xt7mw6693p3f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mw6693p3f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1997-05-jun10. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1997-05-jun10. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1997-05-jun10. 1997 1997-05-jun10. 2011 true xt7mw6693p3f section xt7mw6693p3f 


                                 Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                                     University of Kentucky
                                            1:00 P.M.
                                          June 10, 1997

Oath of Office Administered

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes

President's Report and Action Items

PR 1    President's Report to the Trustees
        A.  Strategic Plan Report
        B.  Annual Operating Budget Report

PR 2    Personnel Actions

PR 3    Central Administration
        A.  Appointment of Dean of the Graduate School
        B.  Nominations to Kentucky Community and Technical College System
                 (KCTCS) Board

PR 4    Community College System
        A. Change in Division Name - Hopkinsville Community College

PR 5   Lexington Campus
        A. Merger of Educational Units
        B.  Appointment/Reappointments to University of Kentucky Business Partnership

PR 6    Medical Center
       A.  Agreement Between University of Kentucky and Kentucky Medical Services Foundation

Finance Committee

1.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the Ten Months Ended
             April 30, 1997
2.    Disposal of Surplus Property
3.    Designation of Depository Bank
4.    Report of Leases
5.    Approval of Leases
6.     Purchase of Property
7.    Operating Budget for 1997-98
8.    Patent Assignments Report
9.    Estate of Gertrude Flora Ribble


      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, June 10, 1997.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington
time) on Tuesday, June 10, 1997 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of Patterson Office

      A.    Meeting Opened

      Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1:00
p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. Ted Bates.

      B.    Oath of Office

      Governor Breathitt asked Richard Plymale, General Counsel, to administer the
oath of office to the following member:

      Professor Daniel R. Reedy, elected faculty representative to fulfill the term of
Professor Deborah Powell, for a term to expire June 30, 1998.

      Governor Breathitt welcomed Professor Reedy and expressed pleasure in having
him on the Board.

      C.    Roll Call

      The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll:
Mr. Alan Aja, Mr. Ted Bates, Mrs. Kay Shropshire Bell, Governor Edward T. Breathitt
(Chairperson), Mr. Paul W. Chellgren, Mr. Robert N. Clay, Mr. Merwin Grayson, Mr.
John "Jack" Guthrie, Mr. James F. Hardymon, Professor Loys L. Mather, Dr. Robert P.
Meriwether, Dr. Elissa Plattner, Professor Daniel R. Reedy, Mr. C. Frank Shoop, Mrs.
Lois C. Weinberg, Mr. Martin Welenken, and Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson. Absent from the
meeting were Mr. Billy Joe Miles and Mr. Steven S. Reed. The University
administration was represented by President Charles T. Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors Ben
W. Carr, James W. Holsinger, and Elisabeth Zinser; Vice Presidents Joseph T. Burch,
Fitzgerald Bramwell, Edward A. Carter, George DeBin and Eugene Williams; Dr. John J.
Piecoro, Assistant to the President for Administrative Affairs; Dr. Juanita Fleming,
Special Assistant for Academic Affairs; Mr. C. M. Newton, Director of Athletics, and
Mr. Richard E. Plymale, General Counsel.


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      Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being
present, the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business
at 1:07 p.m.

      Governor Breathitt recognized the Community College System presidents in the
audience. He assured the presidents that the Board would work with them towards
implementing the new law to make it serve the young people of the state. He asked the
presidents to stand and be recognized, following which they received a round of applause.

      D.    Approval of Minutes

      Governor Breathitt said that the Minutes of the Board meeting on May 6, 1997
had been distributed and asked for any additions or corrections. Mr. Grayson moved that
the Minutes be approved as distributed. Mr. Chellgren seconded the motion, and it

      E.    Resolution Recognizing Professor Jimmy Jack Miller

      Governor Breathitt said that by virtue of the new law the Community College
System representative position on the Board had been abolished. He said that Professor
Jimmy Jack Miller had served the University with great distinction and called upon
Professor Loys Mather to read the following resolution:


Whereas, Professor Jimmy Jack Miller was elected to the faculty of the University of
Kentucky Community College System to serve on the Board of Trustees for a three-year
term beginning July 1, 1995, and

Whereas, Professor Jimmy Jack Miller was elected to the faculty of the University of
Kentucky Community College System to serve on the Board of Trustees for a three-year
term beginning July 1, 1995, and

