xt7msb3wwt8v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7msb3wwt8v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Chemistry 1986 newsletters  English University of Kentucky. Department of Chemistry Newsletters Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry newsletters Chem-news, Summer 1986 text Chem-news, Summer 1986 1986 1986 2019 true xt7msb3wwt8v section xt7msb3wwt8v 7‘" 7 "#7777777 //’r":;;¥7 - \_/" «7:er V 7"” 77' 7 V W 7 V V V H V V V '7 V V ""77” N 77“ ,,_.-,,v._-7____
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()n tVlay It), 198:3, Col. A, 5‘ Behrman was
intlueted into the University til'Kentuel-Iv Hall
01‘ Distinguished Alumni. He was horn
7 Deeemlier 13, 1892 in Cm‘inqttin, KY and
received a B51 in Industrial Chemistry in
191-1. I’Ie tauw'ht Chemistrv at Sue Bennett
W .
Memorial School, London, KY 101‘ one year
and then spent two years in the Philippine
Islands conducting surveys (21".vat<':r supplies.
In 1917 he was commissioned in the Army
CZUEII’ICI’INEISLCI‘ Corps and in 1918 he was
assigned to llranee and participated at the
trout in all three American ullkrnsives. He con-
tinued service in the Army 01.()CCUP2L[iUfl in
Germany where he etindueted surveys 01‘
publir utilities, then returned to Paris Lt) head
an engineering group to evaluate the damage
in I’ranee and Belgiurn In the sutrtrner 01 t
1919 he returned to the United States and was i
discharged 1mm the Army. 15mm 191942 he
was the ehiel'ehemist and later \liiee-li’resident
of International Filter Contpanj,r in Chieago
where he (ICVCIUIJCCI equipment and materials
101‘ water treatment, including irm exehang't;
elarilieatitm, liltration, and use ()1 granular ar-
tivatetl earlxin. llrom 19-"r‘2-111‘17v'l he returned _ y , ‘ ‘ _
. . , , . , , pl, .8. li/‘llH/J/Hl. ./'//’) t/t l‘l/Hl/‘r (itt/ l, .‘t lily/Humid. ///t///// Hit/tutttt/t/t/r/.lltwt/tt /'/t'/‘,t
to active duty in World War 11, Will] prtnr'ipal ‘
stations in Hawaii and V'Vashingttin. lt'rrim
19/1-7’1-“1-5 Cull Rehrman was Viee-President seit-ntilie pulilieatiuus and lites—xi; 1,7,1), l't‘lll) and 17; :t ’2"‘Itt'l'{)11) sttpptu‘tt'r til the
and Direetor ol‘Research Ulix/tfilfilt‘fll Clurpora- patents relating in water tt‘t'HlItlt‘ttt. eupt-t’ial7 lit‘pzlt llllt'lll ')l liltt-niimtrix.
lion in Chieagti. Alter ('(insitlet‘ahle aetivity‘ in I}: itni—ezt'ltanttw' httt :tlstt m (filllt‘WJLla‘ {tel ;. atl7 The ,lJt'pIH'lltll‘tll «it (lltt-tttiutr)’ Wits privi-
the Army Reserve he retired at the mandatory sorlients and (,tttalj/Jits, and l)lttlt'l':," .-.‘eparzttrir;, lt-Lted tn hear a seminar presented In; (Jul.
age (>100 in 19:33 with rank OILCIOIUIH‘II ALIS, 1n adtlititin tu his prelim; tionzzl rart't'r he i , nu l’ugln'man the attt-ttmttn l/t'let'w he was inrlttt'ted
Since 194,7 he has l'ieen a eltetnieal (*tmsultant, at't'tnnplished musieian and maintain» an M7 intr» tltt‘ llall til l)i‘;tinttui ihc-tl Alunmi, He
and is still active in his laboratory in (lhit'agu. ll‘-'t‘l11l<‘!'<31‘$tlIItiltrH‘étl ttttt'iit‘. l’lt‘ I't't’t'it't'd tlt<' dimly llll "Ilia: l‘iasr inatinjg, filvirv (Ii. Inn 11::—
He has published two boults: Pliili'tznin: lrlls‘tltlg‘tllSllt'tl li)t'1"-‘l<‘<‘ fl'wfartl i‘rttut the liixi tlt‘l:,' in 1953/. He un ~;ilit':t girl.
