xt7mkk94bm2f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mkk94bm2f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-01-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 2007 2007 2007-01-22 2020 true xt7mkk94bm2f section xt7mkk94bm2f Faculty work on documentary to dispel
Kentucky stereotypes 1‘1 1 11‘“ 1t

Back-up QB Curtis Pulley will redshirt:

I1‘( )( )'III%.\I .l. N()'I‘I1‘.I$()( )K l’.\( II". (1



N o
IRI .8 Protect

comes close1

to complctlon

By John David Morgan




I K 1\ gettntg elmet’ 1111111111111111111 ~\\1teh 1n 1tx
computer systems 111 Itnch 11f 1111.11111; 1111 easier.
more .11‘1ess1hle \_\ \lt‘lll 1111' both \IlltlL‘nl\ .1111I 1.111111

I'he Integrated RUMVIII'UJN Int111‘111111111n Stxtetn
IIRISt l’t'nteet. I.111111‘I1e1l 111 311111.“ l'K'x 1-1'1111'1111
replaee the 111111l.11etl .11I1111111st1.1t1\e 11111111111111 \_\\
tents 1'111'1entl} 111 \11\ 1ee

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The 111111 11I111xe 111 the IRIS I’1'111e1t \\1IIe11\t $40
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:1ee111ent \} stem. I)e.11’1n:_1e1w1111l

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111111.1I enhancement 111 the ~\\t1-111~ 111 phase one.
I)e.11':n:_'et’ s1111l

IRIS ” 1' 1'I! 3


combines music
and images

\\1II 1I1.1111_'e the I.1_\1».1t 11f 1. .11.1111111‘.‘
he111I1111.11‘te1'\ .11 11" I11. 1: . 1111\1 111,1111‘1
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Police Dept. moves into part of
building vacated by Parking

BY Alice Havmond '11 I1.1‘1e 13111111 11111111' I 111I111.1

1\.1111.1/1-111\1‘11.1Iit111111.1\ 111111119

11} 1111111111 I1..1iI\\.1\ .
\I1*\I 1'1. 'II1


Larry Towell shares stories behind . .
his photos of conflict, comfort I 1 2: IIII..'I?I1‘

11 I I11\\

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11‘1‘.1\e111x11.1e11.1tth1‘ I I\ 1111I11e 11""I‘\1‘I"1I1'1' ' "V“ "I“‘VC 1'1111111le1l In 1I.1'|11 1111‘
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.111 :11 “IN“ -‘ 1'- ' ”MC III" Ihe hose-111111111 ;. 111111'1‘1II\
By John Crowell
‘ . .1111I ti11111x .111 .1I1I11t e1.-1:
\111111 I1‘11I.1\ .1\ I111 .1111I 11111 .1111: I‘d" II“’IAlI “‘ ”I'll-“I ”IV 1111x111l11111111g:

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\ \.i11\ .1

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[111-1.111" Renovations

Ihe 1111111“ neti ('.111.11h.111 11I111'11e1.1pl1er g.1\e
.1 111'e~1111t.1111111 .11 11.111 111 the R11I1e1't( .\l.1} 1.111
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.1111II1111‘11111111111111111111 \l1I1e \texenx I11eethet.
the} 11111\11Ietl .1 \1111111I11.11I\ to tell the \I111'le\ he
I11111I I111111II\ 111111111-x

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"i’I111111g1‘.111I1_\ 1\ the .111 112 \11111111II1111: " '

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1.11111 K.1111n.1

I11\\11II11penI\ blamed 1111I1111111nx 111 whys
IHI IIIllCII UI IIICM.‘ 1‘\L'III\ \It‘\k‘ll\ \1lILl IU‘1\\‘III\ I Separa‘e offices f0! each Sh.“ Comma".
“111k .1111I t1'.111i11 .1111t111Ie \kete 1It‘1'1en I\_\ I11111111n . 1 ‘. , . I- def
\111111111I1} I


R1 Vtwu 11w
8111.111 Hows

S230 000 renovatmns w1l'1ncl11de

I New dispatcher desks with bullet resisr
tant walls and glass


I New roll call area for officers to be
briefed before shifts

I New locker rooms and ev1dence space




hrees are a charm for Commodores

By Jonathan Smith 11' 11.111 1.1 .l11111n1l the three '11111 11.1- 11111
<1 1‘ 1211,11 1'1 1‘1 1.111} 1111111 111I1. .1111I I .11111I1\.:111\111111111I1.1.1
11111 111111-111I111e 111 then thieex .

