xt7mpg1hmp3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mpg1hmp3w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-03-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 25, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 25, 1971 1971 1971-03-25 2020 true xt7mpg1hmp3w section xt7mpg1hmp3w .- t 2. . -.
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Thursday. March 25. l97l l'NlVERSlTY ()f KENTl'CKY. LEXINGTON \ l \11 \ - f”" ,2"; th I
l . I I '
7 V M V, 2:, Ii.
. :3 .
. ‘ .1 ' 4 a
O . ;.. 3.
~ Candidates stress Bright
- y.=-,"'..'-. L;-
( 2 2 ‘L‘h in“: . l:
- - endorse ' ‘
”a ’3’ N5." "=4 'L 2 1" L1. L.
B" \VENIH’ L. \VRIGHT feel we are stmngest in it be— ' .3 d .d 2
' Kernel Staff \Vriter cause of our past inVolVement. ‘ % f i‘ can I ate ”‘.
The seven Student (loxern— "\Ve feel." continued (Lates. g \ ‘. '.
ment Presidential candidates "that the offices of Student (lm— 22“” ti s32 3, . i , _ , . 1 ..--L‘ 2" L. " ,.
and their running mates hit the moment President and Vite- ‘ . '2... f. :2' . l‘.- .L. . . .. . -, L
campaign tircuit again \Vednes President would give us the le\'— ”* \.\ . C, . LL L . ’ LL¥~LL2L j".
day night, speaking in Holmes. erage we need to implement our 27"., . .-.' \ ,4 L . ,. _. . . ELL“; L"- ;
Keeneland, and Jewell Hall. ideas. Because of our lll\'t)l\'(‘~ "' . 2 3M, 9 2. . .. . _ "‘~i,"-'L L».
(Iandidates \'()lL‘t‘(l opinions merit we hare some ‘ins' to the " i - . ~ " l :2 2 ~ -.L.. t" “
on campus issues ranging from SVSU‘HL" ‘ ‘ . “in :12”. L . 2 r . '54:; .2",
student rights to academic is- Mark Pdh‘tt‘!’ \H‘Ht (H! t0 5‘21," '- . 'f 4‘3. 1. , , . . . 2‘ LL
sues to student ser\ ices. .\lan\' that he did not feel his ticket ' - V . ‘2. ‘ “EX 2t... .. . .. .. . iii”. :'
issues were reheated in the se\> “Rt“ rwulechnu ”I" “1"“ “l “W ' . “322 “WWW. :2 is ' ,i .2 i
en ditl'erent platforms. but each dent ”all“? it"‘l “it'll lli‘ parti— . ’"‘ W.- ' ~. ,. . . - , . ’23-C'3'1." h.
tool. .1 (ll\lll:i‘t‘i‘.'t‘ stand rm these (‘llhillttlt ill H pending lawsuit .3“ ‘ 2.2-" 1- 4 . . . . . 2 ‘ .‘2 .
lss,'.les. to gain local \oting rights for vigil-35,? . .. LLL" . WL" .
Lifestyle dorms students not residents of the :giLL " A . ‘ l LLL L .2 .LL‘
5L”) '1'.-.-L2_l._~,i- “at. 142mm“! Lexington comiii‘inity a2 proof 23222.? ’ . ’ . L .. . L L L .. M» ‘ ‘. .. . L =. i. ,L. 2 l‘.
\‘('tllt‘L\ spud-tint! f o i' t h 3- ol that assertion. LjL2;::;.5_.L.Lf..2LL- . 2 i "‘- ' 2. . L . 2. .1 . . 3‘ 2L“ .2”
”I)e.i 4L: 2L ‘
l"’li(.‘~ “114.“. \t\l(1(lllt> would faculty. or the corporations that L - fl. .4 t':, 2. . L L 2.. , L \L L .. 2v .
ha\e a choice as to the laxity or “ill ltl' llllHl ll} QIKHIIMU‘S Ht . ‘ .L1;.L:l..t..h . LLi.,. .. .L L. , . fr 2 ‘ ’
strictness of open-house hours. l'K.“ .‘f V *4 ‘ “4,444.43“; .. ,. .: V7.2 .L L. L L" 7L .. ’
Notably. 'l‘aLVlor promised to 11! closing, Poster aslsetl his “’ 3 LLLLLLL LLL :.;‘.f~ LLL LL .LL . , _LL . L252",
push for the establishment of a 2Hl(lil‘m‘(' 10 <‘Ull\i\l<‘l' JHHllK’I‘ Scott \Vendelsdorf spoke with the other S(. presidential tandidates i"”"l""1’1~7‘-” .5, i . . '~L.,".L;‘l".L.2.I;‘L.‘
provisional committee for the question: during the SC forums “'ednesdav night in three dorms. Student .43.. {.41}. , 4} [4-1; §LL...L ,_ . . .2 ‘ L.‘ .‘Lw‘
evaluation and amelioration of “,l”St Why (1“ ."011 go t0 Cl'dSSA-J body president Steve Bright has endorsed \Vendelsdort in the up “31.3,” said ,L‘ i i L L: :4:
problems in classroom instruc— Continued on Page 7, Col. 1 coming election. (Kernel photo by Bob Brewer) Continued on Page 7, (‘01. I; _2‘“ '. ' 2- ” =
tion. ' L’,“
Academia o I . . . -L " '

_ \Villie (Lates and Mark Faster UI< forest 3 aln saved tron’l 811‘] _Ill 1111]] (r L i';
emphasized academic issues. ' I) P [L- -L‘ -
“piligg‘l hyfi‘: Land} I hang Br GREG HARTNIANN hi a letter to the DiVision of John Roberts. a l)i\ision of siti.‘ researchers are setting up ' :LV .
