xt7mkk94bh7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mkk94bh7q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-02-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1985 1985 1985-02-25 2020 true xt7mkk94bh7q section xt7mkk94bh7q ____—__________________________—__________—__—____________ .
’ _ §-"‘;§W:§‘~ufi'? 4?} ,gfif‘.‘ ,1 .. ’ . "I: .Y, I"m§;e;53:f1'yfei‘- I“ a? . .V‘ .79": . 3:,» to" ,p 7.142923}! lg" '10. .A ’~ ta“. .gi*‘x. ,,1‘-‘_‘ . ,- i " .
B Time critic to k '
V . t 1 ° ' ’ ‘
squeak by , on e evrsnon s role . ,-
Wildcats in Am ° It '
Kentuck ails out l . . . , . . -. . . .1
B 0 f can feifejr; ce lead , Pulitzer Prize wmner says talk Will be . ; y .
~ “ 9' 4 ‘ inorm t' " t - . .-'
. .. Bywmuwmn g. . \ lv 1 _, g. f a Ive, entertaining, not boring _ _ . .
Staff Writer . “'1“- ‘* -' . , By NATALIE(‘AL'DILL —————______ ' ‘ y , '_
' X ' ’ \ ‘ I it Staff Writer ” . ~ .1 4- - ' .
University of Georgia freshman 5 -' “ " - \ h 4 / k I though! I! would b? .~ ' ‘
: B Cedric Henderson stood in the . \V C 3 William A. Henry lit. a Pulitzer . - > .. ‘ .r 2
hallway outside of the Bulldogs’ ' " y "‘.‘\‘ I 9%- .i Prize-winning television critic, will aperfect 10p [C . '- ‘1
_ locker room following his team‘s \\ ‘ ‘ . « p ,. \ , i bring his criticism to campus to- because if (the visual - ' Q, '
. " " victory over Kentucky yesterday. “h t - ‘ ‘ h .‘S ‘ ,E night in the UK Center for the Arts. - . . ' '

< He calmly answered questions — if a "3.“.4' -. . Henry. an associate editor of Time "Iedlum/ ’5 something .‘ . -‘ .

’ . .- some about Georgia, some. about \ ..!:. - 2-, magazine. will? speak about tele- We Should know . -.-‘ ‘ .
. f himself _ — while occastonally _.,. ‘ g. - I ~ , , vrston and how it relates to the fine . ,, . ' .

i high-flyinga passrng teammate. $13k]; W N g g -, ' I arts in American culture at 8 pm. in "70"? about If. . _ , .

g The controversy surrounding “ " . 2‘ '5‘» a , j”: the center's Recital Hall. The pre- ' ,‘ y .
Georgia and its questionable re- ML ' 4 :J‘ ’5' .v . y g sentationisiree. . . . .
cruitment of Henderson, which , . .. . ,. g. p . g A 1971 graduate of Yale L'niversr Doug l’Wartin. . -'
has prompted an NCAA investi- » >_ ‘ y ty. Henry won the Pulitzer Prize for - . _ . ,
gation of the Georgia basketball ‘. criticism in 1930. He said he will de- Honors Program mem’m ‘ . '.
program. just wasn‘t important ' . ~. . ‘ y ._ .- scribe the ways in which standard — .
right then to him or his team. ' x "' kt . g entertainment television. espet'la“) Vision was a good topic for the pro g ‘ fl ‘

What was important was 23.. _ __ p ‘ ’ situation c0medy. reflects charac- sentation . ‘ .1
Georgia's 79-77 win over the Cats, Q " ‘t . . teristics of American history and the “We‘re all so flooded With \‘isuiil ' .
