xt7mw6696143 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mw6696143/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2014-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, February 2014 text LinQ magazine, February 2014 2014 2014-02 2019 true xt7mw6696143 section xt7mw6696143 " Connecting the Bluegrass LGB T community February 2014
Vol. 36 No.2
M k H' t
Helena t' 5:1,; “1'1 h
tells us ' 1 1 Hea t
about 1 i genes
love , ‘ M’ ocuses on
y 1 y- , V 1 screenings

Our #111 l I V ”‘1
years 3 .1
of loving 1 " , . Sochi

( dangerously ' , 1 ’ OlympiCS:

1 ' Russia and
A View sports--the
from .1. . last hurdles
the Q for Equality?
heart “'

Our InterVIew With
Mayor Gray
A publication of the GLSO

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Our Years of Loving Dangerously .. H
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City’s first openly gay mayor answers our questions
F R ' 'th L W
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 EDITOR Don Lowe The Lexington Gay and GLSO DIRECTORS
L b' S ‘ O ' t‘
. PHOTOGRAPHY Brian Hawkins es 1an erv1ces rgamza Ion Marc Blevins, At Large
seeks to educate, enhance and
Donovan Jefferson, At Large
CALENDAR Chad Hundley empower the community about
Don Lowe, At Large
GLBTQQIA issues.
COPY EDITORS Barb Stead and Cynthia Lyons, At Large
GLSO Pride Center Cindy Sommer, At Large
Troy Johnson
389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100
Lexington, KY 40504 GLSO STAFF
Chad Hundley, Office Manager
LinQ is published monthly by
Office hours are: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
and for the Lexington Gay and ,
Mon—Frl 1pm-5pm
Lesbian Services Organization Submit letters to the editor by
Sat 10am —12pm
members and community. The emailing editor@glso.org. Letters
' Lexington Gay and Lesbian to the editor published in LinQ
Services Organization envisions GLSO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE may be edited for length.
a community that accepts and
I Paul Brown, President Like us on Facebook at
celebrates each individual.
Ginger Moore—Minder, Vice LinQbyGLSO
Follow us on Twitter @
Paul Holland, Secretary
Jacob Boyd, Treasurer
Scan to join our mailing list.
5:" ' .55 . .I
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 . That’s What I’m
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Talkln About it ~
By Helena Handbasket g1, ‘ a . an ,,",a
If you are focused on being the person you want to be, the right
person will see you when you don’t even know they are looking
Well, here we are. We have someone tells me about when those single friends out there compromise. It can't be your
livedthroughanotherIanuary they "fell in love" as if it was that want so badly to be in way all of the time. d
and are already into the 2nd like falling into a mud puddle love that they go looking for And to my single babies
month of 2014. Icould tell it and they had no control over the puddle to fall into. You out there that are looking
was February because of all it. While love does some— know what I mean, right? for love. Turn your energy
of the Valentine's Day candy times feel that way, it is not That person that wants to be toward working on yourself
that is for sale almost every— the way that love lasts. We in a relationship so badly that - to make yourself the best
where you go. Strange that can't continually, day after they start pursuing someone "self" that you can be. People
the most popular resolution day, fall into the same puddle. relentlessly until either they are attracted to someone who
for the new year is weight Love, as I mentioned earlier, win their affection or freak has their "stuff" together... to
loss and then the very next is something that should be them out by the non—stop confidence (not arrogance -
month we are encouraged to nurtured. Love is something pursuit of them. if you don't know the differ-
buy chocolate and sweets to you work to maintain. Idon't You want my advice? To my ence, look it up). If you are
show our love. That hardly want to take the romance coupled children out there, if focused on being the person
seems fair... but don't get me out of it. Being spontaneous you want your relationship you want to be, then the right
started. This article is not is wonderful but sometimes to last, make sure you make person will see you when
intended to be a continua- we have to plan a little spon— the effort toward cultivating you don't even know they are
tion of last month's article. taneity (an oxy—moron, for your relationship into the looking, and you are likely to .
But it did get me started sure). Planned spontaneity? loving bond that you want it "fall" into that puddle called
thinking about why we Can that exist? If it is planned to be. As the word cultivate love before you even know
designate one month out of then it can't be spontaneous, implies, love is something what hit you. '
the year to celebrate our love right? Well, sort of. But, if that grows and just like a And lastly, while I love
for each other when we have one person in the relation- flower garden, requires some candy... and I DO love me
eleven other months that ship "plans" a fun day for the effort to make it something some candy... try to be a little
we should equally celebrate two of them, it can appear beautiful. And yes, there more creative this Valentine's
our love. As a matter of fact, to be spontaneous to the will be weeds - problems that Day and think outside of the
each day that we are alive we other person, but with a little arise that will challenge that box. I welcome your emails
should celebrate the love we pre-planning, it can end up beauty. Just work together to to share with me what YOU
have in our lives. Love and making a lifetime memory. deal with the weeds as they planned for your love for
life are gifts and we need to And, I feel that a relation- come and remember that Valentine's Day.
nurture those loving rela- ship is built on those love there is aword that is just as Comments or suggestions
tionships each day. affirming life experiences. important as love to a rela- HelenahandbasketKY@
Ialways giggle alittle when And, I really worry about tionship and that word is gmail.com

