xt7msb3wwx7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7msb3wwx7x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-09-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1979 1979 1979-09-06 2020 true xt7msb3wwx7x section xt7msb3wwx7x . m
. . \ , . .
" B&E’s era wded courses frustrate many students
By STEVE MASSEY Because three sections of BA 332. a in advertising are enrolled in the “We approved most of the petitions of North Carolina. the University of trying to rectify this problem. In the
Associate Editor marketing class. were cancelled. College of Communications. rather as longasthe course was relateditothe Tennessee. the University of l980-‘82 Biennial Budget request. the
and DALE MORTON Collins will now have to wait untilnext than in the College of Business and students‘ course of study)." Farrar Mississippi. the University of Illinois Board of Trustees approved 54.2 '
Stan Writer semester to graduate unless he changes Economics. And because the said. and Indiana University n faculty million for “catch-up salary raises"for
his major. He had plannedto graduate marketing classes were so crowded. The course cancellation. he said. members here are paid an average of faculty members. as well as a 9.5
At the beginning of this semester. at the end of this semester. they were often closed to non-ME affected between one and two dozen Sl.l00 less per year. percent “cost of living” raise for all
many advertising and marketing “What‘s really screwed up is(that)ii students. students in the journalism school's And in the College of Business and employees. (The budget is subject to -
students were faced with a problem: (the class) is a prerequisite." Collins Since the marketing classes were advertismg sequence. Economics. this discrepancy appears approvaland alteration bythe General
cancelled marketing classes. said. “You have to change your major also a prerequisite for the advertising The marketing class cancellations to be greater. Assembly.)
Cancelled classes aren't a new in order to graduate." students. they had to petition the serve as an illustration of three For example. a professor in the A , . ,
phenomenon at UK. and they usually The sections of the class were College of Communications in order problems plaguing many of UK‘s economics department who requested E ccording ‘° ”E Dean “hum“
create few disturbances. But when cancelled aftera marketing instructor to replace the classes withasubstitute colleges: low salaries. high enrollment that his name not be used said he Clgn‘ the budget increases should
those classes are required for to which the University had offered a course. and a shortage of classroom space. knows of three professors who left UK :na I" his college ‘9 comply imh the
graduation. a number of people may position decided not to come to Ronald Farrar. chairman of the In comparison with their for other universities because they :cuAty “I?” EXIdCIlnCSCStabIlSheti by .
find thClT academic plans SCFIOUSI)’ Lexington. School of Journalism. in which the counterparts at UK‘s benchmark were able to get average salary ts; TC”?; Vssembly OI Collegiate ,
disrupted. A number of advertising students advertising students are enrolled. institutions 7 Ohio State University. increases of about $6000 for c oosToVV usmesVs. an accrediting
Craig Collins.a marketing senior. is found themselves in situations similar called the petition process “a big West Virginia University. the comparablejobs. agency. C COIICECS current “"389
one of those people. to Collins'. However. people majoring mess." University of Virginia. the University The University‘s administration is Continued on page 7 ’
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f Vol. Lxxano. is I (b: 2‘: University of Kentucky
Thundlyi S¢Pt¢flflm 6i 1979 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky '
‘ Speakers disagree
. I .
. V . i" v I” V I I: .‘,,'r¢"':.:.a="fi': s:’:¢s‘7~ wvfigéu:/ (/31; . V
9‘ IV A V 2 ' ' i I“: W M” 3.17 I _
. . . A. at 503 5 forum .
. 'l n CARY wlLLls h t b l h ' k f l
V . VV :M W _ ..., 'iL'CLL‘ M V .2 - y as o a Vance t e ms s q nuc Vear
m . , .. . W . g 1 , .... s . our .4; . _ _ Managing Editor energy against the benefits. he said.
