xt7mw669609g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mw669609g/data/mets.xml North Carolina Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) 1940 Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration; The National Archives, Cooperating Sponsor; Other contributors include: United States Works Progress Administration Division of Professional and Service Projects, National Archives (U.S.), Historical Records Survey of North Carolina; iv, 22 leaves, 28 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.16/32 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series XVI The Farm Credit Administration, Number 32 North Carolina text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series XVI The Farm Credit Administration, Number 32 North Carolina 1940 1940 2015 true xt7mw669609g section xt7mw669609g _     U ¢ L IIT I   ”`R`L}Ie@;?(;?;R;;Rg;;:   _ I
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I j._ _   ·   No. 32. NGQTH CARQLINA ‘
      The Survey of Federal Archives I I
I   A   Work Projects Administration _
  . I§ of North Carolina .
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  . Prepared by
I The Survey of Federal Archives
A Division of Professional and Service Projects q
Work Projects Administration
  The National Archives
Cooperating Sponsor
  ~ U A   Raleigh, North Carolina
  The Survey of Federal Archives

 y  2 
· i 
Q . The Survey of Federal Archives  
Philip M. Hamer, Nesijonal Director ; 
Emily Bridgers, State Supervisor  
. J  
. _ “}
f · T 3
  Division of Professional and Service Projects  
' Florence S. Kerr, Assistant Commissioner  
May E, Campbell, State Director  
F. C. Harringyton, Commissioner V :
» Charles C. McGinnis, State Administrator Q ;

 ii ___
»i 111
f The InvgnjEry“o§;§pderal Archives in the States is one of the products
# of the work of the Surveymofrltderal`AEEhivEs;~which operated as a nation-
Q wide project or the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1956 to
ig June 50, 1937, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the
Q Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation-wide project of the
"» `Works Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of
ié that Administration and of the Work Projects Administration. _
ii The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I
ii consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments,
{ and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal
»l archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information
I secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series
’j nu ber being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the
_Q Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Govern ent.
A ‘Within each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organiza-
li tion and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding
g" nu bers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to
i each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for
3; Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc.
§: For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of
§ related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive
§, dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was
§— secured), general description of informational content, description of the
Q system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose
§ of use, form of the record itself (bound vclumes, shoots in folders, ctc.),
E linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the
L records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room nu ber or other
Q identifying information, and finally, the nu bcr of the Form 58SA on which
f, this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which
°hl it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National
pi Archives. When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which
fi has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is
gi given by use of the reference "See addenda."
ii 4In North Carolina the work of the Survey was under the direction of
is Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Regional Director, with Miss lhttie Erma Edwards as
' , ‘ assistant, from its inception until June 1957. Since that time it has
li been under the supervision of Miss Emily Bridgers. This Inventory of the
”, records of the Farm Credit Administration in North Carolina was prepared
]—  _· in the Raleigh office of tho Survey and was edited before final typing by
"— Mr. Lewis J. Darter, Jr., of the Division of Agriculture Department
#7 Archives of The National Archives.
