xt7msb3wwt4h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7msb3wwt4h/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1987-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 1987 text GLSO News, April 1987 1987 1987-04 2019 true xt7msb3wwt4h section xt7msb3wwt4h APRIL w
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If you would like to advertise in the @st =
GLSD Newsletter, please send your camera- I
ready copy to: BLED, P.D. Box 11471,
Lexington. KY 40575. . The deadline for all MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 13
submiSSions is the 15th of each month for 1
publication in the following month’s issue. t
Anvthing received after the deadline will not C
be guaranteed to be published in the next Please put me on the GLSD mailing list, 5
issue. _-inc1uding a free subscription to the monthly r
Ads may be sent camera-ready or rough. GLSD Newsletter (delivered in an ”unmarked” m
Rough copies are Subject to additional envelope.)
charges as shown in the rates below. GLSD __I would like to become a member of GLSD. D
will not be responsible for typesetting Enclosed is $10.00 (or $5.00 for students) H
errors in the ad incured during printing: annual membership dues. t
advertisers are responsible for proofing the _Please let me know how I can be more involved E
ads they submit for publication. - in GLSD by calling me at: _________(phone) or c
The Editor and the GLSO Board of writing to me at: a
Directors reserve the right to censor ads and _____________________________- L
other submissions which are deemed to be in (Name) E
poor taste and to edit due to space _____________________ ________ '
restrictions and/or ‘grammatical errors. (AddFESS) (ADt- “) m
Erotica, fantasy, sexually-explicit ____-____-_ _______ _____-—_—— W
materials, or material deemed to be in (City) (State) (ZIP Code) T
conflict with the purpose or olicies of .e e
the Lexington Gay/Lesbian p Services Mail to: GLSD. P.D. Box 11471, Len. KY 4Uu75 é
Organization will not be accepted for
publication. r
RATES The GLSU Newsletter is published monthly ?
' by the Lexington Gay Services Organization, V
Eighth Page $8.00 Quarter Page $15.00 Inc. (d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services 9
(2" K 3.5") (2 1/8" x 7” or Organization) P.D. Box 11471, Lexington KY
4 1/4" x 3 1/2") . c 40575. The GLSD is a registered non-profit F
Half Page $25.00 Full Page $40.00 organization the purpose of which is to A
(4 1/4" x 7" or (8 1/2" x 7”) provide educational, recreational, social, p
B 1/2” x 3 1/2") ‘ and referral services directly involving or E
. relating to gay/lesbian people. E
Classified $2.00 (up to 4 lines, Views or opinions expressed in the E
S .75 each additional line) articles. stories, letters, or advertisements
' are those of the authors and do not 1
Typesetting $15.00 , necessarily represent those of the GLSD Board F
Screens $10.00 of Directors nor the Newsletter staff. P
Publication of the name or photograph of any
DISCOUNTS _ person. organi:atipn or other entity in C
10% off for 3 issues , articles or advertising in the Newsletter is C
25X off for 6 issues in no way indicative of the sexual - c
V 402 off for 12 issues orientation of such person, organization or e
50% off for non—profit organi:ations entity. 7
\ . Submissions for the Newsletter are t
Discounted ad space will be contracted welcome. 911 SmelSSiDn become the property ;
for specified terms. Artwork mav be chanced Of the Lexington Gay Services Qrganization, e
at the advertiser’s expense and subject —to Inc. _(d.b.a Lexington gay/LESb‘a“ SEFY’CES '
the above deadline. Half of the cost of the Organization). All submissions must indicate t
discounted ad shall be due prior to the full name and address of the author,
publication and half shall be due upon although no by—line will be published without L
completion of the term of the discount. ‘the express written permission of the author. E
Failure to comply with the terms of the Non-original material must indicate that the 5
contract may result in future denial of original author has given permission for use c
contracts. of the material. Anonymous submissions
cannot be accepted. The editorial staff
Placement 0+ an ad in the GLSD Newsletter reserves the right to alter submissions , c
QQ§§ NQI denote I person’s sexual orientation “ (including "'ads) to meat ‘ publishing 2
or a business’s customer preference.ru _ at"- requirements. _v;e , _ fi,, ,_ e % .{Mh_
. r. . vi” ’.:-.vxu._ ~- - ‘ ” » .ei;,.iv.., ,, , ,. —' ,«‘i--,.",V,:v.,.....:'.u ,4..~—. ,.. ‘ E
V ,' V a
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_L,"rw= .v~~ a e.-- "',- ‘“H~J7h EuhT’LC I-£Tt;i .'“ x.‘. T a; 5im“F*”l{mQfifififiw-‘ ,u »:-: a.»

