xt7msb3wx668 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7msb3wx668/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1797-04-20 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 20 April 1797 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 20 April 1797 1797 1797-04-20 2023 true xt7msb3wx668 section xt7msb3wx668 ; que I’m—
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Prix de Z’abonnement , g Ziv. pour trois mais,
15 [ii/.pour six mow, at .30 ha. pour an 51/?


,Da P.’:z'ladal_p/1ie_, , 1e 9 J/Eii‘ricr.

Conformément 1‘1 .llol‘drifi pi‘esui‘it par 1:1 ccnstilulion ,
lcs mmnbres Clu sénat 5c (lulu clmmln‘c (109 i‘cpréscnldns
dcs Ends—ibis dclAm’éiiiiuc, s‘assemblurenl bier dams
l1.s.illc (la ccs dc‘nucrs , pour fixer l’éial. dcs Notes dos
élec’icurs dam lCis' divers Hats, pour lc< digniléx ile pré-
silent 51 (la) vicovpi'ésidcul do now; républiquc l‘a’uléi‘eilivc ,
&_ dL-rlarcr en 1115-1116 (ems lcs duux mnginmlg: s11" lcs‘qutls
la: clinix (Floil, Lomlié: lom‘ lax sull‘i‘ages (want é‘l: . '
lbs ('1 (zxziniinés, 3'1. .lulln Adam's l'ul, (lt'rclau‘é P].‘("’~Illldll ,
ll: M. 'l‘liomus Jefferson , Vice—prénidcnl. l‘lusiuurs ini-
nisli‘es ("Hangers 5; 1m uoniln‘c do ciloyons notables dc
l'im 8;; dc l’ziuii‘c scxc , aasislcrcnl in Quito aususlc b:
iaiinosaulc sulcinnilé.

R U S S I ,E'

Di; Paul's/30mg, 10 10 mars.
'L‘ex‘porfflliou qni s’csl‘ liiilc d: Pétcrxbumf panrlguii:
l’anm’i; pi'éci'dcnlc 3e monle 3'. la vulvur d..- .)5 millions
(1U roubles. LC nomln‘c do... Vnisscanx untrés dmis lo purl
mt (lc 114-7 , (k cclui (lcs venisscaux sui‘Liq usl. do 1160:
pal‘mi 1&5 premium , on on conipii; 55 z'msm, 565116dois,
129 ('Lniuis, (S78 anglais, nmis pas :m seul 'liollniialuix‘.

Ltcinpcrcur a publié dl‘S ri‘glmntns d’i‘lz'r/m-ltz» qui cau—
scm dc grands n;{:conicnlcnmns lidl‘l‘ill lcspmmicrcs pcr~
sonncs de 121 com: Tout: carrossu , tom. (raincuu qui run—
conli'c S. I“. I. doil s’ai‘réler lcx hummus soul ulfliga‘s
(ii: desccndi‘e ; 135 families (lnivenl. scnlaincnl. ()HVJ‘il' la
poriici'e 5: fairc , (1c dedzuis la voilurc , uuo pml‘ondc
mulinzllion 1 nmis , si c’csl. l’inipérrili'icc qni mil ]‘(‘11-'3(Hlll“"(
165 (Limes mime Foul oblig dz: multrn piud 51 lux'rc.

Un: instiliiiiun du rcgnu (la: ,l’ir:i‘i‘:':—lu»(}mncl viz'm d’i‘lrc
rélaldie : il y (mm auprbs (la-s dim-rs cullngls‘s Iii-1412., can);
(la la guerre & (la la marina cxucplés, (l9 jcnncs g0n~
tllslmmmcs qui , (lbs l‘zige do douzc .ms , se furincrom aux

Des tribiniaux d: cen~=ure , élalslls 5L Pélc
Moscow & i1 Riga , examinzmni lot-s lat: oan'i
‘Li‘i'u it 12). thi‘ulugiC, é 13L puliéii'uc Syd lit 113012;th
qni gamut Mignfl CLV‘tll‘EClill‘ due propouuaizs (:31!er-
suronl. pro-Imus (\L '

(‘llz’lifllll dc lrois

(lit Satin!”