‘f ‘ Emily Bridgers, Supervisor
jg Raleigh, North Carolina ~ Survey of Federal Archives
Q ¥ July 18, 1940 in North Carolina

 E _
ET ’.$  iv
Q Page
VA  Q Introduction ..... . ......... . ......... . . 1
`f Clinton, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Field Su ervisor . . . . . . 5
·Q Clinton, Production Credit Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
A? Durham, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Field Supervisor . . . . . . . 5 F
’£ Elizabethtown, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Field Supervisor . . . 6 V
‘’ ` — Fayetteville, Production Credit Association . . . . . . . . . . .". 6
Aj Greenville, Production Credit Association . . . . . . . . .... . 7
i Hillsboro, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Field Supervisor . . . . . 8
g Kinston, Production Credit Association . . . . . . ..... . . . 8
`i Lumberton, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Field Supervisor . . . . . ll
V? Raleigh, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Field Supervisor . . . . . . ll
i Raleigh, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan State Supervisor . . . . . . l2
Q Raleigh, Production Credit Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
§ Reidsville, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Field Supervisor ..... 15
$ Rocky Nbunt, Production Credit Association . ........... 14
2 Ronboro, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Field Supervisor . . . . . . 14
? Smithfield, Production Credit Association . . ........... 15
{ `Warrenton, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Field Supervisor . .... 16
Washington, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Field Supervisor . . . . . 16 7
"washington, Production Credit Association . . ..... . . . . . . 17
I Whiteville, Production Credit Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
§ Wilmington, Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Field Supervisor . . . . . 20
§ Wilmingtvn, Production Credit Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

ji The Farm Credit Administration was created by Executive Order N0. 6084,
V; dated March 27, 1955, under authority of the Federal Farm Loan Act, approved
ij July 17, 1916, and amendments thereto, It was organized May 27, 1955, by A
if cansolidation of the powers and functions of all Federal agencies dealing
gp primarily with agricultural credit, The organization and its functions
p have been enlarged and perfected by subsequent acts of Congress, notably
y the Farm Credit Act of 1957, approved August 19, 1957, which in the opinion
§ of the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration was of particular signifi-
;“ canoe since it assumed the permancncy of the fundamental cooperative ideas
Qf underlying farm lcgislation.l
  The general purpose of the Administration is "to provide a complete and
g coordinated credit system for agriculture by making long-term and short-term
AQ credit available to farmers" and to provide "credit facilities for farmers'
§ cooperative marketing, purchasing, and business service organizations."2
g Prior to July 1, 1959, the system operated under the supervision of’a Gov-
Q ernor who reported to the President. Since that date, the Governor, under
Q section 401, part 4, of Reorganization Plan No. l, dated April 25, 1959,
Q has reported to the Secretany of Agriculture.
5 For purposes of administration and of coordination of activities, the
; United States is divided into°twe1ve farm credit districts, in each of which
  there are a Federal land bank, a Federal intermediate credit bank, a pro-
Q duction credit corporation, and a bank for cooperatives, all of which are
{ located in one city, in addition to local national farm loan associations
Q and production credit associations. North Carolina, together with South
i, Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, is in the third district. The district
{ office of the Farm Credit Administration and the four main credit institu-
Yi tions are located in Columbia, South Carolina. Local production credit
( associations and local national farm loan associations operate under their
i` supervision in North Carolina.
¥; Twenty-eight local production credit associations in North Carolina,all
y of which were organized by ten or more eligible farmer-borrowers in December
E 1955 or January 1954, are under supervision of the Production Credit Corpor-
Q ation of Columbia, which assists farmers in organizing production credit
ij associations, provides part of the capital, and prescribes the rules and
,° regulations which govern the operation of the associations. These ggsocj-
gf ations were formed under authority of the Farm Credit Act of 1955, aporovod
ls Fifth Annual Report, 1957. A
:* 2. United States Government lbnual, February 1940, Office of Government
,  Rep¤rts"(W;L‘sii{iEl;¤¢6§i'¤"°‘GB%?¤E¤{éHt°TTri?¤`€ing orrice), pp. 180-181,

   Introduction 2
  June 16, 1955, as amended, which provideadfor a permanent production credit
  system for agriculture which should be cooperative in character. Through
  the local associations short-term credit for farm operations is provided for
,§ farmers "who qualify under the terms and conditions that are made for the
  safety of the loans and their complete repayment."5 Each borrower is re-
yp quired to own a specified amount of class B stock which is available for
  purchase only by farmer-borrowers and which entitles the farmer to one vote
  at meetings of the association. When a farmer has not been a borrower for
  a period of two years, he is required to exchange class B stock for non-
Qj ‘ voting class A stock, which is purchased principally by the Production
  Credit Corporation of Columbia.
