xt7msb3wtd0h_11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7msb3wtd0h/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7msb3wtd0h/data/72m2.dao.xml unknown archival material 72m2 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frederick Moore Vinson papers Economic stabilization. Elections -- United States -- Congresses. Judges -- Correspondence. Judges -- United States. Judicial opinions Judicial process -- United States Legislators -- Correspondence. New Deal, 1933-1939. World War, 1914-1918 -- Veterans. World War, 1939-1945. Associate Justices - Wiley B. Rutledge text 166 Cubic Feet 381 document boxes, seven textile items, three map folders, one artwork Associate Justices - Wiley B. Rutledge 2021 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7msb3wtd0h/data/72m2/Box_162/Folder_3/Multipage1470.pdf 1946-1952 1952 1946-1952 section false xt7msb3wtd0h_11 xt7msb3wtd0h '” ' s— ‘?.+‘-':a "1 if shal— .
Charge to the account of appro‘prlatlon OJ .4.( 0; tie 3r mfigggefifilggfitstes














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 Supreme "Court of the United States V L Supreme Court of the United States

Memorandum » Memorandum



1-15.72, xxn‘

,5: g rfigym :5.

"1".4 ”‘1 /,I "17'

.1 “/26; Leg»

Supreme Court of the United States



”m“ were; '57


 Supreme Court of the United States.

:11 cnwrandum.



 new such

the forthcoming

Th9 oh

L .
.;(. o, cw”:
, VIVx.(,A,U

returnr of the November election

,_ 5m <"

the npncrr:

‘z'ravv Pat‘s‘etr‘ into pOLif’U'f‘


 ‘ 3mm ham or THE W fights. , EL5:3/ ‘- 1 ,
EDI. 531-532.*‘O“0b01' rm, 19 a ‘ ' 5:3 ' _ ‘

Earl I. 6151:, Appellant;
._ 531,, vs;

15551111551th Matt-let. '
W of 555 13111555 351538
fer the Earthen: 131552155


Ban 5. tartan, 35., as sharethry of
State 51' Georgia, at 11. ; .

Hrs. Robert Lee Tunan and 651155 B.
- 6555511, 15135115155 5

1 532, . va.‘
7 J. Lee heeheexth, as Chaim 5f the-

”10.023311 State 5530155515 319““33" v
Dewitt»; at 11¢ , ’ ‘ '

I [catcher ', 191.633]
_ I latest-55155 mm. _

I 212555 5558515 seek: is: 15":115155 Georgia‘s] tam-ti 15115 awaken-1m- «
selecting 55121151555 fair 351555151 to 9515115 affine Be. 531 5511555 to
tho offioo of Representative 15 We, no. 532 55 that 51' 655m. 11
each leete'ee'e the 55115 huheteetlee we is that the 53mm epmtee to '
deprive the appeneete end other met/oe- the the: protection 52511531“
in 5.15505 to their rights 51‘ suffrage, 55155527 '55 fits 1355151555 51' the

Fourteenth 15511555225. Presented 53.55 are important 51555515115 of 353116115151 ,

h ‘ " and at 1155555155 in exercising it. Both 155mm 15111.0! and. 1533305179

, r1115: 1n minus forms were smght.

‘ V The 91555155 Court in each 5155 fluid 195115551555 for 1155:1551-

, 5°17 11111551055. 11: the 5515 51m 15 fan-.117 561511511 .55 51551155111 upon 1
, motion: 55 115115: the omen, although mm we 50151112 512251, War,

on tho moral (555515;: of the mat of 1115551515555: 2111.!) 1’55 «at

1. ii Jurisdiction of this 55111» 15 imam W $5 238 am 216 of tin

M3131 60‘. .3 W“, 28 n. S. 6. s; 345’ MI 13 ‘9. 531 1%” i. a“ EMS.

_ time! that tho 155,551: 1. 5551 SM validity of 1 55155 5515555. 9 1555. 531 one

you! 51’ 15551105“ 155151 to 115.151 the appeal 15 that the a 5'1 suit

than, M1 551511515575, butthurulél 5111155151 ofapo- 51mm.

- {ho 550 «5151511 mo ”adored by three-151p 31151-155 com-'51, 55115155554
11155151111, pal—mt to S 266 of the 31111111 Me.