‘, ii 1.1.: on

tricmplu: dam celiuw’illc. Luz: Fran/gas 1'“- >
I 1301)? 00.nmil‘i'c qucli seat lcs llsii'; .curs Guy; fin—
3 s. ()n pi’élcud q 1:: ceiix-ci ayanl dc 1:1 pciim {t s‘np—
pruVi-‘iuulurr a". Porku—l“err1io , 031 il: on: bums-cup flu
mulul-gs , on: rizsolu d’allci' cu Sardaiguc , of: ils on: an
paili {k 011 iii l‘rouvemn‘. mule: some: Cid n .
cc bi'izii pamit ilépourvu fw- vruiacuiblmmb. lax
avian olxrmz 101:: ca: qu'ils out doinaulv 31 l.; sour pie:
Turin, u‘un’c plus do s:1j.:t dcmuécontcnicmeu'x.


Li}; J. .5

T521411, I: 2’;- mars.

On (‘onlinnc :‘i 1;."er ii‘i d’iin fvci’i‘ ‘. e cum}. la
r-ipulfli'lm f xii-92‘ 3; la cour dc "FL. {1. im' owl, gun
la :nxnnicrc, mi inst-our digs. sessions qu’cllc cs! fissposvc r‘L
l'aiz‘c, (ininzzudc l’i:lc dc 83in? igizc , 8; (11:: la. com: ale
Turin y unmili commune , 5i L1 France. vonloil
l'ini" in! do l'fifiuil. 5:; son {pulva‘nemutu aiilu. '
qua ls. ilii-sc'niix- a
pe-r‘mclloit. pus (l9
,‘uisque i'.-‘..L
puul :10 Juan '1

i'i‘pflmlu (1111‘ l:. cunniluiuni in
y..zi*:miir la forms. ill: gnuvizrnyuwn -,
cummirc an: il‘s‘oilc (lu pcuplc , (psi
1‘: gnuVurucnn‘nl: qui lui pldil , .: qui
‘. furnlfld. l;I..b2L,;~:;..l; la cunsli’iulion fraxzigeiixc.

1): (Miles ,


e ’30 mm 5.

Le consul dc ~11 z'fipublique dd Chic; 51 Rome .‘lc sicnr


I]un:ii:;w;:c Lu-hggi, ml \runu ici, sam‘pcimi ’iLHi du sit-w"—
l..-ni-;;;im.: goinmrncmcut . pour ubgucicr 1m cmprun‘i cn [immu-

l..(lu,.ygpu. 011.0.“th <9}ch aaiiilx-porc-luiyuiémcl'a uibiig b










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1111450111, n1lco11'1-II II1:.5 21112111115 ,
1.3111110“) b1 7'11111111' 111111111, 1111;) 1‘1—
1111-111‘ . 1'1 1951;11’11 — IE1'1:.-11x; 1:11111 «‘1'1115 . l ' 1‘1—
11.1.1115 1.1.11011 111' Q11111'1111, ad11’11111511‘ub;111' ('1.-5‘ 1.111135411—
i\' {3111121 :1 (11.- ! 1111\1'1111'111.

1.1.1115 111::I111 (I )1-11>;-o{-V1'I-5', II‘S
$11111}, 1'1111111 1': (I11 (111111111111:
c.1.‘1"111‘. ‘, 8; .I;1.1'11—J.’1.11ViII11-15 , 11131111111:

1'}: 'I111 11-

‘.--' 1‘1-1111 (.1: I11 ('I'!'(3-II'f)‘I‘ 'BCYIOISIZ, 110--
1111 1' 1'1 I'mIIui' , —";111‘:.". 1'1 '. 1.‘ ‘ '51-)1‘1-1'17
1'11‘111'nc ; 1: 131710113, 21111.1.‘111'1'1'1111 i-"u qJ'a4e e11 15111'155‘1 , 1111—
11.1111111111111511.1111111 1111 1!1'- I.1.1..i'111‘..111i.

Dzm5 11-.1 .I111 (Ic 1‘11 I5£11111'§'111c.5 1111:"11'11'5' , Ic-
111011.111 1111'1‘1 D1151)1.1I1- . - . ' 111.1 conrcil 11111.0
111141 111-1115, 11's cimymu 11111111 116 BumIIiIm, I115: , (111:
\11. 111411111.) 3 B1'1)I11)11 1'113111'1, prf‘siduni 1111 (#1311011 111: (1'13~
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Ma‘s) 1.1111. Lt: 1'1oncu Vic-11111111 3015111111111 (110 811111—136),
1111-11111 111:1 11311111111 public , a c'u') 11011111113 1.11111i—j111'é'.

