xt7mpg1hj885 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mpg1hj885/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1927-06-24  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 24, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 24, 1927 1927 1927-06-24 2012 true xt7mpg1hj885 section xt7mpg1hj885 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL







KY. JUNE 24, 1927



VARIED PROGRAM Law College Prepares
Room for Attorneys
OF CHAUTAUQUA Facilities for Research Work

Students Who Failed to Get
Tickets Must Call at Office
of Physics Department
by June 28

Redpath Organization Will Give
Daily Performances on
Stoll Field
The Redpath Chautauqua, which is
- being sponsored by
the university and
the Lexington Kiwanis club, will
its performances on the
northwest corner of Stoll field of
the university beginning Saturday,
July 2, and closing July 9.
All students registered for the summer session are entitled to tickets to
the chautauqua. t Those who have not
received their tickets must do so not
later than Tuesday, June 28, from the
office of the department of physics,
room 100 in the C. and P. building.
This room is on the first floor, to
the right of the stairs leading to the
main hall.
From indications the chautauqua is
going to be one of the most successful
that has been in Lexington. More
than 1,200 tickets have already been
sold and it is thought that 800 more
will be disposed of before he opening day.
All profits from the chautauqua go
to the Kiwanis student loan fund of
the university which is used to aid
needy students to finish their education at the university.
The program for the chautauqua is
as follows:
First Day
Introductory exercises; popular
by Chicago male quartet (afternoon).
Concert Chicago male quartet; lecture - demonstration, "The Science
' Story," by R. B. Ambrose (night).
Second Day
Folk songs and dances from many
lands by Ellenor Cook Company (afternoon).
Prelude Ellenor Cook Company; dramatic entertainment by Edwin Whitney (night).
Third Day
Concert, the Faubel Entertainers;
lecture "Girls of Today," by Florence
Heintz (afternoon).
"The Goose Hangs High," sparkling comedy drama presented by A

Work in Library Will
Be of Great Aid

A room is being outfitted in the
north wing of the law building for
the use of Lexington lawyers and
members of the bar who wish to use
the university law library of 9,029
volumes for research work.
Heretofore lawyers who came to
the law library to work have been
handicapped in that they could not
give dictation to their stenographers
because of the quiet rule in the library. This difficulty will be removed
by the new room.
A desk has been placed in the room
together with chairs and tables so
that work may be carried on with the
conveniences of the average office.
The room is especially suited for
research, being close to the library
proper, while many books line its
walls in shelves which reach almost
to the ceiling. The lighting facilities
are excellent, a large skylight open
ing to the north occupying a portion
of the ceiling of the room.
In addition to the law library, the
attorneys may also have access to the
main library of 75,000 volumes which
is located only a short distance from
the Law College.

U. K.


Annual Convention of American
Home Economics Association Attracts Many to
Asheville, N. C.

