xt7msb3wvx32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7msb3wvx32/data/mets.xml Alabama Alabama Museum of Natural History 1951 Other titles include: Alabama Museum of Natural History museum paper, Geological Survey of Alabama, Museum of the Geological Survey of Alabama. Other creators include: United States. Work Projects Administration, Geological Survey of Alabama, Tennessee Valley Authority. Issues for 1, 3 carry no series numbering. No. 2 also as Education papers no. 1. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number  AS36 .A2. journals  English University, Ala. : Alabama Museum of Natural History, 1910-1960 This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Alabama Works Progress Administration Publications Museum Paper, no. 31, 1951 - including "Cavernicolous Pselaphid Beetles of Alabama and Tennessee, with Observations on the Taxonomy of the Family" by Orlando Park text Museum Paper, no. 31, 1951 - including "Cavernicolous Pselaphid Beetles of Alabama and Tennessee, with Observations on the Taxonomy of the Family" by Orlando Park 1951 1951 2015 true xt7msb3wvx32 section xt7msb3wvx32 GEOQOGY UBRARY
Northwestern University
Jl  lady has been facilitated by a grant from the Graduate School Of
NOi`[l1\‘J€SlZ€I'H U’I1lV€I°SllIy to d€fl‘3.y GXPBIISGS lHCLl1'I‘€d il'1 PI‘Cp21l'1l’1g C€l'iZ8.iIl
of the illustrations.
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OCTOBER 15, 1951
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\\\\I,'i`l·llI B. JONICS, S'|`.\'I`Ii Gm>1,<>r;1s·1·
Cuvcmicolous Pselaphid Beetles of Alabama And Tennessee,
with Observations on the Taxonomy of the FamiIy*
Northwestern University  
il`i.i~ 4 My has been fuciiilntcd by il grunt fmxn the Cmdiuzte School of
1 X 1 
  1 _
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A  L1§'1"1`1£B <)1·` '1`1tANSK11'1"1`AL
‘ 1.1111\'Cl`S11\', .·\1a1>ama
” Ap1·i1 SO, 1951
Ht >ra1>1c G<)l`(1{)1l 1’c1‘s011s
4 .>\'L`!`l1l‘1` at A1a1>ama
- \1()]l1Qg()ii'!C1`i\`, A1a1>ama
1 haw the 1zz· to traatuuit 11C]`(‘\\’1111 the t1'LU15C1'11)1 01 a 1‘0—
·_ pw ua (»tl\'c·ct1cs of Alabama and Teu-
. tw   with ()1>sc1·\‘ati<>1»s mn the Taxonomy of the 1$U.l1l11}"7, by
fit adn 1’a1·}—;. 1t is 1·c<¤ucst0t1 that this be )l`11l1C(1 as }t111c:eum
1 tt A t . 2 ., . . I
;  rm 1‘ 61 ot thc (;L‘()1()glCLl1 Dll1`\`C\' ot Aia1>ama.
A  Rcspcctfu11v,
  1 \VALTER B. {ONES, ,
1 - State Co010gist
.£ t

l Q
l l11tm
‘7 I
  l _ .
,1 ` Tribe Spele<>b11111i11i new tribe 7 7777 77     7777   7 7>l
il \ S]}('!('U]}Il})1{/ llL*\\` genus 7 77 77 7 777777777   _777 777     372
ll   LIKIIIII I1, Sp. 77777 7 7 777777 7 7 7 77 _ 7 7 77 77777__ 7 7777777777 7 T3
·• rs . 7. . . .
Q l l11b1· llll(*SlpllOl`lllI _
1; ` TUI<’.\‘l]I/lUI‘lls‘ (‘(I.$‘[(Ill.$‘ LQ(;011fC 7 7 7 7 7 7777 7 7777777777777777777777777 7 7 7 ll
5 l\t}’ U1 {llc T1‘il>es ol flue \\lC$l[Cl`l] l[emispl1e1·e   7 7  77 7 77 lll
{ . .