the first one ever in Rupp Arena. g .. “~. - y relations between news and enter. media these days and often we don l ' . ' ‘
which elevated the Bulldogs to 11- ‘ ‘ .. ‘ ’ talnment know much about it. Martin said ‘ >
5 in the Southeastern Conference , ' 3:: t . I . ”' 3‘ "All of these things tie into a "We learn a great deal oi what we . ' » '
and into a tie with Louisiana U , 3 ‘i \ ) \ much larger aspect of American know through the media i thought it -
State for the conference lead ‘. an» ‘5. ‘ " l ' ' a . life. " he said in a recent press re» Vi'OUld l)" a perfect tOPW ht‘chu‘t' ll ' ‘
heading into the last week of mg ' W _», / ' .. ‘ lease. lthc Visual medium i is something . ~
ular-seasonplay. " 1; £3 1 -' " ’ ' Henry said the 45-minute lecture we should know moreaboutlt " _ ' '
“We just work hard,“ said Hen- .. c will be informative yet entertaining Henry hasa purpose. Martin said '
derson, a potential SEC freshman , _ “l'm going to do my damnedest not “i think he‘s domg it mainly lor .
of the year. “We don't give up. \ ' 7* ~ _ tobeboring. "hesaid. the students.” he said. “He strikes . ~
Good things happen when you . p ' Aquestion and answer seSSlon will me as someone who's appreclatiw »
don't give up.“ ’ v V NIX/0 , be held after the lecture and will be of what has helped him grow and he -
Georgia‘s share of the confer- ' followed by a reception which is wants to put something back into our . .
ence lead almost slipped from its ‘9’ w _ , _ ‘- open to the public, ucation " . “
grasp last Wednesday when the ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . ’ The presentation is sponsored by Martin refused to comment on the .
Bulldogs overcame a three-point g . ' a the UK Honors Program in cooper- cost (it the lecture. but said that it is y '
deficit heading into the final min- \I ! ation with the Office of Alumni Ala nOmmul ’ .
utetoslipby Auburn.86—84. ‘ _ fairs. the School of Journalism and ”(‘an “hO |> 0“" 0l only [“0 l’u- '
ThemiracleDawgs? the Student Government ASSOCla- lltlt‘r PFIZILWIHHIHR television ml .
Many were made believers 315- I ‘ ‘ 1'“ tion. us. has accumulated several other ,
terday' \ l “ ‘. o—J.‘ _ The Honors Program Student Ad- awards in Journalism lle recon-oil . ,
‘ ’ . . vi 'Committee. however. was re. the 1976 Story of the Year award
'The Bulldogs were down by - ' "Baum lSr n spmble for organizing the details ironi the New England Amid-intuit ‘
nine pgciints when Wildcat fresh- / "m ‘ of the lecture. including the subjpct Press. the 1976 Best Feature b} the
ma" Dawn?!" t°°k a pass Kentucky’s Kenny Walker goes up for a shot around Georgia's Richard Corhen in UK’s 79-77 matterahd Henry'Sltinerary 5"“ “gland ”“1"" ”"5“ “mm” '
from Troy McKinley and scored “‘1'h ' ' ‘ « . tional and the 1977 New En lurid '
l loss to the Bulldogs yesterday at Rupp Arena '5 ‘5 the hm time that the btu K ,
(5)34: 8{hip to Flu: them?“ ahead . dents in the Program have done i'Pleditorlalprize ‘ '
Yerelveyé'flféggn.‘ 5:31 to one. 70-69, on a hookshot by Hen- “Keeping the pressure on their Davender lost the ball and fouled something like this all themselves" (“"9"th Henri lb Times tht’ult’l‘
bu the Bulldogs g dersonatthe4:45 mark. guards enabled us to come Georgia's David Dum scrapping said Raymond Betts. director of the critic and rchews films tor Gwl
ry ‘ “We went out not playing in the back.“ he added. “Kentucky was to get it back. Dunn hit both free llOflOi‘S Program. Belts said all fac- tlemen's Quarterly He lectures reg . -
Georgia was able to get back zone," said Georgia Coach Hugh executing well. but as the game throws to give Georgia its first ets of the program were taken care ularly at ”imam thVtTSlt." imtl
into the game over the next seven Durham. “We‘re a man-to-man progressed our pressure began to leadof thesecond half, 71-70i 0f by students. the Mussat'hllht'lh’h lnstllUtt' 0'
minutes. whittling away at the team. To change drastically. tell.“ But witha little undera minute Doug Martin. coordinator of the Technology and has lusl complt‘lt‘d ' . ' -
UK lead and pulling to within well.you don‘t want todo that. On the next trip down the floor, SecWILDCATS.page6 lecture and a member of the com- Visions of America How We saw . . , g
mittee. said the group felt that tele» the 1984 Election .
