xt7mpg1hjv94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mpg1hjv94/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1969 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- A Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Summer Session, Vol. 61, No. 3, 1969 text A Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Summer Session, Vol. 61, No. 3, 1969 1969 1969 2013 true xt7mpg1hjv94 section xt7mpg1hjv94  
University Archives
Margaret i. King Library - North
y University of Kentucky
  Lexington, Kentucky 40506

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]une 9-August 6
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voLUME 61 MARCH, 1969 NUMBER 9 E
A bulletin published monthly, Ianuary to October, inclusive, by the Univer-  
sity of Kentucky, Lexington 40506. Second class postage paid at the Post i
Office, Lexington, Ky. Edited by the Department of Public Relations. 1

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ia? c0NTENrs i
  ‘n.i    Calendar for 1969 Summer Session .. 5 I Agronomy ........................................ 22  
  Registration Schedule for 1969 Ammal Sciences   .......................... 22
  Summer Session .......................... 5 COOPCYRUVC Exlellsloll ···········-······-· 27
  _ Entomology ....................................,, 27 1
  Ceeeeel I“f°““*m°“ ···························· 7 Horticulture ...................................... 27
  Explanations and Abbreviations ........ 9 Plant Pathology .......4........................ 27
  Coluge Numbering System ________________ 9 School of Home Economics ................ 28
  Campus Map .................................. 24, 25 College of Engineering ........................ 29
  A ‘ 1 1 E ‘ ‘ ................ 2
ivy, Q xt. I   College ol Are eee Soieooee —-—·-·-·—-—-·· ll Cxriiticxrzlingllngelelrtligng .................. 23
  ieioieoeei Seeooe -·--—·····—-·—---—-···——··—— ii oini Engineering ........`,.................. 29
  ll l°P° °gl’ ···································· H Electrical Engineering .................... 29
    .n...... ...... ............. ....... ........... .......       nuiuuuluun  
  0 any -·--.................. . .........i,,,,_______ __ H Mechanical Engineering   oo
  g;]E1I';;;t;g’Caéig#é.............. ........ .......4.n.     Engineering and
  ····-·················~······· ~ Materials Science .................... 30
  Computer Science ............................ 12 _
  English .............................................. iz College of Cdooeooe ·-··-·-·····----···-·--·-- el
  French Language and Literature H 13 Adminiitrationdand Supervision ...... 31
  Geography ........................................ 13 Cumcll um im I“S““°“°“ ············ Cl
-·  Geology ............................................ 14 E A    V l I +4  1 w.  —  
  e»=·w;=¤1~;-;>-44».-M5. .....,_,.,  ._ . -***1** ·:~    ·,: , .¤.». -  ., ·, . -:f=4.-.=»1¤;;yéz5—.=:;.;:;&;;;.=._-4;:, ._ 41    ,4 ~     4 ,,.1,*  1 4
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ji  ‘
  ]une 9, 10 Monday and Tuesclay—Registration
 L ]une 11 Wednesday—CIass work begins
  ]une 16 Monday——Last day to enter an organized class for the Summer
 ri lm ]une 23 Monday—Last day to drop a course without a grade
  ]une 23, 24 Monday and Tuesday—Last clays for tiling application for an
{ ¤ August degree in College Dean’s Oflice
  ]uly4 Friday—Independence Day—academic holiday
`‘‘‘ i   ]uly 23 Wednesday——Last date to withdraw from a class before end of
  ·` Summer Session
  july 28 Monday—Last day to submit all required documents to Regis-
    trar’s Olslice for admission to the 1969 Fall Semester
  August 6 \¢Vednesday—End of 1969 Summer Session
  August8 F riday—Al1 grades due in Registrar's Oiiice by 4:00 p.m.
  ]une 9 Monday, 8:00 a.m.—Orientation of new freshmen and new
  transfer students, Agricultural Science Building Auditorium.
  Invitations will be issued by the Admissions Ollice.
  June 9, 10 Monday, 1:00 p.m. to Tuesday, 3:00 p.m.-Registration in
  Memorial Coliseum of all students according to the follow-
  ing alphabetical schedule:
 if  JUNE 0
  Monday Afternoon
  1:00 to 1:50-A - Bos
  2:00 to 2:50-Bot - Cok
  3:00 to 3:50-Col — Ec
  JUNE 10
  Tuesday Forenozm Tuesday Afternoon
’ 8:00 to 8:50-Ed - Cri 12:00 to 12:50-Pb - Ri
9:00 to 9:50-Crj - ]e 1:00 to 1:50-Rj - Ste
10:00 to 10:50—]f - Ma 2:00 to 2:50-Stf - War
11:00 to 11:50—-Mb-Pa 3:00 to 3:50—VVas-Z
I ]une 11 Wednesday——Class work begins
]une 16 Monday—Last day one may enroll for the full Summer Session

