xt7mpg1hk66d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mpg1hk66d/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1924 journals kaes_circulars_001_3_170 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 170 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 170 1924 1924 2014 true xt7mpg1hk66d section xt7mpg1hk66d COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE
Extension Division
I THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
  f )   }} 7
- CIRCULAR NO. 170 .
Y .
Ei·-ii in ···»m1¤i·1iun with iii.- ;i;rii·i11111i·:1l ~‘\lt‘Ii$IUII wufk C£11”1‘i€d
‘H OU YW c··¤¤1·t·1·;iri· n ··1` 121:- 1'¤»lI¤·;t~ of .\:1‘i<·11Iiul‘¤*, I`r1i\‘ci‘#iI}‘ Ol` Kv11ll1CkY.
Wm! li1Q I`. S_ I>¤~]·;11·L1114·11( til' _\;I`it'\liIlII'x‘ uu`] i`iisl1‘iI¤ult‘¤I ill Ylll‘l}1CI`1UIC€
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Clothes and Their Relation to Health
Field Agent in Clothing.
The woman who has developed rouml shoulders, a hollow
.·|.»·,t_ protrmling abdomen uml erooked feet has built the poorest
foundation possible on whieh to pluee her elothing. These self- .
intlieted detorinities should be eorreeted eurly in life by daily
physieul exereises uml by wearing the right kiml of corset and
shoes, Nueh praetises will do 1nm·l1 toward reilueing the hips, `
straightening the baek uml bringing about better posture a11d
general health
"'l`o till positions of` trust. women must be competent and
ellllllt‘lll‘l* her line of dress from the foundation
uml her posture. shoes uml eorset make the foumlation that is
right or wrong."
Good posture is essential for good health and good looks.
To earry the body ereet, head high. uml to move with an elastie
step will gain the applause of diseriininutiug people. The woman
who slumps will never appear well. no matter how hamlsomely
{Ill\\'ll(‘(l. She will be envious of her neighbor who looks well in
u gingham t`roek heeunse her earriage uml poise attraet rather
, than the dress she wears. The girl with the slouehing figure aml
hollow ehest is unattraetive enough when young, hut when she
develops into a misshapen woman with superfluous flesh about
the uhdonien uml shoulders, the most skillful artist will he unable
to disguise her deformities. The stylish woman is always well
‘ \ .

  r wi Hi if 7
V I 4 It'e·n!m·I.·y; ]`1.I'lt’NSl())I (`irvailtir No. 170
` poisetl. '1`his meutis thut she stumls well. sits well uml ·
’ 4 wulks well. She l‘2ll'l`lt‘S her ehest high uml ht-ml up. li __  
i ;\ppt·t»pt·iute uml lwtptiiittg t·lt>thi1t;; worn hy this wu- 'T   `
mutt will ulwuys give the t'e¤·liiig til` t·t»mt'¤>t·t. A elm- l .
St‘lUllSIlt‘SS thut she hus iiiutle the must of her goml i l
` points will give greuter sell`-t·i·wutwl us is shnwii I I _
iii l·`ig·. LZ. there is u vtiltslzttll struiit pit the mttswles nt` El i
A the liuvli tn keep the hotly t`1·<»11i Yulliitg. 'l`h¤-i·•· is m»   l
rest fur these mtisvles us lung us the lmtly thus ptiisetl M; ; i
retiiuitis iii u stumliiig pesitipii. lt is iieetlless tu meiititui thu: I
this ppsitinti is mit gzruvefttl.
‘ ]·`ig_ 3% shnws u thirtl pnsitinii iii whieh the lmtly is im·liit··.i `
to leuti l>ut·l;wut·tl. vuttsitig struiti mi the t»ppt»sitt· sitle t't·¤»m thx .