Several members or the faculty of
the university were members of a
group of home economics workers
which left the first part of the week
to attend the annua convention of
the American Home Economics Association at Asheville, N. C.
Among those going were Miss Sta-ti- e
Erikson, Miss Marie Barkley and
Miss Lily Kohl, of the teaching staff
of the university, and Miss Myrtle
Weldon, Miss Dixie Harris and Miss
Zelma Monroe, of the extension division of the College of Agriculture.
County home agents in the party were
Miss Florence McKnight, Beattyville,
Miss Ruth Reilly, Versailles and Miss
Zilpha Foster, Paducah.
member was Miss Alice Kinslaw, state
supervisor of home economics education.
Miss Weldon is chairman of the ex(CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) tension division of the association and
will preside at the meeting of that
division, and also make a report on
the work among home demonstration
agents as
Modern College agriculture. conducted by colleges of
The thirteen southern states enterJefferson, Franklin, Cleveland, taining the association will distribute
Lincoln, Could Not Graduate
souvenirs. Kentucky's souvenir will
be bags of bluegrass seed, each con
Says Whittlesey
taining enough seed to sow 200 square
Neither Jefferson, Franklin, Cleve- feet of land.
land nor Lincoln would be able to
graduate from an American University of the present day, is the verdict
of Walter Lincoln Whittlesey, profes- -' Dispensary
Gets Fluoroscope
sor of politics at Princeton.
The present tendency of colleges
turn out a uniform type of min9,
Within the next few weeks, the unihe says, and the whole emphasis of
modern education places a premium versity dispensary will be equipped
with a fluoroscope attachment for
on memory and glibness.
machine, according to an
Tightening up of discipline is due, the
he asserts, to cheap publications announcement made Wednesday by
which have made the average college Dr. J. E. Rush, head of the departstudent appear much worse than he ment of public health and hygiene. By
really is. "Young Jefferson or Frank- using this machine university physilin would be fired in short order to- cians- will be enabled to observe ob
day," he said, "for they would not jects through the
be likely to submit to restraints put the present time it is necessary to
take a picture, in order to use the
upon modern students. I doubt very
much if either would have lasted machine.
The hygiene department will be dithrough his freshman year.
ac"Lincoln wouldn't have remained in rected by the same staff next fall, ancollege because his mind would have cording to Dr. Rush who further
nounced that the same system of
so soon outrun the bounds imposed
that he would have been unwelcome would be examination nextnew students
used again
as a student. Cleveland never could
have graduated from college 'as it is
today because he was too slow a
thinker and lacked the necessary ability to talk or write glibly."
con--ce- rt

Music Department Will Present Comic Operetta
"Trial by Jury," a comic operetta by Sullivan, will be presented
by students of the music department of the university under the
direction of Prof. Carl Lampert
some time near the close of the
first session of summer school, it
was announced this week by Professor Lampert.
The operetta, which is a humorous breach of promise suit, will be
given in the men's gymnasium as
a university convocation.
It was
presented the past spring by the
girls' glee club of the
and was such a success that the
performance was repeated at the
request of people of Lexington.
The cast for "Trial by Jury" and
the date of presentation will be announced at an early date.

X-R- ay




Practical Training Is Given




Under Auspices of Home
Economics Department

Five university girls are operating
the Home Management House of
the home economics department of
the University of Kentucky which is
located at 162 Bonnie Brae, and which
opened June" 8 for the first session of
summer school.
This is the first time the house has
been opened during the summer and
it will be open for only one session.
This is being done this summer in
order to give the girls and teachers
who cannot be in school in the winter
an opportunity to work off this requirement for graduation in home economics. The girls in the house are
seniors and each has a certain duty
to perform each day in connection
with the operation.
The teacher in charge is Miss Mary
Day. The girls now in the house are,
Lenore Thompson, Versailles; ElizaVirginia
beth Graddy, Owensboro,
Howard and Jane Lewis, Lexington,
ajind Mrs,. Dan Teed of. Paris., ,

and former football star,

who is employed by a transportation
company working in South America.
In one letter Len told of his initia
tion into the order of "bath" given to I
those who cross the equator for their
first time. It was not as bad as some I
of the fraternity initiations he exper-- j
ienced at the university," he assured


Places of recreation which new
students may not be familiar with
are as follows:
Tennis Courts
In front of the C. & P. building
and near the men's dormitory;
Woodlawn Park; Duncan Park.

Nicholasville; Clifton, on the
Kentucky river; Valley View, on
the Kentucky river; Clifton Pond;
Y. M. C. A.; Lincoln
Boonesboro, on the Kentucky river.
Harrodsburg pike.