Lion. He is the authtir 01‘ almut a hundred lthCiUIltfi‘ it Ulll‘v'W-‘Slli' “1 ‘iVlll'lClilt' llil’llm" l“
gri;:i.wfiuri,4_—ii «-V W , 77" ngiiiwrfl , ""777 n V777 7, n 7 n , if" , , , .7 if 7,", ,,,7_.,._|

A Message from the Chairman
Chemistry Departments, like their citizens, NSF. Although we have not received official F_ C. Anson at California Institute of Tech-
havc highs and lows. The 1984-85 year was notification of approval at this writing, the nology, Tom will be using electrochemical and
something ofa low as manifested in miniscule signs now look very good. The two major photochemical techniques to answer questions
salary increments, difficulties in recruiting components involving Chemistry have to do about electron transfer in polymers and
new graduate students and, finally, the loss with membrane science research (Allan But- solvent-swollen polyclectrolytes. He will also
of Laren Tolbert to an attractive position at terfield, project director) and nuclear methods be investigating electrochemical methodology
Georgia Tech. Since the beginning of 1986, research (Steve Yates, project director; Bill as applied to the synthesis of inorganic com-
however, things have started to look up. From Ehmann, co-principal investigator). Together, pounds. We are extremely pleased to have
our present vantage point in the summer of these two projects will bring roughly $2 million added two such promising young scientists to
1986, I see more promising developments than over five years. Part of this money will be us- our staff. Leonidas and Tom are also nice peo-
at any time since the late 1960’s. There has ed to attract two new faculty members to our ple and will fit well in our congenial depart-
been a general renaissance of state-wide in- department, a polymer chemist and a mental atmosphere. "
terest in the fortunes of higher education radioanalytical chemist. We will have the pleasure of hosting an
which was evidenced this spring by legislative Additional encouraging signs can be found unusually large number of visiting faculty this
approval for a $30 million bond issue aimed in individual grant activity. Several faculty year. In addition to Dr. Molnar, mentioned ,
at buying research equipment for the Univer— have received new grants this year. Allan But- above, Professor Fred Shannon of Houghton l
sity of Kentucky. Chemistry has submitted re— terfield and Tom Smith are involved in a proj- College was here for five weeks late last spring. .
quests for a new 400 MHz nuclear magnetic ect aimed at surface decontamination of air- ProfessorJo AnnJansing, department chair-
resonance spectrometer, a Microvax II com- craft. Dennis Clouthier has received a major person at Indiana University Southeast will .
puter system to be interfaced with the X-ray three—year grant from the Department of spend the 1986—87 year with us and plans some
diffractometer, an argon laser system, an in- Energy to do laser spectroscopy on combus- collaborative work with Bill Ehmann. We are
tensified diode array detector to be used with tion intermediates. He also received a starter also pleased to have three Appalachian Col-
the Raman spectrometer, a field—ioniza— grant from PRF to explore the spectroscopy lege Fellows with us this year. Last fall, the
tion/field—desorption ion source for use with of phosphaalkyne compounds. John Richard University of Kentucky Appalachian College
the ZAB-QF mass spectrometer, and a VUV obtained a starter grant from Research Cor— Program applied for and received a large grant
photoelectron spectrometer. We have also re— poration to study the mechanism of action of from the Pew Memorial Trust Fund. The bulk
quested matching funds to purchase a Fourier— beta-galactosidase, and Steve Yates is involved of the money will be used over the next five
transform, ion-cyclotron-resonance mass spec- in a U.S.-Hungary cooperative research proj- years to support visits to UK by mathematics
trometer. If Chemistry is allotted all of the ect funded by NSF and dealing with shape and physical sciences faculty teaching at
items requested, and there appears to be a coexistence at double subshell closures of private, four-year Appalachian Colleges. One
good chance that this will happen, we would nuclei. Dr. Gabor Molnar from The Institute ofthis year’s visitors in Chemistry is Professor
add $1.1 million in new equipment. In addi- of Isotopes in Budapest has been a visitor in Larry Blair of Berea College, Berea, KY, who
tion to extending the research capabilities of our department sinceJune 1985 and has been will be here for the spring semester of 1987
our present faculty the new equipment should working with Steve on this project. In addi- collaborating with Carol Brock in some X-ray
prove helpful in attracting top—quality ap- tion to these new grants, renewals have been and NMR studies, Professor Yueh-hua Giza
plicants for our remaining vacant faculty obtained by Kurt Niedenzu for his boron from Wheeling College, Wheeling, WV will
positions. polymer work and byJack 56165116 for study- be here all year, working on a project with
Salary raises for faculty and staff were ing metallacumulene and carbide complexes. Tom Smith aimed at designing polymers to
reasonable for the new academic year, and, Merle Pattengill, having spent the 1985-86 remove pollutants from environmental media.