.131111'5 chui 11.;5LL21111112s 1111 10113011 (I13 .1111519115‘ . I;- ('1—
1111111 BuidcbaI. 1111111111151 1111‘ (I11 (.1'1111161110111'. e111 (1)11-
3111 111:5 c1111} 011111.51 , l1: b.11111111: , 11111111'111-‘11113111
IIIL'IEIIH'C do 1'11. 1'111151'11I.

1311115 £01111 (I11 Bart-P111111 , :11. 1?; 11111121111. I1: ('1 on1m F0121.
11111-11511 sceréluirc {Ic 1'111112111'11111116 1S; cur-111.15 :111‘
IliI)111111I; 11113: c.111q ccnls‘ . I..5‘ dies 1:15‘ 111.1" 1 '. . 15.11411 1111
11'1I11111211, {k }\1-IIc1' , ox— —c1)11.5‘."'1\.1tcu'.' 119:5 I1 110111611111:5.

Ilms 1:1'1111 1.111. 121 (111111121 , .111); 1:111:11- 11.5. I11. C1I11\'1:11'I)1.1«
11111 11.15, a111111115i1'11‘111111‘, I'x’ 111'.\‘ c1111.; 1‘.:11I‘1' 1'1 91:1)115111'“
111-1011, 111111101'. 1111111 1111‘ c1: 1.1115111.

1.1.1115 1-1I.11 dc 1:1 G111'1);1-.I.:, 11.5 (-111.11‘11115
(20111111111111. 1'5: haul—11111";; Vii-v5.31 3‘ 1.;1151'01): , 1111:
1111: 411111111111 (11' 1111111131 1.1 151:1".I1-1111x; -\'.1.)1.1-5) .1111112111:
1‘1: I111 ; Linuh , pl‘npl'iétzurc ‘, Torhun E; C11:.::z111.\—m):'11.'11‘.1:,

“.1115 1'1-‘111'1 (I11 311m, IE5 ('1'.
1‘11-I~1-g1‘11 , etc—g1.'1111"'1 11 011 (1I111I' 111.1‘ 1 (-IL‘. “par Ic (1cm: 5111116111
(I: I1 11.11111-—.'".'111')11.- 1‘1 :1 111.11 1111 I'1111::11-.11111u
Jami , ancicn 11111111111511‘1111-111‘ 211.1 31 111111 , Ex" ].1:I'I.‘I.;V'1'I.1 ,
(111?. 11:15:

51 1‘1'1111 1I15'

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actud ([11 C(‘Il (.11

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1".'£LiI'I A11/10..




inn-'11: 13‘;-

111.5 51111111541115.

I‘:'.111.5 01-1111 (1.11:1 1.1111111. Ics 1:1€I)}'c11'5 Cmnbon S'."(‘7('HCSI ,
1: I)11I).11‘L11111111I)111. (I1.- 111 premiere .‘11'11111111511‘11t1111‘1depar—
11'1111111111113, :‘1 111,011.

1‘. 5—11; Lnlc'yrrfle . :1V11cz11, R



Dans 0131111 (16 I’I'scre , an conseil des 111113112115 , Ie cioneu
IVY-11111111, avocal :1 (‘01111 des cinq—ccnls , Ics 1'1‘103’12115
U:L1'5'1;1:I.;11)y, :wocal, {'x‘ 15111113111, 1111911116111.

D1111; chni (311 131.3111: , I1: citaycn lmInx‘I—Colon'ms ,
”11015113111: 11.111111} :11:>;_c111q—cans.

D1115 1:1:2111 1111 11111141111111 , 113.5 ciloycus Municr du
".‘I1111c1 , 1):'1'.Li<'1-..11‘.t. (I1: 1'111'111111115’ 1I11)11 1II'1111121'1111‘11111I'C ;
CI1.1111I)I; 1'11: 51.11.1111 51; “111131111,11’15c11111'11111 , jugcs at". I1‘1—

'/21/(.1‘ LII/if r;{.I"1.1/.'I/'(:.I't ('(urir . 7'1’111119" 11.11:

1112.11 1135 111111.25 1'I’1111 (1111191111;
’ . 1111 1:11..' 51111.5 115-11.": 1111551
11311111111111“: 11); 11-11- 1I 1111 '111111 13111111},
1111:1'11II 01111-111111. (J11.- I‘11'120111111111111)“111,1;111“ "111" ('1-- .
141.1155 11111111111..11'.1.~‘ . 11-.1'11'511711111 ' . '1. . . ' 1111111111111
1'1 1:1 111111111111. .911 .512 111011111- ' '
1‘1'1111111'111: 1'11'.
1111111111. 011 1111

IE5 1111111111115

2'1 151‘

11) 1 1111125 I.1)11 1'1.

