xt7mw6693p18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mw6693p18/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1867-03-jun27. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1867-03-jun27. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1867-03-jun27. 1867 1867-03-jun27. 2011 true xt7mw6693p18 section xt7mw6693p18 

June 26, 1867

Coin. on
Sale of
Con. on Nom-

Election of
Officers of
the Board

on the
Agri. and
Mech. Col.

Report of
the Coi. on

    The Committee appointed to report on the Sale of the College
grounds and buildings in the City of Lexington, presented their
report which was read, and ordered 'o be placed on file.
    The Committee on nominations presented their report which
was read and received.
    On motion of Curator Morton, the Board then resolved to pro-
ceed to the election of officers of the Board and the Executive
    This election was conducted by ballot with the following
    For Chairman               R. M. Bishop
        Secretary              Joseph Wasson
    " Members of the Executive Committee John B. Bowman, Ben-
jamin Gratz, Joseph Wasson, D. 2! Morton and Joseph Smith.
    The Committee on the condition and management of the Farm
presented their report, which was read, accepted and ordered to
be placed on file.
    By invitation President Williams gave a verbal statement of
the contents of his Report to the Regent on the conditions and
wants of the Agricultural mAd Mechanical College.
    The report of the Committee on the subject of farming Stand-
ing Committees was read and adopted, It is as follows:
    We recommend. first that the Executive Committee shall be a
Standing Committee to prepare business, to be presented for the
action of the Board at the opening of each annual meeting.
/142/ Second, that there shall be a Standing Committee on the
condition of the Farm.
      Third, a Standing Committee on Expenditures.
      On motion, the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow at 8 A. M.

Meeting of
June 27,

to Presby-
terian Synod.

              Morrison College, Ky. University
                    June 27, 1867, 9 A. M.
    The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, E. M. Bishop,
President, Andrew Steele, D. S. Goodloe, G. W. Elley, A. H. Bowman,
R. J. White, John Shackelford, Sr. Z. F. Smith, J. P. Tarbitt, J.
Shackelford, Jr. J. S. Woolfolk, Be;J. Gratz, Joseph Wasson, J. B.
Bowman, D. T. Morton.

    On motion Curator D. S. Goodloe was appointed a Committee to
present to the Synod of the Presbyterian Church now in session in
this City an invitation from this Board to attend the s"ommencement
Exercises this day in Morrison Chapel.




June 27, 1867

Degrees to
be confer-

Committee on
Agrr. Col.

Expenses of
the Agri.

Thanks to
  the Regent

    On motion it was resolved that the degree of A. B. *  con-
ferred on James Crawford Keith of Hopkinsville, Ky., Albert
Wyles of Paducah, Ky., and Oliver Anderson Carr of Mason Co., Ky.,
as recommended by the Faculty of the College of Arts, also Dip.
locas to the same from the College of the Bible.
    The report of the Committee to whom was referred the Report
of President Williams of the Agricultural and Mechanical College,
was read and received.
    Curator J. Shackelford., Sr. presented the following.
    Resolved, that the expenses of the Agricultural and Mechani-
cal College shall be limited to the amount which may be received
from these sources, vizi, First, Interest on the Agricultural
Fund of $165,000:
    Second, Income from articles raised on the farm; Third,
Special Donations for the support of the "'ollege.
    On motion it was resolved, that the cordial thanks of this b
Board are tendered to the 'egent of Ky. University for his un-
tiring and persevering labors for the success of the Institution.
    On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 2 P. M.

Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.
   June 27, 1867

Report of
the Exec.
Com. on
Accou~ts of
Trea surer.


Report of
the Com. on
Agri. Col.

/143/ 2 P. M.   The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present,
B. M. Bishop, President, Benjamin Gratz, Andrew Steele, Joseph
Smith, G. W. Elley, T. S. Woolfolk,  Joseph Wasson, R. G. White,
Jno. Shackelford, Jr. A. H. Bowman, Z. F. Smith, J. P. Tarbitt,
D. S. Gooiloe, Jno. Shackelford, Sr.

    The following report was read and received.
    The Executive Committee of Kentucky University having exam-
ined the accounts of John B. Bowman, Esq., acting Treasurer,
beg leave to report that his accounts were audited by said Coin
mittee and found correct, being supported by proper vouchers.
                          Benjamin Gratz
                          Joseph Wasson
                          Joseph Smith
                          D. T. Morton
    The Board then proceeded to elect, by ballot a Treasurer for
the ensuing year. J. B. Bowman was unanimously elected.
    On motion of Curator Elley the report of the Committee to
whom was referred the Report of President Williams of the Agri.
cultural and Mechanical College, was taken up, and the first re-
commendation of the report was read as follows:


June 27, 1867

First recom-
aiop ted

Second recon-
adop ted.