2. f5. W ham. 1: from the opinion in lo. 531. 1 1111111- 151501115
mhwamhlo. 535. _. . _



 than not on to deny the appiicatim upon ground: which, i: sustained,
would conclude the entire controversy in each one. in all bot tom]. entry
oat an order tor dismissal? the windpel ground of decision in hath «sea
was reliance upon Bologrove v. Green, 327 U. ‘S.l____, denied June 16, 1946,
rehearing denied this day, a. preeluiing oguitahlo senor. In so. 532 u. ‘ '
was said this was raquirod “whether it he that the whatnot matter is not
of equitable oogniaaneo, or merely that equity should withhold its hang.“

In each oeoo however the court rationed to rest on this ground alone.
In No. 531 it not on to rule, apparently, that the _mw unit system is
imposed by party notion, not by state action; and! that tho eyetm m not
being applies in foot, since the state moohive comittes prior to the
decisions but certified both candidates..- subject to inter action by the .
party's state convention. In no. 532,, “in ordn- that all questions may he
ripe for consideration by the Appellate tom, if moanm,‘ the opinion
further stated that “an the ultimate merits we do not think the Stat. of .
emu has been shown to have dam-tied the pmnwrra of the equal protu-
tion of tho laws." {the decisions can hm therefore m only to amount ‘
Mime rulings upon strictly jurisdictional matters but as decisive and -
oonoloeive “indications upon the merits.

because action: in mention of the challenged Georgia has whisk eweellente
mghttohflo restrained have novtahenplaoo.‘ Minna. 5321mm“

3. In vice of this feat en atrium ftho stemshm would preclude
tho Motrin 30m fro- teking any other action than to dismiss the noses,


upon their use; rounded to it. Any other action ma he in an engine. '

of this Eons-t" action.

1.. thus, inflo. 532, party officials have eoriit’tedtheresulte ofthe

tons for ballots to county crannies on the basis or those oertifioatim.

thsepplieetions sought to restrain these nets.





respect st In“ injunctivo relief mod far ”in «mild be 51?“,fl'g

appellants man be roman, on hearing, entitled to hm ms And in cash I i

an 4mm sonar, nmogth‘be in m was mm sin by w s: y

initiation met by afforded, is night. , '
Mindy, the: nppealn mum. cavitation: tainted 6133803; to the ‘

umunmmv. Gran, bub hwephiwmtnomsmnydm

by that denial”. A Inez-1w of 1:223 junta” Mainline rel-”9.391 to find

but thm‘vu a sub 9! Mflimm, but at the mating in anyway; ».

£1!th «apnoea, n1» nonunion am the min: scum annals: be fluids g, .

x In of the apinien that, in the pnninnias aims-mm, :thisqbonn b.

an. n; a. miss at discretion, ten- in. 'mm mm in n naming .

oyinlonc. 327 a. a. K._____. _. when: lawns m'mmi‘wn;w g

muss or in. present. sings-is, though not nnssssnnily controlling in

“labia to tho Wt litigant rats and. 1am they involve. the” isms,

swim of jurisdiction, of dim-Mon in musing 1%, car of substantive . '

right, are abdmly Wt. In my judgment thy ham not ban Manitob-

adjuliaatod by prior «data: of thin 5%. I Chantal! W they m

and be Manual. either by affirming the 1mm or by assisting th-

npponla, wibhaat £1111 bearing and! 0911514th am We“ hm. Horn

«sedan, nunnsmumhmshmnimmnsunumm -

‘52 Iymmdlnb,tom1ibhn «smotihowmnsmumtmnin

ms,nppmimsmun«mmmotsiuoasnmm- .
mmmmmmmumammip "1;

6. It m to mid tho Haitians running in: the fact that mm" or
nth-r M31021 atrocity. mmmmmmsmnmmis: .-
byway dimmmtnamixdbymh mammm , [i
Mdtbfl‘ulmtorynncrmmmfimbmmm .-
mummnmmuiummquv «Mm-umbmettbt 1'
327!.I.___,___. MqudWardan
WMWW Gt. Judicial“. and new. we,
W, W Mania (2! 01. 19-41) 365-367, 766-788, MA.

'7. Worth-Mounrfliuthwghtthnrmuahmldbodmidfflmi .
'W. 3275.8. , ,epinionoflir.Maomms 5

< “‘-‘—_IW‘—_\M§M\vw(fi_gt¢_ 4



Mamet mm accident: upon tho marina u in other names, am this

mi» be [done by affirming the SW“. incoming]: I think is should '
pontpono Memmfim of thy jurisdiction}. 1m. until consuming: a:
the mu and pm. the main upon thc anlendar for wt. 2 .1»
mm: than 1: these awn. was so be so trusted, in. panama tor rchmiag
think has been til-ed in Balaggon‘ v. Green nhwld' be granted- nnd khan can
should 1» at far argumt with than.


