xt7mkk94bd97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mkk94bd97/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1959 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1959 Vol.25 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, July 1959 Vol.25 No.10 1959 1959 2019 true xt7mkk94bd97 section xt7mkk94bd97 , - 3 ' ’ 111 11 1
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3 3 J l cision by the l
33 3 “ , ‘ In discussin;
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3 3 ested person i
‘ 3 officials. Dr. 3
3 ' I @2% . l Journalism, 0
”3 . 3 WV are public wit]
33 gigs ceedings, mar
3‘33 graze; .
3 ; ling: Sistance roles,
33 i 3 In the even
3 33 3 I 3 g '\ I Mountain Stai
‘3 o o o I {"13" 33,;5 L“ extended by
3‘ 3 Thls Cap1ta1 1s 1mportant :3 , Union conege
33 3 WW 1 performance 0
33 3 - to our trade-mark 3 W' cove, of
333 3 3 3"3W'r‘vsv The play is ‘3
3: ‘3 _ ' 3 When you have occasion to refer to our product 3 ' g 3 “ Us H krafters of G
31 3 3 by its friendly abbreviation, you’ll keep your 3 3 ‘ 3" Coke On the Sam
3: meaning clear if you make it “Coke”. . . 3 3 _ 3’ 3. M US W TUSSCY3 Some:
33 with a capital “C” please. And you’ll help us 3 ’5 3 that. contemp‘
3 ‘3 3 protect a valuable trade-mark. {a , \ {*galnst a new
“ i . i 3‘ 3 33 I A k for it either wail both 3:33:36 WIth
3 3 Next tlme thlrst creeps up on you, be really , 1 33.3; s 3 .. . _ e courts,
3‘ refreshed . . . pause for Coca-Cola. The cold crisp ‘ W” “mam "m” "w m” ”“9 oult of court.
taste of Coke is the all-time, ‘ ca M for (list
3: I anytime favorite in 49 states and more than SIGN OF GOOD TASTE I 330‘“ and on
100 countries the world over. Copyright 1959 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY “use“ by PF
3 3 Cause a pend
3 enced. Also, t2
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- National News 0 er Week ‘ g =
4 EEE I, l‘,
I Newsmen evnew ccess aws w.n Be observed oct. 15-21 ,1 E E
The 1959 promotion kit for National E EE E 11
. B b II S . Newspaper “leek, October 15-21, is in the E EE E: E
Du rl ng a r 0U er e el I "na r final stage of preparation for widespread dis- E E EEE E
Former governor Flem D. Sampson told shown that such action caused the public to :Ebizofll; Gt 1:; iiklxlggl/lcegineli-Zl 22:22:: i E EE
. . . . a1 2 . 2 , E E, :
the 4th session of the KPA-Scliool of Jour— lose faith in its court system. f P .‘r1 2 -. N . , P bl' le , A5» E EEE
nalism seminar that the court system of Ken- In discussing points to remember about :oci'ifiIZE” YES: kiteVlljdifiperneuvirSdl 1:5 the E E E EEE
lucky is breaking down and newspaper peo- libel, Jim Crawford, Corbin Tribune, stated National. News )'1 )er VVgeli demmittdle is E EE‘ ‘EE
ple ought to work at doing something about that hardly an issue of a paper is printed [0; news )1 )ers’l (ulse in )romotin and ,ob- EEE E
it. The former judge of the Court of Appeals without some libelous material. He said no servin $2312th annuallobservan: E} E E E
declared there is more crime in Kentucky material can be used which tends to damage ‘ Inclided in the kit‘will be a variet of , EE E E
now “than at any time since I can remember the reputation of a person in the eyes of his material for use in connection with N:ws~ E EE E ;
and I have been around for a long time,” fellow man or cause financial damage to his 3'1 )er Week There will be '1 clip sheet of E EEE; E ;
In regard to access to records, Governor business. it‘olries editorials and features a compila— 4 EE EEEE EEE
l sampson tom the Barbourvme SCSSion the An advertisement, it was painted out by tion of nearly a hundred ideas for observing ' E E EEEEIEEE
I i " " tl [CS . . 1' IEEEEEEE,