Executive Committee of University Trustees Increases U.
K. Staff at the Regular
Monthly Meeting



Westerville, Ohio Less than
of 1 per cent of this year's graduates of colleges and high schools of
the country drink to excess and fewer
than 5 per cent drink occasionally, according to a survey announced by the
League of America.
The statement is based on answers
to questionnaires sent to approximately 100 school superintendents
and 100 college professors. Most of
the larger colleges and universities
were said to have replied that drinking among the student body has
greatly diminished."
Princeton and the University of
Wisconsin were the only large universities in the country reporting any
appreciable amount of drinking.
Princeton reported the number to be
"very large, much ' more than one
half." The University of Wisconsin





one-ha- lf



Feed 1,000
University Cafeteria Provides
Lunches to Bankers
One of the features of the Wednes-- .
day meeting of the Kentucky Bankers' Association at the Experiment
Station farm was the box lunch
served by the university cafeteria.
The lunch in turn featured
fried chicken, ham sandwhich, cheese,
cake and other delicacies in each box.
For several days beforehand, cafeteria employees were kept busy preparing the box lunches. Some seven
hundred chickens were used, it was
reported, and other edibles were utilized in like proportion. Miss Lily
Kohl, manager of the cafeteria, was
in charge of prepairing the luncheon.
one-ha- lf




Idie Lee Turner, secretary
to Dean P. P. Boyd, of the Arts and
Sciences College, and Miss Katherine
Lyon, secretary to S. A. Boles, director of athletics, left Saturday for a

motor trip through the west. They
are driving Miss Lyon's automobile
and expect to visit Yellowstone park
and other points of interest.
will return in about a month.

Sentence About Coolidge Kicks Up Rumpus Among Noted
English Authorities; Problem Still Unsolved So
Far As Reaching a Unanimous Decision
Is Concerned
now means is this: "If Mr. Coolidge
really desires another term and it is
not certain that he should desire it
he might still be unable to say, etc."
with whether or not "would" and I am sending you the comment of a
used in the member of my staff, which may inter"should" were properly
following sentence:
est you. What I have said is not in
If Mr. Coolidge really would like agreement with it.
L. A. Sherman, Nebraska "Would"
another term in the White house and
it is not certain that he should he and "should" should change places.
still might be unable to say whether "Should" in the first line of the parhe will be a candidate for renomina-tio- n. agraph would be equivalent to "were
to" and "would" in the place of it in
TJ e sentence was submitted to 4,li2 the second case to "wish to," "desire
English departments of the slate uni- to." The distinctions here are about
versities of Iowa, Soutli Dakota, Ne- as puzzl'.ng and subtle as I remembraska and Minnesoto, with requests ber to ha"! saen. I hopp I have made
for opinions, and the answers wore as them clear.
O. C. Kollog,
South Dakota
Hardin Craig, Iowa My opinion is "Would' is correct if idea is optative.
that "would" and "should" are used "Should" is correct if idea' is that of
correctly. Whether or not they ex- propriety: otherwise "would" should
press the meaning which the writer
intended,, only, he can tell. ..What it (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR)


Will Come Within 3,500,000
Miles of the Earth; Body
Will Probably Be
Minus Tail
Astronomers and celestial observers throughout the nation are enthusiastic in anticipation of the visit
of the comet
will be best visible by the naked eye
June 27, when it will be within three
and a half million miles of the earth.
The comet, says D. E. South, head
of the astronomy instruction at the
university comes nearer to the earth
than any other known comet, except
the Lexell comet, which in 1770 was
only half as far away.
will not
The comet
be brilliant but may be seen without
the aid of a telescope near the first
magnitude star Altair in the constellation Aquarius, and will proceed
across the sky from east to west.
Mr. South explained that the comet
had been visjble with the telescope
since April but would be brightest,
as viewed from earth, June 27, and a
few days before and after that date.
No Effects Expected
No effects of the comparative proximity of the comet will be felt on the
earth, Mr. South explained. Astronomers, however, will eagerly scan the
sky for meteoric showers during the
time in which the comet is nearest the
Comets, says Mr. South, usually are
composed of a head, nucleus and tail.
will not
have a tail that is visible, since it is
one of the smaller comets whose perihelion points are near the sun.
At the time of its nearest approach
to the earth the comet will be closer
to the earth than any other celestial
body except the moon, a satellite of
the earth, which is
away. The comet will be 15 times
of the moon.
the distance
The comet
makes a
complete revolution every six years.
In 1921 the orbit of the comet was
closer to the orbit of the earth but
the position of the earth on its orbit
about the sun prevented the closer
approach of the comet.
At none of the comet's recent ap- e,