W  Records of nine of the associations in North Carolina were surveyed and .j
  inventories are included in this volume. The other nineteen associations
» j have headquarters at Ahoskie, Asheville, Carthage, Cherryville, Dunn,
  E1izabeH1'City, Goldsboro, Graham, Henderson,‘Kenansville,‘Laurinburg,
  Louisburg, Lumberton, New Bern., Rutherfordton, Statesville, Wadesboro, Wel-
,‘  don, and Winston-Salem. Each association in North Carolina serves a defi-
  nite area of one or more counties, representing as nearly as possible a
  definite trade area. When an association serves more than one county, an
  inspector from the local homo office is assigned to each county.
v , :3 Loans of the Federal Land Bank of Coltunbia are made in North Carolina
  through approximately nineteen national farm loan associations. Records
_, , Q of these associations appeared to be of non-federal character and were `
i i, therefore not surveyed. ‘
  In addition to the above agencies, one state supervisor and from twenty
  to twenty—f‘ive field supervisors of the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Section
  of the Farm Credit Association have offices in North Carolina. Crop and 7
  feed loan offices of the Department of Agriculture, together with various
_‘}*» records, were transferred to the Farm Credit Administration in 1955. For
  the first few years activities were temporary, loans being made with funds
. _ provided for the purpose to the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration
Q;  from an appropriation authorizedby Congress or made available by Ebcecutive
V? 4 order. Subsequent to the Survey, however, the Governor of the Farm Credit
  Administration was authorized by act of Congress, approved January 29, 1957,
K  to make such emergency loans to farmers. Loans can be made only to farmers
. “_a   who cannot procure credit from any other source. Each field office in North
  Carolina serves one or more counties and reports to tho Regional Manager
  of the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Office in Columbia. Records were not ‘
  surveyed in offices locatodat Asheville, Boone, Elizabeth City, Goldsboro,
?  Linco1nton‘(c1osod in 1957), memes, mt. Airy (closed in iszv), Oxford,
  Rockingham, Rocky Mount, Salisbury (moved in 1956 to Statesville), Shelby,
 {  Smithfield, Walnut Cove (moved in 1957 to Danbury), Warrenton, Weldon
p i? (closed in 1957), Williamston (closed in 1957), and Winston-Salem.
 Ji 5i @3-ELb-•, p•  
r w

 [ ;
pg Production Credit Association, Clinton 5
FQ Henry Vann Bldg., 210 Main St.
tg This office was established in Clinton in 1955 when the crop production
 .r and seed loan activities of the Iepartment of Agriculture were transferred
 ,% to the Farm Credit Administration, When the Survey was made the office
Ay; served Cu berland and Sampson Counties. So—called useless papers are placed
(E in an inactive file.
,Q 1, PERSONAL FILES, 1950 to date. Copies of applications and receipts,
jj and all correspondence relative to the borrower. eArranged in active and
p inactive groups and filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12
p folders, 21 ft., in 9 wooden boxes. R. 201. (17, 18)
gQ 2. GENERAL FILE, 1950 to date. General correspondence and information
il which does not pertain to borrowers, Filed alphabetically. (Daily, of-
{ ficial.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 in., in wooden box. R. 201. (19)
§ 3. LEDGERS, 1950 to date. Showing individual debit and credit accounts
l of borrowers. Alphabetical index. (Daily, official.) 9 x 14 loose-loaf
i' books, l ft., on shelf. R. 201. (15)
Q 4. REPORTS, 1954 to date. Copies of weekly and scmiemonthly reports to
M headquarters. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders,
Q 6 in., in pasteboard box. R. 201. (16)
(_ Powell Bldg., 100 Sampson St.
Q` The Clinton Production Credit Association was established in 1955. De-
Y» tailed reports are sent to the home office of the Sampson County Associ-
§Q ation at Dunn, North Carolina. So-called useless papers are placed in an
gg inactive file, which was not surveyed.
5} 5. APPLICATIONS AED MDRTGAGES, 1955 to date. Individual folders for
Lg each applicant containing the following fenmsé Form PCA 501, application
if for agricultural loan (crops, general purpose, swine, etc.), showing norm
[ and address of applicant, amount of loan requested, assets, liabilities,
ij com ercial crops planted and harvested for period indicated, total cash
’i returns from such crops, list of sharecroppers, number of head of workstock
1Y_ owned by each and by applicant, all crops and acreage to be planted in each
c I by applicant and by each sharecropper, dates and purposes for which funds
A are desired and dates on which funds advanced will be repaid, record of
i? other lands under cultivation by applicant and other crops in which appli-
pw] cant has interest, ownership of land upon which the latter crops will be
F1, grown and status of applicant on such land, social and economic data on

 »¢ ’
ti Production Cridit Association, Clinton 4
ii applicant and family, conditions of loan, date, signatures of witnesses and
py applicant, and official certification that form is a true and correct copy
E; of the original application on file with the lender; Form PCA 502, North
fg Carolina, South Caroli a, and Georgia, certificate of ownership of real
  estate, showing report, based on examination of public records, that appli-
  cant appears to own the land, tables showing encumbrances against real
Ig estate, crop and other liens, bills of sale, ehattel mortgages and/br con-
pd ditional sales agreements, judgments, and taxes and assessments, and signa-
yy ture and title of investigator; Form PCA 506, inspcctor's report en‘agricul-
fj tural loan, showing name and address of applicant, location of farm, inspec-
“f tor's valuation of land and buildings owned by applicant, report on condi;
}§ tion of farm and unfavorable conditions‘vmich might lower production, age, .