 GAY VIDEOS AVAILABLE IN LEXINGTON an Estlx Eteets In: lasso Begs: alga,
EeCELDQ @lausee, or D1 159 taxes that

Lexington’s many video rental YOU would CODV or loan QUt? If 50’
stores offer more films of particular please let U5 know V13 a letter—to-the-
interest to gay people than most of us Editor-
probably suspect. The follow1ng is a
listing of films which either have gay
themes or include Significant gay
characters. Only a +ew of the dozens o+
stores in town were inspected for this N 0 w 0 P E N
rather o+f—hand list, so this is by no
means comprehensive

Cut Corner Videos 3: Records, at 377 W
S. Limestone. has the best selection of UMuwuflLmkumDumnCmmmy z/ fig?
the stores included here. my Eeagtifgl q%¥[\ \
EeHQQCEEEE W55 jUSt released on Video wzcmummAwmeJmmav i§ ggk
cassette in February and is already \
available at Cut Corner, along with lxfimwmxummh4mm 1
Elana, EEKEEQEC: and Eecaenal fleet-
fliebima (the biography of one of Japan’s
most important post-WWII writers, who ‘VHOLESALEPRJCES .
was gay) is located in the store’s abOMWMfiu"MRumcumm"”
foreign video section, as also are Aqmflmm
fluetbet-Qeeutcx, Qaecelle, and La gage Amnflmn&buw
QHE EQLLEE and bath 0+ its sequels. CumdeueSdUpmdDaMn

Sqecial Media recently began omnmemanPmmL
renting movies on video cassettes, and SmduOMHs
includes among its selection the film ‘ AflAwflkswmki
verSion of Quentin Crisp’s autobio- ‘
graph/s Ibe Hated Qizil Esta-an:- » YOUNEEDfi-W-Swrrmfl!"

This movie is also available for ,
rent at Movie Warehouse on South Ashland - Mmfionm‘dmwvemwwloqa Mum
Avenue, along with finite fleas, mass -
egeaals Booths: Qeentcxs mating taxes Newfiflunmhhnfim
QEHLELDQ: Eecsenal gait, and gaze in the '

Eagg. Eegggag, which ran at the
Kentucky a few months ago and tells the
life story of the great, bisexual
American author, can now be rented at
Movie warehouse. POST-DERBY TEA

Daee Beeesls the story of a i . ,

Catholic priest and a bisexual noviate, will TE;S geggsSESSrSYan:::1 Dgzbysjzsgt
can be rented from Video Village, also Ma 1 t 1-00 F' ’ F v
on South Ashland. In addition, this y " a . "‘pm‘ inger 0°”. and
store rents out Lust in the' Dust beverages will be served in an ambiehce
(starring dear—old—--Bivihe):__ DE;;;€ which only we homosexuals can achieve -
bee::- and e gegéfiate Eesee (though this tZat is to say, with the most [refined
is not directly gay—themed. the homo- S yle WhICh W11; grace any hentucky
sexual undertones in the relationship Derby event (Anita .Madden, eat your

_ heart out!). Cost is $20 per person:
between the two boys is undeniable). . .