I; (·l‘1llI'Lll (llSCIlSSI()l1 ol :\.1HC1`lC;U) Cz1\'Cl'l]l<.‘OlOllS PS9l1lPlll(lLl€ 7 7 7 lh ·
  i\l)SlI`il(`l 7 7 7 7 7777 77 _ _7 7 7 77777 7 777777777 _7 7 777777 7 *3
1 . __ .(.
il l4ll(`I`Llllll`(‘ (,1te;l 77 7 7 77   777777777__7_7__77777777777 7 7 bl
‘ 'G
. 3

B s r
°  It is seldom the good fortune of a specialist in a group of I
T E  nrgrrnisrns to be given the opportunity to work over an entirely
  r rrrw fauna in his special field of study. It is still more unusual if `
4 this opportunity is presented witlrirr a geographic area already r
S relrrtively well known in that particular group of organisms.
    Such a paradoxical situation is the occasion for this paper.
gl) p t·`r·irn a global point of view, Pselaphidae of North America are
gr I l—;n=>~.vrr relatively rmrclr better than the large and diverse tropical
Z`? _ iaierras of the world, but up to the present no true cavernicolorrs
gf T p:—»laplrids have been described from the whole of the Nearctic
El') i ltegiorr. This is even more suprising since the Palaearctic Re-
32 ’ gina. especially the southern European areas, has a large and I
:;.3 i cornplex fauna of cavernicolorrs Pselaphidae, recently enlarged
ia   tlnwrnglr the discoveries of jeanrrel (1950).
lit ` 
tn A Since 1931 Dr. W'alter B. Iones, State Geologist of Alabama,
tl l and his associates, have collected 315 pselaphids from 58 caves
in r i counties of Alabama and Tennessee. Several years ago, at ’
thi request of Dr.   Manson Valentine, the author undertool< the I
B sinh of this material. `
ri A Subsequent analysis demonstrated that these cavernicolous
    pscrrplricls represented a new fauna in North America, previously
gg- . allriled to by Loding (19-15, p. -12) and Park (19-17, p. 109). The
ri; ‘ *31-'· specimens represented four tribes: Batrisini, Bythinini,
’ Tnrr·siplror·ini, and Speleobamini, the last of which was a new
Tai 1 tri? ~ of rnrrrsual taxonomic inrport since it combined diagnostic
32 i‘<‘zi*nr‘es of the brachyscelirre and rnacroscelirre divisions of .
33 FM iIlPll1l`1&t(i. There were six genera, one of which, S])C’f(’Of}(!i7Z(l, `
H V xv;r·— new to science, and 15 species. Of these latter, 1-1 were I
”’ car. rrnicoles in the strict sense and were all new species, whereas
35 llt< fifteenth belonged to a widespread and vagile species, giz·z1/ Szmwg of ;\](Il){[l}I(! —
{ - - ---- - --------------- ------?---------  
g The new tribe is iiitegmted with reeeiit work iii il lcev tw be · 
Q tribes ul? Pseiupbidue of tbe \\·(‘SI[Cl'll Hemisphere. g 
i _ , t {
E i Type specimens and halt nt the piiiwitypes are deposited ~.i AM I
i Dix ]<>iies; bail? of the piimtypes are retuiiied by the ;llt[]}i)1‘. < i
k 4
’ The ;uitbm· lbimks Dr. ].r1__._.....1._1.111....1r11.......11_.1.. »L
:11 . Eyes yestigiui or wei]—deye]oped, h11t iIi\VLl}’S present and
  conspicuous ......1.111v...............__....1.1r1.......1.1,......>..,1_._........_.___ 2
` Z 1 1 ;\hdo111en with (li5ti1l()t iiltC‘l`tli ]U211`gil)S Ol] the first two
-  or three segments 1..1.....11........11_.......1.._,,........,.11...11.....1___...1_ 3
.  ;\i)dOll]€l) without 11111rgi11s
_ Bcatrisodes
Y G. 1   1 )\iilXiliLl1`}' p11]pi with second segment studded with sn111]I
1 tuherclcs ·
,  Bythinopsis 1
V XiLlXiilLl1`\' puipi with second segment not so studded,
1  hut he11ri11!~’ ‘   -
5, ( \1c\\1)()]111. . L . G v t _ L x, » n , l·.(( . 8. 1 .... U
3   l 11Ll111`21}'t1.11 SCHSC. \\'L1S C11SCl.1SS‘lol>al checklist S 
1 C7 ` ` .
  ( This was the general situation in 1948. The reason 1 ?111~ .
