xt7mpg1hmx00 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mpg1hmx00/data/mets.xml Gabriel, Chas. H. (Charles Hutchinson), 1856-1932 1878 scores (documents for music) M2193 .G330 1878 English Ruebush, Kieffer & Co Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox collection Sunday school music Shape note hymnals Gabriel's Sunday School Songs, No. 1: Suitable for Prayer, Praise and Gospel Meetings, 1878 text 1 close score (47 pages) ; 15 x 18 cm. Call Number: M2193 .G330 1878 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C Gabriel's Sunday School Songs, No. 1: Suitable for Prayer, Praise and Gospel Meetings, 1878 1878 1878 2023 true xt7mpg1hmx00 section xt7mpg1hmx00  



Pfloe 15 cent. “013.410.“ per hundred.









awn-gm 1878‘ by RLEBUSH, KIEFFER a: 00.

J. M. ARMSTRONG MIIslc Typographer Philadelphia.












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No. 1.

121K @HAS. g} @ABRIEL.










“GABRIEL’s SUNDAY-SCHOOL SONGS” will be issued in numbers, and in as rapid succes-
sion as thought best.

The cost is very light, and thus places new and fresh music Within the reach of all Sunday-

Large sums of money we spent annually by our Sunday-schools everywhere for singing
books; and, as a rule, not more than one- l—1alf of the material they contain is used, when the
book 15 laid aside, and a succeeding one shares the same fate. Then why not buy a smalle1 and
cheaper book, and buy oftene1,the1eby having new and f1 esh music on hand all the time?

‘Vith a pIayer for its success, I send it fo1th. May God diiect it, and may some soul

through the instrumentality of “GABRIEL’S SUNDAY—SCHOOL SONGS” be brought to a saving
knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

WILTON, IOWA, February, 1878,



Doe, Ray, Mee, Faw, Sole, Law, See, Doe. Doe, See, Law, Sole, Faw, Mee, Ray, Doe.




 / SEE, DEAR LORD. ' ‘cvfil‘if’i‘ffiéi‘ifiil’i .3

With feeling.







ds me hear it; I see the rest
I. see thebleed-mg Sit-VlOI‘, I

- yond t

I see the cross ~f0re me lie, And Je - sue
I see himhang—ing low his

see the crown of thorns to - daV,






grave, And Je - sus whis - pers“Share it.” bless- ed Sa - One, en with the
head, And dy - ing in my fa - vor. bless- ed, etc.

-p- -

















n ,
! :lti—J'T‘JLFJ‘“—P‘”—h“fi”*—fp¢“i’—3—'W . A A ,H,___ E
r —,'~'-—;v—iv—Tv w—L—gwgeg—riv- b—sa L . .v L be -—;-- _
7 l V V V l v v ' l— V V V T/ 11/ g l‘fi /

cares of life I’m done, Oh, may my home and crown be .won, ar e-yond the riv - er.




2 I see him sitting on the throne, 3 O blessed Savior, now, 10-day,
For guilty men entreating; Thy great compassion frees 11s,
The words of love and mercy great, I’ll own thy pow’r, and serve thy name,

I hear the Lord repeating—Chorus. I Most blessed, loving J ewe—Chorus.



"LAMBS OF JESUS. ‘Zstt‘: 23353312?



1. “'e’re the lit. - tle lambs of Jo - sus,\Vell we love our shepherd too! He will guard and ide us safely




For his love is fond and true. Oh, we are the lmnbsflVe’re the lambs of the Savior; Tenderly he cares for us,

A— 117— w— -A A we




Lov-ing-l ca-ress- es us, Lambs of the Sa-vior,\Ve know not a fear, Lambs, little lambs 0 the Sa-vior.


2 If, by chance, one ever wanders 3 He is e’er our kind protector
[j‘rom' the-fold, he seeks to find, As we tread life’gs weary road,
Brings It, With a shepherd’s kindness, And in death he then will take us

Back to him so good and kind, Up to his divine abode.


 HAPPY 80/V68. ‘25:::::::::? 5




1. Happy songsfrom theheart, In onrjoylet us impart;Let us smg of t love,Shining0n‘ usfrom above.

2. Happy songs to the Lord, For the richness ofhis Word, Given us as a guide To the Lamb that bled and died.
3. Happy son , we will sing, To the Lord our heav’nly' King ; We will sing o’er and o’er, Hallelujah evermore.




,n ,7.:~R___..r

IIup- py songs . . let us sing,

. . . . . let us
haP'PY songs Withsweet ac—cord

Hap . py songs . . .

hap - py songs

344—!—:——;‘--1‘—F—‘—P—-F— -
l l

l__ l |
l l l l
l l





,1 — P-D—D—D—P—fi—F-fi


l l I I

V . P , 5 T1 { .1
I T 7 l V

!.___45—A_¢_.n44——4—p “a”!
‘ To

' l J ‘ : : 1 fi' 5 r
gall—ML: ~ 44 A r:




WWI v bIWW v v



smg un - to the Lord,Let us sing, let us sing, Let us sing our hap-py songs of cheer.

loud-1y sing, gladly sing,



GOING TO Z/OAI. m were?