in Fig. 2. 'l`his mtistuiit stvuiti t* uml lztlllvss   I
‘ · \\ testilts. Jl! i_
®2:‘:l°xl;;'1‘° WERE YOUR CORSETS l i
mainmln '
F gggirgyg ¤R0i¤Em.v FtTTt;¤v —-- Q t
\·t‘l`_\' t`··w \\'i¤l\\t‘Il ure    
' \\'l`!I‘lllj;` h¤·.iltl1l'11l ¤·<»i·s•·ts. It   < / _
is l1t*t1t·t' tn I`l‘lIl1llIl <·¤»t‘st*Ilt·s~ ..\ ` {
thuti tp mistrexit the l>¤»lll`t* <·Ul'l. 'l`llQ‘ illlllhllllllill w21ll 11111st bc supported
l.l`lPlll l11~111·211l1. 21s illl}’ (l(}\\·ll\"Hl.(l p1·1·ss111·c pnslius 1111: ()I`§{2illS of
i 1l11·21l11l11111i1121l 1·21vi1_v 11111 of pl211·1·. (f2l\lSlll{.§ l1u21d21ul11:s, circles
llll1l1'l` 1I11· (‘}`1'N. il l.(`|°llll;I of 1·xl12111s1i11n Zlllll. in $01110 1:21scs, dis-
.,,-,].-1-, \\'llll'll 1-2111 I11· 1·111·1·1·1·11·1l only by il s111·;:i1·21l <>11U1’il[l()]1,
1 .\ 1·111·s1·1 Nlllllllll l11· \\']`<‘Sl'l'\`(5 11112 1121111r21l li111·s of the
1 1i§!111·1·. lf ll 1i;;111‘1· is 11111 ol. 21lign1111·111. duo 111 llll])l'<)])C!` corset- 1
li ` j11g111· i111·111·1·1-1-1 [N)>llll'¢‘. El 1·I12111;51· Pilllllfll |11· 11121d1· i11 2111 i11s1;1111_
' 11 will 121li1* lll11<' 2lll~l [N*l'M‘\'•‘l`21ll<‘1* 111 iIl1ll11·c 1l1c proper poise
\ \\`llll1‘ s1:1111li11z. ll' 1l11· 11111s1·l1·s 211·1· s11·1111z. 1l11· 1*l1>illlllg' sus- Y
1 l}\‘llll1'll 11*11111 llI1' sl11111l1l1·1·s. illlll 1l11· lllllly 1·211·1·i1·1l .11·1,·ll 211 21ll
  _ 111111·s_ llll' <‘¢1l`>1‘l is Il!I1I¤*<'<*>>ilI'}'. ll¢¤\\`•J\'<·l‘, ]lll}'>l1·l21I1s 11·ll 11s
  1l1211 I`1~w\\11111•·111l11121l<1·1l1··1i1111·111g·i1·1·1l11·l1111lyp1·11p1·1·yx1·1·1·isq
‘;_ 11·l1··11 1111 1··11·s1·1 is 11‘111·11 illlll 1l11· l·'°Nllll 1~ll1c\\`1*lll{l1r1\\`111·¤11‘s1r·1luss
{him i 11g111·1~. l·`211 •‘il*ll_\` 2llll|lilll 111 lillis l\lilll|l. who p11ss1-ssus il 1iu·111·1· 1I1211 llils l1<’\`1,‘l`
my 1211111111 il 1·1·1·~1·1. llow lllJllI}' \\`<¤lll1‘Il \\l(llll(l 1l1·s11·1· El 1i:·111·o lil<1·
,11,111 l l1··1‘s I \'1·1 1l1is is lll<‘ 1li1·1·1·1i1111 in \\-lll('ll lll£lll}` 211*1- going' 1111l1·~s
_ lIl1>l`1‘ 1i1111· illlrl lll¤|ll;J'lIl 211·1· :l\·L.ll 111 1·111·1·o1-1 1·111·s1·1i11g‘. 'l`l11· rigl11
’_ ' i_\*lll‘ ol. 1·111'>¤‘l l-1¤l' lll(` llg‘1l1‘~* 1*:111 l11* 11l1I;lll11*1l 1>l1l}‘ llll‘ll 21 1·=>1`—
` >|‘ll•'l`<‘ 11 l111 l121s lllil1l1‘ il `lll|l}— 111` 1·111·1·1·1·1 l'lll`>1‘llll!', li:\·¢ll`}l W11111;111
>{ V i \\-llll \\`•‘i\l'< il 1·111·s1·1 sl11111l1l lilkll 211l\`2111121g1· 111 lll(` l¤]>l\<¤l'lllllll§` to
