xt7msb3wvf0k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7msb3wvf0k/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1923 journals kaes_circulars_001_1_081_02 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 081 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 081 1923 1923 2014 true xt7msb3wvf0k section xt7msb3wvf0k Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
L V ?“ rv A q,  
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E./—‘ »*‘I`*v fz;" _. ,|
CIRCULAR NO 81. ' I T ‘* ‘
Crimson Clover: Its Possibilities in Kentucky
, \ a.
: `  .· 3—· H}! J ` .A fr`- :i‘  
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·=_  4* ` .   . Y   · · ·E - ` .
> 1‘{.‘,A ·_~v._.f·:_. > · __ 4‘_ . , _»_ Anim ;..,,;__n’. 1 ` ;·`,.—._?‘-·f‘__;_._,_;'·.-·ir» .>· > _ A
°' " - A   —_,— A *   ‘ i ~Y`:lZ.Y3f`_¤‘#._·°   ‘=,t*·"lC
Lexington, Ky.
January, 1923
I`lli¤ii$il(·Ii in o·¤11n•·e·1im1 with llw ;1:ri<·ult11rul cxtoxisilm work carried
Wl W v~~—<·;·¤·r:iii4¤n nr rho 1‘»»11·~;l· of .\;i·i¤·ulmri·, Fnivnrsiny of Kentucky. `
wml We I`. S I¤uI¤:11·11m—11t of .\;ri¤·ulu1ro, uml ilis11·il¤11tvil in i`urther:mce
Of th'? \\`0I`k }»1‘i»\‘iiI0d for in (hc Aut of C11ll§l‘U$S O1` Billy S, 191-1.
. ` K " " " `

_ L`nvci· crops of any kintl t'l>IlNt‘l'\'t‘ l`t~1·tility l»y
prcvcnting cmsion ol lantl antl luavliing mill E"']
plant food from the snil. Lll`llIlS()Il t·l¤»x·t~i· ‘V¥**
, being 11 lugnininons crop nnt nnly ut»1i>t·i·x··~<  
fertility but wlivn plowctl nnilwr lIlL‘l't‘£l\t‘S it by   `
atltling to thc s0il the ]llll'0Q`<‘ll wliiuli it has `‘`l `Y
'talicn froni tlic air. 'l`lic use oli t·¤»\‘t·1· <·1·¤»ps  
is 0f sneli i1np0i·tant·c in ]{cntnt·lI'l·\‘·`1l su·-<#··ssl'ull_v there is
yg·ili.il»I_x‘ m» »·=Ii··1· ··1··»]» us \;iIu:il¤l·· I.*>I’ mhliuu iiilimgwii uml
~·r·;;.iui·· m;m··i·1·» 1li··s··iI 1‘¢‘¤»l1¤>l1lI¤‘illI_\'. lis uiwut vziluv is ]'¤lIII2iI'_\' sl1Ill]Il(!1'
`··~ i;·s_ 'I`i¤·· pluut is zi \‘.lIII<‘l'(lI1IlIl2lI. ilml is. mlm s·····l is sown in
ly ~ ~Tll11I1|•‘l' or <‘£ll`I_\' lull uml 1li·· ··z··¤p ]IL£|lIll'<‘~ 1l1·· i'·»II¤»wi11g
sgufzrz. lu I{*‘I1lll<‘I{_\' ··1·ims·»u ¤·l··x‘¤·i· is iu 1'ull lil~»··iu zilmul Ilia
ifvsi   lluy uml l'l[>·‘II~ suml iu·Iu1i··. 'I`l1·· ]¤l;ii11s l1zi\’·~ m·iI11i1‘0tl
  Tull i1!1l4>Illl` ··l' ui11·<·u··u \‘.`I1·‘Il iu full Illllillll so Iliul if
pl ~\=‘~·l uml~i· ul ll1l~lll!l<‘lI1¤‘l!l2lXlll1IlI|1l¤<‘il<·IiT?;|~li;Il'iis212`·‘lI uw izilwu up by ¤·l'll1l~¤·l1 ··luwi· iu the
»-;i··l_~: s‘;:u‘·· ··!` uiwwili uml ··\‘··u il` 1li·· plums urn only ai 1`ow
Z:i··l;~s liiuli u‘li·_·u pl··\\‘ml uml<·!‘. il llaiwl-: stziml will mlrl <‘¤>I1·
#l~l~ml~l·~ lIliI`4>!<‘lI 1<>tlx··s<»il.