1.1.1: 1.15 1111 ' " .' “ ‘. "I 011

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1)."11 (II-5 )"111111111113 :11115 I'd-11151.5 5111111115 1'1': .
A111'11 (IIH‘ 1' (:13: I1111111111'13 c.)1‘11.117-'11\', (11111. 11'
1111.11 .1 1.1 1111I1Icssc 6‘1: 11-1)er 151111.111? ,1 11111 0111 '11‘1)11.'.'
(1.111; I1: 1.1'11 11111‘2111 . (1311s 1111:1' 11'11'1‘1111115‘11111, I.'1 11111111311111:
(11111 Ia1111'111'1111011: 1119 111.);11‘1'111 19111‘ 1101111213111116110111 :1 5413111111
(IoubIcmcnI, 51.111111 1‘113 V115 111'1']..111:1Ic111's , (11.1.5 ('1‘1111C5' do.
110‘11'0 131511119, 11111 1011111211111 1'1)11!1‘c 11111.11: 511111 1.15 11011—
90115 (Is: 11115 .1'1111-s 17111313115 par 1105 11111511115.
cmmne cc 1‘01 11152-11: ( .11

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con-111131111". , . ':1\'u11‘. :12: 111'11-11‘115 provinces, \'1c11111.1
dc 151111 1111111'311II: {11111111, SI. (I11 5:1 LI111)11.I\; 1411011111111

.11 I'zlut 1I1'1110: 1131-1' a la 11.111011 1111I1g11c1,, 11151111161115 do
c'cs I)1‘1‘.1L5‘ , (111.:1111 c1111-111115 1111 I‘-1“11 public , ("X 5111—1111;:

5111 gmn’crncupsui.


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Cd 5111)-

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1."INI11"11 515113.111.
.411): )Tw’x'rlzr'fs -11.I‘.." (Iv: I\/_11I:I‘.I1’es 1111’le 1213.5.

011 so rapp‘I‘c 11' 1111111101113 ans-10141111111111. 111.1 1313111? (Iu'
1111I'1111L I:'111¥1‘:1I 111515111111'1111‘ L-unps. 1‘; 11-5 11.'II.:-.\11)115'
11111111"I'I'cs 11 11 (111111113 ' I1-.5‘ 1V01'1I.‘3/:'1'.'.

[v.1 11 .1211s dc =81

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5 1,511.511x1': pins ‘1111"21111.'.11L 11.1111: p1).¢'..'."1'i:_"111‘
'.'1111. 1.1 ton IiI115io11 1'1'11iLi.‘ ' 1 1) ‘ do "17111115.
1:;{i1.11-; (iiIEIiQGITCI‘JCI; 5171' 1'1.” ' 111111111315 . .
1.1111. :"'-.,' 111111-111}ch , 1.31111: ix: 1:3 .'~'11is' pui11‘1
5.1:. K. . . . 1'. d: M. .. V.


A T I F.


1.1511111: 1.11 1'iI111,'1-n 141301113. 'l‘E—PUIRAVEAU.

[.11 515111131; (111 29 g:.’l'lll.’,'.‘1('1[.

,, ".1I.iI' Iran-1116!. 1.:11 1'1'115ci3;;£;' qui
:11111i4'1'1. 1:15: (51111111111135 5111' l'iLSf§il$.:iI‘.1Li 11.1 1'1.'pic:.c1.13,1'.11t
n 51'. 111111111111 P1311111; il est do 171'
'.'.‘1 \7111" ii :1 élé 1'111'1". 15551-11111: colui
15.: I' I ', iI (5'1 (5.1): 11's I1'0i». moi; 1'1 j’zii'is s, 111'1 il s’csI
121.1511 111219. {1.111111 do 311 110151511, 1111 111 111'013111'111'
1111. ._'1111)I11i 1111i I<,' 1'cIi1'2'11 dc 111 1110511111: 11111111: 1111'il

