xt7msb3wx00f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7msb3wx00f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-04-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1990 1990 1990-04-16 2020 true xt7msb3wx00f section xt7msb3wx00f ’R


Vol. XClll, No. 149

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Kentucky Kernel

Monday. April 16, 1990


2 student organizations name leaders

Estes picked
to run SAB
for 1990-91

Campus Editor

When 1990 Student Activities
Board President, Page Estes was
congratulated by her sorority sister
on her new position, Estes wasn‘t
sure what she
was talking

“I think I was
definitely sur—
prised," said
Estes, a human
studiesjunior. “I
didn’t know
what position on
the board that I
got when she

Estes along with 19 other people
were selected early Friday morning
by the SAB Selections Committee
to bring SAB into the ’90s.

Experience was a key factor in
selecting the president said Lucy
Ogbum, chairman of the selections

We were looking for “someone
who is good in dealing with stu-
dents as well as administration,"
Ogbum said. Estes “comes across
as very confident and has a vision
of where she wants to see SAB in
five years."

Estes‘ two years of experience
with SAB was one of the reasons
why she was selected, said John
Herbst, SAB adviser.

“Obviously she has exceptional
qualities. She has a good experience
base," Herbst said. “I think general-

U.S. leaders
warn USSR
of blockade

Associated Press


WASHINGTON a Senate lead-
ers in both parties wanted Soviet
President Mikhail S. Gorbachev on
Sunday that carrying out his threa-
tened economic blockade against
Lithuania could derail opening
trade relations between the United
States anti Moscow.

Senate Majority Leader George
Mitchell, D-Maine, and Minority
Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan., said re-
taliation by Moscow to Lithuania‘s
March 11 declaration of indepen—
dence would jeopardize a trade
agreement President Bush and Gor—
bachev hoped to sign at a summit
in June.

The Bush administration, mean-
while, was taking what Secretary of
State James A. Baker Ill described
as a “wait and see” attitude as the
Kremlin-imposed deadline for Lith-
uania to rescind its declaration of
independence passed last night.

Mitchell, who on Saturday con-
demned Gorbachev’s ultimatum as
“precisely the wrong approach,"
said Sunday he was waiting for
Bush to do the same. But, in an in-
terview on CBS-TV'S “Face the
Nation,” he also supported the ad-
ministration‘s reluctance to issue
specific counter threats.

“We ought not to be announcing
in advance what we‘re going to do
when we don‘t know for sure that
they are going to do," he said. “He
has made a threat. He has not yet
carried it out We don’t know what
they're going to do."

However, Mitchell said “a wide
range” of possible reactions could
include canceling the summit.


1990 Academic Year S.A.B. Board


Pre'Sidefit. .
Vice President

.. . .. . , Michelle Blevins
. Public Relations Loci Gutermuth



Performing Arts
Spotlight Jazz

Indoor Recreation

Special Activities

Visuat Arts


Contemporary Affairs

Greg Laber

Byl Hensley
John Fischer
Carmen Wetzel
Patrick Harper
Lynn Garrett
Jim Shambu
Jonathan Brown
Matt Bowling
Ann Rickert
Brent Cooper
Jennifer Allen



ly she was an outstanding candidate
for the position in temis of both her
interview and experience. I think
she is a very fine young lady and an
excellent leader."

If the students fee increase is ap-
proved, then bringing an alcohol—
free campus pub to the Student
Center in the next academic year is
one of the goals Estes hopes to

KARVN GATZ’Ksrnel S’afl

I hope to “get the entire campus
to work together and to have events
that can get the campus unified,"
she said.

Overall the quality of all the
1990 SAB members is high, Herbst

“I'm very confident in next
year’s board. I think they selected
an excellent caliber of people," he


elect James
SOA head

Staff reports

Kennedy James was elected
president of the 1990 Student Or~
ganization Assembly by about 50
delegates iti SOA late last week.

James, an agriculture economics

senior, will join
Michelle Chan--
dler. the W90
vice president
in leading SOA
in the nc.\l aca-
demic year.

“I think
you're in good
hands for next
year,“ said Pat
Hart, \\ ho llll\
served as SOA

president for the past two and a
half years. “I felt very good. i think
they elected a very good slate of

Monica Noe, who was elected a
member at large said that she wants
to help increase student lll\'0l\‘L“
ment in SOA in the next academic

“I’d like to see more member»
ship to SOA. It has a lot of oppor-
tunity, but l‘vc noticed that a lot of
people don‘t want to come to meet--
ings," said Noe, a history sopho—
more. “l want to get the delegates
to work better together."

As a member at large Noe said
she will mainly VOICC the conccms
of the other delegates to the board.