\\lI1*‘Il ¤·limui’·· <·<»mli1i<»us ]l¤‘l'lllll ilu- mosi ]M‘I'Ill‘t‘I utiliza-
t{»»11 will ¤’I'lIl|~<¤Il ¤‘Il>\`¢‘l'. ais iu ]·;:1·is ui' 1I:·· n·:l\I¤‘I'lI siutcs. it
i~i··»ssi1»Ir· r.» ruiso ¤·<>1·u, inolziirws or ¤·il1¤·1· viillivuttwl crop
f‘\`~‘l`}' }'~;11‘ ou Iliv suiuv luiul uml still uiziiiilzilil :111 ;ip rluriug lsiin suuumw uml pluwvil umlwr iu suf-
liviviil time io pluut to ilw suuiuuw wop ngniu the mix? your.
ll must lw umlwstiiml. ll0\\`<‘\`l‘l'. iluit u stauul of criuisou
*‘l*>\`·‘l‘ Will! liu ul»1;iim~.l l»_v sumliiig iu vorii. 1·>I¤zu·r·u. Glu. <¤l1l)'
ll'll<‘II >ll<»\\`O1‘s urn (pl` Iirwillwiil m·m·1!1‘l'm‘Il¢·<* HI lll¤‘ TIINO Ill<‘ t‘lltti|ll·Q`l'itll1 t'l'tt]1N. The writer is
U,\.__._i' n,.ill;llllll·ll witll 5|T\'l‘l'ill 1111*11 who >llt7(5t}C(l four years out of
m_,;__ M,. ],_l· this ll1|‘llltJtl lllttl ltltml ti:ll‘lll<·l‘s would he glad to go to
·l·,,l_ [lp·]1t‘l'l‘>$lll'_\' t‘X[t¤‘l1\l! il` tlll·_\’ lcoltltl ohtain Sllllllill'1'(fSl1itS_
i M lt should he t‘lttltllilSlZt‘tl that the lIlU$l llllI>Ol'l2lllt essen- I
Li_li`iii out hl >t‘&'lll'll|! zllld lttttlltlilltllltg ll stand of erinlson elover is
  ;._.ll;ll·ell uolltl>ttppl_\’<>l`illlitllll>llt*llllt.‘tl lil'tJl1l sowing utter ZL light
lli .1. sl;~»ll·el· \\'ltl·‘l1 lilll`lll\ll(‘tl only enough ]tlOlSllll'C to ealuse the
~·»ll‘..— ~ t¤»· tls to §·‘l'lttil|£tlt‘, ltlll not ('llt|ll!ll to support further growth.
:l.~~i l`ll·~ young plants are quite delleate. and a few hours of hot
l F Sill. when the soil is tll‘_\'. will prove liillitl. 'l`he proper lnethod
l·;L;.~ fs ¤i· sl··l··· up itll the lItt*l~llll'·‘ p··~~il·l·· h_l· early plowing und
.~;y- pl·t~plll·;llioll lll. the seed hed lllltl then to tulle advantage ofthe
Gy .~ ;ll·st shower during the seeding period for sowing the seed.