. r .. . '- . . . . .,/ 'V V Sayeg likened the use of nuclear
MMMW' VV ».- -,. ._VVV.Vr ..zi-r5t’v’gflfi” ..;..,....,, *‘V‘Vf-VVVVV V V VVV Panel members at IIIC Student power [0 driving a car. «we do It
WWW g " W VafV W Center Board‘s first “Brown Bag because we‘re willing to assume the V
F -. -. g? . , ' t . Forum." held yesterdayinthc Student risk to gain the benefit." he said. i
a -- . {at .. 2:; ‘ é ' . r ' Center. said a change in consumption Sayeg said he visited Pennsylvania's ’
. i. ' _. A " ' w \f ~ _ mi. ' habits is the way to solve the world's troubled Three Mile Island nuclear
7- ,V 5 _V v A K : it a" 75.32 ' energy problems. power plant. He said “no one was ‘t
‘V t . -‘ . V gar ‘ .V V 1:: ' 1 “a 2.: ' ,, V jog... Labeled a discussion on nuclear hurt" in the aftermath of a failure in
.V - r V. , W. ._V iii-’22; ’2. ...?i'. . ‘ , power. the forum featured four that plant's cooling system. He Vsald . ’
,‘ , - ' 2 ;..'.i 7.327;er V -' it. a...» ' ‘ speakers, all UK faculty members. that only l.5 millirems were received .
W i "’i ' " -._ f .‘l y, A h .j 'While their individual stands toward by the general public as result of the -
. ft , » ' . . V3 .1... 2”"...1. V "2*: nuclear energy varied considerably.all accident. (The millirem is a unit 0f . ;
i s. " V i , ‘ . - V f”? . H .' agreed Americans need to lower their measurement of radiation energy.) ‘
’ ,- ““ H , energy consumption. . . .
. . VV . hi; . ‘ V i, V 2:: V Richard Lavine. architecture :Vayeg VbeVlleres Vthis amouthV of
-. ' - ‘ = . t . ,. = frat professor and a member of a group ... Am“ ‘5 ""“a 'y “arm’m’ .
. , @‘WNY‘ ' ‘ .353 3, ’ on t’ro y it/r . ,_ called Safe Alternatives For Energy. Vstronomy professor Frank CVlark " ’
, . . .. t - . so ... ~ as; .d .r d . -. crarmed the best be: for the future rs "a -.
' ’ " f“ ”emitriitafiywwwfzfieo 52" conserva lon~ oes no necessari y good supply of mixed ener sources.” .
, «my, . .. 4“... s”, 44f; *W?‘asy¢rfiarfiw mean a spartan lifestyle. . , gy ,
, .. , sf ...; ,-- 3’ . ”a: onlyf’wégaé .. - . But. he said. there is no Simple '
VV VVVVV -. , ., z. .1. ..‘i , VV .. JigsawgV . 7» 45" Left/1 .. o. ‘fii‘fi‘yfiefivfiwft” There are countries in northern solution When cont t d b h ..
" '* -- "' .71.. . ~ ‘ ' ”or“. flag; Irving and use less than half the per a“ "'3 .‘~ f" 5““‘2 W“ ’° 3 -
It . .. ' . I ' . ‘ ‘ - wq” ”fistwdg‘vge capita energy consumption of the consumption-oriented socrety. and “0
, 2% ,. . V , . ,, . to. " t... ritgat United States." he said. 0"“ seems w‘”"‘8 t° Chanac- .
'. n. ' ' .. , ' V ' " ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ’4' Lavine supports the expanded use “But there is really no substitution ,
*3” o " ' . - . t V of; of solar energy. explaining that it is for th_icltV:Var energy in the near fuiure; » ’
‘7 I " ' y' , . . . . much chea er than nuclear and other coal- ire plants are not a rea istic
' ' 3’ [MUD MA‘NAnD/Kemdmn forms of gower. He added. “If all source. The problem with them is the ' .
mercy mISSIon energy could be free from government same as with nuclear plants — stack — -
subsidies. only solar energy. and emissions. The carcinogenic - -
Technicians hurriedly transfered a sick infant from a helicopter to an neonatal transport system has been criticiled recently because it hasn‘t POSSIny coal. COUId CXiSt-" He noted. compounds fCICaSCd from coal plants _
. ambulance on the landing pad behind Commonwealth Stadium been used for infants who aren‘t treated at UK. Officials here blame hOWCVCFi that that is imPOSSibIC in a are more dangerous than from nuclear . » , ‘
yesterday. No information was available about the child or his family. confusion over funding of the system, but say it will be in full operation free market SUCh as the United States'. PIahtS- ThC CMISSIODS raise thC carbon ‘
‘ but it was transported to Lexington from Manchester. The University‘s soon. In contrast. Joseph Sayeg. a health d'OXtdC content (0f the atmosphere), 'V
.' radiation scientist. expressed the and that warms the whole planet tip.“ .
