xt7mkk94bg27 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mkk94bg27/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-03-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1971 1971 1971-03-31 2020 true xt7mkk94bg27 section xt7mkk94bg27 . ; 3 3
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C ;; «2-44 2 2 ‘ 33 .s a». ‘ teachers “g0 ahcud and teach _
\ ;. . ;\ 3‘». ' 33x.;.3333:»‘333;33 3 .. ;,3:.3'}.:. " - ~
3. :~ -- m. ~- - -: the way they feel they should. _
Miss Lu Mattone (foreground), a coordinator in a local effort to loosely-structured project would be $350. (Kernel photo by Dave "0 501d: hOWCVU- that ”10)
o o ' ' ~ aa ‘ ~ \‘ 3
establish an mdependent grade school, talks wrth Interested Herman) should not be too creatlve too
participants at last night’s meeting. Tuition for the soon.

 L. _ IV —- ~ ' ‘ " l J .1
Z—TIIE KENTI'CKY KERNEI., ‘Vednesday, March fil. 197! _____________________________
(EFNI’V'A t.»\I’l The Sovtet weapons and toxins. illl'mf‘fliillc ””31 posliivli‘ USLi news kernels
. . .. . ,. ' i- ' ‘ ‘ ‘ "'te ames ' eonar
Union broke nearly two years of H“ ‘1'“! l’r‘W'd” for L m c L“ '.
deadlock in the Geneva destruction of all these arms told Iht‘WSIhC” ”1C SIOVICt move From AP reports
disarmament talks Tuesdav b\' within three ”10th after ”19 was a major step lotward m . l
. , agreeding to a Western idea of a treaty enters into force. .. :20r£336?“{Segqtuiilorifi' ‘l He WASHINGTON~Louisville will offer the National '3
‘ separate ban onI biological Th? SOVlIt‘t l’OlIlC)’ 51““ “‘13:“: 1:: s] indm la W; L elatr Democratic Committee “warm hospitality” and “all the tel
weapons or war. The move came L‘OlInCldBd Iw1th SOVlCt Iparty I L y d EHB yt' 5;:ng- ' money it takes to put on a good convention” if that Kentucky a
‘ ‘ ‘ as a surprise. 911191“ Leonid L Brezhnev 5 call Officeovl/lelggintecl thr; [Ssoviefirglin city is the site for the 1972 National Democratic Convention. to
- A b a nd Oh i ht! P Tt‘ViOUS tor a fivetpower conference on draft in a formal statement les: Lewis C. Tingley, executive director of the city’s Convention II
‘ OPPOSili00~ SOViCl delegate "MICE” disarmament, made at than an hour after it was Bureau, told The Associated Press Monday that Louisville “is
' - I Alexei A. Roschin presented a the opening 0f the Soviet resented in Ceneva not in a position to give an exact dollar figure” for the amount I50
. draft convention prohibiting CommUHISt party congress 1“ p Cosponsorjed b. But aria it would spend on the week-long convention. Costs may later In
, development, production and MOSCOW- I C I, ‘h l . k" y H g ’ rise, Tingley said, and more money may have to be added to ma
\‘IOCkPilihtl 01‘ biological Western reaction was PZCQ OS ova ld’ ungary, an relimina fi ure it resented to the Democratic 0f
, . - ‘ Poland, Romania and Mongolia, y p. , Iry g .' p “
I ' , the Soviet draft was virtually the Committee S Slte Selection group. bei
same as a British draft . . . . .