8; See note 3.



_ i. .2? Rxfiii é ‘
Emily: 5‘


Nos. 7131——.,';33‘357431111111111 ’ 121111, 19416.

1711111 F. (11111:. Appellant,
:33 11.

111111 \Y. 17111-191111. .11.. :1Q 911111‘111'111‘3'
111' 5111111 111' (1111119513101 :11.

111111102113 1111111 1110 D18-
11'11‘1 (111111 111 11113
[1111111 9131119 1111' 111e
}{111'111111‘11 District of

1‘111'9. 11111111 111111 1111111311 211111
(11111111 1’1.111111111111,Alt-111111111118.

71:13 11.

J. 1.1111 1111114111111'111.:1.Q (1111111111111
111' 11111 (21111111121 F1:11(‘ 111111111—
11111.1112 1Cx1‘1tntiw (11111111111911.


101'11111111‘#—, 11146]
'1‘1111s11 21111111111s H.111; 111 11111111111110 (311111511111:(111111113' unit

131741111111'111'5111111'111111'1*:’111111112111=s< 111' 111111111111 111 1111111111 11111113.

N11. 71311 1'1-1:1111.<11111111111111'11111'1111111‘1‘s1111111tiv11in(11115411181

N11. .3312 111111111 111(1111'111-11111'. 111 0111-11 111s11111c1)111(11111s'1c
81111:<1111111\'1‘ (-1.111111 1,: 111111 1111‘ systmn (1})(‘1‘1110F 10 1111111111:
11111 1:111‘5 in 1'1‘s111‘1‘1 111 1111111' 1111:1119 111' 811111111411, contrary to
11111 111‘11\’1.\'111111\‘(11‘ 1111‘ 1’11111'1111111111 .\1111111111n11111. 1)1'11s=01111‘11
111511 :11'11 111111111'1;1111 111111.»:11111152111',1111'1s‘11'11'111111 11111'1111'111121-1'0-
111111 111 (“I"1‘1'1.‘<111§111.1 £11111 111111131111111')’ 1131111 :11111111j11nc-

"1‘111'_i111'1>’1‘1-111111111'1111\('11111'1 1s 1111;111:1111 111111111 «SS Qtfx‘ :11111 2111'. 111
1111-.1111131":11(‘111111:1\:1':1111111‘11.‘.?1\ 1‘. S 1'. §§13171 3N1, 111N11.;'1513
11 1~11111 11111411111111 111:1! 1111- 1111.111; 1> 11111111 1111' \"111111111' 111' :1 51:1111
#:1111111. 111 \11. 71311 111111 £1'11111111 111' :111111'111111'.< 11111111111 111111511115511111
:1111111:111~111~1‘ 1111' :11111111':111|'< 51111 :111:11-1~:>‘. 11111 :1 51:111- #111111111. 11111 1110
1'1111\:11111:11-1111n111';11111111111:1111:11'1y. (f1.1.1"11111'11'(111/111.1277 L'. S. 1311.3,

1111» 11111 11111'1.\"11‘~‘ 11'111‘1- 1'111111111'1'1. \‘ 1111'1111—111111111 171141111 (‘11111‘15y

~1111‘1111111‘11 1111'11111':1.1.', 1111131111111 111 §3I111 1,11 1111' .11111111111 (,‘11110.


 & 532

(700K 21. 1d,)R‘l‘SON

The District (‘ourt in each case denied applict tions for
interlocutory injunctions At the same time it formally
declined to pass linallv upon motions to dismiss the causes,


although statian “We consider them. however. on the gen—
eral question ol' the grant of interlocutm‘y relief." 3 The
court then went on to deny the applications upon grounds
which. it sustained. would conclude the entire controversy
in each case in all hut formal entry of an order for dis-
missal." The principal ground of decision in both cases
was reliance upon ('olrt/rore v. Green. 327 1tv.f\‘.#.deeidcd
June 10. Ill-ill. rehearing denied this day. as precluding
etptitaltle relief. In No. .332 it Was said this was required
“whether it ltt‘ that the sultiect matter is not of equitable
cognizance or merely that equity should withhold its

In each case. however, the court refused to rest, on this
around alone. In No. 3:31 it went on to rule. apparently,
that the county unit system is imposed by party action.
not ltv state action: and tltat the system was not being
applied in fact since the state executive committee prior
to the decisions had certitied hoth candidates. subject to
l:.ter action ltv the party's state convention. Tu No. 532
“in order that all questions may l)(‘ ripe for consideration
ltv the Appellate (‘ourt. it necessary." the opinion further
stztted that “on the ultimate merits we do not thinl' the
State of (leorgia has been shown to have deprived the
plaintil't's ol' the equal protection of the laws.” The deci—
sions come here therefore not only as somewhat duhious
rulinfrs upon strictly jurisdictional matters hut as decisive
and conclusive adjudications upon the merits.

