xt7msb3wwv7t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7msb3wwv7t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2001 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals 2001 Better Newspaper Contest text 2001 Better Newspaper Contest 2001 2001 2019 true xt7msb3wwv7t section xt7msb3wwv7t ,
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 Page 2 - 20 "EPA Better Newspaper Contest ‘ a 2001
Category 5 - EDITORIAL PAGE story, drawing the reader in- A lot of information! Clean design
Certificate of Merit - MCLEAN Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY and good quality inside photos.
y Third Place - EDDYVILLE HER- advertising-
oatesory 6 - NEWSPAPER ALD LEDGER Second Place - SPENCER MAG-
Certificate Of Merit ' MCLEAN 03“!ng 11 ' LOCAL Good information for those who
COUNTY NEWS FEATURE PICTURES want to attend. Good balance. It
FlI'St Place ' MCLEAN COUNTY makes me want to visit.

‘ Category 7 - SPORTS PAC-El NEWS Th' d Pl - FULTON LEADER
Category 1 ' TYPOGRAPHY SECTION Good home-town feel with photos. Exlcgueniciee sake A lot of work
First Place - SPENCER MAGNET - P :

, , First Place - FULTON LEADER Second Place - SPENCER MAG- seems to have been invested to pull

Good clean look! Body fonts ledlng A very nice info-packed Sports NET all of the elements together.
easy to read. Might-want to reduce page. Scott Rich may want to con- Photos provide good connection Mitchell’s photos are good images
number 0f headline fonts and sider placing his column in the with the community. but ‘soft’ re roduction ke t this
rethink condensed fonts in Pertieu- same place every week. Some larg- Third Place - EDDYVILLE HER- from ahi hefaward p
lar- Photo Printing fine er pics might anchor the page bet— ALD LEDGER Honorafle Mention _ TIE _
Second Place ' MCLEAN COUNTY ter Overall a well done S orts


NEWS page. Category 12 'LOCAL This booklet is a ood ro ram
Like headline font, but might want Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY SPORTS PICTURES .d f h. . g d Pt g
to allow more white SPace- NEWS First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY E“ e orbI’St‘fians .3“ “811937;
ClaSSified column spacing needs to A nice variety of pictures. Play by NEWS EBEWILEE HERXEB LEDGER -
be uniform. GOOd reglstratlon play in stories is a bit too long. Good variety of local Sports action.
throughout. Shorten the stories, such as where Includes good coverage of team Cate o 16 _ ORIGINALAD

they downed the kickoff, etc. sports. IDEAg ry

Category 2 - COMMUNITY Overall a nice sports page. Second Place — EDDYVILLE HER- First Place _ MCLEAN COUNTY
FlrSt Place ; SPENCER MAGNET Nice variety of pictures. Avoid Nice action shots. Better choices in T t f l d f 't' b' t
The paper 5 creation Of a Main using too many pictures. cropping would make big differ- as e u a_ or senSI lve su Jec '
Street TriCk‘Or'Treat event has November 22 was an especially ence_ Slmple deSlgn) dlgrllfied) well-wrlt'
provided the community with a strong page. Third Place - SPENCER MAGNET ten message gave Che“? to ”1°59
safe, family-oriented night III the Honorable Mention - EDDYVILLE Captures flavor of local sports who suffered loss during year.
dOWRtOWII- DOZCIIS 0f bUSlRCSSCS HERALD LEDGER events and enthusiasm of partici— Great.
and community groups have fOl' Really liked the way you put every pants. Second Place ' FULTON LEADER
lowed the Magnet’s lead to make soccer player in the paper. Some Great use Of color, great IDStll‘vu'
tlllS event SUCCESSfUl EXCCllCIIt more action shots and stories Category 13 -BEST USE tlonal .ad for client t9 establish
WOIk- would make your page even better. OF GRAPHICS good ‘c1tlzen reputatlon. Slmple
Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Nice effort. First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY and direct-


Category 8 - BUSINESS Eye-catching color with good repro- NEWS ‘

Category 3 - FREEDOM AGRIBUSINESS PAGE/SECTION duction, and juxtaposition of rele- Informative, good use of color,
OF INFORMATION Certificate of Merit — MCLEAN vant images. appealing and inwtmg.