“ or a . Lean) in he area 0 Kernel Staff \Vriter Reclamation the College of Agri- l’ieclamation official. said his do what he called («tremeli‘ deli ’2; 2‘ 3
academics, and though we cer- 0 . , .- I, , L , . l . h' 1 L 2. l l' L“ L rt 1‘ t en ll n )t 1m ll\' 2t . LL L )e . . ts fi- ul "el tl‘e‘ .L L, i .L
tainlv don't mean to slight the rite again ekamned Robin- LtlLttllCL Lat rcquestet tiat a ta LITtll ( icL ( Liga . Lst L t.l.t is; rllllt n L. t i .i. i L. L2 "gel-22.4”“: ,

. . '. L . . son l‘orest has been sawed from strrp—rmnmg be banned in the down an} wide nuunctions need an nudivtrnlu-zl fan-st 2 ,- r. 2'
other two areas of concern. we , . . . . . . L _. . . . L . , L. . . . .L ..
the threat of strip-mining. watershed that includes R()l)lll~ against stripping m the \\ater- loin-oils from strip-nanniu I r .2 . .
WW A request by Vols C03] lnc. son Forest. This area includes shed. u\Ve lane to consider would contamizi ite the it ~42 -L‘,.‘ f"
. weather to strip—mine upstream from thousands of acres of (-02.11 land each application separately." llt' llanshroiigh said T._ :3)
Forecast for Lexington and "i“ Robinson Forest was rejected. (Wt-W10 Viti‘1’TSitY control. “*‘id- Th" Pl‘d‘lt'm “1 k“”'l)“"4 Hf“ "q H": i
fink.“ A travelers' warning is Kentucky DivisiOn of Reclama- ‘Unique' facility He also said Vols (Toal has the insult Forest intact has twee .V 1.1
out tonight with up to two tion director Elmore Crim said Officials in agricultural re— right to appeal the rejection of compounded hr the \itlllt‘ of 'z
inches of snow possible. Tomor— 1:4qu week. search want the ban for fear its request. the coal in the area \ statt I. ' 2.3.
"’w Will be ‘10“le says [he Crim said the slopes of the chemical and silt run-offs from \‘ols (‘oal had a )li2l for official said some Teoo _ieies j. 1" .,
weatherman. with light rain and hills are 400 steep—more than stripping would harm the forest. wrmii U; 21m LL; 0(3):”qu . 21 of coal land sire owned l“. {“2 L. ..
snow. High today 40' 1°“ tonight the 27-degree limit. The order which they consider a "unique" itre'im {0 th: 1 EL L‘ in: Hm .‘1 mineral holding companies in ‘ ‘
in the middle thirties. high to of denial also cited the unique— research facility. They point out t‘reek thet forfest'si brain (“33:1 the watershed that lllt'li1(lt"» t i ’.
morrow near 40' Precipitation ness of the 15.000-aere Univer- the forest has been maintained “1,“. :l‘his “.44 t4“: third 'ittem H Robinson Forest. .2"
probabilities 50 percent “X13.“ sitV—owned woodland. which is‘ virtually untouched since 1925‘). in‘ four "iorths m ct'in-;nipn IL.“ There is even coal under the L‘L.".-’-" ,.-_T.,
50 percent tonight and 30 per- serving as a laboratorv for for- when it was donated to UK 11‘ the forestsi,\\"-itt-‘i:slieilw forest itself. Estimates of its f- L',‘
cent tomorrow. mt and water research. lumberman E. 0. Robinson. ‘ ’ i ‘ ' \aliie range from two to it) lllll» ,' .- .-L.L' .5 '1."