Whereas, on May 30, 1997, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
enacted the Kentucky Postsecondary Education Improvement Act of 1997, and

Whereas, the Act eliminated faculty representation from the Community College System
on the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, thus prematurely ending Professor
Miller's term on the Board, and

Whereas, Professor Miller has represented the interests and concerns of the Community
College Faculty in an outstanding manner during his two years service on the Board, and


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Whereas, his membership on the Board allowed the University and his fellow Board
members to benefit from his experience as a full Professor in the Community College

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky does hereby express sincere gratitude to Jimmy Jack Miller for the
dedication and commitment he has given to the Board and for the support he has shown
to the University and to the Community College System.

      Governor Breathitt entertained a motion of approval. On motion made by Mr.
Guthrie and seconded by Mr. Shoop, the resolution was adopted. Governor Breathitt
asked the administration to prepare a resolution for Professor Deborah Powell and Mr.
Alan Aja for their outstanding service on the Board.

      F.    President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

      Prcsident Wethington called attention to the following items in PR 1:

      1. UK has been named a "best college buy" by "The Student Guide to America's
          100 Best College Buys" which profiles schools that it rates the highest on
          quality and low cost.

      2. Teams representing three community colleges won regional championships at
          the Students in Free Enterprise competitions. Teams from Ashland,
          Elizabethtown and Somerset Community Colleges were among the 92 schools
          that qualified for the International Exposition. This is the second consecutive
          year the Somerset team won a regional championship.

      3. Former Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chair of the University of Kentucky
          Board of Trustees, and four other distinguished graduates will be inducted into
          the UK College of Law's Alumni Hall of Fame on June 18 during the
          Kentucky Bar Association's Annual Convention in Louisville

      4. The School of Journalism and Telecommunications has been granted
         reaccreditation for six years by the Accrediting Council for Journalism and
         Mass Communications.

      5. Albert G. Clay, former chair of the UK Board of Trustees and a long-time
         member of the UK Equine Research Foundation Board of Directors, has
         received the 1997 Thomas P. Cooper Distinguished Farm Leadership Award.
         The award was presented by the College of Agriculture during the annual
         awards ceremony of Gamma Sigma Delta, the agriculture honor society.


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       President Wethington asked the members to read the other items in the report at
their leisure.

       G.    Strategic Plan Report

       President Wethington presented the following report on the Strategic Plan and
requested approval from the Chairman to present the Annual Operating Budget Report
for discussion and approval after the Strategic Plan presentation. Governor Breathitt
approved this request.

                            Strategic Plan Progress Report

Raise average enhanicedACTcomizposite for in.cotming Uniiversitv System freshzen to 25
(980 on SA T).
From fall 1992 to fall 1994, the ACT composite score of incoming freshmen increased
from 24.3 to 24.9, essentially meeting the goal of 25. Nearly 90 percent of the fall 1996
freshmen scored at or above the national average on the ACT with two-thirds scoring
between 22 and 28

From fall 1992 to fall 1996, among incoming freshmen:
-the number of Governor's Scholars increased from 113 to 125;
-the number of high school valedictorians from 91 to 18;
-the number of National Merit Scholars increased from 44 to 73; and
-the average high school GPA increased from 3.29 to 3.42, setting a record high.

The approach to bringing in a better academic quality freshmen class has been achieved.

Increase the amount of mnerit scholarship support in the Uniiversity System to $4. 0 million.
The University was at $2.9 million when these efforts began, and it is now at $5 million.
These monies arc extremely important to achieving the goals concerning getting better
academic quality students.

Increase the percentage of sections in lowver division courses taught by full-timne faculty in
the Universitv Systemt to 50 percent by 1996.
This was achieved in the fall of 1995. The goal is to keep this 50% and possibly even
enhance it.


- 5 -

Beginning with the 1993 first-year class increase the undergraduate graduation rate from
the University of Kentucky of those who entered the Universitv Svstem as full-time, degree-
seeking, first-year students to 55 percent within a six-vear period (currentlv about 5O
The goal is 55%. Of the 60.8 percent of those students who came in fall of 1993; 78
percent stayed into the sophomore year, 68.5 percent stayed into the junior year, and
60.8 percent stayed in the senior year.