Most of the video rental stores in this is always a blg event for those 0+
Lexington offer Kiss of the Sgider Fhe proper persuasion" 1” Central
Woman. Making Love:--and-Pe;sonal_Best: hentucky,‘ so call In your RSVP as soon
g;:;;al ’55:; r;;:‘aut La agggr“;na“;n as “Digible- .The Site °* the
occasional other gay—related ¥ilm. Scrumptious OCCESIOn has not YEt been

If anyone finds any other gay— divulged. FD: that= exciting detail,
oriented films in any Video StDF‘ES. C32,: Barry jat 4687.59.34 or 5111 at, 266—
please send a letter-to-the-editor o? 91'” by mid-April. If there 15 no
the newsletter so we will be able to let :2::::? pleas: leav: a message onlltge
ever one else know too. A . . ing mac ine an your ca ”1 e
anyoze have a tape,D+ QeneentiEE’BQZEZ? re‘ur"Ed'

 , rel
The following is a continuation of an and pFOVIdlng an escape from the rel
excerpt from 99: EEQDE to Egie, a pressures of a frequently hostile world. fr(
EEEQLEQ Besgugge Eggg. which was Sometimes these may be blurred: many otl
produced in cooperation with women of lesbians are so completely separate in
the National Gay Task Force. The book the “straight” and “gay" worlds that by
was published in 1978 and is now out of they are almost two separate women. em
print. The lesbian subculture differs in 55
some essential ways from the gay male cm
WHAT IT MEANS TO LOVE ANOTHER WOMAN one. The' two are seldom completely per
by J. Lee Lehman separate. Depending on the location. ne
. for example, there may be separate
(If both women are aware of their women’s and men’s bars. or the bar(s) 5p.
preferences, the path of love is more may be mixed. Many lesbians have gay So
direct. though not necessarily easy. male friends. and their social circles se
The feelings may not be mutual. may not may be separate or mixed. No matter po
be of the same intensity. or may not what the choice. lesbian spaces tend to of
follow the same time sequence. Lesbian be much less ”cruisy" than gay male wi
love is no harder or easier than any ones. Cruising, the process of ofl
other romantic love. However. there is surveying one’s surroundings with hope bu
an additional twist. A lesbian may find to pick someone up. usually for a one— re
herself falling in love with a woman night stand. is much more common in the fr
who has no lesbian inclinations. Many gay male community. Some lesbians do em
of us have experienced this at some cruise. but the process is less se
point. and it can be very painful to acknowledged. that is to say. more 52
realize that DI‘IE is “stuck" with subtle. To campllcate matter-5, many ab
unrequited love. We may try to lesbians use the word ”cruising” to in
rationalize that the other woman just simply denote looking. At any rate. the
hasn’t come out yet, but this is not emphasis on ”tricking" (one—night 11.
always 50- The ImPDSSibilltY 0* 10V? stands) so common in_gay male situations 19
because of circumstances is a theme is much less evident in lesbian ones. gr
familiar ENOUth bUt as a minority Of For better or worse. there is a much re
the population. it can be exasperating heavier Etregs on ”relatignghlps” in be
to be surrounded by a majority that is legblan Circles. ei
unavailable. -
The fact that the law of averages The name 0+ the game, then. 15 2:
= L . favor introduces one of relationships. The meaning of this word
1‘ not In our‘ . .£ is almost as difficult to define as pr
the major differences in our ll'e- love. Instead of being fool enough to CO
styles. Unlike heterosexual men, we- .
try I will simply list some of the more
cannot assume that all women around us‘ common kinds. (C
are potential partners. Like gay men, 1. Monpgamous relationships. This Hg
we have to do something to change the 15 the closest equivalent to the
odds to our favor. For this reason we heterosexual marriage concept. The
separate from the mainstream 0* SOCIEtY women usually don’t go through a wedding
into our own ”subculture“ 0F ceremony (they can have a religious
”community". I“ this world. WE can erD ceremony in some churches). but they may
the ”straight“ disguise that many feel pool their ificomegl buy property
the need to wear "DutSldE”- In our own together. live together. and share their
places. we are assured that the other lives for years. 51
women we meet are lesbians. Whether the 2. Nonmonogamous relationships. LE
need is for light conversation, a This is probably closest to the or
friendship, a relationship. or a night heterosexual "open marriage” idea. The ar
of sex, we know we aren’t going to be women may define their relationship as be
hassled. Of course. our subculture primary. with each free to develop K;
serves two very different functions: relationships with others, sexual or
prov1ding a place to meet other lesbians otherwise. As with monogamous