 6 C
1...: Im erlal
fif‘és, ourt S
ourt ews
By I. D. Vaughn
GreetingsfromtheImperial a fundraiser benefitting our
Court of Kentucky. seniors and elders. The fund—
The Court ended 2013 with raiser raised over $600 in j . I (U 7'
abang as it held its annual Mr. funds thatwilldirectlybenefit “‘9 ‘ , , W"‘7
‘ and Miss Mary Christmas programs, services, and 3‘1‘t‘lti¥ 5:3 “ 2:: s ,
pageant at pulse nightlife on research efforts addressing . ’%§\ 'j-f fig;
Dec 18th. There were several the needs of persons living 5 \ X 9/ é , _. ( -'«v"-3".5,lhl&
contestantsforbothtitles. The with Alzheimer’s. . t'vfl 5, (/2 3}» ”W, 3
. 'l/ “'wuni: "H"
Miss Mary title was won by The following week, the p I“ ”1‘!th
Miss Mia Milan Decardeza, Court held its annual Inner ' A it“;
with runner-up Miss Britney Diva Pageant. This pageant ”1‘“ ' ‘
Love. The Mr. title was won is for biological women who
by Braylin Valentino, with are interested in femme drag. Mr- Mary ChriStmaS Braylin Valentino and
runner-up Dagger D. All four A raucous crowd came out to MiSS Mary ChriStmaS Mia Milan Decal‘deZa
will go on to compete in the pulse nightlife to cheer on the
ICK Entertainer of the Year efforts of the contestants and
competition in May 2014. performers for the evening, Court System, Jose Sarria, Society called Wags n Drags.
The Court stepped Orr 2014 and contestantWaddyPeytona withacelebration andremem- That event is scheduled for
with a return to fundraising (real name Ann Daugherty) brance show at Crossings February 8th from 6pm - 9
for the second half of Reign took home the title and crown on Wednesday, January pm at the Barrel House, and
32 and new events planned as Inner Diva 2014_ 29th. The show featured will feature performances
. for the upcoming months. Then on January 22nd at the current Royal Family of from the ICK entertainers
Joining efforts with the pulse, the Court sponsored the Court and many of the and asilent auction. Tickets
Greater Kentucky/Southern the King of Drag contest, a previous Monarchs and was may be purchased online at
' Indiana Chapter of the drag king contest for biolog- a stunning evening of enter— the ICK website, www.impe-
Alzheimer’s Association and ical women who perform taining and inspiring perfor— rialcourtkentuckyorg.
responding to a call from as male entertainers. Even mances. The funds raisedwill Then the Court h01dS tWO
the International Court though the weather was directly benefit the Iose Sarria events for Valentines. First,
System’s challenge for 2013, frightful, King of Drag 2013 Memorial Scholarship Fund the annual Mr. and Miss Gay
the Court held a “Year of the Kenneth ]_ Squires and court being administered by the Valentine pageant will be held
Elder” show at Crossings on performers entertained the International Court Council. at 9:30 on February 12th, at
January 8. In 2013, Nicole crowd and raised funds for There are many upcoming pulse nightlife. Contestants
the Great, Queen Mother 1 of the charities of the ICK. and exciting events planned will compete in Presentation,
the Americas, and Executive Finally, as January came for the coming months. Talent, and Creative Evening
Director of the International to a close, the Court took a February W111 feature the Wear categories. Interested
Court Council requested moment to remember the annual collaborative event applicants may contact Regent
all court chapters produce founder of the International With the 5C0“ C0- Humane Empress 32 ID Vaughn for