NET Category 17 - DISPLAY

Category 4 - FRONT PAGE Category 9 - LIFESTYLE Clean and concise graphics. ADVERTISING
NEWS Certificate of Merit — EDDYVILLE Category 14 - BEST USE Unique diversity. Well written ads
Nice variety of stories. Lead story HERALD LEDGER OF PHOTO ILLUSTRATIONS with very little sameness. Good use
B, easy to identify. Certificate of Merit - SPENCER of available spot color. Reader
Second Place - FULTON LEADER Category 10 - LOCAL NEWS MAGNET friendly, attractive.

Good mixture of local coverage. PICTURES Second Place - FULTON LEADER
First Place - SPENCER MAGNET First Place - SPENCER MAGNET Category 15 - SPECIAL Good use of clip art. Some hard to
Solid, clear, modern layout. Color a Great Shots of a dramatic EDITION/SECTION read font troubles overcome by
huge plus. moments. The photos add to the First Place - SPENCER MAGNET good writing.

You could be one of the
‘ a many KPA members who
’ .4 Segre A p arrival of news about V
‘yai 3;: ., . 3.1515359: Wllllllllg contest entrles... .
) g. i H -, . but you ve got to enter to
m .. , » . _ wm! Deadline for entering
‘3}   . . . the 2001 KPA Fall
"* p. ., ., -- " Newspaper Contest
Q —- : 4' -
_— ‘V . I . .
—- . IS mid-October

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In the competition for E .EIE - ' ” E‘I’ I
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Weekly 1 newspapers, the -- eI I
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The w -.22”. a ” ‘
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paper secu re f lrst pl ace e “I”
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onors tn the General 1 e é
Excellence Competition ,tiijéif 1?”; E III
Below: The Fulton Leader ” E'Eé‘é””j';-i-” " -' s ,0 .
. 35’ ~ “E“ N
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Pudtntbc ,‘gig‘Ifi (firmafirmmm we mitt“ I a;"Iiiili‘IijIIEEI'II‘5'}IIEI‘IEIIIII" Planning “TI
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23:33:23}:{Se-f:ea- gamete littleEaesfiEiEE-II”‘II IE ' e magnet
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E¢§§I"¢15I§fis&fifg.t ”I”??? “I: =EII g? y’, . t bu‘ine“ Plans
-I'@FEII 0 set up on Main
"'" “was... «.5; "'""'""" Street on October
—. ‘1
I .23: a— 31 to hand out
" " “we. cand t
t\ ”0111373032" If the
_ on s and
The S ' I III I
Pencer Magnet (rlght) won I “MIMI
seco d l ' """"""""' I I Aud If I
n p ace tn the General I II "'""_’ I t ed stature in:
Excellence competltzon wlth entries 'I'I'II IIIIII 3 9“" III III”
llke th I t e o . ¢;.::§<\'?-.'-".‘.».c-. II I ‘ and “he a
C ‘3 0P f in lsher tn the EEO“; 3"" shoal yourself 0:-
0mm unit Ser ' :e;2:§é§jz:z::;.-.-;. : I
y vlce category. egg-'3'”: km“ ”W” WE”
- 23:3»; .. ass-s; —— ”its"2532?}?33:11:35???“I II
, ,— .. 2- might be interested,
let us know.
_____-__ “WW e____ Call 477-2139

 . Page 4 - 2001 KPA Better Newspaper Contact ' JUL ZUUI
wwrt‘rtgf“$a‘t£§fm Roberts. Fine local color provided colored box framing the front page. Amusing use of graphic elements.
W? i?" Elia}? Egg ..___ a; by Janie Bowen’s commentaries. Second Place — CADIZ RECORD
*axwflnttts‘a he Second Place - OWENTON NEWS Nice variety of stories on page,

