xt7mpg1hjb2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mpg1hjb2r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1982-06 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 52, no. 1, June 1982 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 52, no. 1, June 1982 1982 1982-06 2012 true xt7mpg1hjb2r section xt7mpg1hjb2r .4 4 . 4 · v_··.   -4 I .» 4 . A 4 · ‘ 4 ' - »
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W? /Wg --·-f
Send to: l\/irs. Ruby Hardin  
University of Kentucky Alumni Association l
King Alumni House ‘
Lexington, Kentucky 410506
Enclosed is my check for S _ [$300 per person]   ‘
as deposit,  
' 4 I
Name[s] Y ·
  A  I
A Non-Regimented lI¤I1'I=ll\\l® Deluxe Adventure `  

 June T982 Vol. 52 No. l
I Commg Home/ 2
  Alumnus Jerry Claiborne ’5O returns home to the University of Kentucky as head football coach.
y A Master Attract10n/ 6
I The fundraising leadership of John Gaines and the illustrious Hammer Exhibit
I have combined to put the University Art Museum in stellar company.
I A Place for L0vers/ 8
  Only a remnant remains of the botanical gardens, once a grand and beautiful haven.
I N0 S1mple S0lut1011s/ 10
l Researchers and doctors at UK do battle daily to find solutions to some of the very complex problems
E that need to be solved in order to win the war against cancer.
; a
  LLS, Don t Catch It/ 15
i Little League Syndrome can strike the most well-intentioned parents and coaches.
l_ A Decade of Dues/ 17
  The I982 annual report of the UK Alumni Association shows that the Association is on solid ground.
. A Goal-Onented Execut1ve/22
Sherry R. LeMaster ’75, ’8l is one ofthe youngest women vice presidents in higher education in Kentucky.
. G1ft News/23
’ Alumni top million dollar mark for first time in l98l annual-giving campaign.
UK Beat/24
News from the campus. un|ycn|*y Agcmyq
Margaret I. King Library - North
l Class N0tes/ 26 _ _
. University ol Kentucky
An update on the alumni class by class by class.
l Lexington, Kentucky 40506
Peck s Puzzle/ 32
The last in the series of Peck’s Puzzles features the Eleventh Century.
The Kentucky Alumnus (USPS 292»840) is published quarterly by the University of 7982 OFFICERS: PRESIDENT Morris Beebe '4B, Lexington; PRESIDENT—ELECT Paul Fen-
Kentucky Alumni Association, 400 Rose Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40506, for its wick ’53; TREASURER Mrs. Joe F. Morris '3B, Lexington; SECRETARY Jay Brumfield '4B,
  dues—paying members. Individual dues are $15 annually with $2.00 of that amount Lexington. ASSOCIATION STAFF: DIRECTOR Jay Brumfield ’4B; ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR
I used in publication of the magazine. Second class postage paid at Lexington, Ken— Bob C. Whitaker ’58; EDITOR Liz Howard Demoran '68; MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR
— tucky and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send changes of address to The Ada D. Refboard ’39; Brenda Bain, Julia Brothers, Linda Brumfield, Margie Carby,
I KentuckyAIumnus, UK Alumni Association, Lexington, Kentucky 40506—Oll9. Ruth Elliot, Amelia Gano, Ruby Hardin and Ennis Johnson. ART DIRECTOR Elaine
Opinions expressed in The Kentucky Alumnus are not necessarily those of the Uni- Golob Weber.
versity of Kentucky or the UK Alumni Association.