 an application packet. Later the Mardi Gras Ball at the
that week, on February 14th, Women’s Club Of Central
at Crossings, Emperor 30 Fred Kentucky. The event Will
Worsham and Emperor 29 run from 7 pm to midnight
Clayton Burchellwillhosttheir and Will feature heavy hOYS
1 annual Single and Bitter event d’oeuvre, entertainment
from 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm. from the UK Jazz Ensemble ,1 -
There is no cover for this event and entertainers from the F???” an}, '
and will feature shot specials ICK, a cash bar, and a silent J I;
andafew drag performances. auction. The ICK is Part- atfe‘gég
On February 26th, to cele- nering with its direct benefi- kyaggggfisi ,
brate the Olympics, the ciaries, IustFundKY, AVOL, he ‘
Court will hold their own Moveable Feast Lexington, 7 it V ”A
Drag Olympics event at pulse GLSO, PLAG Lexington,
nightlife. It is open to any and LexFair to produce the
3-member team (can be men, event, with those charities
women, drag kings, or drag benefitting directly from 2013 King Of Drag
queens) who will compete the proceeds of the event. Kenneth I Squires
in several fun categories, Tickets are $30 and are avail-
including group performance able online at the ICK website
number, fundraising ability, or from any board 0f direc-
and “special” sporting events. tOT’S member.
Prizes will be awarded to the For further informa- I the G L50
winning team. tion or to see upcoming
events of Reign 32, Visit the
Later that week, Imperial Court’s social media sites
Court of Kentucky members on Facebook (grouP name To show your support for GLSO and LinQ
Will travel to Old Street Imperial Court of Kentucky) Magazine join our membership program! Just
Saloon in Monroe, Ohio or online at imperialcourt- Visit our website at fléglsoorg and choose .
on Friday, February 28th, kentuckyorg.
to produce the Lexington IT 1: H nggfitgiuggnfiiifsmte
Invasion Show for the ;/;~’ ‘, \ Lexmgton, KY 40502. .
Imperial Sovereign Queen $3 ”ff/g, I“ “ ‘i "r
City Court of the Buckeye .7 f ‘
Empire (Cincinnati). This .. ‘ "
show will feature entertainers ‘2.”
from both the Lexington and ,1 ,
Cincinnati courts, with the l ,7 If Assisting Buyers & Sellers
funds directly benefitting the Teresa Combs, ABR, GRI, QSC for 20 years
charities of the ICK. Realtor
859—489—1150 Cell/Text
The fOHOWing night, the Teresa@towneandcountryKY.com
Court Will kiCk Off March www.yourb1uegrassrea1tor.corn
with the reinvention of
Become A Fan! Www.Facebook.com/TeresaCombsRE