]. 0 come, and go with na to - on ! ’Tie there we are going to - day; he SuVior is leading us
2. The cross of the Savior our watchword ;The truth ofthe Bi-ble our guide; The blessed Redeemer our
3. 0 come, and partake of the glo - ry That shines from the radiant throne; And march With us upward to







on - ward, 0 come, and go With us to - day.
Lead - er, The same that on Cal - va - ry died.
Zi - on, Where Je — sus his faith -fu1 will own.



come a-


}Comea-long, - - -

Come a. -



long, Come thou with us to - day, To the beau-ti- ful cit - y of Zi - on,
come a-lon comethou with us to - day, ‘





r. ”AGO"

., «nah-w" '« -..




GOING TO ZION. Concluded.


land where the ransomed of J e ~ 3115 find rest, 0 home of the good, and the true, and the blest,


Come, and go with us, Game, and go with us, 0 come, and go with us to Zi-on!00mea~

R +- '

long, - - come a - long, - - To the beau-ti - ful cit - y of Zi - on.

come a- long, come a - long,



8 HA VE YOU THOUGHT, M y BROTHER? ‘81?:i%f£tl‘::i:?§

Dulce efl'etuoso.


1. Have youthougrht of life, my broth -er, Howshortand un- cer - min too? If you should die asyou’re
2. Have youthought of deuth,u1y broth-er, 0f Judg-meut at last to come? Do you believe in the

_‘_ —‘—'—














liv- lug, Oh, know'stthou what God would do? Oh come, broth-er, to Je - sus, Oh, l.
Sa. - vior, Or think of a hezw’u-ly home? Oh come, broth-er, etc.



heed his bless-ed cry— Are you com—lug, broth-er, Or will you wait and die?



3 Have you thought of Christ, my brother, 4 Have you thought that he, my brother, 5. O my brother, 0 my brother.
HIS suff’rmg and death for thee? Requires ofi you trust and love ? No longer thy work delay. '
Bleedmg and (lying in sorrow, “fork that W111 fit you for glory, J esus is ready and williiw,

Nailed, nailed on the shameful tree ‘I And Win you at home above '3 He’s ready to save today.



 WHOSOEl/ER WILL, MA Y COME. Yazds-ffldul‘sfizz? .










1. Who-so - ev - er Wjillcoine _ the Si} - vior, Who-so - ev - er will trust in his love. Shall
2 “Who—s0 - ev - er" 1t smth 111 the B1 - ble, “Who-so - ev - e1"’mezmssi11-ners and all: Then
3. W110 - so - v - er! w us how - ful, How 1111 -t1’ue are hearts u11 - to thee; Show





A A l







; dwell with a. joy ev - er - last-111g, In m1111si(1nsquzln—ry a. - bove. His love as nfountainis flow-ingrgHis
come wlule hisluve 1’s o’er flow—11.15:! 011 SlllllOl‘, mvehoed torhe call: For why will ye linger still (lgubiing, 0?],
us our undone Slt - 11 - a -t1011, And help us to pen—l-tent be: Re - move ev‘ryhinderauce, Sa-vior,Tha.t

4- ’ T‘i‘w‘


Chorus—D. C. 1st line.
N \




ten- der-ness knoweth 110 end ; In an guish he hung on Mount Calva’l‘y That rescue from death he might. seud.
why will ye trust not his word? Come, come and eouiide in his mar - cy, Your Savim',1{edeen1er and Lord.

standsbetween us and thy love, Andkeep us still treading the pathway That leadeth to glury a. - hove.

—A— - A





WE ARE SING/mg. ‘ ma; mam?



1. We are sing-ing, we are sing-ing, And for J e - sns is our song, Loud to him our voices ringing, For to






- .7

im oursouls be-long; \Ve are sing-ing of his mer -cy, We are Slng-ing of his love,

fit"- ., R R








- - - - ing,


home so bright, be for us Hath [ire-pared in heav’n a-bove. We are


sing e are


sing- ing, we are sing -ing, And for




u: u.

”a .-’ ,U V

twmng‘ggckwgg ';~§;;x,1~fi-u:1mu5.. . .

