xt7msb3wwv8d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7msb3wwv8d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1951 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1951 Vol.22 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, March 1951 Vol.22 No.5 1951 1951 2019 true xt7msb3wwv8d section xt7msb3wwv8d m . -, J , W. M _« m«_w~ W.» ~31 mwwr'fiwmwtfi‘tw““‘”"mtfi
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e a News of the World might be office gOSSlp. News of the good practice prompts the owner of a trade-mark to in D 1
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3 i depends on where you put the capital “W’s” and the ' '
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}? It’s the same With Coke. When used as the friendly louricr-
' ‘ l abbreviation for Coca—Cola, Coke—like any proper 1 / it‘éltricc
l noun, such as the name of your newspaper—requrres a k . ’ W ’heling
’3; capital initial. With a small “c,” the word refers to ’1‘ for " “’1’” way , mm C0
35 something entirely different. ---50”1 ”tide-mark! REG U: m OFF 'ress; P21
l: . . . . mean the same thing. M ' ' ‘“ M 'l
5- We kee remindin ou about th1s for reasons of dam A) 0r, 1
: o e :
' {- and correct usage. There 5 another reason, too. Coke— , T“ J09
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l? .C‘rson G
3, 1,0 ,.
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 JlJ .
— March, 1951 The Kentucky Press Page One "‘1
. . . - J ,
JE' ht District Meetm 5 Were Held 5‘1”” D' M- Hum“ N
' £9 9 Dies At Harrodsburg J ‘
lThrOUghOUt State During MarCh t .Daniel Mac-Hir Hutton, editor and pub-
lisher of the Harrodsburg Herald and past ‘ J
A series of district meetings of KPA were Dam Messenger; Landon Wills, Calhoun president 0f the Kentucky Press Association, J J
successfully held during the month. Pres- News; Larry Stone and Ralph Utley, Central died March 11 at a Harrodsburg hospital. Jj
ident Douglas Cornette and Secretal‘yWIan- City Times Argus and Messenger; Mack Sisk, He had b61911 ill a Short time. “ J
ager Portmann (except one) attended the Dawson Springs Progress; Howard Ogles, HUttOHJ 79 years Old, was one of the old-
called meetings which were found to be Franklin Favorite; Bob Towe, Madisonville 6“ members 0f KPA' A native 0f Harrods- JJ
c3 highly successful from every standpoint. Times; Otis White, Morgantown Republi- burg. he entered the newspaper business ,‘J
12. While the over-all attendence was somewhat can; Mrs. Byrne Evans and Daniel Knotts, there when he was 14 and in 1916 became JJ
thy; disappointing. yet those present in each Russellville News Democrat; H. A. Ward, 5016 0WD€F 0f the Herald.
77-7, . meeting expressed their gratification for the Scottsville News; Frances Pitchford, Scotts- He was the author of many books and ’J
. opportunity to get together for mutual ville Citizen Times: Jolm Gaines, Bowling pamphlets on Mercer county history and be-
understanding of the problems that lace the Green News; Perry Meloan, Brownsville longed to several historical societies OVCF the J
I - Association and the individual newspaper News. 7 state, Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Grace
today. andenburg_\JvJ G. Polk, Cloverport L. Hutton, and two daughters, Mrs. James J 1
“:71; The purpose of the gatherings was to dis- News; Col. Roscoe Downs and Irving Downs, PylesJ Maysville, and Miss Jane Byrd HUt' JlJ .