 relationships. the women may live HISTORY
together, own property, or share the by Louise Moore
greater part of their lives. Like other
nonmonogamous relationships. this type I know woman’s more correct
has its pitfalls as well as advantages: but yeah. I still call women I know
While it can take the pressure off a girl.
relationship since it frees the women I do it to remember.
from trying to fill 100 percent of each
other’s needs, it can also add jealousy. Sure I come +orm the women’s movement.
3. The affair. A relationship but I also come +rom
between two women can be primarily or hnoxville. Tennessee
exclusively sexual in nature. It is 1970’s gay bars.
satisfactory when both partners are
comfortable with the idea that no one Some of the men here
person can (or should) meet all their still called each other
needs. Mary and Mi: Thing.
v 4. Friendships. Many lesbians put
special emphasis on friendships. And, some of the women
Sometimes the +riendship may have a drank too much, cut their hair
seuual element. but this is not the only like men, and beat up on their lovers.
possibility. For some. the combination
of a++airs with some and friendships but. in the good times
with others is quite satisfactory; for when some woman came in through the door
others friendships are an additional One of the women would push a chair out
bulwark besides more involved from a table with her foot, and calling
relationships. In any case, across the room.
friendships proyide insight, fun, and ”Hey girl. come on over here!"
emotional support regardless of any
sexual content. However. the fear of
sexual involvement can impair one’s
ability to have friends when one is
involved in a monogamous relationship.
5. Groups. Some lesbians choose to
live communally with a group of other
lesbians. The main definition of the RAZZMATAZZ
rou is as a household; sexual ,,
Eelagionships may or may not be present DeIIClOUS, Homemade FOOdS
between members of the household. In Lunch & Dinner, Mon.-Sat., 11 am—9 pm
either case, this is one very good Breakfast, 10 pm-2:30 am. Fri. & Sat.
method of obtaining multiple VieprInts Nites Only
and a strong emotional support structure Dinner Specials served Spm—9pm
prov:ded that the women inyolved are MON Pepper Steak..........$3.90
compatible. Country Fried Steak...$3.90
EC 1 7 c
wontmued in as 2:2: éiiggagazzzzzzzizzég *
N§fl§l§§§§5"-) WED Lasagna...............$4.35
‘ THU Chicken & Dumplings...$3.70
Liver & Onions........$3.50
FRI Broiled Cod...........$3.85
LESBIAN SINGER IN CONCERT, HERE! Sh‘5““ab°b5-----------‘4-°°
SAT Smoked Ham............$4.60
Hunter Davis. the renowned lesbian Roast Bee+"""""“$4'50
singer, will be giv1ng a concert at the
Lexington Unitarian Universalist Church Located In Park HIIIS center
on Friday, April 3. at 9:00 pm. Tickets Corner of PimliC0&Man O'War
are $5.00 per person. There will also
be a dance after the concert. Call Phone 271'1377
Karen or Beth at 259—1002 *or more info.

