xt7mkk948s4b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mkk948s4b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1988-10-28 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 28, 1988, no. 538 text The Green Bean, October 28, 1988, no. 538 1988 1988-10-28 2014 true xt7mkk948s4b section xt7mkk948s4b  
Number 538 October 28, 1988
I)r. George Herring, Department of History, will speak on "The Rise and
Fall of the 'American Century'" at 1:00 p.m. on October 29 in Room 228 New
. Student Center. This seminar will analyze American pre-eminence after World
War II and its subsequent decline. From 3:30-5:30 Dr. Fred Payne,
Agricultural Engineering, will present "Cheerios Don't Grow on Plants“ in the
East Wing of the E. S. Good Barn. The seminar will trace food processing and
engineering history. A third seminar on October 29 is "Presidential
Elections, Then and Now," presented by Dr. David E. Hamilton, History
Department, and Dr. Stanley Feldman, Political Science Department, at 3:00 in
Room 306 White Hall Classroom Building. The seminar will examine presidential
elections of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
_ On November 5, two seminars are planned. At 10:00 a.m. in the UK Art Museum
in the Singletary Center for the Arts Dr. William Hennessey, Director of the
Museum, will speak on "Thomas Hart Benton and The Sources of Country Music."
The Benton painting will be on display and Dr. Hennessey will discuss Benton's
1 · work. Also at 10:00 a.m., Dr. Anthony N. DeMaria, Cardiology, will present
y "Now You Can Survive a Heart Attack!" in Rooms 502 A & B College of Nursing
[ Building. This seminar will cover new heart attack prevention regimens, new
sources of diagnostic information and other medical advances.
EDhere will be a BITNET training session for all interested librarians on
Wednesday, November 9 at 2:00 p.m. in Room 104B King South. Tari Keller will
conduct the session.
REFDESK will be the BITNET address for the Reference Desk. This is to be an
online suggestion box for the Library, among other uses.
1 1
E Newsletter of the University A
i of Kentucky Libraries


 _ Listed below are the user I.Ds, as of October 17, for UK librarians. Remember
that the BITNET address is the user i.d. followed by @UKCC.UKY.EDU.
Rob Aken ROBAKEN Jerilynn Marshall MARSHALL
Terry Birdwhistell ARCHIVES Sandee McAninch KLI109
Teresa Burgett TBURGETT Lillian Mesner KLI112
Lewis Bowling LBOWLING Miko Pattie KLI107
Bonnie Cox KLI111 Patty Powell KLI114
Judy Fugate KLI110 Russell Powell RPOWELL
Joanne Goode JMGOODE Adil Razeeq ARAZEEQ
Barbara Hale - KLI115 Judy Sackett ASACKETT
Dan Hodge DHHODGE Phil Stoffer KLI108
Reinette Jones RJONES Mary Vass MARYVASS
Tari Keller KELLER Paul Willis Willis
Gail Kennedy GKENNEDY Judy Wiza KLI113
Michael Lach LACH (Submitted by Tari Keller.)
Z[J..E5 -1C) `[II?I)2AJ]?IE
biovember 18 is the date for the annual L.S. O. pre-Christmas craft and
bake sale. The bake sale will be held in the Staff Lounge on the third floor
of King North from 9:30 a.m. until everything is sold. L.S.O. is currently
soliciting both crafts and baked goods for the sale. (Submitted by Mary
_ McLaren.)
Efhere will be a fire alarm test in both King North and South on
Tuesday, November 1 between 7:30-8:00 a.m.
I E3aturday, November 19, is the day for this year's Kentucky Book Fair
to be held at the Department for Libraries and Archives, 300 Coffee Tree Road
in Frankfort. More than 90 authors will be there between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00
p.m. to autograph their current publications.