_Q Sox, weight, and value of all livestock, condition of workstock, amount of‘
5} feed stuff on hand for livestock, number, make, age, and value of tractors,
g mowing machines, binders, trucks, automobiles, wagons, and all other equip-
ig ment, inspcctor's recommendations relative to loan to applicant, date of
gy inspection, and signature of inspector; Form PCA 516, certificate of prior-
gg ity to be used in connection with loans of $soo.oo or less, showing report
lg on prior encumbrances, if any, on'crops, chattels, and livestock offered as
Tg security for loan, date of report, and signature and title of investigating
.4 official; Form PCA 529, credit summ ry sheet, showing date, name and ‘
ig address of applicant, date of application, smou ts previously borrowed,
V; type of lean, amount of new loan, two years past production record in crops
g offered as security, maximum amount loanable on each·erop, total amou t
QQ loanable on crops produced for market, estimated amou ts of payments from
’, sources other than crops, other security offered, inspecter's and secreta-
i ry's recommendations, record of assoeiation’s executive committee's action
§ on loan, remarks, date, and signatures of eom ittec; and Ferm’PCA 401, crop
§ lien an  chattel mortgage, showing principals, amou t of loan, description
vg of crop lands and crops, description of livestock, chattels, and all other
·§ personal property offered with crops as security for loan, conditions of
T loan, date of execution, signature of borrower, land1ord's waiver in favor
Q of indebtedness,‘proof by witness, acknowledgment by grantors, certificate
,W for corporations, superior court elerk’s certificate for registration, and
,7 waiver of sharecroppcr and/br laborers' lien. Forms attached. Filed
Kg alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 14 folders, 4 ft., in 2 drawers
if of metal filing case. PCA Office. (26) .
i ` I .
Q; 6, INDIVIDUAL BORROWER'S LEDGER, 1935 to date. Showing amount borrowed,
° Qi date of loan, and date payment is due. Arranged alphabetically. (Daily,
Q? official.) 9 x 12 vols., 4 in., on shelf. PCA Office. (25)
{Q 7. MISCELLANEOUS FILE, 1955 to date. Correspondence with home office
;T at Dunn, North Carolina, district office at Columbia, South Carolina, and
{S with clients relative to loans; also checks and survey reports. Filed
ig alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 14 folders, l ft., in drawer of
yi metal filing case. PCA Office. (24)

 pl Emergency Crop and Feed Loan offioo, Durham. 5
1:   _-‘_‘- _-_
E Federal Bldg., Riggsboe Aye. and Chapel Hill St.
2  ThG,Off`ilGG of f°ield`Supcrvisor was moved from Hillsboro, North CO.I‘O].i1’10-,
·o to Durham in October 1955. When the inventory was taken the office served
pi Durham, Orange, and Alamance Counties. All original records are sent to the
ii; district office at Columbia, South Carolina. No papers are considered
5; useless.
. »d  2 S. REMITTANCE RECORDS AND RECEIPT BOOKS, 1951 to date. Records of {
$1 remittances sent to offices at Washington, D. C., Memphis, Tennessee, and
t Columbia, South Carolina. Arranged alphabetically and ceded by state and
g county numbers. (Daily, official.) 12 x 27 vols., 1 ft., in fiber transfer
  ease. R. 12..9. (49)
Ep 9. CORRESPONDENCE, 1951 to date. Correspondence with regional and state
3 officials regarding loans to farmers and other routine office business.
