xt7mw6693s1x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mw6693s1x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2004 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 75, no. 4, Winter 2004 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 75, no. 4, Winter 2004 2004 2004 2012 true xt7mw6693s1x section xt7mw6693s1x    “    · -       _AA       `    W 1& w    -.   »·V., L
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quickly. Take a look back with us as we 1 G   _.
( SPORTS 45 review em 2003-2004 fiscal year l` _ ' 4  
GLEANINGS 47 activities, programs and services V ` ’
i QUICK TAKES 48 provided for UK alumni. ,   ·_   i
T lJNlYEB$1lTY1 KY .
_ Alumni Association WWW.Lll(EllUl'HHl.H€l;

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`(,l·;mjf'j`({h, M Im A,] What wonderful stories we are hearing from y0u about the generations of UK ties in your families. Here’s
~~·~~~.¤li·~~ ··l~ just one of the responses we received. In future issues of the Kentucky Alumni magazine, we will print addi- ’
jj·j'{·'£_l»;*ll3_ tional stories in the Class Notes section. You can also read more of the stories online at www.ukalumni.net
ria-.,ro.,.i under News and Events. Look for the convenient link for you to use to tell us your story. Send pictures, too.
asstir:”l,irieifar.isr   C s
§gg;gg;;i(§g§, , Basketball Coach Joe B. Hall took "tlme-out" to pose for a photo
..,.i  ..,....   with Katy Chiles ’98, left, now married to
rm.-,ot· Darrin E. Travllllan ‘97, and Mandy Chlles"01, ,, .'
*¤ ··*¤ to   (on lap), now married to l\/latt Stone ’O1. ,  
krzylrr;.i‘.·z‘1»1w¤t‘rr»rc At UK, Katy Elfld Mandy WGTB ll'l the   ··· {
i,. li. -.,.. . ..,,. .     Honors Program and made their ¢;;. · , z
A mark academically. Dianne and Kirk ’>* V —‘ ~ A W  " ‘·
\I.I\_lI»[\f» /·Iu'H¤lt' _ **:.3* l j  
!¤r=l¤ ilnxiimlZl;;;li;l"l'“ " girls (as opposed to two the Dean s List each semester. (Lucianne will be
Al ~l‘· r»· lim, r . wo r will- . ' ’ I · · .
UH] W "//V ' mlm he {MM, little boys) sat on his lap a sophomore this year.)
ni ( v. , . . _ . . . .
Lifqylrklliyis IJ 'rlV{ry'4.’ (,,1,,,,,,,}, ,,(, (mm, with a basketball fora pic- ' My husband, Coach Chiles, is presently coach-
it l,l,(,....,Vl}.;..`,.,,. ..,A . ,;;,,— {,·,,g,;, ,,,,,{ ture. _ mg basketball lat Henry Clay and has taken three
,_Q',;,_,),  gg lll'` ‘ i·/m-ny. Mm! {mm- Being the Class act that teams (from different schools in the state) to the
;j_f,j;jj,["{_"' ro mirror; he is. Coach Hall said. Sweet I6 (two, of which, reached the Final Four).
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  · ` Attitude uf Gratitude
;, ·   yi, In this season of thanksgiving I want to express personal thanks to the many faculty, staff,
" ‘ · ·  — i` if   students, alumni, and friends of the University of Kentucky who are helping it achieve its
"" T-!   dream, master the myriad challenges it faces, and contribute to its success as the flagship
""“`“     university of the Commonwealth.
  ° We have so many wonderful accomplishments to celebrate. On measures of excellence,
A whether made by national organizations and colleagues or by the Kentucky Council on
Postsecondary Education or by our own Strategic Plan standards, we are succeeding in
moving toward the top-20 goal set in HB1 in 1997.
UK is making an impact statewide by utilizing the Cooperative Extension Service
network. which has an office in every Kentucky county, to deliver information and services
on economic development and health to all Kentuckians. Whether you’re living in the city,
a small town, or the countryside, there is something of value to be found through our
Cooperative Extension program.
Students at UK graduate at nearly double the rate of any other public university in
Kentucky. We are either meeting or significantly progressing on goals set for student
recruiting. excellence. retention and graduation. Part of UK’s Capital Campaign fund-raising
goal is dedicated to increasing scholarship opportunities at the university. Scholarship
programs like Robinson Scholars. Singletary Scholars, Merit Scholars, Governor’s Scholars,
and Governor`s School for the Arts scholars as well as strengthening on—campus academic
support programs and services. Every day UK students are doing something or learning
something extraordinary.
The UK health care enterprise has grown substantially beyond the Chandler Medical
Center. Patients from all 120 Kentucky counties avail themselves of diagnosis and treatment
in cancer. Alzheimers disease. heart disease, spinal cord injury, obesity, ophthalmology,
dental disease, and so much more. Every day UK researchers are working to find better
ways to diagnosis. treat. and cure.
Our efforts to achieve all that this university can become are reflected in the need for
specialized spaces. Some very important buildings are either newly occupied or under
construction. including the Biomedical and Biological Sciences Research Building, the
Center for Pharmaceutical Science and Technology at the UK Coldstream Research
Campus. four residence halls. two parking structures, and the Main Building, brought back
to lifc after the devastating fire in May 2001. In addition to administrative offices, the Main
Building now contains the UK Visitor`s Center, a public meeting room, and "smart"
So let me say thank you again for your support through membership in the UK Alumni
Association and your gifts of goodwill, time and money to your university and your college.
