xt7msb3wwv67 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7msb3wwv67/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1962 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1962 Vol.28 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, April 1962 Vol.28 No.7 1962 1962 2019 true xt7msb3wwv67 section xt7msb3wwv67 "I? I‘ - 2 .. 2 2 .
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III I“ of the newspapers as to their opinionsU APR
The KentUCky Press + AS We See It + the abolishment of the free-in-countysfi
tion of the present regulations and at iii- .
Vo|ume 28 [Number 7 KPA Executive Committee last report, more than 90 per cent of therE VIC
. turns indicate the abolishment of the fv
Official Publication Passes Postal Resolutlon - _ . . , . . I“
Kentucky Press Association, Inc. ln-Lounty If the surcharge was eliminater‘
Kentucky press Service, Inc. As stated in the minutes of the spring After weighing all facets of the problen
Victor R. pmmann, Editor meeting of KPA Executive Committee, in a motion was unanimously passed byiii h was
Perry J. Ashley, Associate Editor the April 15 Bulletin, a long discusSion con- Executive Committee that Maurice Henri hwky 0“ I
Member cerned the postal rate bill and its eltect on chairman 0f KPA DOStfli committee, drawt profession
::::::k‘;erchr:rliggfr:f Aé:::322 the newspapers of the nation. Two vital 11 I‘GSOhitiOIi WhiCh WOllld emphasize i}. students
Better Business Bureau, Lexington points received a thorough examination and ASSOCi‘JtiOD’S POSitiOIi 011 the matter, an 1°“? hnd‘
Sustaining Member scrutiny, the proposed surcharge section also, to write an editorial to be forwards nallsm. 1
National Editorial Association and the present status of the free-in-county all members relative to the status qu0' nounceme
Associate Member provision. free-in—connty mailing with a request ll. “’1th the
Nflfionfli Newspaper PromOfiO" ASSOCiflfim‘ Of the first, advices from Washington it be used in 1111 editorial columns. Tl Journalisn
Printed by The Kernel Press state that the fight of NEA and other “3. resolution states: ‘hlmel‘ 3“
_____———_ tional trade organizations in their testimony, The Executive Committee of the Kf the UK S
7 ”It: hf‘imlflflhiigfciiccijl 2:18;:fighsciculotflorilirrzecggfifeeé and the testimony of our representative, tllcky Press Association goes on records dent chap
trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination Maurice K. Henry, and spokesmen for other (1018ng the principle of removal off TWO h
of public information. It stands for truth, fair— state associations, have had great influence “Free in County” as related to SGCOIld-Cli heard Dr.
ness, accuracy, and decency in the presentation 1 . . . . ‘ __ 4 _ z .1. f F . .. , tucky Ker:
of news, as set forth m the Canons of Journal- on tie senate committee and the snichaige m 11 mg 0 no“ spapeis. Kentucky Il€l . b
ism. It advocates strict ethical standards in its section is virtually “dead.” Senator John papers are willing to pay their fair share mg a out
advertising COhmm- It 017710?“ the publication Sherman Cooper did yeoman service to KPA postal costs as related to newspaper mi ,
of propaganda under the guise of news. It af— . , , . f. »
firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, at the hearlng and has pledged cont1nulng ings “Dd urges the Congress to give 3i i ;
honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re- support in future hearings and on the floor and 1““ charge to the POSt Office Dept h 9*
guarantee of Freedom. of the Press. It believes recognlzed 1“ the appended resolution. effect at OhCC the $300 million econom ' : V3
tielopmen’t and 1;l'0gl'€SS. Kentucky delegation to the hearings, the stated can be 63%th WithOUt impart"; :2
_ .______.__ free—in-county provision in the present Post the postal Shrvjces' Kentucky newspap hi if; :17
Kentucky Press Association, Inc. Regulations on‘ Second Class mailing pro- reailirm their belief that postal Chh { i g:
Iohn B. Gaines, President Visions is entirely misunderstood and inter- should always be Oh pound 01' editorial-it . i it: E
" Park'City News, Bowling Green preted by Capitol Hill. Practically all Con— rate charge rather than hhtht surcharges his:
“Cd ]' Burkhard, $151221)? 865353? News, Liberty gressmen and Senators had believed that -Further, hethkY newspapers 89‘0“" j if
Victor ll. Portmann, Secretary—Manager newspapers could mail every issue to all in- Old that Whh the removal 0f the Free f 35
Berry .l- AShie)’; ASSié'tflflt Secretary-Manager county subscribers free of postage. As we County” procedure that then each “h i 31,:
