xt7mpg1hj926 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mpg1hj926/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1930 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 03, 1930 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 03, 1930 1930 1930 2012 true xt7mpg1hj926 section xt7mpg1hj926 if
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      i ,,,, At the Indian Queen Hotel   Washington the Finally, when the dinner was some four hours old, I
V V   stage was set for the cleverest political trap of 1830, President Jackson glanced up at Toastmaster johh °
V i I V a trap to catch President Andrew jackson. The trap- Roane, glanced down at a slip of paper in his hand, A
~ T I pers; Vice-President john Clay Calhoun and his dis- rose to his feet. The hum of excitement was quiehly
  = ‘ 1   gruntled South Carolina supporters. Their purpose: to silenced. The President raised his wine glass, said six
;. . V¤ *’*   make the President commit himself to South Caro- crisp words: "Our Union: It must be preserved!"
· fl _; lina’s extreme State’s Rights d<>¢t¤‘i¤¢. P¤fti¢¤l¤flY ¤ Dead silence followed the President’s toast thehi
;t 4 · state’s privilege of nullifying an ¤b¤¤> ‘ . . Q t
lg; clipgml have tieenllquilt, the Persians are traveling really change their way of doing things, 1    “
‘ . I more, oca oodstuff has advanced in price. and that the new might be more becoming   ,5- 1 
lmatm tm' While oranges, fish, and other products of and better than the old.   F
‘ t0? lengthy the Caspian Sea provinces are now Then came compulsory registration and   f
“at‘°“# °W’ g brought up to the plateau and sold at choosing of family names. Hasan the son _     ,
it St¤1¤_%"‘” reasonable prices. Best of all we see more of Hosein now became Hasan The J ust,   `Q
18§2- tt  , and more of our friends from America Highborn, The Vagabond. Fifty cents,   ,
0m¤S€ tatt é e who now find it possible to include Persia Eight Rivers, Lost name, Black eyebrow,   e
  game 1HI_§h€11` 1t]]it(E`3,]‘y {';,b]‘()3d_ b h d '[zghg @@58 S§%l€1`,fB(E`I'1   {2;-19 LION, €tC·,   L
l ar. owever, ese c anges are eing ma e e c. ema ero c oosing amiynames  
 ` at the expense of caravan drives and vil- became quite popular with the peope until »   f
‘ &g€S_ that marked the former stages of they knew what was to follow. When com- f , 1,
. tt}€_,l0111“Iiey. One decrepid village that I pusory military service Went into effect, Lj j l
V1S1t€d this summer still showed signs of then there was COnSte1‘DatlOH. Yet, all  
; ’ ée    f
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  Lv‘·   lee    --   . - - —....e .   , _‘ e

 »‘   Ilia l I
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_       Ll. F -
_ { ` I-,   2 KE1~rrUcKY ALUMNUS
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·   [ti .-   had to register else they could not enter middle school. It is now proposed that ‘
  ’- cI; ' school, travel from city to city, get a job. the questions be sent Iout from Teheran,
‘       _ or even be buried. However, we find it as are the certificates for all who pass the
 ` . F i . l   _ difficult not to sympathize with the lack regular examinations, We have Just this
· ; , I of patriotism when only 70 cents a month week received certificates for the boys
Z _ i 3     is paid in addition to poor clothes and food who passed the examinations 18 months
I * P I I _   for two of the best years of a young man’s ago. Such is the efficiency of strong cen-
i s t I F , ti life. This is the third draft that has been tralization!
- · , ·   · , i _ taken from Hamadan. Students are Minority groups like the Armenians and
 ` S { l V I l €X€n1Pt, S0 W9 a1`€ b0th€1`€d with S0m€ nn- Assyrians are strongly opposed to the reg-
. ~   I.   I   _ desirables who would use the school as an nlation that demands all schools to teach
 V     I excuse for exemption. OthersIa1‘e eXeH1pt only the Persian language through the  ·
I ‘ .   I I I ~ IIJQI because of dependents but excitement and nrgt four grades Yet the government is
. I _ ill. V   gig   bltt€1`n€SS have largely dlSali>li>€al’€€l as the insistent and the minorities are beginning
1 . l it . iis 3 Z.! people have come to realize that their to see that in Persia their success or fail-
nd i   =l   _ protests a1`€ of no avail. ure depends more and more on whether
V ‘ i I `     One of the chief efects of such a change they know the Persian language or not, `
3 I I l I _; ‘ is that the peope begin to realize that As yet the language has not been changed I
Y i t ·l _ l Q they have a government, that their own from Arabic script to Latin, as in Turkey,
‘ g l ,l`‘ * _ A will is not the highest will, and that they however, there has been considerable dis-
‘ = f ;   Q ' are part of a larger whole. Under such a cussion of the matter and such agitation,
A S i_ I , 1 · regime compulsory vaccination becomes though less than two years ago, still
 , I- ‘ . '   more feasible, especially when applied to stands a chance of being heard.