W"“‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ L Fear contamination hon dollars. Forestry l'eseal‘t‘ll~ 3.)"- 2‘ 1'L 2' .V“
t" :23 . . " l- )2” :33‘gr g m .1232'24s... .2 L i ‘ ‘ . ’ Dr. T h o m a s I'Iansbrough. eis said it was fortunate I‘K " p 7L
. :2 it}. L ; it '- i" ; if”; "9.» 42, ‘ .- . ’ L2 "-1- 352:3.» 1 ,2 2' T ”L: r 2 l 2 head of the forestry department. holds the mineral rights to the ‘ i
. ' ‘1‘: . K ~’ Y t j. 2 ”.5. . ’- ‘ ‘ 2. " said the retuests could not line forest. as well .ts illt' out. ‘t ' 3- '. fl _',
"figs. -2 l ' 2:3; _ . _‘ 4 ' .. ‘3 .322. '“fii‘fle ’57“, .- W. _,- " - l . , , “ , . . . ..
I» 2 3‘12» z} 4 2*“ 31$} 3 , g fiat! ‘ ”a”? 2 34. ,3?" j; . _. 4 come at a worse tune. trim-e rights. 2‘. . _ .2 ‘. .
l‘tims' 253 “ " 2' 1- 3:. . .2222 ‘ " ’ 2» .2 ’ ".2 '- i
22 - - : . = > . we 2 222 322 . - : .
. wafflfi g ' f .2 l$""” . L ' ' ”4“ ~ Q); , 2V \. fl“ 2 L" L. ‘ n W b k ll . Li. . L“ "~ 3
» . 222 2 sat 3 * J... 4 34¢ -* 2 » .. est r00 CO «90th z...
2 its ”$32”; ‘9‘ ._ .. ‘* ‘ .4 [IL 3% 4, l '3’ 1 ‘ ‘4 2 ‘2.- ) 3'. 2 2 , . ,.‘- -'
m. - .. -- r at ., 2.; '" t " b ° ~ -._
. . .. ____ r)“ , .. 2. . _ - 44 , .2 2 _ 2.2222 .. ecomes egal (11d fund 2 W 2 ~
map... .LR L L . L L . L .. ¢.- 9 L . 2‘ C” . ,L L LL 3 22“ °V :i't: , . 2 L f L . _Li
. °‘ I f 423 '. ' ‘ . r2232}... . .. . . . ~ .- :_‘
‘0 1‘s»: . ~ ' .2. ' L: j g“ . hip-"Tit: .. 3‘: Bl JANE “BU“.X. or gi\en to deserung gioups m . ‘-
"2: ii? i .2 '1 s"? .Q‘ . i Vii ‘ 7' *{5‘ if Fflih‘. 3 .. . ~‘ Assistant M“"“K"‘g Editor need of capital flout-Yer. \\llt n l 5 f Ii . .i '
f; if: V?” § 3 It ' L l . ‘g‘lig' 2 “i 7 Deliberations concerning the the rpprvwnmnm ”Q ”N. \ari- - .' " ' 2
. g I ”(K l::°a 8 :2 ‘ N W L; f 5 .fi‘; if". ., ””tfc‘mlc (If lht' L.lil.\' \Vestbrook ous groups learned of the latest ' _ .
2&9...» -‘= 4: , _:::4: ;. - .2 .-,- LL *5,“ ‘2, De ense l‘undL were almost un— 42“.,” in \Vestbrook's problems 2_L.L ». . .
. * . .?.. [I C:;: ‘ 2 ‘2’“. f 3;? "(LCGSSdl'y “ ('dllt‘s‘li‘l ”'ng with the draft, the discussion of .. ‘
«- ' ’43.”. ."3 ' ' "a... “L“‘Ln L“ L““5 “"“L’W'W‘d ”1*” “here the funds should go cen- ‘ ' .
-2=.-. .. " 32. t. B3 “estbtoolt. heretofore i‘ “m" tered on what circumstances -' " 3 ~
2 ' . . ‘3?“ ‘ scientious objector. had been re- merited fund usage before L i . . '2 .-
‘ : ::: g I (Sillfrixixlitfltf‘dllt:trill ll" llis 80'”..in “it"tbrook t‘f‘f‘tled it aL‘ain _ I 1 ~ '.
2 L. L-LL Ii".88 :L' 4. 2 L 2 2 L judicial future . .
. &'_".‘380l . .. LLLLLLL _ 22 “t'Stl’Y‘Mk “2“ “““Ht'h'd ”" The group decided to lea\e . .‘ i
t ’3'}. .‘ "shy/1;” firmly ”f (.mmn‘m'l‘d“ Assault lllt' 8”]- as an “Itnesttnent in '
*‘2‘ 3" 33 .132 4442.44.32: ‘ ‘” l.e\ington courts but that ‘1‘” _la_\\ indicial future" and in the l i”
22 A - "Rut” ““3 overturned later. 1“ meantitne h.i\'e it on hand as an i .
-, our 4.“. «*4: , the interim. a defense fund was emergenn legal defense fund 7 i i
L . . .n” raised to help liitu file .m appeal Sl)()l\p\n](~n at it". ““244”,“ said .