most importantly, the University has finally year continuing his theoretical studies of reac- Professor Nazir A. Khatri from Union Col-
found it possible to increase stipends for tion dynamics at Stanford University on a lege, Barbourville, KY is here for the sum-
graduate teaching assistants. The raise was Guggenheim Fellowship, will stay in Califor- mer of 1986 working with Bob Kiser on ap-
$1,200 with the likelihood of further increases nia for another year. NASA has found that plication of artificial intelligence principles to
next year. Allan Butterfield, our Director of Merle’s studies are relevant to the operation mass spectrometry. Such visitors greatly
Graduate Studies, had a fine recruiting year, of orbital transfer vehicles and will fund his enhance the academic environment in our 3°
and we expect fourteen new graduate students research effort in their Ames Lab at Moffett department, both through their actual
to arrive in August and at least seven more Field. research activities and in the different perspec-
in the spring. Another raise next year and Two new faculty members willjoin us this tives they offer. We in turn supply instrumen- .‘
some aggressive recruiting should put us back fall. They are Dr. Leonidas Bachas, an tation and expertise often not available at their
in the game. analytical chemist, and Dr. Thomas Guarr, home institution. They also have a chance to
A major effort in our department this year an inorganic chemist. Leonidas is a Greek judge the suitability of our graduate program
centered around our attempts to qualify for citizen who recently completed his Ph.D. as a place to send their students. All in all,
grant support under the EPSCOR (Experi- dissertation at the University ofMichigan with everyone benefits.
mental Program to Stimulate Competitive Professor Mark Meyerhoff. Leonidas is in- Inspired by Allan Butterfield, we held the
Research) program. Eleven states, including terested in enzyme-linked competitive binding first Regional Undergraduate Research Poster
Kentucky, were judged eligible for this pro- assays which are coupled to electrochemical Competition this past spring. You may recall
gram to be funded by the National Science detection. He will also apply electrochemical that we have traditionally sponsored a poster
Foundation, and a state-wide committee was detection to problems in analysis ofinterstitial session each year for our own CHE 395
appointed to solicit proposals. Our department waters from ocean and lake sediments. Torn students. The new regional event was timed
was involved in several proposals, two of received his Ph.D. from the University of to follow our local session and drew students
which were selected for inclusion in the final Rochester with Professor G. L. McLendon. from Kentucky colleges and several schools in
Commonwealth of Kentucky version sent to Since 1984 he has been working with Professor neighboring states. We plan to try this again

in the spring of 1987, and we hope it will much. As alumni, you are the bestjudges of next few years will find all of our labs full of
become an annual happening. how successful we are, and I would welcome brilliant, hard—working students using the
These n'tessages always seem to contain your comments and/or criticisms in this latest model instrumentation. Currently emp—
more information about research than about regard. One of this year’s teaching highlights ty faCulty Offices will be filled with enthusiastic
teaching. Probably this is because I assume was the appearance of the second edition of young Nobel Prize seekers, and senior facul-
you already know that we continue to perform Jim O’Reilly’s “Instrumental AnalysisH ty will be having trouble dividing their time
spectacularly in the latter activity. Although (Allyn and Bacon, Inc). The first edition sold between speaking at international conferences
we have acquired something of a reputation 24,000 copies. We also offered another sum— and advising the host ofundergraduate chem-
on campus as being “hard nosed," perhaps mer course for high school teachers, this time istry majors trying to transfer from Harvard
even unsympathetic, in our evaluation of stu— for Physical Science teachers as well as and Stanford. Maybe two years is too soon,
dent perIOrmance, it is my perception that this Chemistry teachers. Jim Holler has done most but surely in five—C"
only reflects our determined insistence that of the organizational work and a large share
students gain sortie permanent knowledge and of the teaching, but several others have con- Robert D. Guthrie, Chairman
understanding from their classroom ex- tributed as well.
periences. In truth, we probably care too Clearly, progress is being made. Surely the
. E~————:::—1:;————-—————-—
'1 A» A F n .