.C‘r 1:- ;



 WE ARE SING/N0. Concluded. 77





sing - — ing, All for Je - - - 3119 is our song, Loud to
Je-sns is our song, W are sing-ing,we are sing-ing,A11 for Je-sus is oursong, We are




“ ix



h ~v~










Vw w



him onrvoic-es ring - - ing, For to him our souls belong.
singing, we are singing, Loud to him our voic-os ring—ingflVe are singingwe aresinging,1<‘ort0 him oursouls belong.
J J k h x h r J l R m N r\
I u _ ‘ o 0 l
—— — n n I I —_ A 5 l m













2. We are praying, we are praying, 3. \Ve are working, we are working
And the theme of every prny’r, In the vineyard of the Lord,
Is that you, our friends, will join us, Will you (tome along, and help us?
Going to our home so fair; Come, and own the Holy Word:
We are praying for the sinner, Your reward will be in heaven,
We are praying too for all, Where we too expect to go,
Praying that you will remember When we have discharged the duties

On the Savior’s name to call. God appointed us below.




































































>11 Words and Music by 1'
A 1 t ,. 5'
1 ' -1-.. 1* — 1,. , -1—..~—1.=-
L;4:q;:!;__.; 1; * 1' 1 .---1? 1:11., 13%
___ _ _ _, _ __,- .— '- _4- --.— --... -_1_.- --
an r— . ‘—1 ' 1 '
——4 %—-—'——V a—9 W ”an" d*% _‘L‘Q ‘Vi‘ g
1. No 0111 —01' one but JC - sns No 0111-111 one, no 0111-01 0119, No 0111- er one but i
2 No 11111 — 111' one 111111 111‘ - 511s, No 11111.01 ono, no oili-or 0111‘, No olli- 91‘ one but .1
3. No 11-.11-01' one but .11: - sns‘, No nth-er ono, no 0111-61 0110, ){o oth— er one but; 1
4. No 11111 - or one but J1) - 5113, No 0111-01‘ one, no ot11.e1' one, >10 0111- e1“ one but; "1:
'* 174—“: . ##w—‘Efl '7‘ " 4; C11” $5711 1.
”4"‘1 . .1 a 7“""1- 1-“ ..--.--..-i .a---.——:_-.
I1 DIE jg
— L— - 4-.--— -.— 1 .1 1 I 1 g
I b.-_ —-*1 #71! " ' w——1‘*—1—#i1 I 1 l‘ } 1 .. 1 1 1 1
} 1 5v-7 ‘- it— A) ‘ 'AA*— "—“flfiL‘ a, “A1_‘—”“‘k3"7!7 ‘ - —~1 I". 1 “ a
’ __.__ «—— 2:11- ‘ 4.-- 1 1 Iii—”“7?“ ::§::fi - t':_e__d—‘;
i <5 6 3‘ ,9 0’ ' '11 i 0 vii} &‘ w
J1) - 81R, \1) 0111 - or one but him, He is my P1‘,oph-(1t Priest, 111111 Ring My 1
.111 - sm, No 11111 - 111' one but him, 111} 0111110 to 011111'11111111 V011 - 1101",11nono With
1 Jo . snx‘, No ofh - 111' one 11111; 111111, lie 111111115 111V sins be - ore my (1011,1115
11 J0 — 511$, 1\o 0111 — 01‘ one but; 111111. The sting of 11011111 he takes a - way, He
.1: . 1 ~ 1 A A '—fi—A—-t— 1 —-*—»,A_—c_—A——.
{:1 i§£:;:;- $11.: , £1: 1 by”; prvp,_-p___r L .g'“‘
I' 1v—-—0——’-—’ 7 7 -~~— ~1- ~~ a!" ‘ 7A~<——# — #~ —5—7 —71A 1——1‘—~ fi——
] _fifi," - 1__i ‘_ _ 1' 1 ’1— 1] ‘1 1 I f_, __
,z' 1‘“ I V
' '1
'1 1 '3 1 1 1 1 h J . 1DLC'
1 ‘12:? 7:1 ::w§;_.e_._1#_ : J___1‘\_1'_q__ . . 1 1 1 j b_j_ —
9 1 1 ,
‘ I; «IV; - . - “—“Wfimr‘§*77 '._“_' —1—~——1 , —.51~——1_v—- 1 w . - ~L, t. _2;_-fl,g, E
1 1“” ‘32:: :sa:.:::a:;:_:’"311-3; i::§: ' ' — ‘ ' ‘_:_'T_
. 1 6 7:; 6 -
Shop 1211111, 111111 my (1111110. My 9v - '1'y help in time of 1191311,-‘1‘heLa1nb 111111111611 and died.
1i11 111111 love for 1111, Ho 1111*11. :1 11111.50“) on the 1101» 1'1) NLYO me from 1119, fall.
1 in . tor-“.1111” for 1111‘,- Tim 1111 . 1y, Hod—111111 Son ofhmv n 1"111 1 v . 1-1' mino 1411111 be.
.‘ 1921115 t111;1f11135 113111 11111111: To CV — 111-1115L - ing joy 11111111111111 W1101'1 sin can 112v . c1 come.
...... w . +4 41 -A—-
9 ;:1
r——— ”“""F **** -'
)__.._ ---- '-..1---.i1_ ‘flufi.




1' Non-xfismg 1111 the $111,117,113 without interlude or stop.

. _ - . . .-.. .-.». 1... .v.‘__.__, ..V -mfixr
wwwqw... ....-..._."-«.“-..Nwm_..fiwva . __ Mr...—

... ”...—....v... ..


 2; «SM



BEAUTIFUL HOME. ‘83:1%%£.d&1::¥2£¥ 73


“Hui .