Other members elected iriclutlc'
Joe Barnes, treasurer: Rob inh—
iiian. secretary: Ervy Wliit;ik~r.
SOA member at large.



2 DEAD, 2 WOUNDED: Fayette County coroners wheeled out the victims of Friday's murder-
suicide in a Lexington house. Michael E. Purcell, 38. killed himself and his wife, Mary Jean Pur-
cell, 33. in a 17—hour standoff with police

‘ .a

MCHAEL MUIKe'r‘el S'. 1"



Tax deadline nearing for late filers

Associated Press

WASHINGTON —— You won't be
through with taxes for the year
even if you beat the midnight to-
night deadline for filing your feder«
al retum. The average American
will have to work through May 5 to
satisfy the tax collectors.

if that prediction by the Tax
Foundation proves accurate, it will
be the latest “Tax Freedom Day"
on record and two days later than
1989. Tax Freedom Day is the
foundation's estimate of how long

it would take an average person to
pay his or her state, federal and lo-
cal taxes if all income went for
taxes until they were all paid for
the year 1990.

For the millions of couples and
individuals still struggling with
I989 returns, the IRS announced
that its toll-free telephone serVice
would remain open late tonight to
answer questions.

The Postal Service said most
post offices in cities With at least
30,000 population planned to sta-
tion clerks at curbs1de to receive


Neither the IRS nor the Postal
Service estimated how many re-
turns were likely to be filed tonight.
However, the [RS said it expects to
receive about 23 million this week
-—— or one of every five that will be
filed this year.

When all the returns are counted
later this year, they are expected to
total 111 million, an increase of
about 1 million from I989.

About four of every five returns
are qualifying for refunds, slightly
above last year's figure.



MlCitA'cL Ml: M- w.


Brice Bay, a graduate student from Lexingter‘ ,
skills at the game Nintendo. a popular pastime .fi /

Nintendo’s hold on
UK students powerful

Senior Staff Writer

There it is" The huge beating
heart of thc island of death in
the island’s rocky. cavernous

the MAN. equipped with a
spraying, fireball shooting gun,
tircs rapidly, upon it The puls-
ing of the heart quickens, as
huge. crawling spiders burst out
of their cocoons in kamikaze ef-
torts to save the island from the
intruder. The MAN (ics‘pcraicl)
tires his gun on the spiders and
the heart.

High and low he fires. leap—
ing and ducking and killing
giant spiders. So close now
Oh! a spider pounces him from
above. sending him into the
throes of death. He is dead. and
the diabolical heart beats on.

Hey. big deal. the fellow sit«
ting in front of the TV, with the
controller has three men left.
it‘s not the end of the world.
But one can believe the video
game junkie felt his heart give a
lllllt‘ \\ hen that spider trounced
on him.

Yes. you have just been trans-
ported to the world of Nintendo.
A world where you can fight
contra missions to save the
world. command tank battles,
outbox Mike Tyson and win six
gold medals in the World

Not bad, considering that a
moment earlier you were wor-
ried about those upcoming fi-
nals or a nagging cold.

It isn't surprising, then, that
Nintendo and other video games
are sweeping UK and campus‘s
everywhere like video bombs
destroying a video countryside.
or video guns, equipped with
bleeping ,firing sounds, annihi-
lating thousands of humanoid

“A lot of it (the pull of video
games) is doing things you
can‘t normally do -—- like realis-
tically," junior Aaron Hersko-
wit]. said. “i really like simula-
tions, like flying a plane or
reliving historical battles."

it may be just that w an es-
cape from the ordinary, the

stressful. or itosi rope; :lriittg.
into the ttltilthl :lilili:‘ . ,t- $9.1
itic‘s of video i.;t.l in .t . ‘
\L‘i)l't‘\ l‘l tiiltc‘r... .‘ ‘. '1' ...> tic
NC to NH iii trot : w? 3‘ ' :1 dial .
screaiiittt ‘.;iri.i‘..v'- ’ mpii; i
lied light .i“»f ~ ' ' ‘i .i.'i .
sound. tutti?
rcal~liie .i.i.x
which the phi;

source ot'toiit: .

"Sonic ‘. lilf
real. I mean i.
helmet on :u‘tl."
like you ‘.‘»..‘r.' z: t'
plane." it r. tr
graphics 'ii;i'i "

"its limit}
said rm .hwio '
nan. with ..r:
really intan-
you but! .i
time Soiiic'ii“
ing lic‘ll : ii " >
world ..