 TOLEDO HOLDS REGION V MEETING weekend. The Toledo chapter did an
by Keith, Dignity/Lexington president incredible ij and FECEiVE mY highest
praise. (A big thanks to Pete, Pat,
The Regional Meeting 04 Jim, Lloyd, Dave and the rest of the
Dlgnity/Region v (Ohio, Indiana, Toledo folks.) It’s nice to have a
Kentucky, and Michigan) tool»: place March productive anc‘ fun time together-
13—15th in Toledo, Ohio. Thanks. Toledo! '
Toledo, as u e , '
themselves as host ch:p::r?t9déncegttg;: DIGNITY NEWS FROM AROUND THE COUNTRY
six inches of snow, the weekend was
perfect. In addition to chapters in Buffalo
It began Friday evening with a and Pensacola, chapters in New York and
lavish cocktail party in a private home. Atlanta have jUEt been asked to leave
I felt like I was at a high school their parishes by their rESPECtIVE
reunion seeing old friends again. , archbishops. Dignity chapters Iaround
Saturday, the House of Delegates the country are wondering who will be
met. Many important items were ”93t- . _ ,.
discussed. The Region discussed the Dignity/Dayton and IDignlty/Cin—
Newsweek ad. Several chapters strongly cinnati have entered into dialogue with
favored the ad, several strongly the Archbishop of Cincinnati concerning
disapproved. Discussion was excellent, their relationship in the diocese.
1+ heated, and many good observations Dignity/Lexington wishes them much
were made. Some felt the ad would cause succeg?gnity/Detroit is conSldering what
chapters to be removed from their action to take concerning the Pope’s
parishes; others felt we had to take a visit this fall. It is currently
stand because eventually all chapters beliEVEd that the organization will
would be asked t9 leave anyway. .My coordinate a peaceful protest.
major concern, since the ad was going
ahead whether WE SPPFDVEC‘ 0'“ ”0t.- WEB t0 -———-————
make sure we worked together as a
region to support each other despite
opposing beliefs. I I
We also discussed the request for a
grant to arrange for a workshop on AIDS dl nl
ministry for priests. I was one of
several people who helped in the writing THCNnYflinNCTON -
of the grant proposal. It was approved P.O.Box19uo Lexington,KY40593
and was to be sent in to Chicago.
There was a wonderful workshop on 223'805L
fundraising, nominations “"3" regional _
officers, and chapter and committee
reports. Also discussed were the Spring
regional in Grand Rapids (June 19—21st) MEMBERSHIP
egalyt:§_22::ional Convention 1“ Miaml Membership in Dignity/Lexington is
After the meeting there was a $25.00. down from $27.50. Student rates
liturgy and a wonderful dinner. One of are $20.00 and couples are $45.00. Join
the highlights was the after dinner “may! “‘4' member'SMP “WW“ the
, work of Dignity/Lexington, Dignity/
entertainment, a group of eight women Region V. and Dignity/USA.
called Spectrum. The music was first
rate. I even discussed the possibility .
with them about their coming to DIGNITV PLANS NEB§EEEE AD
Lexington. They were receptive and you
can look for more info about this in the Sometime in April 100k for a TUll
newsletter. They would be a wonderful page ad in EEEEEEEE magazine from
evening of entertainment. Dignity/US about the organization. The
Several of us went out on the town, ad is being placed 55 a FESPofise to
which was delightful. I got home by recent statements by the Pope about
2:00 and was up by 9:00 to finish up the homosexuality and homosexuals. It is
regional meeting. I left at noon {or going to inform the nation about Dignity
Lexington. and what the organization stands for.
All in all, It was a wonderful Please 100“ for it!