Third recom-
mendati on

Sixth, Sev-
enth and
Eighth recoi-
adop ted.

    "1st. That the Executive 'ommittee, as far as practicable,
with the advisary counsel of the Faculties interested, consoli-
date the classes pursuing the same studies in different Colleges;
and to facilitate this end that voluntary labor and drill-service
be substituted instead of compulsory.'
    Curator Steele offered an amendment to strike out the word
"labor" from this recommendation. Motion lost.
    The first recommendation was then adopted.
    The second recommendation was then read as follows:
    "2. That in carrying out this arrangement of classes the
Executive Committee retrench the expenditures; as far as practi-
cable, by the employment of only a Sufficient number of Professors
and Tutors to meet the immediate wants of the classes."
   This recommendation was then adopted.
   The third recommendation was then read as follows:
   3. That the Dormitory accommodations and recitation rooms be
increased upon the grounds of Ashland or Woodlands with whatever
means can be spared the Treasury. And if possible, it is desirable /144/
that the Regent add to the funds for this purpose such means as
may be wanting, by soliciting special donations."
    After reversing the order of the expression "recitation rooms"
and Dormitory accommodations," this was adopted.
    The fourth recommendation was then adopted, as followst
    "4 That some relief should be given to enable Dr. Peter to
pursue his lectures and illustrations without moving the apparatus
back and forth between Woodland and Morrison College, as the pre-
sent labors and difficulties, will render an assistant necessary
in his department."
    The fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth recommendations were then
separately adopted. They are as follows;
    "5 That if the funds in the treasury would justify it, the
services of Dr. Sweeney should be remunerated, as recommended by
Dr. Peter.
    "6 That the recommendation of President Williams of the appoint.
Rent of Professors to the school of Fine Arts and the Commercial
School,be considered and disposed of, with reference to the condi-
tion of the Treasury.
    "7. That the suggestion of the Superintendant, of a division
of the farm into Agricultural and Horticultural Departments, be
left to be carried out by the Executive Committee, with the coun-
sel and co-operation of the Superintendant.
    "8. That it is desirable to provide a Restaurant and Salaried
steward upon an economical plan, on the farm as soon as practicable
with the supply of Restaurant from the products of the farm, the
accommodation of the Students with convenient board at cheap rates,
paid for in labor on the farm or in money as the student may elect,
we cannot but anticipate most favorable results."



June 27, 1367

Ninth recon-
mendati on
not adopted
but stricken

The whole
adop ted

The Expenses
of Agri. Col.

S. Bell

Report of
Room fee in
Agri. Col.


Thanks to
R.M. Bishop
& Prof. White

    The ninth recommendation was then read. It is as followst
    "9. That as the law of Congress requires only that tactics
should be taught, it is desirable to do no more than to meet this
requirement; and that drill-3ervice, camp and barrack arrangements,
etc, be dispensed with as far as practicable."
    On motion this recommendation was stricken out.
    The question was then taken in the adoption of the eight re-
commendations as a whole; and carried.
    The resolution offered by Curator J. Shackelford, Sr. during
the morning session respecting the limit of the expenses of the
Agricultural College, was taken up and passed.
    The resignation of C. S. Bell, Superintendant of the Farm,
was read, and on motion of Curator Wasson accepted. /145/
    The report of the Treasurer having been examined it was then
declared to be approved by the Board.
    On motion it was resolved that the Regent be permitted to com-
plete his report, and in connection with the Executive Committee
to publish such a catalogue &c, as thought best by them.
    On motion of Curator Z. F. Smith, it was resolved, that each
student of the Agricultural and Mechanical College occupying rooms
of the University as dormitory accommodations, shall pay to the
Treasury tan dollars per session for the use of the rooms.
    The Chair then announced the following Standing Committees.
    Committee on the Farm              Committee on Finance.
    Andrew Steele                      Z. F. Smith
    Joseph Woolfolk                    A. H. Bowman
    R. J. White                         D. S. Goodloe
    On motion of Curator Wasson it was resolved that the thtpks
of the Board are justly due and are hereby tendered to our Prey
siding officer E. M. Bishop, for the prompt and courteous manner
in which he has discharged his duties; also to Professor White
for his services as clerk.
    The minutes having been read and approved the Board then
          E. M. Bishop
                 Pre sident.
Joseph Wasson, Sec't.