce's important role in national delense. Twenty-nine papers have contracted lortlili Belt
firmed tricks and techniques in making good He stated that additions in the radar system service and, under terms of their contratt tion 31
outdoor pictures. Members with their cam- in the Artic regions and the completion of are entitled to positive prints of their ills: ment tr
eras seemed to have enjoyed this phase of the Canadian line radar system would per- Negative remain on file at the Center. 3 [0 seek
the program. mit change in the interior observation post In addition to current files, the Center If. enc of
The Saturday morning session, Vicel’rcsi- setup. He praised the Ground Observer filming back files of the Berea Citizen, Illl virtilnl]
dent Martin Dyche presiding, opened with Corps [or five years of continuous duty in its Clay City Times, the Big Sandy News. 'de tion '
an advertising mud with Larry Stone, “ceaseless watch against enemy air attack.” the old Louisville Herald. O[ the latterSll Belt
Central City Messenger. moderator. His He thanked the newspapers [or their co- reels have been completed to date. Commi
panel members “rerg Dan Knott. Russellville operation and interest in civil defense. Filming ol the back files of five newspapers able ac
News-Democrat, Charles Pepper. Marion The meeting recessed [or a few minutes has been completed. ThCy are the London case in
Crittenden Press. and Howard Ogles. Frank- for the various committees to get together. Sentind'EChO for [119 Years 1873‘1956’ 21 0pm,“,
lin Favorite. Knott discussed the new \Vis- After the call to order, various committee I‘CCIS: Crittenden Press, 1879-1933, 1-9- TCEIl‘ Belt
(:onsin plan of printing a four-page ”vaca- chairmen present made briel reports. Fran- Louisville Evening P0“: 18784925! 171ml? tion £0
tion issue" which was primarily intended [or cele Armstrong discussed the new trend to- Harrodsburg Herald, 19024956! “Plflojw StatetA
10011 118C while the editor went 011 3 vacation. ward the ll—pica column and the problems mately 48 reels, and the Kentucky huh ing C0]
The material was entirely devoted to W'is— 50 presented [0 the small dailies. Basil Caum- American, 1898-1905, 1 reel. 3 mém a
(-onsin beauty spots and vacation areas. misar made a short report on the Sports Fund Many termed this mid-summer meflllfll Officials
Knott proposed that a similar issue might be and again asked cooperation of the news- as one Of the best. While thC older @5193“: lilivs sal
prepared for Kentucky weeklies before the papers in presenting the Black Watch. Fred enjoyed the three-day session of busmessfifl3 taxpaye
next spring tourist season. Burkhard gave a brief report on the printing recreation, we believe that the children “'5“
“Operation Shower", the cooperative ad- school and photography. George Joplin III, the happiest. 3
vertising campaign of U. S. Steel, was dis- reporting [or the schools of journalism com- The convention, on recommendation I”
cusesed by Mr. Ogles. He stated that news- mittee, asked the cooperation of all present the Executive Committee, elected Ray Ed'
papers. not originally included in the ad« in persuading the best high school graduates wards, news publisher of the Mayfield Mel
vertising schedule, should participate in the to enter schools of journalism. senger, to active membership, and .105 G" They
BCrea 1
C0. Tii
IMWII [I ll] i We C.
' | i'

 - .1”... mmewmvwm ' V
. ._..,-, Wrnggflnxmmmwu " ‘ V
4......1.11m...”.mfi‘fiifimw‘r'flmmg“*"“ ‘ "
krywflflwdh;Myg-fifigdswmhusummer . - -- 4
-“---............:;;;:..«.::flint:writ-#1”:513:1??55115253711asters-1wv . ---
IE, 1957 *'W“w«xiv-25:53“1:32.233:T-rg.‘:..-I‘I'Ci§-.’5:33‘1'i‘3‘iii-'Z‘V'1‘a""ii"i'3”“W"""‘ V
,,, ,;.1,,:..‘._|.‘....;fl ,:.-r.-.‘.I‘1.-E.'-‘." 2‘2}. -‘""‘r'ta”‘ ’
JUNE 1957 " ...t".':r.:;-:’--f,',;,,::123$
v._;. 1.1- 2. ii an Vii J
Hale, Fairchild Graphic Cor 5 Vi i, ii V33:
a was. membership. The n, . Pu t0 ilSSOci'ite .1 1. 1 tr: . gm
clmes of £0 -a . ‘ gal/U1; PAGE V Ni i: V
1,} who have helped advan ur old tuners” ”/9/Zéa‘5'aé1/H""rOz‘fi’ai/ww~ .1. THREE i i V Vs ii i
a, . Associatio t‘ C6 the progress l éwfié/xfi/Wfla‘i/WZ/Wflaflw ' V iVW Vi
I’1 a .. n or many years ‘ 0 the ”KW/CH1W%Q¢?Qf§§‘w7%%fl%fi%§7%fiMy? Vi MW V
V31“ for like membership T hese‘vere presented ff/Z/l’fgi/{ZgypflrV Vi i Viim V‘V‘V‘
(a He, mm L DIM . J mduaed W. //)/ 12/ -,,-...,,-a//;1/raysa1sgmga§12<2¢w’avsss . ; 1,1 1.1111
I 3}wa I ‘ Mm) Oldha : r 11- 22 Ma2112’a’/’/ @‘Vi"7/fl‘/Wfla :* .1 ;:;I1;1j y:
gig) mud on... Ming 1. m m, i... Gmg j fl/1r/a%as . .1. iL
m w Dym London Swing? Freydem; Russell E? z1asa£9§fsflasifaw”sa§?¢ 1
James Purdom, Maysvme 1101dpast Premdem: / gflééézggfis/afi’gtffly . :‘ til-=1 4.:
I “I". Alfred S. W, ‘ n ependem a 1 1/Wa/1a1;/a/1%§1%//éae//IV/ Way 1 .IE ér‘tir '1."