@ommen‘ts from the Editor
‘ This issue of the newsletter covers events Chief Of‘RadiQimmunoassay Reference Lab— tal picnic each spring, a program of speakers
and information for the 1984-85 and 1985-86 oratory, V.A. Medical Center, Bronx, NY; throughout thC year, and other social
academic years. Highlights of the past year Professor Henry N. Wagner, Jr., M_D.3 activities,
are covered in the message from our Chair- Director of the Divisions of Nuclear Medicine WC thank thOSC WhO FCSPOHd to our TCQUCSt
man, Robert Guthrie. We are featuring asec- and Radiation Health Sciences, Johns for hCWS, WhiCh WC h0pe YOU enjoy in 0111‘
tion on our alumni who graduated 1940-44. Hopkins University, Baltimore; and Dr, Alumni News section. Enclosed is a form for
In addition to the research grants listed in Alfred P. Wolf, Chairman, Department of Your convenience in k€€ping US UP t0 date and
Bob’s message and the faculty and staffnews, ChemiStry, Brookhaven National Laboratory. please let us know any change of address.
we have received substantial additions to the Carol Brock will chair the committee for ar— WC are 21150 grateful for thC contributions
Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund, Col. A. S. ranging the next symposium. We welcome to our development fund. This fund makes it
Behrman Fund, and the Alumni Development any suggestions for topics and speakers for possible to support activities that cannot bC
Fund. future symposia. funded from state appropriations. If you wish
The Eleventh Annual Symposium on The University of Kentucky Student Af. to make contributions to the University to be
Chemistry and lVIolecular Biology, supported filiates of the American Chemical Society used by the DCPartment ofChemistry or the
by the fund in memory ofAnna S. Naff, was maintain an active program and are a great Hammaker Fund for Handicapped StUdCht57
held l\/Iay 3, 1985. The topic was “New asset to the Department. Each year they spon- please SPCCity that the donation is for the
Biochemical Insights Via NMR.” Speakers sor a state—wide contest for high school designated {Uhd- Donations may b6 sent to the
were: Professor Brian R. Reid and Professor students, who come to our campus to take a DiFCCtOV 0f Development, William 13- Sturgill
David E. Wemmer, both from the Universi- Competitive examination. The top winners Development Building, University of Ken-
ty of \Nashington; Professor StanleyJ. Opella, receive cash prizes and credit for two of our tucky, Lexington, KY 4-0506.
University of Pennsylvania; and Professor general chemistry courses if they attend UK_ When you come to Lexington please stop
Robert G. Shulman, Yale University. The Over a hundred students participate. The in for a VlSit and meet our faculty and staff
Twelfth Annual Symposium was held April chapter also sponsors the departmental and 300 0111' facilities.
7, 1986. The topic was “Radionuclides in “Teacher of the Year Award.” Other ac-
Chemistry and Medicine.H Speakers were: tivities include a student—faculty “get— Bill Wagner, Editor
Dr. Rosalyn S. Yalow, 1977 Nobel Laureate, aquainted” social hour each fall, a departmen—
v ' ,,
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1986 Sympatizun mt Chemistry and {Molecular Biology.
Left [a right: Hun} N. Wagner, J11, 1W.D., Dr. Rarely” S. Ya/aw, Dr. Alfred P. Wolf, Dr. 1W. B. Najf
3 :

 Financial Report
One of the provisions of the Anna S. Naff SYMPOSIUM DATE CHAIRMAN TOPIC SUPPORT
Endowment Fund which supports the Annual 4/30/82 L. M. Tolbert Artificial Photosynthesis $2,667
Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular 4/22/83 J R. Kincaid Structure and Function of $4,396
Biology is to provide a published financial Cytochrome P-450
statement of the Fund periodically. The last 3/30/84 W. T. Smith The New Embryology: $3,030
report was made in 1981. We felt it is ap- Molecules and Mechanisms
propriate to publish it in the Alumni Newslet- Determining Animal Form
ter to inform many of you who have benefited 5/3/85 S. L. Smith New Biochemical Insights $4,945
from the Symposia. The Fund was established Via NMR
to stimulate thought on, understanding of, 4/7/86 W. D. Ehmann Radionuclides in Chemistry $6,366
and insight into the chemical process in liv- and Medicine
ing things. a
Endowment Fund Reserve 7/1/86—$84,107
‘ 4
We are pleased to present the responses ficer for manufacture and loading ofnerve gas, three were chagrined andangry) remarked
‘ from the followmg alumni in answer to our mustard gas, and incendiaries. 1959—62, Air that we ought to feed potassmm cyanide to the
request to bring us up-to-date on their ac- University Maxwell Air Force Base, Mont- old man. Just then a v01ce behind us (Max-
tivities since graduation. gomery, AL staff and faculty. 1962, Armed on’s) said “Why don’t you use sodium it is
1940 Forces Staff College, Norfolk, VA (student). cheaper?”, Needless to say three éha§tenefi
1962—64, staff of Supreme Allied Command students did the work over and this time it
Thomas R. Bryant, B.S., went on to Har- Hq. SHAPE, Paris, France. 1964, Industrial passed.