{3, cuss the operation and problems ol. the Cen- Hawesville Clarion: Jim Willis. Branden ton who was associated with her father in JJ:
(gage; tral Office and its services to the members; to burg Messenger: Al VVathen, Bardstown the publication Of the HCrald. 1
"if? receive suggestions and constructive criticisms Standard; J. S. Moran. Springfield Sun; . J
£9: at the members for possible increased serv- George Wilson, Irvington Herald; Jodie J J
355’ ices; to develope and outline a “program of Cozder, Campbellsville News Journal. Vine Grove Paper Suspends JJ
’ action” [or a better and more efficient As- \Narsaw—Charles Adams. Warsaw News; J J J JJ ‘
sociation activities: and to study economic W. L. Dawson, LaGrange Era; Charles Drew, The Hardin Sentinel, Mme Grove, an- JJ
:rends, state and national, in their relation- Lexington News; and Landon Wills, Cal- nounced in Its March 22. issue that it was JJJ
ship to the problems of the press of Ken- houn News. suspending publicatlon thh the current 15' J
:ucky. Lexington—Fred Burkhard, Liberty News; sue, iNurnber. 14’ Volume 111! because 0t J J
The results of these statewide meetings Allice French and Alma Burton, Berea Citi- publication difficulties. In a iront-page story JJ J
will be used as directives to the Executive zen; Enos Swain, Chauncey Alcock and Ida (the paper said It was, followmg the lead 0f ,J
30mmittee which will study the suggestions Tipton, Danville Advocate Messenger; Allen other weekly papers Wh‘Ch have taken the J
[11d criticisms of the membership with re- Terhune. Beattyville Enterprise; Norman same-step. J JJJ
)orts to be brought before the Association at Perry, Jr., Frankfort State Journal; Leonard Linotype operators are in short suPplyJ” J
he mid-summer meeting at Cumberland Kelsey, Stanford Interior Journal; Dorothy the article stated. One Of the pap-Cris opera- JJ
«erg? 7alls. June L346. Ann Davis, Harrodsburg Herald; Russell Mc- tors entered college and the other Jorned the J, J 7
it) The First district meeting was held at Clure, New Castle Local; Tom Adams and A" Force, There 1.8 "Qt enough revenue JJJ J
:3 {entucky Dam State Park on Friday, March Ed Templin. Lexington Herald-Leader; Bill horn a paper the size Of The Sentinel. t0 JJJl
fl J, Paul \Nestpheling. chairman; Second dis- (laywood, Winchester Sun; M. H. Holiday JUJSUfy hiring a full time man.” 101) printing JJJ ‘
rict. March 10. Bowling Green, John Gaines and Garvice Kincaid, Holliday Publications; “”1! be continued at the plant. JJ J
> :nd Mack Sisk. co-chairmen; Foiirth district, Mark Warren. Versailles. Editor Elmo Royalty stated a.“ persons 1 J
5% yIarch 17. Doc Run Inn. Brandenburg, Pikeville—Norman Allen, Prestonsburg who have Paid a.years subscription to the JJ
3 ames Willis, chairman: Fifth district, March Times; Tom I-Iollard, John M. Ward and paper WOUId receive a refund at the rate 0t JJJ
6, Moon River Inn, Warsaw; Charles Adams, Mark Webb. Jr. Pikeville Daily News; Fred eight and -one-th1rd cents per month. JJJJJ ‘
hairman; Sixth district. March l8, Lafayette Bullard and Charles Metcall, Hazard Herald. ___—._____ JJJJJ
Iotel, Lexington. Enos Swain, chairman; Mt. Sterling—Jim Wilson, Cynthiana JJJ
Jeventh district, March 22. Hatcher Hotel, Democrat; Sag Kash. Cynthiana Log Cabin; Courier~Journo| And Times JJJJJJ
'ikeville, Fred Bullard, chairman; Eighth Mrs. Earl Kinner, West Liberty Courier and Awarded Fifth Certificate ‘JJ
listrict. March 23, Montgomery Hotel, Mt. Sandy Hook News; Clifton Prewitt, Mt. _ _ JJJ
terling. James \Milson. chairman; Ninth dis- Sterling Advocate; Edmon Burgher, Clay For the .htth consecutive year the Lours- JJJ JJ
rict, March 24», Laurel Hotel, London, Mar- City Times; Lucien Fluty, Louisa News; ville Courier-Journal and Tlmes has been JJ Ji
mark to in Dyche, chairman. Editors in attendance. \Villiam Fluty, Carlisle Mercury; Paul Lewis, awarded a certificate for .l‘bCSt promotions" JJJ
rerc: Owingsville Outlook; Everett Parker, French- by the Editor fmh Publisher. The award JJJ
Kentucky Dam State Park —- R. \V. Graves, burg News; M- H- Holliday, Jr., Holliday was announced m Its yard] 24 edltlon. The J J l
