xt7mpg1hmn2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mpg1hmn2r/data/mets.xml Arkansas Historical Records Survey (Ark.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs 1942 xvi, 64 p.: ill.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:Ar 4k/no.49 books English Little Rock, Ark.: the Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arkansas Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- Arkansas -- Montgomery County -- Catalogs Montgomery County (Ark.) -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography -- Catalogs Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas. No. 49. Montgomery County (Mt. Ida) text Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas. No. 49. Montgomery County (Mt. Ida) 1942 1942 2019 true xt7mpg1hmn2r section xt7mpg1hmn2r ’ -'m“”‘Wflifliflwmwflimm“Alum

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.‘ . Raymond Foster, State Supervisor 1
i “ Harvey E. Beoknell, Director ' I?
I j , John C. L. Andreassen, Regional Supervisor 3
I >‘ > Howard H. Jacoway, State Chief f
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I ff; Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner <1 I
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E §§EJL~ 'University of Arkansas ' -‘ .J
: §§f;,r College of Arts and Sciences j f}'
f §§;51;A Judge J. H. Shaw __Lu:2
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j The Inventory of the County Archives of ggkgnsgs_is one of a number _ .. 3d
f of guides:TfiThistbrigilumfteriEls prepare3.throughout the United States ~-i§
; by workers on Historical Records Survey projects of the Work Projects mfi
2. Administration. The publication herewith presented, an inventory of the =3?
E archives of Montgomery County, is number 49 of the Arkcnsns series; pjfi
‘ 1 The Historiccl Records Survey program was undertaken in the winter ‘_.W$
§_' of 1935-36 for the purpose of providing useful employment for the needy‘ , §
E unemployed historianso lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical ‘_2é
g ' workers” In carrying out this objective, the project was organized to _ V- jg
f compile inventories of historical materials, particularly the unpub— : -E%
1 lished government documents and records which are basic in the admin— » %fi§
;, istretion of local government, and which provide-invaluable data for ' 1],;gfi
f ‘ students of political, economic, and soci 1 history, The archival guide ',§fi
, ' herewith presented is intended tn meet the requirements of doy—to—dny a fug§§
3 ‘ administration by the officials of the county, and also the needs of “9‘fi%
{ lawyers, businessmen, and other citizens who require facts from the pub- -"7Hg
i lic records for the pripor conduct of their affairs. The volume is so V Thd§
1‘ designed that it can be used by the historian in his research in un- "g;%fi
‘ { printed sources in the same way he uses the library card catalog for . ”qfifi
l printed sources. a ‘ peg
"* V The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey projects- ' .5 f?
i , I attempt to do more than give merely a list of records--they attempt fur— , fif§
V, ' ther to sketch in the historical background of the county or other unit '_ ,E%
p' of government, and to describe precisely and in dctail'the organization .. fig
1 p and functions of the government agencies whose records they list. The “ egg
é county, town, and other local inventories for the entire country will, 'Tfifi
f' when completed, constitute an encyclopedia of local government as well - 1,? fig
3' ’ us a bibliography of local archiVes. Up to the present time more than YE wig
f“ 1,800 Survey publications have been issued in the country as a whole. ,gffifi
E , ' - a"
t‘ ' The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records -/;T€?%
{'7 . Survey projects, even in a single county, would not be possible with- 'g“f§fi
E ‘ ,, ‘ out the support of public officials, historical and legal specialists, ,‘ 7H"%@
y:‘, and many other groups in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully . ,E',Z;§$
flgt' , acknowledged. , p V 339%
‘If , The Survey Program was organized by Luther H. Evans, who served * ,--:3%§§
2?; ' as Director until March.l, 1940, when he was succeeded by Sargent B.’ , E’Jflfigfi
idip Child. The Survey operates as a Nation-wide series of locally Spon— , wfiigfig
szpW . sored projects in the Division of Community Service Programs, of which V V;{@fig
{Err - Mrs. Florence Kerr, Assistant CommiSsioner, is in charge. , g’”3§fifit
r- . a E * ‘
t E . HOWARD o, HUNTER E , '
t v,‘ '> Commissioner of ygVfimgirfl
f p \ Work Projects '
' Major's v , ~, =4" "577/1“
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.L _ . . PREFACE - I
E The Historical,Records‘Survey was initiated in Arkansos‘in March fig
‘1 1956 as a branch of the Federal Writers' Project. In November of the SQ
3' same year the Survey become an independent unit of Federal Project No. .Lfifi
; 1,.nnd functioned under Federal sponsorship until" September 1, 1939. _ ‘gfi
I On September 5, 1939, the unit become a State-wide locally sponsored L if
j projeCt under the supervision of Howard H. Jacowuy. Mr. Jdcowny re? . {g
F signed on Soptemfler 5, 1940 to become State Chief of the Research and 'LE
d Records Programs and was suCceeded by Raymond Foster who has served on tjfi