Q   1)l`1C1 SL11`\'C\` is 111zlt 1118 1'€C€111§ 1Zt1XO1101111C \\’G1'l( of ;1GLll111l?l ¥1?1‘ 1
1 1 ~ . ' . . ..4 .
L1 ` C11 Ai1`1C2111 SPECIES, L111(1 of ]Ci11111€1   O1] El11`OP€L111   1!Z"" _
%   inevitably affects the taxonomy of the North American fin; . 5 
  l leannel (1949, pp. 133-135) erected a new genus. ..i»1— 1
·1 . . , » V . .
  p .s·!er11s, to contain the species of Batrzsodes of the Ethm ;.1i.. .  _
Ti 1 · . . 1 ·
  O1'l€11tt11 z111(1A1lS1Z1't111L111 R€g1011S, {l11(l CO11S(i(111€1111}` 1`€>i. ,11111 1 
    Bl1l`1‘lSOdc’S, in the more limited sense, to the Palaearcth »-1111 L
( Nearctie Regions. Q
Qi 1
1, . ._ _ _ ` ip
F First, Ieannel finds that the species of Batrz.s·ier11.s· har. il, _ 
  the sides of the first tergite equipped with an entire lateral e 11.1; V
1 whereas the second and third tergites lack an entire 111L11_i`E.;. 1
·  carina; in Bafrisodes, as limited, the sides of the first three tv 4??1»` . 
 _` l111\`C 2111 (‘11111`€ 1112`t1`g1112l1 Ct1I`111H.  
‘ *3

   Caccrnicolous Pselap/ii:] Beetles of Alu/mum and Tenzie.sse¢· 9)
·  Second, in addition to this small abdominal character, Y_
 _ |eaunel finds that the aedeagus of B(Ii`l'iSIL(’}'ll.S' has an enclosed {
uwavzs Q  hasal capsule, internal musculature and well developed styles;
·~~inn V in I9r1fi‘i.sOdr3.s, as limited, the aedeagus is reduced to a sclerotized V
»u1ie» I l lranue, without internal musculature, and without styles.
T,  leannel (1950, pp. 351-358), working over the French
l lla ? >pu·ies in particular but with general implications for the Euro-
Vqm peru! fauna, divided the genus Bafri.s·ode.s, as limited, into two
wits suhgenera: Butrisodcs, s. str., in which the inetatibiae lack the
*,us_ 5  apical spurs, and in which the face is wide, rugose and not V
   Q iwwlianly excavated, and Brzitrisodinus, in which the metatibiae
nai, Z liaw apical spurs, and the face is deeply excavated between
the antennae. V
all., .  The characterization of Bczlrisodes by Ieannel will not hold
Vin, im all of the American species. The distribution of marginal car- .
K in- A  inac follows the same pattern as given for the European species,
  . hui the American species have two types of aedeagi. The great
lj majiwity of the American species (Groups III to 1X, inclusive, of .
VM ··., - l`zu‘L. 1947) do have the aedeagus as described by leannel for 1
{QV. _ the European species, but Group 1 of Park, 1947 has a radicaly ~
gl Vi  ·_ tlillllweiit aedeagus. It is very similar to that of Brzlrisirrrus, e. g.,
.V  tlaw is an enclosed basal bulb, internal musculature is develop-
I  td. md two styles are not only present but very diversified, and
M_ l enc is a movable process.