tardwell News: Marshall Wyatt. Benton Publications. award was presented for community servxce J J J
lourier; Mrs. Edith Lawrence and Miss London —- James Shannon, Burkesville aimed at improvmg the economic aspects J JJJ
leatrice Stagner. Cadiz Record; Paul West- News; Clarence Martin. Tompkinsville News; 0' the area. Award was made :01. the pap?” 1? JJ
theling, Fulton News: J. T. Howard, Hick- Leonard Busby, Manchester Enterprise; sponsorsh'lpCOf a yealr round arm Incentive ‘J‘ JJ
I nan Courier; Mrs. Paul Shipley, Marion George Joplin, Somerset Commonwealth; program. ongratu ations. JJJ‘JJ
'ress; Pat Magee, \Micklifl'e Yeoman; Dudley Mrs. M86 William-‘3 Somerset Journal; Ruel ——_—— JJJJ
Taylor, Hopkinsville New Era; Joe LaGore Buchanan and Martin Dyche, London Senti< Corbin Tribune; M. H. Holliday, Holliday ‘ J’J
nd Joe Mitchell, Paducah Sun-Democrat; nel Echo; G. H. Basham, and Maurice K. Publications; Auva Hoffman, Mt. Vernon JJ‘
‘rancele Armstrong and Don Pepper, Hen- Henry, Middlesboro Daily News; Cecil Wil- Signal; Andrew Norfleet and J. E. Irwin, J JJ'J
.erson Gleaner. son, Barbourville Advocate; H. T. Chappell, Russell Springs Times Journal; Allen Ter— JJ JJJ
Bowling Green—Car105 Embry, Beaver Middlesboro Three States: John Crawford, hune, Booneville News. J J JJJ
l1 J‘J .


» ' E '5“ Page Two The Kentucky Press March, 195]

- :1 Editors Should Write A $o|es Autopsy State Printing—Publishing ‘falllfllllll
'_.". For communlty Servnce Reason 1. I made the sale because I won Thlrd Largest IndUStry EE
, ,. I The following suggestions on editorial my way through to the real buyer instead Figures received from the federal BEE

. ; writing were made at the Better Newspaper of spending my time on the person easiest of Census, Washington, compiled frOmEE
, . Clinic of the Washington State College: to reach. given in the 1947 manufacturers’ egg
1 We believe the greatest offenders in news- Reason 2. I made the sale because I met show Kentucky‘s printing and publishinEE
, ' paper publishing so far as “community serv- the buyer courageously. dustry third among major industrial SEE
. _ 11 ice” is concerned are those who neglect or Reason 3. I made the sale because I knew of the Commonwealth. jg
'. - omit editorial pages. when to keep quiet. A total of 304 establishments “WEE
‘ And we would like to advance the theory Reason 4. I made the sale because I cov- with 577 in the food category, which;
. E that failure to function editorially stems as ered my sales story thoroughly. I remem- the state, and 520 in lumber. The WEE
often from an editor’s fear that he isn’t “big bered that to reach home you’ve got to touch and publishing concerns listed 5,1945;
‘ enough” as it does from space limitations or each base. . ployees on a payroll of $16,913,000 Emmi;
- _ lack of time, Reason 5. I made the sale because I had production value, that added by HE;
Ironically, most observers will admit that studied my prospect’s business and could facture, for the 304 companies, is WEE
the publisher of a weekly is usually a “big— talk his language. $28,745,000, and represents the work OEE
ger" man in his community than the editor Reason 6. ‘ I made the sale because I sold newspaper, 19 magazine, 98 commend;
- or publisher of a metropolitan daily is in his. myself thoroughly to the buyer, remember- lithographing and 22 printing service pEE
‘ Few, if any, individuals are better informed ing that I am part of the package my pros- The 142 newspaper plants publish;
' E on local conditions in a given community pect buys. newspapers, which reported an aggregaEE
’ than the editor of that community’s weekly Reason 7. I made the sale because I side 1,194,700 copies an issue, of which 115E:
newspaper. stepped arguments with the buyer. I knew weeklies issuing 278,892 copies. This it:
E If the editor, who admits that timidity has that an argument won may mean a sale lost. exceeds the 10 morning daily total of 24f;
E restrained his editorial-page efforts previ- Reason 8. I made the sale because I told and was near the 20 evening daily WEE
E ously, will begin a series of editorials de- my own profit and quality story instead of 293,147. Eight Sunday dailies report;