1. Beau - ti - ful home, Je - sus has made, Beau- ti - ful man - sions, joy-ous and free,





pre-pnred for you and for me.
er find rest, Beau-ti - ful in:m-sions,be:u1ati ,. ful home.

:1 A

P 7E





Beau - ti — ful robes,
D. S.——-Home where the blest

beau- ti - ful songs, God hath
ev -







Beau- ti - ful home, beau - ti - ful home,Home of my



83. = vior, beau—ti - ful home;



o . _ - .S.


2 Beautiful home, Jesus is there! 3 Never a care, never a pain :
Pleading for all his children below; Sickness and death are strangers up there;
Haven of rest, golden and bright, To that bright land, all, all may come, ~

Home where the saints of Jesus shall go. Home of the Savior, happy and fair.






14 * WE 00/145 70 G£EET you. or;








































:“fi s i 1 a 1‘ g s i 1 s
1 #j‘L-j . ,_ x e a r T -——‘——,:s—1—— j K j I! 2 . a 5‘ a
» ~ '- ' , 4 1-4 " r1 $g: _ ‘ I; ‘ ' __ _“i“‘”*‘_‘—““d:j
é *— " —' ' “—‘—k——x ‘ — " #3 WP - I ”d #1 5—31
' Pg ' ' O * ‘7‘ "#17:- I. x N
| 1. An - 0th - er week has flown a- way, And we ah- gain are here, To greet you With a
l‘ - .A. -L _ _ A +. _ _ -
| “ . 7‘ a a L ——I—§ A Q F a s e ' s H A ,9 a——"+——a—
o: 1+} we , I . : r L +—lr ‘L .A y. 5.
.— - s; A '5 a ‘5 .7 J E 1 y we ijjfi—t :- _fl.. _- __ _
I“ 4‘ : __' __ fl: ;.. ~ I‘ *” p” Fwy—:1, f F“. t“ P“. g
V F b ( v 7 _ , ' I y I 1 7 I v I V g




h A




we come, . . . we
we come,

cheer — and We come,


song, And voic - e's
we come,





come a - gain to greet you, We come, . . we come, . . We come with song a - gain.
h A A we come, ' “76 (301118, ‘






n ‘ A








. i- V ‘ _,
‘ 31v 2 God kindly lengthens out our days, 3 V Ye’ll sing the mercies rich and full,
E:I And showers his blessings down. That from his bounty flows;
n Now here we meet his name to praise, We’ll sing his great and wondrous love,

And him with honors crown. That life and love bestows.


 1 ,= 1- n. .43.... ;.-, .,


1. Wea - ry

- her,


(30111 e






- sus,

00/115 70 .159 5'.

Come while he


will hear;

CHORUS. Ban-neatly.







Words and M11510 by
C11 15.11 GABRIEL.




Come, and for yous























He will heal your grief and woe, Come,



2 In the hams of (Imkest so1'10w,
Hanging on the 11 90
Jesus 111 '11 ed f01 sinnms 1n1110n~
011, What love £01 1110!






sin - ner, come to - day, '

4+ . N
_+1_ 1\ q 1\ in, 1 :4 T: __ ii 4.1» :.
1 h 1 ‘1’ I____+r___.__ 4 7A I V ‘ ‘ '_ _ _,_ ____1__‘_l .
-——~~4——————l—A~l"—&-—$~—-£—"A#-- j Fflr"~1&:¥——’y—:g——- —-'-~—-— g ~A’l-3—tl— ALL-4g
"—%:—“' _%_ 6’ IV a“? Tam-
sm - nihg, shed the Pen - i - ten - tial tear. Come to Je - sus1 come, Oh, come,
—fl~ 1r A 1:— 1
.__”_ ____ I.__‘.1_,1_,_1 m? 1 % fi—Efi _7 F—"PMP—‘H‘TQ—AAE: "5:2"
1 ——1——1—n-—1——v—~L—~r~—~—P——1~v~ , 41- I-P—1——y~»P-~r-—+g—~—1———r~
1 1 1v 1 r 1 1 1 ' . 1 E 1 L {F} l ___. —“"
———fl——fl—-'fl—' l [L V 'r V—“H""& E y 1 V

will wash you while as snow.


3 Sinner (To not nuw 191601 111111,

. S‘Oek 111111 new

10- day

Then i11heuve11wull lest fOICVGI‘
With the Lo1d £111 aye.











the L211'd,112222221 1111; his
-21111212',22 1122 is 111, - 12221 1211' 11122 11211,
I. \1'111121111'1122211215111 2111222111111112110, We 1111151 to the 11211-110 11121170,

_ R

. 81122111221112) 11211215 21




‘Vords and Music by
(311115. 11. GABRIEL.