1,. B. d. mien, Sr.1 Kentuck s. ’ “d , . wees/@3212?” 2%; WW
21,, _ ar stown. According to t1 y tdndard, , - . %§‘/;/’Z§g1¢”afawva ”as?“ 1 11.1.2.
Qfinir * the final vote on life In 16 Constitution, , - .' -,..-:-.,.,,l a ,, Q??? ”gag; w 1a: @{W‘aei1l iii ‘iV
1 at the comin. . , Embers Will be tqk , a; . wry/:1 mgr/cf? 'v (fir-2W1 : iii‘lii" V5,:
. ’31-. g mld~Winter meeting 1 en . , , ., .,,...g 2 . / 14%;}; ‘é/Ifiégfi/ i aiigé‘ifiymfi V NV“ ViV
.5§1§s ReSOIut' g . ”KW. Iggy '1’ far/éfifi/f/ , rsf’M/ka , “'7“
1r“! Ions Ad0pted t1 €11 75 M _ 1, “at/i ’ 1r i
‘X;.’ i Whereas 1 . ., . .1. ’1 , .21 :7 , $2? is: ,’ 371175;. 2 £32“! 1 i1g V'V V:
as“ i the K ’ [‘6 88th de_Sttinmer - , --; . \X , w; 1% J , - ”a '. , a‘ l ‘3“:
.‘1 " of thSntucky Press Association has fission of . . . a if??? 15/sz V at iViliilVii
* mogt en '0 'lb , , €611 one , ~ - . , . r 1/ . a‘a iif' ‘ {‘2 a; V i ”it: V'V.
i 10ng and constriczgveleh,‘md lruitful in the g . 1 , \J ’ , i i‘iiii‘ii‘
- . isto _ 1 _ . _~ 1,. ~ ’ H V 1 WV”
x “no“, presentmg the ry of [he assocm- V ., / “M:,%‘ ”W . af~* , g ,1 a?” , i iéifi‘? ,
ta Opportu - membershi) .- .s, . «1 so“ '33“:ij " " ‘ V i H 1V2
«r nity to C0 ‘ 1 “”11 an «g . a/‘a “éaség ”'7" ” I“ V 4” VV Ki Vl‘ V.
I“ we” ntrlbme to [l ‘ /7 ¢/% :, ”sasp1 ,1, ’51 . 1 ‘11‘111 “:1
1 fire of the publishing frat ,‘e general . 2 “@1271”? .. "“"1. I? 11 a» f ”t‘ i 1 ‘V‘Vi‘VVi
E receive i V ermt ‘ M,“ 1~ 31/1; 1 W r‘~ 1 1 i‘ ,, '
r Wher t5 benefits; and Y1 and to 1%. , ;,y’ ‘5 .111, 1. ‘-’ {sf i i ii VVI'
to 1 6319, this 88th session is n . - a .1 4 , .1 sh," .1 ‘ 24/a/¥@1//1W’ i ‘V :1 'V
111;; a C 056: 110W 0W Comlng - p , » ,Q’filw > k 714’ ,1”? fii‘fill i i Bi” :V‘
re Be It 1 . 1.5- '- ' - V i V i i VV
111;?“ Al Wathen. J r, 8601:fo “sad, that President -,1... ' V’ is ”I sflgg’avfia Vi i 11 Vi:
. . Portmann, and the otheyr Iamnflger Victor R. 42$“; . , a " ' 1% figfiffi’lflg‘figéygfi : i V‘VV ”V
1. ., , .1 r soda ‘ , O cers ' ,.-;. - i M’WMMW” i ‘V ‘ViV
tte -b ~ tion, along Wlth Pa 1 1 of 'the As— , . M . - 1555:?“ ”fisééaWWW’mz’éfla : i iIVVVV V
r ugs [0 i J0 Westphelin u W estpheling and _ 21_ , ,- . «2 ,, {ad/afflgngéé’v’fi’ V i V
l arrangements Cg and the members of thei ”2, 3.- 21:1...4 VVi' V V- kfiwfij’zg’ifiyfl V V V iii‘VVii i
| the fine pro 1 ittee, be commended f B 5 ’ f ' iii/fafil’éifgé/‘a ‘ iV‘ Vii I
—'—I gram present d 0? 0 McMiu- , ' - “gt/saw» ‘
i progress re. Be It Further R e - new K lan, assrsted by Jo w ',: - . . “weififfiha 1V V V ‘
.tcc which lo]. Son, commissioner :sfolved, that Laban Iack- entucky Educational Associajil’helingr Dresents plaques tV ”“1 V VjVVV ‘
Kilgore (1. conservation NI I Ion contest F 0 l e first ‘ . . . 11;. ,-
1 , r , - ra - , wmn ‘ i ‘V.