remedy for closmg records to the press is Vic PortmEann, milist IEaIe :reerlplfiieraia NNW; a detailed outline of how to organize :E E EEE EEEE
slow but sure. He urged those present to before it IS consxc erec ottC y and present an opening event for the week E E: :1: EEE
em 10 counsel and brings suits in the cir- consideration, or something to buy; chance, , 2 z _ _ l. . E EEE E
cuiltj cdurts in every case where public offi- or the miscellaneous drawing of a name, llllflllleleiliyilloil: 55:61:15 of two cartoons EE _ E EEEEEEE
cials deny access. and a prize. If these elements are not pres- "ind 1of the NNW emblem in various si7es El EIEEE
In other parts 0f the Friday afternoon ent, the POSt office department WOUId prob- illustr'itin the 1959 theme “Your News- 1,E‘Ell‘HE
' C W H 1116 and Fred Luigart re- abl not rule it lottery. Merely having to ‘ ‘ g E H . E ‘E‘EEEEEEEEEE
seSSion, . . u . y , paper—Freedoms Textbook; a history of E EEEEE ‘Ei,
ported that the Hickman Courier case last walk into a store to Sign up for a chance on news )a )er week‘ a complete rundown of the EE _ E EEEE EEEEEEE
D. MarCh has PaVed the way for more open merchandise or mile does not constitute 19591NINM7 Promotion Contest rules, and a lE‘E‘E
.. records in most of the offices of state 0ffic1als. lottery. special list of fillers appropriate for the . E E EEE : ‘l EE EEE
However, in the Courier-Journal case, no Dr. Plummer concluded the program on occasion EE , EEE E EEEEEEEE
dear indication could be drawn abom the saturday by Stating that the field 0f Pmafy The packet of material will be distributed E lii‘lrlll
accessability of the confession which caused will be a growing problem for the priess IiEn free of charge by KPA to all members and EE EEEE EEEEEEEE
. ' ' ' ' . ' I t S, C . , . . . EE E‘A‘E‘EEE ENE
the reversal of a JEury dec1s10n by the circuit the future. Privacy,Eas it no: sEan ews— is designed to help spark newspapers initia~ EE EEEE EEEEEEE
Judge. The Courier-Journal had 10“ d de- added, involves an invaSIOri y tle- n tive in developing an all-out NNW cam- E” ‘1‘ “EEE:
cision by the Court Of Appeals. paper into areas of a persons life which are paign at local levels. EE EEEE EEEEE
In discussing general rules of access to in- his personal affairs. The newspaper caricom- “The real success of this year's observance, E E EEE EEEEE
I l w E 31:1: , E .
formation, the group decided that the news- ment on any action which a person ta eslzlis as in the past," Dew says, "depends on com— EE EE EEE EEEEEEE
paper has the same privileges as any inter- long as it pertains to public life, espec1a y munity participation throughout the nation. EE EE EE EEEEEEEE
ested person in seeing the records of local in the case of officials, performers and other It is the job of every newspaper to initiate a EEE EE EEE EEEEE
officials. Dr. Niel Plummer, UK School of public figures. Pictures taken of public hapg local program for this once-a-year commem- EE EEEE EEEEE E
Journalism, commented that most records penings cannot be declared an invaSion o oration of the American press The promo- E EE EEE EEEEEE
are public with the exception of divorce pro- privacy, but, these same pictures cannot be tion kit aims to help do the job." E E E EEEE
ceedings, marriage applications, public as- used for commercial purposes in the future Newspapers are also urged to make plans EE E, EEEEEEEEE
sistance roles, and adoption records. without the written consent ofEthose persons for observance of National Newspaperboy EE EE EE EEEEEEE
In the evening, the group dined at Pine involved. Dr. Plummer also pomted out that Day, which will be held Saturday, Oct. 17. E E E EEEEEE
Mountain State Park where a welcome was revealing the contents of letters or communi- . E EE EEE EEEEE