221111111221121—1115;1vm221, W22 112111 11(11111121111111122

A1121 with pr21y r 121 (12121




:L;"'L':'*L" ‘P'L Lf2‘**L”' :2:







7' v
m 21 11
2 A J :4; _._;2 “4:1 .L»

————;‘> ?:d:a'--—a2-- Q‘—

121 - 11201011119211111712211': With a, heart of 1211111 m1dl21v22, To the 11:11-1'1ey2k1?
W222 11111511109215 1121 3111111}; 211121 1121121, \1121 21111‘
A1121, 111111 1211211 21 1222121 221', we 5112111 01) 121111 1110 110 - 121 -1_1,,

A- AA A A- _.AwAvwwA—A

1 1:11 - 11151r 111210 211121 11'
















we 11121v22,\\11ile 21111
-11221111'111 — 11' 1121121,






A—V—AJ— p.412-42—











Cz1p- 121111112 voice





_._ ____:__._.. _.‘._ _..__. “*l‘“ _._4 _._L__.__ ,
-2422»: , '91“. . 2 2
2— - way-1:22 +2 ~~-A*A—F
7 v 25 1/ 5 | :2
22 21 2 2ff
2:; T,_ A”; ha i
P‘d*i"‘d‘7“d 3""2'“1'... 233142“ ”a
a have, Cn111m1v11hpn<1 ? 11122, 211121122111, Christ is

2112 —211111 1116 V122 - 121 -1'12.

be 11230, When the 11'21122212121213112153 21- way.
k" 2L2

,2. 2A A «—

2‘4:é:— Aims—AA—AA—m A- —_ _

,..,,,7, I: V

12-; ,_ ,A.__:_fl_w2fl_

) — A 9~-—A‘~A









2 2 A, ~N:N-«-N—~
41:23:; P*PTP P' P
A-21A—F-"-~22—*2:~2'6 w—v—A—



V: “




P‘W 7 V





_ 3 nix; I:


CHRIST l8 LEADING. Concluded. A 77

Hal-1e - lu - jah, all be — 10w, Blessed, blessed ar - my, Ar-my of the Lord, Onwardto the fight we’ll go.


A! 9; LA LA

CHILDREN CAN DO SOMETHING. Véfifil‘ii’.d&l:fff£


1. Children egm do sqme-lhing, Each lit - tle hand Has a. lit - tle miS-sion, Work to command:
2. EV - ‘1'y ht — tle kmd - mess, Act, word, ()1‘ deed, Je - sus will re - mem -ber In tune el need;
3. ycan love the - Vlor1 Work for 111111 too; v — ”ry where re‘s , Ple'n - ty to do;









They can light the path- wzty, Fill lxem'tswith joy, If they are work-in}: ev - er, In his em -ploy.

Je — sus \Vlll re — mem — her All that they do, And sure — ly will re —W:.m'd them, If they are true.

ChiLdren can do some‘tllingJCach lit - tle make the path-Wayblight-er, To hea-ven’sland.
.VN_ _ V _ _ _








My U/VFA/[l/VG FR/E/V‘U. ‘ “m.



'3‘ 1‘ 0 Je — than my help-er, I trust thee as I go, In hezyv’n or earthmo oth -.er Hath
2. O, 10v - ing Friend 1111- fail - ing, I'll fol — low :yft - er the“, And mld my foes as — szul-lng, Thy
3. It, mat-ters not what sor-rows Are gathered 111 my way, I trust 111m for my mar-rows, He
~t- _‘_
+- ° +—
' ev - er lov‘d me so: No ten - der hand hath led me, A-long the path—way drear,‘ N0
love will mu - som me, . Thy kind- ness ne‘er tor- sz‘m - eth The wen - ry way—worn child, But; '
leads me clay by day; And when I near the nv - er, And wild the breakers roar, Then 2“
.fl. _l_ ‘ ‘,
;: mrs.
l r
one but thee hath fed me, lov’d me half so dear. My help-er, and my broth—er, Low

{1 love and life :9 - wak ‘ eth, Frpm Je - sus meek and mild.
r God, the gra-cxous Giv - er, WIll bear me safe - 1y o’er.
l -







at; thy feet I fm To thee


a — lone,



no 0th - er,


CHILDREN 1? PM YER. (00170er Exercise.)

0011 ludea’.



I con - se-crate my all.

Words' and Music by
(‘11 \S. H GABRIEL.