 _ ,; I students. AAS yet lJh€1`€ 3.1`€   l'1'l3,1'1y Sl'lO1“lj AnOthg1· Stop in the right dirggtion is
I I   comings ELS when all OLl1' StLl an atttttltla that already elapsed since the registration be-
¤§ would appreciate the motive even though gan in Hemedsn, less than 15% of the
  ;;' I the method may he defective. property has been registered. The people
`I. ` _l , Nor has education been left untouched still fail to realize that an order must be _
  a · by the forces of the new age. We are obeyed. They still believe that something
  . now asked to show our registration papers can happen, and they devoutly hope that
It , _ by a Department of Education that was something will happen if only they can a
il . ? not in existence 50 years ago when our hold out long enough.
il i I first schools were organized and our regu- In these days of financial depression it
ll I - lar program must give way to that which does seem that something might happen
ll. I has been drawn up by the Department. too. Persia’s coinage is on a silver basis
V I j An inspector has just visited the school and the slump in the price of silver has hit
 s I   I i and informed me that our Primary Pe- her hard. To this must be added the ef- i
I I r riods must be lengthened from 30 minutes fect of the general business depression,
it I , Il to one full hour and that drawing must the drop in the demand for Persian car-
I I l I be omitted since it is not in the regular pets, and the effect of having to buy a
‘l I I I government program! At least we can lot of foreign exchange to pay for the con-
°     - I say that Persia now has an educational struction of a railroad with foreign ma-
, ‘   program. It is based directly on the terials and foreign engineers, to which
I  ` i ` French system and all students must pass must be added the bills of four or five hun- .
3 I I regular government examinations at the dred students whom the government has
{ t end of their sixth year in the Primary sent abroad with the determination to
¤   AME school and at the end of the first and sec- catch up with the procession of progress.
·   ;   ond cycles, 9th and 12th grades of the A new law plans to place the coinage on a -
r   j   PI »
`   ` it ing 1
I he 5 I `i Ccki
t *1   t port' ‘
 . My »
 I .
. gr; - My'____ I___ _ ___ ,_ .... so .- ,   ,  ·
»   I ,i , City I·~ Sm'? _ - , rxiIQé_ii,,—\i·, lvnui;-sJ_gL 2 ,_)il—unI»»¤e· ,_;n¤~Im{rxp€_   I Q
     ’   ’    - , c` '   _ . my -  --.     P    s-—  V  -§l:e;a.. "     .·~—~i»·-g··-——   ···.·   .i.o _, 

seigit gold basis but it is not yell evident Wh€'Kl”l· the officials feel themselves over and  
SS thé gy the g`OV€1`HITl€HlZ Wlll StaY1d_tl”l€ loss 011 above the people whom they govern. Last   i
t this exchange or Hot. Surely lt Wlll bf! Zl 50Y€ year the governor celebrated the King’s   Z
, test of the loyalty and forbearance of the birthda b h ld` · ·    
boys . _ Y y 0 lng a second ieception .
Onthq people if they oro oollod oooo to ooor o on the night following the public eeeep-  
scan; 50% loss OU all th€U` TTIOUBY IU 01`Cl€l‘ to tion, A1; this Second recsmtion to which ,_  i  I
change to a gold standard. The iinances only the heads Of dspsrtsssnts and fO1,_ 21 ; ? 2
have gotten into an impossible condition ejgmsys were invited the govsmm. disr€_   l i
‘S ?*“Fl i smoo tho_l   try. We school people are on the govern- T §l ·  " `
olved. l- if  ’.;.»j',_i~f'iLil.·§g°;£j’ ._“  —l-" ment examining boards and our doctors   {
liéi/i ' i "    are on government medical committees ·T  
have i "‘ “ , . Q#i`v·-ei., gs of the different cities. Ours is far more e   ‘ 
on be- i than the task of interested onlookers. ”    
K its A