PM“ HERALD although I’d try to have a dominant 08‘9“” 14 ' BEST USE
local columns by Patti Clark. Third Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN Fm ““9 ‘ LAUREL NEWS
Carrie Bennett and especially Good front page layouts. Especially JOURNAL
Natasha Allen. Nice to see several like nice headlines, though I’d want Use Of ViVid C0101‘ and white space
Category 1 - TYPOGRAPHY letters. Nice to see several letters. a lifestyle story occasionally, and to give design air make very eye-
First Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN Third Place - FLEMINGSBURG not just photo pages. catching designs.
Fonts readable. Headline size and GAZETTE Second Place - SPRINGFIELD
decking promotes stories. Press Notable especially for breezy writ- Category 10 - LOCAL NEWS SUN
work looked good. You abandoned ing from Garry Barker and PICTURES G d h t i
the gray screen over the 1A Briefs Danetta Barker. First Place - LAUREL NEWS 00 p 0 os.
box, which cleaned up the front Honorable Mention - TIE - CAR- JOURNAL
considerably. Everything is bound- ROLLTON NEWS DEMOCRAT Good composition, editing and lay— Category 15 - SPECIAL
Cd by columns, rules or boxed. Notable for lively local commentary out. EDITION/SECTION
Second Place — OWENTON NEWS by George Harper. Also includes a Second Place - SPRINGFIELD First Place - CRITTENDEN
HERALD good number of letters. SUN PRESS
NICE-fintstuseg well; but screens Egggfttge Mention - TIE - CADIZ Captures the essence of the news Disasters bring out the best and
are 18 rac mg orea ers. moments. ' ' ' '
Third Place — CITIZEN VOICE & Good variety. Nice light commen- Third Place — FLEMINGSBURG 31.351305: $2131: ' 33:23:
TIMES tary by Vyron Mitchell and particu- GAZETTE G dg k' y '
The color comes Off the press well, larly strong writing by Bill Very nicejob. 00 wor '
but it‘s very blue. Like your Cunningham. Honorable Mention - LARUE Second Place ' LAUREL NEWS
bylines. Attractive flag. Everything COUNTY HERALD NEWS JOURNAL
is neat. but it is very busy. Category 6 - NEWSPAPER Deserves recognition. Fantastic pictures. Excellent COPY-
PROMOTION Enterprising design,
Category 2 - COIVIMUNITY First Place - OWENTON NEWS Third Place - CADIZ RECORD
SERVICE HERALD ' Category 11 - LOCAL FEATURE It made me hungry at the start and
I‘ lrs‘t Pl‘dCt‘ - LAUREL NEWS Excellence! PICTURES satisfied with the extent of the
JOURNAL Second Place - SPRINGFIELD First Place — LAUREL NEWS informationGood work.
The paper's efforts helped the coun- SUN . JOURNAL . Honorable Mention _ TIE _ OWEN-
ty to identify all Of the local news Clean deSlgn. Great use Of color, Great capture and use Of Wide TON NEWS HERALD
who had died in our nation’s wars lots Of information. range focus. Photo is more appeal- . .
during the 20th Century. The ing because Of depth. Good feature LOtS ofmformation.
paper even created a full-size Category 7 . SPORTS PAGE/ display. Great job! Honorable Mention ' TIE ' CADIZ
plaque that will honor the men SECTION Second Place - CARROLLTON RECORD
untilamonument can be created. First Place - LAUREL NEWS First Place - CRITTENDEN Great package.
PRESS Coverage is very complete. Great Disasters brin out the best and .
Third Place - CITIZEN VOICE & job on basketball pages. Layout is worst in comrgunities. This one $131550” 16 ORIGINALAD
TIMES clean and modular. Writing bal— brought out the best in your staff. First Place _ TOMPKINSVILLE
anced news and feature approach. Good work!
Category3 - FREEDOM Strong photographs. Second Place - LAUREL NEWS NEWS . .