«1—1—11 1—1—


























































1 _ ~_, *7 __,,__ i___,'._. __1__ ___ __ ____ ,,_ 1 I’
1 -1 1:1--1:_1,$_4__1::g.1fifi J‘ 1. J 5 «SJ; 1: 4,1 1,14 , l
1_ _ ow __,_'_ ‘__7 ____ 4,. _0_ W __ n- , 7- ‘ ____ _;,~ ‘ Q
1 1L3; __ -31 1% AP , V 34:2 ,, __ _,_V'..Lg:;9 ##V 1- _,_l.
*i‘r V V 1" 1r V V i—
1. 011 ourknees we‘relmeel-ing, P11:1ying,1.nrd,to thee K110111111: thouwilt hear us In 0111‘ earmest plea;
2. 0 0111‘ 111121v 11ly F21 - ther, 11111 be-yond the Shy, Pow thine 9111,111111 list - en To our fer-vent cry:
3. All our fa—lheiS,n1oth ers, B111th— e1‘S SiS- fem, love, Tinke‘themup to hennven, Un - to thee a. - bove;
4. Bless 0111‘ school, dear J11 - mm For we lme it so, Here we learn of glo - ry, Where we hope to go:
1 e 7‘ _ p M"""7_——_::,m.__, _ ; ,7:—
_ _ . l VV ,7- ' _.: ,_ ,_ ,_ ,hn_ 1 1 ___.,______
1 741 111111 11. Stat—1 1.111, 1 11 1 Si‘nil
1 1 1 1 ~ 16 1 1 1.r—~4». 1 1 1 1 1e i-.-—S—~J—~+— —
'7 $07.11* 11 “2211' id- ww 721 11 1111—11 79:1 11 11 ' «1 -.
CHORUS 1L 1 h 1 x 1 ,1 . S 1. 1 1
"—1—, 41- .‘1 1 1 1‘ a 1 1‘ 1 1 1 ,1. — ~41
- 4171—A— “VJ“Ei—i :1 A1‘ “'Vf_‘li*‘— —-A::—v_—g #d-_4__.1_ ———1-—41 v1—v—~»~ '3
_ __ _ _ A “ __‘__. ___ 1 , * .___ _ __,1,____ __ ___ -—
‘,‘,‘ 0“ ‘g—l~_ 0' 6 ‘ A w 9 ‘He 6? g-JO vi i V,
C I 75% . ,
Sa-vim‘, lov- ing 83— Vim‘, Hear ou1 lit tle p1 '1V 1, Take thy lit- tle chil- (hen In flune arms of care.

Then to them wilt be.

BleSS, oh, bless the hen-then,

\lzty theVlemnof thee,
’l‘heremztywe to - geth-er,

M 1yt1111y know how lov- 111g
Wl1ei10111111—life is 0 (11‘,

Live \1111111111111111‘ — ev - e1, 011 that 11111) -











Lv-er and for - ev - er Keep us men to thee, Till we 1111111 in glo - 1‘y, For 6 -tel‘ - 111 - t
151111,] ,xthN~31:
——1——i——j— ~— 1 fi‘ 1 1 11 1’)
w —d A— l—~S————o1—‘~ 1~—1——— ‘ _
i V — 1 ‘ fi' 11 11 "fl—

NOTE :—A good effect can be produced by twelve. little girls kneeling in the attitude of prayer, and singing the stanzas with accompaniment.












I x


5—? —~k—-dir‘
1. For-wartime faitlx-ful, be read - y
2. \Vlmt tlm’ the but - tle
















_ -fie ' ,3-
. +——A—
_ __D._._‘ _ 1
















Words and Music by






for du - ty,(l1r



be mild - y to do;

I ‘1 8





-'~ w: #5. In 54514.89 -'

m - dizmt band.
vic - to -ry ring.

_ — 1—“ l—- A—
_F___;_H -_~__,t
l ‘ gul:




e... 53 :aa? .v

.; r3 $5;



Fol - low your lead - er, fol - low your lead - er, Sol - diers






of Je - sus, firm and true.

Words and Music by
CHAS. 11. (1111111111511.















k L L l
l l‘ '1‘ l‘ l m A_ _,, _ L _ __ .._-__ __1w _
,_ 13/ g ,1 g ,1 01 3 if 1‘ 1 j"; ltd—1!-q— 45:51.
' ”4“—d:d::A'—*z‘:i—‘V_—:‘—:xl—25”fi— ,— f“!‘“‘a"1:j—_A:j‘j:i“u “r


-g- _ _ _ _
is b1‘1.1zl1t,Col11-1111r in the Si - lent night,
liS - ingr . S1111, Com-111g when the day is done,

1. Com-111g when the day
2 Com-i111; with the


Com-ing at the morn- ing light,-
(om 111|< EII‘O
\ b L L N 4h _, _f:\__bf - _' __
1 1 . . 1
#JV‘K \ x 41 1 1 fl N“ j ’ RY j ‘ 4 Comimy 11ifl1 unbounded sway
‘g_ d ';\"H\ .4 “L” “T "T— V“ N" T7,“? 6‘ ' "- ( 0111i11're1e11 fleeting dew
1.7 *7" r.—{—“* 1*;:: “T;§i:_®:i*”i‘3’_d:5’j: ‘ (Tommy: to the 1 01111;: r"grand
A‘ A A g R R A. - i d ' Coming, coming —(leath 9.110.y eteinity‘
Coming, com-1111;, death and e - ter - ni ty. E-ter - ni-ty. 5 00111111(1 to the sinful one,
Coming, coming, death and e - ter - ni - ty. CominE to the God- like Sou,
Coming, com—ing, death and e - ter - 11i~ ty. Comin}: 21s 0111 life im done 1
, 0 ' ' ' ' 0 9' . 9 .. Coming, c0111i11g,——de21tl1 and etenuty.
_ _ _ .. L _ _ _ L _ _ - 0 _ _ _ _ _'_ _’_ '__ _
A—fi A I; i JIL i; o A 1:. . L [_ 6 Coming at the Savim s w01',d
W“... “L ”9.. _g_‘ ' 5 1' “”1 1’ l' __ '3 Neve1 seen until they 1e l1ear,d
)1 TM )1 7i __‘ ,_ ’L—‘VL’V— !_ Knocking at the gateway kind,
1/ / i [V [V EA P . Lomiug, coming, —death and etemity.
* Sustain the Dotted half—note until Echo has ceased. i I