‘_ . opinion that nuclear energy is one of Clark said. '.
: 0 d a! l the few alternatives society has. “One Continued on In" If) " .
l I l
>7 ...... moored Former UCLA star jams Indiana
g- Comptroller General Elmer Staats said in a letter to
~ Sasser that the investigation is based on I4 substantive calls ' i
I state GAO received on its Fraud Hot Line. I '
Meyer becomes first woman
non inspector in pmionsburg' Ky” has been hm, on, THE PROVISIONAL wmo or THEIMPERTINENT _
-V V month after being cleared of international wrongdoing. RABBIT ARMY has claimed responsibility for the banzai " f
V_. Secretary Frank Harscher of the state Department for bunny's recent attack on President Carter. the Friends of I .
7.; Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Animals reported murder to 8'9" N BA player contract i -
i" al‘noun'ced the dismissal of Nevard Wells for allegedly “e nauonalanl".mlI”°tc°"°",3'°upissuedatongue-in- A ' i
:‘ dlsfilfldtnfl SVtVafte regulations. for allegedly abusing the :h:::lij:1::n:vemr:iiylng It 27d. recele edVagomVrViiunluni“fVl'o n} B JACK STEVENSON
u lc trust an or i u ‘ ‘ .. ~ ar near mm. a. i em in “ a lca . - ~ . ; .
V. 2mm“ 0mm 3 kg“ “rm“ “WWW" “P“s'b" Red Rabbi.» as the assailant y g A: Spam Writer amateur thatus. dVenybthiVsV persVoVrVi the opportunity to ; ,
i! The president told his staff he was attacked April 20 by a MeyersV brother. Dave. a former p ay as etbal .' . . '
; GILFORD cov TESTIFIED YESTERDAY that as he swimming. hissing rabbit while he was fishing from a canoe L05 ANGELES ,, Former UCLA All-American at UCLA. Plays for the H‘ and N35" “"9“ “We“ mlaht é .
f and his brother. Daniel. were beaten by six men in their in a pohd near Plains and beat back the animal with a and Olympic star Ann MCYCTS became MIIWWI‘CC BUCItS- She said he tOId her help the team “”1 her outstde . .
. Shepherdsvilie home last Deeember.“l heard somebody say paddle. the first woman ever signed to a he wasa little disturbed bythe decision shooting. since the new NBA rule has ‘V
V‘ soreiethlng about the ltlan." V TheV“lRA“charged the president had been damaging the National Basketball Association “and the whole family was concerned been installed giving three points for .
. Adaiiismztriiiticittngriiiiiihedfiisbiiabfiit}:l‘im'ii on ihermar; VgVood imagedand weIFfaVre 3f ri;bbitVs ever since his campaign contract yesterday when the Indiana whether I might 8€t hurt.“ field goals from longer than 25 feet V - .
._ Mum“ on a ch" f . .8 l l' . m. c "‘5, ° "S' ““0" "‘5 ‘° "c" s 0 An‘mals- Pacers announced that she has agreed She added that her brother told her away from the 535k“ .
. ‘ . 3° 9 cnmina 5° ”"3"?“ m ”mum” to a one- ear act. / not to be too disappomted if she did She WIIII’CI’Ort S¢Pt- ”to the team 5
,V With the beatings. He is accused of arranging for the six to y p l‘ t k' Se t I0 The ' ‘
, be“ me Coys. A KENTUCKY BANK EMPLOYEE found walking To play. the 24-year-old. 5-foot-9. not make the team. V V ree agen -roo le camp p. . V .
'. ‘ . - - . . . ‘ 140— ound female star must make the Ann has scrimma ed in icku teams veterans report Sept. i4.