Increase annual number of graduate degrees awarded to 1,200; 230 at the doctoral level.
This goal has been met.

Ensure that the graduation rate of C'oinmunitv College System (CCS) transfers to the
Universitv System is at least equal to the graduation rate of students starting in the
Universitv Svstei (appraorimatelv 50%).
The graduation rate of the CCS transfers has increased from 56 percent in 1992 to 60
percent in 1997.

Improve our national r anking amiong U.S. research universities in total research and
development suppor t firome 72nd to 60th.
The University has gone from 72nd to 66th. Progress has been made but significant
progress must be made to move up the ladder in the national research rankings. This
ranking is based on all colleges and universities, public and private. The revision of the
plan will establish a goal that will deal with public research universities.

Increase federal research and developmient support to $50 mnillion per year.
This goal has been achieved and was surpassed at $51.5 last year.

Increase private donations to $35 million per year.
This goal was achieved two years ago and is at $39 million for 1995-96.

Increase the Universitv endowment to $130 million.
Market value of the university's endowment in 1996 was $161.4 million. It is
approximately $178 million today.

Meet the enrollment and persistence goals of the Kentucky Plan for Equal Opportunities in
Higher Education. Goal #1 -Increase the percentage of resident African-American
undergraduate students in the University Svstemn to 6.2 percent.
The percentage has gone from 3.9 in 1990 to 5.7 in 1995. There has been a constant
pattern of increase of African-American students in the institution


- 6 -

Meet the enrofllment and persistence goals of the Kentucky Plan for Equal Opportunities in
Higher Education. Goal #3 - incr-ease the percentage oftresident African-Amnerican
graduate students to the saime level as resident Afirican-Aimerican students who receive
baccalaureate degrees.
The 3.4 percent goal has been achieved. In 1995, there were 4.7 percent African-
American students receiving baccalaureate degrees.

Meet the employment goals of the Universitv Afflirmative Action Plan.
Goal #2 - Increase the percentage of women in executive, administrative, and mnanagerial
positions to 41 percent iin both the Universitv System and the Communitv College System.
This goal has been achieved in both the University System and the Community College

Meet the emiplovment goals of the Universitv Affirmativ'e Action Plan. Goal #3 - Incr-ease
the percentage ofAfrican-Amiet icans in faculty positions to 3 percent in the Universitv
Svstem and maintain the percentage ofAfrican-Americans in7 fcultv positions in the
Comm unity College System.
This goal has been achieved in the University System. The Community College System's
goal is 5.4 percent, and the percentage dropped one point below the goal last fall.

Complete construction of the William T Young Libraryv bv 1996.
The construction is to be completed in September and a move into this new facility is
scheduled for the spring semester 1998.

Incr-ease graduate distance learning sites thr-ough interactive video to tell.
This goal has been overachieved. Sites have been added at Somerset, the Health Science
Learning Center in Lexington, the Center for Rural Health and Prestonsburg Community
College. There will be a total of 16 distance sites outside of Lexington this fall.

Make the Universitv retirement contribution for staff equal to that for facult'.
The University retirement contribution went from 8 percent in 1990-91 to 10 percent as
proposed in the annual operating budget for this year.

       President Wethington said that this is a brief report of the Strategic Plan and a
report on a few selected indicators showing the Board some of the progress that has been
made and some of the areas in which there still needs to be some significant progress. The
administration will begin working on the next version of the Strategic Plan. The next
version will be brought back to the Board at this time next year. Specifically, the
administration will look at the changes that are envisioned as a result of the goals and
objectives set out in the new education improvement act recently passed by the General


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       H.    Operating Budget for 1997-98 (FCR 7)

       President Wethington reported that the budget was developed given the state
support that was originally appropriated to the University for 1997-98. He explained
that the revisions to the state support as a result of the lateness of the passage of the bill
in the Special Session of the General Assembly will be brought back to the Board as a
budget revision at a later meeting. The additional monies coming to the University are,
therefore, not reflected in the Operating Budget as proposed.

       President Wethington said the additional support in the bill passed recently by the
General Assembly provides for $1,480,000. This amount would take the state
appropriation for the University System currently at 2.4% up to 3%. That amount
ensures that the University gets a state appropriation budget of 3% for 1997-98. Again,
since the administration planned this budget without knowing this information, a
proposed expenditure will be brought back to the Board at a later date.