‘ vard Medical School graduating December College of the Armed Forces, Washington, 1941
1943. After nine months ofinternship served DC (student). 1964-68, Chief of Staff U.S.
U.S.Army in WW II in Pacific—first as bat- Army Munitions Command Dover, NJ. Alvin C. Isaacs, B.S., Excerpts from his
talion medical officer in 43rd Infantry Div. in 1968-72, Deputy Chief of State Logistics, 6th covering letter: I enclose a summary of my life
1 Philippines, then later served as Division U.S. Army, Presidio of San Francisco, CA. since leaving the University, that might be of
i Surgeon 1st Cavalry Division in japan. 1972, retired from active army in grade of interest to my classmates. Some ofit may not
Returned to training at Presbyterian Hospital, Colonel. 1972—74, joined California National be very meaningful to people with no military
‘ New York City, for surgical residency to 1952. Guard — Deputy Commander, Fort Irwin, service or a few years under duress of the
Then returned home to Lexington practicing CA. Fort Irwin was then a National Guard draft. You are free to publish my address and ‘
General Surgery untiljanuary 1, 1986 when training post. 1974—86, retired, active in telephone number (7921 Edinburgh Drive,
Ihave now retired. Married first to Dorothy church and civic affairs. Springfield, VA 22153 - Telephone: (703)
Stopher 1952, one daughter. Dorothy died of I am also interested in what happened to 455-5153). I have lOSt traCk of almost all 0f
cancer in 1962. Remarried 1966 to Betty Harry Zimmerman and Vert Fraser who were my 1940-44 Classmates, mostly because my
Reed—currently living 636 Raintree Road. friends of mine in the class of 1940 who also career significantly removed me from the
We have three grandsons, 6, 5, and 3, living received degrees in Industrial Chemistry at purely scientific and engineering fields that
in Olean, NY. that time. I have since lost track of them. many of them followed. My early education
John F. Gay, B.S., Industrial Chemistry; Experiences as a student were largely con- at UK was an indispensable ingredient ofwhat
1940-42, Chemist, Hercules Powder Co., fined to 16 hour days under Drs. Maxon, I consider to be a successful life. *
Parlin, NJ; 1942-72, on active duty U.S. Ar- Barkenbus, Stewart, and others, whose names After departure from UK in 1941, I tOOk
my Chemical Corps; 1972-74, employed by I have forgotten. We did have some good a year of graduate study at Georgia Tech and
state ofCalifornia, California National Guard, relaxing time in the Alpha Chi Sigma room then entered the Army as second lieutenant a
Fort Irwin, CA; 1974—present, retired—civic and we used to compete for custodianship of (ROTC commission) in 1942. I was overseas
and church work. the Ethyl Alcohol storage room. three and one-half years in WW II, serving
While with Hercules Powder Company I remember one morning about 4 am. I in North Africa, Italy, France and Germany.