' , - - SAN CLEMENTE Calif.~PreSident Nixon Will make a l par
convention trodu‘ d 't ‘ . . . ’ . '
. -. . H011 SC OI)€I]S debate 7S-nation talEs by bill/CINE; televrswn-radio address to the nation April 7 to announce l be
. Until now the British ro losal continuation of American troop withdrawals from Vietnam. 5 ShO
. ' d f . had been stiffly opposed) b; the Nixon had promised to reveal by April 15 plans tor continuing l tha
’ " . .. . ' 4- ~; w r ' * ‘12.500mena t 80
‘ ‘ ‘ 011 I a t CXtenSlf)Il Sov1et bloc, who had msrsted on ”It txxmpullouiatatleast ”urn/LEI“ rI‘lt,‘ OtI T. _ . l' . l W
I a puCkagC ban on [70th biological n‘iCI‘iui LllLll nab ULLH lll L'llL‘Lt ID] ”If: [)dbt )tdl.dlllLTI{, 1211‘“, . M
. . - ) , ,- -, - , - 3"." . . \ o
“‘Aslllxb'fox t.-\l’l l)cl3;ite year to the present two-year and chemical weapons. :iiiilarsmi figgézjtlgnsMré lwilie (31:51:: (if XSLIE?“ 1300;: the
on a t\\o-_\e,it' draft extension 'nonuiilitary service requirement The Soviet draft provides fora in Smith Vrietnani- will. liave‘been reduced front 540 000 ll] L. I
. opened in the House 'l'lwt-Iil‘llr for conscientious objectors. ban on all biological agents and early 196‘) to ‘84 000 ' A ' Arr
. mth 101“) ~tur\§. \lIlmlg ml m. A host of amendments. toxins that are not specifically ' L ‘ ' rea
l' I budget-busting pa} ancenmes including at least thrcetotietlie designed for the prevention of SAICON American fighter-bombers struck at North In
ilmlnpmlmm \\'i\on\ “/cro d:att ItviItIhIe)lnitocluna war. are :11]:;;Ii)::q or other peaceful VietnamCSC artillery positions in the northern half of tlic Shh!
, . trat vo tlllit‘a’l. tin}. k‘ 'pec H t l«t\‘~ ~~ , H. ~., , . .. , ‘. .. .. ‘ ~. . . he
lloase Republican {Mung llnu‘e \lialt opponents plan It also calls for a ban on all (flirgllllllgdiignlln5:11,];”Euggilllx”Illu:_tl:fi:)::i. ‘81:”(71:12.3)”:232i tou
' “Child R. likml "1 \l‘khlifilh ““3 m" I" ”1' 1“ ”boll”! the military equipment or means Of ‘aid Piur )ldllk‘dfi stand the attack andireturned'sifelv Tlierc “I“
. hp personaih hm)” the Milk- Selectixe Senice System. then delivery employ ed in the warlike :vlm‘ 1:) reiiiirtsthatztliev liiti'm‘v “1an m the 7one‘divi'din , the to].
, tripling the President“ block any dratt extension use of “B-weapons.” Signatoril‘s Vi-iniiins I i ' i ' g i l i k pros
, . I $987-niillion PM) request to $17 halvond its June 30 expiration would be pledged not to assist or The command announced Wednesday the loss of three at“
‘ I billion as a “major incentive to then try to extend it one year encourage any other country to -. I . , ‘ _ . .. ‘~ .' I
I move to an all-volunteer force .. instead of two. violate the treaty. helicopters in northernmost ()uang Tri Provmce. bringingIto I‘
. .. I . _. _. .f 102 the number of choppers lost on both Sides of the Laotian g
f ' chph 0;“ "' ll ”\dCI‘ Di?” border since the South Vietnamese drive into Laos began Feb. so,
W10 as een a ea mg base I, 8.
'I critic of draft and other defense arallel talks seek
- _ dec1s1IonsI, 531d hebmiyttryNiU “It WASHINGTON—The acting chief of the space agency said I) ‘
the pay mctrleaslelo 3“ “00 ixon S d o o 0 today “there is every indication” the United States will lose its
~ reques 0” m use 0 r. t M d t h“ lead in space exploration to the Soviet Union—and may not be e' h
. . t 1k] dgh t1 clare hoIvleImuch they en 0 1 gas 1’8 ng able to catch up again. Presenting what he called a constrained l l
a a 0“ OW ”“1 ary payia budvet for the Nat'onal "eri‘wt:~ ' d S - ‘ Adm' ' tr t
. ' . 38 P‘W‘P'" any increase is a NEW DELHI (AW—The forcesandthefOHOWCrSOfSheik Geoige M Low said thzieuw‘ill i): iilyoigdiaey Octuilsatanizgt’ l"
- . prleclty substatntialIIiIrlcrgalsc. IPikIcl‘ UnditfddStaIteS, Ithke Soviet Union Il\:1l:ljibut: kRahrtnlantsThAwaImi space installations. He also forecast increasing unemployment Univ
" . t: 1d SIPWIGZ: d I370 o) SIJI'VIII an n Ii: {”0wa mg ‘3 Boiling“ :gue r01 eI Eu faso Yursday. in the aerospace industry, and said as many as 30 percent of its (I CI”
. S 9” . .‘ increase . ,, mum HIPPTQQC . O ring ‘11.] en 0 . e . p ane 0." O. 6 ugoslav scientists and engineers may be out of work by June 1972. “I”
-. . think 18 irresponSIble. fighting in East Pakistan, Indian evacuees arrived in New Delhi a re
. . I, , . INionn afskeli the S987 mlllhorl offigial sources reported froln Dacca len rIoute to Belgrade CANBERRA—The Australian government will withdraw prIesi
as e ”5 'yL‘”, pay 005 ues 3y; . WI 1 accouIn 5, 0 the situation ”1 1,000 of its 7,000 troops in South Vietnam before November, “(ml
. toward attracting enough The highly placed sources said the provmcral capital Since Prime Minister William McMahon told the House of Si
. volunteers to end need of the discusSions were under way in Sunday. Foreign newsmen have Representatives today. McMahon said two infantry battalions wit}
. . draft by June 30, 1973. Washington, Moscow and New been expelled from East will remain. Laborite Gough Whitlam the opposition leader Hos,
. ‘ ‘ The House Armed Services Delhi, in addition to talks at the Pakistan and the government has charged that such a force would be “dangerously exposed." ' here.