,l..;i l'l\`t‘ll it' \`t‘l'_\' ·ll`_\`. it will p:l_l‘ to use Flllill'lt‘lll power to get
l ···. Pg tize lttlltl plowed t‘£tl`l_\`. l’lowing need not he deep, 5 inehes
f;}lQ- ltwlllf slll`2i··i··llt. \\lllt‘ll the lillltl is not too hard and is free
··lf:;.- fl`ltltl weeds. a lllt'>l'tI dishing ]llll}` take the plaee of plowing,
pv  l>llI plowing is pl·et`erzll»le as il eovers shattered grain deeply,
~ll·.·:·.Q l‘·l·t·velllillg a \'t¤llll1lt‘t’l‘ growth. and helps to destroy L'I`ZlSS-
l·;li»Y3 llt't]`t]l¤*l'< and other lllSCt'l¥. As fast as the land is plowed it
»~tl[1;; Slltlllltl he \\'t¤l`l{t‘tl down hy disking. dragging and rolling so
lliozzl tllalt all the ruin that falls l]l£l_\` he eonserved and a firm seed
we  hell $t‘t'lll`L‘tl. A lraetor is ol` great value ill plowing hard
ts llll slllhhl» land and O<[lt‘t}lilll_\’ iu working it down after plowing.
ull   lle;w_l· lllilt‘llll1t‘l'}' e:lll he llsed wllieh is nlueh more effective in
ltlt'i*‘ lttthwizillg llilI‘tl Vltltli lllilll the t\l‘tllllitl`}' l1ll]>ll‘lllt‘lllS drawn
lltllliti l·)’ at lt"2llll of horses or mules. ll? possihle the land ought to be
'fllfi lllliltvell and prepllred hy the iirst of August. Sowing sllould
Clillll llot he attempted lllltil a ruin sultieiellt to wet the soil thoroly
OOPlll‘$. In ease of a light shower the ground should be rolled
eg of Mid llIll`l`0\\`C·tl again, Then the seed sllould be sown after the
lmll: H(`Xl$l1O\\'(‘1‘, Of course if the soil is moist when plowed, the

3 6 ](1*11/u1·/ry (l[·I.(`llI([]· N0. 81
seeding cam he douc iil.lL‘l' L‘\'L‘l1 a1 light l'2llll. 'l`l11·1·c ure   1111
l SL‘2lS<1IlS iu l.{1‘lllll1‘l(}' whcu soils 1‘:II11I11l |11· g`1lll1‘ll lllll) 1·1·1·_1·  I E1
· eoudiliou for seeding CI'llllSl)l1 cl11vc1· ]ll`0\°lLll‘(l lhe lilllll 1'illl   511
plowed curly. lll lhe cvcul 1h:1L s11l`li1·i1·11L llllllsllllill is11~i 1111
z1v;1ila1l1lc l)k‘l.0l°L‘ Sl‘]1l1‘lIll)1‘l’ l, i1 is 11111 z11lvis;1l1l1· 111 risk 1 »·»» Q. llll
iug uu1lc1· such 1·11u1li1i1111s; rye 111· \\'ll1‘lll Slllllllll I11·   1.11
instead. lll'1
l`l'llllSO1l clover is 11111 u 1111111·—l:1111l 1·1·<111 :1111l i1 will 11;._f;». ;;1.I_
1 21 dis;11111oi111i11g· ;;'l'()\\'lll 1111 1l1i11 lilllll. l1 sl111ul1l l11· 1·1·z.11·1I i i
i as il 1·r1111 l.1Fl` lllilllllilllllllyf l`1·1·1ili1y liillllllll lllilll 11111- 1111-   ~.
lllg‘l1il1ll}' \\-¢1l'll soils. (`U\\']11‘&l< illlll $\\'¢`|‘l 1'l¤>\'1‘I`i1I`1' llIlI—‘1i `.
i ter sui1c1l for 1'1‘Sl11l'lllg' l`1·1·1ili1y 1huu (‘l'llll$11Il 1·l111·1·1·, '1`Q, 11111
crop hus 1111 111;11·l<1·1l u1l;1111;11i1111s us 111 l}-Illl 111` >11ll, ;1l1l111Q·, 111:
bcli1—1·1·1l 111 1l11·iv1~ ll1‘Sl 1111 :1 lllillll 111· s:111·ly l11illll. l1 L 5 · 1-1.1.