OF INFORMATION Second Place — CADIZ RECORD JOURNAL Great way '50 tum 51" advert‘se”
I't-i'til'it-ate of Merit - CITIZEN Good balance of coverage. Layout Fantastic pictures. Excellent copy. ads into one real attention getter?!
\‘(llt‘E 8; TIMES generally good. Photos have good Enterprising design. We‘re “”9 CVCFYCDC in ICWU WI“
content but lack technical quality Third Place — CADIZ RECORD want I” sponsor this promo ““XT
l'ategory 4 - FRONT PAGE in some cases. Writ in}: generally It made me hungry at the start and year. Great idea. strong nxecution?’
"~t I’liiw l.r\l-ll'l-‘ (‘()I'T\'T\f (good. but need siltlppier lead.» satisfied with the extent of the Second Place - SPRINGFIELD
'i‘.l'{-\l.ll NI‘T‘WF Tllii‘il l’lilce » SI’IIINUlt‘II‘IH) SI 'N information. Good work' 5‘['j\‘
‘.""‘lil‘t“lll Il ‘lf’li. llN‘ l' .ti't .ilid (lllllll use of pictures. Layout iiot ’I‘lontlralfille'Mention — TIE » OVVI‘LN Stroll}: graphics entice the r.lu(l(»r\
lllilllf'.\ ‘l‘lt'llll‘."«_“ \liiiiil.. eiisytolollowsometimes ION .\LVLS HERALD .. , .. . l't
“ .l lllt l “\"‘l‘ fillllc‘l‘ "XV i LUIS 'lf‘lllllll‘llltitlun ltl Milt) rind I‘OR‘CI thh €itl. I‘. ‘llfillv
.iit Work lit-txiilsc ot \\‘l'llllltl inter Honorable Mention - TIE - (‘AIIIZ presentation Of an ldk’f1.thy.ki()L11/i
i Iv ilt- r 'iltlf‘l‘ Category 8 - BUSINESS/ RECORD haw been very boring if it )I or tli .
. l. mu Pint-o . (‘ITIZEX \ilicic a AGRIBUSINESS PAGE/SECTION (lreat package. t'rt‘amlty displayed m Imp ad 7
\ bold entry demanding the reader GAZETTE Category 12 - LOCAL SPORTS NCVC] idea to promote. attendance
read the paper. Good designing Lots of busmess and ag news PICTURES for this event. Strong graphics
-i~t» ol‘color and art. enhanced with color photos. First Place - LAUREL NEWS make this ad a real success
TINT: Place - OWENTON NEWS Writers cover a variety of economic JOURNAL
HER LD topics. Good action shots and use Of color.
Good newspaper with a lot to offer. Second Place - SPRINGFIELD Second Place - CITIZEN VOICE & categwy l7 ‘ DISPLAY
Good art but lacked a dominant SUN TIMES APVERTISING
headline. Look for this paper in the A wonderful job of covering ag- Caught the essence of sports. FlrSt Place ' CADIZ RECORD
future! related events in a community. Third Place - LARUE COUNTY Clean, uncluttered ads and innova-
lfidgrétgalge Mention - TIE - CADIZ Lots of color photos and graphics HERALD NEWS tive design wins first place for this
add. a er. Ver ood overall a ear-
Excellent design and good writing. Third Place - LARUE COUNTY Category 13 - BEST USE infe! Excellingt effort througlfdilt.
8 rong ront page wi p easing ategory 9 - PAGE! HERALD - -
design, headlines and artwork. SECTION Clean attractive graphics which Some very good ads give this paper
Goodjob. First Place - LAUREL NEWS help draw viewers’ eyes to article. a nice, easy to. read appearance.
JOURNAL Second Place — CRITTENDEN Wcmat‘my‘“ "my a“
Category 5 . EDITORIAL PAGE Absolutely beautiful photos on the PRESS Thlrd Place - TOMPKINSVILLE
First Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN section’s front page. “Rock of Ages” Striking visual, comparing sound NEWS
Nice variety of local and national story is an interesting read. Lots of structures to wind-ravaged neigh- Somewhat busy, b1” an overall
commentary and letters. Strong good content on the inside. I’d try borhood. good appearance and appeal to
and lively columns by James not to rely too much on a shaded Third Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN readers.