. ' - Committee boosted that to 32.7 United Nations. imposed heavy censorship Si
. ’ billion. tying m PCMGEOh “The three countries have throughout the nation. WASHINGTON—Labor leaders in the construction industry . currt
, .‘ 1 . - PTOJCCthHS for the second-year been in fairly constant touch The Yugoslavs, representing pledged Tuesday to fight President Nixon’s new wage i the
, . I increase. The White House has about the situation, to see if families of engineers and stabilization plan “with all the legal power at our command.” I“
, » taken no public stand against some common Step5 90““ be technicians working D3003~ said Union presidents from the 17 crafts covered under the wage UK
, ' that action. . . _ agreed on.” a source close to the the army was in full control of plan said, however. they will abide by the law. They issued a Wild
I . Both Ford and (JQPI Whip lndian Foreign Ministry said. that city and that there did not statement calling Nixon’s stablization move fundamentally seven
~ ..: .- the President has not asked them also were being held with other “The streets are full of soldiers called strict controls over wages PM“
I. ‘ i ' , [0 try to ”Slow hlS P11)" ”(111951 foreign missions here. and the people are moving more
. O“ the ”9”“ “9"“ . . The general reaction has been about, 331d one tCCthlan- MURRAY. -The Murray State UniverSity Board of Regents. adva
The bill before the House that the developments are very Some shops are closed, but mulling over the school’s proposed fiscal 1971-7” budget ”0
. I. , ‘v. .)w‘x . ‘ ,‘ ., . I) s l' ‘ i i, .i h .. ii
- ‘5 mm... 0‘
, ~ _ . ‘ ‘.- s . a ' e'c1u “ (‘. - . a -
I ‘i including ”1090 Mr divinity solution foiind " headderd t A French toriris: who flew out enrollment have cominIned to make the budget a tight lg]:
. I stud‘nt‘ 'nd would add a third ‘ Tl __ . ‘l I: . did of D' . tl I l . mathematical problem. Dr. Thomas B. Hogancamp, Vice cn l
_ L 5‘ d ‘ d“‘lL “HIEILS‘IifilMVUI'I “b not “TliC’La $113353?” pgnc “ld‘ president for administrative affaiis, said six academic ““5
‘ I . 51:1;er ‘11 ““0” VHS eing contrdl :oatTlig/riszii: If; army personnel and 20 administrative and service personnel have (”3,0
' . . Q C ii ‘ C . _ I. ) Slgns b j ,l j u ‘ H [C
. I GEIIOClde A U. S. Embassy spokesman of resistance in the city." ecn released to take up the slack. the
i. , ' , confirmed that diplomatic Hosp
, t 1 discussions were taking place T . the l
. ' ['63 V betWeen India and the United L l ‘ t l t d 10 p
I. v" States about East Pakistan but 1161111) Oylnen pr0posa PBJCC 6 cost
'I - . . said he could not disclose any handl
' '- al)prove(i details. WASHINGTON—A preposal too low to trigger the extended with the 26 now paid by most launi
" - The diplomatic offensive was to require all states to put into benefits. states. micro
' ' WASHINGTON~The Senatc ”‘1’”th as the“ was mounting we“ 3‘ 0”“ a program 0f ‘3 Lol‘g complained that The Interest Equalization Tax work-
A Foreign Relations Committee evidence that the Pakistan army weeks Of extra unemployment adoption Of the amendment is levied on sales of stocks and The
t ' approved today the 22-year-old had tightened itsIcontrol over compensation benefits was would delay Iextensmn Of the .other securities by foreign dietici