 PFLAG February Meeting
with local physician
This month’s PFLAG
meeting will be held Tuesday,
February 11,2014 , from 6:30
to 8:30 pm. at St. Michael's
Episcopal Church 2025 . 1 , g _ g .
Bellefonte Drive, Lexington. ‘ I
Our speaker this month is A V r, ' l
Dr. Keisa Bennett -- a clini- 7 - -
cian, researcher and advocate . ’ 7 g
for the LGBT Population at J 7 ‘ V J WV LAG
the University of Kentucky.
Questions on the agenda
What is it like to stand up —._II II_—
for this community Within menu“... If you or someone you know experience any of these
this broad institution? t warning signs. please see a doctor.
What is she finding in her mg For more information, call 800.272.3900
mm newsman mm: or visit alz.orgl1 Osigns.
research on the health of ...
LGBTs, access to healthcare, —_| | |l——
and communication with
healthcare providers, both
urban and rural?
' Our PFLAG Lexin on \A ,1,
st A. om“ ME“ Do you
chapter has developed into “me.“ .n find your
a supportive fam‘lY f“ ' ' i intelligence 7
parents, LGBTs, and allies. : W ,3 shrinking with _.
Whether you are looking for .. s 4, ,. . other |oca|
“ . ” “Til-é: '4'_-‘-"\ ' .
support, want to glve back, g; gel: " DUNC medla? /
have questions, or Wish to be 0““ E .
_ Listen to WUKY \
part of a confidential setting and'be ‘FMQQM‘Z'ed’ , ’ ,, .
, Inspire pan ‘ 5 l
where you can be fully your- 9 gh_ entertained! ,[ I ,
self, you are welcome! "r we »
The presentation is from '3‘ J ,. g k. é“ T '
~~ . . m >
6:30 to 7:30; our regular , , Terrain, . .
support group meeting is 'L NW ‘l
from 7:30 to 8:30. _ 91'3”” ’ ““ng ‘ “ms“ BAN“
For more information , ~ ,
please visit pflaglexcom. l

Love Anyway i
. 1
lack and Brady fell m love. Tlhey couldn t touch each I
other for three years. l
. By Sandy Spaulding
t was after midnight Their smiles said Its you.... public service in the tradi— is?” “Type A—isms?” “You’ve
when lack called, and now nothing is the same”. tion of your family name got company.
ask me if I would tell For most who know this is --you have no choices. These I know...1 think of us
their story. I listened. When the man I was born to love, are defined by your linage.. on a beach...just walking.
he asked I protect their these moments arethebegin- In his position, Brady had Peaceful. No staff...phones.
identities, it was clear why, nings that turn into time never allowed himself those Talking.”
but against this column’s together, long talks weaving thoughts. He had studied And so it began. They were
commitment to publish the tapestry of a new life for the priesthood until he globe trotters but they’d
stories about real people. together. The lovers come lost his taste for silence and come home to the sliver of

lack said their names didn’t togetherandtelltheirfriends, senseless disciplines. He the texting box and while
matter. It’s what they know, entertain, get away and so it heads an ecumenical fonda- the others were in the next
that they want told here. is. That is, unless one of you tion for global standards in room. They wrote e-amils,

Jack and Brady met at a is a pillar of the conserva- education of boys—boys first just to talk. When the feel-
Clinton’s Global Initiative tive community—of the few and then women. Both were ings grew and they knew in
Conference—~by invitation wealthy enough to not be raised to be world statesmen their minds they were gravi-
only. owned by donors and can in their prospective fields, tating into each other, they

The first time they saw transcend politics to imple— their names in the concrete of arranged for a small locked
each other at the glittering ment ground breaking inti- university. These were men conference room at a major
opening reception, they tatives for global causes and who had to hold still. Moral hotel.
could not lofpk alway Their reconcrlizliition; tfmless, your integrity moved pobwel: atrllld “Look, Ithink Iam
eyes met as t oug o 5 ea y lees W1 run or governer money into p ace y 1g y falling in love with
one another while the earth and senator next year, your respected men. 0”,, “I know I
was moving beneath them. eldest son has an appoint- Pouring over statistics and y I. f
Th d t d tt h V ' d'al b d al It k am”'mlovew’th

ey move owar one men 0t 6 atican 1 ogue u get propos s, was lac you.” The reliefcame
another, theirwell positioned on complicated issues. One who said “I think of you .
. . . . , , ,, a ,, “ brought tears. They
Wives at their Sides greeting daughter 18 celebrated wrlter. often, Ido that too. Ihave
. _ knew the answers
their Washington friends, Jack had felt drawn to these talks with you...in my .
. to all the questions.
but to them it seemed no men off and on in his life, head where I’m somewhere “ , ,, K ,
. We can t. We cant
one else was left in the room. but when you are raised for by myselfWonder what that ,,
be together ever.
a LinQ


i “Jimmy Carter called today. make a heart space like this E

j I mean he knocked out giolly little room..transcend the E1:

1 worm with our money and “not now” and love anyway. :1

l diplomacy. We can’t lose our ,V . , Celibacy is easy when you O

l balance..1f we cave..and sex ' 7 are waiting to be with the E

j starts we lose control of it, H"! « '1 one you love.” 51

i make mistakes... get found f 'I 3 “i We can live out of our grati-

l out. Too many losses. Kids. ¥ ._ f “ tude, celebrate what we have.