Six Barren County men were charged in the beating and along an interstate highway in his underwear and socks. was p . - g p p u t ' ‘ ' “
3’ are expected to be called as witnesses in Adam‘ trial. One arrested by FBlagents in connection withthealleged theft of roster. bth 9"“ If he doesn‘t. owner ”In” “II Star players ofthe NBA 9": Lets face It‘ u“: ‘ls unusual. ‘
- _ V. David Bush. of Glasgow. agreed last December to plead $30,000 from his hang Sam NasSl said she WIII have some type said. “This is a challenge. I know it is commented Leonard. Id be a damn V
' . .5 guilty to a reduced charge. testify against Adams and receive The FBI in Denver said Paul Perry Pardun Jr.. 32. of Of non-playing I05 for the Pacers. unusual. bl" I“ had dreams all Of my {00' If I am!“ rah“ "' _
r' Probation. Covington, Ky. was arrested here yesterday on a federal Many members of the media asked life. It is unreal. but something that I NBA comm'ss'oneer-‘ny 0'3"” ;
, 2' warrant charging him with interstate transportation of duringa news conferenceif thesigning have wanted." wished Meyers "It?" "1 It“ bid to ‘ , .
. ; nation “0k" Ptopfltx V of Meyers was just a publicity Nassi didn‘t reveal the terms of the become the first woman Phil" "1 the '
, ' ,5 Frfiribirctostzviiffeogrgifn:1:13;)?” “55:0chwa In San gimmick. and she consistently contract [Fut said thereVVwere bonuses :VeValuVCt VatVW “td; tn‘ctliieliA d0“ "V‘V’t ' \
' a GENERAL ACCOUNTING U . , . ° ”"4“ 0“. “mo"- answered: involved or making t e team. time ISCVanII C {Balm a CI 0“ I Y ;
: investigating whistleblower “legitimize; gilt-ingzsaari; m'mm Speml “3"" 'n "m“ °m“ FBI “fl“ "‘ D'“"" “I‘m serious about it. Many think played and “other considerations.” basis. Including sVex. If and when a . s .
i, . personnel irregularities at the Tennessee Valley Authority. that it is a gimmick. but I think I‘ve Nassi said. “I think women have contract '3 filed Ytth the In!“ Pm“ . o .
' .. g GAO Assistant Regional Manager Kyle Hamm of weather been given a chance of a lifetime. I proven successful in sports. by Indiana. itWillbereVIewed anthVe ‘ _ . ' -
' i. - . L, Athntl aid in I telephone interview that two auditors think that chance exceededthe chance Conceptionally. this will be very ordinary C00?” and approved If It I . . .
.‘ ' _ ‘V I normally astigned to TVA begathheinvestigationyesterday MOSTLY SUNVNY WITH HIGHS in the 80:. Fair of playing again (in l980,‘ on the US. exciting. At this point I havent‘t given meets normal NBA requirements. ‘ ,.
.. V V ; it . morning. He said they should finllh their work bytheend of tonight. with VIowsVin the upper 50s to mid 60s. Mostly sunny Olympic team.“ any thought to any other job for her.” Asked what locker arrangements , : ' . .
,V . ’ . . the month and presentareport to SenJim Sasaer. D-Tenn.. tomorrow. with highs in the uppper 70s to mid 80s. She was a member of the silver- Pacers Coach Bobby Leonard. would be mode for Meyers, Leonard ' .
’ , -_ I " ‘ medal winning US team at Montreal consulted prior to the signing. said. “I grinned and said. “She'll 5‘1“" 0'“ of ‘ a, '- . , i
‘ - , in I976. By signing. she gives up her searched my soul. and asked if I could the In!" ‘ ‘
“7” "‘*‘°‘”"”"‘”"" "'“W.W~w ~- ~— mm. -
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... . , V ,.~V, .. .. J. V .' rt. . . ,
“ 7 . ' r . ' . . ~ _ . . i a .

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_ KENTUCKY Dense Menu-tel Jay rot-«t Ste" MW! Mun Gm- no.- cut our, Lu.- {
2 Editor in Chief Campus Editor Tenn You. Pod Mun Entertainment Editor Director of Photography L 2
Associate Editor Wm g y i,
I (or, writt- uu Dot-lard Cindy McGee sou. cu, Dorie May-rd if .5 2
Managing Editor Editorial Editor Copy Editors Sports Editor Photo Manager ‘— .
- o 0 Idol [kind .
“ ‘ editalals & comments Assistant Sports Editor
________,____________________————————————————-————————'-— . i
\ ‘.
I I .