Inhin Smith 1.\.11ne1I \11tI1 Iz1s 1111\111~ [11.111111 \1111111‘. 111.311.: 11111 \11 _“ [11‘911 .
tI1.1t \.1111Ie1'I1111 \\.1\ .1 e11111I ‘ 1‘11111I\I1W\I (‘111114 1 J i \1111th11.11te111(1111111111111111- 1I1e(111111111111111\1«1I11‘
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1111.1111111e 11.11111 ‘1 11

“4,11,“, (“,1 1, t 1.1“”) 1‘ N'Wt',” ‘ 1‘ «v

First issue free. Subsequent issues 25 cents.

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e111l111l 111111 \Itt‘.ll\ .11111 1'\te11~.Ie1I .1111-tI1et
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111111h 11.11Ie me 1111‘1‘11‘111\1“ "It's nut
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Basketball 1 : 1:16

Newsroom: 2’77 ‘19‘5, Advertising: 2572872


 PAGE 21 Monday, January r’tlll/

upeku Go to www kykernel coin for the solution



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your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun kernel ‘ Ql

'l've been far
from perfect'

Britney Spears finally acknowledges

























Aries (March 21-April 19) - ' . :1.

sin lfs

;,.'..t t‘ea. a
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e Di
ls 1t inn late in] Ite\\ )eat ~s
resnlttttniis’ :\tter kitkrne ntl
ltltl? \\llll set annther seandal
linked tn ltet lltlltlr[t;ll'l_\lllg
urns, Brittte) Spears seented tn
he lnnkttte lnr a ltesh start tn a
Jan. 5 letter tn tans nit ltet “eh
site \\ithntit lllc'llllt‘iltltg Iiet
tints tittattintts Ne“ Year's l.\e
gig at l.as \eeas eltth l’rire
isnrtie \sitnesses elatrtt Spears
nas sn drunk she needed in he
tartted nttt nl the tlttlt. \\htle her
rep rttststs the ttinrtt nl t\\n \\as
|ll\l sleep) l. the Isr-wat nld
singer pt'nttiised a tte\\ ('l) and
mm. adding. "1 ant rims trint‘e
nurture and teel like I attt itiial|\
'tt‘ee‘. llnnk tnt‘\\atd tn enttt
trig haek tltis seat trigger arid
l\ettet' than e\er."

She eet‘tainl) has lter \snrk
ettt nut lnr lrei Despite sheddine
partner in tin partttes trinte
I’atts lliltnn late last tear
\‘peat‘s ltas tnittrntred in part)
and atttatt had tte\\s l'he Ne“
\th‘k l’ttsl that li\e.
Spears retntd label. is entistder


trig; drnppine tlte stat alter she
stthrttttted slll‘t‘tli ttaeks int her
ne\\ ('1) ta tliaree tlte laliel arid
Spears rep detn l .\ snnt’te tells
l s that talks \\llll \antt} l'all lnt‘
a tn\et stnt) in (”hell it»
ittninh nltl Kean's hinthei. l.r\

den. »l ltlt‘lllll\, haxe lalien
thrinteh ia rep tnt' \ l' det lined
\tllllltlt‘l‘ill \leaiinhile. Rtihen
tiara}. tnttndei nl the laryest ttri

ntltt ial \peais lan site. \\nt'|d nt
littttie\. anttnttneed he “1“
tease pindnetinn nn Jan. 1I . en

in}: Spears‘ lnss nl "idenlm and
et‘edtlnlits ” l \en Spears ttiati

l..it'r} Rttdnlph. aeknnnl

"rneljr itin


edgietr his tltetrts

her troubles after ringing in the

ntettt” iii a Jan. 4 arttele tti l'SA
lndat tltat asked. "Is Speats‘ he
|ia\ tnt the kiss nl deatlt '"

It‘s a tittesttnn Spears seeins
tn ha\ e heett ttittlltng met her
seit "l'rttst me. I get it. I l\llU\\
l'\e heen lat trnttt pet'leetr” she
ntnte «in her “eh site. ‘,\ Spears
pal tells l's the star is '\\el|
a\\ are she tteeds tn trip her late
ntehts like a l>ee Ztl netting.v
at I -\ 's l.es l)eti\. \\ here a “ll
tress sa\\ her \nititttng iii the
lttttl l’rttt dnes she \sanl tn ‘ ".\l\
snltttel} she is part} trig.v
ititteh." s;t}s the (trend nl
Spears. \\hnse t\\t) teat ttiat‘
tinge tn ls'ex tit l5ederltne. 33.
ended Nm. 7 ”She knnns that
l‘tlt lt‘els she needs It) tltl it. She
\\ants tn he ltee attd e\perienee
\xltat slte tlltllhl.”