 il I
. I I

{ I
hen alumnus jerry Clai- Charlie Branshaw, jon Ray and Fran       A A  ,A  
borne first arrived on Curci — has been dismissed. Only Collier     A
campus in mid-December had a winning record in all those years.   la·A   I
as head football coach, he "Coach Bryant ran a disciplined       I
litterally didn‘t know the players with- program," says Claiborne who played for `‘`‘`` *°f,`_j_" i·'‘‘r **5 `iaii   , ,
out a program. Bryant at UK, "and he tried to be fair   A A   AA    '  _A I
"I went in the office one day shaking with the players. I`m not Paul Bryant.   ‘’`‘ `    I   ,    A . I ,
hands with this good looking athlete and I've got to be myself, but he isn’t a bad  ,*4  . { ·   J  I
found out we already had the guy," relates model. He works his players hard and his “        I A
Claiborne about his early days on the job. coaching staff hard. The biggest thing is   ` E A
In the six short months since his he always sets the example by being the A f I
arrival, though, Claiborne has established first in the office in the morning and the A _,—,~ ` I
his staff, come from behind in the re- last to leave in the evenings,"     `
cruiting wars with a "fair" class of There`s no doubt, though, that I '; A  
recruits, familiarized himself with the Claiborne has been influenced by his · I
current athletes and held his first previous mentor. He played for him, he `
spring practice, done some public service learned from him, he coached with him \ . _ A
announcements and spentalot of time on and now UK alumni and fans hope he A , Q ,
the banquet circuit. will win like him at Kentucky. AI   2 * R ~_ ·
Claiborne describes himself as a hard Despite fh€ f€¤lifi€S of the past, - \`t~~ i   if I
worker, an adept communicator and a Claiborne has confidence in the future. ` `   *
flexible disciplinarian. He long ago "I’m excited as a college freshman. We're \ __,  
answered such questions as "who am I?", embarking on a new experience. I can’t
"what are my priorities ?", "what do I tell you about number of wins, but I can Heod caath Jerry cnaabama
stand for ?", "what do I expect of others ?" promise you we’ll work hard. I`m going to and the appellation of outstanding senior
He blends a forthrightness, almost to the need a lot of help from a lot ofpeople. It's in the College of Education. He also was I
point of bluntness, with self-assurance in time to bind the wounds. My goal is to put designated the outstanding senior on the  
his reasoning. the football program on the same level as '49 team and still holds the UK record for I
Frank Broyles, athlectic director at the academic programs and other athletic pass interceptions in a season, nine in
Arkansas says, "I think UKgot one ofthe programs like the basketball program." 1949.
giants in the coaching profession. He has And, Claiborne believes that the total "We want not only good athletes but
been one of the leaders in the profession academic and total athletics programs are people who are a credit tO the Univer-
He has maintained the high quality that compatible. More than that, he believes sity," said Claiborne. "The football
intercollegiate football should stand for, they are integrally related. program is just one part of the total uni- A
There is not a shred of pretense about While a student at UK in the late versity. The number one thingwe’re here II
him." l94(b, "Little Bear" as Claiborne was for is academics. When theuniversity has
Claiborne realizes that others have nicknamed by his teammates, was a good a Rhodes scholar, that helps the football
faltered since Paul "Bear" Bryant left student and a good athlete. He graduated program. The better the alumni "sell" the
Kentucky chasing after dreams of in 1950 with a 2.7grade point average on university in their areas, the better off the
what might have been had Bryant a Bpoint scale with adegree in mathema- university is in all phases. In academics,
` never moved on. Every coach tics, membership in Omicron Delta in athletics, in every respect we want to
since Bryant - Blanton Collier, Kappa and Lamp and Cross honoraries, be the BEST," he added.

( At Maryland, Claiborne says, about 93 Claiborne has also maintained his mem- University of Colorado when Maryland
( per cent of his four—year players earned bership as a K-Man. He has a brother in turned to him to establish a competitive
  their degrees. Owensboro, two sisters and a brother in program there.
l Claiborne feels college athletics is no Hopkinsville, a brother in Cadiz and a In the four years before Claib0rne's
  place for anyone to break rules. He tells sister in Lexington. One of nine children arrival at Maryland, the team had won
{ alumni audiences, "Please don’t get us in the Claiborne household, jerry was an nine and lost 42. It took Claiborne 17
  in trouble because we don't want to be." outstanding athlete in high school, the games to win nine. In the ten years to
l He advises alumni to help the football star quarterback in football, top statewide follow, Claiborne compiled a 77-37-3
l program by writing letters, making seed in tennis, and a basketball and track
I phone calls and selling the university to letterman.