;   i l l
  A Now this Group 1, with the complicated aedeagus, is the
, '  Gul} American group that lacks metatibial spurs. Therefore it
V can not belong to either European subgenus, and a new subgenus, _
,;,·p·   Hullir1.s·y121r11or/es, with monstrosiis (LeGonte, 1850, p. 95) as its
ia.  V V 1} pt is erected. A
.i:_~¤_l t i
Jill V Butriasynimodes is restricted to the deciduous forest biome
 . at ·astern North America, so far as known, and contains six 7
`  V >pL‘<:ies (Park, 1947) plus four new species collected from caves  
tsl? _. hl ¤\labama and Tennessee. This subgenus has the abdominal  
M; · ltwgiiis of Bairigodas, in the restricted sense of ]eanne1, but has  
.¥`Y~=-   MN zledeagus similar to B(l2i)'i.5‘llCl'llS. Since these several c0nsiderzi—  
Q?Y'»` j {WHS reduce the gap between B(1t)'iSO([(’S and B£1fl'iSf€l’llS to the  
g question whether or not the second and third tergites have or do f
°f. ‘

 E lt; (Jco/o,gicrz/ Surrey of Alu/zrznza  
l not hav e an entire marginal carina, it is the opinion of the aufl. ,,— i 
l that the carinal feature is of sul><*‘eneric ranl<, and he feels ll. w s
l ° i `·`*
L the genus [Sri/2‘i.s·iece is develoued. The aedeagus of lIZ()H$ll)'()SlliS' i so
·z - · l . I . F` . . ·
  far removed that it should serve to divide the genus mto evo _
{ subgenera" (\1)arl<, 1942, pp. 16-17). —
Q The cavernicolous members of Bczlrzsocles to be descn ed
  subsequently include members of Groups I ...>. 1 t...._i_,iirv__________,,__.__ 5
`  Q1 Second and third tergitcs each with an entire 1]1tll`g1I1L1.1
*1 ciirinzi on each side from hose to apex
rig i  BAVYHIASYXFNIOIDES new snhgcnns (Figs. 1, 2, S)
1 Type; nro11.s·fro.s·11.s· ('Lc(”Zonte. 1850, p. 95)
  Ncurctic species ('Cronp 1. 1’;ir1<, 1947;)
.1 1 1 . 1 1 . . . 1
fj 3 Second amd third tergite 1uc1
1 1 tii_`“;i‘tT `°°"` · 
1 1 . . . . 5
1 1 Kletatihiae lacking apical spurs 1 1
1 1 BATHISODES eannel. 1950, 11. 351-352, ,1 111_ —
, 1 » . 11
1 1 Type: tlelulimti (Auhe, 1833, p. 46)
1 1 Palaearctic species 1
1   6 (5) Klesotarsi of males abnormal (Fig. 6) -
X 1
1   B;\l%NOl{NlODES 11ew suhgenus I
1   Type: 1i]1r1ri11.s (Say, 1824, p. 98) —
1 Nearctic species (Group 1X, Park, 1947) 1 
1 1 Mesotarsi of males normal .......»..........................r......Y...V, 1. Y i
1 = , . . . , . 1
§ 1 T (6) }‘]`()1l1 deeply 11npressed longitudinally between a11te1==1_1! .
1 1 tuhercles in both sexes _ I
  1 B.·\r1`1llSODlXUS eannel, 1950, 11. 851-BBQ '
1 . - . 1 1 » 1
3 ~ Type: oczzlulzzs (Auhe, 1833, p. 48) T  ·
1 1 Palaearctie species _ 1
1 >
1 1 l*`ront not as described; either declivous to clypeal 111 11- A
  gin in both sexes, 0r transeversely excavated hetw1 -11 11
1 the antennal cavities in tl1e male sex ............................ .. 5 11
  8 (T) Vertexal foveae densely pubescent g ”
1 PUBIMODES new suhgenus {  
  Type: ll1gI`1C(lIl.S' (LeConte, 1850, p. 99)
*1 Nearctic species (Group \'11I, Park, 1947)  1.
5 , —* 
I . n\. L ..... ....-4 ...... . ....... ....., .... . ............- --
1 1 Yertexel ioveae nude   . 11
, 11
gt 9 (8) Male sex with face transverselv excavated between 1`··‘ .  1·
A . _ V 11
  antennal cavities; female sex with face simply (l<‘1.=1· A 1}
  vous . 11
O_ " `
  EXCAVODES new subgenus 1 "|
  Type; fr011fa1i.s· (LeC0nte, 1850, p. 96) 1/
11 Nearctic species (Groups IV, V, V1, Park. 19;* 1 
.7 1
H _ »  
1 Both sexes w1t11 face unexcavated between ante1111.1l _ -
1 cavities 111 “ ~
  c --....-...........-..................... . ..................1..............-   1 t.