Vvhen making operator assisted calls, such as collect, third party and
credit card calls, dial "6" + 0 + area code (if not 606) + number. The
University is using a new operator service which will process these calls.
These operators will accept VISA and MASTERCARD in addition to AT&T, South
Central Bell and GTE Calling Cards. All third party calls must be charged to
an off—campus telephone number.
Ifnformation is available in the gg office about the University of
Oklahoma College of Library Sciencels 1989 sum er seminar at Oxford University
"English Libraries and Librarianship" May 21—June 3. The seminar brings
together the professionals of Oxford's Bodleian Library and other recognized
English librarians for two weeks of lectures and discussions on major issues
in their field. Tours are also planned of the Bodleian and other Oxford
libraries, English public library systems, the British Library and the Library
Association Headquarters.
(Zopies of the guidelines for the Hazardous Com unication Program will
be kept in the Director's Office, King North, and at the Reserve Desk in King
South. ·
(J` C) ZE3 (D ZE? IE IDI ]I IG` (5· E5
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Head of Cataloging. King Library.
‘ Salary: $25,000 minimum. Deadline:
January 2, 1989.
Head of Database Management Communications Librarian. King
Department. King Library. Salary: Library. Salary: $18,000-20,000.
$23,000 minimum. Deadline: December Deadline: December 15, 1988.
_ 15,1988. Chemistry/Physics Branch Librarian.
Head, Periodicals / Newspapers Salary: $25,000 minimum. Deadline:
/Hicrotexts Department. King Library. December 15, 1988.
Salary: $20,000 minhmun. Deadline: Public Services Libr rian.
December 15, 1988. Agriculture Library. Salary:

 $18,000 minimum. Deadline: December ILLINOIS
15, 1988.
·, Library Technician II, Grade 7, Assistant Director, Center for
Acquisitions. King Library. Renaissance Studies. Newberry
= Library, Chicago. Salary:
[Any one interested in the positions $20,000-$24,000. Deadline: November
listed above should get in touch with 21, 1989.
Ann Howell, Director's Office,
·- 7-3801.] L
— Research Information Specialist. MICHIGAN
College of Allied Health, UK.
Salary: none listed. Deadline:
none listed. For more information, Director· of' Libraries. Michigan
call Judy Stephenson at 7-1243. State University, East Lansing.
· Salary: none listed. Deadline:
November 15, 1988.
Special Collections Librarian.
University of Arizona, Tucson.
Salary: $20,000 ndnimum. Deadline: Hanuscript Cataloger. [Temporary
. December 15, 1988. grant position.] State University of
New York, Buffalo. Salary:
j $22,000-$24,000. Deadline: none
I listed.
F Assistant Chief, Access Services OKLAHOMA
I Department. Stanford University.
I Salary: $29,700—$50,000. Deadline:
December 9, 1988. Head, Serials Department. University [
of Oklahoma, Norman. Salary:
  Reference Librarian, Undergraduate $28,000 minimum. Deadline: January
Library. University of California, 3, 1989.
San Diego. Salary: $25,380—$44,676. Head, Reference Department.
I Deadline: January 13, 1989. University of Oklahoma, Norman.
I Salary: $32,000 xninimum. Deadline:
January 3, 1989.
l Director of University Libraries.
_ University of Georgia, Athens.
Salary: $80,000 minimum. Deadline:
January 2, 1989.

l` Assistant Law Librarian for Technical Associate Director for Collection
L Services. University of Oregon, Development and Management.
Eugene. Salary: $21,000 rninimum. University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Deadline: December 30, 1988. Salary: $50,000 minimum. Deadline:
January 15, 1989.
Science Librarian. Franklin and
Marshall College, Lancaster. Salary:
none listed. Deadline: November 20, Health Sciences/Science Cataloger.
1988. University of Washington, Seattle.
Salary: $23,000 ndnimum. Deadline:
December 16, 1988.
Next QB: Friday, November 11, 1988.
Deadline: Friday, November 4, 1988.
Bonnie Jean Cox: editor and typist.
Cecil Madison: printer. .