{rely 130 KC“. their staff {1:331:01- ff parks, and n1en1bserfifi‘ M I :qulVii
§ inicrofilmedi 'lhanks of the :Islggk? 136 extended heartiest Ky. State College B . . on i iii:
Inter in the way in WhiCh the‘ncmélon for the exceuem Mrs. Bob Cochrein~ ovvling Green: M1» and S . 1 ii; i
)7 of Kentucky, the membershi ) l- 66 S and the comforts of COUHCH’ Geor H V kemuCky Chain Store )mrgls NEWS: E. C C11 V V: Hg“ Vi
racted iorthi; OUr stay here 1 ”"6 been provided during DCPI- of Public (1)3111: .Ivan Jett; Kentucky {Sher (30-: Floyd bimiilim‘i/Ii, JR; Louisville V iiiiii V
, . o Catio . 1, . 7- . ICU . .. 3 ‘VVV‘i‘H
their contmtt, Be It Further Resol 1 Stdla M. Petrie 11nd Cns, Frankfort: Mr; CS- “instead, ’ )r SJYU, and lira-i
1 ‘ ~ . - 1 , r . , u I . i ‘ ‘V‘V ‘ IV I I
ol their file; tIon authorize .1 VeC, that this Associ't- Frankfort State )race‘m M. Pane ' ‘ orbm Tunes; Mr V V i ] ViiVV I
center memto take; [16 Committee of Manage City Messeflger Seizu'rnal: Phil Swift“ Centrii Crawford; Mergeiith'tle rigid Mrs. ]ohn L 1-] if it
. . (1’1 Ste) ‘ tr ' M ‘1m -,1 .. V 2 21 ( r :0. Y. i .l I i I I’ VV
the centerm to $66k legisht)’ 15'“ may deem advisable Larry Stone .1 d _€bi\rgus. Mr. and Mrs hd_ Mrs. Garland H 1 1 I\«dshvtlle: Mr. . i i‘ :1 1.,
i .. . | e ‘ lVe QCtIOn C1 b' ‘ _\ . :11 Children: VI A I (lumen-T. Oderfidd. S. i . i i ‘Vi
.a Citizen, the! ire). of appointive boar] tr mg the ICnd. . 1110s Stone and childr \VI‘ r. and Mrs 1).! . D llnes; Mr. and Mrs R l; isottswlle - i 1
[(1 i . . mm c (sto se- .. .‘ 61111111: ‘ .ris ail «‘ l ' .. b ' )lth . ‘ HVV Vii
V y hem, Am“ , ally become law with trip rules that Hickman Courie . {alph Utle)r. Sr . Y Liittrprise: Mrs. I M 1lord, . l ~11.
l the latter 80l tiOn. Out 16g1slntive sane. Gardner' Fulton C r_ Ml”- Ilnd Mrs R0 H" (”dd Mr, and M“ S'U‘f- l. Alvcrson, i i; “J
2 1 a 1.”. ‘- 1," , ‘--(1()r( Al" “‘V‘V W
date Be ItI‘ur M~ ), 0 News Fil . "17-11 Hede- IV . verso V i l“ i I
. th is. 111 . , , 1t0n,1\- . -~ - Ir. J I i n V i! .
tve newsbapers Committee b:rgiRCsolved, that the Executive Brewers UlFO‘Vesltpheling and childrcilr: Tim 1:] Kelllllckv Stand-”1:;I 1X11“. ”Ed Luigart: i i i: i. {VV IV:
. - . ~ven autl ° 1 Umation - . 1 \y. '21thc V ( : yr. and N V i iii
e the London dble fiction - tority to take ., dei 1 1 LOtiisV-inc- : . ”V Jr" Mrs {V m. A] j m
1873-1956 91" case in Fayeirtle 58mm” of the appeal ofSlr-llll: stitut: llegfiferman;