Q —..... . 11
11 1‘1:\t this point in the key, Group 11 of Park, 1947, Xearctie species. \\1 1 11*11 1  C1
  key unt. This is 11 group of twelve species known only from North .—\1.1~1·it·.1 ,  11
11 west of thC Rocky Xlountains, whereas the suhgenera Elll/2*I'O(l(.’.S` and 11111*
1 r0   Nearctic species (Group Ill. Park, 1947) V
, Each elytron trifoveate
j DECLIVODES new subgenus
- Type: lJisl1‘i11I11.s· (LeConte, 1850, p. 101)
r_ 7 `  Nearctic species (Croup \'II, Park, 1947)
I1 I The preceding organization has the immediate advantage of ·
? liainhiiiiziiig the Nearctic Batrisor/cs with the recent work of .
’ ]t·ama~l (1949, 1950). Academically, the advocated organization 1
· may be unsound. For example, many Oriental and Australian _
I  speck s have not been examined with respect to the aedeagus,
‘i` as iiotetl by Ieannel, and similarly quite a few Nearctic species
nl] lure the aedeagus undescribed. \Vhen all of this is done, certain I
" S I, nl the subgenera may have to be elevated to generic rank, new y
  suhg nera or generalproposed, and in general subject this large E
Q gcnm of about 2:25 species to further scrutiny. For the present a  
<·nnst»i·vative approach is desirable. i
, 9 ii  Xfatcrial assistance to this general problem would be exact
x ·  tlatu on the aedeagi of fossil Br1l‘ri.s0cZ0e.s·. None has been pub-
ll" `_ lished to the best of the authorls information. Palaeontological ,
‘l` Q  data on pselaphids is very scauty. Schaufuss (1890, p. 134-137)
. t;i1‘rsi ili}H()i`lNL1`i, the second t;ii·:-gomeie Iuiiiiiiol .  ·
! V q ~· { . . _ __ ' ·-
  Q;illi)l'i!llZ§, }(!`LliiS1UC€]][ {Utd (iC&‘Pi\` 111C15C(i \'£*Uii2lii'\ V- 5
  Xi(‘S()[Lt!`Si H<)i`lHLti, HIC Si‘£'OD(i t;1l`SOlH(‘l`(` SHi)C}`iil)(i!`.    ‘
li; H(?i`IllLlii\4 Plli)S€C(*1]t LU](i the \7CHijT;l1 {@1CQ !ll]lUO(iiiii i   *
ii V "' ** I ` ‘ ii
      4 i iCl'l[il LlUtGlN]Ll1 SCQINQHY i'()\`CL`LtC OH \'Cl}il`i1i iLlC(` ~r-r V 9 i
E T(‘l]iil 2lHi(‘l{l}ili SQQIUCIH DOY f()\'Cil€C UH \'GHiZ1`zli izltk ’
-*4 - . . 4
3 mute ifaleiifziici —
TU _ _
  9.   i‘LlC(‘ \\`iii] LIU Cl`CCt, tl';lHS\`Cl'S(‘i\` iLU]`lil]()i(i, Il}<3(i1LiH { r i
,,  hercie 1](‘tU' the chpeui murgiii Y
  mute jonesi  A
`  ~
3  Pace simple, u1iex·e1ih· deciixioiis, not uthc1‘ciiiz1t<‘i:i·ths
— HIC iCNgti] of \`CHt1`1li iiil(.'C}, tl`LlH?$`»`(*}`SL‘i\’ ()\`&li(‘, Piti)L‘S· i
_  emit.
_ ]ll&.liC .S‘]J(?Cll~S'
C   ii-} 1"l`(}Nt bCp27.l`£lt(‘{i i:l`()l'N Ci\`P(*llS i)\' it (it’(*‘i). tl`t`H}S‘{(’l'55}.
j (iC}'lI·1Ci\` ptti)(‘SC(‘l'1t (‘X(.'1I\`Ltti()H
Ii i, ]UU.`iC C(ILT(’I`}l()StIS
3 _ FHCC SiH]Pi\' (iCCiiW.`()ttS, NOK il`ttHf§`.'C1`2lL‘i‘J L‘XCit\';L€a`*Ci
(V t01i’1z1t<*r;, mit szatoiv ;tcm;ai amit-
¤ ttimv) .....rr_rrY.t._.,.......,...t........,......t.,,..,.................t_..rrr_rr JZ
if it t Kumvzi (mh' {kwin iiinstxii (lima B:itZ1~x· Cm. Jtkittiiititil
Z fClU&2i(‘ ('(IL7(’I“lIOtS'l!5‘
Untmmvii tmm c;1v0;: smith wi:   Chit C0, Ai1ii3Llti`éLLHl·`g
z `! ~ i V » — 4 W » 1 n . V
i r~   t i\J}(F\\`21 {}l'!&`»` i'2`<)tD iii? \‘»`i‘5iCZ`i1 itil} (Pi C,()ti}L,‘]`[ (AX,
;\h1h;a1iiza (Diciwjv, C;;hy1iim·1—, (List. Littic Besniy liu-
Khivitv and }icE{iimt>v Caxvtrs)
{ fmmtic {mites!