 JESUS 11/0 Ws I7". 1111
, ,
























J l 1 _.
1‘ 2 1 1 J .4 - 1 1 . U l 1' A, ;
g a 4 1 t. 4 44 . 1 1 (14944--
~21“g 91-“-9‘“—'—l“-¢5 “- '~ , 6““01-“01M6-“41—fi—1
“W““t “““~A"““A““IA+“L§““g“:"“N““A““A “A1 “L‘A—fiuL—“fi—‘

' 1. EV — ‘1'V lit - He not 1 do .10 - .9113 50m and knrms it Ev - ‘1‘V lit — 1510. word 1111 Arne,
‘ 2. Ev - ‘1": hr - t1o 1111-k111‘1 \Vo111, .10 - sux 1111'11.»211111 1(11.1\\s 1f. '1‘i1o’ , thoL ‘ it was 1111-11g‘211'd,

3. Ev ~ ‘13; time I (11) hi.\"'.\111 1e - SHS sees and knows it, EV -’1‘y (1‘3. - ty that 1 1111,

4A.“ 1A- 1A: :1“: 1











































































. 41 ~94 1.4."... ~ . 4» A . A .0‘ A—A——~1‘——s“—_—rr=a—- g
9:§1*¢+;£:A:‘A“‘A“j‘i:;-t»:::1‘“VJ“TA“ 511—1“ 1 1. :A AAA; SKA—{A’T‘ '
1 I 1 1 4’_-_ i 1 1 #1 #— 1 ,_‘___.,j.____ _1 _» __‘ A ,,,'1, _. “AA“ , _,_L___J ._7 i 1
j" 11' 113$ ’"1 t 1 1 ' . 1“ b1 1 1 T4 {9 19 1 1 1 9*}!
v 1 1 l l 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I r 1 1 1 l 1 1
1+ A 1 1
' .7” -' ~ *1 r
_ 11:13-4.-41—4—4444—1 1:444 41 ; 1 4—- —
- ““49. g ‘1 ‘ gt“ gr“w:-'g“. “8 4 g “g“w“
A1“— A1““ IA“ AMA?“ : ““L§:A‘—g “A““ “““E““§-“Ai— 1““ ' H___L
1 ,
Je -sus 11mm n.1111knows it; Ev -’1‘y 111‘. - tle act or (100(1.T11:1.t 1 do to one in need,
. Je - sus hoard 211111 knows it; Not :1 1111115.: on 0111111132111 110., That our S21. - Viol‘ (31111—1101 891‘,
11}, J0 - sus sees and knows it; Ev -’1‘y time I go a.- sm‘zw From the 11110 and 11111'v1'owmty.
1“ " 4—49—5439—93—79wfl— Q——Q-—fi fl—Aflw—fi— F- 9——
111.: ~1—~—+ ‘ ! ‘ 1 1 ‘ ‘ _
‘, .319 .« 1 1 E 1 1r 1““I “- 1 5 ‘r 1“ , “—ArA“ A“
9““9“P“§9“?“ .= 1 1 17““?“?“'A"“1“1““:‘r
F 1 1 1 ' . . 1 1 1 1 ' ' ~
' ‘ CHORI'S ’h
. 1 1 a.
‘ 1 E —'1 1 '"A1’."V‘
_ 4---_4__ -444 4 4 -_ 4 ._4-.. . 4—...
-0”. L4~4mv4 A 4~Z1— a}; —. «,——4—- ——J!— —
t0“t “--g’—“ ““ ’— w“~1“; “'69-“: ““9““ 1 . .
- “A—A‘ 25““-“ A“ A“A““' ‘“ 6 “ -—““‘V A ARA
Ev -’ry 11t - fie soul I feed, .19. — 311$ 309$ 1111(1k11owsit. Jo - S115 knows it, Jo - sus knows it,
1 Tho‘ it come of you and 1110,.10 4 $113 1401‘s :111111u111wsit.
1; LIT-'1'); time I (113 - o - hey, Je - 511‘; sees and knowsit. it
11 l b ._ _'_ _- - - _
, .4 1 4.. A .A— - --9- 1..-
r 7.“ fi 5 is; :1 at} : 8—1:“9—70— 1—{9—1-“9 E‘gkh-“E-
9. fl 1 1 1 1 1‘ 1‘ A 1. V 1 'A-A-A A A ‘1~ ‘ FEW“
r1 .. . 1 1 1 9 19“?“1e“-r“1J—r“r“ w— w“
l l I i l r [ _ I V I 7 I 1 '





em; at; "A 5"1'3V' V I


.,v~ «ha

JESUS KNOWS IT. Concluded. 23

lit; -tle thing I (10, J6 -susknows it, e-susknowsit, And. he wants me to be true.