A “hid” “N“ 8‘20”” ’l'hursdav's that these emergencies as lllt‘V .
. meeting was an attempt to de- apfinml ”1an would Pleliablx ~. .
Natlve dancers “‘1" “hi" should I)“ ‘lm‘t‘ “till consist of situations stemming . L
. the unused monies, from politicallV moti\ated legal
The University Cosmopolitan Club will present in the Student Center from left to right. are: Originally. it ha (l l)('t‘n mam.” such as im-“g 4mm“! -
its annual Foreign Students Show Saturday. April Vasu Shah. Mnidula Patel. Shikha Asthana and thought that the money would during a peace demonstration.
to in Memorial Hall. Rehearsing Wednesday night Rekha Mehendlc. (Kernel photo by Dirk Ware) he left in a sort of general fund Continued on We 8. Col. 2 t

 2—Tiii: KENTI'CKY KERNEL, Thursday, March 25, 1971.._____. _
lunemIV counter-attack _
S e d L d .
_ . 1/ rats en aos rive news eme S
. SAICON (AIM—The South Vietnamese ended I“ summing up the Laotian Operation. launch-
I I their drive into Laos \\'ednesday but the enemy (‘d Feb. 8. Lt. COl- Tran Van All. Chief spokes- FrOIn AP re arts
stepped up attacks on support bases in South man for the South Vietnamese command said p “I
' Vietnam, pouring more than 100 rounds 0t government forces accomplished 80 to 90 percent FRANKFORT—A fourth Republican filed as a candidate 31
. ‘ artillery and rocket fire into Khe Sanh. of tlIieir obiectiveIs. . . . for governor \Vednesday, as well as a third Democratic ' l
‘ l\orth \ietnamese trOOPS pursued the retreat- Tle main objectives were t9 disrupt enemy candidate for both the state treasurer and attorney general
‘ mg South Vietnamese right up to the border. traffic on the “0 Chi Mmh trail and to destroy races. the
. V . Allied sl’eltt‘mlim Witt U-S‘ helicopters and fighter- NortIh IVietnaimsse SUPPIY dumps. However, the The Republican filing for the gubernatorial nomination in :1}? (
_ ' ' bombers attacked the enemy, knocking OUt 51" operaItiion en e at least a week earlier than ex— the May primary was Thurman Jerome Hamlin, London. . feI
tanks. pecte when the enemy went over to the attack. Lambert IIehl, a former Democratic state senator from ' o .
I . Lt- COI- DO V iet, spokesman for the SOUth Trail repaired Fort Thomas, filed for the nomination for attorney general. wai
. ' . Vietnamese command, said Hotel 1’ the. last fire US. intelligence sources said the North Viet— He said he would be slated with former Gov. Bert T. Combs, hea
' . , base in Laos 2‘5; miles from the border, was namese wereIrepairing parts 0f the trail ettt by who is seeking a second term as governor. lnd
. abandoned and the 2,000 troops manning it the Smith Vietnamese and were rebuilding at t
. marched across the hills into South Vietnam. . Sepone, the suPply hUb 25 miles from the SOUth FT, BENNINC, Ca.—Lt. \Villiam L, Callev ]r.’s court— hen
‘ ’ ' . I Ainciican helicopters lifted out the artillery. A Vietnamestle border. Captured March 6, Sepone martial jury was said by the judge Wednesday to be more fat
' tt‘W hllllth'ed marines were left 0“ it nearby ridge was the eepest South Vietnamese penetration hard-working than the civilian panel trying Charles Manson ori
- to prevent North Vietnamese gunners from using mtO Laos. in the Sharon Tate murders in Los Angeles and as having . Bol
" it to shell bases in South Vietnam. Spokesmen In Washington, Secretary of Defense Melvin far less to gain for its efforts. ’ . on.