- li]Ii·{l!(Z\‘[1l hmm \`,`CfZ'iCl']l huif of (ii}ii)(3t`i C0., Ai;ti>;11:1;1,ri,4
` 1 Q t3 W i\;l]<)‘»'.'1't (mtv imni Criiti th Cave, }siLU`féiEtlii C0., :"ti;1i3Lt?iiJ.
_ fC]U21i(‘ .S‘Ll]}f(’}`l`(I}l('tl.S'
hi i Uiiimmvu [mm Critfiéh Cave tv._,,__,tt,,Y».t.,,.tt,Yttttrt.tttttt..,» I5
1 ‘ ·
tn. · 1 ;- A , · . . ·
; M j `hii i\.NO\\`l'I Olliy iI`()l]1 CLIYCS 1}] H()l`ti1—L‘CHiI`Lli :Xit`Li7LLtNtl
   · (Cave Springs) Ccorgctowii, H1mt:;vi]ic_ Hiittmm Lott.
, 9   Pitts, Terrcit and Twin C;1vt·s_) and iottcrsoii C0.,
 · ri.`€]U](‘S(·ICC
 i {ClUtliC 8]}(}Cll·S'  
A I\]]O\\1] O1]
_ · r ‘ iv from Crvstui Cavan Crundv C0.. Teii1i0s— t
 t SCG amd in Madison; Morgmi and ]nci

 l l
l ]($ Geological Survey of Alulmnirz
i m‘"_  Y
l Butrisodes spelueus new species
l   Type Male. Shining reddish—brown with yellowish-brown tarsi;
Q   integuments shining, subimpunctate, pubescence long, flaxeas. I
l l semierect except on abdomen where pubescence is semiappres- r
l sed. Measurements: head 0.5 mm. long (from clypeal margin to
l oceiput) x 0.53 mm. wide (through eyes); pronotum 0.53 x 0.5%;
t evltra 0.77 x 0.94; abdomen 0.87 x 0.77, total length 2.67 min.
l I . .
3 Head with prominent eyes of about 40 facets; tempora long,
l evenly rounded into occiput, about twice as long as eyes; vertex
l   with three apically converging carinae, of which the median is
l t incomplete apically and the laterals are oblique and very strong;
    a strong lateral carina on each side of vertex from tempora to
E ` antennal tubercle, a shorter supraocular carina subparallel to the
l lateral, and between the latter and the eye; a pair of large, nude.
i free vertexal foveae on a line through posterior eye margins;
  l front medianly concave between antennal tubercles, this depres- t
    sion limited apically by an arcuate carinoid frontal margin- V
p` i clypeus evenly declivous from the frontal line, with a conspie- ;
l uous, laminoid apical margin, enclosed area of clypeus he-
l tween apical and frontal margins bisected by a longitudinal  
r carina and limited laterally each side by a longitudinal carina that -
  partially bounds the antennal acetabulum, the clypeal carinae  V
;~ and frontal carinoid line taken together form a capital Bl; lalnwnn ~
j transverse, with a gently concave apical margin and acute lateral `
_, r angles; ventral surface of head with a beard of bristling setae. It
g inedianly bisected by a longitudinal gular carina, and with a large `
  gular fossa at base, mandihles strong, left crossed dorsal to right;  —
  maxillary palpi four—segmented, first segment minute, seenntl  p
  elongate arcuate and pedunculate as usual, third short and ~nh- `
A triangular and about as wide as swollen end of second, fourth er _i
r last segment largest being one-third longer than second seginent _—
  and much wider with a minute apical cone. Antennae long. slen- V
3 der. eleven—segmented; all segments longer than wide, segments .
rl l to VIII suhcylindrical, VIII abnormal, with the ventral lnee .
  i produced apicall