 2001 KPA Better Newspaper Contest - Page 5
“m“ ”“‘—“‘—*“’“—————————“——_— ”*‘—*—"'———‘——‘——"“7
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l’mmli) itrouglu to mu in lnntpkunutlr Nun and Monroe ( 'uuuly l’rns. lint. .mtl the iutltméng \uilpnl'lt'r~ til it": \lnnrm- (‘mmlp l altom:
Everyone From GO FCICOHS! Good Luck Falcons 1
law" Dr. and Mrs. Greg Crabtree 0““ "°’" I
‘ Ashley, Chloe and E Ware“ 529 em Man-mat
. ‘ l Tompulnwlito
Wishes the Falcons Good Luck , Office Staff 2' "m“ 27M37~9231 l
Above: In the Weekly 2 competition,
The Tompkinsville News won a first
place in the Original Ad Idea category
‘ ____,__*______j with this entry. Left: The Laurel News-
; CU! veterans are no longer nameless Journal was the winner m the
They are no longer presented it to the community service category, a Win
vz'immymmis ~ ll'ic l4? .v .-:~..=1...:->::;:;;;... > county. ll's a simple that helped them take first in General
; Mattel County men who 3 John token. but one we fell . .
died during the tour m m has been long overdue. Excellence. Below: The Springfield
i major conflicts America ' ‘ ' 232% . JudgevExecutive Jimmy ' ‘ ' '
was involved in during in, Shinglgmzwgf Williams has told me S u n. 1’ mp ressed t he J Ltdg es w it h L t S
the last; century. m 3 the plaque. will hang entries in the Typography category.
' Over the past. year, of , Managing Editor inside the courthouse,
there was some contra» emit and that is good to _; .
versy over erecting a know. mam t ..‘L'r,’ ““13”
memorial to laurel We. would like to i .' W»*‘*i""'t‘m.; “m“ - I ~ -
County veterans, The local Vietnam thank a few people for helping us with the ”WWW,“ """“"""""""'=,m-........,.., _.
Veterans. at. their own expense and alter plaque and the presentation we made , . " ., ,
years of planning attempted to erect. 3 mon- Saturday night. TED: fiptmgfltm 5m
ument. on the southwest. corner of the. court- First — to Ron ’l‘hunnan at the Lexington dBWW’
house to honor Laurel (..ountians killed dur— Herald-trader - who gave. us a great deal on many brings big oppoflimity to SCC ““3”
ing that war. printing a glossy proof of the page for our (Sialzouuitking 3 31.55;; 5kg;
However. some were concerned that any plaque. Iiiili'éilliffi-Ziéllég ”" ' ‘5 i531" 22.3.
t'oemoriz’tl in which public money is used Thanks also to Mullins Studio and Gallery _ _ _» , _~ g:=i=;;f,,'.';;_, 3,53? 33'
should not be exclursivc. but should include on Main Street for their excellent framing job “may. ‘ ' ' ' egofié
veterans of all wars. on such short notice. it really looked nice. lgflfl’ififff -. Nb I... g... l
The end result was that plans were ’lhanks also to those who called in or } heir-lo , . _~ ,; § .. it w ' 3
scrapped. although future studies were stopped by with additional names. Two weeks i ’ p '_‘ "IQ 53$: p“ ’46:} atom
promised. and those who have. given so much ago. we printed the list. hoping family mcm- “ 2;" is? m,
in defame of our nation remained nameless. hers would notify us if any were missing. A ‘ _ - 3§._ '1 "ll“ {filth magi ‘
We at the News Journal tell these brave few were. and I'm sure a few still are - but we j gig; . ‘l "32% ‘ mm“
men deserved at least to have their names made every attempt to get. a complete. as list ; - ‘ " jg am :‘--
known to current generations and to those to as possible. I " .2”... I; . t ; _ We»;
t'omc who are the lx’nciictarios at their Finally - thanks to Suzanne McGowan. who g; 3;“- (57.22 ”331.354, ’° ””18
eouragc. graciously accepted my invitation to accept I My.“ “3 {cf-3%: «0%
So. best we could. we made a plaque with the plaque on behalf of the county. She was a 3;“: “s:- 3% .
the names at all the war casualties from fitting elwicc bevause her brother - Johnny . l "":.’i.2'.'.‘.._. . ,f' \ ji ‘2; ..1...,.' ;;
Laurel County we could find, had it printed Patton Ficrhter. was one of the M2 names 7 ~,**’~
and framed. and on Saturday during the. on that list. 1 :$;:§;:;?;Wmolialflmifimmr a.
Fourth of July Celebration at College Park. Let us never forget our veterans!!! W %.~:,*~
___~.~_.__________..________J fifififig at
5. r. 3‘ N," " ' it
2 w -