Kicrnan 1
lie .ltllllll\ lt-
games hut ’i.‘ 2“»-
ttill\ .i '.\.i\l¢ i't tzi'i.‘

"l'. S!‘~t‘\ I “l l .
ti'iii;‘li-_‘iii. “. “'1'
without 'i' 1H\
been low: " ii '.
to help \ m .: on? 'is .lv.il\'li_\'
[hill (l ‘l'\' l‘ l‘« ‘ 2 1"" ‘ ‘
anything taint-i. tix‘

()thers. i'li“~\t‘\~" willie lht‘
"what you put iii 'i ii sci out"
philosophy of \ idco :lellt‘S

“it till depends i"? " hit you
want to put into iif wphoinorc
Nintendo owncr inc-nu \iangus
said. “You . .lll tuxl !‘ c in to the
Universe or ixtsi .l l- iii waste

Here Manciis in» on pan
of the controversx iiiotinding
video games it is .i .oiitroxcrsy
raging about u ht‘lht‘t or not vid-
co games have :iiix :‘YJt‘llt‘Jl utili-

Certainly. \ltlt‘i‘ games have
worked lhcmxclxcx iiiio the tab
ric of American t‘lllllft‘ \s an
offshoot of the computer age,
they provide new forms oi criter-
tainment. .ind ix‘rliaps escape. tor
most all oi ll\' \\ ho h tic grown
tip in the eighties. Kills love them
(as do college stiidcntsi. but are

:‘il‘j‘i‘~'\‘ I\

"iii l\,

Sec \ lllHl, page l0




Zorn’s ‘Naked City’
strips away stereotypes

Story, Page 5.


Sports Monday

Bat Cats take series

with Ole Miss.
Story. Page 3.


Today: Sunny, warmer.

High mid-60$.

(tomorrow: Breezy, rain.
g - Highinthemid-605. ~





 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Monday, April 16, 1990



Campus Calendar

lntorrnatlon on this calendar of events is collected from the Student Activities. Ottlce
203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The Information Is published as supplied by
the on-campus sponsor.

For Student Organizations or University Departments to make entries on the Calendar. 0
Campu Calendar Form mt be filled out at the Student Activities Office.

Submission of Photographs 6 Graphics are encouraged.
Deadline: No later than the Monday preceding the publication date.



week at glance




I Lecture: 1990 Blazer Lecture:

"Nancy Chodoron'. SCFA , .
. .1 , . . Meeting: Graduate Student
Ruital HdH' 8PM' Association; St Cntr 230:
I Seminar: Biochemistry of 7PM;
Endotoxins': UK Med Cntr MN . Other: "Live at the Knitting
. _ , -
563' 4} M Factory featuring
I Seminar: "Novel Concepts in Negativland': WRFL 1-2PM
Microporous Membranes 8t . ra‘ . .
Applications to Biotechnology; Inéampuu?l:dch€dl%éugament

[ luesday l 7

I Other: LKD Events (see Special)

I S orts: Wildcat Baseball vs
orehead; 7PM

I intramurals: Campus Rec
Volleyball Tournament: 6PM


Pharmacy Bldg 201: 4PM;




I Meeting: lxio'ngton/Blucgrass
Alzheimer's Assoc Support
Group; Sanders Brown LCntr.
7: 15PM

I Other: LKD Carnival;

Commonwealth Stadium;

[ owl «E Q 6‘5 Jim: jar ,

Monday 4/16

I Lecture: 1990 Blazer Lecture: 'Nancy Chodoron'. College ofABtS: Free;
SCFA Recital Hall; 8PM: call 7-4929

Wednesday 4/ 18

I Movie: "The Big Picture"; $1.95: Worsham Theatre: 7:30PM: call 7-8867
I Movie: "Stripes": $1.95: Worsham Theatre: 10PM; call 7-8867

Thursday 4/ 19

I Movie: "The Big Picture"; $1.95: Worsham Theatre: 7:30PM; call 7—8867
I Movie: "Stripes; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 10PM; call 7-8867
I Exhibit: Art at Lunch; Free; UK Art Museum; Noon: call 7-4929

I Concert: UK Classical Guitar Series; Free: SCFA Recital Hall; 8PM; call

I Theatre: 'Pump Boys and Dinettes; $6: Guignol Theatre: 8PM: call

I Concert: SAB Concerts & LKD presentLets Active' ; Free; St Cntr
Ballroom: 8PM; call 7-8867

Friday 4/ 20

I Concert: Little Kentucky Derby 'Otis Day & the Knights"; Free; E.S.
Goodbam Field: 8PM: call 7-8867

IMovie: The Big Picture': $1.95: Worsham Theatre; 7:30PM: call 7-8867

I Movie: 'Stripes"; $1.95: Worsham Theatre: 10PM: call 7-8867

I Theatre; "Pump Boys and Dinettes': $6: Guignol Theatre: 8PM; call

I Concert: Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra; 813.16.208123: SCFA
Concert Hall; 8PM: call 7492‘)