' f 'the supervisory staff of the Survey since December 1938. ‘ jfi
ii . ' ‘ . ' - '
.~ ¥' The Survey is sponsored in Arkansas by the College of Arts and 801- ,,‘;g
33 L encos Of thG Unitorsity Of Arkansas and co-sponsored by the county ..‘ ;i3
5; , judges of the SteteJ~It Operates under the jurisdiction of Research K ,ng
35 and Records Programs of the Division Of Community Service Programs of ’ 7%
'1 the werk Projects Administration. The Arkansas unit is under the tech? 'Wjfi
;: nicol and editorial supervision of the Central office in Washington, DOC. if;

The Arkansas Survey has had as its chici objective the publication L*§
of county inventories: but at present is also making a survey of State, ‘ H Wfié

. municipal: and church.nrchives: early American imprintsg manuscript de- I'vfifi

{V positories and collections, and is preparing a guide to Arkansas news— I ‘ 3fi%

.7; popCrs. A list of former publications will be found on the lost pogo of "Lkfifi

9‘ this Volume, . , , ,7 . “éfi

E The Survey is preparing a' Volume WhiCh Will imlme detailed dis” ‘ ‘43
, L cussions of the organization, structure;~and evolution of county govern- v w*;ߤ

_ ix. ment in Arkansas. The material for this volume will be assembled from _?%
‘ 'fyv 'the State‘s constitution, codes, and acts of the General Assembly. The ‘1fifg

f‘ .‘ material will consist of all those laws and constitutional provisions ‘ , ‘ffii

' Lif that are governing and have governed cOunty offices. It is believed ,fjg%

“L; _ that the publication of this volume will make it unnecessary to repeat ,.*3%

,5 certain items of general information in forthcoming county inventories; “:jfifi

L g} pending issuance.of thezgeneral volume on county government, it is sug- ‘ijigfif

‘ 5 _ gested that the reedcr'consult the Inventory_2£_the_ggunty Archives of ff;é§%
'5: Arkansas, No. 25. Faulkner County(Conwey§ for more detailed discussions , fffi§t

~ . “5’: than those found in this inventory. _' ' Egg
7?, A_consulation of the table of contents of this volume will indi— L, Yifit;

- , jg} cats that the inventoryis divided into two parts. In the first,.or3 ' ,“€nfifl
. ,Lit. : general section of the volume will be found a historical sketch of the ' Ifflfgg

» (2 , county, and an essay on the housing, care, and accessibility of the 'fl Egg

fig; _~ records. In the second section of the volume will be found a listing a ”,iggg;

, t3 , of the records of county offices. The arrangement of offices by functions " Lfiffig

‘- $3. is'as follows: General administration; recording; administration of - affifigg
\ EQ ' justice; finance; elections; education; health and welfare, and mis~ Mfififififi

. [ficgt ccllnneous. The records are segregated under subject headings, accorduL L Igfi%%

.fr it} , Ling to office of origin or final deposit, unless other classification 3gi§3§
ing,’ 'is directed by'law. Under agencies, records have been classified, so fyggffi

' 4, 5E3; far as possible, according toLthe subjects with which they deal. They _ '_5{€£fi
l~ lif' are described in entries whose style is formalized to eiVe the followe jgfigfifl

' j “'2.” ' firm}

- ~ ,1 ’Viis-l'de-iifim . -. V , L . v' L L ' , V , ' “#5131
'w~n£K$£¥$@§&Xi5i ’»~ ‘1 v ‘ 7 ', ¢fl.'irr'l«nvfl~ , '1 f4. “Affgfififififi
‘ oi _ ‘ 2 i,;rf~

‘ - A“ .~g-.r:—->»%;/c-sn norms in - ,» “his“?! M ,1..“:,,,_.‘,-,,. “Mi w i «+37% 1 ,... « Mm also“ in a .