extended by Don Welch, dean of men, cations is actionable. . r1, 5 E E.‘ 5 dc EEEEEEE E
Union College, after which they attended a Persons attending the two-day seSSion . The Clearwater ( fa.) uiE enEerrEiin (EEE: EEEEEEEI
lierformance of the “Book of John at Laurel were: Bob Horine, Lexington Leader; Ellis Journalism studfnts romltie dsur )runAEECg EEEEE EEEEEEE
Cove, scene of the Mountain Laurel Festival. Easterly and Jim Horner, Middlesboro Daily high schools egc ikyear wtiEttliegi “31(12):: .Chreer E E EEEEEEE EEEE EE
The play is being presented by the Mas- News; Mrs. W. P. Nolan and Fred LEuigarE, the (1111:??le 130 .et 6;: is iven to ‘C’lClI EEE EE? E EEE
krafters of Georgetown College. Hazard Herald; Jim Cranord, Corbin Tn“ 0“ da t oric: t ewspap g ‘ EEE E'E EEE
' . I ‘ ‘ n ‘ t E : 1“ ‘E
On the Saturday morning program, Monte bune; W. Foster Adams, Berea CEIZCHEE/IMH; stu en I)“:5 ,E E E f. EEEEEEE
_ ‘ —-————-—— ‘Ei .i EE E
Tussey, Somerset Journal told the group tin Dyche, London SCUUHEI EC 0, on . . EE EE EE EEE
, ournal‘ George Joplln, partment of Public Relations. EE , EEEE EEE“
that contempt charges could be brought Tussey, Somerset J , . . . . 1, , for the Fifth EEEEEEE EEEEE E
against a newspaper if its actions tends to Somerset Commonwealth; Hugh Morris, Plans are now unt cr way . E E EE EEE EEEEE E
interfere with the administration of -ustice Louisville Courier-Journal; S. C. Van Cpren seminar to be held at Bardstown, tie tenta- l EEE EEEEEE
"J ' H lan Daily Enterprise; tive dates are August 28-29. All Central Ken- E' E, :, EEE ,E‘
by the Courts. This can be done both in and and Bob Hoskins, ar . . . . E EEE EEEEEEE
‘ R 1] S rin s TiineS' Mr. tucky newspapers Will have this opportunity :: EE E, EE EEEE.
Wt of court In court contempt usually is Andrew Norfleet, usse P g . . . . .. . EEE 3 EE E
- Stearns Record' CeCil to attend a session of the legal SldC of the E E‘E‘E, E EE
called for disturbing the decor of the court- and Mrs. C. W. Hume. ‘ . EE . . l l . , d .0 )0 )u— l‘ EEEEE E E EEE E
room and out of court contempt may be lMilson Barbourville Advocate; Mr. and news seminars whic1 iavc prove 1s 11. l E EEEE EEEEEEEE
. - i - .' Tho- lar. So you are invited to atten( tiis re- EEEEE', EEEEEEE
caused 1 . . . . ht Vfrs. Manuel Strong, Jackson Times, . . . . EEE EE EEEEEE
Cause 13y prEiEnting Ematerilals wllllc? nilrflu inTS L Adams, KPA president; Victor R. fresher course. The concluding seminars at E EE E EEEE
‘ pent mg case to ye un uy ‘ i _ er' Niel Plummer Murray and \Nestern State colleges, on re- E EE-i ,lllli
enced. Also the 'ud e ma brm such prO- Portmann, secretary manag ’ . - . ~ . , HE.
. , J g Y g . . , K S 1 01 of Journalism, quest, are being planned ior the middle of E , EEEEEEEEE
CECdmgS against the paper for severe criti- and Perry Ashley, U Cio . C 1] De. SC tember EE E EE E
Cism of the court and its officers if it can be and Milton Townsend, UrllOn 0 ege P ' E i E E t
E l
E E i
, .

 i | I I
i; I I
i I . additional 1/; of 1 percent to pay for the mittee. NEA would appreciate a cop“;
i, waShlngton N OteS-- extra benefits. _, _ , any such correspondence. . _. d
i' Walter P. Reuther, spokesman for AFL- The Press agrees with NEA as to the net a l.
i‘ BY EDGAR 5- BAYOL CIO, backed the plan as the only practical of this legislation. Today the POD regub
i Minimum Wage: A complicated and con- way to insure adequate health protection for _ tions prOVide that any newspaper can €501 Edwin J. 1E
i . . . . Americans 65 or ‘older. He argued that lish its vacation period, or periods, by sing. 'sin bankin
1‘ troverSial $1.25 minimum wage bill has been d' 1 , f 1 d . d‘ l . d 1 , . , l g .