Bad Behavior

Despite her pinttrtse nt a ta
teet tnntehatk. Spears hasnt
eharteed her \tass. t)tt .latt
les l)ett\ Spears \sas spntted
dancing. srnnkirre and drinking
”fire \\.is dettttitel) in the rttnnd
in parts.” sins a \sttness [he
tte\t night, she \\etit tn \llll‘
\tea. \\ here art nnlnnket tinted
Spears lnnked "drunk and limit
lile " l'lia! \seekend. snurees tell
l s slte appatetttl} tlianeed her
Itttnd alinrtt t'etnt'dtne tn .\ltann
Instead, she stnpped in Shutters
llntel nn the Heath lll \anta
\lUlll\rl (altI . helnte hanging;
ntit \sith nne nl ltei ltaelslll‘
tlaritet's nn a rented hnal ttt .\1a
rttra del Re}. (Itltt .Jan ti "She
looked like she \\ as t'ela\etl titttl
liapp) in he here." a hntel snttrt e
tells l s at the star. \ihn hlasted

‘ at

S" New Year with new problems

a dettrn nl a llL'\\ snng lt‘nttt her
Met'eedes entt\ei'tthle.

Hut ttteitthet's nt Spears‘ itt
ttet are \snt‘t'ted
spinning nut in entttt'nl. “Her
parents tteht \ttth her e\et‘) da)
liseti her sister. .lantie l._\nn. has
been put tn the itttddle tn tr) arid
talk In her.” sass the Spears
lt‘iend, “Hrttite) is tnt'n hetueen
dnrng.v what she \\.tlll\ tn dn and
listening tn thettt."

ett'ele she is

What's Next

The i).ll’l}llly has alsn hurt
Spears image as a rttnther
l‘hnugh the Spears pal sass the
star spends "e\et'_\ da_\” “till the
kids. her incessant nights nttt
L'Ullld "ltkeh lnse het' hase Ul
suppnrt ll she enttttnties ptnieet
tire the image nt a negligent par
ettt." l1t'tt De/enhall. a et'tsts
itianagernettt tnnstrltant \sith
l)e/enhall Resnnrees. tells L's.
adding. "She needs a lttt song.
and she needs tn sta_\ ntrt til the
limelight and get her aet tneetlr

Spears trianaeer insists she s
dntng (List that ”She sees tltts as
a ehallenee that snttie tarts ttia_\
he questtnntitg her." he tnld
l'S \ 'lntl.t_\ "lirrtnes Spears
\Hll he hack attd almilittel) at
the tnp in the entertaintttent in
dttstt'} \er'} snnn." ;\ snttt‘ee tells
is that her (‘1). tetrtatr\el} titled
l'ear “llllllt. is dtie the seennd
hall til the )eat inn release date
has lteeti setl .-\s lnt' the part}
trig. the Spears pal says it‘s tettlr
pnr‘;tt'}' "She needs in get it nrtt
nl liei s) stern and then get l‘aek
lt) \tnt'k H


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Faculty film to show Ky. as heart Of U. S.

By an Mart


nestltykernel corn

Ron Eller had a problem with how Ken~
tucky was being represented nationally. So
the history professor did the only thing he
could: Find a way to represent Kentuckians
the way he knew them.

He approached history chair. Dan Smith.
about having faculty members working to—
gether to address Kentucky's image with a

"Kentucky is known for misconceptions
like ignorance. hillbillies and inbreeding."
Smith said. “But you can‘t understand
America unless you understand Kentucky."

Eller shared his experience working on
another documentary and Smith. who has
written several documentaries. began work
on a script.

The film‘s goal is to shows how Ken-
tucky is a mirror of Amenca. Smith said.

“Kentucky‘s history is symbolic of the
nation‘s history." Smith said. "It‘s like what
Jesse Stewart said. 'If these United States
could be called a body. Kentucky can be
called its heart.‘ Kentucky represents the na-
tion's beauty."

The project now includes a completed
script. Kentucky Educational Television
(KET) network support. companion teach-
ing materials to be sent to all Kentucky
schools and a ninesminute trailer.

Titled “Kentucky: An American Story."
the trailer was produced and written by
Smith and is being shown to help accumu-
late funding for the documentary. which will
have three parts.