The W0rk..too much damage. I If we do this well we can keep

3 too much pain. We can’t...” it. If we quit we lose seeing
We aren’t selfish enough. ” each other...the work loses
My heart is indifferent to its source of light.
everything before I saw your letters at the same time every Jack said, “But you didn’t. And they did' They sent
face—God,that’s anUI' What night while their families and In a few years we’ll retire. music, art, wrote wonderful
happened..?. It just wants to houses were asleep. But after Our kids educated. love letters everyday. Sawone
be With you.” “Mine, tO‘ I’m Bengali and their gay friend Our wives will be able to another at work. They wrote
scared. We have to help each Chris was mur d er e d—pr ob- say we have different int er- erotic pieces imagining being
other. What are we going to ably because he was outed ests, chosen not to live on to together, they met in their
d0? I’m scared Of the pain? on the internet in a muslim the road. This is not wrong. beds miles apart at midnight,
The work Of denial and lying state...their love turned its early. That’s all. Its not a and made love to each other.
and hiding and longing. It’ll a corner, it languished mistake, it’s just not our turn They deleted texts and saved
go away if we don’t...touch.” and distracted, pulled and yet.” love letters in obscure files
“Will it?” churned in their bodies. with no names...they loved

Lok at me. We’ll retire, we’ll They met alone again. This each other anyway. They
begin to move our lives into time they stood and held We’ll b C 01d could not be happy together
place so we can back out— each oth er. And cried. “I ’ if this love damaged any one
like An affair to remember... don’t think I can do this.” we 11 have or any work. And they care—

Remember Bette Davis Jack saw Brady looked tired, finlSth this fully waited until the time

' ' - a as ri ht when it would be
3::a::’?1 Henried in Now drawn, thinner. I )mean an d passed the :heir tirn.
the work—I m..I dont care

The small miracle at the anymore... all I think about torch__We’ll Not long ago, this year Jack

. back ofthe room—work and is....us.” I need to resign... have ChOiCCS. and Brady-retired leaving
the sliver... and get away.” “Remember an astoundlng amount of

They were offered the the play B ent...lovers in the Old men (10. work that will malLe aldiffer—

. co-chairs of Global Gay . . - ence in villages, SC 00 s, in a
Justice Initiative. We can’t :Zflfel:::lron8t::3 2:11;: we have to walt’ hundred places. Safe places
take this. Yes we can. We’ll their dreams, making love but we have t0 for gaypeople are spinging up
work...pour our passion with words standing a Yard hope.” everywhere Brady and Jack
into this. Go to Uganda. Go in a lineup Bent. Brady, you left their light. They quietly
to where its bad. Start the are my heart. I’ll miss you.I I’m not as strong as you divorced their grateful wives,
conversation. Their work won’t be able to...That’s what are. I live in my house but it wished their children well
continued and they noticed happens to people like us. feels like I want to go home and met in a little town in
how bright the ideas , came They fuck up their lives or now.” Then they knew-- Northern Washington on
how the energy was charged they die of broken hearts... come home with me in your the ocean near a forgotten
with this love. The months nobody wins. Bill Cinton mind—imagine us, plan Indian reservation where the
passed filled with hard work called today. I almost told us, think us...be together poverty is 97%.
and big wins. The nights, him... and resigned. in our constant thoughts, They teach school, and are
they texted and wrote love living happily ever after.