l H(lzl[1l1‘1l 111 1111111·l_\‘ 1l1·;1iu1·1l luuil ll¤`\'Zlll*l` 11 wiu11·1· hills   _1 111,4
u11cl1~1·s111·l1 1·11111li1i1111<. lil'llllIl l‘l1l\'1‘l` is 111111·1· l<1l1‘l'£lIl` 1;.; jy,1
{lL'lll. soil lllilll l`1‘1l l'lU\'l`l° illlll 11111* Il(l\-Zllllilgll   l)lIlI1&1ll-L’_.1 1;,1,
crop. the 1·csi1lu1· 111` \\`llillll\il°l` 1`1·1·1ilixc1·s were u<1·1l     s ..11,
gruiu is L1'1‘ll1‘l'2lll_\' ll(`ll(`ll(`l*`ll 11111111 111 s111111l_v 1l11· 111·1·1ls 11; ’ 1111,1
clover. lt is c1‘~1·1z1i11l_x‘ 1lcsi1·;1l1lc, 1`111· (`xilllllllll? 111 ll\1‘ silliild-i.`  
pl1r1s11l111r11< 1`or wlncul, 111- \\`llill1‘\'0l' 1l1c Q`l‘illll 1_·1·1111 lllZ|}`   1 _·_- j;g1
lhul i1 will 11r11 hc lIO1‘1r‘;1
‘ Crimson clover is Zl {rue clover mul lhc s:11111* l·>Itlt‘ ot` the urtitieiul vulture for sule hy s¤·t·tls11t<·11 uml manu-
Igpylii-.·i·s_ 'I`h·· ·lir··t·tions tor u~•· ulw:t_v.s it*‘*‘trllI]1ill|_\' the cul-
l ltthlk ;t;y·t·s_
  [ TIME AND MErH0D or sowmc,
i-,_ * w ln l{r‘Illl|t‘l{_\' July 2t) to August Bt) is the periotl during
, it] wl;i··it>tt*<*it1_i11l‘t·tt<·t···~~l‘1ll, pt·ovi¤l··tl. ultho
»·i"` u;;tu_v t`;tr1u··rs ]ll`·‘lrt‘l' to sow rye or winter l»url··_v with the
i'tEH—1.`   \\`i:it··r outs is un t-spt·t·i;tll_v ·l··sit·ultl»· crop tor use
  v.‘itht·1‘i1t1s··i1 ··l~·v·~r. hut not u very reliul»le one in l{··ntm·l 1-11
A 011-:111 s1-1-1l 111-1- lll'1'L‘. 1.)(‘1'1li}11S 111(\ l'2l11‘ 11111s1 Lf1)lllI|1l1Il1}' 1111,.011 g1-
` 1{1~111111·11y is .151111111111s111-1-111-1-1-. 11'1111-s1-1-11 is 111` g111111 1111111-;,- 1111
1111(1 1111` $l`(`L1111g 1111110 s11 EIS 111 S(`(.111.K\ 3111111 1-111-1-1-111; 111 11111Q; 1-1-
s11i1. 13 [111111111s1s11111]111-. 111 1.il1'1, 111111 12 {111111111s is s111`1€ ·ll~ -- SI1
111 g`1\`L‘ il $01111 S11111l1 1111(1\`1` 1`11\-111-:11111- ('O1l111111*|l<. \\'11·-1-··   1111
is11s1-11 111 1110 111111, il 1'1-w 1111111111s 111111-1- S1111111l111C s1111-11,
1’111111111111-111y 1110 1111-111 \\'i1}' (I1. S11\\`11lQ' l'1'11Il>11Il 1·111\--1- _1 1111
11-1111 1111.- L‘1\l\'L‘1`·NL`1`l1 111-111. \\`i111 1111‘ 111-111 1-1-1-1-)- s1-1-11 *'11l11j 111