Patsy and I appreciate the opportunity to work diligently on your behalf for our alma mater.
We extend to you our holiday greetings as 2004 comes to a close and we look forward to all
that will be done in 2005.
President Lec T. Todd Jr.  
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. UK Conducting Landmark
. Cardiology Trial
l Dr. David Moliterno, professor of internal medi-  
i cine and chief of cardiovascular medicine, UK ‘ A r? ‘'·“ = "=\
{ College of Medicine, is serving as national princi— ·  j_
pal investigator for a major U.S. multi—center  3 l '
trial for high risk coronary patients. Moliterno, _ Q
an interventional cardiologist, is also co-director ,. . . ,,;,  »$.._ »* . `
of UK’s Gill Heart Institute.   _  J l  
The landmark trial is one of two announced       j L   L
by Guilford Pharmaceuticals that advances the " * ·     .,_A j.  
field of interventional cardiology by attempting   A i i  ·   ‘   w `
to determine the optimal therapeutic regimen -  ·~ K Q,     
f01‘ high-flSl< patients undergoing percutaneous A A    A `   .
Coronary intervention.The study is looking at yvgg ‘·  i· K    .·t AA. A A ·
drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots. te,  °”¤»¤iA;, _A_, A     A     i· ·
The one-year study began this fall and is ex- ·—i. i ``ri li   ( j~  .3   l
pected to involve about 8,000 patients and 200   ri 'Yi   .' 
isjolipggféyygtn 40 to 80 patients taking part at the   A6          David ivioiiterno, M.D.
New COPD Clinic Opens
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) part of smoking, but do not realize that these can also be warning
is the fourth leading cause of death in the United signs of imminent lung damage?
States, according to the Centers for Disease Con- The clinic. located adjacent to UK Hospital at 740 S. Limestone
trol and Prevention.Those seeking treatment for in Lexington, will work closely with the Asthma. Allergy. Sinus
COPD in Kentucky now benefit from a new and Pulmonary clinics.
state—of—the—art clinic at the University of The clinic is focusing on a comprehensive approach to COPD.
Kentucky’s Kentucky Clinic. Dr. David M. Mannino. associate professor. Division of Pulmo-
"COPD, better known as chronic bronchitis nary and Critical Care Medicine. UK College of Medicine. began
and emphysema, is a preventable and treatable seeing patients at the new clinic on Aug. 20.
disease," said Dr. Dennis E. Doherty, chief of the "The goal of our new clinic is to make sure that the patients
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medi- who come to see us get the best care possible." Mannino said.
cine, UK College of Medicine. "The early signs "Our clinic not only has the resources to treat patients with
of the disease include cough. mucus production. COPD. but also the option to be involved with cutting-edge treat-
shortness of breath on mild exertion. and ments and research to evaluate potential new options or thera-
wheeze. People generally associate these signs as pies."
The UK Division of Pulmonary Medicine offers complete diag-
A A A· A nostic evaluation and clinical management of all respiratory disor-
A -_ A »   ders for inpatient and outpatient services. Diagnostic aspects
  z ‘ii-—. . _'._` . t.ii_·`.., Q 3 ` include routine pulmonary function testing. and related and intra-
sig?   .·,A related pulmonary evaluation of interstitial lung disease. chronic
A A ·    obstructive pulmonary disease,
‘ ;_.`.   asthma, infectious lung disease.
  =·- A A   j drug-related pulmonary disor- For more
  `i'’*       il r dee and Cmlfmolm 91 thc lung information about
 wir   A`     ‘ l i FOP lTlOl·€ llllfornlallon about    
r =   r ff`.   the UK COPD clinic or to sched- pim; at UK_ Visit
f     A ..2..;;; Af ule an appointment. call 859-323- vvvvw.rgs.uky.edu
L `» ` i, "`   5365. and
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  ~  ,  ,  VV   VAV,   New Officers on .   »
'hi.  ';   ' ‘ =‘,L=>Z5‘l In   4  
            Board of Trustees , ¤ ‘
E t'Zté>.?   The UK Board of Trustees elected  
5 r\   rj ». = ” new officers this fall. James E , .
Q Q ·   J   Hardymon, retired chairman and
E `     . CEO of Textron, Inc. living in t
e Lett to right are James F  Hardymon  K it Lextrrgterrr 3 UK graduate with Mobley Leads
Barbara wrr1arrJonas, Elaine A. vvuéan t’r‘°trr’t°r.S are master S degrees rrr Advancement
· · engineering from UK, was elected
, l` y I` y W S Il
and mem Y` Wlcklme board chairman replacing Steven Te ry Moble ecentl a amed
S. Reed, a Louisville lawyer and former U.S. attorney for the Western vice president of a new UK Office
District of Kentucky. JoEtta Y Wickliffe, chairman, president and chief of Institutional Advancement.
executive officer of the State Bank and Trust Co. of Harrodsburg, was Mobley, who served 28 years as
elected vice chair of the board. Elaine A. Wilson, a social work services chief development officer for UK
director from Somerset, was elected the board’s secretary. and then vice president for devel-
The board appointed Barbara Willett Jones, a native of Bardstown, as opment. has added the offices of
the first woman general counsel of the university. She also will serve as the Al