The l“3110Wil’l9 hOOkS deal With Interweave is a support group for
Catholic perspectives on homosexuality. legbiansy gays and their non-gay friends
Several 0* them are occasionally ' in the Lexington Unitarian Universalist
available in local bookstores. in Church. Interweave is somewhat unique
particular Sqecial Media and JOSEPh‘ among organizations in that we welcome
Beth, or from the public library. interested non—gay persons. The group
chistiacltxs §esial Iglstadss and owes its beginnings to the former
bemoaeaualitx by John Boswell minister of the Lexington uu Church.
(UniverSity of Chicago) is a basic book Charlie hast. and to a homophobia group
for any understanding of the historic at the church. East. who is gay. along
relation between mainstream religion and with the women in the homophobia group
gay being. began meeting with others in both the
e Qballepgs :9 bars. ed- by Robert local church and the district at large.
Nugent (Crossroad/Continum). contains a The result was the organization of
range 0* essays on says in the Catholic Interweave at both the local and
Church, while Embtasibg the gills by district level.
John Fortunato (Seabury Press) is a call Since its organization two years
for the inclusion of gays in the ago. Interweave has been a vibrant
religious experienCE- member of both the church and the
More personal thought comes in Eéx gay/lesbian community. Interweave has
Ecieet by Malcolm Boyd (St. Martin’s), sponsored several church wide events as
Leebiag BEBE: ed. by Rosemary Curb and fund raisers, joined with GLSO and
Nancy Manahan (Naiad) and e Eaith 9f Dignity for two dances. held two weekend
Essie Qflfli Ebbletatiebs bx Establis rEtreats.r——and developed two Sunday
beggiags (Crossing Press). worship services. One of the worship
In light of the current newsmahing services was the first event during last
conflict between the Vatican and the gay year’s gay pride week. Currently
community. an interesting range of Interweave is planning its Spring
documents can be found in bemoaeaualitr Retreat. and. in conjunction with a
and the magigtegggm, ed. by John group in Massachussetts. is working on
Callaoher (New ways Ministry). a establishing a service of union for
collection of official statements on lesbian and gay male couples, which will
homosexuality from both the Church in eventually be published-
Rome and from American church leaders. Interweave meets twice a month With
The Curch and tbs HQOQEEEHQL by one meeting devoted to a speCific
John ”EENeil_Taext_;ear Publications) is discussion tOPiC while the other meeting
the contemporary coUnterpart to is a social/potluck. While Interweave
Boswell’s book. challenging church is an organization of the Unitarian
doctrine. Universalist Church. all interested
HELPEEEE persons are invited to come to any
Interweave activities. If you’re
The GLSO Newsletter frantically looking for a liberal religious
needs volunteers to help solicit community. it could be that Interweave
advertising in order to help pay for and the Unitarian Universalist Church
publishing and mailing costs. 600 may be right Tor YOU3
issues are printed each month. with 485
of these being mailed out to individuab
and organizations throughout the United
States. Costs run at about $4.00 per
person per year. so obviously the bill
for . thls free. . community serVice You can pick up the GLSO Newsletter
publication runs into qu1te a large . .
. at any of the following buSinesses:
amount each year. If you are interested .
. . The Bar. 224 East Main
in lending a much needed hand (or would .
, . . Good Foods Co-Op. Southland Drive
Just prefer to send in a donation to
Joseph—Beth Booksellers. The Mall
help cover the costs of your
. at Lexington Green
subscription). please call kenneth at . S cial Med a ,71 So th Limestone
278-0048. If he’s not home when you as 1 ’ H] u
call. please leave a messeage and he’ll
call you back as soon as possible.

 ' -
According to the latest statistics ‘ I,
there have been 74 cases of AIDS I181!) US Help Otllels.. D‘