. " 11111 111111111111s1s11i11111111111-1-111-1-1-1110-is111111111-111. '1`111-112-11}   1111
11111 111-11~1-11s111·1·1·ss1`1111y111111-ss1111~s1-1-11111-111s111-111111111s21.   Q11
· 11111. 11s s11111-11 111-01-11111~1_\‘, 11 111-111 s1-1-11 111-11 is s11 l'\>·'11`.;E Q;_ 11111
SO\\'1Il1i' 1-1-1111s1111 1-101-1-1- 111111 1111` 1111111 <1llQ`1l1 111 110 11\11111_.;.i 111
1-11111-111111111 11 is s01-111-1-11. .111111-01-s~111-5-111111:1111 1111 11 1*1**1*  1111
‘ 11011. 1110 \\`1'1IU1' 1111% 1111111111 i1 2111 1-x1·1-111-111 1111111 111 1-1111 11- 1‘~· T11! Y1--
11C111 11-1111 1110 1-1111i-11111·111-1- _1l1S1 111-1'111-0 $1`lx11111L1. 1111|1 111 1-  i- 11111
1110 s01-1111-1111 il 11-1-1-111-1- 111' s1111;1--11111111 11111-1-1111-. l`1111~~s   ~ X
is 1-111110 11111is1. 11 is \-01-_v C$<1\1111111 111 1-1111 11111-1- s1-1-11111:. 1 `..11 11111
$0011 1ll11<[ 1101 1.10 0111-1-1-1-11 L1l‘L‘]11_\'—-11111 1)\'1`l` 1111 111011   1..;. 1;~1;
11;-111 s0i1s—111111 111 11111- W1-111111-1- 111|1\1‘ s11i1 will 111111-111111t-_2-~-;i - 1-1-11
10 this 11011111, C2111S11lQ' 1110 }'(1111lg‘ 11111111 111 11(`1.1\11 11.·1'1·1·»· 11~-1.;- 111 ·
11lQ` 11-011 1-00101.1. 111111111;- 111‘1l1S 111Ll S1111 211111 111-111:-1 1?1·- 1:.   l'1'11
1l11'C‘ 10 1111* s111-11100. -\ 1_1-110 111 1.()11(`1. $111*11 11s 1111- 1-11T1}g1.1-1;-1- 1`111`
01- 011101- C10(1 Cl'1IS1l1l1Q` 15-110 is p1-1-1`1-1-111111- 111 21 s11111.1111 1-11);-. ;11i1
C1-i111s1-.111 1‘10\'·:1‘ 0-1-1-1111111111-s s11 111111-111;- 111 ll 1l111\1 s111l 11111-   1--2
is 1101 11111011 L1211lQ`Cl' 0f 21 11011\-y 1-1-11s1 1)1‘11lQ` 1`(11'111(`\1 1·1-1`11z-1-iE.-
])1i1111S 11I111{1111'. (‘\`l*11 i1' 21 11111-11 ]`il1l1 $111111111 111‘l‘1l1`. '1`111- 111111-1-t·
11111.-0 0f ]‘O1111lQ` 11111-1- $00111110- 011111101 110 11111 s11-11110-ly 1-1111~E..z·
sizc-11. (l{11`C 111 s1-0111110-. 11 s11111111l 110 N1111(`(1 l1Q`il1]1_ is 11l1»—11-1`·-1j·‘ C10"
0ss01111r1l 10 s11000ss. {111(l 111111-ss 1110 1`211`111(\1' is \\'111111u` 111111111 1 1M`
C\'C1'}' pi-01·11111i011 111111 will 1IlS1l1‘1‘ 1`L1\'(11`il1l11‘ (j111111111l1I1< 111-12.1-1 am