developed cellulose acetate butyrate process was running a Grignard for Dr. Barkenbus, I was commissioned in the Regular Army
from lab to plant products. While with the which developed an ether leak and started a shortly after the end ofWW II realizing along
U.S. Army: 1942-45, duty with troop train- small fire. Needless to say there was much ambition started at UK
ing in the U.S. One year U.S. Forces China scurrying around on my part to extinguish the During my military service I served in
theatre on Mainland China. 1945-50, Office fire. The only damage was to my tweedjacket numerous stations in the United States as well
Chief Chemical Officer, Washington, D.C., which was destroyed in the fire. My ego was as Korea and Vietnam. Much of my military
University of Wisconsin, Physical Chemistry, severely damaged. time, aside from the nation’s wars, was spent
no degree. 1950-54, U.S. Army Berlin and Another time three ofus had just been given in research and development activities in the
Frankfurt, Germany. 1954-55, Chemical ourjust comeuppance in class by Dr. Maxon nuclear weapons area, conventional ar-
Corps School (student). 1955-59, Rocky Mt. the end result of which was to cause us to do maments and automotive vehicles. Schools in-
Arsenal, Denver, CO. Arsenal Operations Of- three weeks work over again. One of us (all eluded the Command and General StaffCol-

 lege, Army War College and University of Award in Physical Chemistry, American tural Biochemistry, Brookhaven National
Chicago where I obtained an MBA in 1963. Chemical Society, 1973; Nobel Laureate in Laboratories, 1970; Co-organizer of Con-
1 held various mid and high level command Chemistry, 1976; Distinguished Alumni ference on Enzyme Mechanisms, Santa Bar-
and staff positions. Decorations include the Award, California Institute of Technology, bara, CA, 1970; Commission Scientifique de
Distinguished Service Medal. 1977; Senior U.S. Scientist Award, Alexander Chimie des Instituts Internationaux de Phy-
Iwas placed on retired status in 1973 after V011 Humboldt-Stiftung, 1979. sique et de Chimie, fondés par E. Solvay,
attaining the rank of Brigadier General. Following is a list of offices held in scien- 1977; Board ofAssociates, Linus Pauling In-
However, I am far from retired and now lead tific societies and award lectures presented: stitute of Science and Medicine, 1977; Com-
a very active life in a new career started after American Academy of Arts and Sciences, mittee for the Wolf Prize in Chemistry, 1980
retirement from the military. elected Fellow 1960; National Academy of and 1981; Organizer, Symposium on Struc—
I am presently the president of a very suc— Sciences, elected 1961; Guggenheim Fel- ture—Function Relationships in Proteins,
cessful small business which conducts courses lowships (Oxford University, England, Nucleic Acids and Viruses, University ofMin-
and seminars in highly specialized areas of 1954-55, Cambridge, England, 1972-73); Na- nesota, 1979; Member, Scientific Advisory
Federal contracting for various Federal agen- tional Science Foundation Senior Postdoctoral Board, The Robert A. Welch Foundation,
cies and private firms. We enjoy an excellent Fellow 1965-66; American Chemical Society, 1982- ; Member, Board of Directors, Dow
Q reputation and are heavily booked at all times, Chairman, Minneapolis Section 1949; Min- Chemical Company, 1982- ; Advisory Com-
6-9 months in advance, with no advertising. eralogical Society ofAmerica, 1958; American mittee, The Institute for Amorphous Studies
I enjoy the work immensely, even with 60 Physical Society, elected Fellow 1963; and Consultant to Energy Conversion
‘ hour work weeks and very heavy travel Member USA National Committee for Cry- Devices, Inc., 1983— ; Member, Scientific Ad-
schedule all over the continental United States stallography, 1954-58, 1960—63, 1965-67; visory Board of Daltex Medical Sciences, Inc.,
and Alaska. American Crystallographic Association, Presi— 1984- ; Member, Scientific Advisory Board
I was married four years ago to my present dent 1955; Overseas Fellow, Churchill Col- of NOVA Pharmaceutical Corporation,
wife, the former Loretta T. Murphy, who puts lege, Cambridge, England, 1966, 1973; Hon- 1985- .
up with my awful hours and travel schedule, orary Member, The Chemical Society (Lon- Research interests are in the relationship
keeps a fine home, and who works alongside don) 1972; Foreign Member, Netherlands between structure and function, including the
me in the business too. I am very proud of Academy ofArts and Scienes, 1976; Honorary relationship of three-dimensional structure
my children. Ihave a daughter (Yvonne) who Member, Mathematical Association of and mechanisms of enzymes and other pro-
is a nuclear engineer for Bechtel (Houston), America, for Friday evening, August 11, 1978 teins (carboxypeptidase A, concanavalin A,
two daughters who are M.D.’s (Laura in (a performance ofchamber music); Honorary aspartate transcarbamylase, glucagon), and
Oklahoma City, Linda in Tampa, FL - both Member, International Association of including the relationship of geometric and
married to M.D.’s—how can I go wrong with Bioinorganic Scientists, 1979; International electronic structures in theoretical inorganic
four doctors in the family?) and a son in the Academy of Quantum Molecular Science and organic chemistry (boron hydrides, car—
Army Special Forces (Green Berets). All these (1980); Member, Academic Europeenne des boranes; electric and magnetic molecular
children went to UK for undergraduate Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres, Paris, 1980; properties, barriers to internal rotation,
studies. One sony severely handicapped almost Honorary Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry valence theories of complex molecules, localiz-
from birth, died last year. (London), 1983. ed orbitals, group theory).