, said they would be pulled out within two days. R- Laird 531d the ISOIUth Vietnamese aim was “If they acquit Lt. Calley, there will be accusations of t “he
. I The presence of the marines did not prevent te disrupt enemy 10g1$t1e5 and supplies and hy the whitewash,” said the trial judge, Col. Reid \V. Kennedy, in . “e
”I ”the" North Vietnamese from opening UP again time“ 3. fintl assessment can be made m the defense of his six-man military jurv. “If they convict him, : mo'
' on Khe Sanh. the main US. support base near fall thls I‘IVIU probe em to be a very important there will be allegations the other way. So, they're damned t . e
.. the border during the South Vietnamese 45-day operation. . if they do and they’re damned if they don’t.” : hlm
operation in Laos. Field reports said the shellings Laird conceded that the South Vietnamese ' lose
caused no casualties 0,. damage. ended the drive sooner than planned because of . Y . . . M“
. . American (130 cargo planes landed at Khe “the tremendously vicious and violent reaction I‘lfASgIth‘CTQh‘_TheItItOthSehIAgIrIICUlture fComdmittee is . lac]
' Sanh between the barrages bringing in fuel and on the part Of the North Vietnamese.” The Smith fefiedi bl'o‘l gltelah€r¢a butt in t 3 m?“ ew aIys to 3 Vi“
. . _ ammunition for units still operating in the north— Vietnamese t35k force in L305 at the peak was n (:15 a lehtne )u1 6" to acco pro uction contros on a the
. west corner of South Vietnam. They took out the 22,000 men, and in the final phases Of the With' poll? age 5'” em. (1 b . H - lt b AS
‘ base equipment no longer needed. drawal field report said it was outnumbered e, measure was aPPmV“ y a, . ouIse agricu ure 5“ ' ing
I , . , . . committee after reiection of a prOViSion intended to protect 'h'
. About four units involvmg sexeral hundred 2 t0 1- farmers who row onlv small lots of leaf “‘ l
. , . American troops have moved out of Khe Sanh. The South Vietnamese command said 13,668 g ' p ' It“)
. ,II-I.,,. . ,. I--- . . ., . . :St
, I IanIparIitionsI were made to destroy he‘hhes there North Vietnamese troops Iwere killed and vast F RANRFORT—The reapportionment bill enacted by the had
- ‘1 t” he “‘e'h hundred troops remaining are stores 0t food and munitions were seized or special session of the General Assembly earlier this month
. pulled out within the next three Iweeks. . destroyed. U.S. field officers consider the South became law at midnight Wednesday without Gov. Louie B. the'
tie-“Se: the ShelhnR-‘i. the IlNOrth Vietnamese Vietnamese claims of enemy dead are greatly Nunn's signature. 1
' am )us e.( American for?“ m South Vietnam exaggerated. . The new law is intended to bring the lines of the 38 state l“
, along Ihehh‘h 9‘ the main route "he Laos. The US. Command supported the Laotian Senate and 100 House districts in accordance with the U S (-w
. ‘. . « IHarassing attacks were Ireported along the operation with air power and it was costly, with Supreme Court’s one-man, one-vote ruling. The greatest pop- ill"
highway 0“ hOth 51d“ 0t khe Sanh, “Dd there I89 helicopters lost 51 Americans killed, 2'8 miss- ulation deviation from perfect equality in the law is 12.79 3;”
’ We” scattered Cl‘dSheS between US- and North ing and ’8 wounded. Many other helicopters percent for House districts and 11.97 percent for Senate 1‘ i
. _ Vietnamese troops. were damaged or downed but recovered. districts e }’.
. . ' h \\' ll
. I, . . I I I he
. -, _ _ i _ , tern
” ’ B lievelt B tDon’tSpreadItAroimd’ ‘ ...
, . . . l
y . - . e ' u - 511er Count school
I . -1.-. ._ ”— — —---— 7— ]acl
* , renam d f Y “m
. , I . e are
_ . . a . we...“ “09.9““ S, m... “EEO“ 4—1 51% 01' oung
_ . _ WERE MADE BY -/ IN IQOZ FOR AN . . "5
. , ECCENTRIC TEXA§ POULTRYMANTHEY \VASHINCTON (AP)-Pres- million biennial appropriation. I forn
- I WERE HONED FROM MOSH STEEL AND l'—:W:I:ON6 u ident Nixon said \Vednesda)’ the Plans are for the \aocatioplill i gun
. , "E . . ,- .- ) - —- ' 5' .
I . Hm%%E%EHE Higggig Hgfigfiegé I ”am... Crenchelle IspEOiandpLEs goIhernmUIt “Illl pr0\ 1(1( 818; center to 1:3 . opefrate2 0(1)“ Ie stan
\ . . I CONI HIS “Wag/TE” CI-I/CKENS l HAVE EEEN A PUZZLE FOR l nIn ion to com ert an abandoned present bui mg or “381- '~, A
. . 4 - f l kentucky school into a voca- dent students and 100 more who ‘ Jacli
- . , ,3 I l PEOPLE WEAR A./ $1,406“ tional skill center in memory of will be brought to the school by girl
-. '; g SOMETlMES REACHING OVER Whitney Young bus. Enrollment will be restric- 2 stori
. ‘ .f , I"."-"‘-. l el% it'll : f; ‘eI W , I g ,- , ti . I; . #3315: ?=,I in 1966 for academically bright e‘ty SChOOh' ‘
I , 3-5 . e'hff‘?" lys- g l; it; \\ students of low income families, Shelbyville Mayor W. B. -
I l‘ III II III IIIIIIIII I2, .‘ .II I. I III 313 ; ~I . was closed last year when the Porter called the announcement
I III I I . I I II I \I {Si l. l. l. ’4' II , legislature dropped its $1.7 “a tremendously good thm' g for
I I 1;?” fierflfager II . . % x. T; :. . it; . I IF-I if?) Shelby County. I would hope
, I iii?" 1:: . . _ .. . [35? .I I! I; they would have strong em-
.4. . My II 9 {a}? .. /: 3. THE KENTUCKY KERNEL phasis on agriculture because .