Parking suggestions call for . g i; r
' k 'bl d ' ' “ $62? ' -
some qurc , senSI e eCISIons 1 Cr -7
Jack Blanton. UK‘s vice president for business fast as possible withaminimal amount ofhassle. but ‘ .
affairs. has recently sent three proposals to the .UK there were some problems with Amnesty Day and I Q _
parking committee for approval ,. proposalsthatare pointed them out ot him." i A .» .
sorely needed on the UK campus, Those proposals Padgett went on to say that he was against the idea y- l ‘t - -'.
are: . because he believed it would be doing a disservice to E; . . X“ m“ jI
l)An incentive plan where persons receiving the students. “Even if we tellthemthere is not goingto __ ‘ah / 6" A wit! I .
-. parkingtickets will only have to pay $2 iftheypaythe be another Amnesty Day. it will encourage them to [#3, y /‘ .5 pkg; 5’) W , ’\ 4Q .
fine within five working days after being ticketed. stay on the hot list and hope we give in and do it . ‘5-3 | 8‘ ’ or.) q .19 ‘( lg” t '
Otherwise. the fine would be $5. the present rate for a again.“ Padgett said. “I can understand why the idea if ., w $70) fi .‘, “’i
parking fine. was proposed. but it will never happen." 3‘} “ l , ,(ya' ,/ ‘ . y\ V (4
2)An "Amnesty Week" which would allow all Over the summer Blanton. Sturgeon and Compton [1,; /3‘1_ I“; a I“) f - l9 1,."
delinquent ticketees to pay $2 for all old tickets. This worked to correct the program‘s problems. trying to . ‘ ‘ » ~. " “-<, .. m ./« . )y ,' ”4A, ‘
would serve as a promotion for implementing the “make it happen." Changing Amnesty Day to " _, ~—-—————___,_‘,'. ' . in I .53”
changes in ticket policy. . p . Amnesty Week was one modification and the addition l [1% IMMIGRATION \ 4%. , hl‘u/ - . J44
3)An update of current parking privileges so of two new proposals was another. . l . , ,_ {JV . . . \
students could park on University property at 4:30 The parking committee should take immediate I. y. .. ' z - h“ v ‘
p.m. instead of5 p.ni, University offices nowclose at action on these parking revisions so that the UK ht MEX‘CA“ BokbER .t . 53' 1
4:30 p.m. Board of Trustees can address this needed policy at y“ ‘ ’-‘--- -* * ~ -‘ h L j g i
However. last semester when Student Government their next meeting. “7"“: ' 3.. "t \0 ’ )i' M | it 5.
senators. Brad Sturgeon and JeffCompton.proposed Surely. the parking committee and Board of ’ ' “" ‘ '1? ,_.t .g r " ..
the idea of an Amnesty Day there were problems. Trustees realite the immense proportions of the flit” .4_ ‘ y 3;
Sturgeon and Compton took their idea to Blanton parking problem at UK. It seems only logical to pass " ~
and Tom Padgett. director of public safety. Blanton the suggested proposals immediately so that the ”axiom 4
was in favor of the program. but Padgett pointed out program can be implemented as soon as possible. (e ' ‘
some potential problems it could cause. The present proposals would take money from no HEBCHBFMTHQRQ’S A GROUP liGRe THAT 8M3 In-EY’RQ TIE GUADALAJARA :2-
“Mr. Blanton has a very open attitude towards new one. but it would give a break to many UK commuters BALLET COMPANY ... my WANNA May-u" ,, :EE'
ideas.“ Padgett said at that time last semester. “He who frantically hunt for a parking space each .3.;
wants to help students get through the l'niversity as morning.
L h Ed '
9119f 8 t0 1' e ItOI' ‘
. ___—_______________________________________————————————————— 1
Give us ‘Nanc I "Nancy" is a social allegory of such Opinion on a voluntary or mandatory Health Service ombudsman. at 233- complaint: Anyone who has been P.S. Please findaname forthe “new i I;
Y incredible depth and detail that the health fee. and as a result. SHAC 5355. crammed into the one bus which apartmcnysj’ g .