h 10ml“ h' Gagfigg’mfiffz:tflmlgelwxgizreie‘ingmn all know, free-in-county does not exist in paper Will be a hill-paying postal user: E 3
i , ‘ postoffices that have letter-carrier delivery, customer, and that each newspaper Will V fig
DiSh’iCi Executive Committee and further, newspapers must pay postage paying at rate increases during the path hi;
Chairman, Qeorge Joplin III, Conniiorrwealth, on the advertising portion of all papers. years higher than any other type 0f“ f I
T323193“): 51%};32121, lggéiyvilllelilgrgcorhd, 111:; During the discussion it was evident that éhus’ Wlth fa” assessment 0f the P05“ 5
Stone, Messenger—Argus, Central City; Third, if the surcharge provision was passed and tie Departments public serVICe Chh : i
iiigfiilsvgilellllghfltsfir’Fggfirgr'égfirhgiiniZ‘lie £2723: free-in-county continued under present con- 33009111111131] postal economies, and the‘ 3' “8;, ‘i
(frat, Bedfbrd; Sixth: George Trbtter, Enterprise, ditiOhS> newspapers WOUId Pay a higher Inova 0 Free In County .pr1v1legtii '
» Lebanon; Seventh, Warren R. Fisher, Mercury, postage rate each issue even up to 400 per newspaper rates should remain at theh " .. J
Sglrllt‘hjiéhfi'géh:35:ng géufigéhg {ignigderfirlZ cent difference. The nation’s weekly press int ”he m order to insure the C0“ r
News, Middlesboro; State-at-Large, S. C. Van individually WOUId experience various de- inanCIal Stablhzatlon Of the hom
Cnron, State Journal, Frankfort; State-at—Large, gl‘ees of monetary difference in the com— newspapers and t0 “Ct silence the’ m . I
Efih“giatgfinhfihfiggn’ ngflréidniiideErksfihfi' parison of the surchage and free-in-county papers- VOice Of expression in comm - j i
limes-Tribune, Corhin; Immediate Past PreSi: PYOPOSfllS as evidenced by a survey made 0f 0f 1111,8265. I .,
(lent, W. Foster Adams, Citizen, Berea. \VisconSin newspapers—comparable to Ken- Thls resolution is to be forwarded t0" .
Kentucky Press Service, Inc. tucky papers. This survey pointed up that tucky United States Senators and the .
George M. \Vilson, President the free-in-county provision favored news— be“ Oh the Kentucky delegatlon m ‘ ’ "1
Breckinridge Herald—News, Hardinsburg papers published in the center of the coun- House Of Representatives, and to me‘
Landon Wills, First Vice-President _ ty while those published near the fringe of the U.S. Senate Post Oflice Comml , .
William T. Duvflcéeeffng(G‘Qtiphfgggfiahmm with circulation extended into nearby coun- Passed this 14th day Of April, 19 ”g
Lyon County Herald, Eddyville ties would be materially hurt by the sur- unanimous action Of the Kethky. ‘8 r V
EggrIRA5:13)]?anlsfaefgestggé'tI‘arzlasurer charge even with some circulation included ‘ Association Executive Committee. . A! »
Floridh R. Gariison, Assistant Treasurer in free-in-county. . f;
. B°‘."d °f ”Wm" s03: iii: Ezlglirlttoirihiiii 5512:2233: Yearly circulation of books in U-S-
boro; Niles O. Dillinghain, Progress, Dawson proposition), making use of the proposal as U.S. publications distributed a W W
I ll Eggnggilggycafix; %%:iif;;ifiéhkr3%lée§:bzit a “trading point” against the surcharge sec- 15,344,151 per issue in. foreign Cil'c‘h 4
offidio. ’ ’ tion. NEA is making a nation-wide survey in 1960. ,5,» '

1. 111m“ 1111,
11 1 11 1
APRIL 1962 1111 1
1 ‘ 1 1 1
1011511 ’ THE KENTUCKY PRESS PAGE ONE 1 11111 1 11
. 1 : i=1: 1 11
.1111 -1 1111.11 1
1 11‘ 11
an}. . 11111. 121 2
11.11 VIC Portmann Honored A’r SD ' m - 111111 1
111 1 1 11 1
11:11 — ourna IS Dinner :1 1
ninate; B P J A 1 11111 11111 1
. v EnRY . SHLEY b 1 - . "1‘1111'1 1
"011111 . num el of 1m ortant chm e. - ‘ ,. . 1 11- ' 111
by1 It was truly “Vic Portmann Day” in Ken- made in the JEurmlism Eleg St weltenbe‘llrglg m-nt. But legends bulld up around a man 1 1111 1 -. 11
. , c arr . - . - . . ,, 1‘1
1 Henn tucky on Thursday, Aim] 19’ as newspapers, of us know well by expelli: ment (1. 1 v1 ho ls actlve and who IS domg thlngs. 1 11111 1 1
' 1 . . . ‘ ‘nce exen 1 . . - -.. > .1 .. 1 1 1
dram professmnal assocmtes, friends, and former over these 35 years in Kentuck ,, t] S but? In concludlng hls 1ev1ew of Vics act1v1- 1 ‘11 1 1111 1
' ‘ 1 1 ‘ ‘3, ' . 1 111': '
size 11‘ students turned out to honor him for his of Journalism director said “t1?“ :1 C 00 “BS With the SChOOI Of Journalism, Plummer 1 1111 1 1 111
'er an long and dedicated career to Kentucky jour— and wherever Vic 1301121111111 h “1; enever 101d Of the HOOd 0f letters which has been 1 1111 11111
1111113111 nalism. The occasion was the recent an- valved—in the Universit ( 1-1 L315. een 1n— recelved from frlends and students. In re— 1 1111111 111 .
