xt7msb3wx33v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7msb3wx33v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1935-11-11  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 11, 1935 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 11, 1935 1935 1935-11-11 2020 true xt7msb3wx33v section xt7msb3wx33v  














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v . W“ 1
xovemser L}, 1
Tllv jni Isitn' ScrmatQITnel. irt tlx' 1(Tfitfllre Ilool" of .JC.‘ ‘ E€Hl.L, T‘Lru azr, ;
Novc “h ll, with Ur651dent Noisy ~"Nesiding. “yq
Tue minutes of October 1A were read and qofivoveu.
The Commitfee on Duolication 0 Work v3esvnted the iclLowing new
courses find ”Pv‘es in omrses, which warp anpr 10d;
College of Aris 2nd Sciences
Ilew Courses
' ~ A ~‘- r ~ vav~sr w'fl
ATLH’C. ant. FRESNO]... 6. .7 ALL-L b12153 lIlC
course is GSpecially des wno ars 12
traininr. Lectures and laloralory, i
n”,.,.,.“ _‘ ‘ (V. 1
two -ugurs sa‘week. Four build,htrf s
most. desirable. If not ulnar)" {Lit} course... M
‘1'? .'
Bong ce Lani. 38—h. Franc , - ‘ ' ‘ #.‘* Two hours a
week. Two credits. Prprprui

Two Hours H



week. Two crEdits

CHEnge in




Sociology 179x

The Familx.


from a tNo-creci.t course

be ChBEPGd




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The Senate approved the ”ecomneLla i(r of the pollege of Education Ehflt
Education lofia—b. Dixec ed Teaching in Physical Educatlo§_§e raiseé from
five to six cr(:dits to conform to tn new Vertijifiatiot reouiremenfin.
Dean Jones made an informal report on tlv ddwiniszration f The Federal
{unus for shudeni loymen-. Je stated thet provision had been mace j
by thf ounxxmcnt for the emu lovmen of 345 stujents, but l“+ by
Sttdiv1ding toe fvnds la had been able to jive uploymenf ; 4&5 stluents,
payin\ Cher Iorm “7.5l io $15.00 a mo xi h.
Dear Jones also submitted a request for Hon1ov val 3f the polio~r of the
' Social Colmitloe ro:ardin5 studeni dances. Aftel some discus:1on, it
was referred back to th Committee f0: fur"er considera,fion, fiatha
renucsi haf the oromosed rule be renort alonv with the other rules ;

next meeting

Dean Blanding made a brief report of Lhe hevulug of tge Kentucky Deans.of

Women, during tho ?ducuticnnl Conferenc(, Ocfiober QEFQE. She wentioned

three outstanfl of sneakers wbo contrlbuted to {ye nrrqrgm.

Dean fliBSt IHVP a T+‘V1.CW of the group insurance plan nd exo 3i mod the A“.
rezsonc for making no Lie ioafion in the insurance Go. ulsory. Hr lfl
Tumoried that there were now more idea 750 in the group.


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