       He reported that this Bill also includes a Research Challenge Trust Fund that has
set aside $4 million for the University of Kentucky and $2 million for the University of
Louisville. This may include programs such as an endowed chair/professorship matching
program, an external research grant matching program, a graduate assistant program, and a
junior faculty research encouragement program. The criteria and process for submission
of the application is to be developed by the Council on Postsecondary Education. He
noted that the new council has to be set up and a president hired to get a process moving
for submission of applications. This money is not put in the university's budget;
therefore, the $1.48 million is the only money appropriated to the University beginning
July 1, 1997. He noted that the other money will not be available by August.

       In the 1997-98 budget for the Community College System (CCS), there is a state
appropriation of $87.4 million and other income of $93.9 million for a total of $181.3
million. Expenditures equal the same amount. He explained that that amount will be
removed from the university's Operating Budget in 1998 and that amount will be changed
by two factors. The contract and grant activity of about $10 million is not in the CCS
budget and Lexington Community College (LCC) with a budget of $12 to $13 million is in
the CCS budget. He said LCC will come out of the CCS budget, and CCS contracts and
grants will go in the CCS budget. Roughly $180 million of this annual Operating Budget
is the CCS part of the annual Operating Budget. He explained that this information is to
give the Board some sense of the impact on the university's budget and to let the
members know that they will be looking at a different budget document a year from now.


- 8 -

       He said the following Strategic Plan priorities guided the budget process, and the
dollars available will carry out the goals of the Strategic Plan:

*  Strengthen the University as a student-centered university committed to quality
   undergraduate, graduate and professional education - with special emphasis on
   undergraduate instruction.
*  Maximize access to higher education (CCS).
*  Improve our standing among the nation's leading research universities.
*  Competitive salaries and benefits for University faculty and staff.
*  Commitment to equity and diversity.
*  Forefront of information technology.
*  Unique leadership role through public service, economic development and "outreach"
*  Maintain equipment and physical plant.

       President Wethington reviewed the resources the University has to deal with
excluding the $1.4 million. From the state, there is $4.9 million for the University System
and $1.4 million for CCS. There was an equity increase of $3.1 million for the CCS and
none for the University System. The equity increase brought additional money to those
institutions that were farthest behind full formula funding. Since the community colleges
were farthest behind, they received funding but the University System did not. He
reported that $1 million was available for the University System and $300,000 for the
CCS if the performance goals were met. The goals were met, and that money is now

       He said that there was a special appropriation primarily for the maintenance and
operation of new facilities including $100,000 for debt service adjustment. Tuition
increased the University System budget by $300,000, primarily by the PharmD program.
The tuition rate increase of $2.2 million and $500,000 in the CCS is a very nominal
percentage increase for undergraduate students. Increases of 2.6% in the University
System and 2% in the CCS are reflected in those figures. These amounts are not as large
as they could have been since both the CCS and the University System showed some
decline in tuition revenue in 1996-97.

       Through a series of charts, President Wethington reviewed the following topics
and elaborated on each of them:

       Uses (State Support and Tuition)
       Special State Appropriations
       Fixed Costs
       Faculty Salaries



       Program Improvements in the Community College System
       Cost Accounting Standards for Educational Institutions (CAS)
       Other Income Changes and Uses
       Student Fees
       Gifts and Grants
       Sales and Services
       Fund Balances and Investment Income
       Capital Budget Summary
       Operating Budget by sources of Support
       Share of Budget (Original)
       Operating Budget by Program and Category of Expenditure
       1995-96 State and Local Appropriation Per FTE-University System
       1995-96 State and Local Appropriation Per FTE-Community College System

       Following his presentation, President Wethington recommended that the Board
approve the 1997-98 Operating Budget. Mr. Wilcoxson moved that the budget as
recommended be adopted and that the Chairperson of the Board be authorized to execute
the contracts with the administrative officers providing for the terms and conditions of
their employment. Mr. Shoop seconded the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 7 at the
end of the Minutes.)

      President Wethington thanked Ed Carter, Joan McCauley and the staff, who
played a major part in putting the budget document together, for their good work, and
they were given a round of applause.