Now You Ask One


Here is the second of the series of
questions about the university which
the editors of The Kernel have com
piled. The answers will be found else
where in the paper each week.
1. What is Maxwell Place?
2. Who is dean of the Graduate






Are Attending Meeting
University Sponsors Conference
for Teachers of Vocational

Desirable Attitudes Through Human
Geography," "Changing Civic Behavior," "Physical and Mental Hygiene,"
"The Fine Arts in the Common
Schools," and "Conduct and Character
Through the Schools."
Other special speakers areDr. Theodore H. Eaton and Dr. R. M. Stewart,
also of Cornell.
Miss Alma Benzel
will be a special instructor for next

The executive
committee of the
board of trustees of the University of
Kentucky held its regular monthly
meeting Tuesday morning at 11:30
The usual routine was fol
lowed, appropriations, appointments,
changes, advancements and reappointments among the regular staff beinir
passed on by the committee.
The resignation of Professor H. J.
Scarborough, of the universitv law
school, was accepted. Professor Scar-

borough is leaving to take a position
in the law school of the University of
New Jersey, An appropriation was
made to make repairs in Mechanical
The following appointments were
Miss Pansy N. Myers was appointed assistant cataloguer for the university library. Miss Myers formerly
did work of this character for the
University of Minnesota.
Roy V. Sherman, from the University of Iowa, was tendered the post
of assistant professor in the department of physical science.
Iryjn H, Brune was chosen graduate assistant jn mathematics and E.
R. Pfleiderer received an assistant-shi- p

President and Mrs. McVey Will
Be at Home to Summer


Pupils During
.birst Term



President and Mrs. McVev will be
home at Maxwell Place to faculty
and students of the first semester
summer school on Wednesday afternoons from 4 to 6 o'clock each week.
Although all faculty and students
are invited for all of the four Wednesdays, yet in order to facilitate matters, each Wednesday afternoon is
designated for a special rgoup.
On June 22 the Graduate School
students and faculty were the guests


of Dr. and
On June
the College
the College

Mrs. McVey.
29 students registered in
of Arts and Sciences and
of Commerce, and faculties of these two colleges are especially invited,
in psychology,
On July fl students and faculty of
Those present at the meeting were: the College of Law, Agriculture
Judge R, C. Stoll, R. G. Gordon, of Engineering are especially invited.
Frank McKee, of VerOn July 13 the members of the Colsailles; McHenry Rhoads and Presi- lege of Education will be the honor
dent McVey. D. H. Peak served as guests.
secretary in the absence of Dr. Well-

ington Patrick.


Student Paper Banned;

President McVey was the principal
speaker, Tuesday, June 21, at a banApproved
Evolution quet of the Southern Bankers Association which held its annual conven
Requested the Reinstatement of tion here. His subject was, "Ken
tucky's Situation."
Professors Fired for TeachLast week President McVey deliv
ing Darwinism
ered the commencement
address at
Srawnee, Okla.
The Bison, stu- the Western Reserve Universitv.
dent publication of Oklahoma Baptist Cleveland, Ohio.
University, has been suppressed be
cause it printed resolutions asking re
instatements of three professor dismissed for teaching evolution.
The discharged professors were: Summer School Head Addresses
Indiana Teachers
Sinclair D. Conley, head of psychology and education department; A. B.
Newell, head of the English departDr. Willinm S. Tavlor. dean of the
ment: and J. Vernon Harvey, of the College of Education and director of
Botany department.
the summer school, left Tuesdav nieht
The Bison's editorial appealed to for Lafayette Ind., where the thir
"the Christian hearted, forward-lookin- g
teenth annual conference of Indiana
and intelligent Baptists of the vocational agriculture teachers is bestate to save Oklahoma Baptist Uni- ing held this week-enversity from the mistaken and hasty
The program for the conference,
action of the board of trustees, initi which is being held at Purdue Univerby a handful of students and ac sity, includes four addresses by Dean
quiesced in and actually encouraged Taylor on the subject of vocational
by a few members of the faculty who agricultural teaching.
are unfavorable to the administraDean Tavlor delivered two address
es yesterday and is scheduled to deA mass meeting of students had liver two more todav. ' He will return
protested against the dismissal.
to the university Sunday.