 o o I
V {3%
Lex1ngton Mayor 11m Gray
Leading by Example 3
Lexington has long been a leader in LGBT life in Kentucky but
recently, the state’s second largest city made history by electing the
first openly gay mayor. LinQ caught up With Mayor Jim Gray, ;
Here is that conversation. I
How do you feel about What accomplishment (s) " - ._ ”nee.
being Mayor of Lexington at of your administration are fihg '57 I “ 1 , I;&
this point in your tenure? Is you most proud of ? “% w I ‘ ‘ ' h Iggifl'fi’if
ewheeyeu epeeeeee he W tr
Mayor Gray: é é? i 3'
Mayor Gray: The top goals of my admin— ' I "I ’ t ' I é"? I
I say routinely, even on a istration have been: Create ‘T I 315‘ ' ' '
bad day, this isagreat job. Jobs; Run Government ‘ , {)3
Efliciently; and Build a Great _ I. . ’- e: ' .1: 7 it i I if' :
LinQ: American City. They’re the I» *v; ‘2 I” ,
What has surprised you the goals we set together as a :0 if} : '
most about being Mayor? community in 2010. ‘ . ' fi' ' . . . M ”4";
Mayor Gray: We’ve made progress, , 1‘ fl ,
How much I've learned, across the board. The I A I
how rewarding thejob would city’s finances are on solid I " '
be. I've learned more in this ground; more people are .
job than anytime in my life. employed here today than ' '
I've learned more about have ever been employed in
people, the good and the bad Lexington since the govern-
of human nature; I've seen ment started keeping records é;
the potential of a City and almost 25 years ago; and our ‘33. )
howto pull people together to Great American City has an
actualize on it; and I've seen outstanding quality of life
a City's problems up close, thanks to investments we are
and learned new ways to making in basic services, like .
solve what looked at first like police and fire, and in the LeXHIgton Mayor
insurmountable problems. future. hm Gray
9 LinQ

 ‘ : z :- . ' " i1"*-'.‘~1’7in"~.~ ~ : ' I 5”all
: 2 2 _: - h 714-! \- JXE‘ g A l i llllllllé, gt
1W “ 11.: "—4 Hr "1.1,. .1” - - " 1 “ , magi-1'
Panoramic View of downtown Lexington
from http://www.flickr.com/photos/rbowen/3971883798/

._ LinQ: UK cap on, thinking I was and that's a good thing for tumbling. This is a remark—

; What has been your sort of anonymous. I’m everyone, wherever we come able time when, for example,

‘ greatest challenge? greeted by a young guy and from. Kentucky towns and cities are

1 his wife with two little girls. passing fairness ordinances

Mayor Gray: “Hey, under that cap, you’re LinQ: like the one Lexington led

In my first two years in the Mayor, aren’t you?” he How do you feel your with in 1999.
office, we had to overcome asks, and then says, “We love tenure as mayor has helped/
budget gaps totaling millions. Lexington. We moved here aided the LGBT commu- LinQ:

Now, the city’s finances are 18 months ago from Chicago. nity in Lexington/Fayette Do you have political plans

on solid ground thanks to We live in Lexington, I work County? for the future? Other offices?

reforms of employee health in Winchester, I’m a Human A run for the Governor's

insurance and pension plans Resources manager. My job Mayor Gray: office?

and an ongoing emphasis on is to recruit. When I can get In 2010 Lexington citizens

efficiency and continuous people to come visit us, I elected an openly gay mayor, Mayor Gray:

improvement. Every city in bring them into Lexington without issue. At city hall I'm challenged and inspired

the country is wrestling with and we recruit them every the Council recently added by this job and my focus is

employee health insurance time.” partner benefits, without on running for mayor.

and pension costs. Only a issue. Each year we celebrate

few have found pathways and This story illustrates that our diversity during the LinQ:

solutions. Lexington is today Lexington sells itself. Great Pride Festival, without issue. What do you want our
I a beacon for other cities; people, great quality of life, Now each of these may seem readers to know about you
- an example of how to build great educational opportuni- like modest steps in the long that we do not currently
l financial health and strength. ties, an open and welcoming arc of time, but they've repre— know?

community, a Great sented big steps for our City

LinQ: American City. in my lifetime. Mayor Gray:

What do you foresee /for I always recommend a
the future of Lexington/ LinQ: LinQ: good book and a long hike.
Fayette County? Do you feel you have been What do you foresee as

treated differently because future obstacles for the LGBT LinQ:

Mayor Gray: you are the city's first openly community in Lexington/ Do you have anything to

Lexington is a great city gay mayor? Fayette County? add? Clarify?
on the path to becoming
greater. I often tell a story Mayor Gray: Mayor Gray: Mayor Gray:
about a young family I met N0. Lexington is a Tomorrow is a sunnier No. Thanks for the oppor—
walking home from the welcoming Citywith an open day for Lexington and the tunity and congratulations
Farmer’s Market. I had my and entrepreneurial spirit, country. Old barriers are on LINQ.