( Filed alphabetically and coded by state and county numbers. (Daily, of-
; ficial.) 12 x 12 letter files (6), 1 ftf,)bn¤transfer cases. R. B-9.
i 10. PHOTOSTATIC COPIES OF LOANS, Jan. — Dec. 1952. Showing record of
@ loans and payments. Arranged alphabetically and coded by state and county
? numbers. (Daily, official.) 12 x 15 hinder, 2 in., on transfer case. (
  R. B.-9. (44)
fi 11. LEDGER, 1952 to date. Showing record of loan number, amount of each
é loan, and credit standing of all borrowers. Arranged alphabetically and
j coded'by state and county numbers. (Daily, official.) 12 x 14 vols.,
§ 6 in., on shelf. R. B-9. (47)
d 12. LIST OF EMERGENCY LOANS, Mar. 15, 1952 to date. Listed yearly to
ip June 15. Arranged alphabetically by name of borrower and‘coded by state and
lg county numbers. (Daily, official.) 8 x 14 covers, 2 in., on box. R. E-9.
I  (50) .
i° 15, COPIES OF APPLICATIONS FUR SEED LOANS, 1955 to date. From Orange,
" Alamance, and Durham.Counties; original applications 1955-1954 sent to
LI Colu bia, South Carolina, 1955 to regional office of Farm Credit Adminis-
gg tration in Memphis, Tennessee. Filed alphabetically and'coded by state
J? and county numbers. "(Daily, official.) 12 x 27 folders, 9 ft., in 9
if fiber transfer cases. R. B-9. (46)
Q 14. RECEIPTS, Jan. - Dec. 1955. Triplicate copy of receipts issued by
* the field supervisor. Filed alphabetically and coded by state and county
Q, nu bcrs. (Daily, official.) l2 x 27 folders, l ft., in fiber transfer
{ case. R. B-9. (45)

 E Production Credit Association, Fayetteville 6
  _.ELI.Z4'2‘=E@.9~”m.-- I
Q Agricultural Bldg., Elizabethtown-Clarkton Highway
ii This office was established in Elizabethtown in 1955 when the crop pro-
ji duction and seed loan.activities of the Department of Agriculture were
l trwasferred to the Farm Credit Administration. “When the Survey was made
yé this office was under the supervision of the field supervisor whose head-
Tl quarters were located at‘Wilmington, North Carolina. The office at
Ԥ Elizabethtown.was located in the Bladen County Courthouse until March 1956 7
A when it was moved to the Agricultural Building.
{ LOANS, 1952 to date. Filed alphabetically by name of applicant. (Daily,
Ei official.) 8%-x 14 folders, 6 ft., in 5 drawers of pasteboard filing case.
§ Seed and Crop Loan Office. (71)
r ’ - ‘
Q? 16. INACTIVE LOAN RECORDS, 1952 - 1955. Copies of applications and
p official receipts for paid—up loans; also dead records. Filed alphabeti-
7; cally by name of applicant,` (Seldom, official.) 12 x 16 folders, 2 ft.,
Q in 2 drawers of filing case. Seed and Crop Loan Office. (72)
Q 17. LEDGER, 1954 to date. 'For posting of temporary’and official
g receipts, showing date of each, amount for which issued, and name and
Q address of borrower. Entered chronologically. (Daily, official.) 12 x 16
E vols., 2 in., on shelf. Seed and Crop Loan Office. (70)
L2 mrmiavitaa
g ..,,.1.,.1a..
it Fleishman Bldg., 110 Green St.
it The Fayetteville Production Credit Association was established on Decem-
‘ Q) ber 16, 1955, to serve Bladen and Cumberland Counties. It occupied an
Q_ office in the Cumberland County Courthouse from 1954 to September 14, 1956,
f` when it was moved to its present location. So-called useless papers are
jg preserved in the files.
E) 18. APPLICATION FILES, Jan; 1954 to date. Applications for loans show-
fy ing nanw of applicant, address, financial statement, production record,
fl proposed crops, budget, and number or dependents. Filed alphabetically.