1111411111111; 1

lix‘i‘d‘ S ‘

11kb,”. LilL‘7 Z (211111118; B011-
1:11 11111: V'io]€11ICdi.-apul:1 avcc 1'1' 11 '1'11i1:1',
.. 111.1135 111111311513 1111 (111131. S"'..111I. 10111111 111,: 21:, £1
I1.-111'1:»;1'I:1 11:11i1-1 , cm: '1: Sii V1" , i] Iui 1'6111'1'1'10115111111'“
' '1: 1... 1.5111111,- 151.- '51‘04811, I1: )11'111 (11) 111i
131111111151: 1:1: qui 111i éioit du , soit

.51i: 15.";1'11111111511 17111.11: Cut

1'I 111'11?I.

1'1"1>1=111-,"i5 (1111.1 11'1'15'11’15 pas 1111:111111'1‘.

Ipmutmii 1:1.Ii51;1.1'ué 511:5 demand
11i.111I1I 1' I1 3111511, cxi5 ._ (113 111i
.11.:y1':' 11111111 Vida sex yuuw'sns,
'2‘ '1'4'" 111111125 dam 1:1 chainiue vois'inc churcher d1:

-. 1111 gou—
'\'1'1.'.1.1 .'.: '1'-.1. , 11 Aiors

$1111] ‘ 115.;

u 1 (1151‘ .i

{10:111' . 510.!

1'11 '1'.'.1'11i'.1i1'c.~;.

..:’1l1; 1.111 Gil 'V11'11>;1‘1,-s']cs 21117111115151: la Ivrmmie 3
1.711111 z'.11!1'.1"1.:1 .11)“: 2 11.1103 , CC il‘ .'.1i 1110511:
..'.. fSI'fV'cs' 111113151 111151.511"); 5.1 11111513, 1i1'e
12111.11“: 1111i (3501'! .'.1'1391-.1.1:, sort Iui—mémc,
appulh' (I11 51.110111'... 011 accuul't 5C
(.311 :1 51101111113. 1.111‘ 1155. dCUX 1111063 (11':
51551:}: , 1111 1:111:15, qu'il 11 di'. @110 3111'

.'..5'11’1 11111171711: I:111.'I.1: 1:510:11. l].
«,1)1.:1.1I1'c1, 11'.1\'.:ii1 11512001115111! 1'1 CCHU
'.1 K par '05 1111111111118 .11'.-.i!.'1

' 11.115111:


:25. L’inatructicn cpour-


$511,111».- 1/1; 31") gc'l'minal.

Les 'lc'1"'1'1'.15...11.~' dc }"1"m"I1)11 11111101112111”: que la femme

.11. 3'1. Prix, 1 Iiv. 10




1111'. 1.11. '111'is cc 111111111, 1711:111' 3.1.53 1.1.-"1" 5.1111 1111-1 sscours, .13".
11.1.1 ('11: 11¢L11' famiIIc.

Eoiwjr qui I'ziil. p.115 (:11 cunnril (51'. 121-1151:'1'1;'11'.I11u111ii011
5.11:5 :1'1'1'111'1' 11111: I' connni' .111 1:!1'1'511'1: 151111 1211711015 :1-

I1 1.1.-1111111111: (In as 51': cituymmc, 1111:1115, tout, .v1'1'ii1c1'11

.,3 111111110“ .'1'i11111'11c divew pi'ujds 1’11“. 1'é~:qutiun ', i1 1'111

dii'ccizrix-c 11111' p5: .1..11 151: 111115. 1. .11» L'ilovcns q.

' .'1-111'111 1'31: ‘.'1: i'al'e'finé (.1 1.1435311 cu.1'1'1.'1, qui .01'1L)1u,
.1110'1i3i1111 11.11; L'1, 11111.25.

U11 h'L‘lfl,‘ 1111c (11:5 11.1114111:I11>:1';.
I l -
snout 12111115115 on Vaduz.

Lus obii1-1I'11ns 1.111 ' 111‘:
111C'1z1Hi11uc (I'11311 11"!1: 1111.: I- 11.111'u1'luv11'u1'tda3h 11:15;
p.11Icmcut 5: £1 16111111111: 01‘1 12.1.11 1). .1'1 1.1113 .0115. été (3')]1



I’1'é5idence du ciluyon D 111.1115.