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 . Currzcula
 pr The University of Kentucky, a land-grant institudon, will offer eight weeks
fg?. of regular summer session work and post-session courses. Courses will be
  offered in eleven colleges——Arts and Sciences, Agriculture, Home Economics,
  Engineering, Law, Education, Business and Economics, Pharmacy, Medicine,
  Allied 1·Iealth Professions, Library Science—and in the Graduate School.
  Over and above its program of liberal education, the University Summer
  Session provides numerous opportunities for persons to prepare for specific
  occupations. The opportunities are in a number of fields such as: ]ournalism,
  Pre-Medicine, Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Pharmacy, Music, Library Science, Public Ser-
  vice, Art, Geography, Geology, Microbiology, Psychology, Sociology; Agricul-
  ture in its various phases, Pre-Forestry, Pre—Veterinary, Home Economics;
  Engineering—Agricultural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Engineering Mechanics,
  Mechanical and Metallurgical and Materials Science; Law; Elementary and
  High School Teaching, Educational Administration and Supervision and Secre-
  tarial Work; General Business, Banking and Finance, Personnel Management,
  Marketing, Accounting, Business Administration and Industrial Administration.
  Credit Hours
  Nine semester hours are considered the normal load for undergraduates.
  For graduate students, the normal load is six hours; the maximum is nine. .
  Graduate students who earn six or more graduate credits and who remain in
  residence throughout the Summer Session are assigned nine weeks of residence.
  rb? Fggg
 M  ..  3 1
  For the Summer Session, the full—timc fee for all Kentucky students will
  be $80. For out-of-state students, the fee will be $260. The hourly fee for part-
  time undergraduate students will be $14 per credit hour for Kentucky residents,
  and $44 per credit hour for out-of-state students. The hourly fee for part—time
  graduate students will be $17 per credit hour for Kentucky residents, and
  $55 per credit hour for out-of—state students. The Summer Term fee for the
  College of Law will be $16 per credit hour for Kentucky residents and $52 per
  credit hour for out-of-state students.
  Undergraduate applicants for admission should write to the Dean of
  Admissions for application forms, stating whether they wish admission to the
  freshman class or advanced standing. Applications and transcripts of credit
  should be filed 30 days in advance with the Oftice of the Dean of Admissions.
  Students entering with advanced standing should present transcripts from
iiir {   each institution they have attended. High school graduates are invited to
  start their college careers in the Summer Session.
  Graduate applicants for admission should write to the Graduate4School
  Office for application forms. Applications and transcripts of credits should be `
  filed 30 days in advance with the Graduate School Office.
  Students who were enrolled in day classes on the Lexington campus for
p   the Spring, 1969, Semester and were not dismissed may enroll in the Summer
  Session without any additional application, unless they plan to begin work in
  a professional school or the Graduate School. Admission procedures for these
schools must be met as specified by the school.
- 7 ,

   A student who was last enrolled at the University in the Summer Session,
  1968, and has not been dismissed, may also register for the 1969 Summer Ses-
  sion without filing an application for admission.
  Lwmg Accommodatzons _
  Room applications for single men and women should be made to the A
  Housing Oflice, Room 107, Kinkead Hall. Rental for a room in the residence `
  halls is $110 for a double room and $140 for a single room for the summer
  session, payable at the time application is submitted. Cost of housing during
  short courses depends on the nrunber of nights in residence. All full—time sum- ,
  mer school students will be housed in the new air-conditioned Blanding-Kirwan {
  residence hall complex. A $25 processing fee will be charged for all cancella— i
  tions received after May 26, 1969. ]
  Fumished efficiency and one-bedroom family housing units are available j
  in Shawneetown at $85 and $100 per month. Applications for family accom- l
  modations should be made as early as possible