Saturday 4/ 21

I Movie: "The Bit; Picture; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 7:30PM: call 7—8867

I Movie: "Stripes: $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 10PM: call 7-8867

I Theatre: "Pump Boys and Dinettes": $6; Guignol Theatre: 8PM: call

I Concert: Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra: 813.16.208t23; SCFA
Concert Hall: 8PM, call 7-4929

I Concert: UK Dance Ensemble: Rayma Bea]. director: $3.2: SCFA REcital
llall: BPM' call 74929

Sunday 4/22

IMoVic: "The Big Picture"; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 7PM; call 7-8867

I Concert: Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra: $13,16.20&23: SCFA
Concert: 3PM. (all 7492‘.)














Monday 4/16

I Seminar: "Biochemistry of Endotoxins': Free; UK Med Cntr MN 563;

I Seminar: "Novel Concepts in Microporous Membranes 81 A plications
to Biotechnology; Free: Pharmacy Bldg 201: 4PM: call 7- 875

I Meeting: Graduate Student Association: Free; St Cntr 230: 7PM: call

Tuesday 4/ 1 7

I Meeting: Lexington/ Blue rass Alzheimer's Assoc Support Group": Free:
Sanders-Brown LCntr; :15PM: call 252-6282

Wednesday 4/ 18

I Meeting: socxcty for Creative Anachronism: Fre; St Cntr 106: 7:30PM;
call 268-9146

I Meeting: Webb Archaeological Society; Free; Lafferty Hall 108: 7:30PM;
Call 252-3942

Friday 4/20

I Seminar: "Biophysical Studies of Protein Synthesis Initiation": Free;
UK Med Cntr MN263: Noon



M sports






Monday 4/16

I Intramuralx‘ (thru 04/17) Campus Rec (loll Tournament: Sl2/tcam Tates
Creek Country Club; call 7 3928

Tuesday 4/17

I Sporls‘ \Nilrlrnt Baseball vs Mnrclicad; 7PM

I lritramurnls Campus Ru: Volleyball Toumamcnt: outdoor volleyball
courts, bl’M; call 7 (3928

Wednesday 4/18

I Sports: \Vllilt .i: {Lu-4:11.11. \x. Wright State. 7PM

Thursday 4/ l 9
I Sports: Wildcat Bust-ball vs Westcm Kentucky University; 7PM
I Sports: UK Softball (fluh vs cumbcrland: Woodland Pk: 3PM: call 7-3928

Saturday 4/ 21

I Sports: Wildcat Football: Blue/White Game: Free; Commonwealth
Stadium: 6:30PM

I Sports: Wildcat Baseball 0 Louisiana State: 5PM
I Sports: UK Lacrosse Club Vs. Earlham: Scaton Field: 1PM

Sunday 4/22

ISports: Wildcat Baseball 0 [nuisiana State: 3PM


L wednesday

I Movie: The Big Picture': 7:30PM

I Movie: 'Stripcs": 10PM

I Meeting: Society for Creative
Anachronism: St Cntr 106;

I Meeting: Webb Archaeological

Society; Lafferty Hall 108:

I Other. LKD Carnival;
Commonwealth Stadium:


6- 10PM

I Other: 'Jock‘s Choice: The Sweet‘;
WRFL 10-11PM

I Other: English De art.Awards Day
Program: SCFA ecital Hall;

I Religious: Baptist Student Union
Luncheon: 12:15-12:50

I Sports: Wildcat Baseball vs. Wright
State: 7PM


E lhursday

I Movie: The Big Picture'; 7:30PM:
I Movie: 'Stripes': 10PM:

I Exhibit: Art at Lunch: UK Art
Museum: Noon:

I Concert: UK Classical Guitar
Series; SCFA Recital Hall; 8PM

I Theatre: ’Pump Boys and Dinettes':

Guignol Theatre: 8PM

I Concert: SAB Concerts Gt LKD
rescnt'Lcts Activc';St Cntr
allroom; 8PM


I Other. LKD Events (see Special)

I Other: LKD Carnival:
Commonwealth Stadium;
6- 10PM

I S rts: Wildcat Baseball vs

cstcm Kentucky University;


I Sports: UK Softball Club vs.
Cumberland: Woodland Pk; 3PM



[ friday



I Concert LKD 'Otis Da & the
Km ts‘: E.S. G Field;

IMovie: The Big Picture'; 7:30PM
I Movie: 'Stripcs": 10PM
I Theatre: 'Pump Boys and

Dinettes"; Guignol Theatre: 8PM:

I Concert: Lexington Philharmonic

Orchestra: SCFA Concert Hall;

I Seminar: 'Biophysical Studies of
Protein Synthesis 1nitiation':
UK Mcd Cntr MN263: Noon

I Other: LKD Events (see Special)

I Other. LKD Carnival;
Commonwealth Stadium;



, , 4:“
L it: I)
Little Kentucky
complete with
“Hot Air Balloon"
rides, concerts, &
many other unique
events; like the
“Run for the Rodents”
takes place this week
on campus.