s . , I ‘ ‘ 1 . ‘ 11‘
1 no nouncement of VICS change of work status the Kentucky Press ASSOyC’ilf exmgton, 1n vlewmg some, he lead one from a former- 1; 1111 '1 1 11 .
1 - 2 g 1 - . 1 , ‘1 ‘1 1 1
113311 with the University of Kentuckv School of numerous mtionql committegmy 1n h'lnhtEB student who succmctly sa1d:11'11111. 1 11 1
1 . ' - K c s ( . ’1 , 1 ‘ ‘ 1. 11 1
ns ,11 Journalism after 35 years in teaching. The has served or in the offices he h m W 1C. d e F116165 (1 hell Of a legion Of us Portmann 1 111 1 11 1 1
1 ' dinner and testimonial was Sponsored bv important changes have inde (la: :CCllplle _ men to “’21V9 YOU 0“ Your way 1 1 Said 1 1111 1 1 1
, c e . . , .4 a . , . 1 '1 1 : 1 1
the K the UK School of Journalism and the stu- Things just seem to (hq en h a $1 pPace. another. I leally dont believe that you are I 1111 1 1 1.1 1 1
. A 3 . L I - - _ . ' .' - - . - 1 . ‘ r ‘
0 d3 (lent chapter of Sigma Delta Chi. mann is wound ,1 pp V! en la 01t letning, but Just usmg this as a means of 1 1‘1111 1 1 11
3°“ - *‘ : : 1 .. . 1:11 11‘;
1 oil Two hundred and thlrty—five p61‘sons “Even today 1, Dr Plumm 1 1 d getting to a big paity and of being able 1 11.11.1 11 1 .
c . - . . . . 11 1 1 1 1 1
. heard Dr. Niel Plummer quote the Ken- “I can '1 g . ’ 7. e centlnue 7 to spend more tlme \Vlth us country edi- 1 1111 1 1 1‘
10111111 tucky Kernel of September 1997 h 1 (311116 you ‘10 Portmann is one of tors . . .” ‘1 1 1
, , 1- as sa - , ‘ ' : . - . 1‘
\y 1191 ing about Vic’s arrival on é'lmpu; 1hr“ X1 1) e 1vellest men you Will ever meet who 13 And from a respected University admin 1 ‘11: 1. 111 1
1‘ share ——fl :1 PIOfeSSOT on Change of aSSIgn- lstrator: 111111111 “1111 1
Per “11 v ..,. . _ m_—_—_ 1 I11 1 1 1
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KY PRESS -. )Ol‘tunlty t0 l I Cont!
TUC 1115 0131 the great re 01
THE KEN « . I take t 11111111“) 011 u -h H
.. Md," f “01' P01 nany years. C'ln tellC
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I I l“ l S l J H / 7‘ géfigfifiggfigmflgfig i“! gig}, ’2. 23' *2; secret” ‘ Os Swaln, Puh- talent 120‘ J
9f‘:‘1‘7\‘\5:§‘3’2 . 5“ ‘§:22222222:§:;:g 224:4:2’fi2 21:“ Associatlo‘13g for KPA~1En 1te_1\/Iessenger.