 , 4 by, r , , . ,4
a} (A i; ' Preface - é?
; 1 ing information: Title of record, dates for which available, quantity, ;
j,_ it labeling of volumes or containers, variant titles, description of record 'g A
}f;"v iv contents, manner of arrangement, indexing, nature of recording, size of g i
?7 Q~‘ volumes or containers, and location° Q 1
a: s» , , y ,'=
;f' fifW The inventory of the Montgomery County Archives was begun during ‘} 4
,7 “f; “ the latter part of 1958 and completed in 1941. The original field work- I ‘
-,LE 3‘ ers,were: Hubert C. Watson and Elaine Williams who Worked under the su- fi ‘
{p} F;f pervision of Joe Watkins, District Supervisor. { ' <
I‘« JLT’. I <
s11 l§*- . The work in the State office included the editing of forms, writ— ,{ _ <
f;. bffi ing of entries, historical and legal research, writing and editing of j i
i- fiij: essays and publication of the volume. Personsvin the State editorial , 1 1
if‘ f, a office to whom credit is due are: Albert A. Condray, forms editor; i 1
in. Mary H1 Winburne and Jennie Birkhead, entry editors; Irene Thibault, '5 1
1- ‘ g writer who prepared the material for publication: ,Frances Kennedy, , fl 5
a“ , r} , who directed the mhneogriphing and publication. Mabelle Hoighbors, _Q I
24f if Avis Crawford and Flossie Blassingame, complete the unit responsible ,H I
,:T f ‘ in the final publication of this volume. Carl E. Ott prepared and div» 7 I
I i”. ected the indexing. . g <
- I){.:."_' , it! I
r J,' {flj , The editorial criticisms of Mabel S. Brodie, editor in charge of ' V; 1
$2,; Lg 2 public reCords inventories in the ccntril office, and Guy P. Timboe, ! 1
iff tgfi , assistant editor, has been invaluable to the Arkansas staff in prepar- " i
r'fi}. If“ ing this volume for publication. The administrative personnel of Work i l
i a; it? »/ Projects Administration, of the Division of Community Service Pro- g ‘
i h} fif'. grams, and of Research and Records Programs have cooperated with the 1 i
i fifl‘ iii Survey in all phases of its pregnama “The helpful suggestions and . i T
i :7 'ifi» ‘ friendly counsel of John C. L. Andreassen, Regional Supervisor of ' .3 ' ‘
f §} §f7 Historical Records Survey, is gratefully acknowledged. fl , ‘
i 351 fii, : . _ ‘5 y
f ;“1. §f1_ ‘ The Survey’s official sponsor, its State-wide Advisory Board, and i
i int {;3; the Community Advisory Board of Montgomery COunty each contributed val: ,k f
g g; ' ¢?';' uable assistance to the project in the compilation and publication of -V '{
{gfiW LE-‘ this volume. Other contributing agencies were: The Arkansas History .V,
i §T1.ift" ' Commission; Arkansas'Writers' Project, WPA; and the county officials of -‘ fl -
35$; -E5r Montgomery County. _ - 1}
i l ‘ ‘ it
14 1 ~ - ,
t; I» ’ RAYMOND FOSTER ' , .s.
E §§3)E§[> ' war Memorial Building ~State Supervisor ‘,1'
E @fflfighr Little Rock, Arkansas \ The ArkansasiHistorical ,{ '
gijg‘ffifi, ’ April 1942 , Records Survey '1
i‘fir_ flit " ‘ w i
“ fit-éfikfg’ . i
? Qgfifi¥flr ‘ , ' . ‘ . 1
avg; v
1 $3; ,. - , , £21
i We .: . v -~ . _ . ,- . . i .w 1
a :,_ . ___________.__ W¥_*__, _ ,7, M ‘ --‘~ at: , M's—me

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. 5

rd g A. Ark. ..............................un..a;.....x... Acts of Arkansas ]}

? {( alph. ................................................ alphabetical(ly) jg

{1 approx. ................................................ approximately ,1}

i 7' arr. ........................................................ arranged ~L§

} aver. ........................................................ average .fi

:- } chron. ............................................. chronological(ly) a:

.- i co. ............................................................county ‘3
i ~ deft. .......................................................defendant

g dist. dlstI‘lct _ y

; est. ........................................................eStimated - ’3}

; f. d. ................................................. file drawsr(s) ?