The trailer was made. during Summer


Continued from page 1

“This is definitely a move up.” Pearl
said. referring to his current location as a
space with pipes and occasional sewage
drainage rather than an office. "It'll give
us the confidentiality to get through the

Moving roll call into its new location
frees up the other area so that contrac»
tors can start working in other places.
Monroe said. What used to be roll call
will soon be a locker room. with 2~foot
by Zsfoot lockers double the size of
the current lockers.

Currently. officers share lockers that
are not big enough for some of their sup-
plies. There will be enough of the new
lockers. which designed specifically for
police officers. for each officer to have
his or her own.

But not only will officers be more
comfortable with the renovations. but
visitors will also find the station more

The entrance into the police depart—
ment. which is currently in the back of
the building and requires visitors to be
buzzed in. will be moved. The new plans
call a side entrance that will include a re»
ceptionist area and lobby.


Continued from page 1

The IRIS Project. to date. has successa
fully implemented an integrated infonnation
system in place of the old financial system
and the human resource-pay roll system. ac~
cording to UK professor and IRIS Project
Director. Phyllis Nash.

As part of the new system. prospective
students will be able to schedule campUs
visits and provide infomiation about them-
selves electronically with the new system.

Also through the new Campus Manage—
ment system. undergraduate applicants will
be able to complete a single application for
university admission. scholarship opportuni-
ties and admission into the Universities
Honors Programs

In 2005. the my'lTK portal. purchasing.
student accounting and IRIS financials.
which includes grants management. were
activated through the new system.



2006 with the goal of having the documen-

tary and companion tools released by fall of

2007. But how soon that happens. depends
on funding.

Estimations have the project costing
close to $1 million; so far 5200.000 has
been raised and Eller says $I()0,000 more is
needed before filming can begin.

Gheens Foundation. a foundation dedi-
cated to funding projects that have long-
term impact on the state. donated $50000.
KET has also promised to help out with

“We just need to get the word out there.‘
Smith said. "Raising money is what's ims
portant right now."

The faculty members involved in the
project have launched a “funding cam-
paign." traveling all over the state and parts
of Ohio. contacting foundations. businesses
and individuals.

“We‘re teachers. not fundraisers.
we‘ve become fundraisers." Eller said.

According to Smith. Jim Host. a former
Commerce Cabinet Secretary. budgeted
$500,000 from the state department to help
with the financial costs of the documentary.
But most of the money went elsewhere
when Host resigned in the fall of 2005.

In the meantime. the faculty members
are waiting and teaching.

“We‘re still teachers." Eller said. "That‘s
our full time job. but this documentary is
our way of serving the commonwealth.“

The film will be theatrical. not encyclo-
pedic. and broken into three subjects: the
land. the people and the politics.

"This is primarily a film for everyone to

e " Smith said. "We‘re too detached from


The dispatch area will also have bul-
let-resistant walls and a glass window
between it and the waiting room.

This reception area will make the
department more accessible and give off
a more professional appearance. Monroe

The changes. though exciting. are
mostly about necessity for the depart—
ment. Monroe said.

"There's very little window dressing
on this: it‘s all needed." he said.

The welcomed renovations have been
in the works for more than a year. Mon-
roe said.

The budget for the entire project is
5330.000. UK administration is funding
most of it. but some money has been do-
nated by a former staff member who has
made previoUs donations to the depart-

Monroe said he hopes to have every-
thing. including the dispatch area. ready
for operation by the end of March.

"It's also going to help the morale of
the officers. being in something nice like
this instead of a dungeon." Monroe said.

The morale of the officers seemed to
have risen sinipiy with the anticipation.

Pearl. sitting with Lt. Bill Webb on
the desk the pair had just moved into
their future office. smiled.

“We‘re just tickled to have some»
thing new."

The my L'K portal provides access to On.
line bill payment. a service students have
been utilizing since its introduction in ()cto—
ber 2005.

The my L‘K portal. a system generally
available to students 34 hours a day. seven
days a week. offers students to access bill
payment as well as other manage other areas
through a single sign-on screen.

An active directory user II) and p‘ttsv
word will still be all that is required to ac-
cess the myUK portal.

In early 2006. Kentucky Medical Ser—
vices Foundation implemented IRIS finan-
cials. L'K's new financial aid system was ac—
tivated in March. and the IRIS human re»
sources-payroll and hospital inventory sy s»
terns. which includes an inventory bar-cod—
ing system. were implemented in April.