b01101- 101 01-i111s011 0101-01- 010110. will
‘ (
I1 is ]1l'011Z`11)1}' 111111-isc 10 ])Z`1S1l1l'0 C]'1l]lSO]1 (‘111\`1‘1` 111 11111 , mm
c0r1si1101-211110 0xt011t 111 1110 f1111 1100111150 it \\'l`*1l1{L‘11S 111(‘ [1111115 1 -1-he
211111 1-0111100s 1110 c11a1100s of 111011- S1ll'\'1\'1l]g` 1110 \\'1]l1(‘1`. (`1‘1¤¤- gm-O

('1·[111.wn ('/mw'; Hx I'uxsi/1/li//rs lill ]\r//llI(('L`_U S)
>NS 11,11 1·I·»1·1-1· slurls ;;1·¤»wil1 v<·1·_v l‘Zll`l_\` iu ihu spring uml is i11
W1}   1.1,111li1i011 10 ]Nl$l|1l‘<' l'<>1‘ li in 5 \\‘c¤-lis. llsiiully, ll()\\'(j\'(;l" the
1l\t,`l;u gl-1,11111l is sw wcl <111 0f ]1lll‘f)j{(}]1 10 {hc
lm `,·, I. $.,1] is l·-ss \\`ll¤‘ll ilu-¤·1·<»1>is1»u»1111···1'£ll»l·- l-01* 111;1l;i11g5 l1;1y_ 11
ji]   s]11»11l·l l·1- humll~··l lilo- 1‘¢·¤l <·lr»\'¤·1‘. (`1‘i111.~;<111 (‘ll)\'l‘l' Ihut hus
1,,,f__ {511111- 1u11··ii {MMI lll~‘ ]><‘l'i¤¤·l Ml. lillll llllllllll ]1|ill{l‘$ huy Ihul, is
0111 js .l;11;gw·1··111~ i¤· I'···-»l I0 li¤·l‘~¤·s l¤•‘1'2l|l>·‘ lll¤‘ hui1·s 011 Ihi- l1llr>\U1lls
,,1_1;A_i I111·1»111·-l1u1··l uml sii1l` uml u1·1_- lil<•-l_\‘ 10 lil>l'Ill "hui1· l»ulls" i11
\.·   1l1ci1m·s1im·s 0i` lh·- u11i111uls. 'l`his, ii is >ui·l, ]1t-i1I'l_\' ulwuys
,,.1.1;,. 1·1·s11l1s iu 1l··u7l1. This 1l<»·-s lllll <»¤···111· wiih 1·u11l·- uml >lll‘¤_‘I)?
1 1· 1· ,l.V 5 l1¤·\\'~’\`1*!',
  s Q 1\u·»··1ls1u11·l 0I` l'l'llll>fll1 <·l·»v1-1- will _\·i·-hl l`1·<·111 0m- 10 lwri
.   1r111s 111 u~·1·»-. l11 111ixl111·1- wiih 0u1s, wh·-ui. 1-11-., the yh-hl is
1¤:_ _; 11~12ull_\’ ll*‘il•‘l` uml ihi- hu_v 11101*1- ¢·l!\ll_\' humll·-1l s0 ihul iI`1h·,-
;·;,¤¤;i (-1*011 is E112•-ml·-1l ]>l`illl&ll`ll_\' l`··1· huy, ii is ]¤l`¤¤l¤£ll¤l_\' u·lvisul1l·2
l1~· ;_;- 1·· > ·-=~· l u sruull !`l`J'lll wiih ih·- ··l¤·\‘1-1*. (lll 1h·- il\'¤‘l'2iQ`<‘ i.;ll'lI1
-2:1 ]~· l·1·i111s··11 <‘l·1\`·‘l' will 11u_v l»·-131-1· i1` 1>l<»w~1l 11ml·-1* 1hu11 it`11iiliz·-ll
}>Ll’l[-Y l»»1‘ l1u_1·; 1‘:l1··1··- 1h»- 1·1·0;1 is l'r‘llll>\'¤'¤l. 1h1·1·1-willl·1- h11l1~i1`;111y
1¤»lL~1·. gui11<»1`11i11‘··:‘1-11 i11 1h1- s0il.