(a a Slit a





Monday 4/16

I Other: 'Live at the Knitting Factory featuring Negativland': Free; WRFL

(88.1 FM): 1-2PM; call 7-

Tuesday 4/17

I Other: Little Kentucky Derby Carnival; Free: Commonwealth Stadium;

6-10PM: call 7-8867

I Other: Little Kentucky Derby Dating Game; Free: Memorial Hall:

8-10PM; call 7-886

Wednesday 4/ 18

I Other: Little Kcntucl?’ Derby Camival: Free: Commonwealth Stadium;

6-10PM: call 7-886

I Other: 'Jock's Choice: The Sweet': Fro: WRFL (88.1 FM): 10-11PM: cell


I Other: English Department Awards Day Program: Free: SCFA Recital

Hall: 2PM: call 7-2901

I Religious: Baptist Student Union Facul /Staff Appreciation Luncheon:
429 Columbia Ave; 12: 15-1250: (211 7- 989

Thursday 4/19

I Other: Little Kentucky Derby Ping Pong Ball Drop: Free; POT fountain

Area; 12: 15PM: call 7-886

I Other: Little Kentucky Derby Carnival: Free: Commonwealth Stadium:

6 10PM: call 7-886

Friday 4/ 20

I Other: Little Kentucky Derby UK Day at chncland
I Other. Little Kentucky Derby Run for the Rodents: Free: St Cntr Patio:

Noon: call 7-8867

I Other: Little Kentuc Derby Carnival: F rec: Commonwealth Stadium;

6-10PM: call 7-886

I Other. Little Kentucky Derby Hot Air Balloon Tethered Rides: E.S.
Goodbam Field; 8-10PM: call 7-8867

Saturday 4/21

I Other: Little Kentucky Derby Run for the Rose; Free: E.S. Goodbam Field:

1PM: call 7-8867

I Other: Little Kentuc Derby Hot Air Balloon Race-Key Grab: E.S.
Goodbam Field; 7- 0AM: call 7-8867

I Other: Little Kentucky Derby Carnival: Free; E.S. Goodbam Ficld:'

Noon-10PM: call 7-8867

I Other: Little Kentucky Derby 'A Tast of Leidngton': E.S. Goodbam Field:

1 lAM-6PM: call 7-8867

I Other: Little Kentucky Derby Kite Flights; Free; E.S. Goodbam Field:

Noon-4PM; call 7-8867

I Other: Little Kentucky Derb Volleyball Games; Free; E.S. Goodbam

Ficld' Noon-4PM: call 7-8 67

I Other: Little Kentucky Derb Ultimate Frisbee; Free: E.S. Goodbam

Field; Noon-4PM; call 78

I Other: Littlc Kentucky Derby Hacky-Sack: E.S. Goodbam Field;

Noon-4PM; call 7-8867

I Other: Little Kcntuc Derby Hot Air Balloon Race-Hare and Hound; E.S.
Goodbam Field: 5: 0PM; call 7-8867

I Other: Saturday Album feature: The Thinking Fellers Union
282-Tangle'; Free: WRFL (88.1 FM): Midnitc: call 7-8867

I Other: Zonta Club of Lexin on presents 'A Winner's Circle Fashion
Show Gt Luncheon': Spin top Hall: 10AM: call 233-6569

Sunday 4/22

I Other Little Kentucky Derby Carnival: Free: 8.5. Goodbam Field:

Noon-6PM: call 7-8867

IOther: Bug Radio featuring 'Ryu Sakamoto'; Freel WRFL (88.1 FM):

9-10PM: call 7-1NFO

I Other: Sunday Album feature: 'Public Eflr‘eu of a Black Planet':
Free; WRF'L (88.1FM1. Mldnite: call 7-1







A Special Album
Feature on WRFL






L salurday

I Movie: The Big Picture':7:30PM
I Movie: 'Stripcs'; 10PM

I Theatre: 'Pump Boys and Dinettcs';
Guignol Theatre: 8PM

I Concert: Lexin ton Philharmonic
Orchestra: SC :A Concert Hall:

I Concert: UK Dance Ensemble:
SCFA Recital Hall: 8PM

I Other. LKD Events; E.S. Goodbam
Field: See details under"Specia1"