. - E voted to complimenting deserving community knocking my competitor. total of 380,291 copies. E
E efliorts, his professional inferiority complex Reason 10. I made, the sale because I Subscriptions and sales accounted;
E. will begin to disappear, we believe. The overcame the customer's story of reciprocity $5,442,000 revenue, and advertising an;
E volunteer fire department's faithful services, and a personal friendship with a competitor. tional $10,711,000 for these newspapers—ET—
E the works of local youth leaders, and the V Reason 11. I made the sale because I ' In the magazine group 19 publE
EE town-beautifying benefits of a merchant’s generated desire for my product. showed 29 publications with aggregate;
E; remodeling are among the hundreds of sub— Reason 12. I made the sale because I issue circulation of 726,700 copies; (it;
EE jects in this vein. planned my presentation carefully. tion revenue of $518,000 and advertising
EE From the beginnings in the safe field of Reason 13- I made the sale ih spite 0t ceipts totaling $998,000. E
. El compliment, it is not a difficult step to the price-cutting competition because I had the 3
EEE necessary role of dissatisfied critic. Com- facts to prove my PtOdUCt was worth the ~ . E
EEE munities are all beset by human failings; h‘OhCY- Why editors skip town . . . E
‘EE the editors of those communities’ newspapers Reason 14- I made the sale because '1 “They are taking a tent and will;
:E must. speak out ocasionally for the people worked 0‘” a plan to meet a tICkhSh ”Ed“ by the side of the road." E
EEE who have no more effective voice than their situation. “Mrs. M———-—, who broke her an:
. EEE newspaper. Reason 15. I made the sale because I was cently, is recovering under the car 0%
EE To those editors who think their six-, (fm the Job when my competitor came to ask Downs.” E
EE eight-, or 12-page papers are too small or the order' “The Ladies of the Cherry street CLE-
E'E physically, we’d like to suggest that one, Reason 16~ I made the sale because I knew have discarded clothing of all kinds." E
EE two, or three short editorials placed beneath how to close. “The Wee Playhouse is rehearsing 1::
E a two-column masthead provides a dignified Reason 17‘ I .made the sale because I 0f the Jury,’ a three-cat 1)12!Y-" E
3i; editorial section, This main facet of a news- settled a complaint hanging over from a “Experienced gt1‘1”("’0thg "hd 1%-
E Palm“ personality should not, we contend, prevmus negotiotion between my prospect work." E
E be neglected in any organ of community and my company. “The mayor commended the tax col—g
E record and information-dissemination. Reason 18' I made the sale because my W110 completed in 160 days “'11?" “OE—E:
u. Fbr those editors who already have real 12:36:22: newsy and fresh—Texas Press would have taken 90 days'" E
E editorial pages, we often find it necessary s g . —.______ E
E to recommend a reduction in volume and W.“ E
EE a toning—down in mood of advertisements Franklin prices are right prices. Mrs. Carlos 3' hthhth “55‘“:th “E
E" placed there. Frequently, we observe, editors —— the Ohio County Messengerh Beaver—E-
' EE would do well to collect their more intellec- promotion. has been named‘ l’tthllhltl’ (hteftor E
E2 {“31 offerings from 311 the paper (i.e., Beyond its usefulness as an attraction for hentucky State Iederatmn 0t “omen;
r columns, by-lined features, b00k TCViCWS, readers, the editorial page is something the publtcan clubs. 5
E letters-to-the—editor, CtC- editor owes to himself and to his community. For Sale — The Mt. Vernon Signal, LE
EEE Whether an editor can “afford” afull page When Thomas Jefferson said he thought of consolidation, has the followinfg
EEE for editorials or only a quarter—page, we of newspapers—without-a—government would be chinery for sale: Chandler and Price;
E the Better Newspaper 'Clinic feel certain that less an evil than government-without—news— jobber with one-fourth h.p. motor; I;
E the initiation and continuation of that fea- papers, he was not talking about newspapers folder: Miller feeder. Write Editor?