It may ltt‘ that the orders now in appeal have hecomo
[note in part ltet'anse actions itt execution (:l' the chal—

1"l'la' tplolt'l lanu’ttrta'e is trout the opinion in No. 5531. A. similar
>l:ti"!t‘l‘lll appears in the opinion in No. 3332.

" In view ot' tlti~ t'aet an allit'tnanee ol the judsqments here would
preclude the liistréet t'ot‘rt t'rent taking any other action than to
dismiss the causes, upon their lteinu' t'entandtd to it.


 531 & .332

(‘00 K ‘1‘. PORTFON 3

lt‘l‘Q'Wl (ioo‘ain l:"_vc:< \t'hioh tit'mollztnts sought to have


rostrninotl huvo now tnlcon plaoo.‘ But in No. a»- in one
rottiot-t fit lo:i~~':* initniotivo roliof prziyml for still oonlrl he
u'ix': n. it' :itittollmtts Slltililtl ho t'rinntl, on honring ontitlml
to how itf’ A lint in onoh Nov-o tloolztrntory roliof. appropri-
ztto in nutty instnnom irhoro {litl by way of injunction


('nnimt to titl'orilotl.“ is sought.

()lt‘t'lt)tl\l}'. tho :ititionls: prosont (llZOQthHF rolutml sorely
to tho iwttos in (’otoy/rot‘o V. (fruit. l)lll in my opinion not
ttt‘t‘t'~-':-':t!'ll)' rlotorniinotl by that tlooision, ;\ majority of
tho .histioos intl'tioitmtinu rot'nswtl to fintl that thoro was EL
mint ot' juristliotion, but at tho Smno tinto f1 majority.
ttit't'orontly t't)1111)<)><(‘tl. oonolutloll that tho roliof sought
slionltl ho tlt-nit-tl.T l was: of tho ot‘inion thttt. in tho par-
tlt'tllt‘tl' oirotinir-t:tnt'os. this Slit’fllltl ho (lono {15‘ ft mutter
tor tho rotuions StillOtl in :1 concurring
opinion. 33? l'. S. 773 i. Those reasons would be

ol' tlle‘l‘t‘lltHI.

"Ilium in No. .3522 [Arty othoiuls lini‘o oortitit-rl tho rosnlts ot‘ tho
iii'iirtnrj: t-loi tion< to tho Soorotnt‘i' ot' fitnto :llltl ho in turn litt< sontfi
out tho tori» tor littllot< to ootttttjc orelinurios on tho laztsis ol’ those.
t~o:'t'ti~.-ttion:~. ll!" :1; tiliouzit-ns sought to rostmin thoso :tots.

'7 li)’ :tnioinlinont. to :t\'oitl tlto ot't'oot ot' tho :totions t:tl{on :15 set,
I'ortlt in nott- i}, :tlii‘t‘l'lltl -oiitlrll\'.

"' [t \\:t-. to :l‘,ttltl tho limitations rosnltins' t'roni tho titot that injunc-
ti\'~ t-t' tllllt‘l' llll't!t‘tl:|lt‘l)' oti'ot-tiVo t't’lllllitl‘lt‘ roliot ('tt!1l(l not llt‘ inon
tl::tt ruliot' ll}: \‘.':'f“ «it llt'.‘l:ll';tlttl':\' itith'niont \';:t~ :ttitliorizotl lt_\' (won-
‘Jt't‘v'. 'l‘hi» ~":rltrt lizis not jx‘ot (loiorniinotl that tlJ‘oltirutory roliof
t‘:ttlllttt lto uixt‘n l“! yoittl tltz- lmnntlztrit-s ti:\'~tl lt_\' tho {)I'Pt‘XlStlttL" juris-
lllt‘lil'll in ottttitifi t‘l‘ltll'I‘l't‘ .\‘ttx/tl"ttt'. (h it‘ .‘w'l. I.. H. V, ll'xtltrlt'o. 238
l'. .4. L‘ t‘.‘, go; with (tit: \'. II't/"l't'x. lHt l'. 5'. »]T.'t, it‘xth :tlthotiu‘h throo
Htr'tttl" ix ot' tho ('ottrt :tltll'tliltt‘t'll thoir \iott' :tittiurontly to that oti'oot
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 ' Supreme Court of the Unified States




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 " Supreme Court of the United States



, 194---



 '1 ~ Supwnfiyo the United States.