I Other. Saturday Album feature:
The Thinkin Fellers Union

282-T‘angle'; L: Midnite


I Other. Zonta Club ofLexin ton
resents 'A Winner‘s Clrc e
ashion Show & Luncheon':

Spindletop Hall: 10AM

I S orts: Wildcat Football:

lue/Whitc Game;
Commonwealth Stadium;

I Sports: Wildcat Baseball 0

Louisiana State; 5PM

I S rts: UK Lacrosse Club Vs.
arlham; Seaton Field: 1PM






IMovie: The Big Picture'; 7PM

I Concert: Lexington Philharmonic
Orchestra: SCFA Concert: 3PM

I Other: U(D Camival: E.S.
Goodbam Field; Noon-6PM

IOthcr: Bu Radio fcatu '
Sakarnogto': WRFL $171ng

I Other. Sunday Album feature:
'Public Enem -Fcar ofa Black
Planet"; WRF : Midnitc

ISports: Wildcat Baseball 0
Louisiana State: 3PM



C I Weekly Events)



ISports: UK Judo Club (no experience required. men and women welcome):
F rec: Alumni Gym Balcony: 5-6:30 p.m.: Call 268-4499
I Religious: Monday Evening Fellowship; Free; 412 Rose St; 6:30; call


I Ballroom Dance Classes: (students. faculty. staff): Barker Hall Dance

Studio; 7 PM: call 278-7756

I Meeting: GLUE (G s Lesbians United for Education); PO Box 647 Univ

St.: 7:30 PM: call 31—0335

I Rcli ious: lUCF small group Bible study, group 2: Free: Haggn Hall c226;

7: 0 PM: call 8-

I Games: Demonworld; St Cntr 113: 6:30-10 PM; Cyberspaccmaster: 1 17:
7- 10 PMzshadowdrum: SOA Office: 7-10 PM cal

I Meeting: Students for Choice: St Cntr 115: 5 PM: call 231-7917
I Other: Ultimate Frisbee Practice; Free: South Band Field: 5PM: call



IMectings: Student Activities Board Public Relations Committee: Free:
Room 203 Student Center (SAB Office); 7:30 p.m.: Call 7-8867

IMcctin-Es: UK Water Ski Club: Room 1&2 Student Center: 7 p.m.: Call
252 900

IMcetings: UK Ski Club; Room 228 Student Center. 7pm; Call 252-4900
I Aerobics; Free; Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2; 5:50—7 p.m.: Call


IReligious: Tuesday Evening Fellowship (Meal and Program); 412 Rose SL:

6 p.nL: Call 254- 1881

ISports: UK Fencing Club (no experience or equipment required): Free:
Alumni Gym: 7:30-9:30 p.m.: Call 8-6591

IGame: Traveller 2300: Free;Student Center: Rm 1 17; Call 7-8867
I Meeting: UK Table Tennis: $5/scmester: Seaton Squash Rm; 7 PM; call


I Rcli ous: IUCF smallsgmup Bible study, group 1: Free; Blandingl 214;

7: 0 PM: call 255-5

I Reli ious: 1UCF small group Bible study, group 5; St Org Rm: 6 PM; call


I Reli ious: 1UCF small group Bible study. group 3; Free; Holmes Hall 205;

8P ; call 8-5160

I Games: Notebook Carries: St Cntr 113; 7-10 PM;
Traveller 2300; l 17: 7-10 PM:Cthulhu '69: 7PM-12AM: call 255-8966
I Meetin : Student Activities Board Performing Arts Committee: Free: St

Cntr 04: 3:30 PM; call 8-6545


I Meetin s: Amnesty lntemational: Free: Rm 1 19 Student Center;7 p.m.:

Call 2 -4938

I Meetings: Student Activities Board Public Relations Committee; F rec

SAB office: 8 p.m.: call 7-8867

I 2légous: Holy Eucharist: Free: St. Augustine's Chapel; 5:30 p.m.: Call

I S rts: UK Judo Club (no experience required. men and women welcome):
rec: Alumni Gym Balcony: 5-6230 p.m.: Call 268-4499

I Roll us: 1UCF small group Bible study. group 4: Free; Blazer Hall 319:

SP ; ca118-6016

I Game: ADGtD 2nd Edition: St Cntr 113: 7- 10 PM;AD&D Var1ant:ll7: 7-10

PM: call 255-8966

I Meeting: Amnesty lntemational: Free; St Cntr 119: 7 PM: call 254-4938
I Rcli ous: Campus Church of Christ: Encounter. Free: St Cntr 309: 7PM:

0 253-0961

I Ultimate Frisbee Practice; Free: South Band Field; 5PM; call 231-0524


I Aerobics; Free; Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2: 5:50-7 p.m.: Call