diagnosed and reported in Kentucky as of
March 6. 1987. 957’. of the cases W‘
reported in Kentucky have been male. m‘
with 727’. gay or bisexual men. While 5
this seems like a small number of cases. Le r‘
8 cases have been diagnosed in the first 3"
quarter 0+ 1997. 1+ this trend . I
continues, Kentucky could see a 407. LeXInglon. KY “c"
increase in cases from 1985‘s total. As b'
of February 23. 1987 there have been 5“
31.036 cases of AIDS diagnosed in the at
Unit d States w' h 7.8”1 d . 5’-
ETO learn "110:9 its“: Algg’fhswhat you LOUISVILLE INVITES US TO JOIN THEM U,
can do to reduce your risk, or to ON THEIR EASTER CRUISE
volunteer your time; contact ACT- ’ _ Dé
Lexington at 281—5151. Everyone in the Le:-:ington Gay
Community has been invited. through he
new BOOKS ON AIDS GLSO, to take part in it
LAMBDA/LOUIS‘JILLE"s cruise aboard the DE
Two recently published books "Eielle__of Louisville" Steamship River Ere
dealing with facets 04 the AIDS. epidemic Boat on flip-'11 11.. 1987- The theme +0!“ a:
are finally available in Lexington. this year’s putting will be Easter e:
Safe Seai the Qitimats E5931; Eeiees by “flat“ and *3 Prim will be given I‘D?” cc
Elenn—Swann and John F'reston. can be the best Easter Bonnet! f;
checked out at the Lexington Public Boat boarding begins at 7:45 and ca
Library- when Semeeae XQL‘ Leze Has leaves promptly at 95‘? Pm- The boat p:
AIDS. by Betty Clare Hoffatt can be has enclcsed areas as well as open decks m
SGFEfiased at Special Media. - so the weather is never a problem. at
Housing will be provided for out-of- ti
ACT NEEDS YOU! towners who let the organizers know in ,3]
advance that they’ll need it. ec
The AIDS Crisis Task Force of Tickets at the dock will be $12.00. cl
Lexington (ACT-Lexington) is looking for while advance tickets are only $10.00. CC
interested volunteers to assist in For advance tickets and housing rt
education. fundraising, and reservations. write to LAMEDA/LC‘UISKTLLE
administrative activities. If you would IND. F‘.Cl. Eloy: 3312. Louisville. KY
like to get involved and can make a 40201. Be sure to include your name and a“;
“commitment of time or would like more address and number of tickets needed. ad
details. contact: Jan Harmon at 255- Enclose the proper amount o+ money for er
0448 (days) or 278-7461 (evenings); or, the tickets. and indicate whether or not C?
Dave Kuxhaus at 271-4320 (evenings). you will need overnight housing. +1
6415 to W dc
for a new t“
o o 0 1“
March on Washington forlesblan and Gay Rights 11
__—_________________—._ al
"Deprlving lndividualn of the right to chome for themselves how to conduct their intimate relation- 5:
Ihipl poses afar greater threat to the values moat deeply rooted In our nation'l history than tolerance ou
of nonconformlty could ever do." -—U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hurry Blackmun. re
diuentinz from the Court's 1986 ruling that uphold: :odamy Ian-i p1
7 co
8 October 11,198 m
_.__ _-

‘ I don’t like being in the closet at R h t t ll
. _ _ a- -
work but feel uneasy about coming out to , d _:meTbe: flgd ,: 95‘?“ Pim: wew dp
my co-workers. I really don’t have a gall a t‘i=_‘ "a: ‘,t%a: r: e :5";
clear feeling as to how any of them will E : 1 a -ime "D : gr“ wor. on '1'
. . _ _ * year's celebration. past time actually!
react or 1+ it could cause me to lose my C F 1'st ” ._ _ tt “h‘ ct d
ij or to be denied future promotions. ”:n‘f‘ a‘ ’Ejr = c:mmi e: e” ?U= Ed
=e a _ . i_-e s
I have considered changing jobs to get a 1"_ " new omm e l EIHQ +orme
Ira—h =+ + th th + ‘ ‘ this year. and we need your help. The
.‘_: -_ar- W1 _ e act that I am oay
_ _ ' Pride Week Committee is traditionally
being made clear from the very start. I ,
_ . . not affiliated with any one of the
am a securities analyst at this time. .
.g . _ ' day organizations in Lexington. but is
and really like my Job. Do you have any ' . y F
cugoestions7 You can call me' instead composed of aolunteers from the
G— ‘—+' L .i _ L H, t " ' entire community. whether or not they
ncpm DFLSD e E"1ng on. are members of any organization. Last
' ’ itt l 4 oh ne‘ to
Dear Uncomfortable: year s comm ee' e t enou_ mo y
It h _ b _ U H _ _ F, I have a really exc1ting celebration. but
a: een I0 la”’ ,ears :IHCE if we don’t get started soon there won’t
have worked that it is hard for me to .
. . . be enough time left to have any Fride
imagine having to worry about how my ". V .
- - Week +estiv1ties at all. In addition.
personal life might affect my career. . . - -
- . - SLED is planning on have its 10th
Being retired has its advantages. , , - - .
1 . | _ ‘ ‘ anniversary Celebration during Fride
although in my case. large amounts of ,
- . week. so this year 5 events have great
excess cash is not one 0+ them. A semi— : , .‘
~ - , DOSSlbllleIEE +or everyone to have a
comfortable income is though. so I don t .
. ' really fun time. If you have ideas.
feel dependent on a Job or career and
suggestions. or time and are interested
can pretty well do as I damn well _ -h 1 . ' _ 1 cont'ct Cr‘i at
please. Well. actually. the ladies in in,_ gaging u:. p ease _ d d 9
my church group give me a little trouble “65 BU“ '
about my friends and activities +rom
time to time. but I can handle those old
blddlesf . They all have their share 9+ there a few more months, or even a year
eccentriCities and skeletons in their or so. 1+ in the long run you can get
closets, I can tell you' The stories I what you want without jeopardiZing your
could tell . . . and they know it. so it income. _
really isn’t hard to keep them in line. I know it sounds like a hassle. but
Oh. dear! I seem to be rambling think how much simpler life will be when
again. Well. lets see here. you want you are not worried about ”what if Ifigi
advice on your career. It seems simple find out?” Now, for everyone else
enough to me. As I see it. you have a reading this: As dear old Mr. Nixon is
couple of options. If you are so fond of saying, LET ME MAKE THIS
financially independent,I come out at PERFECTLY CLEAR: I am not even
work and the consequences be damned. If beginning to suggest that everyone needs
you don’t like what happens, leave and to come out at work, or anywhere else,
take your time deciding what you want to +or that matter. If you are comfortable
do next. If. however. (and I suspect where you are. +1ne. It is your life
this will be the case) you need the and you need to do it your way (I’ll try
income from your job to cover your daily not to break out in song. here.) Coming
living costs. it isn’t quite so easy. out at work makes sense only if being
In that case. take your time and make closeted is a problem for you. — Aunt
alternate arrangements for suitable Mary.
employment elsewhere where your
orientation will be accepted. Then come If you would like to write to Aunt Mary.
out at work. and if you don’t like the send your letter to Aunt Mary. c/o GLSO.
results, you have someplace to go. This Post Office Eon 11471. Lexington.
plan maybe more div‘ficult and time .‘".entucl‘y 40575. If you would like a
consuming. but there. is no hurry. personal reply, include a stamped. self—
Ypu’ve been in the closet this long, addressed envelope. All names are
what difference does it make if you stay strictly confidential. £3