, 1 h. ....................................................... handwritten '¥

3 hpf. ........................................handwritten printed forms , 1g

'3 hph. ........................................hnndwritten printed head “£

, fl ibid. .......................................ibidem(in the same place) ~ gt

‘fi ms. ..................................1.................... manuscript ' 17%

,H no(s). ......................................................numbcr(s) U;

3 numer. ..................................................numerical(ly) ' Té

E op° cit. ..............................opere citnto(in the work cited) . 5%

1}] pltf. plaintiff

' f p(p). ..................................................... .. page(s) , ~fé

If r. ............................................................. range '1 fig

1 sec(s) .....................................................section(s) > pg

i t. ...........................;................................. typed '7Q

{ tpf. ...............................................typed printed form ” gg

E twp. .........................................................township ufi

} U. S. ....................................................United States “73

.3 ' V. ................................;.............................vault {3

L , vol(s). ..........,....................................... . volume(s) r"j§

_ 1; WPA. ....................................Work-Projects Administration -

. f Symbols‘ _ , ' gfi

is a —— .............................................to date and continuing v itég

U ; ........................................................ foot, feet . fig

9 ...........................................................inch(es) 3%

j x ....................................................by(dimensions ) 32%

J _ . _ Explanatory Notes ,;§§

1 { Titles of Records ' * _- , i9

«k —— - ---- , , , r

‘3 Exact titles of records are written in solid capitals without parcn— _4 4 offé

I theses as in entry 3. In the absence of titles, descriptive titles have .92%

_ g been assigned, which are written in solid capitals and enclosed in ‘ ."gfif

' u‘,r.. brackets as in entry 1. If a record title is not descriptive of the con— 3 fig?

f tents of the record, an! assigned explanatory title (or explanatory words) hdfé

, ‘ , Written with initial capitals and enclosed in parentheses, has‘been ad— yfifl

' ded as in entry 21. The current or most recent title of a record is . . gfflj

. used as the entry title and title variation is indicated as in entry 27. . fiififi€

;.§‘ ix . Pfifififi

”‘ti‘:§"»*éa. ’ J l as...” .. 5.,,r , ‘ V , i 5-: '. Z. . Vn;w;.‘_.lrgyi'z“’:.“3,.421:"?3.;4. > ,_ , 551:; .44.:5» 9w. r ,: .23-fiat):'-,-..5)u.dw...-.«.u;}:awMfg