5 4 u21i11 1l11· s1·1·x·i1·1·s 111` $ll(°ll 21 p1·1·s1111 11·211111·1l 21l1111g· 1l11·<1· linos. lll1l'\'
1 i 1l1·· 1·1gl11 1yp1· is 11l1121i111·1l lll(` l'(ll`>1‘l ('illl l11· 111·1l1·1·1·1l ill·l(xl'\\'ill.(l$
K i l·)‘ lllllllllvl'. 11l111·l1 is 2111 211l1·2111121g·1- 111 \\~lllll(’ll living i11 s11l1111·l12111
’ 1lis11·i1·1s_ 1`111·s121s SllUlll1lo1111-11 21111l 1·111111·ol 1l11· l1ips is SllO\\`l1 for 110211‘l§’
  * *‘\'<‘1`}‘ li£111‘1·. Vllllkl low l|llSl lll(l1l1‘l 2lllU\\'S 1`1·1*1~1lo111 211 1l11· \\`£llSY·
··*'  _ \\`l1i<·l1 is 11111 11-1111 111T 11111 high l111s1 1yp1—. 'l`l1is 11l1l-1`21sl1io111·d

 *1 1
6 l1'1111111·/.·_11 ]u'.1·/111.<1'1111 (1I'I'(`ll{1lI` .\'11, /711
r r
1 1 _ 11111111·1. $1I<1\\'ll 111 1*1;*. —l_ 1111-
I 111·1l1-s 1·11‘1·11I11111111. 11s 1111 11II
1 11g1l1 \\'il1>1 1111111I~, l·`1g·. Y1
I’*‘1`11`i|_\`~ 1111* 111\\‘ 11lI\I 1_x·111~
1’/1 11·111·11 1111l:1_x‘ \\'111(']1 11i1< 11~ \`~
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. `   1»11~1111111· ;1~ \\~1`II 11~ 111*11.1111,  11 1
, _" Y "I V, I1 1.!`1111l1$111l`1l1I11l1.111 11111·~ 1 11 11‘_
1{ ,1   111. 11l1‘1l1111_\`, ,1 ‘{ 11 { 1
  11 ` \\'1:111l11·I1111·|111~11·111*  _ 1 1
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{ 1 111 1·111111· 111-1I 111111111 ·11‘1·1· 1111- 1  
I NEX/7* 11111 111. 1111· 1·111‘~1·1, 111111 11·111\   ~  
1 11*11 1111111,11 111Il 1 ~'.~ 1·11···  
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f1111111·~~1};·11 TlI&1_\1 |=1·1·1111··111 111 1l11· 11:11~1 l1111·.
V (`111‘~·~1~ ·11:11 111·11~~11·1··-~ 111` 1111· 11111- 1· ··1· 11111111··11111··1 1·.111   11
111111··11 111 111' ~1 111111<~·~. (`111111·1111111u‘ 111·· ;1g1111·1· Y~ 11111 ;1~ 1111`11·1f‘
{1*11 `J1111'11 ~·~·111 111111 11111111·_x‘ 1111‘1·~11·1E 111 11 \\1'11 1111:111~ 1··· 1·~1‘ ~
11111·11_1~ 11111 ~111·r::.
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11i111·~111‘1I1 11:111111·1·1·1111·111·11 111 1l11· ~1111\1'111·11·111 1I1·1·11‘1·11, 111 1·11~··—
111. s1111111‘!1111111~ 111~~l1 111. ~11g:’111u‘ 111` 1I11· 11|11I1·11111111l 11111~··l1·~_ 11 F
21*1\'1xJ11111‘ 111111·1111\1·11 \\'1l1‘1l 12l1‘11lLl` 1l11· 1·1111s1·1. \\111l‘_\' 1_\11I!' {1111
— ‘ 1111 1I11· 11;11·1< 1111 1111· 11111111111111:1I 111·u‘:111< 1`:1II 111111 1111`11. 111·11111·1‘ 111:11*1*
2111111 §l'l'1'2l11’1` 1·111111`111‘1 1`11I111\·.’s.
‘ · *,.:1..,1. A 1

 Cla!/us uml T/tcir lfclulion lo llealih 7
1. l.oost·tt >tt·ittgs to limit.