EE' I I III] ture will serve as a profitable institutional without editorial pages. . Hoffman if interested. lllilllllllim"
E? I

 - ’ E . .. . ,, , . .... .....- “1,?“ Affirm. '::.::-‘::> :. EVE»,;_;,;:::-E:H1:33-53,;;~-_;-;:~.-E:.:'.tau}: l :j"5”-='3;Ej‘;~ 'f’ifl'4E3’5'f E' E"‘E."' - V‘ ,' ,' EE E E EE 1' E ‘ i E?" EE
ch 1951 March 1951 The Kentuck P EEI
, , y ress Page Three E;
fining EgilllllflllllfllfllflllllIlllllEIElElllEllHEEEEHEEEEEEEEEEEHEEEEEIEEEEEIEEEEElEIll”ElllEIElEIElElElElI"IllIlllElliElEIEIEllEElIIEEEEElElEIEEEl|ElEEIEIEEEEEIIIIIEIEEEIEIEElllllElllIllIll|EllIElIIllIllIllIll|llllll|llIllllllIlllllllllllElli|||llllIEllllllllllllllllllllllllIE E
the federal BEE E EEEE
:ompiled from E ‘ —E=_ EEE
mfacturers’ CE; E‘ E E E
; and publisltinE E E ; E
we An Easter Feature E
ishments comE.§ E E E
Itcgory, whichjE E _ E E E
1|)er. The NE; E E E;
5 listed 6,1943% E E
[6,913,000 amt; . E E E
t added by HE; E EE E
tpzmics, is lint; - E E E
US the work GEE E E
98 commend; E E E
nting service [iii—’5: , E E E
plants publishEE Both newspapers and food stores offer special features at certain E ;: E
tcd an aggregaEE seasons of the year. E E— E‘E E
r ,1 '1 111%”- E E
C21);:SEEC'EhisoE§ About now, for instance, Easter eggs are good copy. E EE E
E'1rtt.lof242§ ::_ 3E
EliiiEngodqaily WEE And, of course, eggs are heavily featured in food stores, too. E EE ;
l. '1' 5 re wt; 2 EE E
WE W E E . During the week before Easter Sunday egg sales rise; and, because E EE EE
165 accounted; people want eggs they can dye, there is greater demand for those with white E E E‘
tdvertising 2mg shells. E E E E
se newspapertg E E E;
)111) 19 WINE A & P’s job of getting these millions of dozens of top quality eggs E EE
with ElggregflE‘E in good condition to all our stores in the varying amounts needed is a com- E EE ;
700 COMES: (“E plex one, calling for the best combined efforts of many skilled people. E «I E
and zldvertisirg __E__ E; E‘
E E The same thing applies to other foods in special demand during the E EEE EE .
E Easter season . . . sea food and hot cross buns for Lent, and hams for Easter. E EE
E And it applies, too, to the many foods for which there is special demand on E EE
E ' ' ‘ . E other holidays throughout the year. E EE E
3m and WINE E E E‘
k- ] m; The point is that selling food, like selling news, is not a routine 2 EEE E
El”? [Ch 1:21.10; activity. Each day brings changes in the available supply. There are constant E E
W e E E shifts in consumer preference.E E E; E
- , ' '5 E I
iit’elziil 3:133; That is why the men and women of A & P are so proud of their 91- E EEE ‘
s rehearsing 1% year record of efficiently meeting both the special and everyday demands of E E;
Envy E the public we serve. g E; ;
ooing and EE‘ g EEE
ed the [21x col—E; 2 EEE EIE
lays what 110% E EEE EE
e 4 4 4 e
——* e g E E
; associate all; g EE EE
nger, Beaver: E E EEEE E
ity director (E E j ‘;EE‘E
_E_ E E ;‘EE1E
rnon SignalEEELE E E EEEE
the followinEE E E E;
lcr and PriccEE E E ‘EEE
11.1). motor; E E E EEEE
w 't Editor,s ' E 3 ;E;;E
n 6 ullllllllllll|l|llllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllll|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlHIlllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllll!llflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllfi E, EEEE ,

 , 3
. 1
3 3 '3'“ Page Four The Kentucky Press March, 195]
. be THE Kentucky Press Association recognizes the fundamental importance , 01
f 3 i t P 53 of the implied trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination of public 3
= “ ‘ en ‘5 3 r ’ 33 information. It stands for truth, fairness, accuracy, and decency in the pre- , I t S
' 3‘ sentation of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journalism. It advocates
' 3' Official Pgbhcahm 0? 3'11“? Kentud‘y strict ethical standards in its advertising column. It opposes the publica- Witl