Marathon dancers " LCC students finalizing '
set (1 b O l plans for advisory gro p ' '
0 ' it 8) ANDREW DAVIS adviser and a chairperson will be ' , .’ , a
1n attendanc f . raix SeniorStaffwr-jter chosenataFeb.27 meeting . g - '
e ’ 11“ S , p. * “They‘ll be a liaison between t'ac» j
. ' The Lexington Community College [my and students.” Taylor said ' , ,' '
By CHRIS WHELAN and mm, a local restaurant, and p - w has taken another step toward com. “There was no strong student vows - - -
Staff Writer the UK residence halls —— raised . pleting a student advisory council by here. Every other college on campus ' ' . , -
about $1.300 more than last year. ' 5 electing four students to' serve with has one- except LCC Every 00mm” * . ' .
'l‘im Peterson and Patty Thomas Last year, only five couples danced ' . g , the group. nlty college . . . has one. except . ' '
danced their way into an unofficial and this year therewerell. \ - - According to phi] Taylor. Student LCC' .
first place in the March of Dimes Thomas said that she decided to Government Association senator for Judy Freed. aSSOClate meessor In ~ , ‘ l ‘
dance-a-thon Saturday by raising enter the contest because it sounded _. i ‘5'" LCC. and one of the group's found- counseling. has been the ghoul"S . "
more money than their competitors. “like a lot of fun" and in the end '2 “3;, . l ers, the council will be composed of sponsor this year. She said LCC has '. . l '
The event netted about $4,500 in “everybodybenefits.” . ' ”WU" \ ."'"» him and Ann Wessels, the other 55A a Special Pmblem Wthh Splits It ‘ " ‘
pledges fortheorganization. The second-place couple was : “(a y’1df, k senator for LCC.among others. right down the middle 1“ academ- ' I ' "
According to Chip Morrow, a fi- Randy Vaughn and Sandy Flack and i s ' ‘ ics. it follows the community college '
nance junior and a member of the the third-place couple was Carla M ' ' “ Representatives from each of the SySlem and in StUdeht life. It {OllOWS ' . . ,
Complex Activities Board. the offi- PrimusandMikeMumper. " four major program areas and a UK,shesaid. .
cial winners will be announced Morrow said he was happy with 1. . faculty adviser will also be included. "We (also) have a l0! 0t part-time . . .
March 14 after all the money has theturnout. ,qe cw" ”‘ " . The program members elected last students. a lot of commuter and eve» . ‘ _
been collected. The delay in an- John Dietz, executive director for t: week are Andy Hiensohn, health ning StUdehtS We need to address '
nouncing the winner is necessary to the Bluegrass chapter of the March _. , R - technology; Brian Jamison. engi- their needs.“she said. ’ . ,
ensure that all the money pledged is of Dimes also said he was “very ’ neering technology; Ken Morrison. Taylor said the council is needed ‘ - -
actuallycollected. pleased"withtheturnout. “M"*—“"'/““'"""“" business technology; and James to improve communication between '
Thewinners will both receive a 19. The March of Dimes‘ main func- Patrick Appelman. an architecture junior. and Angie Vermil- Taoirmina. transfers and nondegree :tudezts and “lacy“; EVE 3:"! 3° . . . ‘
inch color TV, seem-place finishers tion is the prevention of birth de- lion of Augusta. Ky.. cool off after Saturday‘s dance-a~thon. Stu ents. l: tallieohgtah 231,12“: into COfld; . '
will receive ten-speed bicycles and fects, and according to Dietz, an ex- The rest of the council will be eration "
third-place winners will receive por- ample of how UK students see the Along with the placing couples. al- dinner certificates and a walkman composed of senators — one from Taylor said the organization ”has
table stereos. Morrow said. money earned in these fundraisers most everybody received some type were given out. each of nine interest groups, such as been in the works" since last semes.