2. l’lttt·t· t·¢»t'>t·l ttrotttttl bttwk tttttl wcll tmtlor abdouteti. (Bc
>ttrc tltztt it is sttl`tit·iutttly low ott tho body.)
3. -\ttt·h·»r t·t»t·»t·t »tt·;tig·ltt with littes of body amd at waist
4. Sttatp ltottottt l·2l>ll‘ll4_'l° or >L‘t‘(Jlltl from bottom amd cou-
llltI|¤‘ In init,
;t_ l‘l;t>I··lt t1t·· ltttttttttt t·ltt>p ltrttili illlll Illt: l100liS of [LIC SOfI
t2_ l·`;t>t··tt l`r··ttt >ttpp<»rtt·rs w··ll to frottt ofstouki1tg$ tfoot `
I'¤‘~lll1!`tt1| vltztitxy
T. li··t‘·»t·t_~ l;t·-itt;. lt··l·l tlt·- l···tt¤·m of the uorsct ou the left
>E·l·.· with thu l·.·t`t lt;ttt·l tttt·i with tho right smooth the
ti··~lt g··tttl_t· ttp itt th·- t···r>··t tttt the l··ft sitlc. Rt'\`C1`5ll]g
h:ttttl~. t···p··;tt ott ··pp·»>itt· >E·.lt.·.
X·»t··; .\t tlt1~p·»ittt ·»ttt· m;t_r li·· ·l··wti or rcmztiti >t;t11tl-
itz: t·» ····tttplt~tt· Iztvittg.
D. 'l`·· l:1t·t.· l_\ ittu tlttwtt; l,it· tlowtt atttti ltvtttl l;tt·.·t·s tttttil foot
`_ ;tt··· {tt: ·»tt tlt·· |»···l. l{··l;tx xttttl l‘*.‘§illl lttuittg from boi-
V. tt·ttt. ··:t~tl_t· tlt·· tit‘~t tittt·· ttt rt·ttt·>\‘·.· >ttrpltt5 string`; Z1
li?tl·.· Y`l'll1·‘l`lll¤‘>t‘t‘¤t}l it >h·tttltl be wortt.
1*. 'l`Y».· t·t· twi~t >tt·tttg~ ;ttt·l tttt-lt itt~i·l·· the t··.·r>ut.
ltt. Suttttti ttp ;ttt·l t`;t>tt·tt Itttt-1; >ttpp»·1·tt·t·>.
ll, 'l`·· l;t···· mttttlittg: ll·»l·l thc l»·~tl_\‘ ·~t‘···-t itt frottt of mir-
U r··r. pttll >tt'tltg~ .~·’t'_w.`t//_-t att thu w;ti~t to ittsttrc t·orr•st·t
U. ;tttt·lt·»r;t;·· zttttl bbgitt l;t··ittg frottt tlt·.· bottottt ttp. (`o11—
, titttt·~ ;t~ itt >. El tttttl lll.
g X··tt~; 'l`ltt.· ···tt·~t·t »lt·»ttltl bt- l;ttt·~tl tttt t·tt·tt lilI1t‘L‘flltllllttlt
,,. to l»~.·tt··ttt. ttitottt 1*: to Z tttt·ltt·~. .l·`t·r >··tttt· tigttros the tlistatttcc
._ H1&1)‘ltt*>ltglttl_\’ wit1t·t· ttt tht- top   tlttttt att tltt·bottot1ttoit1—
t_ altrc Q`l't‘£ll·‘l` t·t>tttl`t>t’t,`*
t" l. l.t»t»»t·tt strings to litttit.
Y. l’l:tt·t· t·ot·>t·1 ztrotttttl b:tt·lt tttttl wwll tttttlcr atbtlotttctt
tllv >1ll`(‘ tltttt it is sttt'Iit·it·tttl_r low ott 1ltt· hotly}

 a S
I 8 It't‘ttIttt·/t‘_t; ]{.t·/tvtsttni ('trt-ttlttr Nu. ITU
. ` 3. Attvltor t·t»rst-t straight witlt littt-s ttf htmtly at waist
t littt-.