, ”e , , . ’ 5.55.5. “5555555355555. ”5W5 L‘“°°‘" i... .0... 4° ‘° 5‘”
1r _ L“.‘ii§2.'“3“.i“°l‘y..‘°~5°°' 5333,33 fig; acres more or less designed for
, lstflgiled f‘ijve tiames 325;?3'dlfigihtgct‘li’e agriculture and education."
pee rpgésyzagdeiégecgt (11:32:;th and exam Shelby County Judge Paul
. seam,“ d II III e “mm" Ratcliffe thought it appropriate
. ’ Publicatioens. 6K recs?%fflc:f83;u29e8%l that the center we‘lld be named
putiiigiigd agontagufidstasinmles?‘ andI after Young. 'He was difffferent
Sifidvegh‘r’sing published h r 1 :me tr?!“ ‘e lOt Of men,” the wage
5::‘555955555555 5555:53- 53“; ”‘d’ ding. he 3”” be“ °" e"
be reparted to The Edna-551.“: should groun “0:6. ,
COLLEGE SHOP 333W“? ““8 ' ° Md... ...
Per cog; grme—s-ffio nlpuncement, Dr. Young told
. um TELEPHONE t egovemoralmttony...
55:52:..r5255'"5..555°' ”7-1755 5°“ “9" PM“ ‘ ‘m “"t
395 5 Lime 252-4733 Afuoctate minors. s'pom .. 257-1740 you tool: the initiative in doing'
a . “yawning. Business. Circula- smoothing {hit W I"
0 258-4646
~—-—--- -l ~ ~~~~-~ ~ -- - --—--- w .___.___.___ would be proud of. . . .e

 —-———————————————————————-——-—————-—— __ THE KENTI'CKY KERNFI.. Thursdas, Marrh 25. l97l—3. I. I .
o o . . ."
M01218 Review «. . . , ,
—-———-—-— I “ ‘4
61ft“ B M 9 .l) t
g ‘h’, :'.I' _'
By LARRY KIELKOPF tentions, he can't keep books. been an utter disaster with as award from the movie industry any reason to llt'llt'\f'I .ntuall‘. -II :'I -.',II'.: . ‘,
‘Kernel Staff Writer and. at any rate, his partner was Inunv shifts in the plot. Even All of this says nothing, hose took plIa(e quite .i\ ‘.\i' re IlitImI ., I- , I g
k . ’ . ~ .. . - . A. ' , . ., ' ~ . . :. ever, about what the film iiieans. ing it. Hit l sus )t‘li a goor (ca '_-,I . . " .
“Little Big Man" begins March :1 thmf “h” h‘)r”5“dggl(d .le this om bascd on lhomas Bu- ‘I .. I . . II . , . . I lII I I g, . II I I. I
h (‘h (‘h (" “'t” dd’l' gcr's novel couldn't have sur- 1”” “I“ ignore ‘t “”‘l "““p‘ ”f ”“5 ””1”” “mm““t ”l H" '.'T j . . ' ~
313‘ ' e ‘ evy ‘ ase .mema. Traveling westward. Olga is vived “.9”, it not for Calder \Vil- with just a very enjoyable eve- lndians we are depicting went -. .' ’ IItIi ' ='
If you've ever sat watching captured in the aforementioned lingham's brilliant screenplav, ning of entertainment, but there on. I’m using satire as a \sea- I' ",,I-I"I
the Saturday shoot-cm-up and ,[uge coach scene_ In his search which is uproariouslv funny 0m. are messages there. One can porn on this tilin to show at I,- I' II‘- I I‘ '
had the mad urge to root for for her, Jack runs into a few moment. and dramatic, and easily draw a parallel between least a part of the truth of the I. - I-.I'I.II. I.I'I.:
the Indians, but pushed it out former tribesmen who aren't all touching the next. Penn's sensi- (Iuster's slaughter of Indians on neurosis that inflicted our coun- 1-,:
of your mind because you didn't that happy with his apparent tive direction and interpretation a government reservation and try . - I‘II I 5‘.