We feel that the Kentucky Kerrie/is Kernel must carry the comic strip to recommended to Dr. Singletary that services the “new apartments“ is as t
doing a great disservice to its readers enlighten the students of this the t9}? remain voluntary. Marti Butler upset as we are. Alice C. Stewart it
by not carrying one of the most university. lfthe Kernel cannot afford ““5. semester we plan to get away SHAC chairperson We realize that life isn‘t a bed of Business Administration senior 3
intellectually stimulating. witty and to carry/“Nancy."the Ernie BUShmillCT from'ftnances and 0h [0 some ncwand Agricultrnl Education senior roses and that many students suffer Melissa Gene Smoot ¥
sofiially releveltnt comics of this or any Soiety will be (ljiappy to submit weekly 2:22:25“ 1:63;. y“: Cilimpucsi putLeach more severe hardships than we; but we Animal Science senior 3 i
0'. er a c. am not referrin to summaries an inter retations. Cl panne 0 ring . ' it:
“Doonesgbury.““Peanuts" or theglate. The Emit? BushnFiiller Society is information to students on physical Buses please {film/Tearing: )(thzoossztiifigghs) iii; Cathy Pfefler it . i
lamented “Lil‘ Abner." No. I am located on the first floor of Blanding titn655~ CPR. human sexuality. Ah“ an hour-long wait and after has been paid this semester. UK Accounting unlor .iv‘
referring to Ernie Bushmiller‘s classic ll. All interested persons should send nutrition amd other SPCCifiQ topics of being passed by “If“ (“Ot one. “0t officials could rent us another bus. Leslie Adams hs
strip. “Nancy." inquiries to HPSU. Box 62. RH Interest We’re also working on a “W but three) UK West we have we need he, . Psychology junior
This apparently simple strip has all 0l43l. Lexington. Ky. 40526. continuing evaluation of SHS and its finally arrived at home — that place 0‘ .T
the allegorical depth of Dante's Divine staff. a new SHS slide show for the WhiCh is called the “new apartments on r i
Comedy, Aunt Fritzi. afflicted by The Ernie BushmiIIfl'Society summer advising conferences. and a Commonwealth Drive." We are etters [)9ch 1.; ‘
omni—directional sweat. symbolizes a Lexington. Ky_ list of topics to bC presented at the wondering if we ShOUId set up The Ké’nlutlv'l’ Kernel we'comes and (um-em particular Limes, concerns or '\
dCSPCl'atC attempt to retain authority - April convention of the American housekeeping at one of the bus stops encourages contributions from the UK events relevant It) the UK mmmunm. or t’ ‘
in a world seemingly controlled by College Health Assocmtion in San on campus. at [CBSt we would have a community for publicationontheeditortal :cntty’rlf; tiniifgntiiftniffifax?!" and .5: I ,
Juveniles. One wonders if she is SHAC meeting Diego. roof over our heads. ““‘l‘e‘xl'mogj‘sshg and commemms m“ g‘ ~ ’ ' ; i ‘
afflicted with some serious physical or We're open to all new ideas amd We knew the “new apartments“ mug. bcfypcd andl‘nplmpmdjnd must 0P";h'°"mheml_ fl I-h 60 mm 1m , -
mental disease since her lower body There were approximately 57.000 suggestions and we‘re flexible on the were ‘00 800d ‘0 betrue. After havmg Include the writerhsignalure. address and pep/mt“ m ' U a” i ( ;
rarely appears in the strip. Rollo the visits made to UK‘s Student Health means of getting a project underway lived in them for two weeks, we 500“ Pt“)nc ""mt‘“ UK Students Should on... Wynn/amapnnn-U" Warning 7 j
Rich Kid symbolizes the bourgeois Service last year. That makes it one of — we can help set up a committee or realized the fly in the Ointment. We 'hCh‘d" ‘h°” “hand h‘awhahd ”we" in [apical issuer o/ mieresl to the UK
result of a decadent. materialistic the most highly utilired student help to arrange college credit for an need more and better bus serVice. :Lzuifllgzzfl‘houwl'suhmuepmmem (‘t'mmum'i'~ i
society. Sluggo. originating from the services on this campus. Students do independent study project. Experience When we 5‘8“?” PP for . these I“: ”my...”_lllc”ghuocondcm Comma,“ -: 2
I wrong Side 0f the "ad‘s- exhibits nced health care. and the SIUdcm gained from SHAC interests and apartments lam spring. h was WIth the or TCJCCI contributions.limitthenumberof Shouldbe90[met-mien.wi‘hamrlen ' , t
tendenClCS toward anarchy or Health Service is conveniently located projects may add balance to your clearunderstanding that we would'be submissions by frequent writers. and to per line. y ‘h ' _ ‘i
.. socialism. Nancy clearly exhibits and strives to serve students' needs. Do academic career and may lead to new PFOVIdCd W'th adequate bus serVice. id"‘9’:h°"'“g'grammmdahhandl'be‘ If” 2"”;f‘fnxgl 2:13;]? (121:: . .' _-
sexual desires for both Rollo and you doubt that last statement? Do you job possibilities. new friends andanew We are at least a mile from the closest om “a cmcmh (althliilr/‘v '(:;;I‘Il;n('€. tr'amtnx.pfir other : ' '
Sluggo. She is torn between the two think the services provided are outlook on health care. classrooms. “0‘ to mention the ones “"9"" g . I .60 ~h , m. qua/irrrirtriitrt to address a particular i .. ;
Just as modern man is torn between inadequate? Do you think the staff SHAC meets twice monthly for less on the other side ofcampus. We know W‘s/[Ixumm‘"I'm", m' ‘ am I whit/ti .- ‘ '
capitalism and socialism. could better serve the students? Do than one hour each time so you can we are not the only ones With this ' ._ .