~ 4. Snap httttttttt fztstt-tit-r or st-t·t»tttl l`rt>tti htttttnti tttttl t·t»1t-
tittttc to top.
` 5. Fttstt-tt tht- top t-lasp html; atttl tltt- htittlts t>l` tht- sttft i
t t-xtctisitttt.
6. Fztstt-tt sttpptirtt-rs a littlt- ttt tht- hawk tt`t»t»t rt-sting tttt
t chaiizl
'· ‘ T. Befttrt- lacing. httltl the ht>ttt»ttt tut` tltt- t·t>rst-t tttt tht- lt·t`t
sitlt- with tltt- lt-t`t hattttl atttl with tltt- right ttttll
the tlt-sh gt-tttly tttt itt tht- t·t»rst-t tm tht- lt·t`t sitlt-. llt·-
vorst- hatttls atttl rt-tit-at t»tt tht- ttttttttsitt- sitlt-, 'l`ht- s;tttt··
thittg may ht- tltttit- itt the hat·k.
j ` S. l’ttll strittus slig‘lttl_\‘ at waist littt- tt- ittsttrt- t·t»rrt-t·t titt-
‘ t·ltt»t‘aut- atttl prt-vt-tit rrttwlittg tit-.
tl. ltztt·t- frttttt httttttttt tttt. uttittu ttvt-r strings st-vt-ral tittit-—
as iii frttttt lztt·t-.
Xtttt-z The t-tlgt-s shttttltl ht- ahttttt twtt ittt·ht-s apart t'rt·ttt ttttt
t0 htitttttit whtett lat·t-tl. lit- sttrt- ttt lat·t- tltt- t·t>rst·t ttttit`t¤rtttly, as `
tight lat·ittg· at the ttttt zttttl httttttttt ttllttws tht- tlt-sh tt» httlgt- tthtttw-
and ht-lttw tht- waist littt- atttl givt-s att ttuly httt·l<.
· .l"1't‘<[tIt*1tt l2tttt1tlt‘l'it1g‘ is ll(*t‘t'>Sill'_\' l'ttt' tltt- ttrttttt-t‘ t·;tt‘t- ttl
_ COI`SL‘tS. rl`ltt*}' slittttltl l1t·\`t*t‘ lit- ;tllt>\\‘t·tl ttm gt-I rt-ally tli|·t_v_ gis
V `
C1`S)ll'illlttll t·ztttst-s tht- tttttst tlttrahlt- l`:thrtt· tt- wt·;tr ttttt t ttit·ltlt‘.
l .
T0 waslt ytittr t·t»rst·t. ttst- wztrtit watt-r atttl tt tttiltl st»at>. 'l`tt··
high fl tt-titttcratttt·t- will tlt-strtty tht- t-lastit· atttl alkztlit-S will tlatii— _
age the iittttt-tial. Nt·rtth with tt stit`t' ttttil hrttsh httth ittsitlt- zttttl _
- 0ut tttitil t-\‘t·ry t>artit·lt- t>l` st-il ltas tlisat>ttt-art-tl. Rittst- thttrttly ,
Several tiiiit-s sti that all sttatt is t‘t·tttt>\’t-tl. 'l`tt tttaltt- tht- t·t»rs··t
appt-ar frcsht-r atttl ttt-wtrr, it may ht- titttt-tl pink. ttsittg any ttt`
thc I)1‘0p2l1'iltl()IlS fttr salt- at tlrttg atttl tlt-ttarttttt-ttt stttrt-s. \\'ht·tt
. A almost dry, press witlt a ttttttlt-ratt-ly httt. irtttt.
, ])0it`t wt-ar tht; sattit- t·t>rst-t tlay aftt-r tlay. Hy altvrttatitt:
it with at least out- tllllt}l°. thc lift- t>l’ t-at-h t·ttrst-tt will ht- tttttrt-
i ` than tltitthlvtl. This is jttst as trttt- as it is with shtit-s. ‘
i i ` •..t]....l,i ,

 C/u//tts uml T/tefr Ife/atiott {0 Ilcallh 9
t The corset is the foundation for all the other elothing and
it speaks for or against the wearer. Instead of dressing from
the outside in, you should start dressing from the inside, the first
T- step heing to eultivate hetter health, posture amd poise.