Dean Taylor Speaks

Meals, Dates, Amusements Given
Back Seat by Summer Students
Kernel Reporter Makes Investigation of Library Situation;
Is Shocked When He Finds Reading Room
Crowded at All Hours; Air of Serious- ness Predominates




One hundred men are in attendance
conference for teachers of vo
cational education which is being
sponsored by the College of Educa
tion in connection with the summer
Dr. Clyde B. Moore, who received
his Ph. D. degree from Columbia Uni
versity and who is at present profes
sor at Cornell University, is a special
lecturer at the conference. His sub
jects are as follows. "Some Changing
of the School," "The
Learning-Teachin- g
Process." "Chil
dren and Growth vs. School Subjects
and Grades," "The Three R's: To
What End?" "The Development 6f

at the

week only.


Profs Have Vigorous Disput Over
Proper Use of Should and Would

A friendly argument recently arose
in the thought factory of which this
department happens to be a small
part of the machinery having to do

Opportunities for Sports for
Summer Students

Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart Tracy have
received a number of letters recently
from their son, Len Tracy, university


One Hundred Teachers REGISTRATION


Former U. K. Athlete Is Working for South American
Transportation Firm

his parents.
Near the equator he said that the
scenery was the most beautiful he
had ever seen. "I have never seen
such absolutely blue water as the
Pacific is along here. Just about the
color of a Wildcat football jersey,"
he wrote.
Nearing a port in Peru he wrote, "I
saw the most beautiful sunset of my
life tonight. The gorgeous colors are
indescribable. It was different from
others I have seen. I Buppose that
being near the equator wn responsible. It came just as we wore passing twp islands which rise out of the
League Includes water 1,000 feet in the air. An old
Report on
shipwreck lying near the islands on
Liquor Question Among;
a reef added to the picturesqueness
of the scene."
Universities and Colleges
The ship on which Len was working
FINDINGS VERIFIED HERE carried freight of all descriptions, he
said, naming for example, barrels of
Drinking is one of the minor prob acid and mdre than 100 Ford cars.
lems at the University of Kentucky, a A load of dynamite was unloaded at
report recently compiled by the
a. port in Columbia to the relief of
League shows. Kentucky, to all concerned.
gether with a number of other schools
Len expects to get back to New
was rated as very "dry" institutions. York about July 28 and will return
The report which was sent over home for a visit.
the associated press wires-t- o newspapers throughout the United States

Princeton Professor

Add Equipment

Tracy Writes About
Experiences on Pacific

"Trial by Jury"

Number of
dents This

Term Equals
of Enrollment
for Year of 1926-2- 7
Post-Gradua- te




Total Retristration
of. 1.1 nd
Smashes Former Record for
Summer Term
Enrolling aDDroximatelv
as many students for the first term
of summer school as were reentered
work during the
entire year of 1926-2the graduate
school of the universitv with 218 stu
dents matriculated has betran its
fourth year under the direction of Dr.
Yf. D. Funkhouser.
Under the direction of Dean Fimfc- houser the growth of the era rlnato
school has been exceptionally rapid.
uunng its first year (1924-25- 1
sixtv- two students matriculated for advanced work. . In the second vear this
number was increased to 137. Last
year the enrollment in the graduate
school was 145 for the firsl session
of summer school, 85 for the second
session, and during the term, 132 the
hrst semester and 145 the second
semester. This made a grand total
of 507 and subs tract in c rinnliratow
left a total of 326 students enrolled
in graduate school during the year
twn-thiif- la