Nancy is immature in her actions, you have an idea you‘d like to see come and voice your opinions without v .’ '
She wears the same clothes every day incorporated into your health service? a huge outlay of your precious free . i ' .
and tends tofade into the background. If you answered “yes" to any of time.You don‘t have tobeinahealth- . l ' *'
S'he seemsto have no originalty. Thus these.do you know that allyour ideas. related major to join us. If you‘re 0 umnlst weaves as Iona e ‘ . '1 '
Nancy is an everyman (or complaints. and commemnts can be interested in your health care and the ', .
everywoman) for the youth of voiced through the Student Health related services provided by the SHS. ' ' i,
America. Advisory Committee(SHAC)'?SHAC then join us tonight. Sept. 6. I979 at fairy tale for c at 8 8-00 n 80,0 us "3. .
TheartworkrivalsthaiofVanGogh is the advisory committee for the 6:30 pm. in the Health Service lobby } '
or Rembrandt. Special attention is Student Health Service and reports to (across from the Medical Center —it‘s . .. ‘ ' .
given to detail. Nancy‘s nose is a President Singletary. It serves as a the third floor ofthc building with the Once upon a time in a land called others they are mere clothing. If you festtvrties. Suddenlyall were set aghast .
hyphen. Her head is covered with barb liaison between you. the consumers of crossed stairways at the end). Hope to Ameritopia there lived a King named are truly “Name for your position. as the standing sculpture 9f the man -. :
wtre. The backgrounds of the strip health care and the administration of see you there! If you cannot attend 'Comb (that's B-M-O-C- backwards) and Of course we can Platfll)’ see that began '0 rumble. Towering above .
have all the power and richness of the SHS. Last semester SHAC did the tonight‘s meeting. or if you would like with his wife. SUZiCCIODC. King Comb You are. then you and your Wife Shall them, Patterstone 0P“? h" “83‘0” t ‘
ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. survey to determine the studentS' further information call Jean Cox was very rich and could afford to naturally see the beauty of ourwares.” eyes widely. His expression was oneof g
i i ' gather all his brothersiaround him. -————'—_——"‘—— ShOCk and amazement. P130“ i'
1 ' along with Suzieclone‘s sisters. Queen - grogpihzs fies“ “01'3” “guts; ":0; . - .
‘ I '3 - ~' F . Suzieclone was lavished with such 'fts ea ening quee ; . r .
J ; ARMY - i 22““ I. it‘ ‘- asagolden yellow Camarot carriaggtl: to hugh 1' findlay him as he opened h“ “P5 t° “Peat."- i .
" ~ 7%1‘ -- k ' ‘ match the ribbons in her beautifully “The King has “0 CiOthCS! :3 \ .