Budget preparation. plant maintenance
and Campus Management. which will re
place the current Student Information Sys-
tem. are also in the process of being conr
pleted. Nash said.

Campus Management is responsible for
event planning. such as building class

history. With this documentary you should
learn something about the past you didn't
know. Pan of what makes you now is what
happened then."

KET will air the prograun and the docii
mentary and accompanying kit will be sent
to Kentucky schools. The kit will include a
Web site. a database. teacher training work-
shops and a computer game based on the
popular television show (‘81: Come Scene
Investigation. The L'niversity Press of Keri-
tucky also plans on publishing a companion
volume with the documentary.

“School children in Kentucky rarely see
their state represented in national narratives
about the American past." said Kathi Kern.
history professor and a faculty member in
volved in the documentary project. "We
want to create a compelling film series and
an exciting set of ancillary educational nia-
terials so that history and social studies
teachers in Kentucky have good. high qualr
ty material to integrate our state's history
into the history of the country."

Actress Ashley Judd. who narrates the
trailer. will also lend her voice for the docu»
mentary. The director for both is Paul Wagn-
er. who won an academy award for d docu-
mentary short subject titled "The Stone
Carvers" in 1984.

While production is on hold until funds
come. faculty members working on this pro-
ject are enjoying the process.

“It's really satisfying to work collabora-
tively with other colleagues at the l'niversi-
ty " Kern said. "We're having fun working
together and. at the same time. we're trying
to contribute something important to the
community beyond I'K."



Continued from page 1

“His motivations are based on a hu~
.ianitarian motivation." Stevens said.
“There's no greater goal as a musician
than to make people feel things "

The presentation went further and
used specific instrumentation for each
section including flutes and noiscniakcrs
to simulate the indigenous music of I11
Salvador and police sirens to complement
the images of New York.

“I‘ve never seen images like these."
said Calvin Ilarmin. ti geography iunior
vv ho attended the lecture "I was deeply
moved by them all."

In the last section of his presentation.
Towell showed a collection of images
from his family and home in rural ()nr
tario The pictures were a stark contrast
to the images of terrorist attacks and
Middlevliaslern violence The lecture
ended with another of Towell‘s original
acoustic songs detailing the great Io\c he
had for his family and his home

"His photos or his iiiiisic would've
worked well by themsebcs.“ said art slur
dio senior ( harlic Thompson "The fact
that he uses them together creates an cs
pcrtcnce that is full of emotion "

schedules. student recruitment. admissions.
registration and academic history

The IRIS Project managers hope to be
rid of the current student sy stem and have
all of its previous duties transferred to the
new Campus .‘vlanagemcnt system. Nash

Work on the new system began in De
ccmber 2006, with d completion date set loi
late February 200".

The first activities to occur in the new
system will be Spring 2007 midterm grad
mg and the tidclwlrop w indow for t lilsscs

('ampiis Management functions. such .is
retruitment. admissions. registration. .idv IS:
ing conferences and equivalency dctcrriiina
tioii. are set to be activated by [ch 30.

Registration for both the Summer St 10
ind IaII 2007 terms will be m idc I\ III ib lc
through the new IRIS ( ampus Management
system .is well.

“It is imperative that students be in-
formcd about the upcoming changes and
what they can do to prepare." Nash said “I
know there will be many issues that will be
of interest to students "



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- Yates Elementary
School Tutoring, 4:00
PM, Yates Elementary

0 Swing Dance
Lessons, 8:00, Tates
Creek Recreation Ctr

0 Solar Car Team
Meeting, 7:00 PM,
DVT Engineering

- FUEL, 6:30 PM, 508
Columbia Avenue

College Democrats
Meeting, 7. 30 PM, 211
Student Center

‘ Center



PM, Student Center

Cats Den

0 UK Students for Life
. Meeting, 8:00 PM, 115

Student Center

0 Students Taking

Action Globally

(STAG) Meeting, 5:15

PM, 211 Student


0 University Christian
Fellowship, 8:00 PM,
230 Student Center
0 Comedy Caravan

. with Ryan Hamilton,
8:00 PM, Student
Center Cats Den

0 Voting Machines:
Does Your Vote
Count?, 7:00 PM,
Temple Adath Israel,
124 N. Ashland
Avenue, Lexington

- Mars Attacks! (SC
Film Series), 10:00 PM,
Center Theater
(Student Center)

0 Alien (SC Film
Series), 10:00 PM,
Center Theater
(Student Center)


- UK Ultimate Frisbee
12/17/06 10: 00 PM,
Intramural Fields


J 2









\ht’ tid‘v
iatroa'y .'.’ t .t'd/
Page 4

Megan Boehnke. »
Keith Smiley, t’ .