 ' JU L 20!]!
Page 6 - 2001 KPA Better Newspaper Contest
" Fine reporting and presentation. and about the Miles family dairy Almost tied for second.
Wk} Honorable Mention - TIE - J ES- operation must have garnered
ea y SAMINE JOURNAL high readership. Photos accompa- Category 13 - BEST USE
Good work. nying these well written pieces or GRAPHICS
33 Category 5 - EDITORIAL PAGE Third Place - ANDERSON NEWS NAL
First Place - ANDERSON NEWS “Anderson Album” exemplifies Uses very strong visuals in inter-
Strong local editorials. less need excellence in a community news- ooiiog ooaoooiiiooo. oooigooiio)
hitting columns by Don White paper’s coverage of are willing to take risks for more
Category 1 . TYPOGRAPHY make this editorial page a highly business/agribusiness. Nice retro- past tried and true.
First Place — JESSAMINE JOUR- effective forum for lively discus- spective piece by Don White in the Second Place - CASEY COUNTY
NAL Sions of community issues. January 5 issue. Missy Rogers has NEWS
Elegant. Clean and simple. Second Place - CASEY COUNTY good stories, but the accompany- Amusing illustrations that pro-
Second Place - LEBANON NEWS ing photos for these stores are vide comic relief as well as visual
ENTERPRISE Donna Carman’s column is espe- weak. relief. Graphics are concise with-
As good if not better than many cially effective. Impressive quality Honorable Mention ‘CORBIN out clutter or undue use of news
dailies I’ve seen. Good headline and quantity of letters to the edi- NEWS JOURNAL Space.
font use and consistency. tor, indicating an engaged leader- Crisp, Sharp photos are distinctive Third Place - ANDERSON NEWS
Third Place - CYNTHIANA ship. features of the contest entry. Interesting use of photos to lead
DEMOCRAT Third Place - LEBANON ENTER- Writing, however, could be eye through design.
Nothing fancy, just good. PRISE stronger.
Honorable Mention - CORBIN Fine discussions, thoughtfully Category 14 .BEST USE
NEWS JOURNAL written by Beth Foster and Teresa Category 9 - LIFESTYLE OF PHOTO ILLUSTRATIONS
Sparkles here and there, but a lit- Rice of pertinent local issues. PAGE] SECTION First Place - JESS AMINE JOUR-
tle cluttered. Honorable Mention - CORBIN First Place - JESSAMINE JOUR- NAL
NEWS JOURNAL NAL Desi ner s Show willin nose to
Category 2 - COMMUNITY WOW The use Of photographs and takegchahc)es. Size of photos in
SERVICE Category 6 - NEWSPAPER eye-catching design was fantastic. design makes a strong statement.
First Place - ANDERSON NEWS PROMOTION The stories all had strong local The ‘Nutcracker’ page was espe-
If you convicted of driving under First Place - CASEY COUNTY interest and appeal. Absolutely cially striking with the colorful
the Influence In Anderson County, NEWS fantastlcll photos set off by the reverse back-
expect the whole county to know. Great use of layout and color for Second Place - ANDERSON ground.
That’s because the Anderson News impact. You obviously believe in NEWS Second Place - CYNTHIANA
will publish your photograph. It your publication. Great use of personality photos DEMOCRAT
must be helping, the number of Second Place - CASEY COUNTY and graphic design. Very ambitious concepts and
DUI arrests dropped from 267 in NEWS Third Place — CORBIN NEWS clean execution.
1999 to 169 last year. Now that’s a The story and picture bring home JOURNAL Third Place _ ANDERSON NEWS
community service. the local impact. Glad to see chil- Nice homey design, very consis- Clear concepts and clean execu-
Second Place - JESSAMINE dren’s work in ad. tent. I’m sure readers look for- tion
JOURNAL Third Place - ANDERSON NEWS ward to this page each week! '
Third Place ~ ANDERSON NEWS Very clean, good impact. Good .
carry-over from print to electronic Category 10 - LOCAL NEWS g;§efi(g§/lsfigc§rfig§m