/ ‘- 9. «by. y y ”.10 i braided hair. King Comb needed not ___-__——————- roared. Everyonflln th: P3"):l rcht'” l’.‘
‘1 / ‘ L 5i . , y , this luxury. but merely rode on the Mr. Macho then showed to the away in terror. won stan pri. ,_ ‘_
7/4 34—7 -‘. / ' TAT , .,~, shoulders of his many brothers. They court. his outfit of topsrder shoes. he screeched. and he prompty :t i “i
,,’/77.C//z . . 4 t" 1. "“‘ 9' , would eat of Earl of Submarine khaki pants. and a gator shirt. Sally down. He was to remain in t t , y
,. ”wa ”44 , y 4 f , '7 4 . sandwiches. drink ale ‘till the wee Chic modeled her slip-on reversible position forever. . t g
‘ /%”M ' I 44/.” 'i' ’y 'i U, , , L 14% X, ” "1 . ‘ hours of the morning. and bemerry at red and blue loafers. khaki skirt, and All eyes were UPON Kins Comb.
‘ WW OW/N m5 ”ii/4% t ‘ to ,1] L C 14/44 .7? ’ Christmas in the land of Lauderdale. button-down collar shin. What could he say? How could he y ~ .
WAZW 7% . t. 2, I 4' ., J/ . 4% £1 Life went on in their happy King Comb said til), himself. “Selfi‘: mw It“ h: he: nno‘t 3;: dusty: ) ..
5. 4/744 {/4 F . 4 .1 i,» .. ./f, communit .remainin unchan edfor won’t embarrass us y not seeingt n Spo e. y! i Q
7 i “my /%%a 5 V' % . ,Z V 4'. I] 4” W :44 2 many year: Then onegdayapaigr of sly gold thmd. even thoughthese clothes through the valley of the shadow of
:1 -.‘\ z. 54% M; g) 44%” K _ - , we I .D tricksters happened along. Their are simple: plain and ugly.” , won; and ndiculel. 3;“ l shalllkfeunr‘eno ' '
, g. y _ \ W7. Wéz. w ugl-J‘- y“, \ 4,," g names were Mr. Macho and Sally The King accepted the tricky ml or everyone 00 s yus i If
. " 5 M v if" “a ‘ or ' wom- .‘ .. . L, y . ,2 Chic. The new territory offered them twosome 3 offer. paid them And to this 'day. the people 0

‘ - " 2a.”. ‘1'“ ,, i WWW/Z!” d‘fi \ opportunity to put their shyster talents tremendous amountsfofbmo'pey. a: 3mm10p2::v;.:::hh:1:£¢b:l:t¢hfi { . ;

. ~ l - W' "7' fr ‘ 4 “ - ' ' ' ' rot na reu.con I .
~‘ , - _ i J y? 7W 44‘ i N. ‘ to :0“; “who“? its'm-lor's'thiiy Sizminmtitecfaumte‘f’uhion. em in they the the Chosen ottet.
. . 5 ‘ . . 4/ P /' g . 5‘ ‘¢\ ma et eirwayintot e ingscmtu r . ._ Themonlofthesto -Theehicken

. _ E WK ‘W:(// it . r, i , ‘4 ._' ‘ Court of Clique where they thrust honor of his new wardrobe. King nit. ldh' t i
r ~ ,‘ *3 W / / ‘ ‘. .' ;r\ 1 ." a: upon the court their well-laid plans. Comb declared the day I national “on“ the road - --t0 0 l' P.“

1 - - t m a ‘: ' 48; i ' ”It? 3 " \f A “Your lmmenseness. we are from holiday and prepared everyone for I tip. .

I. " , " W4 MEL—2 if 4‘ fi 3 "s \ . ‘ the camp of Madden. Onnasis. and parade through the town. Meanwhile, ‘

; ” ' ‘ ‘ . “ ' . -_. . “a? Zapptt. We bear gifts or ruhion. the Mr. Macho and sitiiy Chic deported, “out 1- Mr I- I Kan-d I
-' go; V ‘ h 3" quality of which is second to none. in search of grsn slkiekers and Mhhflfi 3 Mn: - -
.. i . ~' . ‘ WI Each garment is woven with magical monogrammed wi hm en. _ w M ,
3.; r y. -_ WC” Etihvhogvithfimm‘i tyg 1%” W 3&1?!me AND YOR ‘5 gold. thread that only high-ranking The parade reached the (moot to W than or the M ‘
5;:th , ~ ~.,,- - ' officialssuchuyounelfeansee.Toall Patterstone statue for pinning M W. 1,.

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