_ genocide treaty making it an the lzastern provmce where a turned bBCk 1n the Senate Interest Equalization Tax WhiCh borrowers in the United Stateg speci
. international crime to attempt civil war between the armed Tuesday 45 to 40. expires Wednesday midnight. _ ” hospi
: ‘ , ,_ _ . , - _ . . . . President Nixon has asked for The Senate passed the b‘" by ~ ld
_ lhk dLStTUQIION 0f LntlTC The leon admlnlstratlon sent . _ . . . f dd. , LOU
national ethnic. racial 0r . I) letter 0 osin the S60 this extension, explaining the V019“ vote a tera ing authority The
‘I I . I- I II Ca (ll in “P .‘ pp .gI f levy is necessary to help prevent to apply the tax to shortterm of abo
HIIEIIOUS L“ “l 5- Ill million proposal WlllLl] arrived . . b . f . .
I .. .. . III .. I , , .> . outflows of American capital ,.orrowmgs, or one year or less.
HM Vote “ .18 10104. just as the vote was taking place. , d
(‘hairman J. w. l-‘ulbright. , , . . f‘" ”m5 “.0“ down ”‘9 U- S- The measure was sent to the
. l)‘f\fk.. indicated however that SUPPOTIS Sen. Birch Bayh, D-lnd.. Chi.“ International balance-of— House Which quickly QCCCPlCd
I . . action by the lull Senate "”ng sponsor of the amendment. said payments defrcrt. this change and some lesser ones.
' be delaved [‘L'lltllllL’ the drafting I itI would benefit immediately The Bayh proposal would have passed the legislation by voice
. , . . of legislation m cam out the Ll. C(IIlP/V' 300,000 workers who have used prov1ded for up to 39 weeks of vote, and sent it to the White
' , trcalv within the I'm-ted States V up all Of the.” jobless payments Jobless payments as compared House.
‘ by setting penalties tor crimes PAINTSVILLli (AP) Radio Ta also Ig‘IVIC” ii llftI to ntllictl
listed in the document. Station WSll’ in Paintsville has economy gm“ ‘0 money WV“ ”I’m fed 0 with Id d - f
" Votinr thatthereisow osition launched a letter writin be spent promptly on ' ‘ "p 0 men momma up w" or young men to
, g , . ,Il p . I g necessities. die m. ——Senotor George McGovern
I , V to the treaty, which Will require campaign to protest the
‘. a tfwo-thirdsIISleIliatl‘ vot:j for gilthl-CllottthotgAT1): klfltl-I William Jobless workers in 19 states 0
ratl lcatlon, ‘tl rlglt Sill thC .11 Cy In C I ,V a] l ”lgS. already are getting the extra P t
I 4 llnplenienting‘ legislation “could (legiItt‘ralIManafielhl’atuél'l'lyffe.in payments because these states ( over“ or reS| en
0 reassuring‘ ‘0 opponents. an e 1 0““ - 53‘ a ,a CV was took advantage of the option in
. Facade? Nixon mad; clear in punishedd [llntfalrly tand .1”ng the 1970 act to start the YOUR HELP AND IDEAS ARE NEEDED!
sen ingt e treaty tot e .enate concerne '5 eners 0 W“ C ‘0 program this year, Sen. Russell .
that the United States will not the station. He said the letters B. Long, D-La.. said. Please CG” UK Students for MCGOVE’H
complete the ratification would be sent to President PAM ELAM
procedures until implementing NiXOH Md Sens. COOK and In 21 others, he said, the 258-4358
legislation is enacted. Cooper of Kentucky. present unemployment rate is

 ___—___————-———___._.______-__.____-,m________n” H \ H t M kS‘RNI t . Humor.“ \1..Hl.".l,l't’;’l “, ’, ~ J .
a o ‘ ' o I" - i
a By spea {S a ICI‘ 6 IVCI')’ 0 V'Cl't lCl ‘ "
By KATHRYN JOHNSON three—minute reading of the During the 13 days while the “\iy l .11 l: 1= ‘1 :. -; é ' ,,,r 1‘ ‘1 tin " ' ' ' 1 . _~ 1 I, .