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 Suprcnm Court of [he United Slates.

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 Supreme Court 0/. [/10 United. States.




 Supreme 001571 of the United States


, 194---



 Supreme Court of the United States




 Supreme Court of the United States





 3mm mm or m m sums.
‘9’. 1256*125SJMb0r TM, 1945!

Henley— m m; Erbium”,
1256 v.

the United Staten of America. ' $ditiam fur 1!er of

“ 392$le ‘36 the Enifisd
More We Tm, hummer, ' Stat», fiiruuit mm at
1257 v. ‘ , AW fan this mm:
1133 flatbed 3M“! 91’ M160. 5 \ flirtlmit. '

Wilbur him, Poiitim,
1258 v.
the 8111th Status of America ..
[m 9-, 1.91.7.)

fir. Justin am:, am in parts

In each of these use: we registrant m chsafithd: an ‘8.
Wei-mums answer, am he claimed Mia»! as: a ninidtar.
Having “haunted his Mammal readies, wash ”Madge mm
to a civilian 13313116 am. camp, leaving am :1 WWW imam
pennant”. The that: tab-this Mon-'8 are pat-wisely tho same as 111 65.123611 ‘7.
was we», 329 w. s. 333. than it. was ham, that in mix We“
Gordan m, 51. am. 394, m was; be m the Mme that the; warm ;


wants“ of hit an :1 Namibia“ 0133'va nu- «ma «menu
to m ”m n 3139.: W‘ma,m.mc tam 1mm. «um
«mu». m u. s. m. 3mm, the WW men ammcr m. L

an fit “but“: at his mafimm. Exam 1%. Mad W17 tha‘b

tho mm. W W the Wfifl mum, mafia!“
.tm-munmgmmsmkmmm» SMMth
pvt-inn,“ but ‘61» (Wino! mums.” a! tin m1 heard in mm

on]; if that. 5.. no basis in tut for 5h. {Lusitania 1mm it. gm
th- rogistrutfi 327 U. 8. at W123.


Clearly there in each at these eases the ”@1311er was entitled
to name the «intense that the heart‘s elassifieetiea m without sub-—
mm «1de to sweat it. 311‘ in acne hf theprior hem has thit
am determined whethw the 1111me is the 91‘ he as: we 01? that»; it:
the judge or £6: the jury tr ietermine. had the 66m new, by its summary
unreal ef these m. sweets Mai-eh cf that issue which is- inaueepahly
110030.1- hthemww‘gmwewasee; theater mm
not to decide it; these when m mtmlecfi with tithes: e111 twists
premium pram-.1 '

By its hen-h. tom. mm thatethree as» it: me trials.
But the trial 3m 1m given me gametes. They will net imam whether ,

they should 13min. 3m that 1.1- that down Wefinth' the «item. we "

sufficient ea whether the gage 1mm mm determine its WWW
u a mum“ of lav. By refusing ta ia£108te which 61' these altemtim
in meat, the Beast only rakes term that, brewer the 11min any
he (listened or we: masher trial, the. men: will take their 1mg warm
1. Ta tee a! the three tam the trial 3e!” flit net pace name the

mhetaatianty of the We ta W the Watts». «if the M,
and“ hemtthe imitate m. In the thin! thee, WMMMM,


although the 3m likewise m net pyramid ta; pun W the mmtiaiity 4

of the evidence, there it in the restart at whim statement by the @131
amt susceptible er the in,“ .; Putin thet he had Watt the selective
service tile and. «termini whet the grim" in the file perturbing the
chalifloatiu in mm It. BWM W at Appeals £9: the lint];
circuit, which affirmed the judgments of emiatiea in are}: m, m net
Whitamiuifiiutethetthemmmmemie my
11me from the 60:: and mm can“. it earthy eei-d that “in nah
me...“- m- 91 the 011“”th item before the hears. me My:
to be substantially 11': support of the elenifleatien {moi by the hard...
and that theorem “the [Munich] mm m m in error in “strutting
the Jury to disregard it entirely. '



~4-~i.. . , ”MA. _._._._..__. \


again through $113 cum: cam af Appeal. to “Main 59m, ow to raw;
n m in «is» m gamma. 1+. new m1“. I an mat think u. sham ’
15m Wis em mum ca? macaw. 1am Wagwwund or liming.
1 as!» that mum-s. W 1» grantsfi in each or that sum,
but I think the cases should be 39% for meat ma 1 dissent m She

may reversal:-


 Supreme Court of the United States

fife. mormzdum


, 194---



Supreme Court of [he %E032?%ggtes

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 5 : Supreme Court of the United States.