want to be with the loser, take rejection of their culture. But are also crucial as was the ex- the alleged atrocities and oblit- And still does. he might ’_:_i .' I SI‘ ;
heart. In “Little Big Man” the Jack had been the adopted cellent acting by virtuallv the eration of villages by our present have continued. But that part I .II- ’, .~ I‘-
lndians win. grandson of the Chief. And no— entire cast. ’ ' army in \'ietnam. is f‘” th" ”MW" i" ‘l“"”l" ‘73." g
Or if you dig westerns and body bucks the Chief. Production wise, “Little Big One. might see the difficulty \\hat cant he denied, lil)\\e\er Ii .
haven't seen a good one since Mule-skinner Jack Man" comes across as one of in people Of different ”(‘95 and i‘ that. (19‘9”? ill" ”CWT." i” «. I’ "7
Paul Newman and Robert Red- Later (and for the life of me those rare films wherein everv- cultures living together—and yet Little Big Horn. tlH‘ Indians " -I .I
ford were gunned down by the I can't remember how) jack one—actors and directors; writ— 3h?“ ”Hill“ 5““ ”Wt P”59il)ilif.\ ‘l’dl't “'i‘ll." “'“l- Old [All‘lfli‘ l ' . . -‘ -
Bolivian Army. get your boots winds up as a mule-skinner for ers. and producers-all had their nevertheless. Skins wasnt t'H‘ii fooled _-I -'I§I
on. “Little Big Man" covers General Custer. During an at- heads together envisioning the It is more than ((ilil(l(l(‘li(t‘ ”“I’W ’3' 4“_f‘“‘”"*‘* “”“‘l""' KIT! 3 '.
about as many facets of the “Old tack he once again meets up same end product. um in the mm m... cinema”... of white men. he Itold lack W2; f ..
\Vest" way of life as any one with a fellow former brave, but Hoffman’s ‘(hanre’ “f” to their tribe as "Human but there is onlyIa liii'Iiited sup~ _' "I. -
i movie dares. only Jack is willing to talk about As for individual achievement. beings." lt is satire. not acci- ply ”f lluman “Hm“- R! i 53". . s'
i Actually, if You can 11“ into Old times. A {CHOW SOldit‘l‘ Hoffman must be mentioned. dent. that the aged chief refers ‘ IIul.I:I=-;
2 films at all, lht‘ll YOU,“ probably “SBVGS” Jack. but at the COSt 0f Ask most actors to play seven to intercourse not in primitive LlTTLE .‘7 g
lose yourself in “Little Big a good friend. Not without a roles in one movie. and see phrases of broken English. but . ‘iI FW‘I'Ix
‘ Man." DUSH“ Hoffman stars 1‘5 heart, Jack takes the brave’s where they tell you to go. Dusty, rather as. ”copulation." KENTUCKY DERBY " _ 'I . , :'
. jack (Trabb. a l‘Zl-year-old sur- pregnant daughter as his wife, however. \Vhpn ”st-Hi about the Said PM.“ “I mean nothing APRIL ‘2 17 . ' H 'i;
vivor of just about everything and fathers a papoose of his strain said, "I really get a that we're showing do we li.i\t‘ ‘ 'I I; I T
the \Vest could throw at him. own. Also at her request, he chance to act." t", II-I; ‘I ..
As the film opens. Jack is relat- husbands her three sisters. l’iichard Mulligan is thor— ‘T :I;-‘ . 5' ‘
. . . ‘ . T 1‘ ll . i_ g . .- i‘ ' . 1
“It! his life story to a young After an attack by (.uster mighlyeonxincingastliedesnic Louege of Home Econormcs l ,~ . I .‘
whipper—sirapper of a historian. wipes out most of the tribe, Jack able (;eneral (Tustop (jhipf 1);“, Department of Textiles, Clothing 8. Merchcr‘idgszng l ;_ f
From there. the story moves vows to assassinate the general (:orge turned in a sensitive per- offers I a. ..:.
faster than a stage chased by At the moment of truth. how- {(n'nuuu'o :15 ()Id Lodge Skins. '“ J l ‘ '
lndians (and ther didn’t forget ever. he loses his nerve. Dis- and Ilell (iorev was a totally un— Fashion Merchandismg ‘
that SWHU (Titllcrl. graced. he becomes a common flappable \\'ild Bill llicock. l ~; I T I',
A White (Zhevenne drunk 'l‘lic oiilv sli'ilit dis‘i i E St d T i , I I
. , I . I _ .ppoint- l ‘3 '» i.
His family wiped out by ln— Retiring to the sanctity of the merit may have been Em. Dun- u r0 pea n U y our II’I .; II
dIiaiis. Ilack is adopted by the woods to live as a hermit. Jack away. who Ias tIhc lIiIipocritical TC 53: LAAV l1 _ 31 ‘-I -,.'II.‘I.~ j.