Wes Blevins, , , . ~ " '

Brenton Kenkel. ' t '

Kttmtr Erinotmii BOARD

Dartush Shela.

‘ t Jonathan Smith.

Ellie Fairbanks.
Chris Mites. ~



Advertise online
86 elections
via Facebook

()uline \ottng tor this _\eat ‘s Student (lo\ernntent
eleetion-eould great!) triipto\ e \oter turnout it stir
dents eari drag lllt’lll\t‘l\L’\ .l\\.l_\ t'rorii laeehook lortg
enough to one

Or perhaps. ss ith eatettil planning atid ptoniotioii.
l‘th'L‘hUtlh eould he the medium that hr'irigs the students
haek to 8(i

l.ast \\eek. Sti eoritirtited planning tor the upeonitng
sprtiig eleeiions ‘»\ hen proposals tor ortlitte \oting \iet‘e
suhnirtted to the Operations and lixalttations (‘ontntittee
()nline \oting ts alloued h} the SH eonstitution. httt aets
must he passed detailitig ho\\ the \ottng it ill he liattdled

In in te\\ rng these proposals. 5(i must he careful to
ensure the trite-grit} and seeurit) ot the election is main
tained \sith the addition or online \oting. But equal
\\ eight sltoiild also he gnen to making the eleetiori \ lsl'
hle to the students who should he \oting in it.

lo aetuall} iniprme \orer turnout. online \oting nitrst
he promote-d Students need to he a“ are that the} eari
\ore ortliiie. and the} need tlte details of “lien. \sher'e and
iron to do it Students still he most ltkel) to tote it
the) ~re eneoirtaged to do so \\lii!e the} ‘re ahead) online.
And that's \\ here l‘aeehook might help 3(3.

(iranted. using l‘aeehook is nothing ne\\ tor a earn»
paign the titaiorit). ll not all. ot the eandrdates in last
springs 8(i eleetiori had laeehook profiles and groups
representing thern llo\\e\ er. there \\as not rieeessartl) an
organi/ed ellort to ltllll a l'Lieehook pr'esertee into aetual
totes l‘re\ it'll‘sl). suelt art ettort ptohahl) \sould ha\ e
seen little suuess no matter llii\\ rnueli the eleetiori \\ as
ptoiiroted online. students uttuld still ha\ e to leak e the
eonttort ot their dornts and apattiiierits to “art in line at a
polling teitte'

\\ irli online \ottng. promotion through laeehook is
teasihle lhere are more than Isttiltt people iii the [K
netssoik on l‘aeel‘ook. the rtiaiotits oi \\htelt are tiiost
hkel} t urren‘t students and therelote eltgthle to \ote in
the \(r eleetioti lt \(l otttetals proniote tlte eleetion
through laeehook. the} rust nitglit tonsiriee students to
take a hrea horn ehatigitte their ptolile pietitres irt order
to ha\ e a sat tri student leadership

\ti tried online \ottng onee helote. tit (tttohei ~s
tieslirnttt eleettotts. and the results \\eie not inrpressoe.


the top \otej -tter reteited onlx Wt \otes. neatl_\ 3W1
less lltart the” hip \ttlt‘ ge'le't ilt'e‘ )t‘tll l‘L'll‘lk' liltt‘ llt’slt
irrau eleetior-s demonstrated that satirpls alloivttg onltrie

tttlw does r.t-' .tsell entourage students to \ote

l 'tlt/tng late-hows will not single ltaridedli torreet
the pmhlw' it sttraenr rttttiottr It's rttrportant that \(t
torttzztav to opt tat.- prosttal polling lotattoirs tltat are ad
\‘i‘tl.ilt‘l\ started and \t. til. long enough hours tttat students
tar: eitli'\t'llls'llil‘. \o'e daring other dour; tirite. streli as
tilitle ‘\\ttllillf.‘ ll: hetueen elasses or going tor dtititer at
The (‘ontieons

\\e iia\e toiisrsterttl} \.lll\'ll tor \(i to rtnpiernent on
litre ‘.o'.:ng heeause \xe heltens that it has great potential
to rtzttease sTtrdettr uttrrort: and thus help \(r hetter tellett
the \ltltltiti i“‘\l\ ll‘; ssllHt'llik'l‘dl‘ ol online toirirg tan

t it ;'s existetite ts piopeth ad


Brown was right