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 No. 350, Misc., .
Cert. to Cal. Sup. Ct.

In the Matter of the Application of Admiral Dewey Adamson
This is the same Adamson whose case was before the Court
last 1‘erm in Adamson v. éalifornia, he is under sentence of death
and his execution is sentenced for tomorrow, rebraury 6th. Petit—
ioner filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in the Supreme
Court of California on January 30, 1948; the applbation was den~
ied without opinion. ne here seeks cert. Bifllfi to review the denial.
Petitioner claims he was denied due procefls in three respects:
1. There has been a systematic exclusion of fifiiflifi negroes
in the appointment of judges of the Superior Court of California,
the trial court for cases such as petitioner's. Although there are
many qualified negro attorneys in California, none of the approxi»
mately 50 Superior Court judges are negroes. Petitioner does
not make exactly clear the manner of selecting the judges, but it
appears that at least some are appointed in the first instance by
the Governor. It appears, however, that at some point in the pro=
cess the judges are subject to popular election.

The fact remains here that the jury, not the judge, were
the triers of guilt in petitioner's case, and iven the most generous
consideration, petmtioner still has no ,,£g» “out a deprivation
of due process.

2. There was a systematic exclusion of negroes from the
jury which convicted him, such jury being composed entirely of
white women. there is no allegation whatever that there was system—

atic exclusion of negroes from the jury panel, and the mere show«

ing that there were no negroes on the convicting jury is not

violative of the 14th! Amendment under this Court'

5 deCisions.


 Adamson, p.2

3. that petitioner was forced to trial only two days after
he had selected counsel of his own choice, the trial judge having
ruled that he would not permit substitution of counsel for what
I gather must have been court—appointed counsel unless the trial
would proceed at the scheduled date‘ Petitioner Ilfi claims he was
thus prevented from adequately preparing his case. I should think
that the trial judge has some discretion as to whether there was
adequate opportunity to prepare for trial, and 4 do not believe
that it can be said that petitioner was denied due process here.

I would deny the petition.

._./"l , h' ,

. ‘ J
, >4! ,\-.c.» ‘
. 1'. .-'


 No. 351 Misc., O.T.1947
Cert to Calif. S.Ct.
CABITé¥ "“"F

ngers v. California

Petitioner was convicted of murdering his wife and is his execution
is set for February 6 [tomorrow]. He alleges that his conviction rests on
an illegally obtained confession. I think the facts alleged support this
contention, and therefore the case should be held until the state had had
time to file a response and the record sent here so that the allegations ca n
be checked.

Petitioner was arrested on January 22, 1946, and held in solitary
confinement for about three hours. He was then taken to another room and

questioned for an hour; again moved and questioned for six or seven hours.


Next the police took him back to the rflxof the crime, after taking his

shoes and sweater from him on a cold night. When he was given a cell, it

was one with no blankets, and he had a searchlight shining in his eyes to

keep him awake from 2 A.M. until ll. The next night the searchlight treatment
was apparently repeated, and on January 24 he was strapped to a lie detector
for seven or eight hours. Several times he requested permission to communicate
with an attorney, but his requetts were denied. On the 25th, after having had
no sleep for two nights, he supposedly confessed. During the next five days

he was subjectnd to additional mistreatment.

This confession was introduced in evidence, and also, the sheriff
testified to oral statements petitioner made concerning the disposition of
parts of the body of his wife. The date that these oral statements were made
does not appear.

I would stay the execution and call for a response.

jps/{wj "' ‘1 ’3



"I!” Hymn“,

May 18, 191.8 K C‘HA
- MBERS 0F 7

’ Re: Hart A ellant v. State of Iowa ‘ g, I

This case comes to me asan application for the allowance of
an appeal: from the decision of the Supreme Court of Iowa. It is said.
to be the uniform practice of that court and its members no