  lii1`lIll$0111 (S l\ll$ll(‘lS 111-1· 111-1-1-_ uml yin-lmls 0f S to 10 l111Sl1QlS
 h_ M HP0 $O11lOlll11C$ SOCll1‘CLl. A yield 0f 5 lIllSl1l‘lS may be consid-
1-ml SilIl$l`&\<‘l(ll'_\' i11 il{<‘lllIll‘l(}'. Tho soul is l1:11·v0st01l when
lll1ll}`1`l]\0, which is Zll)Olll7 tho milllllc of »lllllC i11 C1-11t1·11l K011-
TURE , lU@li}'. It is llSllilll}’ p0ssil>l1- 10 1‘;1is0 Il Omp Of C'0\\']WCH9, SO}`-
beans, 01· (-von :1 01*011 0lT silugo 001-11 3l`lO1' tho soul 01-op is
ll lull, ‘ Y€m0\’¢1l. ]11·01·i1l<~1l rho l§lll(l 1»;111 lu- pl0w1-1-1-11 1l1l\1Zlll1ilQi(l1lll>l_\' 1`111· 11111111- 11~1- l1_1‘ 11si11g· 11 111111. . lll
S11'l1111L‘1`>¤11111‘\\'ll[ll si111il111· 111 1111-111111-u·1·11~s s1-1-11 s11-11111~·1·~ ;~1 if
111 1`1-1111·11l l{1-111111·l<_1· 111 0111111-1- llllll°2·l.1lS< s1-1-1l. lZ1·E1;; `   lr
11111111-,1111111-1‘1-1·,1111-11110*1-1·s111·011111111-111`1111l<111·111l11-1·l;;11·E· 1 Eli
:1111,1 111-1- Hlllrllll 11/1 illl'll1i`$ \\1l1l(\ \\`1ll1 1111- 11111-11i11g·    
100111 11 1111rl1 \\'l|l(` 111 1111- 11111 111111 **1 i111~l1 11‘i1l1- l»··l~ ‘1‘.‘ . °  
111131-1‘s l>1‘l11Q' ll(}\-(lllll1l (71111, 1111 1ll(` 1111111-1- si1l1- 111 111-1-1·1-11¤ 1·11·1}:l.:  
'l`l11- `lllllullll 111' 1l11-s1- 11113*1-1*s \`1ll'l1‘< 1`1‘11111 111 i111·l11·s 111 11.1-1.11 CL
S11'l11111‘1` 111 111*11 1'01-1 111* 111111·1; 111 lllll ll(l1` @il~Qt`t1’ttliliittI1 tit erttps itt \\’l1i<:l1 ul0\'t‘t' tlttws not OCt‘tlt‘ dt \'O1`)’
    freqttent intervnls or substituting eowpens or other legnnte for
  ‘Q_`_Q ` clover.
ts, l. .
{_ __   Uratssltoppers are the inost serious inseet enenty of eriinson
    tlttter. tlte in_iui·y oeenrring in the late sttnnner and t`ttll just
    Filter the plttnts nppenr. t.lt`ten the plants nre all destroyed
  it tttwtttnl tlte edges of the tield nnd oeettsionztlly entire tields of
  Witt! Clever may be destroyed. Usually, however. if the
MN   luutl is plowed for the elover, the dtttnttge will be confined to
I_ ._ i _ the edges, as the plowing destroys niost of the ltoppers in the
U L ·`__ . fldll. The poisoned bran bnit sezttietvtl tlroutld the Ctlgc ofthe
mm}. fl0ltl_is the only eifeetive way of destroying the insects and
‘___ Nm? q llll$1S hardly praetienl unless, the lioppers are SO 11t111101‘OllS
ttetlt * °Kt‘llll1€l<}‘ lixperitnent Station Circular No. S.

12 1(o:1t11¢·l.·_i; CI·I'('l([(l}' No. 81 . •
that they peuetrzxte t`z11· into the tield. This bziit is lllilnlt. tx., `
]lliXlll;L`   Iltllllllls (ll. li\'illl lllllll   ])(lllllLlS Oli l)&ll'lS ;j`I'1‘1']|_ [lll)
is mnisteiied slightly with waiter und :1 quart ot` 1h·»l;,\`.,
zidded. The huit slmuld he sprinltletl urmiml the edge t.;` gi.
iield iu early ]lll>l`lllll{.{` und renewed until the g1‘zlSslmli[ne1‘sati`-; .
destroyed. *
} of