Category3-FREEDOM medium. PICTURES First Place - CORBIN NEWS
First Place - CYNTHIANA DEMO- NEWS NAL _ Unique design blends for a great
CRAT Strong front page pictures, good acka e Good use of boxes and
The only entrant that submitted a Category 7 - SPORTS on location composition. lirackegts to break u co Nice
truel FOI entry. Upbraiding your PAGE/SIECTION Second Place - CORBIN NEWS section " py‘
oca commission for violating the First P ace - CORBIN NEWS JOURNAL '
law takes courage in small commu— JOURNAL Good story telling, captures the Eggfilgillace ' CORBIN NEWS
nities. The best part of the package This sports section has it all, great moment. Great covers and excellent use of
was the sidebar story where com- photos, tons of coverage, a clean Third Place - ANDERSON NEWS historical h t h - 'd
missioners admit to the violation layout, box scores... the whole she- Third Pl p OJEggasmllglsé .IOUR
{was therle a followup? Have they bang. Very nice. Category 11 - LOCAL N AL ace - —
earned t e lesson, I wonder. Second Place - LEBANON FEATURE PICTURES -
Second Place - TIE - CORBIN ENTERPRISE First Place - JESSAMINE JOUR- Gregt °°Vergf°tkc°niustng ‘l‘seffi
NEWS JOURNAL Clean layout and lively writing. NAL 31m sesam I3" eeILItfsunp e. or
Second Place - TIE - CASEY The section has a nice balance of The clear winner! Lots and lots of t' e I": egs' t ‘Fe 12h 0 terlgdamza-
COUNTY NEWS sports news, opinion, photos and appealing feature photos. Design, .lin' 0° 8 once at 0 your
Third Place - TIE - ANDERSON various info graphics. cropping, varying sizes all add to if; crest.“ M . T
NEWS Third Place - CASEY COUNTY the appeal. Algiiiiriiso‘iv NEWS“ ' IE '
Third Place - TIE - JESSAMINE NEWS Second Place - CYNTHIANA .
JOURNAL Huge variety of coverage! Lots of DEMOCRAT Great mix 9f the Old and thecnew.
well—written stories. Layout is a bit Good variety of feature photos, Nice historical photos. Good 10b Of
Category 4 - FRONT PAGE jumbled, keeping it from placing from parades and graduations to capturing the past. .
First Place - ANDERSON NEWS higher. sports. Lots of emotions captured. Honorable Mention ' TIE '
Excellent content and design. Bold Photos are well cropped. CASEY COUb'ITY NEWS
use of dominant art captures the Category 8 - BUSINESS/ Third Place — LEBANON ENTER- 9”“ Ph°t°35~ N‘ce la¥°“t- 0'00“
readers eye and won’t let go. AGRIBUSINESS PAGE/SECTION PRISE JOb ofcapturlng memories.
Would have to pick this one up off First Place - CASEY COUNTY Some great ersonalit hotos!
the newsstand. NEWS Good color, nige tight shd’ts‘!) Category 16 ' ORIGINAL AD
Second Place - CASEY COUNTY Interesting, penetrating stories IDEA
NEWS with a strong human interest in Category 12 - LOCAL SPORTS Fix-8t Place ' BUTLER COUNTY
They really know what they are these entries. So much of coverage PICTURES BANNER _ ,
doing and produce a wonderful of business or agribusiness seems First Place - CORBIN NEWS What a great series! I": sure the
paper. to be more PR than journalism. JOURNAL readers Of “The Bennen 1001‘ R)";
Third Place - CYNTHIANA But the Casey County News con- Takes the reader there. ward to reading Coustn Don S
DEMOCRAT sistently does a good journalistic Second Place - ANDERSON column every week! I'lmow I
Overall good paper. Good writing, job on these topics. NEWS would. Nicely done, amusmg style
photos and layout. Second Place - LEBANON Photographers show imagination. a that gets th? advertisers mes-
Honorable Mention - TIE - ENTERPRISE Third Place — CASEY COUNTY sage across while hevmg fun!
CORBIN NEWS JOURNAL Stories about “Bountiful Burley" NEWS See WEEKLY 3, page 18

 2001 . - . 2001 KPA'Better Newspaper Contest- Page 7
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