, approved by the Senate Labor subcommittee me ica insurance or tie age is too expens- amen mg tieir secon. c ass permit to; of a sagglng
1, . . . ive for most retired people and that federal 51-issue year, or a 50-issue year; hence" ear in [he 1
, and now awaits action by the full Commit— 1 , 1 . , h 1 h . h lh d f . 1 ' y
:1; tee on Labor and Public Welfare. The bill egilsflation is t e on y answer to t eir ea t nee o a congressmna act. everyonelgf t
3,3 ‘ d d . b 'tt t t b- pro em. . . : June W
‘3: wasamen 'e in su commi ee o mee 0 Secretary of Health, Education and Wel- Mail By Air Postmaster General Summg. in his life—h
.;, JCCEIOHS raised by NBA and in its present . . H field has asked Congress to pass a law.
. fare Flemming opposed the bill as very un— _ . . on that date.
: , form would not change the status quo of . ,, . lowmg the P.O. to use air transportationh
3' Wise and far too costly. He estimated the . . . Mr. Paxtor
u newspaperboys or small newspapers. annual cost at $1 1 billio d ad the r0 all classes of mail, at the discretion oil}; d'
.I It [001‘ affirmative action by the subcom- d t . i . 1d “1; and s l P P.O. A ranking member of the Senate Poi braced ra 10
:1, mittee to insert in the bill the language of pose . ax rise wou not e a equate to pay Office Committee, Sen. Monroney (D.,0kl;‘ ”me newspa
w . . the bill. He also warned that enactment of . , ' ducahans w]
the present law granting an exemption from . . . . . promptly introduced Summerfields proper
i . the legislation would kill private insurance . Evening Sun
wage-hour coverage for neWSpapers w1th a lam at a [i 6 he th k‘ e as 8.2402 and asked for early hearings. d
l circulation of 4,000 or less. This change was p . m w n , ey are ma mg n- The bill was greeted with applause bytii an managei
. . . couraging progress. It is too early to hazard . . . . The pape
3 accomplished by Senator Jennings Randolph a uess on the outcome of the fi ht over this Alr Transport Assoc1ation but 15 sure toh 1896 b Fr'
(D., W. Va.) with the cooperation of Senator bilgl g opposed ‘by the Association of Ameriti‘ . ’1 (l; t‘
John F. Kennedy (D., Mass.) author of the i ‘ Railroads. Since 1953, the PO. has bet smltlfheapc:
i bill and subcommittee chairman. Patent Ads: U.S. Court of Appeals for the experimenting with air delivery of firsttlr ian. hiyrc:
i Language extending coverage to certain District of Columbia has affirmed a District mail on a few selected routes. Over 90115 ant carat;
i newspaperboys and placing them under Court decision upholding the Patent Office cent of letter mail between Washington in? YeaArStuaH ' l
jurisdiction of the Children’s Bureau was ban on advertising by patent attorneyS- Chicago, for example, is flown whetheii eC oesylga
i stricken from the Kennedy bill. While this While a motion for rehearing will be filed, bears a 4 or 7»cent stamp. ; EEC bgnk he
i measure is likely to be amended in several this looks like the end of the road and the Nothing has been said by either Summt F eenin Sm
i respects in the future, it iS not expected that oft-postponed prohibition will take effect. field or Monroney as to the fate of air-mi JV . g
i - - - . . . . weddings, p
I the dec1510ns already made affecting news- This is not a matter of pocketbook mter- postage rates. In the past, the PO. has toys and ever F]
papers will be reversed. est to newspapers since virtually all adver- with the notion of abandoning a sepani societ stdr
‘1 Other provisions 0f the hill not SO di~ tising by patent attorneys is placed in certain rate of postage for air-mail in favor oft; Mry Paxilc
“ rectly affecting the press are highly contro- magazines read by inventors. However, the “expedited mail” system such as in Canal; whenihe was
i versial. Effective 90 days after enactment, order has been fought by numerous media Under such a system, first—class mail is mi, ‘ob in 1890
‘ . . l J J
,2 ' the statutory mlnlmum wage for covered Cm- groups on principle. The American Bar As- ported by the fastest available means. _ i hffice of the
.:i ployees WOUId jump from $1.00 to $1.15 per sociation instigated the ban and succeeded . $2 50 1 week