l·`or the person who stands a great part of the day. a shoe
H with a hroad heel, straight inner line and sutlieient room for the _
toes to lie flat. is most desiraltle. The day of pride over small
H feet has passed and women are giving eomfort the tirst consider-
N ation. ` I . -
hlosl women s feet are distorted from wearing the high heel
if and short shoe with a narrow. pointed toe. The point forees the
hl large toe toward the middle of the foot. often eausing hunions
at the joint. This enlargement is not only painful hut detraets
llr greatly from the appearanee of the foot. The high heel throws
the foot forward and erowds tl1e toes together. eausing eorns and
es eallouses. lt also prevents the hotly from taking its natural
poise. so that tlte weight is not properly halaneed and the inns-
MD eles are strained. This eauses fatigue. laek of enduranee and
H} often internal trouhles. espeeially in growing girls.
WV .\ wise woman will see that her feet are eorreetly shod dur»
ing working hours, even if. at. the end of the day. when sitting
` most of the time. she yields to a shoe with a more pointed toe
el and a higher heel. This t_vpe of shoe is not out of plaee for dress
"` o····asions. l»ut l'or general wear it is neither healthful nor in
tif" good télslvf.
fu" .\ woman who requires a high-heeled shoe for eomfort is
Un` $llll·l’l`lll§ l`l`Ull] >tllll(‘ Sll`llt‘llll'2ll llCl.('l‘l (lf lll(’ lltlfll illllil Nlltlllltl (°0ll'
‘“‘l salt an orthopetlist. She will tintl that the transition to the low
felt heel should he made in steps, from high to medium and front
Wl. tnediiun to low.
Y Ul The tirst point to he eonsidered when seeking relief from
hw foot troultle is to he Slll‘t‘ that the shoes worn are lnzlde on the
rieht lines. Then if they have heen properly titted and the
ing trouhle remains it may eome from ineorreet walking. Pointing
tore the toe out or in throws the weight on the inner or outer part of
the foot, respeetively. whieh tends to weaken the areh. Savage
' ` \ .

· l
A i l 10 Ifoizlzw/.·y liwlozixime Circular N0. 170
- V I I'2ll't‘S who van walk for lwurs witlwul living walk willi {liv foot
2 pointml straiglit alwall. ll' a ¢·lnil¤l`s slaws aw sul`|ii·i¤~aily lang
'· . and wiilc Iliv llllilL‘Sll`ill\ll‘ l1al>il of "I<»n·i11g` iii nr out will svlllaini
be fwiiiml. '1`lw mama-i· of plaviiig tliw l`¤·l·l sli<>ull1·»•·~ than ia mi`. ·
* ` truaiiiig lla- l`··¤·i l»_x· \\`l‘&ll'lll!' llivm. ·
(`miipaw {liv Iwo tyiws nl` $lli\l‘< iii l·`ig·. li. \\`l1i¤·li lla ina Q