. 2k“)?! : ‘- c »» 'ijfi;§<§;%}:§M2" 3",? “g. r ‘23:...724, ». 3-3 {12:5 . . 011C 1“ . AC vocz
t " ‘“‘ " 2’“ 2 9.3200153: _ , Resp .. mlle fthe Ken.
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”Kw 2""f2i‘i4’éiéii9ifi m: .‘ .3“ 223:2}?‘52i252‘i2 . , ,, figfiég; .. ' llShel 10 d Vic as the B g I Swain to“ 1th: H m‘1
S") ”‘4’” 2‘ y” ”W35 “~”’ 2, ’2 'ji 3 2 f”: :2 3' W, w.“ :c .» 2 ' . 2: v ‘ .' . .. 2!, n $115,532: Kit-395.? 9‘; _ .' e ‘ - '01]. _ e L .
H «222222:.:..:.2-:¥.. «922:2 2- .2 i 2» M: ”mung”. . , . ,. ., lesul) .. Clatl KPA 1am P S.
“2) ”>X“{‘§‘§\’ (<2? < X..- ‘k .22. i. 2“ 9' :27... 22.. 32, .5 <, 1".”3' ‘3' $3.39.“, 55. > AV“ ,_ / ( . ‘S A550 that ' I I
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1:“; ”2"” g2§§E§§§§§ “ 332W ‘ ,. .‘kzzflig'gv § :ZO-‘-.’:I:.i2:‘::.~ 2§W§ ; , H011day 1111301“ a 5091‘111 g(_g,mjzati011“n' these SUbJe I
‘Y A (”kflxfiyfi ‘ . , H”... '3 - ssec 1 ~ 1121 01 ‘ . \ S_G00(
3:13 1: Eff} “1’2“" 9 . ‘ ‘ ' ,:~.g , ~ )l-ogle , -0feSSIO lned ma“, P.P- '
252%? ’15:] it‘ 2 $32“: l” . ind-\Vorkmg pl of Vic. He Ollltlhqd been He ended h
2.2122 , 1 -. ', .5: .- ' 2 .. .tion ‘ icl ‘ . ' .
if? fix” 0 " _. "; » . " . , 2: 5 der the c111eL )lighments wh Press SerVICF» and M15' P0
. 2x ‘ 7 2 ) ; _’ Of the accou‘t1 the Kentuckly 1 nent of lhh record playel
l l \ 2,22,32,22.- V ”I . 2. ,9 ; r, _ _ 2 1 , Icl
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:Ajflw. . , , , . / , 1,22 a, 111‘ - I I
X , 2:.f g , 2,, . «~ ., ;. , ,, ., School of 101’s fund: and w: 1d of the err how he ”331:1
~ ,9 , , . 2 x‘ r pled Children Swain also Oee 1n d giw he sald, (
:2-1, 2 ,, ,, . 1'. , , . S. r ‘ l . ’ C
:-. 2 9 . w , . . nufll meetmg which the 110110 f KentuCll" frlelldShlp
: A V I ’ \ ., 111611t V‘ . dardS 0 . d.. W could
. . 9 ,, , , Coulflge the Stall reSSIVe a \el mon , kel
7" H l 7 l ’ ' .2 9 , - 1 ~ - 2
V ”if”! I I I} I to brmgll1g 1-1: makeup: p10?) tvpographl mam SPel d
._,r‘ ’, , i , . , 2,:1~: 1. ’ _ newspapers nlore attenuon de'velopmem manager (m
I I: ”I. ‘27": l I u I ' V ' f" f , tiging rates: 11.1 communltll lpey laws 1" Street 101113;
”I” 1;: ”If” y’ W ” -2“ ’- ‘ ' . , . ,ng part1c1pat101I t for bettel new :3 -1flanager‘ ma Delta
~ '3’ 9 ' 3 9 , , ., ,, 111d his figl bec‘lme seereta y A veteran1
I ‘1 " g 2 He ‘ . ,. _ ~ t1
, , A ,j’ .. the State. . 11 in 1942- _ d ViC hadl V10 Iephed b.
., 9 , , 9 2.2:: : ,2” . the Assoc1atIOS will Conunlle 1’ en dent an has always 1-
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APRIL, 1962 THE KENT I 4 I. I I ‘4..-
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an [11-6 or contaminated by success, and who Of West Kentuck G O eries :I III 3:; ;
”I can teach these Virtues to others—yaccinate Y l'OUp The safest rule about printing anything II I I 1 ‘
:hed hauls/1th? cesaofhpriiilterstinlfé st:ziig1§