1 hour, and rise again two years later to $1.25. in getting its own ethical position against , . ; He (worke
.3 ‘ Employees of large retailers would be cov- advertising by lawyers extended to cover Kansas Newspaper EI'IJOII‘IeCl 'oined the b
‘ ered for the first time, starting with a mini- non-lawyers who are authorized to practice From Comblnatlon Rate father Aftei
‘ “gum wage Of 5112; n hf: r fandtfidvancmg m before the Patent Office. Department of Justice filed a c1v11 an? to the Eveni
i t ree s 61,” to m e our year. Vacation Shutdown: The Post Office De- trust suit against the Wichita (Kans.) E3511 the newspap
; The bill would extend coverage to about . . . . Cl
- . . . . partment has informed the House Post Of— charging Violation of the Sherman and I" The Even
j. 10 million additional workers, or about four . . . . . . . d
;j , ht b th Ad , , t fice Committee that it has no objection to a ton Acts. The issue was combinationzfll1 1,200 and P,
? times as many as soug y '6 1mm? ra- bill (HR. 7032) “to permit weekly news— tising and subscription rates, by which 13' 1900. They‘
. tion. Secretary of Labor Mitchell testified . . . htr‘ .
1 _ . , _ , papers to suspend publication for not more vertisers and readers were forced to buy * er, Register,
; against any increase in the minimum wage h . . 1 d . d . d' . The 93
. his time which raises the ros ect of a t an two issues in any one ca en ar year morning an evening e itions. . ernment pa}
i at t. ’ , , P p _ , without loss of second-class mail privileges." ended as soon as it began, with the Elli People.
1I posmble veto if the bill clears Congress in its . . . . . . . h
; ent form This bill is a hardy perennial which dates accepting a consent Judgment. T e News
1; pres ' . . back many years. The current sponsor is The settlement prohibits the Eagle i111- Mr. Paxton
1: Senate Republican L e a d e r Dirksen . . . . l -.
j . n. . ,, . Rep. Leonard G. Wolf (D., Iowa). refusmg to sell advertising separateyv In 1922
. , - promptly labeled the bill inflationary , in- Th' . . . . i k
, . . . . . is bill has the support of certain small morning, evening and Sunday papers- nown Padu
‘ dicating the minority Will fight the measure . . . . - “1 WP . _
1 . publishers but has never been endorsed by advertiser usmg morning and evening A in Ke
on the Senate floor. Organized labor hopes . . . . . - a
. . NEA. It would conflict With many state laws tions for display ads may receive a disco crat and op:
to attain Senate passage this year but there . . . d ,k 1929
, . . regulating legal notices, upset national ad- of no more than 20 percent. The or CT .
is almost no hope that the House Will act . . . _ .1“ Th
. . . vertismg schedules, and create a loophole in forces the publisher to accept subscrlp- en Mr.
until 1960. A prolonged delay in adjourn- . . . . . 1..
. the second-class mail requ1rements which for the morning paper only, evening 01W crat and me
. merit of the present SESSion could change , , ‘ _ . _ 'edi SunD .
, that outlook might set a precedent for letting down the Sunday only. Other piactices IHJOIH - emocr.
‘ bars in other directions. Most NEA members clude “coercing advertisers to purchase m“ Illness for
Social Security: Union labor's drive to add have expressed opposition to this proposal advertising than they desire." leave the a
hospitalization insurance to Social Security in past years. Acting Assistant Attorney General Rabi 19'30'8- Dur
got under way in earnest this week as the In the absence of opposition, this bill A. Bicks commented: “The action todfl'l’": tamed the c
, House Ways and Means Committee held might slide through Congress. Those who another step in the Department's dl'l‘fj Democrat a1
: hearings on a bill strongly opposed by the have pro or con opinions should communi- eliminate the forced combination Tate“. “(IVISOT t0 tl.
Administration and organized medicine. Em- cate their views to Chairman Tom Murray tem, which newspapers generally by Mr- PaXtO
1| | ployers and employees would be taxed an (D., Tenn.) of the House Post Office Com- stopped using." 6‘11“” and 1
i I I

 E SE . .