Q_ (Daily, official.) 9%-x l5 folders, 7 ft. 6 in., in 4 drawers of metal
*. filing case. Association Office. (50)
E 19. INDIVIDUAL BORROWER*S LEDGER 1954 to date. Showing debits and
, . 3
fi credits to borrower's account. Entered alphabetically. (Daily, official.)
gl 12%·x 19% loose-leaf book, 4 in., in iron safe. (52)

   · I
 % Production Credit Association, Greenville 7
pi 20. ·LOAN`APPLICATION REGISTRY, 1954 to date. Showing name and address
’& of applicant, amount applied for, location of farm, and date of inspection.
{ Fl1€d'¤lPh¤bG€i0¤lly. (Daily, official.) 2%-x 5% and 4 x 5% cards, 2 ft.
1§ 2 ip., in metal and 2 wooden card cabinet drawers. Association Office.
i 57
·i 21. GENERAL LEDGER, Jan. 1, 1954 to date. In three sections; loam
ii TGQISETY, registry of drafts issued, and expense ledgers, showing assets
g and liabilities of the association. (Daily, official.) 9 5/4'x 12 5/4
E, loosejleaf books (2), 5 in., in iron safe. Association Office. (51)
N 22. STOCKHOLDERS’ LEDGER, 1954‘to date. Showing name and address of
{ each stockholder, number of shares, date of purchase series number of [
I stock certificate, value, and interest payments. Entered alphabetically.
§ (Frequently, official.) 9 5/4 x 12 5/4 loose-leaf book, 4 in., in iron
1 safe. Association Office. (55)
S ,
g 25. JOURNAL AND CASH RECORD, 1954 to date. Showing daily entries of
§ financial transactions of the association. (Daily, official.) 12%-x 20
E loosejleaf book, 5 in., in iron safe. Association Office. (56)
l 24. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS, 1954 to date. Correspondence chiefly
3 with Production Credit Corporation in Columbia, South Carolina. Filed
g alphabetically or nu erically. (Daily, official.) 9%·x 15 folders,
g 2 ft. 10 in., in 5 drawers of metal filing case. Association Office. (49)
i 25. DIRECTORS’ AND STOCKHOLDERS' M NUTES, 1954 to date. (Frequently,
Q official.) 9 x 14 5/4 loose-leaf book, 1% in., in iron safe. Association
  orriee . (ss) V
i 26. ‘EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MHNUTES, Feb. 19, 1954 to date. (Fre-
§ quently, official.) 9%*x 11%-loose-leaf book, 1 in., in iron safe.
i Association Office. (54)
, Brown Hooker Bldg., 510-B Evans St.
( ‘ The Greenville Production Credit Association was established on December
J 7, 1955, to serve Pitt and Greene Counties. It was first located in the
I Edwards Building, was moved from there to the Reflector Building, and from
T the latter building to the Blount Building, where it was located until
T Jul 1956 when it was moved to the Brown Hooker Building. No papers are
( y I 1
j considered use ess.
_ 27. BORROWER'S FILE, 1954 to date. Individual file for each borrower,
i containing loan application, inspection report, attorneyls report, and
j related correspondence. 9§·x 15 card index. (Daily, official.) 9;·x 15

 rj ‘ .
ii Production Credit Association, Kinston 8
E; folders, 8 ft. 6 in., in 7 drawers of metal filing case. Association
gp Office, main floor. (55)
M . F ` F
gg, 28. ACCOUNTING FILE, 1954 to date. Reports, posting records, deposit
Qi tickets, receipts, unpaid bills, and advice notices from the Federal in-
vp tormodiatc Credit Bank and the Production Credit Corporation in Columbia,
g South Carolina. Index tabs. (Daily, official.) 9%-x 15 folders, 2 ft.,
Q in 5 drawers of netal filing case. Association Office, main floor. (51)
é 29. CORRESPONDENCE, 1954 to date. with the Federal Intermediate Cre-
g dit Bank and the Production Credit Corporation officials in Celu bia,
·; Soudh Carolina; also personnel records. 9%-x 15 card index. (Daily, of- F
1 fieia1•) 95·x 15 folders, 2 ft., in 5 drawers of retal filing case. `
L Association Office, main floor. (52)
; Cates Bldg.
g This office was established in Hillsboro on February 5, 1950, as a'
2 crop produetion.and seed loan agency of the Iepartment of Agriculture.
g It was transferred to the Farm Credit Administration in May 1955 to serve
I Alamance, Durham, and Orange Counties. The office was moved to Durham,
A North Carolina, in October 1955 but when the Survey was made the field
§ supervisor in charge at Durham kept certain records for Orange County in
{ Hillsboro. The office was located in the Webb Building until January 1,
Q 1956, when it was moved to the Cates Building. Reports were sent to the
I state office in Raleigh. So-called useless papers were destroyed.