 ,1 ;‘ 1 » {:351" V, . ’ ' ' W
‘V, ’ ;%'-‘ Abbreviations, bymools, and r,;
1%. - H4”? Explanatory Notes . ' ‘ ,, ' l
. a, ‘11,.
f; §Lfi Dates . . ' ’ . . ... _ . . . . V l
C. ; ‘ ir’iit ' " ' "‘ . . . F
£3-‘ 31; ' . All dates used are inclusive.. Missing records are indicated by y j
gaj it?" , broken dates. ‘ . . , _ ,, ‘ , ‘ ‘ l
> 7‘.in ‘ . . 4 I1
. .4 I," '2 , _ r . . . u
792 kg .5' When two or morettypes of containers are conSidered.in a Single,en— l
ti -: j?fif§, ' try, the quantity-is shown.in chronological order, in.so far as possible. i
J; m3} ' , ‘ "
4;_ VF? / Labeling . .. . . _ .. , , ‘ ‘ . l
35‘ ; F3, ' Figures or letters in parentheses,,following the number of vol- » fl
" 1 1 . . . . . . '
N. .‘tlgu, ~ umes, file boxes, or other type of.container, indicate tne labeling,, , g
l' ‘ . ’ - . . . . ‘ A . *
p; , litk. . If no labeling is indicated, it may be assumed,thst.thcre is none. ,, 5,; ,
'9, i1 , Discontinuance . . . , , , _ , ‘ . ‘ :L‘
V 1 _.__.__..........._..-..I...____ _ 5]
};~ fing.pr Where no statement is msde that the record was discontinued,st,tho fl
1" 7,1?" , V . . . y . . . ' 4,
‘Wp : [flefi, , last date shown in the entry, it could net be_definitely established ,, ' ,1
. {”1" ’ 1 ' . ..’ ’
is, tflt"l’ that such was the case. ”here no comment is made on the absence of , 1 ,
ffi4 ' Fléfil‘d prior, subsequent or intermediate records, no definite information could . . 4i
15:, gqfiiw " be obtained. .... , . , , , . , ,,_ --;5fi
.&*-i fit? . i , ., , , , ,, . a g
*1 EE\ if?» 1 _j‘ . . . 1, , ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' "
1,». ifs: Description of Records . ... ,. ., . . , , , . , , . 1
4.3.3:. a”; 3;,‘fi1-j ' . 1 , v . . . . . . . . . . .1
§:¢,_ ga§r ._ The description.of the contents of.u.reccrd applies only to the cur; _
. $15.12;,- , . “ . . . . ' " '
;;?' f‘Efif. 1 rent or most recent.record.unless,chanve in_contents is actuallv shown , -. J
I :2; .2114: ., , , o v , 1‘
it“ .333 xi in a record entry. . 4 ... ... . ... .. ... . , ' J
,9 {,,?/:1 [rig-$3,133 ' . . . , ' i
i * v“ , Indexing: . 1 ,'
i ‘ 1 ‘
a * ' . . .
yrs, g;§g-_ , All indexes to records, unless otherWise stated, are self—contained. Q
i a J “3321}??? l.’
%l§, -g;§$fin,« Condition of Records ,, ,, h ‘ ,1 ‘1 ._ ‘. ‘.,L{,
gga:,lsffigaa 1 ‘""_—"‘"."'7"_”‘_7' ., . , . . ...... .. _ . ' - ' Z
! if" ‘fiji‘hfg , ‘ . . . . ‘. . " i - ‘ . .:
{-g:_.Eg§&gyg. Records are.in.gccd condition unless.otherw18e indicated, ,, ,_,, -1
iiés' twshfnqnf Dimens1ons - , _
-g¢g,5umflfl~'~' _____.w___ ,
i. " 1' . “1 ‘ . ‘ 8;,
$.93? ~ ,,l'éii::.i.7“:1 \ . . . I . . » - 1 "
gg§,ggg%eaa;p DimenSions are always given in inches, unless otherWise indicated, ;
’ ‘ liga‘ ~» 13.4.3 :“ ' ‘ . . . 3 ’1
,ggw. eggsfiw “ and, therefore, the symbol for inches {") is omitted. . 3',.
. a~a:..:.1-.,-..>,:‘~:1 ~ V, . ‘
34:55.7 ' I‘M», 1723512] ‘ ' 1 . _ . 4 ';.
5 figyi§§EQfigg,. Location of Records- ' '» j
€* s‘ii'ri'uf: 51$ " ‘ ......___._._. “—..—....»— . 7 '.
E «W1 . . - . " ' . ’ 'i‘
E filvigrggwg ~ All records are in the county courthouse unless otherwise noted.- , " v;
' I: 2‘1-‘1 x 1'33: , , W . . , . . . - .-
‘ gg-kgfig§flpx, ;.When all Ol d-magority of the records of an office.huve a common location, 1 ,: l
29515.6. 35.12.13,” “9-. " .« _ - 1 . - . . . . , . ‘ 1 j 5 '
g fiflirfi§fifiyfiti 1, the location is indicated at the beginning of the office,entries. ' , . .. j ‘
' ,,»,a-*:::,., ‘2,“ . \5/ 3 - ‘ , ‘ . , m’
1. -- -. » . . , { V . .. -
L 5.12139“ "7.4.15 . . ' , . ,
i;fifiufififigfifig3., Cross Reierences .- - , , ;i- ' ~ , .. -[
.2 Mg” m —.——-,~.—~:~.-. . . . ' .. . . ., . . _
; g3; §%§%§;§3.;.. Title—line cross;references are used to show the continuity ’ - «fir H ,n =11,
. hwy m :fifiqt1, , . ._ . . ... 1 . "
g eg:§t35sgfi;,, of a record series which has been kept separately for a period of time '115111
L 11,... v»; 4 ,1, v“..,,,._.r,.,.- ‘- . i . .