/ WANT TO BE UK E JE 8118. Maiéignfiéeizmsy





1. I want to be like Je - sus, So 10w - ly and so meek, None ev ~ er markedan
2. I want to he like Je - sus: 1 Dev - 0y, nev - er 11ml, That he. tho‘ per - se.
3. I want to he like Je - sns, And, when tlus hie IS o‘er, I want, like him, to





an -
cu - was
have the wmgs To

That ev - er heard him speak: I want to be like Je - sus, So he quent-ly in
To an - y one un — kind; I want to be hke Je - sus, En—gaged in do - in
fly to yon-der shore; I want to be 11ke Je - sus, Andweur a. crown 0









24 I WANT 7'0 BE U/(E JESUS. Concluded.



pi'ay’r, A ~ lone up - on the moun-tain to , He met his fa - ther there. Like Je ‘ Sus, like
good, So that of me it may be said, “She hath dope what she could.”

love, I want to live like him be -low, And dwell With him


a - bove.




Je -sus, I want to be like him, Life Je - sus. like Je - sus, I want to be like him.


EVE [OWNS/Q FREEL Y. ‘E?ff:fii‘f‘§i§i§f§;§’
















“ fl \ R IN x L L h R K L l
#1152“ 6 N o dj l1 P E‘ IT ‘ j) ‘ P h p {I ‘ is 4 V *5] ‘ il‘ TN 1’ p
'” Q a” 4' T '5 A" 4 $- 1 AI' #3? 1—91.” '7: 1‘3“?» 11:!»— "HE
w—d—— 3 G 4 1‘ ‘ 3 ' €--0—‘—O-C——l—O—— '———l—-+~—4—I—-
4L —3— 4- «L ‘ 1 ‘ ~0--'L~0- w—
] The Sa-viorhath died to redeem us from Sin, And op-en’d a fountain all healingtherein. He

2. Thencome to the-fountain,drink life to your soul,And Win you a homein the heaven —ly f01d.Come
3. 011, think how the 821 - vior the foun-tain ob-tained, And ’twas for the healing of nations ordained. He


















fix. {a ,- 9 P__‘ l- !- .- FT—fi“"r‘!:‘ N N—w F F .- .- 9
7273““ g? . .t t l l r .n—p P—Jfl—Jfifi—i4fl—P—P % L? l a


vvvvvvvvv vvvvv


.- \ ¢93rmgfiwnw “ «13212:: l" ’ A "'v .' 4 .-


 “El/El? FLOW/N0 FREELY. Concluded. V 25

J J 1) 4 I
% 1x d 01 . . 1 11 1‘ 1 d—j— —4——4}~‘~—h—-—1—
”n I 1 1 91— —'1_ J‘ ' '1 m .1 I
J I '1 l1




1 I
J l l ‘
I 1 I Y I

T______ _'_‘__‘1_ _ __4_
2.11 :H'ij‘w -11--.-

bids us par— —take of the wa- ters ofheav’:n Tho11ghprice1ess,to sin- ners ’tis free -1y now given.
drink of the 821- Vior’srich mer- cy and love ’Tis zDofll'ered so free - 1y to thee from a - bove.
pinchased it hanging 011 Cal - va—ry’ s C1 053 The Son of the high- est thus ransomed the lost.

—1t—*”.**1*—.*—*“_“—1* _1:1:::;11-1 1_I_,1I_

f5 §j5$F1L «L.— 1—~F——lL—}~ .1—12-& :5] :11: 5 :5:5:I;1:fi-_ __ I
—‘ ~‘A—‘A— A—L 1 1 u_: I; I, 1 1 1‘11

v V v V v 2 v V






























. v , v . V
s wa - - ter of life . . ev- er flow - - 111g for thee, . . ()h,
' The wa-ter of life ev - er flow-ing for thee, The wa—ter of life ev - er flowingfnr me, 011,




. 1&1:
d V V V







come - - and par—take - ‘ - - of the W3. — — - ter so free.
come, and par-take of its wa-ter so free, Ol1,come,a11d par-take 0f the “'61-th so fine.
b 1 .N 1

’ _’_


4 1







CHRIS WAS 0/1301. m: mm




1. Come, let us sing a cheer-ful song, Let each one
2. To-day in Bethlehem’s stall is born A Sa - Vlor,




in his voice, Let ev - ’ry heart to-
‘hristthe Lord; “Fear not! to thee I








day be glid, And ev - ’ry soul re -joiee; For ’tis the day that Christ was b0rn,And
brinngreutjoy”: Fromheztv’ n