i every good student and every good Claiborne came to UKin 1946arriving Claiborne Us UK sm, 0,h,m ly
athlete in Kentucky. on campus to take part in Bryant’s first ir
Providing good summer jobs is a very season. Small by SEC standards (5’10",  /
real need of the football program, says 170 lbs.), Claiborne worked hard to get \ ·
Claiborne, in which alumni can help us. the most out of the talent he had, earning R l
"There's nothing illegal about summer himself a place in the UK record book _`
jobs as long as the athlete works." that still stands today, 32 years later. s  
"I don't feel you have to cheat to win," After graduation, Claiborne took a job ~ ·; ,
Q, Claiborne adds emphatically. "I plan to at Augusta Military Academy in Ft.   g
A abide by the rules of the NCAA (National Defiance, Va., as football and basketball ‘ _ ji _
Collegiate Athletics Association), the coach. In two years he coached each team " s ` ‘l \
SEC (Southeastern Conference), and UK. to a championship.   "  
And, I expect our alumni to abide by In 1952 he returned to Kentuckyasan , <,
them, too." assistant coach on Bryant’s staff. When ‘ s
, Among active coaches in Division 1A, Bryant went to Texas A&M, Claiborne p » . ‘  · -
he ranks seventh in number of victories. moved with him. Then he went to the _ `   X
r. In 20 years as a head coach,Claiborne’s University of Missouri for one year, but     t. .   _ . _ F
if programs have never been investigated, when Bryant went to Alabama, Claiborne  ' » . -  
In taking the job at Kentucky, Clai- rejoined him to set up the Alabama  ,_   ' ·  {Th {gi-i· .5, ,
borne is coming home. "This is the only program. Frank Broyles said he once  ._;f¥¤;sé_ »e»¤ ¥   "  I
job in the country I would have left pressed Bryant into naming the best ST [  ,,. e i         ’
Maryland for,"says Claiborne. "Thisjob‘s assistant he (Bryant) had ever had and Ti? . i`  1 ._ Q  ,,.. (
l always been in the back of my mind. the answer was jerry Claiborne. _ __ V _   ~~ _,_ _
5 There’s something to be said for coming In 1961 Virginia Tech tapped Clai-   ”"   "··,_ .‘g•· ·‘**~ *i·····
4 back to where you went to school." borne for his first head coaching position. .   , ;   ·· . Q` .2
1 Claiborne is a native of Hopkinsville, Claiborne built a solid program during J,     s ;._;,~»  
T as is his wife, the former Anna Faye his ten-year tenure compiling a 61-39-2 _   Ti .-    €:$f`,;,';Z»,;";,;* ‘ ¥
Hooks. Both are UK graduates and have record. He was twice named Southern   QZ —,_.`r’;:._·.i?    r; 
been life members of the UK Alumni Conference coach of the year. He never el- {   p ,j§§j_g‘-;’ me f";· ·"i‘ ·`
Association for many years. Mrs. Clai- did learn why he was released ten years , 1    ‘· lx.   _ nf
borne served as an elected member of the later, nor did he seek an explanation. He ‘· , Q  g   T 9   g§;“'.é’· 7.ZL_7:’
Alumni Board of Directors in 1979. spent a year as an assistant coach at the kb ‘  ,Q,~.;E; , _.y/‘  _, , 

 record, took the Terps to seven "I never try to use foul language, and I with finesse or speed, but wear them
bowl games and three Atlantic try to be close to my players and give down with brute strength, which is com-
Coast Conference (ACC) cham- them guidance; but I also want discipline, plemented with skill, polish and know- ,
pionships, was three times named and I fairly well demand it." how.
ACC coach of the year and named fla- Every player from the 1981 team is Claiborne evaluates his first class of A
tional coach of the year by The Sporting starting with' a clean slate. "What’s recruits as fair. Speaking before the  
New!. He also f€€f¤if€d and coached 51 happened in the past is water under the jefferson County Alumni Club in Febru-
pli1Y€fS Y0 ¤ll·Am€fl€¤¤ SMFUS- dam. I've told these young men whatlex- ary, Claiborne appeared disappointed 1
Now he’s here at Kentucky with the pect. Now it’s up to them," says about the five exceptional Kentuckians j
immediate goal of putting the UK team Claiborne. who chose other schools, four of them I
on the plus side of the ledger. Again, his Claiborne says he can`t answer ques- even leaving the state. Claiborne says his g —
Wildcats will face one of the toughest tions yet like who will be the priorities in recruiting begin with getting
schedules in the country, playing nation- quarterback? "I’m just getting to know "all the outstanding players in the com-
ally ranked and bowl contending teams these guys. I've sat down and just talked monwealth to stay." Claiborne recalls as a
like Clemson, Oklahoma, Georgia and with every player about family, school child listening to UK football games and _
Tennessee. and football. Our whole staff has been wanting to emulate Ermal Allen. Whenit
Under Claiborne, you can count on studying films and now we have them out came time for me to pick a school, Iknew
this: Kentucky's players will wear coats on the field, taking a good look at them. I was going to Kentucky. Imagine my
and ties on road trips. Hair will be short, "Most of the first-team guys who have thrill at being able to play in the same
beards non-existent. Classes will be earned their jobs are still going tobeyour backfield with Allen. You see, the war
attended, degrees achieved. And hard best players," says Claiborne. "You’re intervened there. Iused to get fired up for
work will not go unrewarded. never going to play a younger guy just a football game just by sitting around *·
"My football players must adhere to because he has more eligibility. listening to all of their war stories."