Le cons ii repre .111 1.1 disc unhiuu 5111' Ic-T

Sim: CE (/11. 3'0


111:5 {01.111.1io11113i1'cs 11111111135.

Baudin , appruuvc l1: 11111111111'11111151'1‘pa1' 11: consciid:

ciul 1:11:15. ciIc I'zuiiclc 1.: 1.1 cumslit 1.15 .1011, 1111i p.111...
.'1L1:( 1111115451)— .11!1i\ 5: 1'1 11"1115 as~1,s"1'111' (11: 1101111'11131 111.
plums. dc (21:11.11; qui 1)':11I éIé 131113 51.11.111151125 I'onciiuna 01
11:1 90115 111.0:5». 1151 1112113: 1111c i'dl‘iici‘d 11 (51: 1'1 111.111.. 1111
11 . 1111 111111. applicminn d1: 1:1:I5c dispoddozl 00111515111101.
null-.1, :5: (111.: com; (111511115 11011151211111 ch amide

5.015: 151: 111111; 111111 IcudoiL 5. (11"111111iiiu1' [c pcupic


Jzindin absurvc (1111: si , 50115115 1113 {his qu‘il 5711111111

(50111111 1111 adjoiut 2'1 1111 jugc do puix, 1']. 01.011 11111511111
sable 11'111'111115131' Ies cimycns; 1'1 ].,'u1's Iravaux pour {01111:
151:3 asselnbiécs 1111111111193 , 01:5 i11c0111111'111i1'111. S1: reprodui
semi fréquomuwnl. , c1151'a11-1c1'nit l'iucunvénicn‘i, bicii pia-
gmvc 1:11'111'11, d'iuspircr .uux ciloycus (111 11.130111 11011111
réunions perpfiiudicw.

L Opinant 1113111110.. quc 1'011 appronvc 111 1'65 011151.111
qui 111111111160 1'1 .ch l'IIUUIlE’ztIIi.nI. dc 1:1 111.111ic1c 1.111111
si111pl.c L'\' 111 111115 COmmudc 1111111' 1113 ciloyous.

Gunpil 1'51 Decombcmussc caulk-115511115 111:5.51: opi11ion;i
p1'1"Ic11111:115 qu'il 1'55 Ioujmu's (5.11102‘11'131111' (It: cunficr , 111...:
PI'UVlbOlJHIH 1.1I, 1'1 (xuciqucs indivi'dua it 01101): (11:5 fuuuiiur.
Haircs pubhcs.

'31'11111'131' ajol'h: (11: 1101111111133 considéralious aux 1110'
d'approuaiion d5311cl111>p135 11111' handin.

L1: conscil 11mm ouvc la 1'1'15111111ion.

La discus3i11111215 011ve1'Lc 5111' 111." fiais dc juslicc. Loysr
combat 1'11 1'1'2501115i011. Cette discussion csL ajournéc.


W——. 3 '1'1’1'51

La C1.n.vur1', (1n cinq discours s11i\'is dc noI1‘s , contcnant l'hiatvi'
abrém'c (1's fadiuns de la .'\I1)n’.':111nc, (I11 M .is, t: uulx'rsiph
L. ('3 L 1‘... A Paris; 1'i1cz Dewy, libmirc , ruc Hautufcmiw

" 3: 1 1iv.16 s.fr£111c de port

1113110111:philamplziaue"(11. [a 1.251111111111711 (5311‘111110P, par 4.1111
Desorioaltsp ; nouv'eflie' cdil'iuu 1evuc par l'.1utei11' ; ’1» volumes in-fi'-
Frix, 12 MY 13L u liv. {111110 (16 port A ol’sri‘, uu 111110511115
./01//'.1.'a/(1'e £31111ch rue Amh'.".~<1m—.\1'Is, 11° '11 301107. .'IT'IIC'J ”
lim'nim, rue du Cimctieic Aumé- dc whts, 11°. 9, 81 chem Ics mar
chands dc nouveautés.




nmwmmm Z mILWE'Effi’Y


. ...?l..fl.vl..

M11: I’lmpi'imcrie 1113 1303111111, SUARD ct Aunovm,

Proprlétaires et Edileu'rs (111 Journal dcsiVawueZJes 13011111111115

rue des .Muulius, 11°. 5011.