      I.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

      President Wcthington recommended that approval be given to the appointments,
actions and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and that the report relative
to appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted.
Professor Mather moved approval. The motion, seconded by Mr. Chellgren, carried.
(See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

      President Wethington called attention to the retirement of Mr. Bernie
Vonderheide, Director of Public Relations, after 23 years of consecutive service to the
University. He thanked Mr. Vonderheidc for his good years of service, dedication, and
support of the University of Kentucky. He asked Mr. Vonderheide to stand and be
recognized, following which he received a round ofapplause. He noted that Mr.
Vonderheide will continue to be associated with the University on a part-time basis by
assisting with the half-time shows of the football and basketball games.

      President Wcthington recognized Professor Jim Applegate, Department of
Communications, as the new Chairperson of the Senate Council for 1997-98. He said that


- 10-

Professor Applegate was elected by the faculty, and predicted that he will demonstrate
the same kind of excellent performance as Professor Jan Schach did during the last year.
Professor Applegate was recognized and given a round of applause.

       J.    Appointment of Dean of the Graduate School (PR 3A)

       President Wethington said that PR 3A is an important appointment for the
University. He called on Vice President Fitzgerald Bramwell to make the
recommendation on PR 3A since it involves the appointment of the Dean of the Graduate

       Dr. Bramwell said that following Dr. Daniel Reedy's announcement of his
intention to retire and return to the faculty, a search committee was appointed to identify
and recommend qualified persons for the position. He reported that 72 candidates were
considered of which four were interviewed on campus. Professor Mike Nietzel had the
unanimous enthusiasm of the search committee for the strength that he could bring to the
position of Dean of the Graduate School. This level of enthusiasm was also expressed by
the university community to the search committee. Dr. Nictzel currently serves as
professor and Chairperson of Psychology and holds a joint appointment on the faculty of
the College of Law at the University of Kentucky. Professor Nietzel's research interests
are concentrated in the areas of forensic psychology, jury decision making, and the
assessment of psychotherapy outcomes, and he is the author of several leading books and
75 scholarly articles in these areas.

       President Wethington said that Professor Nietzel is a person who has served the
University long and well. He has worked closely with Dr. Reedy and comes highly
recommended by a search committee of his peers. He said it was a real pleasure to
recommend that Michael T. Nietzel be appointed Dean of the Graduate School effective
July 1, 1997. On motion made by Professor Reedy and seconded by Mr. Welenken,
Professor Nietzel was appointed Dean of the Graduate School by acclamation. (See PR
3A at the end of the Minutes.)

      Governor Breathitt noted that this is a very important appointment, especially in
view of the new higher education legislation and the emphasis on the University of
Kentucky and its drive to improve graduate studies and research. He said the position is
a major challenge and a major responsibility and welcomed Professor Nietzel.

      President Wethington recognized Dr. Nietzel's parents who were in the audience
and asked them to stand and be recognized, following which they received a round of

      President Wethington said he was delighted to have Professor Nietzel join the
ranks as Dean of the Graduate School. He was particularly pleased to make this


- 1-

recommendation and pleased for the endorsement Professor Nietzel received from the
Board and from members of the faculty of the University.

      K.    Nominations to Kentucky Community and Technical College System
(KCTCS) Board (PR 3B)

      President Wethington said that PR 3B recommends that the Secretary of the
Board of Trustees be authorized to certify to the Governor the names of the following
twelve persons to be considered for appointment to the KCTCS Board: John R. Banks,
Hopkinsville; Richard A. Bean, Louisville; Mitchel B. Denham, Jr., Maysville; Melvin
M. Godby, Somerset; Martha C. Johnson, Ashland; Diana L. Lutz, Madisonville; Richard
W. Martin, Ashland; Thomas R. McMahan, Campbellsville; Dr. John D. Miller, Ages-
Brookside; Alois M. Moore, Hazard; John R. Triplett, Warfield; and Agnes B.
Whittington, Henderson. He noted that as background information House Bill No. 1, the
Kentucky Postsecondary Education Improvement Act of 1997, did require that the Board
of Trustees submit 12 nominations to the Governor by June 10, 1997 for the initial
appointments to the KCTCS Board. Four of the eight appointive members must be
selected from nominations provided by the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees.
The Governor will appoint those four members plus four additional members from
nominations provided to him from the Governor's Postsecondary Nominating
Committee. President Wethington noted that the twelve names were put forth by the
presidents of the community colleges working with their advisory boards throughout the
state. He said he was pleased to put forth the list of names which must be approved by
the Board before being submitted to the Governor and recommended approval of PR 3B.