E E; E E
ciate EE E E'
a CE’PH d h, P I h Pirating Of Ad Copy EE E E
A a. .0 M Pa uca s axton n 60t Year Can Be Prevented . EEE ,
he POD reguli More publishers are reporting that weekly . E E E E.
paper can estil. Edwin J. Paxton Sr., who gave up a prom- of a heart ailment and poor eyesight he con- offset shoppers are picking up their ads and E EE E E
eriods, by simE-E, ising banking career to take over the reins tinues to take a prominent hand in manage- reproducing them, thus avoiding composi- EEE E .t
155 permit [01 of a sagging daily newspaper, began his 60th ment of the newspaper and Television Sta- tion cost. Following discussion on this sub- I EE. E E
year; hencer year in the newspaper business on June 10, tion WPSD, a project of Paducah News— ject, picked up from bulletin of a state as- EE E E
everyone of those sixty years in Paducah. papers, Inc., which he founded in the early sociation, is by a manager who happens to EE E E
Eeneral Summt. June .10 was another important milestone days of his newspaper career. be a very competent attorney: E E E
) pass a laws, in his life—he celebrated his 82nd birthday Mr. Paxton operated one of the country’s “This is aproblem which is becoming more EE E i
fansportationit on that date. few radio stations here in 1922. Radio, in and more serious for legitimate newspapers. . E, E .2
iiscretion 0m Mr. Paxton, whose long career also has em- these days, was a losing proposition, so he It definitely involves unfair. competition ‘ E E 1 ‘E
. the Senate Put braced radio and televlifion, became af fiIi)ll- quit the business after nine months. through the exerCise of plagiarism by a com- . E E E | E
roney (D.,0kla‘, time newspalperrpan (Edenth: iizuppafiluca: He reentered radio in the 1940’s and op- petitor. Legal recourse is pOSSible that Will E . EE E
erfield's Proper ducahans W 0 k (:1: to become its editor erated Radio Station WKYB until soon after put _a_ Stop ‘0 .aPPTOPE'EaUOh 0f news 01‘ ad- E E E
[y hearings. Evening Sun as 6 1m WPSD started operations. vertismg published in the newspaper, even E ii E E
applause bytEi and manager. . though such matter is not protected by copy- EE EE E E EE
am is sure toh The paper was founded September 7, ——_ —"‘—‘ right. . . EE EEE EEE EE
n of Ameriw 1896, by Frank M. Fisher, Capt. James R. Accent 15 on "Change" . “Our No. 1 suggestion to all newspapers EE EEE E E
E P.O. has be“ Smith, Capt. Edwm Farley and John J. Dor- At Personnel Meeting is that the copyright inSignia be shown on all E E EE EEE EE
Every of firsttlt: ian. They called .on Mr. Paxton, then 35515“ n . ‘ cuts cast from mat serVices. If that is done EE EE ' EEEEEE
es. Over 9013s ant cashier of Citizens Bank of Paducah, four . If management does not take the initia- and the illustration is reproduced, the mat EE EEEE EEEEIEE
Washington m years later. ’ . tive in planning and engineering change, it company has an immediate cause of action EE EE ,' EEEEE
lown whetheii Actually, Mr. Paxtons newspaper experi- will be at the mercy of those who can and for infringement of copyright and could col- . E 'E E a: .
ence goes back 68 years. While working at Will resist change,” said Donald D. Dissly, lect a heavy judgment. Obviously, the re- E E EEEEE
E’ either Summai the bank he served as socrety editor 0f the Research Director, Courier-Journal and producer has no knowledge that the mat is E E EEEEEEE V
e fate of air-mi Evening Sun. .He superVised coverage of LouisVille Times, at recent New York City copyrighted unless the insignia appears in EEE: EEE E EE
he PO has tor“ weddings, parties and other soc1al events meeting. of Newspaper Personnel Relations the advertisement. EE EEEEE EE
. ' E " and, every Friday night, he wrote a rounduP ASSOCIKthn. “The newspaper also has a cause of action 3 E IE Eli EE _
)ning a $6me society story for the Saturday edition. “Every person who is a part of newspaper against the shopper when it reproduces ad- E E EEE EEE E;
1 m favor OEEE Mr. Paxton quit school to go to work management should recognize that the in- vertising even though none of the content E IE EEE EEE EEEE
Ch as 11:1 (,Jamh when he was 13 years old. His first full~time troduction of new processes is basically a of the advertising is copyrighted. This is - EE EE EEE EEEEEEE
lass mail 13ml}: EOE): in 1890’ was as clerk in the down town problem of overcoming human resistance to based on the theory of unfair competition. EE EEE EEE,‘
)le means. ‘ office of the Illinois Central Railroad for change,” he declared. “Newspapers need to There is no state law or court decision in EE EEE EEEE
—— $2.50 a week. know that their real problem today, in the this state covering this problem. But there . EEE E'EEEE ,
joined He worked for the IC two years, then face of new processes and rising costs, is are numerous Federal decisions and in the '| EE EEE 1
I16 joined the bank, which was founded by hls traceable to a lack of preparedness to meet absence of a state statute an action may be ', E EEE EEEEE .