‘ isaggfisfiggieggigu . , _,,3, H
; h {elf-is: 315.453535‘4'13 2 _ ' .' ’z‘g-gl‘.‘ '
”hiss: ‘ * ' . ' ' 1 .5 4.

: 59?..“31‘ . ' * ’ , , _'
..__' . . , W " - ‘ - '» '":'~.-e~"«"=‘:;r, . Maw-4.5:“.

 - r" l ., . . (,.-.
J ADbTGVlfltluflS, bymbols, and ‘ ' jg
} Explanatory Notos , ’ 'fl

‘ ' - ‘ ‘ > . . H '- ‘ 1 . ‘ , "VJ;

; and With other records for dlffELeut perioas of time.' An example of j»
,; that is in entry 15: "1847—78, and incidental recordings, 1879u1919, in -fl
5 Dead Record, entry 6," They are also used in all artificial entries, E
E those set up to cover-records which must be shown separately under their I S
, 3 prooer of?ics even though thoy are kept in files or records apooiring , fl
1 1 slscwhsro in the invonscry, as, ior examgla, too titlomline reforsnco 1n _ ,,

I} :ntry 19: "in Dosd Record, entry'o.” Tho chcription of tho entry -;

E shows the fiitl: and ontry numher of the rocord from which the cross rcf— W

,l' cranes is rad , as, for example, those words in entry 5: "Also contains: .E

;3 Town plats, 1355~72, sotry 26.” Dates shown in the description of tho . j

j? muster cntry or-ontry of miscellangous contoots are uscd only for the ,f

. :1 part of the record containod therein, and arc shown only whom fhav vary 1 S

. fl «,V , .1 _. .h .'. n 'M

5 2 irom iuoss of to; mustor entry. ,3

.-' 4 ' , Si-zi

, l Cifimtiors E

- . x; ---~ ~<—~—--— ~ -

- f; \ . 1 . > z n 4_ ‘r - "- 1 m ' I» -‘ ‘I i;
4 5.. q a oiustion,of an so; 01 chr LGnglfltUTO oi chc lorripory cf.orKsn— ‘,y
if sas, or of tho Goncrsl Assombly of tho Stain of.ArkaAsas, on an act of Ag

. ’f a logislatiVo body of srother Torritory or State, rsfors to the page "Q

V 3 number of tho official publication of the laws. _fgg

* '- —
...:j A citation of a decision of the ArkaDSas State Supromc Court gives j;

a if the style of the case and tho volumc ind page number of the publication. l.;fi

' ~I ‘ ’ 33;},

4 ; Tho titlc of any cthor published volumo is always shown in full tho .5?
; ' _f first timo used, in some cases ih short-title form thereafter. ' i yfi
'x ’ , of“?

I «i

'1’. , ' 55.1);

is 1%

, V -

. ' f 7.5 ' * ‘ .:,f5;
‘ z. ._ ISL“?

y '1'}?

' ' ‘
«t 4 :1:

i, f iii-figs“.

4} ~ ’ ,/t%

, '5' / . -, w, ”’93

’ "' ' ' 13.3%

:‘ » ' .2ijll

‘ ' " I ‘ ‘ ' 7 Nil

3 _ 7 ":wa

' ’ “ ’7r- ' " gs?
. l \ , ”if/31:1
'~ F"§“;6"’3v

, ;;;t* , . ' 'Lfifigflfifi
,7',S~.;_;V§’_L_.j: ' . / ' . . , . » 33%;?" ""5
5h\{’;% ?:V¢)u¢\mf,2‘r~i_’ ">;‘,;:,5; ;; .(Lax-AJ 14w“? , .5 .‘;c3.,.l,‘” .~—;L ,, .JSy"..E.,..4 1:: year," R2¢$:<1”€%£§