This year‘s danceathon — which is the $16,500 that March of Dimes of prize Morrow said. Tlu-wghout All but one of the couples lasted data processing or dental hygiene. ter and members have written a l
was spomored by WFMl-FM, Tank domtedtotheCollegeof Nut-Sing. the day. door prizes such as albums, the entire eight hours of dancing. Taylor said. The senators, a faculty constitution,
‘ O , O . O
onv1cts pay bonds With pledges at J ail-a-Thon m
3y SARQLYN EDWARDS —————_———— tried by a Lexington judge. attorney in our uniforms and they lOCked l5 5 ‘ L I V‘
mtwm" “We went in our uniforms and they lacked °' “hm" “m“ “ a M" ‘" “P'm'demh't ”’5‘“; ”am" 1.. r “0......“- ‘- .
~ , , _ . , theevent.Heorshedecidesthever-- moneyjustlnsidethemall. .,.. . WWW- .,._,.,
Call 253-2822 to have a friend ar- us up msrde the Jail, I raised money just in- diet and then sets bail. ”You‘re el- Some people gotsoinvolved in the . India Let; if.- in
MN “MW“ Ml- 'd th [I n ways guilty. you‘re never innocent.“ Jails-Thou that they took out war- '- m M will III-I III
It's an act of charity — the would 5' e e ma - said Stephen Schwartz. 1 member of rants on themselves. “it got to warmth“ 5
annual Jain-“Ion. a find-raisins theArmyandAirI-‘orceRO'l‘C. where people were arresting them- _ . _ . , .. - . -.
event for the American Cancer So the amt or the bond — 3100 to selves and turning themselves in." pap-,8 silo-NIH! Quin
ciety £3110: starts today mules: Siep’m! Schwartz si,otio-— is many based on the co- said am: Greenwell, a member of . .. ~ fit = 15!?- ‘ e?
unti re 2. Anyone can ca member-0 t r lebrl stettlefthecrtminel. "Hit‘s than. 3 ,w. . we .5
society's office and with . m f "A myandm'n’mkorc “3... they (the judges) know or . the nun-n. in”
pledge, have n friend arrested m — m will a" M I raj Once arrested, the “convicts“are & {a .. g a: A.“ IL».
W in” ' m 3'" 't W With the help of the sheriff's as mother for stealing food from the WWI‘MV “'d- shin hide the lullfndfold to mite m; ",ZQW
ni- u“ I . m pertinent. mdf-duty poiieemen hitehui."uheuid.mhoiunothar may celebritie- m arrested thetrbeilmaiey. erenotgiven em»- . . .
M it"! so. mailman. u the Kenton wee taken dill-inc a cavity meet- lat ye”. M II WNW" aphonecall; you’re givene phone“
”Mimwhfifiamrtw 1'“ in... mi mm, the am h... whisked to W Hall and mount-.Mdalerhuwn- Greenwell said. They then call
W‘W”M‘° m” wilibenndebetweoaioa.m.ando lockedinleil. eruditeWiIdoItm-Nom frienthandbmineuatoukfor
chairperson d the Jello-Tim, the was safe from the meet mt: — the WMimv-We ‘-
p.rn.AwemntwithaphuiydIi-|e PW” mm! ~11 it M if
m m m M m“ N. W’ k W to h “ml" m m h m m M “I §a§€3§a$ . avg ge~f~tmafififiveéfli ‘
dble- This 'I volt-Item In isthelitutleddftothejell WW". ' Ch“ “1‘“ h“ ”“9 mall. "A low people had them (poo the vollnteen write down the ,W. ”its as; a; W.
Malawian-worm. ' t! m "I! hid the W ”' pie they were waiting with) ar- names and m or the people i ,- . org...” :3. «'4
Alpha Gum-I Rho hate-nit? Ind 11:: rerun is not always warned M “'1' “mi W ,‘l'hh rested wflle they were with them,” who have M money. and paid Jig ,1,
the Ullvu'etty'e norc mm. «unmet-mt. m to am too M m 9" Wendi-maid. out invoices. enuiweli said lest ,, ‘6... p . mg
“Monolith-My.” WWJmm-rd WW WW“- sehwuuwumudmwlth yartheymauedmzonntomo a ... i
backbone."undnyuid. ADPi. "We M our Nun 1“ 0' Mi 0* ‘W is «number-arm. "Weweot mommy. by“:

 1-Km71mm', mu 1“
intormation on this calendar at events is collected
and coordinated through the Student Cenhr Activities
. ....,_ -. m. mm W’mi 05W 68 Ken-
tucky. The intormation Is published as supplied by tho
on-campus sponsor. with editorial privilege allowed
for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on
the calendar, a Campus Calendar iorm must be filled
out and returned to tho Student Activities Office.