 A V. f friends is invaluable and can and give thanks for the other
lew rom fill the gaps of times when loves in your life. Resist the 1
romantic love seems to elude temptation to define yourself [2 5
we Heart us. While some folks have based on whether or not you C
diflicult relationships with currently have apartner. 2
By Rev. Marsha I Moors- Charles family members, many more And, no matter where g ‘1
are blessed With embracmg you are on lifes Journey— ,
With the December and void of self-esteem to avoid love from parents, siblings, whether you have a partner ’
, January holidays now in our looking at themselves through and extended family. Then, or not; whether you have a ‘
rear View mirror, we wait the eyes of society—which there is the love from our loving family or not; whether I
on the next one, Valentine’s often says you must be part- beloved pets—many of whom you have a large circle or
Day. As a pastor, this holiday nered to be happy or you must we consider family. These friends, a house shared with
brings about as much or more have a continuous cycle of four-legged children love us pets, or a community of faith
despair. Some of us are fortu- romantic love to justify your unconditionally and greet us you call ‘home’——there is one 1
mate to have loving, committed desirability as a person. In my each day as if we are the love love that is ever present in
partners by our side. In many own congregation, there are of their life ~because we are. your life. Love at its best is ,1
ways, Valentine’s Day can be many single parishioners-gay, As a pastor, one of the thelove ofGod—who created
celebrated year round as we lesbian, bisexual, transgen- greatest blessings in my each one of us uniquely and
are overwhelmed with bless- dered, and yes, even straight. ministry is to see commu- diversely. It is this same God
ings of sharing our lives with They are amazing individuals nity in the form of deep and who seeks to remind us over
someone who is our best and anyone would be lucky caring relationships within and over again that we are
friend, companion, partner, to share their lives! And I our church family-people loved unconditionally and
spouse, and lover. So, for have many friends and family tending to one another in welcomed into relationship.
all of those readers, Happy members who are single. times of sickness or grief or Through relationship
Valentine’s Day! Some people are content loss of job or home or relation- ‘tweener’ times or estrange-
Yet, What I see year after with being single—sure, if a ship. It moves me to witness ments or loss, God’s love
year are people who feel an compatible match for them genuine acts of self-less caring remains with us and, if we let it,
increased loneliness during came along, they would and love expressed inavariety lives through us. Who knows,
the month of February; or welcome thatlove connection. of ways. I have heard more we might be called to grasp
people WhO have lost hope; But they refuse to let their than once, “I don’t know how onto God’s love in such a way
or, worst of all, people who do status as single define them I would have made it through that our outlook and our living
not feel loved. What becomes as a person—I admire that! without my church family”. If gives hope to others who feel
apparent to me after talking Others appear consumed with you haven’t found a church unloved. Love at itsbestis from 0
with these folks is that they being single and conclude family, it’s not overrated, trust God—and then is shared as we
have anchored their feelings that something is wrong me. And thankfully, there are give thanks for ALL the loves ,1
and/or self-worth on whether with them or otherwise, they many affirming faith commu— in our own lives. So Happy
or not they have a partner or would attract a partner. nities in Lexington. Valentine’s Day, indeed—to
spouse. I truly understand Spousal and partner love All love, regardless of its ALL of us—ALL of us loved
that longing—I’ve been there is an incredible gift. Yet, there source, has an ebb and flOW— by an inclusive, affirming and
before. Maybe it seems easy are other places in which to ups and downs. At this time embracing God!
for me to give advice since I find meaningful relation- of year especially, when we
am fortunate to now share my ships and deep love. Think are bombarded With messages
life with my wife, Brenda. But of the value of friendships. and commercials of perfect
relying on just one kind of love In many cases for the LGBT love celebrations, it will do us _
can be dismantling to our lives, community, friends are our good to remember that love ., _ ,.
even when that love is amazing. ‘chosen’ family, often because isn’t prefect and love comes in ”1 /'
I advise folks who come our