' ress Assoma Ion tion of propaganda under the guise of news. It affirms the obligation of 0 its 75“
3 3' Victor E. pal-mam, Editoppubushe, newspaper to frank, honest and fearless editorial expressions. It respecfs ““3”
‘ ‘ i ———————3— equality of opinion and the right of every individual to participation in “em“h
,. 3 3 Printed on The Kernel Press» Lexmgton the Constitutional guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes in the 33,303,,”
3 __.____ newspaper as a vital medium for civic, economic, social, and cultural com- :1: d
. ‘ 3 3 Volume 22’ Number 5 munity development and progress. mm b3
. 3 the um
3 " Olde
Kentucky Press Association Cumberland FOHS Meeting piiojects walla viewI toward a similar Spannivei
J - ~ 3 . e( ition. 1 ram . o instone, A 'riculturi ;
Douglas Comette, P'eCsiier’iléinIoumal, Louisville Plans are berng made [or an outstanding tension. Universit; of Kentucki, will abidinjsn
' 3 Bennett Roach, Vice—President program at the Mid-Summer meeting ”3 operate in preparing for this special ediful and
3 Shelby News, Shelbyville KPA at Cumberland Falls. june 1517. Il .,
33 3 Victor R- Portmann, Secretary-Manager You have not made your reservation, do so ————-O———— congrat
University of Kentucky, Lexington at once. Commissioner Henry Ward has 3 That 3“
3 District Executive Committee Promised that the park will be in first class Your Newspr'nf 163115613
3 Chairman, Enos Swain, Advocate-Messenger, condition for our meeting. You cannot :lf- Your present newsprint situation ist13333£ey3
3 Bihgliétiififigagi’gfilfgfl 2225;352:331]?th ‘g‘ ford to miss it. esplained T you add your comments.“ condj
Gaines, pafk City News, Bowling Green; Thifd, ______.____ l\PA, in l‘ebruary. ordered paper llllian‘. fan
_ , 3 N]? Ealgon’vgoufiier-Ioumallé Lfmihuesithé‘aflg’ reserve for government use five per CCItOIthC f
3 gargstowh; Fifihfxzjhgties En Xaayns’ ézualiri TO Attend NEA Meeting their monthly newsprint and up to hyear an
3 County News, Warsaw; Seventh, Fred Bullard, . “cm ”f other types ”3 Pal)"- 1 he himpublish
Herald, Hazard; Eighth, James C- Wilson, LOE Secretary-Manager Portmann WI” attend publicity releases must go on — what TI 6
3 Cabin, Cynthiana; Ninth, Martin Dyphe, Senti— the Spring Meeting of the National Editorial about the nation‘s newspapers. 1' l
33 nel—Echo, London; State—at—Large, W’lham Cay- Association and its affiliates at New York on T1 NPA ,, - 3 ,1 . ’ hhrk‘hh
.3 wood, Sun, Winchester; State—at-Large, Mack , _ ,~ , . _ 0-3 1e . MK the 013“ lb notcqulfe, an(
33 3151‘: Progress, Dawson Springs; Immediate April 18 22' He “311 attend board meetings to reduce the amount ol paper availahlq-l1C Er;
333 gag Piesident, Joe LaGore, Sun-Democrat, 0f NEA’ Newspaper Advertrsrngbervrce, hhd civilian consumption." Add your con
33 a uca ' Newspaper Managers AssoCIation.~ hdltnl‘ to this. 5
33 ~———————-————— and Mrs. Bennett Roach. and Editor and Under the order mills are m hold tifhdm
3.3 NATI o N AI. E DI? O R I Al " 13.1135" game; “3111151 have "150 made reserva- serves for the first 10 days ol~ each 11101113333133122
33 3 A [- ‘Ohs or t e COhC me. the reserves are not purchased [or gouck
33 "'1 ,‘ IASSO Cl?" '30" . . ment use within that period. it said, the y] 3
3 7 Emma , A C “E M E M BER 3 he released for private commercial ortleiieih‘) e t
:3 3 ' 3 z 3 3 i The legal department of the United Na- NPA said if the producers fail to 33:12:32;
, 33 M” tions has advised the National Better Busi- government paper orders 33mm"tarily3333erial fa
. Daniel MCIC-le Hutton ness Bureau that the United Nations flag issue directives requiring them to do so'irged m
. . _ may not be used under any circumstances in The NPA said the order is designer”; inch
33 The Press Joms all the KPA members ”1 connection with advertising and selling, make possible the handling of govern 3
33 extending sympathy ‘0 Mrs. Hutton and the The general assembly of the UN passed orders with the least possible disruptil 9' .