I 2lgggious: Thursday Night Live: Free: 502 Columbia Avc.: 7:30 p.m.: Call

I Sports: UK Fencing Club (no cx ricncc or equipment required); Free:
Alumni Gym: 7:30-9:30 p.m.: all 8-6591

I Meetin 5: Student Activities Board Indoor Recreation Committee; Free;
RM 1 9 Student Cntr: 6PM: 7-8867

I Religious: Fellowsléié: of Christian Athletes Meeting; Free: 502 Columbia

Ave: 9 PM: all 8—

I Meetin : Intervarsi Christian Fellowship: Free: St Cntr 228 or 205:

7:30P ; call 278- 9

I Reli ious: Catholic Newman Cntr Night: Free: Newman Cntr Rm 3&4:

7: O-8z45 PM: call 255-8567

I Game: ADGtD 2nd Edition: St Cntr 113: 7-10 PM: ADdtD 2nd Edition: 117:

7-10PM: call 255—8966

I Religious: Catholic Newman Cntr Night; Free: Newman Cntr 3&4; 7:30

PM: call 255-8566

I Meeting: Black Voices: Free: Old St Cntr Theatre: 6:30 PM: call 8-2474


I Meetin : Commuter Student Board: Free; St Cntr 106; 3 PM; call

272-3 65

I Came: Mcgatravcllcr; St Cntr 113: 7- 10 PM: call 255-8966


IRcllgious: Mass; Free; Newman Center; 6 p.m.: Call 255-8566
I Came: Heroes Unlimited; St Cntr 113; 2-6 PM;Shadowrun:1l7; 6-10 PM;

call 255- 8966

I Meetin : Buildin Homes for Need Families; Free: lrlsh Town
Neigh orhood: :30AM-5PM: cal 253-1256

I Ultimate Frisbee Practice: Frcc: South Band Field; 1PM: call 231-0524


I Reli cos: 5 hctti Dinner; 82; Newman Center Rooms 3 and 4; 6 p.m.:
Call 255-ng

I Religious: Sunday Morning Worship: Free; Koinonia House; 10:30 am;


I Religious: Mass; Free: Newman Center. 9 a.m.. 11:30 a.m.. 5 p.m.. 8:30

p.m.: Call 255-8566

I Religous: Ho Eucharist; Free; St. Augustine's Chapel; 10:30 a.m.. 5:30

pm; C3112 -3726

I Reclzgious: Cglllggate Worship Service: Free: 502 Columbia Ave: 1 1 mm:


I Carries: Shadowrun/ADaD: St Cntr 206: 4-9 PM'Thlishnta: 355 Linden
Walk”; 5—9 PM:Sun N t Marc Game: 80A 0

lntl.: 5-11 PM: call 255-


: 9-12 PM: Cthulhu










Kentucky Kernel, Monday, April 16, 1990 - ’t








nightmare’ is
Mr. Frisky’s
dream Derby





LOUISVILLE, Ky. —— Land Brush’s
trainer D. Wayne Lukas has dubbed
this year’s Kentucky Derby “a handi-
capper's nightmare.”

But this Derby looks fairly easy on
paper. (The Derby is not run on paper,
but anyway.) Despite Lukas’ colt took
second place in Saturday's Blue Grass
Stakes his colt is not in the forefront.

From the West comes undefeated
Mr. Frisky. And from the East once-
defmted Summer Squall.

Summer Squall trainer Neil Howard
said that the Run for the Roses is not
a two-horse race, but others have not
made a significant claim for the win-
ner's circle.

And so this Derby appears to be an-
other chapter in racing’s Civil War
which will again be renewed on the
first Saturday in May at Churchill

The boundaries are not drawn by the
Mason-Dixon line but part East and
West. This Derby battle may be re-
ferred to in the Summer Squall camp
by the old refrain of Milwaukee
Braves‘ fans who, after Warren Spahn
and Johhny Sain had pitched, “prayed
for rain."

While neither trainer nor jockey
would say that rain is their Easter
wish for May 5, it seems as though
they would not be complaining if Der-
by goers needed umbrellas.

Trainer Neil Howard said that weath-
er would not beat fabulous trainers
like Lukas and Mr. Frisky Trainer Laz

But then Howard said he was not
pulling against his horse either.

Meanwhile from the dry, old West
comes an immigrant colt. Mr. Frisky,
the winner of the Santa Anita Derby,
came from humble beginnings in
Puerto Rico to the States to achieve
the American dream, otherwise known
as the 116th Kentucky Derby.

Barrera, who himself has already
tasted the dream with Bold Forbes in
1976 and again with Affirmed in
1978, who’s colt is undefeated in 16
starts en route to Louisville.