curfews and dress codes," Claiborne said. "But as far as proving themselves,sure Claiborne says he and his staff will
"You will never see one with a beard or — they have to do that every spring and continue to recruit in New jersey, New
shaggy sideburns, and for our bachelors every fall, and there are always younger York and Pennsylvania. Ohio, Tennes-
the wee, small hours are but a fond players trying to win a job. Putting the see and Maryland also figure in his area of
dream. best 22 on the field is what it's all about." concentration.
"It may not make them better football Claiborne's teams reflect the man — The walk-on is another avenue for a
players, but they will become better fundamentally sound, unspectacular and successful program in Claiborne's book.
people down the line." highly successful. They win behind an "I never give a scholarship to a kicker
"There's gotta be a chief and there's unusually aligned defense — the Wide- until I see him perform under the pres-
gotta be Indians," he said. "I'm gonna be Tackle-Six — along with a tailback- sure of a college game." Once burned is
the chief. I will discipline them, yes sir. oriented offense, a sound kicking game
The discipline may be stern, medium or and by holding their mistakes to a mini-     E
lacking — I don't really know the differ- mum. ’‘’’   I
ence. lthink I know what it takes to win. They do not dazzle their opponents 1,. `_ _ __  "`  (
7" ` 2 ` ,v . *
Bob Goin, Roy Porter, Clniborne, Charlie Brodshow cmd Al Bruno during '49 season. 4 I I   W   i
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enough, says Claiborne who once had a words which is a characteristic that at The 1952 ui< eeeenang stoff included, kneeling, ren to
highly touted high school kicker fold. times doesn`t generate good copy, but he "9l”'i ClP'P°'"P* Ph'l C"'°°”"‘&P°'_J°'“P5 Sl l"°W P
. . ,_ , . resiouroni ond lounge owner in Birmingham, Alu.),
Some of his best recruits have been walk- adds Ive never had an unlisted phone Gnd S,¤,,d,,,g, C|,,,e,,C€ ··BUCkShO,~ U,,d,,.,WOOd ·5O
ons. He had two walk-on kickers at Mary- number and I hope I don't ever have to. (n¤-re¤·n¤d in Lexington), Jinn Owens, then
land earn e eeheieesnip and beeenne eu- I’ve eiweye been open te the media - Fe¤d¤¤¤¤h *’¤~_' Bw B~¤¤*¤¤dE*m¤* A"·=·>¤ 42-
. . . , , ,, , 47 (now on ossistom conch with the Dollos
Americans. Lest anyone doubt the success when I think it s appropriate. That s the Cowboys,
of walk-ons, Claiborne points out that a key — the key to understanding and the
few years ago a very successful Nebraska key of success for jerry Claiborne. in February was the luncheon speaker at a
team was led by walk-ons turned-scholar- While at Maryland, Claiborne refused meeting of the jefferson County Alumni
ship athletes. to appear on national I V at half-time ofa Club. I-Ie will address a meeting of the
Another plus Claiborne sees for UK is Maryland game. "I-Ie was polite, but he Hopkinsville-Christian County Chamber
the tremendous enthusiasm that sur- let it be known that his place was down of Commerce May 21 to which alumni
j rounds athletics at UK. "I wouldn't say there in the dressing room with his members in that western Kentucky
‘l recruitin will be easier here than at la ers." A confirmation of his riorities re ion as we