 1.1:; , ' I . ' . , ‘ . - , ' ' . 7 I .1 IEIEE .
I. ‘ ' 1'? i ' . . ‘ ' ,1 '.
.j_- E'I’E-W 'l
. I’EIEI- . .I!
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-E;_E:I;E-.: I:
I} . HE”? ‘ I
,3. ERIE . - , I
12:! ,I . 1.
I ., EyEaIlE, . . E
E731; f’I-‘EI' i I
I E'. ' .3
“I I was. . S
. . E‘ngJ» :_I E:
. . ' . ‘ i’» . ' é
. . . I 1E . E
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E. ,V _ 5E5." . . _ I, .
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g . _._':I..';II‘E_. ' -
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.Y;I r,‘ . \ SI
l5¥ »Eei. . I
(5.95;- :‘1 . E
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é It's'IfIl I I:I . . E
E ;.H‘ ER“, . ~E
9' ._:-. .‘ £qu {52‘ :1: ‘ .
.553?» Edi-:Klfifiz. ~ i
. ‘ 15w. -.-' . . I.
f ‘TE‘I.’ 1 :KINR . ,
l “'5'? 'LL‘1 " . E . .
E “1 Ev ". - '
E- .. i _. 3-
1:2, cggflgika . ‘
-7‘.=: ‘ 2-1-15 gar-wall; _ . l 1
f 1 3.13- :2? gig; E .
.5 «duff-g . I
E u: - .3515 5772;19‘3‘1 ’1 .i,
3253...; . .m. "$75147. .; - .E I
5.23.2: .. .I-HIL‘ * _
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.I ~ EirEvI . I
: fi'x‘i; WWII;- ,I - I " 1
z Iii! Iv . I . .I . ,
" ¢.5*iIlI.;. if»: 33:3. ‘ . IE
' 3.1.7H3’tk. I .. I
‘I t-éi-IL" '34; ‘I :2 (I __
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: $331.:- twigs-i: .. ' . E‘l'
I‘ - . ' qty! -..~.~ 1.9"1 I. .
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$ihw:k§2 22‘: ‘ -3 . -;__ .
- wing-21 It: :zT-Iu - - ’ " '1”:
: %&.E§é. . . .
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. “to mamakfizrfiz. .. . - I , I . . :I . firI-:II‘I‘;II,;-u;
“MI—’5’”; - _‘Zé -' 391:...35111; :1;- ' . . _ . . . . . ; 2 . . I - I . . .. . _ . ‘ I}? ”give“,
_——*" ' . I’ ' - . .. . .' ”1:,

 ’gr_L-7‘3"‘f7’:liP:-' -- N ‘ V ’ I 7 . —-—~ - - .__... " ‘}"‘-——" '" Mr" ‘ - ' '_
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a: .: 4. .~ -/~ ~ ~ *’ 7‘*~~~\
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'5“. . ‘ 7 I , ‘ )1 ‘1 I f k ) _ . 7‘
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h V ‘ 1‘ .» ‘51: . ‘
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E ‘I: 1.311.311. - . ,1:
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1 1.11 II I112. ,

’91» 7:113} 1.5.1.“ . ,1

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1 11 1. . .

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1g‘ Ig§1$1 1 , ,

9 ?.I,'.~iI1 331}: Ijié‘i‘

1AI1 figas. ‘ ,

‘. :1“: 'V 2.5:: k"; 9.51. IVWAV‘.’ , (

‘,;:.VI.,1.-. V: . I . V

‘. .f'r 59.112; 1 I 1’

‘ 3:331.- ‘ ’53‘13‘2 .. ’ x .

1?. k§1$y14 1 1 1 _;

I 155,-: _,V. «ggggg 2:1. 'I; V, .

1 f 'EZ‘I'JU‘ ‘ . ' , :

i 9.51).". 1:315:21; 3”. £33517 1. ‘ ‘ ' I,

J ‘55:. 1.11171; I V

M§1.fi%éfiy- 1 1
I::I~.1 ‘I-.~¥‘I§i1Ia-‘1Is I ,1

, ~ 1. Ar *n14.-..1I..‘1-:‘~‘.;' - ’ 1""

.‘ IN, _. q. :‘r‘sI-gé ‘11-}: I , .

1 k.- in . 1
..35;5;;I ‘1‘; gi‘ggg. ' ' ‘ I 1. ‘
I:;~.I.‘I ’ ,"x‘, .P" I l

‘1 ‘ “kiwi . ;

I. 11,191,111- ~ . 1 1

1 1“ '1‘ : 5,3119}; fiVI‘“ , .

P » «Iggfi _ . ;,

E " ‘3 73.1111113111h1'1.‘ ,