. Associated Press Writer verdict. jury deliberated. (nth-y ottcn wai.lt‘-=,11=.t.11.=.=o:,;1 d .1; =j tiy 'le i.l= * ’E :i .1 :1' g.~_=- _: -
FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP)? for When the first conviction on joked with friends and newsmen L'M'n ll! \'it_-t11.i1:i." «in l :11: , 1 ' . 1' 5'11» l i1 "-"I I ,'
13 days, Rusty Calley sat by the premeditated murder of about going to jail. But he also Hi» cmnnicnts .azh ,_ ;1: 11, 21.11! ”1111c ire 11:1. «'11P?! ‘ ~* 3’ " . 7 '.'_‘
telephone waiting to hear about Vietnamese civilians was read. had planned a victory party at‘ter interviexk granted with :31. th. \iiii ii_=_ 1== =i ==::i, i=1 ..' ,' i, j" ‘_ ‘t
a verdict that would be crucial his jaw tightened and his tace the verdict. understanding 1t \yritllti iv.- l].tlilili that it» all nan 1 ‘ - I;
to the rest of his life. flushed scarlet, but he displayed llis attractive, red-haired. girl released alter the \erdiei. "fly it twlfltiit‘l‘tiainizz is thy . ‘f
And he philosophized: the same military discipline friend listened to the reading ot~ (.‘alley. an 111 experitnted llth nat1o11 cannot at? ml 1 ;= - 5 -
“The thing that makes My Lai which taught him to remain rigid the verdict over the public second lieutenant. led his involve itselt 111 \\ a1 ” 7' r .‘ gv'i- i,
so unique. it was a small tragedy and stay alert during his address system in the pressroom platoon on an int'antry assault Asked how he teit about llc ‘
in a small place, but for once, court-martial, the longest in US. at the courthouse. Then the on the tiny hamlet ot My Lai Army. (”alley midi “l W” is“? ' . {1"-
man was able to see all the hells military history. girl, who works on the post. March lo. 1968. a mission which strongly about the Army, 'l'his ",-.’ -. ,' ~. ‘, , ‘7, ’1‘:
of war at once. Ford pronounced that Calley quickly left the courthouse, resulted in his court-Intim‘ll “#1110” “cuts a strong Army. _ g- . . i
“I can’t say lam proud of ever was convicted of killing 20 showing no visible emotion. UHPYCCCdCML’d in Army llblori- “Om “hi” "W WV” "i ”“9 " '-=-
being in My Lai or ever persons at a drainage ditch in My Soon afterward, Calley, Never before had an American world and communism. \N.
participating in W813 BM 1 WOUId Lai, one at 3 trail intersection, white—faced but with a soldicrly stood accused ol~ murdering detimtely need an Army ”if ," {3 i = ti 2 53’
t be extremely proud if My Lai and of murdering a man dressed bearing, was escorted by two more than '00 P0190115. '- f «. i, ' f ’
shows the world what war is and in the white garments of a military policemen and an army “Many people say war is hell :9
i that the world needs to do monk. He was convicted also of captain front the courthouse to who have never experienced it. ‘t it. i f .'
something about stopping wars.” assault with intent to kill a child. the Stockade. but it is more than hell for those surveys _~ ;. .., " _': .. "i
l When the telephone jangled He could face the death He made no comment to people tied up in it." he 3aid.__ . ' . l
3 Monday afternoon telling him penalty or life imprisonment, newsmen. In the interview, Calley. tirst Anyone who did not receive I, ,
the verdict was near, Lt. William The jury will deliberate again to However. Calley said earlier. “I U. S. soldier formally accused in 5 u r V e y c O "C C r n i ng the ‘ .' .
L. Calley Jr.. 27, reached for his determine the sentence. hope My Lai isn’t a tragedy but the killings at My Lai. said: Kentuckian may pick up a . ‘ 1i
. Army uniform and said. “I’m [t was a verdict Calley did not an eye opener. even for people ”NO 0110 l‘hlb is" ”Ml 1‘1 survey in Room lll Journalism t i- . 273‘ '1
ready.” expect. who say War is hell." analy/e the problems to my Building arty day this w eels. w " ', l: . " .