While many do not believe that Mr.
Frisky's non—continental credentials
are substantial, Summer Squall is
questioned because all of his successes
have come on the mud.

The Jim Beam Stakes and the Blue
Grass Stakes both saw the skies ex-
plode over the tracks for Summer

The colt‘s last race on a fast track
was in the March 17th Swale Stakes
where he finished second to House-
builder (who is out of the Derby be-
cause of an injury.) Before that his last
race was a win last August in the
Hopeful at Saratoga.

So, from the East comes the horse
that some are already using as a meas-
uring stick for Kentucky Derby hope-

From the quotes of one owner, one
would think that Summer Squall is al-
ready wearing the garland of roses and
gearing up for the Preakness Stakes at
Pimlico Race Course.

Trainer of Derby contender Unbri-
dled Carl Nafzger said, “... you can't
knock a horse for only getting beat
three and three quarter lengths by
Summer Squall."

But in recent year‘s the East coast
has offered big-name measuring sticks
—— like Easy Goer — that have failed
to measure up to much after the Der~
The West has dominated the pro-
ceedings at the last battles of Louis-
ville. The last four Derby winners
have all concentrated their efforts in
the West.

Only Alysheba in 1987 tried to be
America‘s Horse by racing both at
Santa Anita and at Keeneland.

In 1986 and 1989, trainer Charlie
Whittingham took the eventual Derby
winner from Santa Anita to Churchill

Ferdinand and Sunday Silence‘s suc-
cesses were separated by another West-
ern warrior, Lukas‘ 1988 champion
filly Winning Colors,to win the Der-

It is appropriate that rains showed
up for Summer Squall on Saturday in
the Blue Grass at Keeneland. It seems
his breeders knew something about
this colt's affinities when trying to
name it.

See DERBY, Page 6




Bat Cats split twin-bill, win Ole Miss series

Managing Editor

In a day which pitchers saw limited action, UK's
Rodney Henderson and Ole Miss's Kenny Carlyle
went the distance for the win as the Cats and the Re-
bels split a double-header yesterday at Shively Field.

said. “We almost came out of a team hitting slump
I felt that started (Saturday) and in the first game,

it carried over.”

Henderson, who picked up the win in the Cats 10- hits.

2 victory over the University of Mississippi in the
first game, gave UK something that it had been
looking for since the Southeastern Conference regu-
lar season began —— their first Southeastern Confer-

ence series win.

UK captured the first game of the series Saturday
by ousting the Rebels with a bottom of the ninth in-
ning home run by second baseman Darin Rieman.

“It was one of those days when you have to win,"
the UK freshman pitcher said. “I thought we had the
right attitude today. It was a must win situation."

However, Mississippi’s Kenny Carlyle prevented
the Cats form sweeping the Rebels as he went the
seven inning distance to record a 9-2 win in the sec-

ond game yesterday.

“It felt really good today," Carlyle said. “It was

better than my previous outings.”

5-10 in the SEC, while dropping the Rebels, 17-19,

6-9 in the SEC.

The Bat Cats roughed three Ole Miss pitchers up
for 10 runs on 14 hits in the first game.

Ole Miss starter and loser Dickie Dixon (4-2) only
lasted 2 1/3 innings. He gave up four runs on seven

However, his reliever senior Freddie Joseph
couldn‘t do much better. He allowed six runs includ-
ing a sixth inning Vince Castaldo three-run shot run
to insure the Cats 10-2 victory.

Meanwhile, UK’s Henderson (4-2) was shutting

batters he faced.

to him."

down the Rebel offense. He only surrendered two
runs on six hits. He retired the last 10 consecutive

“Early, my curve ball was the only thing really
helping. I settled down toward the end of the game
and did real well,” Henderson said. “I give a lot of
the credit to Keith Conrad. He did an excellent job
behind the plate I really felt comfortable throwing

In the second game, the. Bat Cats were the ones

forced to go their bullpen early.
Freshtnan starter Scott Smith (3-2) was chased

, , , from the rubber early in the fourth inning after giv-
The series wrn raised the Bat Cats record to 21-13, ing up two runs.

“We won the series,” UK coach Keith Madison

“We started Scotty Smith, and we pulled him early

See BAT CATS, Page 6


Squall takes
Blue Grass
with 1 3/4
length Victory

Staff Writer

As the field rounded the final
turn in Saturday’s Blue Grass
Stakes, the once-confident owners
of Kentucky Derby hopeful Sum-
mer Squall were “terrified" as
Land Rush briefly moved by the

Suinnicr Squall, who came
from behind to run away with the
Jim Beam Stakes two weeks ago
at Turfway Park, encountered stiff
competition from Land Rush and
Iskandar Elak