(.heyenne where he grows to goes insane. and 1s about to (0111- Mrs. l’enorake. nasnt shed hu- " ""‘ ' . 354+." , -,
5; ANlUlPSH‘m‘t‘ HFlIit‘ViIH-I ”19 status mit suicide when he spOts Cus- l ouisi ini accent from ”lloi - l 5' -' V :7
5 ~ ‘ - . .' i .‘ ‘ "‘ ‘ I _ mt crf‘r le"——— : "
i of a full fledged brave. During tcr leading his tioops. Defying me and (,lyde’ and still sounds 3 Credits .mdergradcu e ' 5’ Oduote \e l ., '- 2 . ‘. '
g a skirmish with soldiers. his all odds, he again wins the gen— like she is "delivering" lines. Open 1’0 N°"‘M°l°rs l s i ,. > . a; i...
i white skin spares his life. but eral's favor. joins on as a scout. The make-up job on Dustin . ' a .v ' .
-‘ he is put in the care of an iii— and promptly leads them into Hoffman was done by Dick Rome _ Copenhagen _ DUbIlm _— London i 3. .V I
. tensely religious parson and his the massacre at Little Big Horn. Smith. who won an Emmy for 5865 includes air transportation,I2 meals dtIIIf)’, hotel, taxes, tips, l {HI-"'5‘, .I . 'V
- voluptuous wife. Retrieved by the lndians. he his efforts on llal Bolbrook in ”lam“ tours, and pmf‘m’ona, "ms representing the {when Indusm i‘ ‘I‘ " ~
, FPO" discovering the hollow— Spends the rest of his life with the “Mark 'l‘wain 'I‘miight" tele— Contact: Mrs. Charlotte Bennett i. -. I
ness of the \infcs convictions his step-grandfather 011 the re- vision special. It would appear Room 313 Home Economics “ng 258-4917 III I . .I I-
lack turns to sin. He )(HHS up servation, except for these last that hes gunning for a similar .. .
with an elexir peddler until they few years now at the Veterans 1 I I,
are both tarred and feathered. hospital from where he’s telling iv: iii“? {3) ”'0thth k . k . .. g I & , I ll", 7 I if . g 1' .5 II -.
This results in a reunion with his story. L1) Q; (Will ”5 \J Wt CA-swmm ifs 4.. J um" ifs L}. Willi f. S ‘\-~ «l ufllll as “if i; .‘ ’. ‘ ., I-
his long lost sister who trans- Now, that’s not hard to fol- E 5 v f‘ L 7 T.'-." V .fl ’
I forms him into a squinty-eyed low is it? § CHARGE IT 3 WAYS 3‘ “if; 'I _- Kit.» A
I i gunfighter who. alas, can't Easy viewing g— . BANKAMERiCARD fl! *1: 1I- .-
.e i stand the sight of blood. The incredible fact is. and it («Y Q MASTER CHARGE '5 '
i- { Attempting to turn straight. is a credit to director Arthur . SHOPPERS CHARGE a n .v: '15. _'II :IjI .I 'I-III
o ' Jack marries a plump Swedish Penn, that watching it, it really I 9; '5 i "'1 it
.y girl and sets up a dry-goods isn’t hard to follow. Any other . .-~.-':on é i .' ' .V
- . store. Yet. for all his good in- film—anv other story would have '* *T’
e i __ . ' e The great U- 3- Open 3:: x - 2
e l . ”\‘i , Rob-lee Lindciibtejdiv “as the s #1313: "’ . -.
- ‘ Romain» ion : a... w , M g . _ . ._
ss ,5 ‘° . a: 15;: . , . 3 2 . 5 _'
- ’ BEST 4}?“ I ‘2.) 1.; $3 They re tree .heg-ln styles that act . " “ I. ,.j_'
g f PlaTURE 05‘ w “‘3‘"- '2 “2+3le arid rte? yer tl‘e loci: scar V, .
* * ' * * ' ’ * * "‘ B 5,“ . ’2 fl and comfort you “3"“. —§ 3 i ' t ’ a " i'
-‘ AGADEMY AWARDS i...”- 00 s » . ..
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' ‘-. If"! YEAI .. 1,... 32w? £0 °”I (3 $ 39 .' I-I’ ‘. , . 'r.
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IUNYUNCASlEN it ~ “(AN mm ' a / .. ....-:-.-..'. ‘ ~ ' 'i. ‘
If: ' moss Humtn nmm , I \s\ 9/ IIII.II\I ‘V’ 'I I 'II‘I‘
AI R PORTIQ fig . -
' g ‘ . I . o
.- GEORGE KENNEDY . HELEN HAYES k T ‘ ‘3 . -. . ' z‘
- VAN HEFLIN‘ MAUREEN STAPLETON J 5”“5 ‘°" ME” ‘g I . I ~ ' ‘.
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' 9/ When In Louisvrlle visrt our handsome new location In the ‘3 ' .
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