Starting out the vear 1927-2- 8 with
an increase of fifty per cent in the
siouuaie sciiuoii enrollment over tne
first session of last year's summer
school, university authorities are moat
sanguine over prospects for the gradn
uate school this year.
Beginning in September, 1927 the
university will offer a doctor's degree
in six departments: physics, chemistry, mathematics, education, psychology and commerce.
It is hoped that
within a short time it will be possible
to offer a doctor's degree in other
Several students now in attendance will be candidates for the
doctor's degree, it was announced.
Registration Smashes Records
The increased enrollment of the
graduate school is one of the important factors in making the registration for the current term the heaviest
summer school registration in tn
history of the university. When the
registrars office closed Monday, the
last day of registration, 1,104 students
had officially enrolled for instruction.
The previous record was 992, the
number attending the first session of
summer school last summer.
The registraiton figures of 1,104 as
officially given out by the registrar's
office doese not include some hundred
persons who are taking the two
weeks' course in vocational instruc
tion given under the auspices of the
Education College.
The Kernel was unable to pet ab
solute data on the enrollment by col
leges, but the approximate enrollment
is as follows: Arts and Sciences, 270;
Agriculture, 73; Engineering, 73;
Law, 25; Education, 386; Commerce,
24; and Graduate School, 218.

Mrs. Sies Honored
Is Made President of College in
Last week the Indiananolis Star
carried the following story:
Installation of Mrs. Alice Corhin
Sies as president of the Teachers col
lege of Indianapolis, will be a feature
ot commencement exercises to be held
by the school in Cadle Tabernacle at
10 o clock this morninc when 300
graduates will be given their diplo
mas. Mrs. Sies. who was formerlv
director of the curriculum in the public schools at Woodlawn. Pa., was
chosen as the new head of the insti
tution last April. Mrs. Evans Woollen, president of the board of trustees
of the college, will be in charge of
the installation ceremoaies.
Mrs. Sie3 came here several vears
ago with her husband who had ac
cepted a position in the College of
Education. A short time after arriving here, Professor Sies took pneu
monia and died within a few days.

Debate Topic Selected
Bill to Be Dis
cussed, by Students


"When do summer school students
eat?" As an enterprising Kernel reporter was browsing about the Administration building Tuesday on the
trail of that elusive
NEWS, ho found J. K. Hall and Sara
Lynn Tucker, librarians in charge of
the reading room, engaged in a philosophical discussion as to the possibility of existence without food, "for,"
said Mr. Hall, "the reading room is
crowded even during meal hours and
many of the students seemingly work
straight through oblivious to any necessity for appeasing their physical
appetite." Timidly the reporter ventured to suggest that possibly summer session students were literally
as well as figuratively swallowing
knowledge, but Miss Tucker assured
him that to date no books have been
discovered in a

Where did the College of Engineering begin on the campus?
What is the youngest college at
the university?
In what year did the university
win the basketball championship of the Southern Conference?
Who does the plaster statue in the
reading room of the Administration building represent?
Who is head coach at the university?
What is the newest building on
the campus?
Where is the radio station located
on the campus?
When was the university founded ?
If any





to test his heart The Kernel
suggests that he or she casually stroll
into the reading room the hottest part
of any afternoon. Then if he survives the shock of seeing some four
score persons earnestly laboring, the
aforementioned regular session students should be able to qualify for
the air co.rps, married life, or a Broadway
It was about 1:30 Tuesday afternoon when a Kernel reporter opened
the reading room door. As he did
so he felt very bold indeed for he
had attended the regular session and
like all such students he had regarded
the reading room as more or less of
a sanctum sanctissima, to be entered
only by the high priests of knowledge
plus a few frivolous-minde- d
who went there in quest of dates.
As the door opened, the reporter