WASHINGTON, DC spouses and their dependents over the
The US Supreme Court has ruled that age of 12. Applicants are being denied
those infected with contagious diseases employment if they or the1r spouse or
are protected by legislation banning dependent test positive. No deCision
discrimination against physically has yet been pronounced.
handicapped persons. This ruling .
effectively reverses the Justice’s
Department ruling that employees may NENARK’ NJ , _
discriminate based on HIV infection. or The Episcopal BIShOp 0+ Newark
even possible fear of HIV contamination. has recommended that the church dEVEIOD
services ”which recogni:e and bless"
COLUMBUS OH relationships between gay couples.
Stonewall Union. a gay _
organization, named Carol Cohan as its CALIFORNIA . . , 1
executive director. Ms. Cohan. of .The California Fair Employment and
Louisville. Kentucky. previously was a Housingl Cfimmgssion declared AIDS as a
state lobbyist for issues relating to ph,s;ca V 9” :cap lprocected by state
women and the aging; vice president of non iscrimina ion aws.
funding for the Jefferson County: NON; ANNAPOLIS, MD
and. media coordinator for NGLTF s May , . . . .
meetin Two bills designed to decriminalize
9' both straight and gay sodomy have been
introduced in the Maryland state
MADISS?;h::d Wa her an enly gay legislature. Action should be taken in
member of the 9Dane County Board of regard to the two bills by mid—April.
. _ , . Similar bills are expected to be
fupegt’lioré ”lllob‘egogfmg S mndralse; brought before Michigan and Minnesota
or a e‘ ep. €41 aren ac 5? par soon: one lawmaker in Georgia has
of the fifth anniversary celebration of announced similar efforts to be
Ehel passage of WISCODSIH'S Gay Rights attempted there.
MINNE$ESLISHiggeq olir Civil Pi ht— Delta Air Lines has issued a formal
Commission has hgresgnted their ‘fgr