1l1i11k is lliw 1ii¤·i··· l»1·a··1i¤·al aml ¤··»i11l`·»1·1;1l>l··.’ ·
. A l \ , ·
E ( "< . — I
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Sl1¤»··~ ~ll¢¤\ll¤l l·¤~ k¤·]»1 <>11 ii·¤·»·s ¤»1· >Illll'··¤l xxiili ]\il[>k,‘l' \\la··; ·
1i¢»li1i11~··. 'l`l1·~)‘ ~l1·>!ll4l l»··4li1<1··il aml l‘l•‘ill1¤‘il ··a··l1 1i11i·· l»~·i`·»1··- »
p11l1i11g‘awa_\‘anal;il»·»>;<·l`p·»li»l1wiiliazi<·l·l~1i»i·ll¤<‘ i< unl ¤‘<>lIl]>ll‘l<' \\i1la¤·11* 1·11l¤l···i·~. 'l`ln··y iw
milypi·~1····1 a11l. \li·· >l1·»··~ lull al—·» [>i···l··n1: ·
llil·lii'··¢»1'xli»· \\‘»·a1‘•·1‘: i`r»i‘ l<¢···;»iiig ll1·· l`····1 ¤l1·_\‘ a1i·l warm i~ »·a~ T
<>f1l1s·u·1·»;a¤··~1 ‘l'\'l`!‘l4Ul·;_Ll>|l1lll1‘illlll. 'l`i]·····;»» in aail i< l1·~l»l maxi i»·
I 1lms·»l··. l{11l·l»··i·< wiili li··¤·l» sl1·»1ilill»l·l<··l·1 <»11 liaml l`¤»1· a l'Z|l|!l I
(lil). illlll llll$ lllli_\' llllli >l|‘\‘l Ul` (lElllllllll‘*\. l
` ` 5l(N‘l(lllQ<2lll¤l>1l¤‘l($2ll'1‘ ma¢ll·<>l'¤·<»l1·»1i.w·»¤»l anal silk. l·`»»1‘ "
i Cllll(_ll'|i}ll. ;.li’l()ll QI`[lll\‘$ lll. ('Ullllll sl<»··l{il1g‘s ill`lY lIlUNl |l('>ll°2lllll‘. 2l* l
ilu-y a1·<~ s1i·¤·11;;‘ anal wasily l2|lllIlll‘I'(‘ll. l‘(lll(\lI s1a¤l]l_\' >url`ux·¤· uml l`u¢l<·. Thu rlyc, which is often
I Hu; l';l~t in x·<»llr¤l1 sI<»¢·l111fr>1·t to some
’ l‘,.l·l_ l‘l»lll»u uml >ill< or ¤·¤»ll·u1 uml lim·u lI1lXllll'l‘S]!1lil{f}U.]1]lI(‘ll
Q ,ll-l.ll;y.~l· »v····ll¤rl‘l{l]1§'S ]'¢‘fllllI`(j ]l1()I‘t_*
_ l·u1··· in lJl|lII¤l¤‘l‘lll;j' lhull <··»ll<»n. us x‘··1·y hnl \\'illl‘l‘ uml strong x
I_ 5{)[lp\\`t‘£ll{¢‘ll tl1x»lll»··1·s. ('nhl xx·ul<·1· uml ]•llI'•‘ soup Slllllllil h<:x1s0llQ<'I‘. A
H \‘x'·»~»l ~x·»~ll'1l uu u ···»ll·l' \‘·`l‘Zll' lull \ll¤·lll·_·l·l»1ll<·s l`··ll<·(l
  ·; ·luml» xx Eh l···1·~l»i1·uli··1x. <’lIll\ll!!` lh·· ll»··l llll¤r·<‘f¤111QTC11<,lC1‘
uu~l ~··1··· \\`···»l uml ····ll·»ll lm xx‘·=»·l uml ~lll< ullxlxlws u1·¤·1m»l‘~·
~;;';~`.l.¤'Y·>l'_l lllilll ull xx····l. lll'·‘£ll <·u1‘·· \lll•lll·l l··· lill(•‘l1 l]1l2lllll·
·l x··· lv;.ulxnu_x~x1~i1l;‘l11l<··x.‘ru1·1uxx‘ul··1‘.u~h<»1 xx‘;li»·1‘~l11‘l11l<lll·¤·l>1l1··ll:ll‘~l1.
'l`El~!·· {~ ··»···m~m_x‘ iu l»xl_x illu l'l"x\`*'l' »l»»··lI'l`ll`l1 1m·1··· l'l*l‘~.
  - ll**`~\`<*Ellv‘ll :lxx·:l~lrl1lx·llll1~1lul1l l··lhl·h·umlx·1·gux·1m·ul~us
H` ll1*‘_\‘·l·»lulll··ll··»1ll··x·¤»m·>.' lll`ll·1:ll1lll·ulll·:1!l·»11 l< L1`l\'x‘ll llll‘lll.
u~ ‘ll~Vx‘ iIl'~‘ mwl !l‘lll‘l‘illl_\' >l‘l'llZ xwl l'x·xx‘ lllllIg‘~ {ll.l'l‘l'l lhc l·l¤111—
l'·*1'l. ·ll~}¤x·~lll·»l1 uml l¤<~1·~¤·l·ul x‘llIll`lll x·l` lh·· \`x>l`Zll'(`l` l·ll···l<·lluml1111l1_x‘g‘lx·11lx·11ml··l‘x·l¤¤llln‘N.