. Dssdflesfiaruvlibssasmsdnohwmnllsuaehymmmm.
' ~ . .. . . .. . . > ‘ ‘ : /Sc l t
0 Exhibitions: Table Cloth 8. Schroll Paint- 0 Exhibitions: Universal Photo Exhibition 8 e Exhibitions: Universal Photo Exhibition 8 8. .MEI:::ib"AIA°:dsia/Cl;::::::: :Cfigyls' :Oflggfi
ings-Center tor Conterporary Art; 12.4;30 PM; Sale: 245 SC: 10AM-6PM1Coll7-8fi67 Sale;245$C;10AM-6PM;Cal|7-8867 Ga". '
Call 7-8143 ' Lectures: 199°” 9* P°Ul Robinson; 230 SC; 0 Movies: Tho Postman Always Rings Twice; . Ethibitions' Universal Photo Exhibition 8.
e Exhibitions: Frank Herrmann-Paintings; ”- 8 PM: Ca117-5641 ' $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30 PM Sale' 245 SC' 10AM- 6PM: Call 7-8867
’ 5 M-F/2-6 Sun./12-5 Sot.; Rasdall Gallery: Call 0 Meetings: Emergence Feminist Women s e Luncheon: Forum by Al Smith on issues - _ .. . . . .
t - . 0 Mowos. The Postman Always Rings Twice.
, 255-7850 Press "199""95 5C: 5330 PM: Call254-2946 Confronting Higher Education; S2; 412 Rose: 5‘ 75_ Worsham "1.0,“. 7.30 PM
o Concerts: Lecture/Keyboard Master Class 0 Movies: Revenge of the Nerds; $1.75: Noon-?: Call 254-1881 ‘. Movies: Film 'Sdgdr Cane Alley" SC
W/ Edward Parmentier; Center for the Arts; 1- Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM . Other: Drama by Black Kat Players: 'Dutch- Th ' . 7.30. PM ,
. 3:30 PM;Coll7-4900 0 Recitals: UK Brass Choir-Roger Ridenour, man' 8 ’0M Killer’: SC Theatre: 7:30 PM; Call :op?’ : A Funn Thin Ha pened Way '0
' 0 Exhibitions: Universal Photo Exhibition 8. Director; Free; Center for the Arts: 8 PM; Call 7-5641 Forumf'yzb-Pub/SS-YSN 2 Sr? Cit-”Guginol
‘ ' Sale; 245 SC; 10 AM-6 PM: Call 7-8867 74900 0 Workshops: Financial Aid Workshop: FT“; "”0"", 8 PM“ Call 7-3298 '
. . e Meetings: Romans: A Letter to Non-Con- ' WOI’RShOPS: Business Procedures 106 Frazee:5PM: Cain-3383 . Recitals: Recital b students in brass dept:
formisfs. A Bible study: 412 Rose; 7 PM; Call Workshops-Travel Procedures: Rm. 15 Memori- e Workshops: Summer Job Search; Free; F . C t. i th YA"! 1130 PM- Call 7:
, 253.0329 al Hail; 10-12 noon; Cail 7-1851 103A Mathews Bldg.; 3 pM 4333. en er or e , . ,
' ' Movies: Free screening Of 'The Sure Thing'; . Other: UK Water 5'" Open House; '06 SC; ° Other: UK Water Ski C'Ub Open House: 0 Recitals- Faculty recital: Patricia MontQOm-
. _ Worsham Theme. 8PM 10AM-2PM;Call7-1411 _ . 106 sc; 10AM-2PM; Call7-1411 "y Piano Com“ for "‘6 Am; 8 PM: Ca" 7_
0 Other: Schedule a tree therapy Marriage- ”8 Other: dCollzglme' 4'.” QAOMbSGéShIg Drive; 4900 '
/F 1 minor; Free: Funkhouser: Call 7- a intereste stu ents inwte : 115 :7 M . ' ‘
4 772':m y se 0 Meetings: UK Snow Ski Club meeting; 113 A. Spelt}; UK Basketball vs. Tennessee, Rupp
. . . . rena;
0 Other: William A. Henry lil Pulitzer Prize SC,7.30 PM C0ll7'794‘ . . . W rk h . Al mni Job Club: Free; 100A
‘ . . Winning Critic: Center for the Arts; 8 PM: Call .7A'l’thgglsli7c82mopomon Club meeting; 205 Mathesvs :ldc’g‘ff5z30uPM
‘ 8-3352 _ SC' ' a - 6 0 Other: UK Water Ski Club Open House:
0 Other: Minority Career Fair; 206 SC; 10 1065C: 10AM-2PM: Call7-14ii
» ' AM' 1 PM; Call 73442 0 Meetings: UK Fencing Club meeting-equip-
ment provided; Alumni Gym; 7:30 PM; Call
0 Movies: Tightrope: $1.75: Worsham 0 Exhibitions: Cronbrook Academy Graduate 0 Movies: Tightrope; $1.75; Worsham 0 Exhibitions: Cronbrook Academy/Sculpture 3
Theatre: 7:30 PM Student Exhibition; Fine Arts Bldg.; 12-4:30 PM: Theatre; 7:30 PM 8. Mixed Media/Drawings 8 Models; Rosdall
' Sports: UK Cool Cats vs. Purdue: $3- Call 7-8148 0 Sports: UK Wheel Kats vs. Cincinnati Fly- Gallery
Stu./$4.SS.Sb-Pub.: Lexington ice Center: 8:30 'AcademicszMerit Doy1985 ers:Seaton:11AM;Call7-1623 0 Meetings: Romans: A Letter to Non-Con-
' PM: Call7-3928 0 Movies: Tightrope; $1.75; Worsham 0 Lectures: Basically Bach Series Lecture by tormists-A Bible study; 412 Rose: 7 PM: Call
' ExhibitionSI 105' day 0‘ the Universal Theatre; 7:30 PM Dr. Gerhard Gerz: Center for the Arts; 2 PM: 253-0329 '
Photo Exhibition 8 Sale: 245 5C: W AM'6 PM? 0 Sports: UK Wheel Kats vs. Cincinnati Fly- Coll7-4929 0 Movies: Free Screening of 'Lady Hawk:
, Call 7-8867 ers; Seaton; 7 PM; Call 7-1623 0 Concerts: Trio Sonatas Concert; Free; Cen- Worsham Theatre; 8 PM
' Pl°Y53 A Funny Thing Happened...Way ’0 0 Concerts: Guitar Society: Oscar Ghiglia, ter tor theArts;3PM;Call7-4929 0 Workshops: Resume Writing Workshopl
Forum; Sb-Pub/SS-Stu. 8 Sr. Cit.; Guginol guitar; SS-Pub/S4-Stu.; Center for the Arts; 8 0 Concerts: Central KY Youth Orchestra Con- Free; 103A Mathews Bldg.; 11 AM
Theatre: 8 PM: Call 7-493 . PM: Call 7-4929 cert; Center for the Arts; 3 PM: Call 7-4929
0 Workshops: interviewing Skills Workshop: 0 Sports: UK Basketball vs. LSU: Baton 0 Plays: A Funny Thing Happened...Way to
. Free: 103A Mathews Bldg.; 9AM Rouge; TBA Forum; So-Pub/SS-Stu. 8 Sr. Cit.; Guginol
° Other: First Annual Black Student Union 0 Plays: A Funny Thing Happened...Way to Theatre:3PM:Cal|7-4929
Cabaret-Keith McCutchen Quartet; SC Ball- Forum; So-Pub/Ss-Stu. & Sr. Cit.; Guginol
room; 7 PM: Call 7-5641 Theatre: 8 PM: Call 7-4929
' Other: K“Pi": Delta Fundraiser for ”"9 Pre' 0 Other: Cronbrook Academy Graduate Stu-
vention of child abuse: Turtland MO”: Noon-5 dent Exhibition-Opening Reception: Fine Arts
PM; Call 8-8245 Bldg.; 6 PM: Call 7-8148
0 Other: DTD 8- KAT ice Skate-o-thon tor ° Other: Fundraiser for Child Abuse-‘Atter
American Cancer Society; Lexington Ice Cen- all it shouldn't hurt to be a child'; Lexington
ter: Call 269-7454 Mall: Noon-5 PM: Call 8-8245
’ . Movies a Arts 8 COMO?“ 61:11) Intramural and Athletic Events
I = 2/25: Concerts: Lecture/Keyboard Master Class w/Edward Parmentier; Center
\ - ' tor the Arts; 1-3:30 PM: Call 7-49w 2/28: UK Basketball vs: Tennessee; Rupp Arena; TBA
‘ 225: Free screening at ‘Tho Sure Thing'; Worsham Theatre; 8PM 3/2; Gum" Socigfy; Qua.- Ghigiia, guitar: SS-Pub/S4-Stu; Center for ch. Arts; 3/1: UK Cool Cats vs. Purdue; $3-Stu./$4.85.$6-Pub.: Lexington ice Center:
2 '26: Revenge oi the Nerds: $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM 8 PM; Call 7.4929 8:w PM; Call 7-3928
227: The Postman Always Rings Twice; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM 3/3: Trio Sonatas Concert; Free; Center tor the Arts: 3 PM; Call 7-4929 3/2: UK Wheel Kats vs. Cincinnati Flyers: Seaton; 7 PM; Call 7-1623
, 2 28: The Postman Always Rings Twice; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30PM 3/3: Control KY Youth Orchestra Concert; Center tor the Arts: 3 PM: Call 7- 3/2: UK Basketball vs. LSU: Baton Rouge: TBA
228: Film 'Sugar Cane Alley'; SC Theatre; 7:30 PM 4929 3/3: UK Wheel Kats vs. Cincinnati Flyers; Seaton: 11 AM; Call 7-1623
, 3'1: Tightrope; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30PM 2/25 thru 3/1: Exhibitions: Universal Photo Exhibition 8 Sale: 245 SC; 10 AM-6
' _ 3/2: Tightrope: $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM PM; Call 7-8867
. ' 3/3: Tightrope:Sl.75:Worshom Thoatre:7:30 PM 2/28 thru 3/13: Cronbrook Academy/Sculpture 8 Mixed Media/Drawings 8
: ' 3 4; Free screening at ‘Lady Hawk', Worsham Theatre; 8 PM Models: Rasdall Gallery
_ -, 3/2 thru 3/ 13: Cronbrook Academy Graduate Student Exhibition; Fine Arts
. Bldg.; 12-4z30 PM; Call 7-8148
2/26: Recitals: UK Brass Choir-Roger Ridenour, Director: Free: Center tor the
_ . . Arts: 8 PM; Call 7.4900
, a _ ' 2/28: Faculty Recital: Patricia Montgomery, Piano: Center for the Arts: 8 PM:
. . Caii7-4900
1 .. 2/28: Recital by students in brass department; Free: Center for the Arts; 12:!”
‘ PM: Call7-4900
' " ’ ookin Ahe d
' '. . Meetings and Lectures “:35. Special Events L a a
V ‘" a/s: ux Baseballvs. BailStato(H): Shlvley Field: 2PM "d H
V: ' ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ I ~ - : : :7 PM;
' 7' v 2 26: Lectures: Legacy Of Paul Rebmson‘ 2305C: 8PM: Cail7-5641 3/25fgzdhz'r'c53cmllleozyilrestherapy Marriage/Family seminar: Free: Funii- ails-mm” Dom. com.“ Public invited $2 SC Gm Ba room
. ' 2;: :fif‘figgqhw 5"” “m" by 0" Gm“ 0°”: “m" '°' "‘° 9"” 2 housorBldg.; Cail7-7761 3/5: Minority Career Fair: 2055c; 10AM-1 PM: Coin-9442
' 4 - l ' ‘ a ' 2/25: William A. Henry 111 Pulitzer Prize Winning Critic; Center tor the Arts: 8 3/6: SECTournament: Birmingham
~ 2 25 Meetings: Romans: A Letter to Non-Coniormists-A Bible study. 412 Rose, PM: Call 8-8352 3/6: UK Baseballvs. Eastern Ky. (H): Shivley Field: 2PM
7 PM Ca" 753-0029 2/25; Minority Coreer Fair; 2065C; iOAM-i PM; Coin-9442 3x7: SECTournament; Birmingham
‘2 , 2 26 Emergence Feminist Womens Press meeting: SC; 52:!) PM; Call 254-2946 2/26 thru 2/28: UK Water Ski Club Open House: 1“ SC: 10 AM-2 PM: Call 7- 3/7: Lastdeytodropocourse
' 2 26' Cosmopolitan Club meeting; 205 SC, 7 PM, Call 7-8646 1411 3/1; Last day I: w/draw from the University or reduce schedule and receive
. 2 28: UK Fencing Club meeting-equipment provided: Alumni Gym; 7:” PM; 2/26: Collegiate 4-i-i Membership Drive-all interested students invited; 115 SC: any refund-Request retund thru Registrars Ottico; 107Cpillis Bldg.