33 daughters in the death Of our colleague, a resolution recommending that UN mem- normal paper production and distriblll 31.313“;
3' Daniel Mac-Hir Hutton, long publisher 0f hers take such legislative or other measures (.33) (KC,
3-3 the Harrodsburg Herald. Mr. Hutton was as are necessary to prevent the use of the —_——_.——_—_’ :her'hd
3 one Of the outstanding community editors emblem, the official seal and the name of the Your ASSOCiOi‘l‘iOh Ci: (:1:
‘ 1n the state and hls editorial column was United Nations for commercial purposes.
3 quoted widely. He served as thirty-fourth . \Ve like the way Arthur H. Lee, pm; hr h“
3 president 0f the Kentucky Press Association of the Associated Plumbing Contractt “C ‘m‘
33‘ in 1918 and his wise counsel and guidance Congratulations to Editor Bennett Roach. Georgia, closes his column in a recent0 essent
33 have been outstanding incentives in the ol the Shelby News, on his second annual of Plumb, official publication of that At? produ
33 growth and progress of the Association. Green Pastures edition. The edition which tion. His comments are appropriate lientuck)
_ 333 merits congratulations to his olfice force, was trade association. Here they are: now the
33 '—'—".——— replete with farm and pasture news and “Work for your Association and iii}???
{33 ertinent advertisin . Our editors are ad- work for ou. ‘
‘33 3| 953' Newspaper conteSts hised that a Green Pistures edition, not only “ ‘Everyyman owes some of his timelndham '
33 Have you sent in your entry for the 1951 is a profitable to the newspaper, but carries upbuilding of the profession to whiclll0th arm
i3 newspaper contests? Remember, the dead- on a worthwhile promotion which will mean longs.’ Those words of Theodore R0053amtledm‘
3 line for entries in the 12 contests is May 1. many dollars in the pockets of his farming take on added significance under presern'm 19‘
r Send in your entry in all contests TODAY. community. trying conditions. What is a better 3:: Vmafr
3 Bring your job printing exhibits to Cumber- Editors can consult their county agent for tipbuild your profession than to ”'31. lie”
33' h I. H land Falls. information concerning ”the GreenfizlPasture active part in your Association?" a

1 '11 '
1 1
1 1
, 1951 March, 1951 The Kentucky Press Page Five 111
10rtance 1 Oldham Era LaGrange Celebrates the pavement on the east side of the resi- 111
blic , , dence ol James Netherton (this same l)llll(l- 111
f pu . , ing is now back of the Netherton residence). 1 ‘
the pre- Its Diamond Anniversary In ’95 I _ Mi'. French sold the equipment to Sparks ‘on 1 11
luacates ‘1 ' lime’ and one day, stepping into Sparks' 11
publica- \Vith this issue The ()ldham Era completes facts as contained in that article are as fol. office, he picked up a copy of the paper and 1 1
ion Of a its 75th year of publication and begins next lows: noticed a scandalous article about one of the 1 1
respects week the first leg on the fourth quarter of a “In 1876, just 50 years ago, W. \V. RoWICtt, leading citizens who was a deacon in one 1
ation in century. Ordinarily1this is an event that thcn a resident of Henry County, came to of the churches. He told Sparks that the
S in the would be observed With a special commemo- I.aGrange and announced that if the field paper must not go out to the public. Sparks 1 1 1
I move issue but present conditions are such looked promising enough he would start a with an oath removed his apron and said: 1 1 1
m mm as to discourage such a project. Production newspaper, With this prospect of such an ‘MT- French, )‘0U1VC 13.01 fl Pill)”; “I‘d thus 1
costs both of labor and material would make advancement in view. some of the leading Mir. French again became the owner of the 1 1
the undertaking most expensive. citizens got together and resolved that no outfit. He later sold the equipment to a man 1 1
5 Older readers of The Era recall the 50th stone should be left unturned to bring about named Pendleton who removed it to Hart- 11 1
fl 81111111’drs1ianniversary of The Era whic