H5 'l`ll<· mullwiuls l`1·lll ll1l·slumllml11l ul` [ll1*lll']llll\ll. \'<‘lllllJllll>ll. slvr-
IM. lll%i|ll*>l!, \\`ill`lIllll uml l·<>sl_;ls ll1l·g‘;ll‘111x*1ll m·Xl lll lllv Nllw_
, ~ \\'1»<>I. tha gnml in lll2lIl}` l‘<·s]iw<·Is_ is tlililiwllll In Iawwp t·lw;tt|_
as it wnllwrts tlirt antl lnawtwria antl niats with warwlwss washing.
’l`hwsw faets niakw nthwr lihwrs ur wtunihinatittns ol` Iihwrs nntrw tl··.
. sirahlw, hut invalitls. eltlwr pwnplw anal ynnttg whihlrwn t»t'twn ltwwtl
the prntwwtinn of wwwlwn ninlwrgartnwnts. 'I`l1wrwl`¤»rw_ \\‘l1w1|
_ wnwlen ntnlwrwltithws arw worn nnnsnal wantinn shttnhl hw talawit
I in Ianntlwring. -\ nninn g;‘z1l‘tuwl1I is prwl`wraI»lw t·» twti piwt·.·`_ Z,.
it eoywrs the hwtly without uywrlapping at the waist.
\\'¤»1nwn`s <»·-wnpatittns shnnltl giwwrn thw atnntint ·¤l` IIIlwwywr_ nothing i~
. . nmre nut of tastw than tim littlw ninIwrt·h»thing_ wvwn in warm
weather. 'I`hw eaniisnilw or twtltly that is l·»<»swly strappw·l aiwl
tlrnppetl altnnst tn thw waist littw will tnali· tlwwsvraliwm antl tlainty tapws that
do not havw to he rwtnoywtl when Iantnlwring. .\lI this sayws titaw
and energy antl appears nnteh hwttwr l'l`t<·n tnoru for style and ap-
t` pi·aram··· than for quality aml snitahility of tho g'2l1'1l1L‘Ill to
tho woaror or for tho o<·t·asi<»n on whi¤·h it is to he worn. \\'i1y
not ('(lIIll1lllt* all thoso aml haw ¥2ll‘lll•‘lll< that ran ht- worn ttntil
thoy haw paid for llll‘lll~t·tl.l Xlm·h ti1m·. om·r;:y aml ]llUlI\‘}` aro wastcd
liv aml tnany wotm·n aro ntado im·t`ti··i<·nt aml ill-at-oaso on at-t·ott11t
lm ··t` nnh•···otninu. inappropriat<· and Intl hastily scltwtvtl ;Iartm·nts
lil whi~h aro ofton too narrow or too <‘llllllN‘l`N‘>llli' to ho ('i|llll·1\l'lill\lQ.
B Silk and wool vannot hr lilllll•lt‘l't‘(l as ootton ntatorial and
rm ··annot ho k•·pt t`r¤-sh aml olvan. Nothing looks worso than a
I,.] "Q"I`·‘¢1*<‘-~}><*IItalU silk or wnolvn dross worn in tho l;itt·ht-n_ Bt--
lai l`*·1‘<· it l·¤·<·<>tm·s th<· yirtitn of ntany spots tho woaror is hamli-
M. <·&¤]>{¤··l` nlrrvs sho :t]i]n·at‘ as noatly and il]\]\l`t¤]il‘l2llt*l}`
im ¤lt‘t·s<¤··l. (`onst-·{m·ntIy_ l1tt|1st· drossws shonld ho tnadv oil wash-
ml, ahlo tnatorials.
han tiarntonts that art- m·xtrotin· in tashion art- a had lll\'t‘$llIlt‘lll
thv 1l* thvy soon h¤·t·otm· ont-ol`-datu attd tho w¤·at‘¤·t‘ l`<·t·ls <·<>llN[tit‘l1¤>11$
tirh ililtl ill-at-oaso, l,t·arn to soloot SlllNlllt‘tl_ pt·at·ti¤·al vlnlltvs f01‘
the stroot aml gt-noral woar; thon imlnlgo in frills aml oolors in
)`¤*llI` (wt-nittg· gowns.

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