father. After eight years he received the call the challenge of technological and human pursued under common law. In I.N.S. vs. E EEE EEEEM
iled a civil in? to the Evening Sun and has not been out of changes. It is in the production or mechani- Al), the Us, Supreme Court stated: ‘One ,‘ EEE E :
ita (Kans.) Eagll the newspaper business since. cal areas that this lack is most evident.” should not be aliOWed to reap where he has E E EE1 E E ~
ierman andClr The Evening Sun had a circulation of “In an industry filled with change,” said not sown, 248 US. 215; Again the court EE E‘! EEE
mbination adfli 1,200 and Paducah had six other dailies in Cleve Rumble, director of employee rela- held that ‘No one will be permitted to live 5 EEE 1 EE :
es, by which i 1900. They were the News, Democrat, Lead- tions of the Louisville papers, “we personnel off the sweat of another’s brow.’ The courts “ E-E E EE EEEE :
)rced to buyhtrl er, Register, Labor Journal and a good-gOV- people have an opportunity to become more have held that a newspaper has a property EE, EE .
itions. The vi ernment paper known as the Voice Of The valuable to our companies and the people right in the news and advertising it pub- EEEEEEEEEE ‘
, with the BE People. in them. The professional attitude is to re- lishes. It pays for the mat service it uses, it E E EEEEE EEEE‘E .
3ht- The News and the Democrat merged and gard this as an Opportunity to serve, “Qt t0 pays for the advertising personnel it employs, ‘ E EEE E EEE E
; the Eagle EEE Mr. Paxton bought out the other papers. cheat dependence of others on us. If we are 311 of which represents a property right that * E EEEEE E E .
ig separately: In 1922 George H. Goodman, widely professional, rather than relaxingly routine may not be plagiarized. E E EEEIE EEE
iday papersE known Paducahan who once headed the old or chicken, we will see our responsibilities “In addition to using the copyright insig- , E EEEEEE EEEEEE
and evening“ WPA in Kentucky, bought the News-Demo growing as we 355E“: guide, counsel, que5- nia, we advise that the newspaper’s attorney E E EEEEE EEE
.eceive a discoU crat and operated the morning paper until tion, challenge and advise with respect to notify the owner of any shopper or give- EEE 1E EEEEEEEE .
t. The orderilE 1929. production, advertising, promotion and cir— away to immediately discontinue reproduc- E E E EEEEEEE E.
:ept subscriptii Then Mr. Paxton bought the NewsDemO- culation, and especially in our relations with tion of any and all advertising published in E EEE EEE
,evening OHEE‘E crat and merged it With his Sun into The general management.” the paper under penalty of a suit for dam- E E EEEEEEEEE EE
:ices injoinedr Sun-Democrat. James B. Stickley, assistant publisher, ages. If that fails, suit should be filed for an E ,EEEE EEEEE E j
to purchased! Illness forced Mr. Paxton to temporarily Providence Journal-Bulletin, and retiring injunction and damages. We trust no pub- E E EEEi
'6.” leave the active newspaper field in the NPRA president, said he wanted to empha- lisher will be equeamish about bringing such E E EE EEE E .
y General Rob: 1930's. During this time, however, he re- size two things: (1) that an increased use of a suit if that becomes necessary." E EEE EEE‘EE :1
action todflEEi tained the controlling interest in The Sun- sensible testing methods and personn