In the sunless, blue—draped , f L .= p.31.-
stnall military courtroom where o " i . ‘ 7 r
l.” throughout hh Postal Service orsees 8 cent rattD boost r- v -
tour-month trial. the small . f ‘ ' f ,
rusty-haired lieutenant saluted ,, .. .. , . . g y g ': . f f '~ ‘ .
Col. (“{me liord. the iurv W A 3 II I N (i I ()N t A P) Ihe rate commission has been president and gene-1.11 uwlfiw‘ «f thy . . ' ‘ ,' ‘ ‘ .x- ” .
president. and IllL‘l‘l SIOOCI tl'I Confident of tilt lllL‘lCLlSC jn asked It) net in] Ll Prt)}‘t()\ul lilttl lllt‘ ‘.=\\\t)cltiliitl‘iv , i‘l \Itltlii/ilit‘ l’11sltii Sigh-'2," ' ‘ i‘I' pct-ii ‘ ”i" ,g ‘i
attention throughout the postal rates by mid—May. the would raise a regular stamp by Publishers. said his organi/ation taint-”tray; .i'ie't’e'ish \ ‘1 ;. 3...: . ,_ _ ..
' [135. Postal Scn’jgc is printing two cents. an air mail stamp by is llkk‘h to tilt- \titt ’l‘ hil’ 'l‘c .ii- and t . ‘ i §
q. and sending out billions 01‘ one cent a nd wetmd-and te11~1porary increases. ll tllida; --_;;: 3*. ; h ~. ' .' ., ;fi-.=’.‘
)‘l 0' O ' R'L'L‘ni Siilllll‘b i0 pug! itIiI‘lCL‘S Iilll‘LI-siiilgh }l()\i.lgk‘ I'Llie‘\ i‘\ i4: Ii“: illslg3/ill’s‘ i‘lli‘i‘l‘ii‘s'i‘ T’V \ '. ' ' Eli ' ‘ . V '- ‘ a; i 1 =1' ~. ._
k’ In? Qtdl) across the nation. PCFCCM and 33 percent. Till” lilk‘ id“ W‘Hlllll‘“ 11‘ l‘l‘MNW‘l lah :i t: i? ' :1. ‘ ~ y ' _
.. . . respectively. ' u .1. ;‘ -
O . . . . =. = s e . . . . .
_, Postal sotirtes sa\ ilVi billion . . . _ WW . _ g
' ‘ . Tl - l‘ _ ' Seivice .‘ ., '——' '_——_.”——————-—~—~»————L~——————-~—-‘+z-.‘ :- 'x. = , =
)l C(IICtb new regular and air lltllll stamps _ iL (”LU ii“ HUM} r?“——————_———~.-4——‘ _.—;.—-—._——__.___——-————-——___..-:'_:_“ .— -————=;———___.._.-_._—""““"—‘—___~——-—— .—-..E—_ " I H- -'
‘ . ,. "‘l ‘7 't tt”"s lecln that the commission will 31p. a , t. , ‘ ~ .
. . 'W'”\:w “fink!“ 1;, :03] 0t 151:; not be able to complete its I” iiipi " ii: .. ’
‘ ,, , 1' \he in: a . . . . .g,.= .
i hospital cuts h hhhhh hi SCB presents p. . _, _ _ .
l““‘ ll “ ' f”: “it‘ll ‘ trom l‘eb, l. wnen the proposal “I“ pm; -‘ ' . ' - _.-,
LOL'ISVILLI- (AP) [he have "01 “n dm Imu‘ was made. It that occurs. the II” lilfy’ " ' i: 1 ..__. ,‘
University ot‘ Kentucky Medical Permanent l““““" in ”l“ “”131 5“”in may PM iii '5'.“ " :i.
(‘enter will have to reduce its l‘l‘lfl‘ ot Sliilllt“ find other temporary rate ”WNW“ ml“ “iii - .
services if more state funds l‘Oi‘lilgk’ ”“151 be UPPNWCQ by the “WM With l0 days" notice. iiii . :. ~. ti :‘i
‘ a re n ‘t torthcoming. [7" Is live-member l’ostal Rate Postmaster (ieneral Winton Ni. ”ii i. .- 1_ 1 ,g _. ..
president. Dr. ()th A. Singletary (‘ommi