E 50. EMERGENCY CROP LOAN RECORDS, Feb. 5, 1952 to date. (Frequently,
j official.) 9 x ll folders, 4 ft., in filing case. R. 1. (27)
Q 51. LOAN LEDGER, Feb. 6, 1952 to date. Showing borrower, amount of
T loan,‘date, and amount paid. (Frequently, official.) l0 x 16 vols.,
§ é ft., in filing case and steel cabinet. R. 1. (28)
{ McDaniel Bldg., 108 S. Queen St.
1 This office was established in Kinston on December 16, 1955, to serve
p Lenoir, Onslow, and Jones Counties. It was located in the Hunter Build-
Q ing until August 1956 when it was moved to the McDaniel Building. All
~ papers are preserved.

 Q Production Credit Association, Kinston 9
gl 52. JOURNAL AND CASH REGISTER, 1954 to date. Showing date, loan nu ber,
5 loan, undisbursed proceeds, borrower, explanatory remarks, check nu ber,
deposits, withdrawals, bank loan fund, inspection fees collected, stock
2 certificate nu bcr, class B stock canceled and’insured, other accounts ‘
received, loans rediscounted, accounts payable, expense control account,
’ and miscellaneous data; monthly expense ledger and disbursement vouchers in
— back of cash register. Entered chronologically. (Daily, official.)
12%·x_2O loose—leaf books (2), 5%·in,, in safe. Association Office. (288)
$5.‘ GENERAL LEDGER, 1954 to date. Arranged chronologically by subject.
(Daily, official.) 9 5/4 x 12% loose-leaf books (2), 2%·in., on desk and
in safe. Association Office. (272) - [
54. CLASS B STOCKHOLDER’S LEDGER, 1954 to date.‘ Showing date, descrip-
tion cf shock, certificate number, number of shares, value, and dividend.
Entered alphabetically by name of stockholder. (Daily, official.)
9 5/4 x l2@·loose-leaf book, 6 in., in safe. Association Office. (274)
$5. DAILY ACCOUNTING FILES, 1954 to date, Under the following headings:
attorney and recording bills; bank deposit slips; Production Credit Corpo-
ration advices; B siock advices; Federal Intermediate Credit Bank advices;
invoices; and miscellaneous. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.)
Variously sized folders, 1 ft. 5 in., in filing case. Association Office.
56. APPLICATION FOR AGRICULTURAL LOAN, 1954 to date. All information
on individual borrower filed in separate folder, including application for
agricultural lean, showing detailed statement of app1ieaut's assets and ‘
liabilities, record of crops planted and harvested the two previous seasons,
and statement of purposes for which funds are desired; certificate of
priority, inspectorls report on crop leans, production record, financial
statement, and record of loans; Arranged in groups ef active borrowers,
inactive borrowers, rejections, and withdrawn applications and filed alpha-
betically by‘name of applicant. (Daily, official.) 8%-x 14 folders,
14 ft. 5 in., in filing case. Association Office. (281)
l 57. CLASS B STOCK CERTIFICATE, 1954 to date. Letters showing stock
` purchase receipts are nov used instead of certificates. Filed alphabeti-
cally by nene of stockholder. (Frequently, official.) Bi x ll certificate
sheets, 5 ins, in letter file in safe. Association Office. (275)
58. INSPEGT9R*S REPORT, 1954 to date. Inspector's daily time and ex-
pense reports, also applications for positions and re~inspection records.
Filed chronologicallya (Frequently, official.) 8 x 10% folders, 5%·in.,
in filing case, Association Office. (286)
59. STATISTICAL REPORT, 1954 to date. Record of applications, closed
loans, and disposition of loans. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.)
4 x 6 cards, 5 ft. 2 in.