       Mrs. Weinberg said that she understood the legislation put the Board under a real
tight timeline but she said she had to make an observation that ordinarily the information
that the Board gets is meticulous about each item that the Board needs to review, consider
or certify. She said she viewed this item as an historic set of appointments that will be
made and will carry everyone through a perhaps difficult time in higher education. In her
opinion, these are important nominations to be made, and in the future, it would be very
important to get some kind of Board feedback on nominations of this importance.

       President Wethington said that he would be pleased to do that but the timeframe
this time was such that the law dictated that the recommendation be submitted to the
Board at the June 10th meeting for approval. He and Governor Breathitt discussed the
deadline and moved to seek names from the community colleges.

      Dr. Plattner asked for a very brief word about each of the nominees. She said she
would like to know their affiliation with the colleges they represent in lieu of the fact that
the Board did not have resumes/vitas for them.


- 12 -

       President Wethington stated that the President's Office has resumes/vitas on each
of the individuals as well as the form that was completed by the individual requesting
consideration. He said that all of the community college presidents were not present to
comment about the nominees but he would be pleased to respond to questions about any
particular one. He said he would also be happy to get copies of the resumes/vitas of each
of the nominees to the Board.

       Dr. Plattner asked that a short resume be mailed to the Board in order for them to
familiarize themselves with the nominees who have been recommended.

       President Wethington said he would be pleased to do that in order to insure that
the Board is knowledgeable about each nominee.

       Mr. Wilcoxson stated that, in his opinion, the community college people are the
ones that should be giving the Board the lead on who they think are the best individuals
for consideration. He feels that if these nominees are good enough for the people at the
community colleges then they are certainly good enough for him.

       Governor Breathitt said he was sure-the presidents of these community colleges
have been very thoughtful and careful in providing diversity. It will be very helpful to
everyone in this transition to get an effective transition under the new law. These people
arc nominated for staggered terms by the Governor, and these people will be in a very
unique position to assist the University and the new governing board of KCTCS because
of their long-term experience and their identity with their communities.

       President Wethington assured the Board that the process would be done in a
timely fashion in the future because vacancies will be known in advance. He said he was
pleased to recommend PR 3B to the Board. Mr. Grayson moved approval. His motion,
seconded by Mr. Guthrie, carried. (See PR 3B at the end of the Minutes.)

       L.    Change in Division Name - Hopkinsville Community College (PR 4A)

       President Wethington said PR 4A is a recommendation that the Division of
Biological Sciences, Health and Related Technologies at Hopkinsville Community College
be changed to the Division of Life Sciences and Related Technologies. He stated this
recommendation is supported by the faculty at the college, and he was pleased to
recommend it for approval. Mr. Grayson moved approval. Mr. Aja seconded the
motion, and it passed (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

       M .   Merger of Educational Units (PR 5A)

       President Wethington said that PR 5A is a recommendation that the Board
approve the merger of the Departments of Engineering Mechanics and Mechanical


- 13 -

Engineering into one unit, Mechanical Engineering. This is a proposal that has been
discussed for sometime between the faculty and administration of the College of
Engineering. He noted that this recommendation has good support from the dean, faculty
and chancellor, and said he was pleased to recommend PR SA for approval. Mr. Grayson
so moved. His motion, seconded by Mrs. Weinberg, carried, (See PR 5A at the end of
the Minutes.)

       N.    Appointment/Reappointments to University of Kentucky Business
Partnership Foundation (PR 58)

       President Wethington stated that PR SB is an action item dealing with the
appointment and reappointments to the University of Kentucky Business Partnership
Foundation. The recommendation is that James W. Stuckert of Louisville be appointed
and that Robert N. Clay and W. Bruce Lunsford be reappointed. He reported that these
individuals have been considered and recommended by the Business Partnership Board.
He said that these appointments require approval of the Board of Trustees, and he was
pleased to recommend them for approval. Dr. Meriwether moved approval. Mr. Shoop
seconded the motion, and it passed. (See PR SB at the end of the Minutes.)

       0.    Agreement between University of Kentucky and Kentucky Medical
Services Foundation (PR 6A)