I have no plans to retire. My health is fine Award Lectures: Harrison Howe Lecture, Albert (A1) L. Rhoton, M.S., following
and life is good as it is. I have no desire to Rochester Section, ACS, 1958; Evans Award graduation with a masters degree in
. vegetate (for me, that is) into traveling, fishing Lecture, Ohio State University, 1974; Gilbert Chemistry in June 1941 I started work at the
and the golf course. (To each his own!) Newton Lewis Memorial Lecture, California B. F. Goodrich Company in Akron, OH. Par-
William N. Lipscomb, Jr., B.S., Ph.D., Section, ACS, 1974; Remsen Award, Mary— ticipation in the development of Synthetic
California Institute of Technology, 1946; land Section, ACS, 1976; City College of New Rubber during the war was the beginning of
Civilian, Office of Scientific Research and York Chemistry Alumni Award of Scientific my career in Rubber and Polymer Chemistry
Development, 1942-46; University of Min- Achievement, 1984 (Symposium). and Technology.
nesota: Asst. Professor of Physical Chemistry, In addition he has presented over 200 in- I have continued to be involved in this field
1946—50; Associate Professor, 1950-54; Acting vited lectures world-wide. in many parts of the world since retiring in
Chief, Physical Chemistry Division, 1952-54; Other activities and honors include: The 1975. Both Mrs. Rhoton (Hazel) and I spend
a, Professor and Chief, Physical Chemistry Divi- name lipscomite give by]. W. Gruner to an several months each year in foreign countries.
sion, 1954-59; Harvard University: Professor iron Phosphate mineral, 1953; Chairman, Have been around the world twice since retir—
of Chemistry, 1959-71; Chairman, Depart- Program Committee for 4th International ing and have lost count ofcountries where we
ment of Chemistry, 1962-65; Abbott and Congress ofCrystallography, Montreal, 1957; have lived and traveled.
9 James Lawrence Professor, 1971—present. Associate Editor of Journal of Chemical On our way home last fall from the Amazon
He has received'honorary degrees from nine Physics, 1955-57; Associate Editor ofjournal we stopped in Mexico City for two days.
universities and the following awards: Bausch of American Chemical Society, 1959-68; While there we were caught in the great ear-
and Lomb, Honorary Science Award, 1937; Visiting Committees, Argonne National thquake. Our room was practically destroyed,
Sullivan Medallion, University ofKentucky, Laboratory, 1957-65, Brookhaven National but we escaped major injury.
1941; Sigma Xi, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Chi Laboratory, 1963-65; Chairman, Panel Area Hazel and I will celebrate our 55th wedding
Sigma, Phi Lambda Upsilon, 1949, Honorary for Structure, Physical Properties and anniversary in Ecuador in june where I will
Membership in 1976; Sigma Pi Sigma, Phi Characterization, NAS-NRC Committee for be working.
Mu Epsilon, Distinguished Alumni Centen- the Survey of Chemistry (Westheimer Com- My thesis research at the university was the
nial Award, University of Kentucky, 1965; mittee), 1964; Visiting Committee for the preparation ofan odorless (relatively) mercap-
American Chemical Society Award for Dis- Department of Chemistry, California Institute tan and some of its derivatives. Finally, Dr. .
tinguished Service in the Advancement of In- of Technology, 1969-73; Board of Trustees, Barkenbus thought I had developed adequate
organic Chemistry, 1968; George Ledlie Museum of Science, Boston, MA, 1965-68; manipulative skill and directed me into a study
Prize, Harvard University, 1971; Peter Debye Advisory Committee on the Center for Sth- of “Butyl Mercaptan”. After all classes in ;
s 1

Kastle Hall had to be evacuated on two posed to adhesives, dermatology, dentistry, would happen and looked hard at all the op—
separate occasions because of slight mishaps basic research in wound healing and Skin t