, . . «11277-9309 7PM
3 4 Romans A Letter to Non-Conlormists-A Bible study: 412 Rose; 7 PM: Call 2/27: ForumbyAl Smithonlssues Contronting Higher Education:412loee
. 753-0329 2/27: Drama by Block Kat Players: ‘Dutchman' B 'Owl Killer': SC Theatre: 7:”
. , PM: Call 7-5641
3/1: First Annual Black Student Union Cabaret-Keith McCutchen Met: SC
‘ - , Ballroom; 7PM; Cali 7-5641
~ , 3/ 1: Kappa Delta Fundraiser tor the prevention oi child abuse; Turilend Mall;
Noon-5 PM; Call 8-8245
3/1: DTD s KAT ice Skoto—a-thon tor American Cancer Society: Lexington ice
Center: Call 269-7454
' 3/2: Cronbrook Academy Graduate Student Exhibition-Opening Reception:
, . Fine Arts Bldg.;bPM;Coii7-8148
- , 3/2: Fundraiser tor child abuse-'Aiter all it shouldn't hurt to be a child': Lex-
'. ington Mall; Noon-5 PM; Call 8-8245
2/28 thru 3/2: Plays: A Funny Thing Nappened...Wey to Forum: “Pub/“Stu.
I Sr. Cit.; Guginol Theatre: 8 PM: Call 7-3298
3/3: A Funny Thing Happened...Way to Forum: “Pub/“Stu. 8 Sr. C1t.; Gugl-
nol Theatre; 3 PM: Call 7-32”
2/26: Workshops: Business Procedures Workshops-Travel Procedures: Rm. 15
Memorial Hall: 10-Noori: Cain-1851
2/27: Financial Aid Workshop; Free: 1“ Frasee: 5 PM: Cell 1m
2/27: Summer Job Search: Free: 1m Mathews Bldg.; 3 PM
2/28: Alumni JobClub: Free; lMMethesvs Bldg.; SzflPM
3/1: interviewing Skills Workshop: Free: lMMethewI Idg; 9AM
3/4: Resume WritingWorhshep: Free: INAMetthdfl.: 11 AM

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(,eorge Barker has ruled that parts presence of adults accused of abus- defendant to personal confrontation ' Shmm' c”, | “MIDI! I COHICCI L37“ SPCdCIII'S
of a new state law about testimony mg them. and crossexamination. 00d DION Dry . I
in} child sex-abuse cases are uncon- Barker said that testimony record- I log. Mott's $13.00 ' $3.50 I
stitutional. ‘ ‘ ed on Videotape or a recorder is not Barker made the ruling Wednes ' “09' lodiu SMOO ' with valid U.K. ID I see Your dOCTOf-II'IOI‘I DI
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court procedures that are outside of to-face confrontation between de- man accused of sexually abusing a . ""mm'm . "WNW” I 09 CI ‘ CCIIOI‘I ' ’
the authority of the state begis- tendants and child~abuse victims," i-yearoid girl, Attorney John Sch- """"--*---------l '
lature.which passed the law in 1%. While Barker acknowledged that rader. who Is detending Leslie Wil- -------------
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