The subject of interscholastic debates for Kentucky during the 1927-2- 8
session will be "Resolved, That the
McNary - Haugen Bill Should Be
Passed by the Congress of the United
States," according to a statement
made Monday by Louis R. Clifton, of
the extension department of the University of Kentucky.
The question which high school
throughout the state will discuss next season is especially appropriate in the rural section of Kentucky, Mr. Clifton said, and would
arouse nublic interest to a greater extent than past subjects for debate.
He said that the fact that the bill has
been vetoed does not make the subject
any less debatable, but it is still a
matter of paramount interest to the
electorate and therefore is an ideal
question for student discussion.

� idflTi



The Kentucky Kernel
The Kentucky Kernel is the official newspaper of the students and alumni
Published every Friday throughout
.of the University of Kentucky.
the college year by the student body of the university.
Entered at Lexington Postoffice as second class mail matter.


John R. Bullock
Theresa Newhoff

Irene Brummett


Elizabeth Carter

James Shropshire

Don Grote


high school diploma was a generation
or two ago.

"My mind to me an income is
And it is nothing more."
Charles A Richmond, president of
Union College, suggests in an article,
"Present Educational .Discontents," in
the current issue of the North American Review, that we paraphrase in
the manner stated at the top of this
editorial the immortal lines of Sir
Edward Dyer "My mind to me a
kingdom is," for, according to President Richmond, "in the minds of the
great majority of people today education is assessed upon a strict mone-

tary value."
This very able article by President
Richmond again brings into' the limelight the whole question of what is
the primary purpose of a college education. Woodrow Wilson once said
it is discipline of the mind. The
great American public says jt is to
enable one to earn a better living to
make more money. And because the
American public believes thisi it is attending college and sending it's sons
and daughters to college as never
before. Seven hundred and fifty
thousand men and women are enrolled
In .our colleges and universities.
bachelor's degree is as common as a



Is the American father investing
his hard earned money in a losing
A college man, the
proud possessor of his own Ph. D.,
having a daughter at college, is the
latest to take up the cry against
the .modern educational system. "Revolt of a Middle-Age- d
Father," by
I. M. Rubinow, in the May issue of
theAtlantic Monthly not only enumerates in detail the defects in the present system of college education, but
even attempts to offer a solution.
Rubinow evidently is in a position to
know of what he speaks.
In an effort to prove that there is
something wrong with colleges in
general the writer brings forth a
formidable array of statistics showing that college does not pay dividends. Nearly two billion dollars are
spent yearly in maintaining a "nonproductive existence" for an army of
600,000 young men and women.
Colleges give the average student
neither a systematic education nor a
scientific training. "First and foremost college delays entry into life's
Secondly, a
work for four years.
habit of excessive leisure is definitely

What courses do students take in
college today? History? English?
The classics? Hardly. Compare the
size of a class in ancient languages,
for example, with one in business law.
What percentage of students who
have no natural bent that way take
any more than the required amount
of English? Do students take cours
es in the physical sciences because of
intellectual curiosity or because of
the belief that such knowledge will
enable them to command a larger
salary? Is not the modern college
curriculum largely regulated by the
omnipotent dollar?
However, as President Richmond
points out, one must not get the idea
that a college is a monastery or
refrigerator for the preservation of
uninteresting facts. The purpose of
college is to produce superior men
men who will be leaders in raising the
To accomplish its purpose
the college must be a combination of
the theoretical and the practical, of
the scientific and the classical spirit.
But in this day of materialism and
commercialism, we must be exceedingly watchful lest we allow the
classical spirit the study of man, to
be totally eclipsed by the scientific
spirit the study of things.
established. . . Thirdly, college frequently leads to a greater confusion
at least as far as the personal problems of the studentare concerned." In
short, college develops the "type of
junior whose main talent